HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-27, Page 4Mrs. A. Shaddick Wins Luggage In 'Big Contest Mrs, A, E. Shaddick, wife of Constable Shaddick, last week was awarded a set of mached luggage, as a bonus prize in a subscription 'selling contest' in which she is competing, Along with 16 other ladies in the Stratford area, Mrs, Shaddick is "striving_ to build en- ough points to win- her an expense paid trip to New. York. As of last Tuesday, MrS, Shad- dick was in fifth place and is continuing her campaign,Nselling -subscriptions trying to rernain in. the top ten who will go to New York, -Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Sunday School 9,45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 1100 a.m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. TUESDAY, 8 p,m. — Prayer ,and „ Bible Study. 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH I. BODENHAM, Pastor 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship with Pastor Percy Harris, Dean of London Bible Insti- tute 7.30 p.m.—,Baptismal Service You are cordially invited to these services. ST. ANDREW'S PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH REV. D. J. LANE, B.A., Minister MRS. MORGAN AGNEW, Choir Leader and Organist Sunday, September 30 Please reinember Eastern. Stand- ard 'rime from now on 10,00 a,m.—Church School 11.00 a,m,—Public Worship Sermon—"God Is a Spirit" October 21—Anniversary Services "All Heartily Invited To Worship With Vs" PENTECOSTAL CHURCH P.A.O.C. Victoria Street,, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor Friday, September 28- 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassaaors Sunday, September 30- 10.00 a.m.—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, October 2- 8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer. and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You Joseph Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 p.m.—Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting ALL' WELCOME, Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV. I. E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m.-1Vforning Worship Theme—"shamed' Special Music—Doris Johns ii will play Merimba 12,15 ani.—Stinday School Evening Worship—Theme "Christ-ian), Special Vocal Music ALL WELCOME Angus MacKay Is Ordained Minister . . Huron.Maitland By Presbytery,: 01 A -Lutnp or Thickbning In the Breast A Danger Signal That MAY Mean ,Cancer See Your Doctor IMMEDIATELY Fe, free literature writs ' Benson Sutter, Secretary • 'Phone HU. 2-6635 oniiiiiimuniummoingininimmingunim "QUALITY: FIRST" WESTINGHOUSE LAUNDROMAT LAUNDROMAT Model CL8 Sleek in design . „ slick in per- formance! Features the wonderful Weigh-to-Save Door, with its handy loading and unloading con- venience, that acts as a scale and so eliminates guessing when weigh- ing the load. The exclusive Water Saver measures in just right a-' mount of water for the size of the load . and really saves water, soap and softener. FleXible Con- trol Dial . one setting gives you both the correct length of Wash time and water temperature and, it's completely 'flexible! You can start, stop, skip or repeat any part, of the washing,, Agi-Tumble Action . . . gives smooth, thorough flushing . . lifting , . turning , . and flush-again action . times a minute! The exclusive Wc,sting- house New Way to Wash! Clinton Electric Shop — D. W. Cornish 'Your VISTINGHOUSE healer 11U 2-6646 — CLINTON "You Can be sure if it's Westinghouse" 'Sunday, Sept. 30“---All Times Easfern Standard Mend Jour Church ANGLICAN CHURCH ,OF, CANADA , St. Paul's — Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Choir Leader 18th SUNDAY AFTER TRINITY 8.30 a.m.—Holy Communion 11,00. a.m.—Choral Eucharist '4.30 p.m:—Evening Prayer Tuesday, October 2 — 2.45 p.m. — Ladies Guild at the home of Mrs. Fred Ford.. 1niteb '0=0 REV. HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. • RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNIE. Choir Director 11.00 a.m.—Rally Day Rev, R. A. Brook of Bluevale Promotion Exercises Presentation of Bibles HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.m.