HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-13, Page 1of r Ag. Office Busy As Fairs Season Gets Under Way 04.e The staff atetheeagrieultusabeef„ flee for Huron County, located in Clinton, are swinging into) the bus- iest part of their year this week, as with Western Fair still in pro- gress in London, the local small fairs are '-starting. First in the County is' Helgrave school, fair which G. W. Montgom- ery attended yesterday. Today the McKillop school fair and then Hen- sel] fair will be held. Between now and the end of the " Month someone from the agricultural of- fice will have attended and assis- ted with fall fairs in 12 different communities. Entries are arriving- daily in the office from exhibitors - in the On- tario Regional Hereford show which makes up part of the Sea- forth Fall Fair each year. This year the date of the show is September 21. Lions EnAorse Work Of Swim PoOl Committee At the initial meeting' of Milton Lions Club for the 1956-57 season, the members passed d motion en- dorsing the action taken: by the swimming pool committee for the raising of funds, and, that they support every action which, has been taken for the raising of funds for a community swimming pool. The new president, Joseph Mur- phy, officially appointed four Lion's Club members to the swine: ming pool committee. They are past president Ken McRae, vice- presidents Ross Middleton and A. Colquhoun and Beecher Men- zies, President Murphy presented his Hat of committee chairmen and members for the term. Only one- half of the membership was• pres- ent at this first meeting. At next meeting on September 25, mem- bers were asked to bring 'guests. There will be a special program ar- ranged. Treasurer Frank Pennebaker gave a resume of the club's fin- aneeS. "in this report was a $150 donation from the Liond sponsored 'Teen Town, which was made in. October 1955 and, has been held by the Lions to, be used for a swim- ming pool project. This will 'be binned over to the Clinton Com- munity Swimming Pool Fund, Plans were made for a fend-rais- ing project to be held -on the an- nual East-West football game late in November, The Weather 1956 1055 High Low High LoW Sept. 6' 71 53'\ 57 7 60 48 78 44 /. 8 58 44 64 33 9 36 69 46 10' 65 40 90 61 11 69 50 64 51 12 74 49, 62 42 Rains .51 Vain: .64 ins, First Bite of Soil Preparing For. Swim Pool • !, First move at the Clinton Community Park last week, in preparation for the new swimming pool, was the removal of children's slide which had been on the site of new structure. It took-but a moment to attach' the tractor to the foot of the slide, and with men to steady it the apparatus was• open set to one side. • (Below) Ear] Doucette, chairman of the building committee in charge of the .dew pool was on hand to supervise the first incision as the digger,(manned by Ken McKenzie) began the job of re- moving earth for the pool. Soil samples taken of the ground in this area were pent away for analy- sis and were found to be quite suitable for the building of the pool. Today the digging operation is practically completed an the next step will be forms fpr the walls and pouring of dement. (News-Record photos) Junior Auxiliary Girls At St. Paul's Church. !It Young members of the Junior Auxiliary at St. Paul's Anglican Church, were proud of their new banner, made lor them by the rector the Rev. C. S. .Inder and dedicated at the church last Sunday. With their leaders they are (left to right), Kristen tngelstad, Marie Lobb, Mrs, Reg. Cudmore (leader), Nancy Johnston, Pat Cudmore, Faye Johnston, Barbara Draper, Joanne Cud/tore, Wends, Leybuite, Dianne Cudmore; Barbara Inder, Diane Murphy, Beverly Beck, Grade Marie 1VicAdam, Sharon Switzer, Mary.Ellen Andrews, Marie Cutivnore, Mrs, Roy Bellinger (assistant leader), Jeanne Murphy, Elizaeth Inder', Linda LindaMurphy and Cathy Draper, (News-Record photo) Five Achievement Days For 4-H Clubs At Fair. The Centennial Fall Fair at Bayfield 'this year will be' the scene of five 4-H Club Achievement Days, Shown at the fair will be beef calves by the Bayfield 4-H Beef Calf Club under 'the leader- ship of Howard McCullough, RR 1, Goderich, John Deeves, RR, 2, Bay- field and Lloyd Holland, Clinton. \ There are 15 boys and girls, in this 