HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-13, Page 7DAY, SEPTEIVt.PR,' 1956 'MASSIMO AATES "GASH RATp (il va.id ,h3r the .Ved.400414Y IelioWing PUblicam lion) *---- TWo cents per word, linlidmean 00 cents, 10 Cents a 'word tor each Wowing baser - 'tion, minimum 35 cents. BOX NUMER---15c extra. MOM MARRIAGES, and .."DE4TIIS-,00 charge. n ENGAGEMENTS, CiAltrIS QF THANKS & IN IttEMORIABIS —Two cents per word, nalfdanan 50 eents. CHARGEDL,-10 cents extra. DEADLINE -12 o'olock noon, 'W'ednesdaY4 Accommodation For Rent :-DUPLEX, SELF CONTAINED. -Phone HU 2-6675„ , az-b , . "-Vivz. Room .1-lous, PAR= lurnisbed. Apply to Clinton News: ERecord, 37-b _ irrWO ,APA.RTMENTS, furnished, refrigerator, garage. Phone HU 2-9508, - 33-tth kTIIREE ROOM, HEATED furn- rished. apartment, "A.vailable soon. Phone Clinton HU 2-9005. 37-13 , . 'TWO ROOM APARTMENT, fur nished, heated. Suitable for couple :HU 2-9365, between 6 and 7 p.m. , 36-7-b .,APARTIVIENT, LARGE LIVING :room, bedroom, kitchen, share bath. Reasonable rent. Phone Clinton HU 2-9641. 37-b VURNIS.1111) ' 1VIODERN HOUSE 'In Seaforth. 011 furnace, Phone Seaforth 216. ., 37-13 .3 ROOM UNFURNISHED apart- ment, Central. Apply Hermares Men,'s Wear, Phone HU 2-9351, 37tfb TWO Tal?DROOIVI APARTMENT for rent.; unfurnished. Available immediately. Phone HU 2-6677. .. 36-7-ln TWO ROOM SECOND FLOOR apartment, unfurnished; balcony off living room. Share bath. Pos- session October 1. Phone HU 2.9770. er, 37-b ATTRACTIVE VVELL FURNISH - ed house., with all modern conVen- iences. Three bedrooms, oil heat- ing, Phone Seafortiv mw, -37-p TWO ROOM. FURNISHED apart - Inept, suitable for chuple. Laundry facilities. Call after six P.m. Available Immediately. Phone HU 2-9504. 36-7-b I BEDROOM, BATH AND Kitch- en. Large living room. New hot Water heating system. Available October L Lloyd l3atldn HU 2-7057, Clinton. 37-8-h TWO ROOM, FURNISHED apart - Ment, with garage in private home Built-in sink and cupboardsr,:refrig- erator and stove, soft water and steam heated. Suitable for couple. Phone HU 2-9642, during day, and HU•2-9357, during evenings 34tfb Articles., or Sale, BUNK BEDS FOR SALE, reason- able. Phone HU 2-9581. '37-b 12 FT. OUTBOARD BOAT Ply- wood. Running lights, fully decked. New this year. Seats 4, will take Up to 15 H.P. motor, Phone HU 2-9009 or HU 2-6677, 37-p MIN BABY CARRIAGE, in ex- ceptionally good ccindition, used only a few times. Phone Don C. Colquhotin„ HU 2-3297. .36-7-b ORDER YOUR. ; SILVERWARE at Counter's Jewellery Store now at half price. , Choose Adoration, lint Love or Eternally Yowls. Never a better buy. Services from $27.25.. ' 37-p TV FIT VOR A "KING" — We Rent — Move — Install. Complete Service on all makes of rotators. and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, hone Goderich 1344M. 23-tfb OORONA DEL? FREEZE. USED only two months': 15 cubic feet. Also apartment, self contained, furnished or unfurnished., 0. 'Switzer. Phone HU 2-9682. 37-p BABY SITTING RELIABLE MOTHER will baby it y the day or hourly. eason- -a.ble rates. Phone HU 2-9765, 37-th. / -WILL CAE FOR CHILDREN in my home, while Mother works. 24 Regina Road, Box 46, ROAF Station, Clinton. 36-7-b Board'and Room .ROOM AND BOARD for gentle - roan. Phone HU 2-7051. 37-tfb, Business Opportunities OWN- YOUR OWN BUSINESS. Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street, Clinton. Phone Clin- 'ton HU 2-6692. 13-tfb Employment Wanted REFINED WOMAN EXPERIEN- ted in general office work or housekeeping, Phone Clinton I -IU 2-3222. 87.4h AUTUMN SIGNIFIES RETURN to normal life, Get busy and make big moneyselling high quality i 'products n your Surroundings. Write for fred catalogtce .arid de- tails to PAM:ILEX, Dept, 2, Stat- ion C, Montreal. 