HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-27, Page 3• MR. AND=CHAIM WAXER OI;LIOTT, were married on September 8, at three o'cloeht in the afternoon in James Street ;United Church, Exeter, The bride is Barbara Jean, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Roy McLeod (formerly of Clinton) and her husband is the son of Mr. and Mrs. J. M. Elliott, Clinton. GOSHEN LINE WM$. Meting-. The ladies of the .Goshen Wo- .mans' Missionary Society met at the home of Mrs. RiChard Robin- son for the September meeting.. The president, Mrs.. John Arm- Strong preelded. with Mrs. Russell Drratt as .pianist. The'therne was "Destined td be Sons", the program .taken from the Missionary Monthly, with Scrip, ture by Mrs, Arnold Keys and prayer by Mrs. There were la prdsent, Thank- you cards were reeeived from Mrs,. Keith McBride and 'Mrs, John Robinson. Delegates were named for the presbyterial to be held at Rrucefield on October 4. — Mrs, Russell Erratt and Mrs. William Taylor sang a duet, ac- companied by Mrs. Elmer Hayter. The study book was in charge of Mrs, Allan Armstrong assisted by Richard Robinson, Mrs. Jelli- es Keys, and Mrs, William! Taylor: Mrs. Anson McKinley's group serv- ed lunch. Their Avowed POrpose. "Why do we associate beer with, the hornet People drink beer. in other places. Why not inclikle them?" We quote from a recent statement by the advertising agency carrying the Home Life- series of advertisements of the U.S. Brewers. Foundation. 'The answer? "The home still represents the greatest opportun, ity fpr the expansion of sales. The home is also the ultimate proving ground for. any product. Once it is accepted in the 'holm, it be, .comes part of the established American way of living. More beer Served. in American homes, then, means more sales, stronger • bulwark against the threat of prohibition, and greater social' acceptance, and that Is why your advertiSing concentrates' on the home." Their avowed purpose to get beer into every home. IfITRON COUNTY TEMPERANCE FEDERATION 39.13 4Pretilt Save 80'c on Idasal (LD.A. Brand A.S.A. Tablets For relief of headache, neuralgia, and pain in general 309's, reg., 89c 59c LD.A. BRAND 'STOMACH , POWDER. A 4 oz.,* reg. 75c 59c 16 oz„ reg. $1.95 $1.49, I.D.A. BRAND "Economy" WRITING PADS Note size reg. 19c 8c, 2 for 1'5c Ladies,' or Letter reg, 15c 13c, 2 for 23c, I.D.A. BRAND "Economy", ENVELOPES Packet of 20 reg. 10c 8c, 2 for 15c Nairn's Streamline Linoleum Tile Now At Beattie's 9x9 Tile,Standard Gauge, First Quality, Seven Colors, INTRODUCORY PRICE OFFER 13c leer IT'S NEW - IT'S DIFFERENT ....• .... Tile THE SMOZIBZR 27, 1956 CLIX1W N0''NV$414CO1;D „PAGE THI:tEE Local 'Hockey Player Weds , ELEPHONE EXCHANGE? :Realizing the hardship to which the farmers. of Ontario will be init - .rPS.ult. a the per harvesting weather of this yhar, the Ontario Federation .of Agricoltnre is ye- questing the provincial government to extend ,emergency credit to far- Mars. The Federatiek, executive meet- ing in Toronto instructed Lloyd 47asper, president and H, R, Are buelele, general secretary, to review the farmers' problem with govern- ment efficiali. - The ,,Federation declared that Ontario farmers Would require ad- ditional Credit to tide them over to next spring. Faced, however, With the problem of higher inter- est rates and-a recent federal goy- erinnent policy Of restricting .00-, it, bank loanaktO farmers for open. • atienal piWASPA are increasingly difificnit to secure. • Estimates are that Ontario's fruft. Opp harvestingS range from 40 percent of normal to 50 percent , of normal. Grain barveStings the eastern Ontario counties is plaCerl'at ten percent of normal; and in the Hanillton-TorentO area at 60 percent of normal, Late seeding and late spring combined with poor harvesting weather ,and, late maturing were blamed fgr the small crop, A. meeting of the' directors of the Federation is scheduled for to- morrow in Torento, to approve convention plans. The convention on November 5 to 8 will present a policy statement dealing with such -question as credit, marketing and radio broadcasting. The On- tario Federation -of -Agriculture has never before prepared a brief on &its objects" and opinions. 