HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-27, Page 7MIVITIMSR, MO ews of DaHyrie By MISS LIXA'' R. WOODS 1950 ontem Chan Rural Cerreapandeat. HQNTAICRIXOT.D1 45;$ the) Blir, London, was Citirch Eraneh, Met at "The Hut", home over the weekend, Mr. and Mrs, Kirkhaln and the• fermer's. father, X Kirkham end Mrs, E. Jones, London, spent Sunday with Mr. and rs,Einer- son Heard, The liev,,and; lArs. .Scutl. more Wtlast week to visit Kitchenerchexe a4 eronto before Mending the .weekend with their nn. Owen and family in Pescott.' Trinity WA on Thursday afterneen last. 'Me, Rev. W. S, 0,nterbridge eendueted the* Litany and, preYers. Miss Lucy R, Woods • read the Scriptnre. :Mrs. X g.F. Caird net presided or the business. ses, sion. The secretary:, Kra.R J Lar- son., :read the: minuteso the May meeting and noted that the' June meeting had been. a joint one held at $t. Jame a: MINN Middleten, 'The Woman's Anidliary, Trinity In the financial statement read egoxevi,s4*A,'*svog4-br;:'7,, A 4re i; Dealer Any Time: • Yes, it's the one service that's appreciated, by oil . . . we're only as far away as your telephone . . . so when you want servicer , . . good service . . . just telephone! We specialize in free neighbourhood pick-up and, delivery. • South End Cities Service CITIES SERVICE PRODUCTS Phone HU 2-7055 CLINTON ONTARIO, N"Verti Meets At liensall Resident WCT.T7 Meeting *.• rimier-HP.401 Wench of the WoMen'a MOO= Temperance Union met at the home of lvirs, W. Down._,_ rzceter, on, Tuesday ev- ening. 3,Trs. 1rmPowe eon, ducted the wOrPhin, Mrs, mr, 0. Pearee told the story Of the fihn, The Seventeen," and Mr. Shapton wee soloist, displaY of temperance POStersf Made bY Children in, the MAY con- test, were en disPlaY Eiceter Fair thisWeek'. Ne)ct Meeting will be at the hoMe WS, W. J., Py- bUSt 0O October 16. • by *as Lucy R. WO0a, donations from Plias L, 0, MOrley and Mrs, George Kings were acknowledged, motion 'was made to apply $24.15, the SUM, reali2ecl"from the PictilreS shown: i AO YMrS. R. B. Thompson, to the Church VA:: get. Mrs. Percy Weston, Dorcas Sec- retary, read an acknowledgment from the principal of a bale sent to $t. Paul's School, Bloo4 Reser- ve, Carton, Alta. It was decided to order .100 MS - CC calendars with' the object of selling one to each -family in the parish, besides these for gifts. Tie president reacl..a very inter- esting letter from AW2 Joan Mc- Leod, vv.ho is in training at St. Jean, QUe• - A note of inerrirnent° was added to the meeting when Mrs. Gairdner produced a round loaf of bread with eandles , and the members sang 41zIappy Birthday" to Lucy Woods.. Following the be,necliction, Mrs. E. A. Featherston, hostess,. served , News of ericl )wiishp Mrs, Mabel Kennedy, Terento. vent the weekend with her Cana, in Mrs. Fx'e 4etqn. MA Ebner Webster Varga, Spent the weekend with Mr,an Mra, •Stewert Middleten. The reetivni of. the Harvest Thanksgiving wilt be. ObServedrn St. jellies '011urch-.. Middleton,. on Slinday, September 30, at three p.m. The 'special, spealser will be the Rev. J. li,,,jemes. of :$t. as ,chureh, ,40aforth,. :October meeting.on .Oetetter 17, at the home of Mrs. Arnold Rath - well, alSo. ontline.d the needs an ac- complishments of the Indian ,pup - ;Mrs' 4913n qrkg; Presented: the .reflOrt, . . IV/ra. JONCele -contributed.a timely reading, "Why SOys leave the farm" and Mrs. Alfred 'Hudie an inapiretionel reeding entitled "'Times Parade Oz. account of Teeswater ste,„ elt was decided titcdd the The community is invited to at- tend this lovely Thaillisgiving Ser- vice, Meeting The Women's Auxiliary ef JamesChurch, MiddietOric met Wednesday afterilnen, SePteMber. 