37-b Farm Produce For Stile 'PEACHES FOR SALE, $4 s. b11.111 - 'el, for choice fruit. Bargains en Small peadhes, windfalls, ete. 8011view FrUit peaches,. Gotldrich, 'RR 2. Phone Goderich 1260W4 '3617-ty Furniture For Stile IIIDE-A-BED SOFA, ,USED ONE year, Grey baekground with Week 'wavy line, $100, Phone HU .2.94180. Furniture R04;114069 FOR, FURNITURE,, PIANO AND radrefinishing ,and re- pairing, apply. W. G. Pikkett, phone Cliiiteri 2.7029. '6- fib HAY FOR VALE '25 AMES 011 SECOND . CUT hoice alfalftt bray. 'Staridltik, %op ttu 24.198, . • Help Wanted • WANTED Pula, OR PART.TIME SALES help to .enroll new members in Ontario's: Fastest growing FreeZ- er Food Club. Drawing account or commission. Apply box No. 362, News -Record. , 36-7-p • Help Wanted—Female traKKEWM WANTED: FOR two older people in Stratford, to live in, no ',heavy work, laundry Sent out, highest wages paid. Please write to. P,O. Box 24, 87.8-9-b Stratford, . Deportment of Notional Defence CLINTON, ONTARIO - Require StenOgrciPhOrS and • Typisfs Salary up, to $192.50 for Typists and up to $220 for Stenographers based on education and experience, APPP.Cation forms obtainable at National Employment Offices and Post Offices are to be filed im- mediately with; Civil Service COmmission, 25 St, Cloir Ave. E., Toronto Livestock ForSale 16 PIGS, SEVEN WEEKS OLD. Also one male police pap. Apply to Ross Hoggart,, I:thane HU 2-9878. 37-p YORKSHIRE'SOW,BRED FOUR weeks, third litter. Apply Lloyd Holland, phone HU 2-7084, 37-p Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED .A.T.35/2c lb., and dead cattle at value. If 'lead, phone at once. GILBERT BROS. MINK RA.NCII, phone col- lect 1483J 4 or 1483'3 1. 36tfb ATTENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth. Associated with Darling and Co: of Canada, Ltd. 19tfb Miscellaneous ROOMS FOR RENT. 1941 Ply- mouth Sedan. Small Stable and shed...heap. Phalle HU 2-3486. 37-b CABIN TRAILER, PRICED FOR quick sale. Apply Tom Turner, phone HU 2-7444. • 37-b ART SUPPLIES. (Winser New- ton); religious. goods, pictures, picture framing, photogra.phs for all occasions. MacLaren's Studios, Clinton and Goderieh; at Clinton, Tuesdaya`..nd Thursday, 1.30 .to 7 p.m. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401. -29-tfb '7 INT US REPAIR 'AND MAIM your rings and jewellery like new. Diartidnd rings renewed and stones safely secured—don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reasonably to your satisfaction.. .Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N. Counter. 37-p r Property For Sale FOR SALE. IN BLYTH, .SIX room brick home with hydro, bath room and town water, one block from Highway. Apply Ella Met- calfe, phone 116,'Blyth. STOVES FOR SALE QUEBEC HEATER. CH E A P. Phone HU 2-7459. 37-p NEARLY 'NEW WHITE enamel kitchen range, wood or coal. Med ium size, Telephone Carlow 11-12. 37-b WHITE ENAMEL COOK STOVE with shelf and reservoir, in. good condition, burns coal or wood. Priced reasonable. Apply at News -Record office on, phone Sea - forth 841r31. 37-p Oil Space Heaters Large Selection of NEW"and USED SPACE HEATERS Heating Capacities: 1 to 6 rooms. RED HOT SPECIAL:, NEW COLEMAN 51,000 B.T.U. HEATER WITH BLOWER - 31.29.95 (Don't miss seeing this beauty) Factory Testing Equipment . stalled 10 give you same day ser- vice on Space Heater Control Valves. Be sure you are ready for cooler weather. BALL and MUTCH Phone HU 2 -9505 ---Clinton Rid Your Attic Of "Don't Wants" Run An Adiet marrow mws-tisconD Poi tryF Or Sale. 600 RED X SUSSEX PULLETS ready to lay, Roy Bres. Phone Blyth 28r6, 37-b NNE 100 RED ROCK RES.S, OYear old.Apply to DonCrleh, R$43, Segfortin phene 2-9252, a -4 WRITE WOK PULLETS, started to lay, and Genesee seed wheat, cleaned, Charles Wilson, RR 3, Clinton, phone HU 2-7515. 37-p TENDERS WANTED . . , TENDERS WILL BE RECEIVED by 100derieh Township School Area to supply furnace oil to three schoo' ls Na 6,.No. 10 and No, 4. (011 tobe of satisfaetory grade). Tenders to be in the hands of the secretary by., September 20. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Frank Yeo, Seeretary- treasurer, AR. $, Clinton, Ontario, Goderich Township School Area. gliiIIIIIIII1111311110111111111115111MINUMMININNION TENDERS Tenders will be accepted by the undersigned for complete installation of new section of Ma r y Street Drain up until Monday, September 17, at 5 p.m. - Further particulars are avail- able at the OW11 Clerk's Office. r Lowest or any tender not ne- cessarily accepted. JOHN LIVERMORE, Clerk, Town of Clinton. 37-b 1111iIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII11101111111111111111111111111111111111M11111111111131111111111111111. REAL ESTATE *4-#4444•÷0070-01-1-0-11•-•-1•-111• K. W. Coiquhoun Repl Estate _Broker FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, two bedrooms.s3-piece bath, 12' x 10' livingroom, built-in cupboards in kitchen, one car garage on prop- erty. Lot is 66' x 150', two blocks from uptown. REASONABLY PRICED 1512 storey frame house, insul brick siding. Coal H/A furnace.. Living room, dining room, large kitchen, bedroom down, 3 bedrooms and bath up. Owner wishes ot pur- chase smaller house. IDEAL INCOME PROPERTY M select residential district. Two storey brick. 4 apartments, two 3 -piece baths, garage small barn. Oil furnace. Priced -reasonably -7 terms 'can be arranged. PLANING TO BU1LD?—X have several select building lots in Clinton. "Listings & Enquiries Invited" Phone HU. 2-9747. Royal. Bank Building Clinton - Ontario • - • ' 16-b FOR SALE HOME- PLUS INCOME—Contain- ing 2 self contained apartments with 2 bedrooms, living room; modern kitchen with dining space; bath, oil heated; located near school's. Early possesSion. IN VILLAGE OF LONDESBORO: 1.Yz storey '7 room dwelling. Hydro, water, 14 acre land. Im- mediate possession, Price $4,000.00. 0 ON HIGHWAY NO. 4, 1 STOREY 1 year old ranch type dwelling, 8 bedrooms, large living room, natural fire place, modern kit- chen, dining nook tiled floors, full basement, oil heating, at., tached garage, lot 70' x 175', Early 'possession. GARAGE Ant, MACHINE SHOP with 4 -room apartment attaeh- ed, situated in good farming dis- trict, o1 -Comity !toads. Fully equipped. Price: building and equipment $7,500. Stook Ex:tra. °Nowt BUILDING LOT 72P X 128', located on Highway No, 8, near schools. Apply to H. C. LAWSON Complete Insurance Servici Real Estate Investments Bank of Montreal Building PHONES Office IIU 2-9644—Res, 2-9787 CLINTON, ONTAR/0 HELP WANTED Male and Fetrle FOR SHIFT WORK IN POULTRY EVISCERATING PLANT. HOURS: 7.00 a.m. to 4.30 p.m. and 4.30 p.m. to 1.00 a.m. o APPLYINPr,BSON TO: Canada 1 Packers Ltd. Clint" 04tat4o BIRTHS BOISSONEAULT — n Clinton public, Hospital, on 'Tuesday,. September 11, 1956,. to FJ$ and Mrs. Yvon Beissoneault, Reg. rine Reard, RCAF Station Cl/U- .:ton, A daughter, BUEHLER 'Clinton Public Hospital., on SundaY, September 9, 1956, to Mr.. and Mre. Floyd Buehler, Zurich, daughter. BUTIXR.—In 61irltan Public- Hos- en: Wednesday, September '5, 196„ to.LAC and Mrs,. Donald Butler, 160Algonquin Drive, RCAF Station 'Centralia, twin daughters GODDARD — In .Clinton Public Hospital, en 'Thursdey, Septem- bet...6, 1556, to Pr, and Mrs, J. C. Goddard, Rensall„ a daughter, (sister' for Beth, Peggy • and John)'. . • HICKEY—in MIAMI 'Public Hos- pital, on Sunday, September 9, ' 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Hickey, AR 3 Auburn, dawn-. ter.. 1:MAMERS — In Clinton • Public Hospital, on Tuesday, September 1,1, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. 