—Morning Worship Sunday School "Come to the House of Prayer" RAY'S Cities Service Cities Service Products Ray Hoggarth earl Canteton "The place wliere you never have to blow your • horn" Phone IlLUs 2-9032 Clinton . Ontario TWO BIG FACTORS Wheel Balancing Headlight. Aiming Yes Sir, these two factors are all Important if your car is to be a SAFE CAR. • Wheels in perfect balance make the steering of your ear a pleasure—besides adding miles to the tires. „ Headlights — correctly aimed will save your eyes, and, possibly an accident. Don't be in doubt—drive in to our station and let us chock. Clinton Couple's Silver Wedding Mr. and Mrs, Reg Shipley cele- brated their• 25th wedding anniv- ersary on Sunday, September 16, by holding open house to their friends and relatives. Some 200 called to offer congratulations and 'best wishes, both on Sunday, and during the following week. Alden Potter, Woodstock, 'cous- in of the bride of 25 years, com- posed a poem in honour of the celebrating couple, C. Cooke „ Telegraphed Anywhere S S 'MAL, Clothing & r Footwear "The Family Store" HU 2-9641 ALBERT ST. — CLINTON 'O "pen Both Friday & Saturday Nights till 10 p.m. THIS 'WEEK'S SPECIALS! CORDUROY , SLACKS teen sizes 8 - 14 Washable ' Celours: Wine, Green and Royal Blue Only $2.98 pr. THREE DAYS ONLY BOYS' WINTER JACKETS New Shipment 10% Off , A-41 Price- Clearance 'AI of Winterweight Snowsuits, Zipper Jackets Station Wagon Coats . INFANT'S - - CHILDREN'S and YOUTH'S SIZES We Are Clearing These To Make Room For Other Lines F irst Here - First Served LADIES' WEAR Come In and Choose From Our P,A,C„0,1 FOUR CLINTON NOM-R=0RD swmxua 27, 106 • 't Donald Cornish left last week for Toronto where he will enter Un-, iyersity. Mr, and Mrs Bert 'Icanton, God-Mr, ,and visited the latter'S aunt, MrS, David Steep on Sunday last. Mr. and Mrs, Harald. McRoberts and Mary, Beatrisville, visited at the home of a Radford during the past week, Mrs. .ThomaS Leppingtori, called on Mr. and Mrs, Roy Leppington and family, Bruce- field, last Thursday. Mr, and Mrs, Roy F. Leppington and family, .Brucefield, visited with. Mr, and Mrs. Albert Leibold and 'family, RR 2, Clinten, last Sunday. Mrs, C, Verner spent the past week in Hamilton visiting her family, Mr, and Mrs. J.' B. Z;oth- . eringbarn, and Mr. and Mrs, Harry'Vermer. Dr. and Mrs. 0. 'Rogers, 'Tor onto, visited a couple nf days last ''' week with .the former's aunt, Mrs. Margaret Johnston and Mr, and Mrs. Chester Farquhar, • • Mr, and Mrs. Orval Lobb and • sons John and Walter, Chatham, spent the weekend with the form, er's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Clifford H t T Nfnettes' Ai l.al 0. Outing; Attend London Theatre 'The Kinette Club of Clinton. motored to London • on Tuesday evening, September 25, where they observed their 4th Anniversary with a smorgasbord dinner at the Iroquois Hotel, After dinner the girls enjoyed "These Wilder Years," currently showing at a London theatre, The president, Mrs. Gordon Grigg, presented to Mrs, Jack Clegg, the retiring_president, her past-president's pin. Attendance pins were Presented to Mrs. Jack Clegg, Mrs, K, W. Colquhoun„ Mrs, Donald Kay, Mrs. Donald .COlqu-' houn, Mrs, Gordon Grigg, Mrs. Claude Daw,. and Mrs. Frank Mc- Ewan. Christian Reforrned Chtirch REV. 'G. J. 1-10trENIA, Minister 10.00 a.m.---iMorang— Dutch 2.30 p.m. Afternoon English enjoyed immensely On a busin- ess trip through Northern On- tario and Quebec, F have had some days of hard' driving and so have been enjoying a lazy Sunday morning in my hotel room. . I turned on my bedside radio to get news and possibly a chur- ch service and was surprised to hear the announcement of the weekly' newscast which would come from Bayfield. I have been a regular summer resident of Bayfield fOr over 30 years, and in all my travels have never yet found any place to compare with it. Thee vil- lage of Bayfield, Ontario, is a_ vets' special place to me—and I have visited Bayfield, New Brunswick and Bayfield, Nova 'Scotia. Our Bayfield has a special quiet charm that I have never enjoyed in any other place I have ever• been, and the people who live there are my greatest friends. . So sitting, here in this rugged' country I just feel a, little homesick this morning,--and can almost hear the swish of' the breakera as' they lap along the sands. of our beautiful beaches. -Listening now to the minister as he prays for our nation