HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-27, Page 9Binge playing. is a jOb of .concentration 'ae these ladies from Zurich fotinroirt. last Fridey night. 'Although they. did. pot win .• prizes for .bing9 flaying, the-lady at the left Mrs, WeS' leugill, did take home the lucky .door prize of $500, so that their trip to' .'the Clinton Arena, was not for nothing, .The Bingo was a monster -$5,000 one put on by the e combined' service clubs of • town in aid - of the Clinton Community Swimming Pool 'und, • (News-Record Photo)' IMIIIMM•m0011MIRIniMilia.'•101•10;111M* /VW dear our the/ Carlakhee Wklfet comes! MURPHY BROS GARAGE REAP A H AN Have You Tried LIQUI-LEATHER "THE MIRACLE COATING" WHICH TRANSFORMS THAT OLD WORN- OUT' FADED UPHOLSTERED CHAIR OR CHESTERFIELD INTO AN ITEM OF BEAUTY! Glamorise - Economise - Leatherise IT'S EASY ---- IT'S FUN! Just brush it on thdt fabric chair and watch it change to a beautiful leather- like finish " It Looks, It keels) It Wears, Like Leather Fourteen Glorious Colors Ask for V 'V jui(811.8JEATHER • AT YOUR FAVORITE iiARDWARE STORE • Vic Dun Zttrich, Phone 168 Investors Syndicate of Canada, Limited Investors Mutual ,of Canada, Limited (By 'HANK") no, %ant: „ be PAS to .start This is one of, those years, key men have either graduated' or left school, it must be rather dieheartenieg. Ray does a renlarl- able • Hockey Meeting From All reports ..the '.hoeleey meeting was well attended on TiteSday :and' e team will be:enter- ed, in - the WO AA "heinebrew" .group, • most of last year's team are Still available with the excep- tion of some of the older players /who claim that it is time to hang, up the blades once and for all. The players have a tidy surplus. and at their final meeting last sea- son expressed the wish that meet of the money go topurchase much needed e.quipment, The executive will have to get mobile immediately if they ,plan. to have the sweaters on hand .for the first game which will be soineWher..e around NOV9117 leer 15. One of the big changes in the rule book this season is with re- gard to 'bonus playerse This has no bearing an Clinton whatsoever but`it does prove interesting when you look into the reason for the change. . , the bonus rule was brought into being ter one pure pose. to help a' player who, when. trying out for a senior, was cut by the eeam at a time when it was impossible for him to play for any other club under the .import or waiver. rules. , . he therefore would be out of hookey for the remainder of the season, The bon- us rule allowed teams from a low; er category to pick - these _players up with. the result that -the team Zurich Ladie$ Take Howe Prize Colt -11.0(ki.V Team Make Mani .(omint Season, Cl' to Coles 'Intermediate hock- Another request will be sent to ey team will operate in the West- the WOAA, requesting that Rob.,., ern Ontario .Athletic Association ert Draper's one year suspension "homebrew" series this year. This be reviewed with the possibility 'was decided at the organization that he ,be• reinstated for this sea- meeting of players and fans, in the son .(Draper's. suspension is not up. cpuetell, ellanter on Tuesday .even. until March 6, 1957), ing, glean I-141*in% WaS named chair, man of the meeting And ill his 013.e. inteeeeted in refereeing ehountet, ening remarks reminded the teem the the WOAA meeting was- being held in Wingham on: October ID, and urged that -.Clinton_ liave representatives at that meeting. The chairman told of the form- ing of a 10 team group in the south. This organization will take some of the teanis• out of the Big-S group of last season. He referred to the change in the bon, us rule,-. • The election of offieers toek place with the result . that lest year's 'executive. was