Clinton News-Record, 1956-09-06, Page 8* ' .717311,1171, PAGE EIGHT MINTON ZIEWS-800011i, 141 TRUBSPAY, SIZ45134WAR. 14)54;' Mewsf , flyfield4 By MISS X410)4.R. W4ODSL. MO Ontario Chan9104.144rel Verrespendeat • PPONE.: 'EAMELD 4r • . *, and Mrs. -Fred DavAen, De, trait, visited his friends' over the weekend. Miss Margaret Ferguson; Torn. to, was a guest the AlbiOn 1 -lot - el last week, Gorden Pfaff, Windsor, haspr chased Walter Cotton's pottage,on Victoria Place, IYhes Elaine Grainger is leach - In at No. 4 and N6, 1.2 Biddtilph, near Clandyboye. Miss Mabel Seotchmer, Toronto, spent the past week with Mrs. Robert Scotchrnei. Mrs. R. B, johnston returned to Sault Ste Mark last week to re- sume her teaching duties. Mrs. Roy Tyreli, I..oridon, was - the guest ef Mit L. M. Burt O'er the weekend. of August 25. George 13tiCkreli, Wind.sor, was the guest of Mss Mary Lott Burt over the weekend of August 25. Mr. and Mrs. ' James 'Hayman and Lisa, London, were 'the guests of :his. •parents over -the long week- end, • Miss Barbera Bassett has—re- turned to Loon after- having been home on vacation. for two Weeks:. • Mr. and Mrs. Dail Leonard. and family have returned to Toronto afterspending the summer at their cottage. -, Mr, and Mrs. William Murray, .Detroit, visited the, former's moth- er, Mrs. Agnes Murray over the weekend: ' Mr. and IVIrs. Lorne Cook, Lewis and Gail, Evanston, Ill., were at • theircattage, "Hightop" over the long weekend. M. and Mrs. Albert Long and Miss Barbara, Stratford, were the guests of Mr. and Mrs, Harry Bak- er, `Wheel -In" over the weekend .of August 25-7. Miss Marion Makins, LOndon, was home over the weekend, Mies L, Powell, Seaferth, A vis., iting her cousin, Mrs. George Lind- saY, Mr. and: Mrs. S. Bryant left on slay to spend a feW days at their he at Byron. Mr, and Mrs, 3. M. Atkinson were at their home in the village ever the heliday weekend, Mr, and Mrs. Geor,ge Fellows and ,family, Riverside, were at their cottage over the weekend. Mr, and Mrs. Nertna.n Toma, De- troit, spent the Labour Day week- end with Mr, and Mrs. Charles Toms. Tony Pugh and family have re- turned to "Royal Oak, Mich., after having spent the season at their cottage.. Mr. and . Mrs. J Ingold, De trolt, were with the latter's aunt, ws, W. M, Purves over the holi- day weekend. M. F. Marshall, who has spent the" past three months with Md. A. W. ,Reid,^retgrned to Islington n Saturday, „ Mr, and Mrs, R. J. Larson, Mrs. Donald McLeod and Lea Anne were in London from Saturday un- til Monday evening. Mr, and Mrs. Robert IVIcEwen and M. and Mrs. L. lVfoKinnon, Louden, . were at "The Cedars" over the long weekend, Mr. and Mrs. Reg. Vicary and boys, Essex, spent • the weekend with Mrs,. Weary's sister, Mrs. •Harry Baker and family. Mr. and 1VIrs. Xeith Leonard and. children, Richvale, spent the long weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Featherston. • Mr. and Mrs. DouglasKing-and small sell, Murray, Toronto, were with his grandmother, Mrs. -George Xing, over the long weekend Evans Cameron 'and sem, .Scott, Toronto, were with his father, Jelnea A. and Mrs. Cameron froth Wednesdag; to Friday last week. CORRECTION • Correalon: We apologize for the error in the Jest ,issue wherein it was stated •that .1Vfenno Steckle's driveshed had bFned. This should halve read: "Merino Martin's drive - shed." -•••="+11., on -Can ,Now .P0 Your .Fuel Bil1On. The Budget Plan At No Additional • Cost. To You, • CONTACT YOUR CITIES SEIM CE DISTRIQUTOR • FOR FURTHER INFORMATION - jack Scruton Phone HU. 2,.9653 ."THE HOME OF G09D CLEAN FUELS" • maw .11.• ..-A•ifla .44 1AL. J. • Am/Im Aill• ▪ .1111. Western Fair Specials GO TO THE FAIR IN ONE OP THESE 1st CLASS PRIZES • 154 Plymouth Sedan. • Radio, Turn Signals ,..