0 Couple Mark.-Anniversary The September meeting of the London Road Club was held at the home of Mrs. Rooth, with. 11 mem- bers present. , . The president had charge of the meeting which was opened by singing "Home on the -Range," fol- lowed by repeating of creed. The roll - call was answered by each member paying one cent for each year she was married. -Mrs, Rooth was appointed treas- urer as Mrs, Roy Plumsteel has moved "away. Mrs. Van Ninehneys was in charge of the program and all took part in a contest won by Mrs. Magee, Mrs. Anderebn and Mrs. W. Nanning. It was decided to give $10 to Clinton ., Community Swimming Pool Fund:.. The meeting was clos- ed by singing "God, Save• The, Queen," after which a delicious lunch was served by Mrs. Watkins, assisted by Mrs. Ro'oth. Next meeting will be at Mrs. Watkins with a' pot luck, supper to be served and a bake sale held. Emergency Brake Start4 'Truck • Fire In Hensall (By our Hensall eorrespondent) Hensall Firemen responded to a' call to' extinguish a blaze in a large trunk from Montreal loaded with beans. The truck had been loaded' with beans at Cook's Mill, Hensel], and one emergency brake had been left . Half vvaYslup main street smoke was , •noticed coming out of the •truck. -The fire, was -in between two gas tanks, and had the,y exploded .it might-Pave proved very serious.' The, occupants of thetruck jump- ed out and fire extinguishers were used" to extinguish the blaze: It is estimated that retailers in Canada will doe about $13 billion of business in the .current year; independent stores will handle about 82 per cent of ethe total, chain stores about 18 percent. e'ew..OF David A, Andrew Former Ag. Rep: Honored in West Amos Andrew of Coderich, form,, erly of Auburn, recalls when nor-. on County had a namesake of his. fpr assistant agricultural repres-. entative. Probably others in Olin- • ton will remember David, A. An- drew Who held this position for three years, 1920 1$23. This, was during the time that Steve' Stothers- was ag. rep. After he left , Clinton ,he con- quered a bent with typhoid fever, and then in 1924 went to OAC a Student and as dean of Mills Hall. He graduated in .1827; and. went as assistant ag. rep, to Hal- ton county. For - a short time then he--worked with an. insurance COM- pany, re-entering the faculty of agriculture of Guelph in 1929 in the soils department, . That same year he was called to Alberta by the Hon George Hoadley, minister- of Agriculture, to replace his brother Jack . And- rew, who was instructor in animal husbandry and farm manager of Vermilion ' Agricultural Schaal. Brother Jack was appointed .assis- tant to the Minister. During the war D. A. Andrew remained at. Vermilion, and .while the school was closed, acted as agricultural representative, until ill '1942 he-became secretary of the ,Cdradiari Hereford Association and two years later moved to Cal- gary, • .In honour of his great contribu- tion to agriculture in .Canada„ and marking his 13th year in his latter post as secretary to Alie National Association, David was named Personality of. the Week and a lengthy commentary on his- life was printed in The Calgary Her- ald, Saturday, March . 