HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-20, Page 10"PRESSURE-SEALED CRIMP" -.an outstanding feature exclusive to C-14 Shot Shells “IMPERIAL"- "CANUCK" • "MAXUM" Sutter-Perdue Ltd. 4,41i 4:4 44 4:14 44:4 4. 4 444 41:4 4+ 10: 44 TWO BIG FACTORS Wheel Balancing Headlight Aiming - Yes Sir, these two, factors arc all important if your car is to be a SAFE CAR: Wheels in perfect balance make the steering of your ear a pleasure---besides adding miles to the tires. Headlights -- correctly aimed will save your eyes, and, possibly an accident. Don't be in doubt—drive in to our station and let us check. Cities Service Cities Service Products Ray Hoggarth -- Carl Cantelon "The place where you never have to blow your horn" P110lie HU. 2-9032 . Clinton : t t Ontario Goderieh Rinks Win Top Prizes The Clinton Men's Bowling Club held their annual men's doubles tournament for the Glidden Tro- phy on Wednesday, Septernber 12, with Parris from Goderichjaking home the trophy and two other prizes. ./ In first spot, to cop thkphy Ontario Street Girls Begin Fall Season In :the absence of Mrs, 4. J. Stanley last Thursday evening, Mrs. Ruth Knox presided for the first fall meeting of /the Ontario Street Girls Club, and extended a welcome to members and visitors, hoping. to see many new members in 1956-57. The devotional period was taken 'by Mrs,. 'Carnien McPherson. Ex- odus 20 was read by Mrs, Kenneth Pickett. Miss Sybil CoUrtice bas- ed the devotional topic on. the findings of the reroarkS.'sent -in from a gnestionaire taken in the spring. Following' a hymn, Mrs. McPherson led in prayer,, 4 letter was read the Bell Telephone Co, of Canada, stating thtt a lecture and slides "trill be given at the November meeting ,j2,y. Miss M. Smart,- Toronto, .Mem- bers were requested to save cer- tain boxtops, and-hand them in at the next meeting. • After--the Mizpah shuffle board was played by some of the 'members, and lunch . was provided by Mrs. Gwen I.,avis. pitching a two hitter, Bill Zubyk, Don .and Doug O'r Brien were also big men at the plate for the winning club, IIIIII1 11111401i "STAR,' McEwan's SCHOOL SUPPLIES Tweeds! Coirerts! Gabs! Our Greatest Selection of Fall Styles! FAMOUS NAME 11...•01111•0000, Priced, From 19.95 to 49.50 See our outstanding buys in well-tailored • toped 48; styled for now Into-winter BUY NOW! , HERMAN'S MEN'S WEAR \T' THURSDAY and FRIDAY September 20 a nd 21 "TITANIC" Barbara Stanwyelt ciiiton.-Webb (Two Cartoons) • "SATURDAY and MONDAY`" soptembor 22 and 24' "THREE RING CIRCUS" -(Colour) DEAN JERRY MARTIN LEWIS (Two Cartoons) TUESDAY and WEDNESDAV September' 25 and 26 "NEARER TO. HEAVEN" (Colour) • ROBERT KAY DONAT WALSH (Two Cartoons) TUESDAY IS $ HITE- One Dollar Admits a Carload,4 THURSDAY and FRIDAY." September 27 and 28 "TIlE BRIDGES AT TORO-RI" 4-04.448.,14+. Ti•C+44-44-0-00:44-4.44 FOR GOOD HUNTING THIS' FALL... , Atoms Drop From Big g Grotty Watford hockey fans, players, and officials-.met on 'Tuesday and tleokled to leave the WOAA Big light groin) and to Pify In a leag- ue closer to The meeting saw George Gale named' as president of the Atoms Hockey Club with Dannrgrange as vice-president and Al Burns as secretary-treasurer. Other offie- ens named were Roy Caley as. Manager, and a petblieity Colnnalt- tee consisting p1 Paul Dolbear, J. Woodall and Bruce "Willer, A coach is , tai be appointed before the season opens, The executive will Contact teams in Rodney, West Lorne, Glencoe, trathroy, Forest, Parkhill, Black- well and Point Edward as to the possibility of forming a league. Zurich Win OM. Baseball Title In Two Games „ Zurich Lumber Kings %are the 1956 championS of Ontario Base- , ball Association intermediate "D" series. ' The "Kings" took the big series against Lisle in two. straight games winning the first at home 17-4 last Thursday and the -Second Contest 6-0 on SatUrday afternoon. It is the first OBA title to go- to Zurich since 1921.' Zurich. also won the Huron- Perth playoffs over Mitchell and Dashwood before going on into OBA play. In winning the Ontar- io crown they received the John Bell Trophy. Bob Kova.eic was a big wheel in the Zurich march. In the first • game he collected- a home run, double and single, and in: the sec- ond a double and single, besides ,•• lionmegammensimmenionsionsunomilitionimminimgainommoug. • B R • WHOLE TURKEY and CHICKEN 1 11 11 I II 1111 II 1 •••••••• Of :Perfection "STAR" the, famous name in dolls at the incomparable price range: $2.95 - 84.95 r $5.95 .