and our pledge. I cannot help but say "Amen, especially for Bay- field and those who live there." Thanks again for the broad- cast, it was' well done and I lik- ed your remarks and introduct- ion of Don Fairbairn: Yours sincerely, WILLIAM A. ROLFE' Sunday, September 23, 1956, Written in Park Lane.,Hotel, Kirkland Lake, Ontario. A 13aptism Rites " In New ,Chapel The lovely new chapel at Ontar- io Street -United Church was. the scene of an infant baptism, last Sunday, when Penny Leanne., the three,rnoritli-old daughter of Mr, and Mrs, K M, Malkinson received the prescribed rites, Rev, A, "G. Eagle, Minister of the church of- ficiated. F011oWing the service, a recept- ion was held at the home of the parents for 20 guests, Included were the baby's grandparents from Vancouver, B.C., and her grand- father from Brantford. Godpar4 erns are Mr, and Mrs. Ross. Col- lier; Adastral Park, RCAF Station Clinton, Other guests attended from Brantford and Clinton. 0 Cream Producers' Annual Set For October 25 ,Fourth prize also went to Luck- now, skip Fred Jackson with Mr. and Mrs. G. Henderson as lead •and vice skip, with two wins, plus 16, and an aggregate of 37.., F. Ruston, Mitchell, with Mrs., Rust- on and W. MacKerigle, placed fifth with two wins, plus 12, and an‘ag- gregate of '25. Teams were present for the tour nament from Lueknew, Seaforth, Mitchell, Wingham, Goderich and Huron County Cream Producers' Association executive ,and- direct- ors met in the agricultural board room in Clinton to make plans for the Association's annual meeting to be held in October. Presiding at the meeting was Hume Glutton, RR 5, Goderich, president of the Association. The secretary-treasurer Gordon Greig reported on the dairy booth placed -at the Seaforth Fall Fair, in co- operation with the Ontario Cream Producers Marketing Board. 20 pounds of butter Was giVen away as prizes in a draw conducted at Ithe booth. A tentative date for the Assoc- iation's annual meeting was set as October` 25, in the agricultural' of- fice board room, commencing at 8.30 p.m. This year. a new method will be used to notify producers of the meeting, The co-operation of creameries is being requested to distribute the notice of meeting to theft atrons residing in Huron Count Labb, at their summer home on Lake Huron. Recent visitors with Mrs., Marg aret Johnston and Mr, and Mrs, 'Chester Farquhar were Mr, and Mrs. Wellington Cook, Hamilton, and Mr,. and Mrs, Cecil Dawson, Mai'lette, Mich; Mr. 'and Mrs. George F.' !Tack- son, Flint, Mich., spent last week visiting Mr. and Mrs: Clarence Cooper and Nancy, and also visit- ed other relatives and friends in Clinton and vicinity. - Michael Selker and Miss Dianne Elizabeth Selker left ,Crtindiri Air- port on Saturday for Spokane, Wash., after spending the sum- mer with their grandmother Mrs. Allan Maxwell, Joseph Street. Recent visitors at the home of Mr. and Mrs. W. E. • Managhan were; Mr, and Mrs, Raymond. Dup- re, Michael and Raymond, Jr., Portage La Prairie, Man., and Managhan, University of Toronto, Mrs, William Shadd'ock read the minutes ,and Mrs. Makins gave an encouraging report of finances. Bible reading was taken by Mts. Shaddock and Mrs. W. T. Blacker led in prayer. From the theme, "What have we to give to the World", Mrs. Ed Farquhar told the story of natives of India who had excelled ih-science, medicine and engineering. Clinton will 'be host to a Pres- bytery and Presbyterial' Training Workshop ior Church school and Mission Band leaders on October 26. Catherine and Mrs. Blacker as- sisted the hostess in serving re- freshments. ST. ANDREW'S WA TO MEET AT MRS. G. ROBERTON'S HOME The Women's Association of St. Andrew's • Presbyterian Church will' meet at the home of Mrs. G. Raberton, on Tuesday; ,October-2, at 3 o'clock. HOSPITAL AUXILIARY TO MEET' ON OCTOBER; 1 :Tile :Clinton Hospital AuxiliarY will Meet .next Monday. afternoon, 9,qtabeF 1, at three o'cloek in the -nurses residence. LOCAL BOY RETURNS TO QUEEN'S UNIVERSITY Kenneth .kCarter,, a graduate of Clinton District Collegiate Instit4' ute and son of Mr. arid Mrs. Jos- eph Carter, Clinton, returned to Queen's University this week. Ken has spent a busy summer travelling to three European couri- tries. He joined the UNTD. (Un- i-cTersity, Naval Training