'at the noire; of Mrs. David peeves with 2 nembers present. The meeting opened' with., the Onging Of the hynni Need'Vhse Evert Hour", followed by prayer by the president, Mrs. Fred Mid dieton, then the members' prayer and Lord's Prayer in. unison. minutes were read by Mrs,,,Gor- don RethWell, the treasure's re- port given by Mrs. Donald lad, clleton. The Scripture reeding, Psalm 128, was read by Mrs. John Grigg, . It was decided to give the chur- eh wardens $100 towards the bud- get. The stun of S.:5,00 yvas voted ter the Jessie Grainger Memorial Fend. • Mrs. Dutot, Dorcas Secretary, read a letter from the Rev. J. E. Wolf, principal of the -Indian res- idential school, at Cardstoii, Alber- ta, thanking our members for the splendid bale sent. This let -ter The rector, the Rev, Warren S. Onterbridge closed the zieeting with prayer. Ap bounteous lunch and social time eoneltrded very plea sant meeting, HOLMESVILLE. Mr, and Mrs, Elmer Potter spent last Wednesday' at Teesirater, Mr. and Mrs. William Norman attended a Chinchilla meeting in London last Thursday. Mrs,- g, j,„ Treviartha spent a few days in Florence, at the home of Rev. Stewart IVLiner and Mrs, Miner, The Sacrament of the Lord's Supper will be observed in Holm- esville United eChurch on, Sunday, October 7.' Mr. and Mrs, H. M. Bezeau and mr. and Mrs:. Stanley Kreski. arid miehael; Kitchener, spent Sunday with Mr. ihd Mrs. Frank 1VIcCul- lough. . Salute -T0.13aY.,:fietcrs (continued from Page SIX) Fairbalrn: Nor do you look it, What can you tell us about Ray- field 'In the early days?, Stirling: A lot of things but some I'd better not .repeat, We used to have. 1.3 hotels here and. it's been said that more business of Stanley Township was trabs- acted over a fingerlength of whis- key at Pollock's Tavern than in the council chaniber. We even had hosne-made wine shown at the fair at one time but I won't say who made it beeause, Huron County we dont discuss such things. Ser- iously though, Bayfield had a big industry. 50 years. ago . . it was an apple evaporator and employed 30 or 40 people. It handled 300 bushels of apples a day and some of its produce was shipped as far away as Russia. We stili.have the apples although the weather this year hasn't helped (s"-inuch, Fairbairn: I've read that anoth- er good Scotsman was the first, postinaster,in Bayfield? Stirling: That wale- before, my time bif his game was Donal Fraser. I can remember well the man who succeeded him, -James Gairdner. He was a driving force' in town affairs for 60 years. I've also heard that before Bayfield got a post office, George Jackson walked to 'Sarnia three times a week for the mail. That'squite a walk, eyen'on the roads today—it's about 80 miles so it must have %kelt quite a man to do that. here's the lady who is really res- ponsible for this broadcast. „. It Was Mrs. Colin Campbell who fn - at thought thought the CRC might be in- terested in the Bayfield Centen- Mal Fair and' Mrs. Campbell her- self is extremely interested in history. Both your family and your husband's 'were wrong the first settlers in this partof the country, Weren't they? Ca.mpbell: Yes, Don. My great grandparents were the Wallises Who arrived here from England in 1834 and took up land just north of Bayfield. There is still a Wal- lis fanning that land. . They -came to New York State and up the Erie Canal to Lake Erie, along it to Detroit and then up to G,oder- ich. Mr. Wallis left his family with a brother in New York State - and came ahead to build a cabin but Mrs. Wallis tired of waiting his return and came on with. tne family._ They had quite a trip be- ing nearly shipwrecked on Lake Huron but eventually 'reached God- ertch and sent out 'a runner to find Mr. Wallis, Needless to say, e was surprised but happy and after another journey down the lake by boat . this time only ten miles- they reached their new home. My litisbendscame to Canada in 1944 and 'settled first near Ingersoll but later walked from there to the Huron Tract and took up land on the Bronson line. So you see why- I'm interested in the history of this part of the country. . ifs all so very real to me: Fairbairn: And I suppose, the Wallises and the Campbells have always been keenly interested in' the Bayfield Agricultural Societyl Campbell: Oh; yes, and the Snowden's who helped out when Mr: Wallis suddenly died in 1841 and my immediate family, the MacKenzies. And there are many others I couldiriention whose,fam- illeS- have been here as long as., the fair. Vairbairns You're quite a man yourself, Mr. Stirling, and it wouldn't do to let you go without giving the people of Ontario and Quebec an. opportunity to hear your 82 year old vocal chords in one of your famous Scottish songs . . how -about it folks? " Stlrthig: -, - Falrbairns Thank you very much, Ikrri' Stirling. And now Bob Cook Motor Sales =LT, oNT. Says: HERE'SYOUR CHANCE. YOU MAKE THE O1TE,11 WE'RE NOT PRICING 'EU WE'RE ALL. EARS '56 BUICK HARDTOP. 