returned to office because of the financial sue- cese- enjoyed by the team in their first,egason as a homebrew OntrY• The ereasurer's report showed that, total receipts' 'last season wore $2,1.18•.67, with expenditures totalling $1,47445, and a balance of $644.22.. A request free} the clinthn Community Swimming Pool Fued for a .donation was filed to be 'act- ed upon at A later elate if there is - any surplus nieney• • 'F/10 0. L. "Blur Hayter sports officer at RCAF Station Clinton told those present that due to the stroifg inter-section league that he doubted if any plaerer assistance could be had front service person- ., St, Marys. Plan Junior'Entry • st. Marys will lee a . Junior "B"' 01,1A 'hockey club this winter, war announced in St, Marys last week, The team, as Yet unnamed, will compete in the district Junior "R" league: About ,50-. players are expected to try for 'berths ow the-squad, First practices. On ice are slated for October 5. . Rig 8 I.,eso EatrJ The St, Marys AlertS, which played: in thel WOAA Big Eight intermediate grouping for the past few seasons, will not operate this winter, *1 / Aetivities around glinten DM- , eriet Collegiate Institute en Mon- 'day afternoon indicate that Coach Ray Bierman is strivieg- to give OPOI a contending football squad, .1-le had his recruits out in full re: galia practicing tackling, kicking and running. However the Main 'etreee seemed to be on a paSS at 'tack. . and from the Way the quarterbacks Were tossing the Pig- n he may have something that 'will give opposing teams plenty of e trouble, From a personal standpoint we 'don't envy Ray in the least, be just gets a team developed to 5 point where he has a serious 'contender, conies graduation, • . Now Is The Time to sow PALL WHEAT and WINTER BAR1-4EY. We hove for.' sole: 1. REG, GENESEE WHEAT. 2, KENATE WINTER BARLEY grown - on our own form, A, Re Kt Alexander LONDESBORO' EXCLUSIVE! ;PLAY-11T.PLAY Coverage by *EN ELLIS Sat, Sept.` 29, 2:05 pm DST rDetoifi at Cleveland Sun., Sept. 30, 2.00 pm DST 'Detroit at Cleveland " kradio diee 6 WE ARE CELEBRATING OUR First Anniyersary WITH RED i.cned WHITE 'STORES - WITH A Gigantic Dollar Day Sale SEPTEMBER. 27 -18 - 29 TOMATO CATSUP-Aylmer 5 fOr $1.00 JELLY POWDER, Red & White-14 for $1.00. TOMATO SOUP-Campbell's 9 for $1.00 SARDINES-Brunswick 11 for $1.00 PEASL-Birdseye Frozen 5 for. $1.00 ORANGES. Sunkist 144's 3 doz., $1.00 Also 29 More Values To Choose From - Be Sure To Check All.,0Or Values., STANLEY'S 'Red it White SUPER " _MARKET Queen St. PHONE HU. 2-3447 FREE DELIVERY was strengthened and the player was able to play hockey, " • Now the reason for the ehan- ge , apparently some senior players who had the ability to stay in senior company, possibly not as regulars, were asking to be released as berme players . . , rea- son? . . they could Take more money playing for the small town. The senior clubs did not like the situation and so the CEA have amended the bonus rule to state that a bonus player must reside and work in the town in which he plays his hockey. . . it is tough on the small town teams who were counting on the bonus player. . but for our money it, is a move in the right direction, A sealed tender ste of confis- cated firearms is currently being held;in the. Huron District Office of the Department of Lands and. Forests, located just south of Hes- peler. All guns are on display on September. 24;25 and 27 from 12:00 noon until 9.00 p.m. . . Sealed ten- der forms are supplied by the De- partment.