'Lewis Kramers, RR 2, Kipper!, a daughter, L. CROIX — In • Clinton PUblic Hospital, on. Monday, September 10, 1956, to F/S and Mrs. Nor- man 1..9:Croix, 9 Toronto Blvd., RCAF Station Clinton, a daugh- ter. S3TAPPEE-- In Clinton Public Hospital, on Tuesday, September 11, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Ken- neth Shappee, Bayfield, a daugh ter. VLMKE—In Clinton Public. Hospi- tal, on Saturday, September .8, 1956; to Mr. and mmts., John \flake,' James Street,- Clinton, -a son. MARRIAGES TAYLOR--FORBES—In Wesley - Willis Manse, Clinton, on Fri- day, August 24, 1956, by Rev. Hugh p. Wilson, Joyce Elizabeth Grace, daughter of Mr. and Mr. Walter Forbes, RR 2, Clinton, to Ronald Douglas Taylor, sop of Mr. and Mrs. Louis Taylor, Varna. DEATHS ELLIOTT—At the home of his daughter, Mrs. Charles Wilson, RR 3, Clinton, on Thursday, September 13,- 1956, Thomas G. Elliott, in his 80th year. Rest- ing at the Beattie Funeral Honie, Rattenbury Street E, Clinton, Funeral service will be. held Satunddy afternoon, at 2 p.m. Interment in Maitland Cemetery, Goderich, 0 CARDS OF THANKS The president and members of the Ladies Auxiliary to the Can- adia Legion, Branch 140, would like to thank each and everyone who helped in any way to make their recent Frolic a sucpess. I wish to thank my friends who sent cards and treats while I was a patient in Seaforth hospital.. —NEN SCOTCIIMER. 37-b The Bayfield Lions Club from their first meetingnexpress apprec- ation and thanks to all from the surrounding district whiff helped,at •their very successful frolic. 37-b 37-b a NOTICE TO CREDITORS IN THE ESTATE OF Mary Brydone, late of the Town. of Clin- ton, in the -County, of Buren, Widow, ,Deceased. All persons having claims again- st the Estate of the above 'deceas- ed are required to file the same with the undersigned Solicitor for the said Estate, on orbefore the ist day of October, A.D. 1956, after which date the assets will be distributed amongst the parties en- titled thereto, having regard only to the claims of which notice shall have been given. Dated at Clintora*OntariO, this 10th day of September, A.D. 1956. The Toronto General: Trusts Cor- , ation, and Dr. Alec M. Agnew, Executors by their Solicitor, ' E. 13, Menzies, Clinton, Ontario - 37-8-9-b Tenders Stanley Township School Area SEALED TENDERS will be re- ceived by the undersigned for the transportation of Grade 7 and 8 pupils from Stanley Township School. No. 1, 10, 14, 6 and 7 to Zurich public school every Thurs- day liftmen and return. Tenders 'to be in the hands of the secretary-tre.asuren by 12 o'clock noon, September 18. Lowest or any • tender not nee: essarny accepted. T. B. BAIRD, Secretary -Treasurer, RR 1, Bruceficid. inionsimmomminumenium , APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the pOtitiOn • Of Road 'Superintendent for the TOWNSHIP OF STANLEY Will be ;received by the under. Signed tip until 12,00' O'clock noon, Saturday, September Wages to be 90t per hour, FED WATSON, Cletk, Township of Stonfey 64.b :PAGE $EVEN • NOW BOUT THAT THIS IS THE' NINTH CALI, i've MADE TO YOU PEOPLE' ABOUT MY LEAKING ROOF ALL MY FURNITURE IS RUINED!! 3 MONTHS AGO you Pctotimsgo 10 FIX THE ooa you DID :LAST .• • • tt • ! Drawn. Especially for Clinton and Pistrict Chamber of Commerce god Clinton News -Record by Ralph Toe. sv-4 LIMY ROOFING SIDING CO. VM SORRY, SIR, BUT WE HAVEN'T GOTTEN THE 0,K. FROM THE ENGINEER YET,- BUT JUST AS SOON AS WE HAVE A MAN TO SEND, WE'LL TAO CARE OF THAT ROOF ' OF YOURS, tra 11) IffII HAI ACCORDING TO MY MO WE VW HAVE ANYBODY TO SEND OUT THERE FOR SIX MONTHS gc9 ...t•ft••• L FOR THE MONEY I'VE 'SPENT ON 1.0NG- DISTANCE "CALS I COULD HAVE HAD A NEW HOUSE PUT UP BY MY LOCAI, • DEALER IN CLI N TON 4•Ve, 111:04 4-41.40-4.4•••••••7410-11.44-4-41.4.4-111.4-4,-*. Roxy Theatre CLINTON Now: Thurs, Fri. and Sat. "ANYTHING GOES" Light-hearted musical, done in detail-perfeet Vistavision, Top stars and Cole Porter tunes. Bing Crosby - Mitzi Gaynor Donald OTonnor MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY. ' "THE WOMAN' • FOR- JOE" British-rnacle film in Vistavision and Technicolor. Thrilling story with a carnival background. Diane Cilento - George Baker Coming: "THE YEARLING" Gregory Peck - Jane Wyman IN MEMORIAM MOON—In loving memory -'of a dear wife and mother, Martha E. Moon, who passed away on September 12, 1950.