0 '53 PLYMOUTH COACH. Fold 5,435 miles. Automatic. . up seats easy entrance. Dealer's Demonstrator. N '53 PONTIAC SEDAN. 2 -Tone, lots of -mileage left. HUDSON WASP SEDAN. Hydramatic. Safest tor on the road, '55 FORD CROWN VICTORIA. , E ' Automatic. Radio. 2 -Tone. - - '‘ '52 • W -W Tires. etc._ One ,-the Lo 0 K e girls will love! '55 FORD PAIRCAINE SEDAN. ' I ' '11 . Radio. Dual exhausts. • S ' 11,000' miles. '55 MONARCH SEDAN. -NV OR T 11 15° Automatic, Radio. Dual • exhausts, Jug broken in'. \ , 1 150 55 PONTIAC DeLuxe COACH. , 0 . '49 • 0 WW Tires etc. Only%, driven ,a few mile. / '54 MERCURY MONTEREY SEDAN. Automatic Radio, 2-Tane, W -W Tires- (new). Glory irt its beauty! , , WORDS '149 FORD COACH '49 METEORCOACH • '49 CHEV. '54 DESOTO SEDAN. 49 AitTEOR StOitiv, needs painting 2 N ds AUtOttnatie. 2 -Tone. LOW Item SourtAtISTIN SDA neebody Work erOonditton• slung and heindSame; • HARLEY DAVIDSON- '4.NASH SEDAN .1, • '53 CHEVROLET 110 SEDAN. UOTORcYCLi '40 PIAMO1LITIat SEDAN, real good 2 -Tone. ' See this originat., (Cheap) '80 CHEVROLET SialitYnot bad THERE's 01041/ ONE WAV - - NO IIIA.TTER WHAT VMS PA to.really tell the true condition, So, see Ir yourself, BOB COOK MOTOR'SALES Phone 118 Honsall,tor a Demonsitator Salesment BOB COOK, Res. 188; BLIGIITON 1EEG, Ites,,159W 1111111111111.161.11110011111, • STUDEBAKER SEDAN. Autornatic,Y8. Lots of get up and go. 'HILLMAN SEDAN.' Real 'economy! DODGE COACH. Thorough- , ly reconditioned. DODGE COACH. BARGAINS 'AT SACRIFICE PRICES tiookft- ot.rsTomi rano -so Fairbsdrn: • Thank you, Mrs. Campbell for joining us this morn- ing but now- we must get along and find out about the 100 year old fair from the present president and secretary. First, here's the president,. Carl Houston.- How clict it all be,gm, Mr. Houston? Houston: In 1855 a. movement was started in Stanley Township to organize an Agricultural Soc- iety; it took in part of Stanley and part of Goderich Township which is just across the river -from Bayfield and meetings -were held hotels in l3ayfield. Originally, 100. members were pledged at 125 each but when the society Was eventually organized in 1856 there Were only 60 members who con- tributed £15 each but that wag en- ough to start the fair. Fifty years later, the name was changed, to the Bayfield Agricultural Society to comply with the new provincial act, • Farhat -a: Most of the fairs have been held in Bayffeld, /hough, haven't they? Houston: Yes. We have a rec- ord of a spring and fall fair here in 18,58, then it moved to Varna for a few years hut it ,has been in Bayfield ontinuouslyf since 1886. There have been good years and bad but thanks to -a gland group of directors over the years we are now holding out. 160th fair, There's always been someone with new enthusiasm and new ideas to keep things going and..one of the Moat faithful has been 3. B. Rath - Well. heti has been a tower of RAILWAY -TIME IABLE • CHANGES SUNDAY SOT.. 30th, .1956 Full n rrncidon from .;itiods • * Atti -ALA t CANADIAN NATIONAL strength to me during the time I've been president. In fact he has done more than I have even While also being a reeve of Gorier- ich township and a member of the Hayfield Trnste'e Board, Fairbairn: I can understand . . . he was the first person I met At the fairgrounds—clearing away an old fence to make room for your new centennial gates. Thanks, Mr. Houston, and best of weather for your fair. We must hear from another lady andone who works hard for"the fair . .she's the sec- retary, Mrs. Ahna Bassett. Have you found anything of interest in those old minute books, Mrs. Bas- sett? Bassett: Plenty, Don. You were mentioning the price Baron de Tuyll paid for land here originally which, reminded me that the Sors.:, iety first bought lots in l3ayfieldin 1886 and it cost them $240. The show building was put up that year also at a cost of $232.45. 