24, of, this year. VARNA COMPETITIVE PRICES PLUS - PERSONAL SERVICE' Special Values and Reminders This Wee/ s Baby Week! HEINZ' STRAINED BABY FOODS Have 'a wide variety of soups, vegetables and 'desserts for your baby 2 for 19c 'MENNEN Baby Magic Lotion „ 79c Baby Oil 65c, $1.20 Baby Powder ' 33e, 59c _ MEAD'S DEXTRI MALTOSE „ 1 lb., 2% lbs. - 95c, $2.15 OLEUM PERCOMORPIIIIM 10 cc, 30 cc, 50 cc ... $1410, $3.00 $4.75 MULCIN 4 o2., 8 oz., 16 oz, . 0.50, $2.75, $4.85 POLY-VI-SOL - ' 15 cc, 36 cc, 50 cc, . $1.95, $3.45, $4.90 15 cc, 30 cc, 50 cc, $1.55, $2.80, $4.00 10-D COD LIVER OIL 4 oz., 16 oz. $1.00, $2.25 . JOHNSON'S Baby Powder •' 39e, 65e Bahy Cream de, 98c Baby Oil 69c, 98e Baby Soap .. 2 for 29e Baby8.bainpeo , 69c,- 98e Gift Boxes: $1.25, $2.25, _ . NURSER UNITS 4 or 8 oz. bottle - Evenflo Nurser Unit nipple, cap.and seal 39c A, with plastic bottle Cltux Disposable Diapers Chix Diaper Liners Aqua-Seal Baby Pants' Ilanicseraft Baby Bottle Warmer $3.45 itl-Tips Cotton Swabs 39c, 59c, 98c UNIQUE SERVICE PHOTO F. B. PENNEBAKER 1,T1s; 1 DRUGGIST Emerieria)i.. .Credit For -Formers 'Asks F. of A. Mrs, !I', McBride -. Passes 84th Year, Feted- By Family (By our, Hensel! correspondent) Mrs. Robert McBride, highly es- teemed resident of Moen, receiv- ed a delightfift surprise when members of her family, grand- children, and great grandchildren, met at her, home on. Sunday to honor her on her 84th birthday at a family dinner: Baskets of lovely autumn flow- ers decorated the home for the "leNalt McBride was the recipient of "many gifts from the family, cards, flower, and congratulatory Messages; from friends and neigh- bours, on Sattirday. Two birthday cakes were served on the dinner menu, one froth the family, and one from the grand- children. Members of the family seven sons, Alvin, Walter,,,Elmore, Exeter; Leonard, -Windsor e Wil- bert, Kitchener;• Edgar, Kippen; Lorne at home; two daughters, Mrs. `Emma Beattie, Wingham; Mrs. Margaret Schnell, Cararcisee Alberta• ' grandchildren and great- grandchildren. The sons were ac-- compariied by their wives and fam- ilies and the• .daughters by their husbands and families, , Old?, Get- Pep, Vint Feel Fell Vigor, Years limner INEN,womEN Ift,?4,6,k0;Doriteld , ."'• in, exhausted. Try Ortrox Often needed after 40-by body old, two-dinita beetuse lacking iron; increases vier, vigor, vitality. Thourends feel full'of 'year* younger., Quit being old': "Get-so- quabsted' size costs little. to *le& Sot pip. new health quick thrifty:, ways-w-Oetrex today. At all druggist*. HARRY W I WANIS FUEL OIL trAii GASOLINE MOTOR OIL wig LUBRICANTS 'fill II I irlumemounisomommap III IIII BARRY W1LLIAM5' gital THEIR HOUSE WAS 50 C/411,1X,.. IT MADE II-IBMFEEL SCRAPPY - THEY'RE cozy AND HAPPY etTitucgt, HU 2-6033 4110111110 III Ipoommumnionummomma 214.00-1 MI! II t (By our lEltensall correspondent) Mr. and, Mrs. Charles O'Brien, who- reside on Highway 4 a ,short -distance •north of Hensall, observed their, golden wedding anniversary on Wedntsday. A dinner at the 15oininio9 House, Zurich, was at- tended by 40 guests. A toast to the bride of 50 years ago was proposed by Rev. Don- k705 aid MacDonald, Hensall, and Mr. O'Brien responded, Mr. and Mrs. O'Brien were mar- ried, at Oxibow, Sask., where they resided until - moving to qntario 27 years age. They have a family of five daughters, Mrs, Joseph Los- tell, Kippers; Mrs, Frank Lostell, Eketer; Mrs. Roy McLeod, Exeter; Mrs. Wilmer ,Dalrymple, Hensall, and Mrs, Ben Tinneyr. Exeter. They were the recipients of many gifts and congratulations. • IIHNI11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111E111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111011111111111111111111111111111M11111111011M111111011111 BAR - B Qr, :WHOLE TURKEY and CHICKEN . ..., m (On HighWoy: 4 near CNIk ,Tracks) ._w_ • PhOne HU. 2-9022 . . . Open — Wed., Thuri.,..Fri., Sat. and 'Sunday Nights tilt .after 2.00 :o.n.o. 