- $6.95 $7.95 - $8.95 - $9:95 —all beautifully dressed in a •variety of costumes. —with lifelike rooted SARAN HAIR; that can be washed, waved, combed, curled. - --see the bride, bridesmaid, Red,Riding Hood. —dolls of different coloured hair:'blonde, brunette, pink, blue; brown. VISIT OUR STORE — Examine and compare these 'lovely dolls -- we know that you cannot find better value anywhere. Use our Lay-Away Plan for Christmas IttUS. W. 114P,PVIt WINS $15 IN APRIMGIATXON DAY PiliAW Winner of the Appreciation P311 draw last Saturday afternoon, was Ws. Waiter Pepper, whose live Percent coupon Otted her $15.32. Total in the treastire chest for this Saturday will be $065.09, , Juniors Practise Choral Work Here, October 1 JChoir practice for the Huron County 'Junior Farmers Choir is scheduled for October 1, in Clin- ton, There were 40 attending the organization meeting held here on Monday night., 'The plan is for the choir to compete with juniors The Girls Club. of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Church met in toe Sunday School room of the church last Tuesday with a good attend- ance. After a hymn, the devotion- al period included Scripture read by Miss B. Gibson and the Lord's Prayer, repeated in unison, The secretary's and treasurer's reports were read 'by Mrs, Betty Graham and roll call was answered by "Where I spent my kvacatibn," Mrs. Ena , Cook, the president and Mrs. Howard ,Cowan condu8- ted the business. Plans were dis- cuSsed concerning a bazaar and banquet for a future date and sale of goods at the next meeting, Mrs. D. 3, Lane read a paper on the Presloyterian home in Tor- onto, called "Armagh" which prov- ed very interesting. The /fleeting closed with 1Vpzpah benediction and hostesses were, Mrs, Ruth Neilans, Mrs: E'na Cook, Mrs. Phyllis Strong and Mrs. Mar- jorie Carter. = • ' Happy Workers Give $10 To Swim P661 Fund ,;- Meeting at the home of Mrs. Wilfred Glazier the Happy Work- ers Club decided to donate $10 to the Clinton ormmunity'SWirnming Pool Fund. ' The 'Septeinber meeting was opened with the singing of "The Little Brown Church" followed by the Lord's Piayer. Secretary Mrs. William Holland gave the report of the previous meeting and a treasurer's rePort was heard. More material was distributed for the 'bazaar sewing and all members are asked to ibringoa don- ation for the`bazaar at the next meeting. • - A small rarlembrance was pre- sented to Thomas, Burns prier to her moving to Winnipeg. Next meeting will be at the home of IVLrs.'Illugh Ball in the' eV- ening. :Lunch committee will be Mrs. Kenneth. Williams and Mrs. Warren Gibbings. - After adjournment the hostes- ses Mrs. Wilfred Glazier, Mrs. Hugh Ball and Mrs. William Hol- land served lunch. SIGNS 3 MODERN DESIGNS.. 3 PROMPT SERVICE • TRUCK LETTERING • SHOWCARDS • GOLD-LEAF • SCREEN PROCESS PRINTING F. BUEHLER Phone 232 ZURICH Huron Plan Fails At ETC Conference, Merge WNIS-WA Rev. A. G. Eagle, Pptario Street United' Church, attended the Con- ference of the General. Council held in Windsor this week. Mr, Eagle represented the Huron pres- bytery, in support of the Huron Plan, which advocates equal pen- sions for every minister in the church, regardless of the salary received during the man's working period:, ' The Huron Flan failed to carry at the London. Conference in June, and at the Windsor 'meeting, Mr. Eagle seconded a resolution from a sessional committee on pensions, authorizing a special