—Ever re- membered by husband, George and family. 37-h In loving memory of a dear hus- band and father William. Hohner who passed away three years, ago September 16, 1953; "His weary hours- and days of pain His troubled nights are passed' And in our aching hearts we know He has found sweet rest at last." —Ever remembered by his wife, children and grandchildren'. 37-b Clearing AUCTION SALE' Reg. Red Poll Cattle (30 Head — Pully Accredited) also MACHINERY, HAY, HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS At Lot 29, Con. 1, East Wawanosh Township, Half Mile Eaat of the Village of Auburn, Wednesday, Sept.. 26 at 12:30 o'clock noon, consisting Of International M. Tractor; Inter- national 3 -furrow plow, ace bot - torn; Goodison double disks, nearly new; Internationnl side delivery rake; 141;n1. hay loader; Internat- ional 11 -disk fertilizer drill; new Idea power mower, nearly new; 34:-H. manure spreader; Internat- ional ;81A ft. cultivator; walking plow; rubber -tired wager), and hay raek; sloop sleighs and flat rack; DeLaval cream separator with mot- or; power cattle clippers; set plat- form scales; land roller; 6 -sections harrows and stretchers; 2 -wheel trailer with* stock rack; coal brooder stove; Moffat electic-pail, nearly new; steel stone boat; anvil; pig crates; chicken crates; iron kettle; pig troughs; corn scuffler (horse); wagon box; grass seeder; electric fencer; steel oil drum; snow fence; cedar posts and poles; ladder; stock reek; fanning mill; bag truck; grain scoop; hay fork and cable; 4 heat bulbs; lawn mower; large ice box; 4 tons of ibaled hay; chains; forks; shovels, and other articles too numerous to mention, ALSO -HOUSEHOLD ARTICLES TERMS—CASH Catalogue ot,Cattle may/ be had by writing to H. L. Sturdy, RR 5, Clinton. II. L. Sturdy, Proprietor Harold laekson, Auctioneer E. P. Chesney, Clerk '37-8-b Clinton comnitnity - Farmers ATICTION SAES tvgiav MIDAS cenithencing at 8.00 p.m. TOM CASH COVIIY, Soleil Manager E. W.ELLIOTT, Attetioneer K. W. COLQUIIOUN; Clerk AT THE AIR-CONDITIONED 1.8,ST SHOWING p ARK SECOND SHOWING 7.30 p.m. 9,30 p.m. GODERICH NOW: Fred Astaire & Leslie Caron, in "Daddy Long Legs" Cineniascape MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY— Richard Burton - Maggie MeNaniara - Raymond Massey John Derek You will enjoy every moment of this biographical drama based on the life of the eminent thespian Edwin Booth, "PRINCE OF PLAYERS" \ in Cinenaascope THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY—, Ann Sheridan Steve Cochran & Sherry Jackson 'A colorful romantic drama portrays an Arkansas farmer and Ids fight' to justify the faith and loyalty of his family. "COME NEXT SPRING" Tricolor COMING -- Special Attraction — "A STAR IS BORN" • Judy Garland -.- CJinemascope One Show. Only Each Night at 8 o'clock for this picture EVERYONE READS AND USES WANT ADS I al ' NOTICE Any person who cash- ed a cheque at- our store - between August 20 and 25, prior to the robbery, kindly notify me at the store or the Chief of Police. Signed O. J. Stanley S. INSTRUCTION Piano & Theory For further particulars contact LOIS GRASBY, BOX NO. 361., Clinton- News -Record 37-p Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU. 2-7012 -- Clinton trendsetting STYLES in... Order Your NEW Made-To-Measure:1 Suit NOW! NEW Samples N-E—WrShatiT: See the 'levy - TWIST TWEEDS Priced From 49.95 up Warren K. Cook ' W. IL Johnson Cambridge TIP-TOP OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS PICKETT # CAMMELL LIMITED' Mona: NU. •24732 Main Corner CLINTON