% :" they certainly have quite'-An array of firearms includ- ing 27, 22 cal, repeater rifles and 21, 12 guage shotguns single bar- rel... . a total of 80 guns, four flashlights and 1'50 traps are up for tender. Teeswater Fall _Fair OCTOBER 2 and 3 Outstanding Livestock Show 4-H Club Show Bonds - VaudeVille HARNESS, RACES 1,090 Reserved Seats for Afternoon Grandstand-.15rRush Seats, .50., Send cheque or money order to Mel Rome, Secretary, Teeswater. . ee e_ IN THE ARENA-OCT. 3 8.30 p.m. Holiday Ranch Canada's. Most Popular Television Show with CLIFF MeRAY and Monique 'Cadieux. 2-Hour Stage Show DANCING TILL 1.00 -A.M.. Eight Musicians Admission: $1.25; ChiPAree Under 12, ,50: 39-p CCNSTAHGE William Dale was at Thorudale I on Saturday and at Wiarton, Thursday, judging horse's. /Miss Belle McCullough,' Strat- ford, is visiting at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Ephriam,Clarke. Mr. and Mrs, Jack Busby and Shirley, Chatham, spent a few days last week with Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Lawson. Mr. and Mrs. E. F. Warren, Lyn- da and Helen,• London, spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Earl Lawson and Reginald, ' Mr. and Mrs. Bert. Riley and Cromarty, visited Sunday with Mr, and Mrs: Joseph Riley and attended the anniversary ser- vices. Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Tebbutt, iSeaforth, Mrs. Charlotte Lindsay, Egmondville, Mr." and Mrs. Carrrie en Tebbutt and Mr. and Mrs., Ir- vine Tebbutt, HohneSville, visited Mr, and Mrs. _George Addison on Sunday. . The Revex'eed Hale, Seaforth, was the guest speaket for the ane niversaryeheld in Constance chur- ch, on Sunday. In the morning he spoke to a large Crowd `on "What one Christian can do in kindness, love and pity." A trio of women from Grand Bend sup- plied special mustc. In .the even- ing Rev.-Hall spoke on "The -3ig- nese of life." A men's choir from- Zurich led the singing and Music. Congratulations , Congratulations to Laurel and Wilma Dale in placing second and third with their calves at 4-H Achievement Day held in Seaforth, on Friday, September 21; showing at Thorndale on. Saturday at the Western 'Counties Guernsey- Club Show, Lauiel took first prize and a silver tray with her calf "Dale- vista Golden Glow" champion 4-H club calf raised and exhibited by a 4-H member. Wilma'e calf placed third. Also'ehovving cows at this fair, William captured six seconds and a fifth prize. 0 One-third of the .working poPu- lation of Ottawa is. employed by the federal government. nel More Teams Hugh Hawkins gave an optimis- tic report with regard to the home brew grotiping. More teams are swinging to this category each year with teams in this area in- cluding Listowel, Wingharn, Walk- erton And possibly Seaforth. - Send Resolution It was decided to send a resol- ution to the.WOAA fall meeting re- questing each league convener is- sue passes to be presented by vis- iting players at each- game. There should be enough passes to covet players, management and drivers of care-a figure of 20 was suggested, PORTER'S HILL- sumetsimpon • • "behe,e41 MURP Phone Hip 24.475 VALUES, ' Wide selection of used cars and trucks . . . every one backed by our ' reputation for honest value, every one Cheated by our expert me chanics. Come see, come save, during our Harvest' of Values! 1046 PROPE.;- When we say low prices, we mean it! Look titthe money-saving buys- listed at right! Pick the one that best suits your needs and your pockatbook, then hurry in before it is sold! Good trades,'easy terms! Radio Huron Street, Clinton, BROS. LOOK AT THESE MONEY $AV1NG BUYS! HI VALUES LO PRICES CARS AND PRICES 195,5 PLYMOUTH SUBURBAN $1 995 low mileage, 1950 PLYMOUTH SAVOY V-8 very low milea ge ,„„ .. ... ,,,,,,, $2,575 SEDAN. Denionstrator, 1951-PLYMOUTH SAVOY Sedan - $1,445 Radio; very eleen 1.951 »omit ot,tB COUPE $1,2'95' One owner° 1052 CHEVROLET 2-Door :SEDAN $8955 • Real pharp! 