13 more lots were added in 1891 for $300 and in 1922 10 more at a cost of $150 so until that time the Soc- iety didn't need any tremendous capdtal. We're growing again, though. Since 1948 there's the brg new building which is also an arena and, en:nu:unity centre, a new poultry house and two cattle barns- mainly for the 4-11 Clubs that have become a big feature of our fair. . Fafrbairri: What does your prize. list total this year, Mrs.,. Bassett? Bassett: It will be well over $2,000 which is quite a bit for what is really a one day fair. The- fruit and vegetables, grain and ladies displays will be in- and judged on Wednesday but Thursday is the big day when all the livestock judging takes place, the official opening by Mr. F. A. Lashley and. the concert at night which in- cludes a play on the early days written by Lucy Woods, the Bay- field correspondent of the Clinton News -Record' your local week- ly. -Which reminds me that -I read an item about a motion presented at esticiety meeting by her father, Dr. Woods in 1913. It was un- animously carried that wecexclude all automobiles from our grounds on fair day. - Fairbairn: That's been amended since 1913, Thank you Mrs. Bas- sett. Next here's an old friend of mine and of the Bayfield Fair, ti -it gentleman who represents this dis- trict in the provincial legislature, Mr. Tom Pryde of Exeter. PIMITAK Mr WON' vum,rox AMMAN' 401 J.. V. Petersdu, 30Ar Stet - ion Clinton, was the lucky winner of )3rPssel$ Linns lierM11461 Trip," 1110 'winning ticket Was .droim at the I41445. MVO, held in. the DriMsela- .arena. He is -entitled to the choice ,of the - Bermuda :trip Or a PA prize of OO.—arnssela Peat. 0 1•1•11•01..,... •.• # "Want some help with your homework Dad)" • Ifs a good thing young Ted is only joking. His dad is studying the needs of families like yours for financial protection. If he took Ted Up on his ;offer, tile boy would be overwhelmed by problems about man- aging family incomes, succession duties, protecting a btisiness'against losses caused by the death of the owner, and other matters. . Ted's father is a modern life underwriter, Today, life insurance rem,- sentatives,not only study better ways to provide life insurance protec- tion — they seek a real understanding of people's needs* and shape plans to meet these needs, will& differ with every family. - You'll find today's life insurance Man a good man to know. His pro- gress reflects the many ways in which the life insurance business has developed with the times to mht your changing needs! . r .........- - i 1 caparisons haw, a wide choice of life insurance plans 1 . '1 _...-, offered by more than 60 life insurance companies 1 1-. .. ` s operating in this cndnt:Y:-..........,:j THE 'LIFE INSURANCE COMPANIES IN CANADA . , L-4560 FAMOUS TRICHOLOGIT,, DEMONSTRATE HOW'TO GROW THICKER HAIR • - AND GUARANTEES DEMONSTRATION TO BE HELD. HERE This new method of home treat- and no ;appointment is necessary. thicker hair will bt demonstrated Went for Saving and growing After the examination the person is told the required length % of treatment and how much., it will in Clinton,. Ontario, on Wednes- cost. After starting treatment, the . • . day, 'October 10: person makes regular reports to gla.d to. be here this morzung to the Keele firm in London to cheek take part in this centennial broad-. strations will be held at the Hotel the progress of the home treat, -cast. It's not ver yoften that a Clinton, on Wednesday ONLY. mewl. Fryde: Thank you, Don. I'm These private Individual demon - fair celebrates a hundredth birth- -To, spread the opportunity of --.:' In an in- pormal, healthy hair to the day --only once in a hundred years LONDON, Ontario Wilhelm, L. sands who ate desperately looking thou- topr ere het exact presentative ,andurthis tnoheintfuicniiatly rein- Kteerveliee,winhteerrneatitnonaidayiy, famous bi- for help, independent trichologists Our provincial government, 1 chologist