DiViaioili) l last year at Queen's Last' May .he travelled to. Halifax, N.S.; to be- gin his two year's course in prep- eration for his Naval Commission, (Reserve). During), the .month of. August Ken visited Devonport and Ply- mouth, England, Milford Haven and Pembroke, Wales; Arcachoh, and Paris, France, as well as P'an- ta in the Azores. He travelled on HIVLCS Lauzon. HOLMeSVILLE LOCAL OFU MEETS 1N SCIIriciL, TUESDAY Clare Burt from the head office of the Ontario • Hydro, Toratto, will be the guest speaker at the OFU Holmesville Local meeting at Holmesville school, Tuesday, October 2, at 8,30 p.m. Mr. Burt is an expert on farm hydro instal- lation and will speak on the im- portance of good wiring, He is well known for his magazine art- icles and of his ability as a speak- er. If time permits he will show pictures of the development of the St. Laurence Seaway project as well. Everyone come and benefit from this worthwhile meeting. Please note change of date. Thanks to her mother, kind neighbour Mrs. C Bell, direct- ors of, the Agricultural Society, the village Constable George Lit- tle, Don Fairbairn, Reid Forsee, 'Gerald Stanley and Laurie Col- quhoun of the Clinton News Record, the writer was heaved up the steps and onto the stage ' in time for the -Salute to Bay- field and Neighbourly News Broadcast last Sunday, and was 'delivered home safely after it. It entailed a bit of effort for all ,concerned. • To begin with the wheel chair is heavy and the person in it no feath.ekweight. And then when she ,was finally settled, and had a clittle micro- phone placed on the table in front of her, her tongue 'became so dry that it was still in that state at night. When the engineer asked her to read a sentence before the ibrOacicast, the noise she emitted sounded in her ears like an\ar- gument amongst mice. Don Fairbairn noticed her dilemma and- kindly poured her a glass of water,„ ' While James R. Stirling was speaking of wine, it occurred to her that a bit might have loosen- ed that usually voluble append- age in her, • However, with a few swallows of Adarii's Ale, and encourage- ment from Don Fairbairn, she found herself reading the lines of introdtictiOn in a voice 'which had not too foreign a sound (But how many saw the paper shaking?) • This correspondent had 'never been at a broadcast before and found, it most interesting. Mrs., Alma Bassett drew the only unauthorized laugh from the large audience. She was also 'the first to receive "fan Mail on Monday morning, from a. gentleman in Chatham who 'plans to be here' on Thursday. Tuesday brought letters to the Bayfield correspondent of the Clinton News-RecordL-it was a pity that technical trouble cut off Reid Forsee's introduction of the Neighbourly News Broad- Cast, and the splendid manner in which Laurie Colquhoun i-itra- duced -Lucy R. Woods. At any rate, one letter in appreciation of.*Bayfield was a joy to read, and so it follows. (Thanks to those who write, and all who have helped this correspondent in any Way through the years): Dear Miss Woods Congratulations on your splen- did broadcast which I have just Airman's Car "Bumped"- From Highway Eight A carload of young airmen from RCAF Station Clinton reported to Provincial Police at Goderich that on Saturday night they- were 'pur- sued from a dance hall on High- way 8 near the County Town 'by two cars, and that one of them had "bumped" the Clinton car off the road. Constable Harold Highton, God- • sa.,W. that the 1948 car in which the airmen road had rolled over twice after going into the ditch in a spin,, and had been com- pletely defnolished. No one was seriously injured. Gaston Boucher was the driver Of the wrecked car. In his car was three other airmen and a 17- year-old girl from Dungannon. On the average Canadians" use about 30 pounds of all types of textile fabrics annually, compared to a world average of less than ten pounds. Harve•y's Taxi (At Mid-Towne Restaurant) PHONE 1115.2-9054 NIGHT HU. 2.3880 Harvey Ashton land of the Presbyterian Church in Canada by permission of the Gen- eral, Assembly of the church, con- ber 25 at Chalmer's Church, White,: duced a unique and impressive service Tuesday evening, Septem-, church, when Angus MacKay was ordained into 'the ministry of that church, Whitechurch, was set