'Club. The, 24 members of the Bayfield 4-H Dairy Calf Club will show their calves. Leaders of this Club are Arnold' Rathwell, RR 3, Clinton; Bert Dunn, Jr., RR 3, Bayfield and Tom Rathwell, RR 3, Clinton. The Bayfield '4-H Swine Club will show their animals. There are ten members, led by Tom Penhale, RR 3, Bayfield and Har- vey Johnston, RR 5, Clinton. Spon- sor of these three clubs is the Bayfield Agricultural Society. • 'Two Clinton 4-H Clubs• also will show at the Bayfield, Centennial. They are the Grain Club with 15 members, led by Nornian Alexan- der, Londesboro and Bob Allan, Brucefield and the Poutry Club, with 14 members and led by E1 Junkin, Clinton and Bob McKin- ley, RR 1, Zurich. The Grain Club is sponsored by the Clinton Junior Farmers and the Poultry Club is sponsored by the Clinton Lions Club. A total of three firsts and $70 was brought back to Huron Coun- ty 'from the Canadian National Ex- hibition as a result of skills shown by 4,H Club boys entering the Junior Judging competitions there. Murray Dawson, B. 1, Hensall, placed first in the judging of beef years and under), Barry McQuil- cattle (17 years and over) with a lan placed -ninth. score of 196 points out of a pose Grain arid roots (17 years and sible 200 points. Second in this over), Murray Gaunt, RR 1, Luck. class was David Kirkland, RR 3, now scored first with 763 points Lucltnow and Murray Gaunt, also out of a posSible 800, and Jim Etherington, RR 1, Hensall, placed third, Bruce Coleman, ma, 4, Seaforth, placed eighth in Swine judging and seventh in the farm machineyy competition. Bob Rroadfoot, Brucefield, en- tered the tractor safe driving coin- petition anvil placed eighth. Pollowing the competition those taking part were guests of the Ontario Department of Agricul- ture and the Canadian National Exhibition for a banquet supper land the grandstand sheik, of Lucknow placed sixth. In the class for judging beef cattle (17 years and under), parry McQuill- an, RR 1, Lucknow, placed first with a score of 192 points out of a possible 200. 0 In the Grain and roots class (17 GODEBICH TOWNSHIP WILit, REGULATt TRAILER CAMPS , The Township of Gederich at the regular meeting of Council in Hol. meSville last week passed: a by-law licensing the operation of trailer camps in the township, arid set fees for Mobile cabin trailers with- in the township. The rate will be $6 per month for each mObile cab- in trailer located on, a trailer camp, and $ for those not on a trailer camp. t. Zbt 4C0111111111zmg Board Chairman Commends Staff; Larger Greenhouse (By W. D. H.) WIT? I THE SEASON OF 4-H Club achievement days in full owing. , it is amusing to hear of the answer to a quiz question pos- ed to all of the youngSters last week. , The question: Who is the minister of Agriculture? . — The answer: Art Bolton, Of course, Mr. Bolton, as agricultural representatiye assistant is the re- presentative of the minister whom moat of the youngsters meet. That they should assume he rated the higher tilte was perhaps reas- onable, . A special service was held' at St. Paul's Anglican Church, Sunday morning. Its purpose was to mark the re-opening of the Sunday School, and dedication to another season of work in the Church. The Girls' Auxiliary, in full un- iform, paraded to•the Church With their - new banners Mrs. C. Van Damme, the leader, and Mrs. C. S. Inder, assistant leader, paraded with their girls. They were fol- lowed by the girls of the Junior Auxiliary with their leader, Mrs., R. Cudmore, and assistant leader, MIS. Roy Bellinger. The new J. Ae Banner was carried at the head of this group. • After the third collect of morn- ing prayer, the Rector went to the chancel steps and asked the Sun- day School superintendent, the SUnday School teachers and assis- tant teachers to gather around him there. When all were in place, the rector began by remin- ding them that the office of teach- er, has always -been held in high. honour in the Church of God. He asked them if they were ready to accept this call to the service of the Lord, and be faithful in the performance of their duties. Be- ing answered in the affirmative, he then asked 'them to dedicate themselves to the teaching ser- vice of the church in the Parish of St. ID:aura The congregation joined in pray- er ,for the teadhers, asking God to grant them strength, patience and guidance. The ceremony conclud- ed with the rector shaking hands with the superintendent, and wish- ing all the teachers happiness and blessing in the coming season of work. The teachers‘i present were: Herb Bridle, superintendent; Gordon. Harris, .Eric Switzer and Cordon Scribbons, Mrs. W. Beck, Mrs. R. Bellinger, Mrs: M. MeAdam, Mrs. R. Draper, Mrs. Royce Fremlin, Mrs. H. MePherion. (Some teach- ers were unavoidably absent). The rector, with the 'G.A. ban- ner bearer, Miss Darlene Startleyl, and the J.A. bearer, Dianne Cud- more, then went to the sanctuary steps. The new banners weire duly dedicated and presented to the bearers on behalf of their groups. The banners were deposited in the sanctuary until the end of the ser- vice. Finally, the - rector presented a cooking badge to one of the senior G.A. girls, Miss Barlera Jones. Barbara won the badge by taking a cooking course and passing the required 'examination. Following the service, the girls of the Junior Auxiliary and the Girls Auxiliary left the church in procession with their banners at the head.• The banner bearers were accompanied by their Cilards, Bar- bara Jones, Beth Cudmore, Dianne Murphy and ffoanne Cudmore. COUNTY HOME ALARM. CAUSE FIRE RUN Clinton Fire. Department rushed to the Huron County Home yester- day morning in response to an alarm relayed from the- automatic fire • alarm systefn. There was' no' fire, the system having been set off accidentally. Mrs. A._ Connell, 89 Has Birthday . Mrs. Adeline- Connell will cele- brate her 89th birthday next Sun- day, September 16. I.ast Sunday a dinner was held at 'the home of her daughter, Mrs. 111Yrtle Tyndall, at which 21 mem- bers of Mrs. Connell's family at- tended, including grandchildren• and great-grandohildren., Following the meal, the two 'old- est great-grandchildren,- Freddy Tyndall and Dougie Proctor pres- ented Mrs. Connell with an auto- matic electric teakettle as a gift from all the family. Pictures and social chat were •enjoyed in the afternoon. The occasion was also a birth- day party for -two other members of the family, Mrs. Robert Miller on September 12 and Clarence Connell on September 8. The 'theatre party at Brownie's Drive-In last night was well at- tended. Those who attended were treated to a showing of Gunga Din, and all proceeds from the event will be turned over to the Clinton• Community Swimming Pool Fund. Winners of special prizes were: three months free hair cuts for all males in family, donated by Jimmy Lockwood, won by Charles Snell, James Street, Clinton; flash- light, donated by Harry Watkins, won by Bonnie Butler, Clinton; basket of groceries, donated by George Rumball, won by A. Geor- ges, 8 Russell Street West, Lind- say; steak dinner for' four, donat- Chairman of the Clinton Dist- rict Collegiate Institute last ,night congratulated the principal and staff of the Collegiate for their efforts in assisting the pupils grad- uating' last year in achieving 90.3 percent success in departmental examinations, and in winning the bursaries which they had received. The principal's report showed, a total enrolment of 376 during the first week, and E. A. Fines re- ported that 14 students from Grade 13 were attending univere sity this year. Six more are in Teachers' College; , two have ent- ered nursing; three 'are in in- dustry; one is at .11yerson Insti- tute. Provincials List Traffic Violations During the, month of August, statistics reported by •Corporal Sayeau of the Goderich Detach- ment Ontario Provincial Police wer as follows: reportable accid- ents, 12; fatal accidents, 1; . per- sans' killed, 2; persons injured, 7; vehicles checked 349; charges, 63; warnings; 138. The Goderich de- tachmen is responsible for an area including Ashfield, Colborne, God- erich, West Wawanosh townships and part of Tuckersmith Town- ship. I ed by Hotel Clinton, won by J. Hewitson, Clinton. White shirt from Pickett and Campbell Ltd., won by Kathleen Haseal, Goderich; five order's of fish 'and chips,' from Ferndale Grill, won by R. J. Wilson, Chili- ton; 20 quart milk tickets, -from Clinton Dairy, Won by N. W. Heard, RR 2, Clinton; case of oil, from Harold Black, won by Archie Hubert, Seaforth; white shirt from Herman's Men's Wear, won by (unknown); roll-five cigarette machine, from Clinton Bowling Alley, won by Mrs. Jean Radford, Clinton; back-up lamp, from an anonymous donor, won by Garry Butler, Clinton, Dr. J. A. Addison, speaking for' the property committee, advocated a progressive plan of refloorinp, the classrooms similar to the woek done in the old science room. The flooring has been firmly nailed down, quarter-round and' linoleum has been laid, El Jtinkin, teacher of agricul- ture, approached the Board with a request for permission to build an addition to the greenhouse, the same size as the original section put up last year. Mr. Junkin said that at present there is not enough room for a class to work at one time, and the students do not have enough apace for their projects. There are about 82 students -in agriculture, split into five classes. Mr. Junkin mentioned agriculture grants paid to the school, of about $2,500 of which only $600 would be spent this year under existing plans. He suggested getting the additional 'greenhouse, -(coat $432 plus foundation costs) from- this fund. Further research will be made regarding the heating plant, otherwise the Board was in favour of this project. Mr. Junkin also proposed adding a poultry project to the program being taught in agriculture; sug- gesting that the hens could be kept in cages, suspended from the ceiling in the workshop. Here they could be cared for, records kept, training in candling eggs, market- ing and caring for the birds .could be carried out. The Board agreed to this project, for which the cost will be about $35. The next meeting night of the CDCI Board will be on Wednes- day, October 3. Mrs. Richardson Is Hensall's •Eldest (By our Hensall correspondent) - Mrs, Annie Richardson and eld- est resident of Hensall, will an Friday, September 14, observe her 91st birthday. A resident of Hen- Sall for over 40 years, she was born in Kirkbylansdale England., and came to Canada 45 years ago, Mrs. Richardson, who lives with her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Archie Noakes, enjoys fairly good health, takes a keen interest in current events of the day. Back Prizes From chance for the lakeside village to help draw attention to its natural charms. The broadcast on. Fair Day is in addition, to the two programs be- ing broadcast in Ontario and Que- bee on-'Sunday morning, when at 9,45 the Salute. To Bayfield will originate in the town hall, Bay- field, and will 'be heard 'through- out the two provinces. Don Fair-. bairn end Reed Forsee with their broadcasting crews will be on hand and taking part will be officials of the faj,r and. some other Bay- field people. Following the Salute will be the usual newscast heard on CBC and then the regular Neighbourly News broadcast , (in which Don Fairburn quotes interesting items from weekly newspabers through- out Ontario and Quebec) will be sent out on the air, also from the Hayfield town hall. The 'public is invited to attend this broadcasting session,. No tickets will be necessary, no ad- mission is'charged. This will be a good chance to visit, a "real, live studio" right at home, and see how those radio programs are done. There will be a Public Address system which will make the pro- gram audible to all of those who attend in the Bayfield hall. • 0 R. H. Coates Was Visitor At SS 11 Interesting and interested visit- or to the rural school, SS 11, God- erich Township, recently was a former Clinton resident, Robert H. Coates. Formerly a student at. SS 11, Mr. Coates is now retired from the, responsible post as Dom- ininort 'Statistician in Ottawa, which he held fOr many years. Research into the records of the school turns up Mr. Coates' name „in one of the old registers, and his birthday is stated there to •have been July, 1874. (NE Competitions IN ALL, 111.NOCENCE. A FALSE alarm waa set off last week. and brought firemen racing from all over town„ . and householders to the street to see where the fire was. . Apparently a gentleman just ,wandered into the town hall and tried to make a 'phone call.. . He read' the instructions posted over the fire call telephone, . • and did as theY said.. . Result was tin- ' expected for him, but certainly tested out the alarm system quite satisfactorily. , , * * REMEMBER THAT 17 YEARS ago, Monday. Canada declared war on Germany. . There fol- lowed many years of war, • . and since then the cold wars., tepid wars, phychopathie wars. . . and all the rest— . Remember the day of declaration of war quite vivid- ly. . for „the announcement was made in huge- streamer headlines in the Toronto daily papers.'.. and we read them anxiously as we strolled the fairgrounds at the ONE. . , Actually we saw the workmen taking down the exhibit of German goods which had beefi put up in the manufacturers build-s ing:. They carried the- cut-out name of the country across the grounds. e. and our memory of it is that the whole thing seemed unbearably sad. . . However it was bearable. . . Quite a few years have passed. . . and this year the exhibits from Germany were quite an attraction at the CNE. . all the way from Cars to sausages.. . "* * * PERSONALLY WE DID NOT get' to the theatre party last night. . . but many others were there. . . and we understand the coffers of the swim pool committee will be 'added to fairly, consider- ably. . . Next week comes the Monster bingo. . . and we'll make it a point to attend. . . Friday is a better 'day for weekly newsfolk to get out to social doings. . . "Billy" Bishop Dies In Florida; Concert cancelled The death of Hilly Bishop, Can- ada's fighter ace of the First World War was the cause of a „Cancellation at RCAF Station Clin- ton yesterday of a musical con- cert. The RCA.1; Central Corn- mend concert band Was to have played: at. the Recreation. Centre on the Station. The end' came to Bishop at Palm Beach, Florida and full RC- AF honours will attend the funeral in Toronto tomorrow, World War TI ace Group Captain. W. Mc- Nair will command the funeral procession. Mr Vice-Marshall W. A. Bishop, VC, died at the age of 63. He was fam4d for his daring exploits in battle which earned him the title. of "arf the blinkin' airforce" by the' British and "Hell's handmaid- MO by the Germans. He downed 72enemy planes, THE. NEW ERA.-92nd YEAR No. 37—The 'Home Paper With the News Banners Dedicated faitSeattiii-Begins Different Bingo Next Friday For Pool Fund The largest cash, bingo to be held in Clinton, is being _planned for next Friday night as pant of the campaign to raise funds for the new swimming pool. Admission price of $5 is tin- usual, but so are the advantages of spending that much to play bingo. Instead of having to shell out a dollar for each spec- ial card for the big games as in usual bingos, the three cards purchased with the admission fee are good on all of the games. Each additional card purchas- ed for $1 is also good' on all of the tames. Theatre. Party-Goers Get Prizes; Proceeds For New Swimming Pool - THE NEWS-RECORD 75th YEAR CLINTON, ONTARIO{ THURSDAY, SEPTEMBER 13, 1956 7 cents a •copy $3.00 a year Three RatzlI o. Broad'casts To Publici.ie Baylield's Fair Rol;fing Reporter, Salute, ,Also Neighbourly News Visitors to the Centennial Fall Fair at Bayfield on September 27, pray well have an opportunity to gain experience in the field of rad- io, Poi the CBC has decided to or- iginate their Roving Reporter Pro- gram direct from the fairgrounds on that cley. According to Don • Fairbairn, Neighbourly News commentator, Toronto (who was in the office of the Clinton News-Record earlier this 'week), he and Alec Smith, outside broadcast producer with CBC, Toronto; will be on hand throughout the _afternoon at the fair, recording interviews on tape,: which will be, incorporated into the live -broadcast that evening from 7.15 to 7.30 p.m. Cash prizes- are particularly Don tells us that the Roving attractive, ranging from $100 up Reporterbroadeasts throughout to $1,000 and of course the $500 that week will originate at fairs _door prize can be anyone's win, across Canada; and on -Thursday, Free chances on this prize are it will be Bayfield's responsibility easy to come by, and there ,is. to - represent Ontario. Heard on no -limit to the number of such the Trans Canada Network over free chances' a person may make 45 radio stations, the _Roving Re- himself eligible for. Full details porter ,prOgram has an enormous on page three, listening public, and this is a real Huron's 4-H Club Members Bring