and director of the Keele out Canada to conduct eitamina- ate visiting various cities through.. Wouldn't have missed it. I'm also Hair experts Said "There are 18 tions and start home treatMent. proud that the fairexecutive asked different scalp disorders that cause tree to help secure the fine Laur- most men and women to lose hair. entian Rose Granite whielt they Using common sense a person , NO QURE-ALL, used in the new centennial,Gates must realize no one tonic or so- shiny baldness," Keele emphasized. that will ba.opened this Thursday. ealled , cure-all could corm& all 'We have no cure-all for-sliek, "If ,there is fuzz, the rootis still 'Ilhank you ladies. and gentlemen the disordera," he explained. , • eapable of creating hair and we and congratUlatiOns. . Fairbaiin: And here's another old GUATtiANThEip can perform what seems to be a frienti--,-this is' our 4th broadcast "The Keele firm, recognizing miratle." in recent years frem. Huron. Coun- ty and on most oceasions we have that most people are skeptical of claims that hair can be grown on 'o he certain every man and We, There is one thing Keele wants met the County's reptesentative in balding heads, Offers *a guarantee,'„ man knows, /1 ^a recessibn appeal* the Reuse of Corntnotis in Ottawa, at the temples or a spot' begins Mr. Elston Cardiff of BrOsSelS. Keele said, on the crown of the Once a person avails himself to to Elio ,v tip there is s etitinge,wrong glad to have you back in Huron iirmediately cliSkapears. To insure Cardiff: Thank you, Don We're the Keele tree ent his skepticism .i.itta, and it should be WWiays.. County especially for such an aus- .this, we offer thit guarantee,. "V attention: •,, ''''''' piciouS becaSion AS the 100th an- you are not corriPletely satisfied .- nivensary (it )30field Fair, i'rrs with yotir hair progress at the HAIR FOR. ...lYIE glad to hear that YoU're honour- end of 30' days your money will be „.... ing the fair with. anOther broad, returned.." - itt clients follow oU 411rections cast on Thursday evening at '715 during treatment and .after theY - while the centennial fair is actual- HOPELESS CASES finish -the cairSei 'there is no res., ly in progress. I know the rest 01 DiscomAom sonsthy they4vill not have halt Canada will be interested to hear all t rest ofetheir lives," Keele what a typical Ontario fair is like First, the trichologist is quick to stdom dj.h ',,01.ndivifp-rn.dual 1:ideetifti,nsit:Iyithhero; after 100 years., my best wishes, tell hopeless cases -that they can. hind t eitment, it all depends to the Bayfield Agricultural Soc- i.ot be helped. gut thie4bop.oess- years, - iety for another. StiedeSsfttl 100 Casts aVe fre, Only .ft..rnan, is pbservation of a few simple rides," coMeletely, shiny bald is lin this l' • itomPS tOritt tiAlit? . sFairbairut ThatnaenktoYa°1111` who haveCaP4 site ettteergebritY'lli". miler how It lt worrica Yea Trieholo. , helped With thiS broadcast whether light,•fg, or colo less, t e Keele gist ,Vir -ke. i whether CraWford at Inc Hoit otel on the platform or the, treatrn • can tie irra,t0(‘Inders., Clhaton bliaton, Onterio, Porseet This, special Salute A comPlke, priv te examinatien welittesday Bayfield and its fast froth th' „glyen ti3rm trieholegiqt to deter.., i_v„,ivi_te4tito. ,4 oth PieiteOpoul'bul,007tii TenCts Rail Bayffeld ins, art of Ape the cpntlition of hit scalp for is IN rz t this week't Centennial r and Iiis„hair. ttotible. was -prepared jinci, condn d by , lex 013C's Neighbeurly_NeWS c0 ' : eti- _., tr:n," . ,., I I.A.Tver solo,. Thitoeuxditoninitioattitiott nattnettopritanttisMeatisitd. tator for Ontario and Quebec,litozi , S'eu will not be onibartilsnerl Or rairbtirfi,who williA'iback in-mur ,4,0 71118 ecr Pi))41t Cql ft Inv! 1 technical.Yit re. 4,1mAint,tilitient, v011tohriah6iLftegtirrat Sunday ouP sti... quires 2u to ;,,,OY:inIntitet, There it obligated irt AtnY Way. Beth littli —Yr - - 'L.. - -' -' -- - -' ' ' /thlIlij dharg e for this eXarninatiOn and woniett are welcome, h , te ascd Fo. :tee speakin , Thit is ++.444-4•44444-444.44-4.444-4...-4-t-444+44.÷.4.4,-44,44-104, . - ...,'