committee to "study the means by which the pension fund might render a greater service to its Members." In so doing 250 he said that al- though many have been and are dissatisfied Nvith the new plan which gradUates pensions ,accord- ing to the Salaries received; "'"We have 'objected but the time has come when we of the church -on both sides should get together,and resolve some of the differences which remain." Merge WMS, WA, The church's General Council decided on Monday to unite the Woman's Missionary Society, the. Woman's Association and the Deaconess Order a n d Women Workers into one group. The res- olution which passed unanimously, approved: "The formation of one organization for the women in the congregation and at presbytery, conferences and bational levels, the aim of which is to enlist• all the women- of . the 'church and to congerve all of value in the pres- ent organizations." 0 4c a word, minimum 75c Friday, Sept. 21: Clinton Wo- men's Progressive Conservative Association, Council Chamber,- 8 p.m. Everyone welcome. ' 38b Saturday, Sept. 22: "Share-the- Wealth" bingo;' Legion' Hall, Hen- sail, 9 p.m. Jackpot $90, 58 calls. $5 added each week until won, 14 regular games, 10c each. Admis- sion Free, 38b • Thursday, September 27—Bingo Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street, Clinton, commencing at 8.30 p.m.; 15 regular games for $5,00; three special share-the-wealth games; 1 $58.00 jackpot on 58 numbers, In- cludectin all the share-the-wealth games; one special gafne for p5.00. Admission: 15 regular guiles for 50c; special games 15c, 2 for.,,25ci, 5 'for 50c. All proceeds to go; to the Clinton Community Swimming Pool Fund. 38-b Friday, Sept. 28—Receptfon for for Mr. and Mrs. Donald Campbell thee-Phyllis Johnston) in Bay- field Town Hail, Ladies please brig lunch. Everybody welcome. 38-9-h Friday, Sept. 28-=Dance, Legion' Hall, auspices Ladies' Auxiliary. l Grant Edighoffer and his Melody Makers. Nw. and old time danc- ing. Admislion 50c per person. Proceeds for the swimming pool fund. Come_ and bring, your friends,, ' 'I -37-8-9-43 Saturday, Sept. 29: Hohnesville WA is holding a bazaar and tea in Wesley-Willis United asb39Church,fx Clinton, 3 p.m. Sale, sponsored by Hospital Aux- iliary. Draw to be made' at the PUC office. Tickets on sale from all members of the Auxiliary; 25 Sat., Oct. •13-4.00 -p.m. Penny for 25c. 37x, 38-b, 40-b, 41-x Goderieh Pavilion presents danc- ing Saturday nights only thru the month of September. Don Downs and his orchestra.. Commencing October 5th and every Friday fol- lowing square dance and rock and roll night. Mid-night dance Thanksgiving weekend. 361 to 39-b "You'll' be Dancing to the Rythmaires" this Friday night at the Crystal Palace in Mitchell, • • 38-9-b Clinton Couple Mark 55th :ear Of Marriage • Mr, and Mrs. Ed Boyes celebra- ted their 55th wedding anniversary quietly at their home, on Tuesday, August 28, when they held open house for neighbours. and friends throughout the afternoon and--ev- ening, A special anniversary cake and tea were served. Mrs, lives was the former Eliza Jane Armstrong, eldest daughter of.. Mr., and Mrs. George Arm- strong, Zurich, and her husband is the eldest son of, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- ward Boyes, Blake. They were married in Henson 55 years ago,. and then farmed at Blake- for some years, retiring to Brucefield.' Five years ago they moiled to Clinton, and now live on Victoria Street (Highway 4), They' have four children; Mrs, Wilbert (Eva). Johnson, 'Mrs, Frank (Florence)- Fowler and Mrs. Wilmer . (Mabel) -Reid •and Bert Boyes, Clinton, eight grand; children and three great grand- children, '••••• SUrviving in- their ' immediate families are Norman Boyes, Lon- don,-brother of Ed Boyes; and Mrs: Hayes has one sister, Mrs, David Stevenson, Egmoridville; t w brothers,' George-Armstrong, Sea- forth and Lorne Armstrong, 'Zur- ich. BROWNIES_ DRIVE•FIN LIMITED (Colour) WILLIAM