„$1,495 1952 Austin Sedan • tenc liedSharp! ,,,,,,,, ........ ..... ...... 1952 Chevrolet -2 door One Owner Only MANY OTHERS TO CHOOSE 11101% Mur h Chrysler Plymouth rug° Sales und Service *futon $t,•cilutou Xr.. and Mrs. L. A. 13annister,, Elkeeth and .Garyt have been at their cottage have return ed. to .Stratford, Renout johns and sop thane turned to Detroit 02 '4 •efter having been: at Mrs* Walter West, 140 for three • weeks. Mr, and Mrs. F M.; *MIAs,. Ann, and Linde have returned to God, ericiv!after• having .occupied their cettage Dn Delevan Street.. ,• The Rev, and Mro..P, H. Paull. Listowel, were the 0114'0s of Mrs, W. and Miss Kathleen Reid from Monday te Wecinesday,t, Dr. and Ma. Ralph' Nicholls arid W. J, Nichollst London, gargle- last Week to be with Mrs, Fred me - Wen, And Are staying this week. Mr, and Mrs,- William Dye„ Lo -- den, and Mr., and Weitgel, Londen, were regent guests a Mr, and -Mrs. W. Munroe,-"Shangri- • i J. and Mrs. oward Burt and family 'Were with Mrs. L. M. Buri over the Weekend and she aceorn- panted, them on their trip to Len - don, - ,SeVeral friends from Bayfield attended a shower for Miss Beet. ah "Parker which was held in fthe Town' HeJl, Varna, on Thursday last. " 1\0, and Mrs. Carson reweett, sernaa, canie on • Thursday to spend some holidays with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H, Mac - Lead. Mr. and Mrs,. Fred Erfb and four children returned to Birmin,gharn, Mich„ on Tueiday after having spent a •week at "Sirchcliff" Cot- tage. Misses M. Hodgins and M. Mac- dOnald returned to Toronto on Fr4,4 • day after having been at the for flier's cottage, "Stonehaven" for a, fortnight. Mr. and Mrs, George Lindsay and Carel, Paris, Mr. and Mrs. John E, Sparks and family, Drem- bo, visited Mrs. Gebrge Lindsay on Sunday. , Mr. an Mrs. T. James, Detroit, and the latter's sister, Miss Mabel Grout, London, England', were the guests of Mrs. A. W, 'Reid from Saturday to Monday. -Mr. and Mr. Argus McRae and Douglas returned to London on Friday after having spent a week with her 'parents, Mr. and Mrs, William IL Johnston. Mrs, J. A. Orr and son John who have been at their cottage for the summer and X. A. Orr who was here over: the Weekend have returned to Stratford. Mrs. E. McEvoy -and,Mri. Lela 'Landenslager have returned- . to Enid, Oklabotha, after having spent the summer with their aunt, Mrs, E. W. Oddleifson• , Kenneth Scotelinier, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Scotchnier, Bronson Line, is in Scott Memorial Hospit- al, Seaforth,, where he underwent Surgery on Sunday morning. Mr. and Mrs: William -Barber and family,. St, Thomas, Were at their cottage in Bailey Park, which they have purchased recent- ly, over th-e holiday weekend. - Mr. and Mrs. R. P. Jackson have returned, to Detroit after having spent several weeks in the Mc- Combe cottage. Mrs. Jackson is a sister of Mrs. Charles R. Will. Mr. and Mrs. John Hayman and four. children returned to 'Belle- ville the last week in August after having spent the season with his parents, M. and Mrs. A. W. Hay- man. Mr. and Mrs: Richard Dick, Garden City, Mich., were at her. father's cottage last. week. Mr. and Mrs. David Luck and three .1)oys:are now at the Kanter cot- tage. , Miss Ethel Blair, London, -was home over the long weekend. Her mother Mrs. R. Blair, 'and Mrs. George Heard, went to London -on Tuesday:evening to spend Wednes- day with.her. Miss Helen Blair left on Satur- daS, to commence her teaching • duties at Lively, near- Sudbury. Her father, Robert Blair,. motored With her to Tillsonburg where she joined a friend for the