HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-13, Page 12Huron Boys 'Win
$1.00 Each In
Calf Scramble_
Two farms in Huron County are
apt to be richer by one heifer
calf each, as a result, of the new
venture tried with great success-
at ,Western Fair on Tuesday af-
ternoon, when 4-H Club members
entered a calf scramble being
sponsqred by the Western Ontario
Aberdeen Angus Assaiation and
John P. Labatt,
Bill Etherington, Jr., Hensall,
and Leslie Campbell, Seaforth,
each' won $100 towards the pur-
chase of registered Aberdeen An-
gus heifers. One String is attach-
ed to the award, and that is that
'the animals must be shown in a
special class at the 1957 Western.
Fair. e There were 21' boys entered in
the scramble, and ten of them
were successful in winning the
$100 purchase Certificates. The
others received.consolation prizes.
Entries were from the counties
of Essex, Kent, Elgin, Lambton,
Huron, Oxford and Middlesex.
Hensall Council
Give Fair Grant;
Population Up,
(By our Hensall correspondent)
Hensall village council Monday
night authorized the' usual grant
of $70 toward the support of the
School Fair, which is scheduled to
take place tomorrow, September
14. in the evening. Howard Scene
had appeared as delegate from' the
Fair Board to request the grant.
Constable E. R. Davis was-in-
structed to enforce age limit regu-
lations' with, regard to the pool
room in the village.
Fire Chief B. A. Kyle reported
that the fire siren was 'giving
trouble and was instructed' to have
it repaired. Equipment purchases
were authorized.
The 1956 assessment roll as
presented by clerk James A, Pat-
erson showed that with a popula-
tion of 830 (45 more than last
year) the total taxable assessment
was $817,998. Lan& were valued
at $89,115; buildings, $717,075 and
businesses, $88,283.
Court of revision on the assess-
ment roll will be held on Septem-
ber 24.
Come To The Fair
In Any One Of
These Centres
Interested in following the Fall
Fairs? .'Here's a list of dates for
the fairs within Huron County:
September 12, Belgrave School
Septeinber 13, McKillop School
September 141 at night, Hensel'
School Fair,
September 19, Blyth. Fall Fair.
September 18, 19, 20, Exeter
Pall Fair.
September 211 Seeforth Fall
September 25, Zurich rail Fair.,
September 26, Lucknew Fall
September 27, Dungarmen Fall
September 21, Bayffeld Centen-
nial Fall Fair.
September 28, 'Bressels • Fall
September 29, Howick Fall Fair
at Pordwich, r
The azintial Sectional rally of
the certtral section• of the Huron
Presbyterial of the WornAti's Msg.
lehaty SOeiety of the United Mr-
oh will be held in t rucefield Un-
ited Chtitch on Thursday, October
4, guest speaker will be Mrs. 3',
H. Childs, tortdOn.
fellow, " is too Important for
marketing legislation, to go by the.
boards, or to. be weakened in any
During the afternoon meeting in
Toronto, the co-operative pasSed a.
resolution asking that packers be
compelled to buy from the co-
operative, and that the premium
on Grade A hogs be increased, It
was also urged that - votes on
marketing schemes be .decided on
the number of Votes cast, rather
than a majoirty of Vow eligible
to vote.
Holmeoville OFU
Name Delegates
To District Meet
Due to the busy harvest time
fewer member's' attended the Hol-
mesville Local of the Farmers
Union, held, eon Monday evening,
September 10. The district Farm
Union meeting is to be held in
Clinton on Thursda:y, ,September
20. The following were appointed
as voting delegates: Edgar Rath-
well, Mrs, E. Rathwell; Bab Tay-
lor, Mr's. Taylor; John Semple,
Ray Wise, Bob Rathwell, Donald
Colin Lawsqn brought in a pre-
pared. resolution to the effect that
all business taken by the provin-
cial executive be reported back to
the Union members through the
Union paper. A second resolution
was constructed stating the desire
to raise funds 'to provide the pro-
vincial executive with a salary.
Both resolutions passed.
Lunch was served,
September 13 and 14
' (Colour)
Come] Wilde — Yvonne De ,Carlo
(Two Cartoons)
September 15 and 17
Robert Mitchum—Susan Hayward
(Two Cartoons)
PRIZE NIGHT: Value $50.00
September 18 and 19
James Stewart — Grace Kelly
(Two Cartoons)
Tuesday, Sept. 18—$ Mite
and Every Tuesdat
Until Closing.