'Other nighti (wen, fill''12 midnight .a 38-9-b M 11)114.4111111111111111111111111111115MONIIIIIMIll 110 IA ERR TURKEY and 'CHICKEN SANDWICHES DELIVERY..SERVICE -(Phone orders on whole turkeys or chickens must be in 'by 12.00 noon .for supper delivery)' IN A .C H BAR-B-Q III 111111111 II III11111'1111;1111,-e. London Road,Club Donate $10 To Pool Fund Serv,ices at the Varna and Gosh- en United Churches will begin on Sunday, September 30, on Stand- ard Time, Cloeks are to be moved pack one hour on Saturday night. Mr, and Mrs. Nelson Reid, Var- na; Mr. and Mrs. Jack IVIustard and sons, Brucefield, travelled to. Sault St-e. Marie last Wednesday via Manitoulin Island and return- ed through Michigan on Saturday night.. The Woman's Missionary Soca iety and Woman's- Association met, in the church for their September Meeting. Mrs. Robert Ta-ylor pre- sided over the WA business per- iod. Roll call was answered by 15. Roll call for October-is to be an- swered with something for the bazaar. The first vice-president was ap- pointed to be christen steward- ship leader. Flower committee for anniversary will be Mrs. J. MeAsh, Mrs, Lee McConnell and Mrs. Ings. The meeting closed with the bene- diction. Miss = Deitz Hoiioiired -At liensall Home (By , our Hensall correspondent) Complimenting Miss Luceilla Lee, a bride of Saturday last, Irs. Glenn Deitz, Hensall,, was hostess at her home for a presentation in her- honor, when some 36 friends and neighbours gathered for the event, The house decorations wee in color -schemes of pink and white streamers, augmented with varied collared 'balloons, while the guest chair was decorated in traditional pink and white. Ludeilla ,presented with a tri-light lampand coffee table, and other gifts. The presentation address was read by Miss Marilyn Enb, presentatin of gifts was by Mrs. Deitz and Mrs. Grant Smith. A recreation period of contests and games was enjoyed, Lunch:' eon was served. Arranging the affair were Mrs. Jack Tinney, Mrs. Deitz and Mrs. Grant Smith. The nursing staff " at Clinton Hospital also held a presentation for her. Luceilla is on the staff there, The Canada-United States boun- dary is 3,968 miles in, length. TORES 1{0. I.D A Baby Cough Syrup I.D.A. Baby Cream Baby's Own Tablets Castoria 50c 50e 43e, 94c 45e, '75c 98c, $2.19 39e, $1.29 39e, 59a I.D.A. BRAND For Constipation 16 oz. reg 98c 79e 40 oz., reg. $1,9 $1.59 SHOP' AT YOUR DRUG STORE the dependable place to lifiy all your medicines and health and beauty needs. We'd- like to take you backstage ancl show you - how your telephone system works; We'd,, like you to see what happens when you call a number.. And we'd more than like to meet you and have you meet the telephone people who serve you! SO we re having OPEN HOUSE , at the CLINTON TELEPHONE EXCHANGE' RATTENBURY STREET between 7 and 9 p.m Wednesday, Thursday and tricky September *he. 27th and 28th An interesting tour it planned for your en1c4Ment, May we look forward to teeing you? W. W. HAYSOM, aVlataget fttitOtHOtgi tOMPANY tYVCANA10,41 What a demand For rip Top rlist riWeedSi Lighter, more comfortable than ever-Twist-Tweeds from the toprnilisof England and Scotland . in Tip Top's exclusive "Heather Tones" . mighty 'fine stilt priced to please. TAILORE00-MEASUItt "Pip Top" clothes Onfy $59.95 2 pc. a Pickett & Campbell Phone HU ?,032-‘444Clititbil esits5 4 Only at (the Special Price of These are the last of Sealy advertised specials sesaiy Inner Spring. Mattress Special $39.95 SO* Posturepedic Box Spring and Mattress Nationally advertised price, $79450 each or $159.00 per unit. &attic Special $25.00 off each unit 3 days 'Wyo. • eattie Furniture