trip. .,Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, Toronto, visited her mother over the weekend. Linda Gemeinhardt, who has been visiting her aunt in Toronto and in Niagara Falls, re- turned to the village with them. Mr. anct Mrs, Grafton Weston were here aver the weekend. Their daughter Judy returned to London with them after having spent the long vacation with her grandpar- eats, Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Weston, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Mather, ead, Garrett and Christopher left on Saturday for their home in Arlington, Virginia, after having been the guests of the former's aunt, Mrs,. R. W. 13r1stol, for a week. Mr. and Mrs. Roliald Burt who had been holidaying at Britannia Lodge, Huntsville, were ,at their home in the village last, week, Misses Elaine and. Linda Keyes, Hensel', visited their autt, Mrs, Ronald Burt, Mr, and Mrs. Arch. Ormond Newark, N.J., recently visited his brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs, H. L Ormond. Mr. H. iSebitts, Mount Vernon, Ohio, a classmate of Mrs. H. IL Ormond, was her guest last week. Mr, and Mrs. Robert MacLeod spent Sunday 'With his DarentS, Mr, end Mrs. L. H. MacLeod. On their return to London, they were Se- comparded 'by their daughter, Cathy, who has been with her grandparents f� r the surniner. 'Guests at the home of Mrs. Wal- ter Westlake reeently included; Mr., and Mrs, Arthur AtithiSon, Birniinghani; Mr, and Mrs, A. Hartry, Hamilton; Mr„ -arid Mrs, J.. D. Eubanks', Detroit; Robert TA'oldt, Herman Dingelhofer, Grosse Poin- te, Wiflia '. Buchan, Dunnville, spent Sunday and Monday with his sister, Mrs.'11. W. Woods. On his return, he was accompanied by his oldest brother, W. E. 'Euchan, who has been with his sister ter four weeks. W. E. Euchan will visit in Dunnville and also his daughter in Ottawa, enroute to his home h Calgary. • • 14rs. Jack Sturgeon, jr., com- puied by her son Birinie, Howard Scotehmer and Ricky Netkins vis- ited with her sister, Mrs. Gilbert Knight J11 Toronto from Monday to Wednesday last weeic The stysin4en?noytehtle tohitey.t`NB and sight - Kiss lVfary Alice Hunter and John DovImie, University Of TRr. Conte, accompanied D. R. G. H1/o ter from Toronto, and were hero ofer the weekend of August 20. MisS Sally Beth's guest -tP the Liabour DaY weekend wasEliza, 1144Miss i31Jaekaen' 113,'IQettIC9avbeell'ang Maeleackl, Torontec Were .the guests ef Miss Mabel Hodgins over thejso, eerke•Golv wnhdc:Owt:Artoig:un211 gust 25 Mrs. James and Miss Bonnie Cow, wi Goderich called on Miss Nedgins one day that week Mr, and Mrs. - Douglas Long came on Friday to visit her par - ens, Mr, and Mrs. Harry Baker before leaving fax Vancouver, B.C., on Sunday. Mr. Long will enter the University of British colturibia to study for his IVIaSter's degree. Mrs, Long will be on the 'Staff ef the Victorian, Order off Nurses, Mrs. Tack Murray ;vile ha been visiting her sister-in-lavv, Ws. W. J. McLeod, returned` to„ Owen Sound with her husband who Was here for a few days, IVIrs. Murray and daughter, Miss ponna Murray, Toronto, also visited her eider daughter, Mrs. W, J. Mc- Leod and farnibeover the weekend. James Adams, Chicago and South Haven, MIb., accompanied by nephews and their wives and a mice, Mr. and 1VIrs. Stacy .Adams, Atlanta, Georgia, Mr. and Mrs. john Adams, 1V/ilwaiikee, Wis., and Miss Olive Hyatt, East St. Los, Ill., visited Bayfield, his native villageanAugust 24, . and called an frids. ' Guests at Deer -Lodge recently were: Mr. and Mrs. F. X, Crooks and family,l)etroit; Mr, and Mrs. T. M. Fraser and family, London; Mr. ...and Mrs. James Ifarris and family, Mr. and Mrs, J. Harris, London;' Mrs. James