1952 FORD 2-D001.1 EDAN $8951 Low mileage 1951 STIJIMBARElt Y-8 SEDAN $005 Radio; overdrive 1952 AUSTIN 'SEDAN - , Lovely condition $575, 1.949 DODGE CUSTOM SEDAN, $395 Oil* comet first served, so hurry! ' Annivereery services at Grape Church were held on Sunday, last with Rev. H. Dickinson, North Street Church, Goderich, as guest speaker for both morning and ev- ening services, The chair with Mrs. Molly Cox at the organ contributed. special music at both services. Guest singers in the morning were Mr. Prescott and Dr. Godson, Pontiac, Michigan, in ,the evening a duet by Mrs. Norma Grigg and Charles Halmesville. " - The church was beautifully dec- orated with baskets of 'autumn flowers: The Porter's Hill community held its regular meeting, in the church basement on Wednesday afternoon of last week. President, Mrs. Peter Harrison was in charge of ,the ',meeting which opened with the Lord's Prayer. Roll call was answered by 'naming your favour- ite TV or radio program. Reports were, given and correspondence read. ' • . It was decided to give a dona- tion to the Institute for the Blind. The October meeting will .be held in the' church basement. The afternoon was spent quilt- ing. The meeting closed with the Mizpah benediction. . a CHRYSLER HEADS PREDICT RISE IN SALES DURING 1956 President of the Chrysler of Canada corporation is predicting that his firm will produce and sell at least ten percent more automo- biles in 195? than they did in the current record year, President Ron Todgham reported that "The eco•neihists tell us that we're going to have better conditions for bus- iness than We did 'in 1955 ;,and 1956."- Mee 11 SATURDAY ONLY September 29 "GAMBLER FROM - NATCHEZ" Dale Robertson Debra Paget CARTOON - COMEDY Thectie closes foe the season . Saturday night, Sept. 29, Thanks to all our Patrons for" making our Season o Success, We'll see you next April. TiVO SHOWS NIGIITLY Doi Office op ens First Show at Dulk Children undbr 1 in cats rree "Ploground itktretionents ORIE1131181 SUNSET Drive-in Theatre 1 1/4 Miles East of Goderich - On Highway' 8 - THURSDAY And FRIDAY September 27 and 28 "YOU'RE NEVER TOO `VOTING" Dean Martin, -• Jerry Lewis CARTOON 'COMEDY Past president of the WOAA gugh liawkins urged that any boy tend a Ontario Hockey Association sponsored school if one is held in this area. Discussion on uniforms, redecor ating hockey toorn at arena, teens- portation, Players available and new players concluded the meeting. Officers for the 1956-57 season are; president, Russ Holmes; vice- president, Don C. Colciehoue; sec- retaryi R. D, Fremlin; treasurer, George Lavis (who asked that re, •Iaceenerit be sought); transporta- tion, Jack Scruton (replacing Reg. Ball); manager Bert Glidden. W. C. Newcombe, Phm. B. Chemist and Druggist PHONE HU. 2-951 1 CLINTON Halo Shampoo Reg 39 - 2 For 59e TRY Vick's Medi-Mist For Head Colds • -98e Pepiadent Tooth Paste iteg.'59c - 2 for Se& Nylon Bristle Hair Brush Veg. $40 - For $1.00 Woodbury Shaving Cream AND AFTER SHAVE LOTION Reg. value $1.00 - For*only.'79c liODAKS. ---- PRINTING and DEVELOPING •-• FILMS SHATI1P00 Non-Drying Reg:, 1.40 for 69c Helene Curtis ULTRA SPRAY NET Refillable Spray Bottle . Both only 52.25 Try PALMOLIVE'S New „i&Day Supply Free with 72- Tablet Size-Only $4.79 (pkg.) 28-Day Supply. Free with 144- Tablet Size-Only $7.95 REE trial offers ! 4T4i....011 super plunks act otrov1 offers -expire Sept. 30,1956 ANSWER To THIS WEEK'S - X-WORD FARMERS! Now Is The Time To DE-WORM YOUR POULTRY THE EASY WAY RY't USING Piperazine Adipate (Water Soluble) Mixed with Mash or in 'Drinking Water. Will Free. Your Flock of Worms 1 oz. will treat 80 Birds. Each` Weighing 5 lbs. ov a VL P OM p eAGER S AM$ AL,, N T R ` E MIL T a S E A N 0 I Lag laps; u N' 'i T ' Eix TO RI' 1.1 A V T o