GRACE : HOLDEN KELLY: (Two Cartoons) Box Office Opens 7.30 Show. Starts at Dusk 4, (Children Under 12 in Cars Free') Formerly Lloshmar Drive-In , Next ,,To Community Park aorrozi INTPWS-REQZPOP 111 • THURSDAY, :SCIPTIZMUR 20, 1954,,•-• and fit* prize, was Slap ROY Sperling, Goderieh, (formerly of Clinton), with Ted Sale as lead, who had a score of three wins, plus 25 and an aggregate of W. Second place went to a Goderich team skipped by Cliff IVIelVianus, with Stewart Robinson as lead, with a score of three wins, plus 21, and an aggregate of 48. SeAlorth came Jr. for third plUe, when Sldp,J.jesoe.;,RtIe, with Arn- old Dale as lead; came in with a score of three wins, phts 20 and an aggregate of 45. Caryl DraP- er, with the Rev, D. J. Lane as lead, took fourth. spot With three wins, plus nine and an aggregate of 39. BAR B 7 TURKEY and CHICKEN SANDWICHES 0 Pick lip ar Delivery Service (Phone orders on whole 'turkeys or chickens must be in by 12.00 noon for supper delivery) - • FINA*LUNCH (On Highway 4 near . CNR Tracks) • ' • Phone HU. 2-9022 • 0 -.. Open — Wed., Thurs., Fri., Sat. and Sundity Nights --N • ' . till after 2.00 a.m. Other nights open till 12 midnight, ,•'.. • •38-9•;)? 1 EillEil HMI ii BI111111111111111111112111111112111IIIIMI1111111111111 i 1 li Ill ill IIIIIM II le Mrs, H. G. Manning conducted the first autumn- meting of the S- t Andrew-s. Wesley-Willis GoodWill Club, which was held in the Sunday Sehili21 room on Tuesday evening, in anfor Bazaar September 11, with an attendance of 31, Mrs, Hearn was pianist. After the singing of the hymn, Miss Diehl read the Serip- ture lesson and led in Prayer, The secretary's and treasurer's reports were given And approved. Ten dollars is to be donated to the Memorial fund for the late Miss Jessie Grainger. Accompanied by Mrs. Harold Wise, two beautiful solos were sung by Mrs. Sadler. Mrs, E. H. Epps gave two humorous recita- tions. The guest speaker, Clifford H. Epps gave a helpful talk on gard- ening, followed by colorful slides an a trip to Florida and of the Epps' garden. Mrs, Leslie Ball thanked those who had assisted with the pro- gramme. After the Mizpah bene- diction closed the meeting, lunch was served by Mrs, Ball's and Mrs. Bond's grOups. Good Will Oa from Other counties at the annual Leg By Nrs. Guelph, Junior Farmers, competitions in H. G. Manning Girls Club At 'You'll see it' better on a PHILCO or PHILIPS TV, Priced from , 169.95 up Merrill Radio and Electric "BE wisE_BUY FROM A SERVICE DEALER" HUnter 2.7021 CLINTON • Spotty clothes add up- to an - ALL-OVER impression of sloppiness — no matter how. well-groomed a woman is in other directions: Smart Cue: Rely on REGULAR dry • cleaning to help you look • your best at all times. Prompt service—q,ualityvwork. . • For Your Convenience. Use Orir Down Town Office on King Street (formerly! Simpsons-Sears) Heater and 'other extras. Let the New paint, good tires and motor. , 4? ,695 .00 family see this one -*-4-•-•-s-*4-4-++*÷t-•44-•-•-e-•4-444-444-•-+4-+-p-O-w•-•-s-o-s-+-r-+4-*-+ OTHER LATE AND OLDER MODEL? FOR YOUR APPROVAL. COME AND TRY THEM. LORNE' BROWN MOTORS LTD. Your Friendly CHEV.-OLDt. pealdr HUnter 2-9321 CLINTON Open evenings for your Convenience A rugged little truck. Many unused 000 miles. In very good condition. A4 's af ir steal at the price '50 CHEVROLET COACH , .00 '52 CHEVROLET TON PICKUP ...,- i'.Today's Specials Smart marobn finisN, good tir and Motor, Sian Visor, radio, e s 550 00 Heater '50 CHEVROLET SEDAN '0 PONTIAC SEDAN Support the Swimming Pool. Bingo Friday, Sept. 21st "Let One Coll Do It All" Phone HU 2-7064 Beech Street Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning Needs some body work. Has dandy motor; good tires, heater. If you're handy with 50 tools, latch on to this one 4 Bring The Family! DRIVE THE CAR OF Y -11 CHOICE. Make Us Prove These Are Moneys Savers! ' 5 years' BERLOU Mothproof- ing protection fora 9x12 rug. costs $5.40 . . Just $1.08' per year!