$L00 Admits a Carload
September 20 am' 21
Barbara Stanwyck
Clifton Webb
(Two Cartoons)
Box Office Opens 7.30
Show. Starts at Dusk
(Children Under 12 in Cars Free)
Foimerly Llashmar Drive-In
Next To Community Park
Mr, and Mrs. Allen Klinkhainer„,
Detroit, visited over .the weekend,
at the home of George Baird. Mrs,
Alma Baird returned home with.,
4p a word, minimum 740
Sat., Sept. le—Share-the-Wealthi
Bingo, Hensall Legion Hall, Jack-
pot' $85 in 57 calls, $5 added:
each week, 14 regular games
10 cents. Free admission, 33b-
Pridayi, Sept, ,2a—Dance, Legion
Hall,, auspices Ladies Ladies Auxiliary,
Grant, Edighoffer and his Melody-
Makers, New and old time dam-
ing„ Admissiere 50c por person.
14roceeds• for the swimming pool
fund- Co :and' bring your-.
friends,. ,
Sat., Oct. 13.--4,00 p.m. 'Penny-
Sale, sponsored' by, Hospital Aux..
iliary. Draw to he. made at the-
PUC office. Tickets on sale froth,
all members of the Auxiliary; 254
for 25c. e7x, 38-1), 40-b, 41-et
Goderich Pavilion presents danc-
ing Saturday nights Only thru the
month of SePtember, Dort Downs:
and his orchestra, Commencing
October 5th and every Friday fele
lowing square dance and rock ands
roll night. Mid-night d, c
Thanksgiving weekend.
36 to 39-h,
Come To McEwan's
for the
best Boo s
Vincent Peale,, a practical guide tq Mastering
*the problems of everyday living $3.75
"A THING OF.BEAUTY" by A. J. Cronin. Dr. Cronin'
writes •of a great painter whose search for
beauty led him to give up everything for
art. $4.50
"THE LIVING FAITH" by Lloyd C. Douglas.
Religion for modern Vet by a man whose
thoughts have' inspired millions. $3.75
• ison. The story of the relationship between
Canadians and Americans, with its heroic past,
its peaceful present, its bright future .... $6.00
"0,LIGHT FROM , NATCHEZ" by Frank G. Slaughter.
Time 1781: The true ,story of a fabulous
escape $4.25
"THE SIXTH OF JUNE" by Lionel Shapiro.
A novel of World War II. $4.75
A love story of a pretty Jewish girl Who at
17 sets out to become an actress. $5.75
These are' just a few of the best selling books now in
our book department. Come in today
Tweeds! Coverts! Gabs!
Our Greatest Selection
of Fall Styles!
Priced From
1.9.95 to 49.50 .
See our outstanding buys
in well-tailored topcoats,
styled for now-into-winter • BUY NOW!
--CenOrat ,Press pozatilan
Britain's royal children, Prince
Charles and Princess Anne peer
from the window of their car-
riage to have a look at photog-
raphers on the •platform as they
left Lopdon by. train for South-
ampton. There, they will board
the royal -yacht Britannia for a
tour with their, parents of the
Western Isles.
Hurry! Hurry! Hurry!
Only 'A Few Days Left To Get
In On These Terrific Bargains!
Our Septe.mber Sale ends Saturday, Shpt. 15
(New tires, good motor) ...$ 650
(Exceptionally clean) $ 850
(Completely overhauled) $1,175
(Try it--you'll buy it) -. $2,100
maroon finish, radio) 625
(Better than average) ,$1,050
'52 CHEV. 1/2 Ton Pickup
,(a steal at the price!) $ 750
$ 300 $ 250
$ 550
$ 650
$ 550
$ -950
$ 600
We'll• give you highest' possible allowance for
your present car, a liberal guarantee, and ar-
range convenient GMAC terms if needed to suit
your income.
Your Friendly CHEV.-OLDS. Dealer
HUnter 2-9321 — — CLINTON
-Open Evenings for your Convenience
5' Name your
brand of • ••
Truted products are sound investments
The brand names you have selected are sound investments because you know
these products nitasure up to a specified standard of performance and are
of known quality of construction arid Materials.
in advertising, the Audit Bureau of Circulations* provides a trusted stand-
ard of value for newspaper circulations, This newspaper holds membership
iii A.B.C. so you may have the FACTS about the circulation of your SOWS
messages when you advertise with us.
With this assurance, you can be' cotAcient that placing your sales message
in the advertising columns of our paper is a sound business investment.
Ask is fora copy of our latest. A.B.C. report.
-*MU newspaper is a member of the Audit bureau of
Obiatiofito a coOperothre nonprofit association of publishers,
advertisers, and adverlisina aaenties, Our'circulation ig
audited by exporiended A.B.C, circulation auditors, Our
A.13:C. report thaws 'how mot), tiveelation we have, where
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what they. sot for their money when they use this paper
Clinton News-Record
..t;LwroN NVW..-ABCORD
1111-1URSDAY, S
l!E 13, 19541
Appreciation Day Day 'Pays Off
$231 0n 50 Percent Coupon
.At long last, with only five
weeks-ter go in the year-long Ap-
preciation Day program,' 50 per-
cent coupon was &Awn from the
treasure chest drum on Saturday
afternoon, This was the first time
in the history of Appreciation
Days that such a large cow= was
drawn and paid off.
Winner was Wilfred Jervis, Clin-
ton, who is a eeguldr attendant at
the Appreciation , Pay draws, and
who went home richer by $231.41.
- Mr. Jervis' coupon was the sec-
ond one drawn, The first one was
a ten percent coupon, and the
owner 'of the •coupon hed gone to
the show, rather than wait for the
The week before the winner
was Wilfred Bezzo and hie 20 per-
cent coupon netted him $96.94. On
August 25, the winner was Mrs.
Fran*It McGregor, RR 5, Clinton,
who With a 30 percent coupon,
took home $175.61.
Next week the treasure chest
total is retitle-6d considerably, after
three big wins, however there will
be $306.41 in the chest, and some• -
one may win as much. as $153.21.
Even a five percent •coupon 'may
net the owner $15.32.
(At Mid-Towne Restaurant)
HU. 2-9054
HU. 2-3880
Harvey Ashton
% • ....yorw,r4.4,04.4,•••••••44~•~4rwoo••••••1
Rnicee Bob Campbell paid trib-
ute to Merrill Radio and 'Electric
for the use of the Public Address
system each week, and thanked
Bali and Mitch for their faithful
help in placing the • truck and
treasure chest 'drum ,at the Lib-
rary Park each Saturday,
OPP Checking All
Used Car Outlets
Re: Fitness Reports
The move to make this check
came as a result of a directive
from the Honourable the Attorney
General Kelso B. Roberts, re-
questing that the Section be rig-
icll? enforced, •
A penalty of up to $50 is ap-
plicable incase of used car deal-
ers failing to comply.
;Corporal Sayeau' reports that so
far very few of the garagemen in.
the County have been complying
with the Act, or for that matter
were even aware that the Section
existed. The aim of this Section
is to help avoid accidents caused
by faulty cars being driven on the
Last year in Goderich, as a re-
sult of a fatal-accident some con-
trover,sy arose over yhether or
anot the car was in good- driving
condition. The seller of the car
had not been issuing certificates'
of fitness, and had riot been aware
that they were required. He paid
a fine, and since then has been
complying with the law.
Teams Formed
For Clinton
Bowling League
Clinton's Mixed Bowling League
is rapidly getting under way for.
the -long 28 'week schedule. The
first game is set to start oh' Mon-
day, September 24, and before, the
end of that week all teams will
have seen action for the 1956-57
The teams, although the per-
sonnel has changed, will ,be using
the same names :as last year with
one exception where Clubs re-
places Coops. Team captains have
been selected and players formed
into eight teams.
Players Needed
Due to the delay in signing of
some• players the teams are short
handed. It is hoped that
each club will ,have a player
strength of seven so if 'anyone is
desirous of 'bowling for this season
contact Reg Cudmore as soon as
possible. Don't delay, there are
only a few names needed.
` is expected that high scores
will be commonplace due to the
refinishing of the' alleys-which are
now reported to be in the "best
shape yet". „
The following are the teams, the
first named is captain:
Hearts: Fred MacDonald, Don-
ald Strong, Gerald ,Brown, Helen
Brown, Phyllis Strong.
• Dabbers: Charles Johnston, Har-
vey Atleton, David Reid, Verna
Reid,, Marg Steep, Emily Scruton.
Cleaners: Bert Harris, Murray
Johnston, Dick Carter, Marg. Car-
ter, Buelah Wonch, Bert Gliddon:
-Stars: Howie Grealis, Albert
Vodden, Ruth. Konx, Loy May,
Douglas Rozell.
Budgies: Eugene Garrow, Dave
Bruder, Helen Fairs'ervice, Leone
Elinkbeinere Dori Pickard; Ray
Hoggarth, Carl Cantelon.
Drivers: ladle Gliddon, Keil^
Taylor, Harold Gibbings,. Louise
Gibbings, Marg. Reynolds.
Clubs: Earl Mero, Pam Mero,
Pat Brophey, Sylvia Brophey, Len
Imps: Harold .Black, Bessie
Black, Gordon eerivins, Mary NW=
ins, Jim Lockwood.
WO2 Everett M. Lobb, Calgary,
Alberta, spent the holiday week-
end with his parentselelr, and Mrs.
Clifford Lobb at their summer cot-
tage on Lake Huron, before en-
tering the R.C.D,C. School, Otta-
wa on the Dental Clinical Tech-
nician Group 3 Course.
Faulty wheel balancing„
makes your car hard to
steer as well as causing
excessive wear on your
ti res.
Drive, .in to our station
'today and let us slid*
you the effect of improp-
erly balanced' wheels.
We Know
That when you see the
facts you won't delay in
getting your car made
Cities Service
Cities Service Products
Ray itaggarth Canibton
"The place where you heifer
have to blow your horn"
Phone ICE. g..90g2
Clinton Ontario
4-11 Club Boys,
Do Well At
Western Contests
A number of young junior fev-
ers tried theft* hand in the Live-
stock Judging competttionA car-
vied out at' Western Fair this
week. Placings were as -follows;
Senior grouP, quiz, Bruce Cole-
man, RR 4, Seaforth, first with 25
points out of a possible 25; Bob
Parsons, RR 1, Cromarty tied with
two others and 24 points, in sec-
ond place; Allan Haugh, Bruce-
fleld and Donald Pullen, ER, 1,
Granton, with five others, totalled
23 points, Kenneth Alton, Luck.
now with 7 other, •toys, 22 points;
Thomas Cunningham, RR 1, Aub-
urn and Wayne Jackson, Blyth,
with four others got 21 points, In
sixth plate with 20 points were
Gordon Daer, ER 1, Auburn, Nor-
man Hyde, RR 1, Hensall and
Gerald Keyes, RR 1, Varna, along
with four others,
Senior group, judging, out of a
possible 425 (Norfolk County boy
placed first with 376), Donald
Pullen, RR 1, Granton, 353; Ken-
neth Coulson and Bob Parsons,
Cromarty, 353 and 345 points;
Bruce Coleman, RR 4, Seaforth
and Gerald Keyes, Varna, 325
Junior group, quiz, Barry Pipe,
Londesboro and Ivan Howatt, Bel-
grave, won 21 points out of pos-
sible 25; Donald Thomson, Cent-
ralia and Doreen Howatt, Bel-
grave, each n 20 points. ee
-rodticers Charge Packers
eking UnderwTable Deals
Members of the OPP. detach-
ment at Goderich are carrying out
a check of all garages within their
district to see if dealers in used
cars are • complying with Section
20b of the 'Highway Traffic Act,
This section reads as follows;
"When a, used motor vehicle is
sold by a dealer in used motor
vehicles, the dealer shall deliver to
the purchaser at the time of sale,
a certificate of mechanical fitness—
signed by the dealer indicating
whether or not a motor vehicle is
in a safe conditiOn fto be operated
upon a highway."
With the eyes of all the hog pro-
ducers in the province turned to-
ward the results of activities in
Bruce and Grey Townships charged
the packers with making under-
table payments to keep hogs off
'the open niarieet,
In Bruce ancl 4Grey a concerted
aottgesmopn t
o isbeing made to get all
hogs on market in order
to help establish a fair price for
the product. Mr. McInnis, presi-
dent of the Ontario Hog Produc-
ers' Co-operative charges that "'at
least $1,000 a week is being paid
to keep the remaining Grey-Bruce
hogs away from the open market."
As reported' in a CP press re-
lease this week, J, R. Kohler, man-
ager of the Producers' Co-opera-
tive, said that early in March the
organization was getting p3.50 to
$24 for hogs and by the first week
in September the price had gone
up to $28.50,
Mr. McInnis acting for the pro-
ducers is asking the Government
for legislation-°which will enable
us to control ourselves and the
trade to such an extent tjiat we
can develop a self-help program."
Minister of Agriculture Good-
fellow assured the industry of sup-
port from the government, saying
that regardless of the decision
made by the Supreme Court of
Canada in current considerations,"
"corrections will be made if nec-
essary so you can continue mark-
eting in an orderly mariner."
"The industry," said Mr. Good-