apart by the church 29 years ago as a volun- India, In 1927 he went to India. teer worker and teacher in Jhansi, and through the years has pioneer- ed the teaching field in the jungle villages. orized his horse Presbytery to license him to preach and to or, dain him, as 'a minister of the. church. • The Preslbytery of Huron-Mait- Angus MacKay, a native of General Assembly in June auth, sermon. the Ininister *V Chalmer's, Rev* Norman Caswell, Rev, Russel Self a fellow worker in India, who is. home on furlough preached the lowing the sermon with Mr, Mac- Kay kneeling before the' 'Moder- ator and surrounded by the teach,; ing Elders (ministers) and the lay- tad. ordained him, was most irn, ing on of their hands while the Moderator set tire ordinate apart preaslve, ministered in Chahner's church when Mr. MacKay was designated minister and he performed this to India was chosen by Presbytery to address the newly ordained duty by an address that will be long remembered by the large con- gregation present. The service of Ordination fol- Rev; John Pollock, 'B.A., who Following the public service, a On Tuesday evening Chalmer's social, gathering took place in the Church Wass filled with relatives, church hall where llar, MacKay from near and distant points, and was presented with a combined a host of friends and acquaintan- Holy Bible and Book of Praise, and ces to witness the Presbytery car- Mrs. MacKay with an overnight ry out the licensing and ordination case and portfolio. All gifts were service, from the congregation, Rev. W. B. Mitchell, Kincardine, Mr. MacKay expressed thanks Moderator of Presbytery conduc, for the kindness of the people for ted, the public service, assisted by the gifts received and said that he hoped to enlighten the whole church concerning the needs of India,„ while on furlough by visit- ations to many congregations. Rev. Angus -McKay and Mrs. McKay will return to Jhansi next year toresume their work there. FLORIST Phone HU. 2-7012 — Clinton. Holmesville . United, Church W.A. `BAZAAR and- TEA ' IN WESLEY-WILLIS UNITED CHURCH SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 29, at 3 p.m. r • -BOOTHS Home-Made poking - Fancy Work, Novelties Produce Home-Made Candy 39-b S BAR:MIFF .BROS. BAKERS and CONFECTIONERS Hunter 24721" CLINTON ONTARIO STREET UNITED CI4URCH "TIlE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASVOR.---REV, A, GLEN 73AGLE, B.A.. B.D. 9.,45 Sunday School 11,00 a„M.—Morning Worship Evening Services withdrawn in favour. Of Baptist . Anniversary TURNER'S tHEIRkitt 9.45 Lucy On The Air--Heard In Kirkland Lake Hotel (By our Bayfield correspondent) 0 John H. Barclay 'John. H. Barclay, 83, formerly of RR 1, Varna, who died at a Luck- now rest home, was born in Stan- ley Township. He lived with his nephew, Mur- ray Grainger, at RR 1, Varna, for many years; and was a member of Varna United Church. Surviving are two other nephews, Russell Grainger, RR 2,' Zurich; Ardell Grainger, Watford, and tWo nieces, Mrs. Gerald Hamilton, Clinton, and Mrs: D. Johnson, Portland, Oregon. Resting at the' Beattie funeral home here, where 'Friday after- noon at 2 p.m., Pastor K. L. Sweig- arcl, Clinton Pentecostal Church, will conduct services. Burial will be in Bayfield. Cemetery. Andrew's WMS Study Progress In Indian Culture The Women's Missionary o - c arves ourney iety of St, Andrew's church met at the home of Mrs, Jaines Makins Won By Lucknow on Tuesday with. Mrs. R. W. 'Mc- Kenzie in the chair, * The Clinton Ladies' Lawn Bow- ring Club held, its annual harvest mixed trebles tournament on Monday night. An ► entry from Lucknow, skipped by M. Sander- son) with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Mac- Donald as lead and vice skip, were in first place, with a score of three wins, plus 22, and. an ag- gregate of 48. Bev. Christie, Seaforth, with Alice and Merton Reid as vie& skip and lead,7.were; in second place with three wins, "'plus 13, and an aggregate of 41. Third place went to Goderich, when-,George Beech- ler, with Jai* Baker as lead, and Mrs. Baecider as vice skip, came in with a three win plus 13, ag- gregate 32 score. a. Pickles " Jerk) Pie and Tea Extra piece of pie, 10c AFTERNOON TEA 45c Ham Potato Salad , Cabbage Salad Delicious Baked Goods Our SaturdaySpecial: