HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-13, Page 9• Waterloo Cattle Breeding Association "WIrIgRE BETTER 1111LLS ARE USED"s: the past three months, our nurnber ,of:cows and increase, Sas been .as follows: • 1955 195,6 Increase Percent New 1713 Increase Members 23.6 163 1876994 25.5 56 36.5 117 Do as many others are doing, call 1.1s when you For 'Service _or more, infOrmation, call collect to: CLINTON HU. 2-3441 Between 7.30 and 9.30 a.m. During inseminated June' '7266 8971 July 4838 66-62 August .. 3485 4375 have cows to breed. more thari ever. . . is the time to A From Sep. teMber 15th next, savings deposits at Canada's First Bank will earn interest at the rate of 2 /2 PER ANNUM Take advantage this new, higher rate by open- ,:ing a ,B of M savings .account today . . . and save tegularly at the bank with the largest savings 4eposits of any bank in Canada serving more than,tWo million customers._ BANK. Or MONTREAL' ' exiiitadet`45704e Veut4 aktat -ranch: MORLOK, 1Vianag'er tondesborough (SUipAgenty): Opep Mon, ik then, 'MY BANK* imekliog with Coadiims r""4*..`""1.. .eivyy folk eif life sinee 1817 lk Producers irate Over Low Tariff On Powder Angry '! delegates to the semi., annual. meeting -of the Ontario *Concentrated Milk Producers' Marketing Board recently, 1n l'or- onto,. Unanimously directed that a message be sent to Hon. Walter Barris, Minister. of Finance,. inly requesting" that a new .agree, silent be entered' into with Aust- ralia and New Zealand immediat- ely, through which milk pewder imported from. those countries in, to Canada be subject to tariff of not less than 4. cents per pound, FARMERS we Ake shipping cattle every Saturday .for -United -Vo-OPerative or Ontario and soilait your patronage: We will ppoc..tholtu up at your farm. leleaseR110/VB COLLECT not later than Friday nights, Seaford* Farmers. Co...operative- '-. • 1-1. S. Bunt, Rtanager Plione—Day 9, Evenings 481w .394111 Make ADate Now to visit 'the annual STRATFOR (1 11p)ip$ °of 'mita ext Monday; Tuesday & Wednesday ,ptember 17-18!•19 * CHECK THIS ACTION-PACKED FAIR PROGRAM $ 4 MONDAY,- September 17 — Judging' the Following: —FRUITS —ROOTS AND VEGETABLES —FLOXERS • —GRAIN --=DAIRY SAND FOODS —FANCY WORK ,ART —PUBLIC 'SCHOOL EXHIBITS BOYS'GRAIN CLUB 7:00 p.m. -- 'Official Opening Jaycee Industrial and Trades Fair. TUESDAY, September 18 —GIRLS' 'CLUB —JUDGING 4-11 CLUB DAIRY CALVES --JUDGING BLACK AND WHITE SHOW —AND ALL OTHER DAIRY CATTLE —SHEEP, — POULTRY - • 2 p.m., Offici4 Opening —PARADE OF FLOATS AND SCHOOL PARADE e WEDNESDAY, Sept. 19 --,:noys, SWINE CLUB —HEAVY 'HORSES . —COMPLETION OF BLACK AND WHITE SHOW —JUDGING BEEF 'CATTLE AND ALL SNIVINt CLASSES --GOAT :SHOW RICCES FREE 'Cooking Demonstration In the Curling ,Club Rooms Tuesday Evening, 8:00 and 9410 o'clock. Wednesday Afternoon, 2:00, .2:00 and 4:00 o'clock. Silverwood Dairies Ltd. Consumer Service Dept. Food Clinic.', Wednesday NirthlMrs, "Se' Cooking Demonstration of CKCO-TV, JUDGING—DEMONSTRATIONS' • Tai.1613SPAY, $''''VTZ1‘413ER, 1956 ullominmasof 5. Present tariff, by agreement with Australia and. New Zealand, ;most-favoured-nation oQatn-efavcrure t filtirnritcla'rivIr lIse rotinire Cents per pound. It was pointed -out that cliniatic- -conditions, economic level, lower, costs and .goverruncnt policies per- mit Australia and. New Zealand to. produce, at a 'lower figure, and those Countries .are enabled to ex-. port powder, at a price with which Canadian farmers because .of high- er costs are 'unable to -.compete, That the extreme dissatisfaction. was general among the more than 3.6;00.0 producers was- seen in the reports from the meetings of spine 30 local associations all of which ldernanded a price ranging from not less. than $3.1)(1 per evvt, up to $3.50, (Price. rin was about $2.56), The mood of producers Herb lVfogridge is under the doe- was also expressed in a proposal tor's care, Her daughter Mrs, to sound out .producer support Of Bert Marsh, Kitchener, and' Miss 'the provincial board in securing •Ilelen, Marsh, R,K., are assisting this, price, even to the extent of an waiting, on nirrw withholding milk,- or , drying off Mrs. Larry Glasgow received the their cows. Sad news Saturday, morning that MM. Nelson Bill, Ooderich, ;Os- Red her "•iirot4i.er and sister, .Joseph Carter and Miss Sadie Carter, Mrs. Robert Fitzgerald who 1144 been visiting her sister Mrs, Albert Campbell, is a patient in Clinton PUblie Hospital, . Mrs. Gordon R. Taylor, Mrs, Ronald Rathwell,. Mrs. W., T. Rob- ison, Mrs, 'td, Davies and Mrs, prank Raithby attended the an.- ntl,a1 horticultural meeting held at Southampton on Friday -evening. News of Auburn 1 Correspondent .M, • MPS, 14TVI) BQS$ rboo- Ponfoomoo • 4 TUESDAY AFTERNOON' & EVENING' 10 Bernard & Barry hArldway -LOAI)E9 WITH THRILLS Thrill Variety Ad's 011tsta tiding Intertainment Grandstand Performance ItAttN'r-DAY - NICHT •All new,1956 Bern. acrd Barry Midway " Thrill Variety, Acts SENSATIONAL, *FAST. MOVING GRANDSTANU PERFORMANCE IE NErn Bernard & Barry Midway:' '0 AFTERNOON IIORSi4:' RACES AT GRA:'.,l)STAND. 0, EVENING JOE VAIIVOOD and hrtis q..J,;(lgre,S$ of Daredevils. LONDESBORO • Mrs. EAsom, ViSited with Mr. and Mrs, George MeVit- tie, on Sunday,. Mrs. Matilda, Melville, ,Clinten, visite( with, Mrs...-Iehrt Scett one day last week, Mrs. Florence Chowen, Clinton, spent Sunday with her parents MWr-i4thn4thlYtel*psr. elCntn,Qgx'rs, S: Lyon •the ehair, the Loncle-Shoro Woin, en's InStitute „meeting .w.a opened, in the' usual manner.. Mrs. A. Clamarirm,irmstezeotirytiltrealrbeLeoreiriagd which were approved, Correspon, dance was dealt with. The ladies. of the Institute are going to Wingliam; September '25, ,o.iitataicotzuz Of CK'N'N Radio and TV which Mrs. led in prayer. Miss M. R. Jackson introduced the new Study Book on South East Asia. The president, Mrs„ Earl Wightritan presided for 'the 'busi, ness period. The delegates froin the society:to the Sectional meet- ing to be held in Blyth, October 2, are Mrs. and Mrs. W. X. Craig. The nominating committee was appointed,: Mrs, Guy Cunning- ham, Mrs; IiaroId Webster and Mrs. Oliver Anderson. Mrs. Earl Wightraan was chosen to give the dedicattory prayer at Elyth. Mrs, W. T. Robison-reported on progress of CGIT, Three girls at- tended school for leaders held rec cently at Alma College, St. Thom- os. Mrs, M. R. 3ackson accomp- anied the girls. The affiliation service for the CGITrwhich is un- der-the WFMS, will be held in the near future. Mrs. Wightxnen of- fered the closing prayer.- PORTER'S HILL Anniversary services at Grace Church will be held on Sunday, September 2.3, With Rey, H. A. Dickinson of North Street Church, Goderich, as guest speaker. ,SPee- 141 music will be given by the choir as, Well as guest soloists, The September meeting of the Woments Association of Grace church was held on Thursday last in thes'church basement, with the president, Mrs. Gordon Manning in charge. The meeting opened with the-Lord's Prayer and roll call was answered by' naming "Your favour-. ite TV or Radio program." Church cleaning for September was in charge of Mrs, McDougall and Mrs. Sowerby; for Octeber, Mrs, Riddell and Mrs, B, Met.' Decorating committee for !Anniversary SerViees on September 23, is Mrs. Reid Torrance, Mrs. P, lIarrison, tare/to Co)t, Plans were made Vit. the Sun- day School convention Supper on October 24, sponsored by Ontario Council of Christian ,Education, Two crib quilts were quilted during the afternoon. i)46.or xonit Resolutions were *ad.' and pass* ett. Roll call was answered .by displaying something made, sewen or grown. Motto Was given by Mrs. T. White who gave a splendid paper on •"re have heard, ye have read, ye have thought, but what have yei done?" The topic was given by gm Clarence Crawford en, agriculture and Canadian industries. MTS. Ray Vincent, Clinton, fav„ ored With a piano solo and Mrs, Tom Allen. gave an accordian solo, Lulleh WaS served' by the hos,. tesses, SPECIAL EVENTS her brother Roberts.on, MOW, had --been 'kilned in a ear Accident. He leaves to mourn his passing, his widow and three girls, 'also .his parents and two sisters, The flineral was held. Monday, and Mrs. -Glasgow left Saturday 'tor Madoc. f(4074 AluliVersary' „ Anniversary services will be held in Trio INV Church -next 'Sun- d'ay at 1.1 0..,m, and1.3.9„ p.m. Rev. 11; giutz will age, Sp bb.;1°tgl;;t11.:holnire,s$ _ Mrs; 7, Ross has returned borne from visiting Mr, and Mrs, Don- aid Ross, Glalcviile and Mrs. R. I}. Smith,, Peterboro, While ,she was away she attended the bap- tism, of her granddaughter Janice Elizabeth Ross; The Christening took- place at the home 'of the maternal grandparents, Mr, and Mrs. J, F. Trallt, Fpnthi)J, and was' conducted by Rev. W. J. Walker, minister of *, Andrew's Presby- terian Church, Beamaville and for. manly of Galt. Mr. Walker was' assisted by Rey, Gomm !orie-6, time minister, at Dungannon, now living retired in 13eamsville,,, 'Baptist Anniversary The 89th anniversary of ,. the Auburn' Baptist Church was .held Sunday afternoon and evening with . Rev. G. V. Crofoot,. newly -appointed chairman of the Baptist Board of Bvangelism and Social Service for the Convention of On- tario and Quebec as guest minis- ter. At 'the :afternoon„Service.,Mr. Crofobt poke on "The Gospel.” The choir with .Mrs. R. J. Phillips presiding at 'the organ- led in the service of song. A solo was sung by Robert Graham, instructor at lt,c(AF, Station Clinton, A duet was sung by. Rev. and Mrs. J. E. Ostrom and a ladies'• trio from Toronto sang.-. At the evening service Mr. Cro- toot spoke on "The Steadfast, Christ," The • pastor -Rev. J. Ostrom presided at both „services. The church was beautifully decor- ated,With baskets of -autumn flow., ers, .Knox VMS Tice Woman's Missionary SocieSy cif Knox United Chuch Met in the Sunday School room of the church last Tuesday afternan with Mrs. S. McClinchey in' charge. She gave the call to worship and all repeated the Lord's Prayer in un- ison. Mrs, W. J. Craig was pian- ist- The Heralds reponclecl: Mrs. George Milkenn on temperance ,and Mrs. Fred Plaetzer on Christian Stewardship.' A trio Mrs. F. Plaetzer, Miss Sadie Carter and Mrs. W, J,•Craig sang -a number, Mrs. MaClinchey gave a very comforting message on "Witnessing for Christ," after CPM.g SEE THE INDUSTRIAL EXiABITS' AT. .THE Yqt INDUSTRIAL AND TRADES PAM • . STRATFORD "WIC Li SOC ETY •f:*