Prew, Lamp- ster, N.H. Mrs. Frew is an artist and she was out sketching on the beach at six o'clock in the morn- ing when weather permitted Mr. and Mrs. Eric Elliott, daughter, Mrs. James Lorent, and son Danny, Oshawa, yvent on to visit his sister in Detroit on Wed- nesday of last week after having visited his cousin, 14s. Alfred Seotchmet, Jr., and family from the previous Saturday, Eric re- newed acquaintanees in the vil- lage. He was a school boy- here when his father Ed. Elliott was principal o f Bayfield Public School. The' Rt. Rev. William A: Town- shend, DD, FOtS, Mrs. ToWnshend laarbara and Robert, London, and a nephew, Alan Townshend; Sarn- ia, were at their cottage on Fri- day and-Sattrday. 13ishop TOW114, ihend, Suffragan of Huron, left on Saturday evening to attend the meeting of the Canadian House of Bishops in Brockville. He wiltal: so attend the Executive gounen' at Kingston, September 6 to 12. Alan Townshend attended the Huron Church Camp before leaving for Sarnia. Mr. and Mrs.- Norval Gemein- hardt, Carl and Lois, Saginaw, Mich., returned to their home on Monday after having -spent a week at the home of Mrs. F...C. Gem-, einhardt. Other visitors ith Mrs. Gemeinhardt were Miss Muriel StalkerNher sister and lirother-in- aw, Cheboygen, Mr. and Mrs, Stanley Widener and $on Lar- ry, Mrs. E. Wuhner, Seginaw;, Mr. and Mrs. C. Rogue, M and Mrs. W. Worthington, Toronto;, Jack Wilson, I.,eridarn Dan Dupqs, .4114 Mrs. Gordon Dupuis _and daughter Sandra, grittieby. • Oleate at The Little Inn; Miss Susan Ardist, Highland Park, Mid:4 Mrs. Edith Sestocit and fanUy,DirnAingiunn, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Harold Petinsk, Worth- ington, Ohio; Mr. and Mrs,„Robert lieWISOTI, Ann Arbor, Mich.; Miss Margaret Jarvis, Hamilton; miss Margaret Haskins, Royal Qak, Mich.; Miss Jessica King, Detroit; William Strasser and family, Dear- born, Mich; Mr. and Mrs, D. me- Cr,immon and son, Donald. Mont- real, Qge., F/Q and Mrs. 33. Stead - Man, LOrt;31011; M. and Mrs, K. R. CeneiY, Ferndale, Mich,; Miss gel - en Beanmount, Cleveland; William Davidson, EaSt Laiping, Miss A. Grimes, at LanSing; M. and Mrs. M, L. Oseneranz, East Lansing; M. and Mrs. John Mes- senger, East LanSing; Mrs, B. Long and- Barbara, • Walkerville; Mrs, F. Bally and Janet, Vindsor; Mrs, W, Heyd and daughter Ruth VVincis' or; , Mr, ,and Mrs. R, Coates, Ottawa; ' Mr, and IVlrs. n. H. Wolslie, Hamilton; Dr. and MrS. H. L. Dyer, Detreit, Web,: 1)r. and Mrs. R. NfacKafand children, Landon; Miss,„ Muriel, Dyer, Ed- monton; Mr, and Mrs. J. Brown, Jr., Detroit; 'Mr. and Mrs,, Karl Davies and Susan, Detroit; and Mrs. Frank Kelly and Rich- ard, Detroit; Miss Mabel ReSs, roto, Mr. and IVIrk D. Green, pe- troit. At The Poplars . Mrs. J.. RadfordClinton, and grandchildren, Nancy and Caroline Watters, •Goderich, were 'at her cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. /4. A. Stephens, Jane, Mark and Norah, returned. to Toronto, on Sunday after hav- ing spent the summer at their cot- tage, "Loch Harne.e Mr. and Mrs. '''Stewart Cook, Nancy, and Donald, who have been at their cottage far the season returned to their home in Strat- ford on Monday, " " Mr. and Mrs. J .Cree Cook re- turned to their home in Clinton on Monday after ha'ving spent the summer at "Wee Loch' Heine.", Mr. andMrs Wililam Grieg and Miss Jean Greig let on Tuesday for Toronto, after having been at 'their cottage,' "Bali Acres", far the summer- Mr .and Mrs. William, Bell, Jr:, Jeffrey and'Billy, left on Wednes- day. for their home in Dearborn; Mich., after, vacationing in . the parental cottage. Mr. and Mrs. /Stanley Blowes and four 'children have returned to Stratford after occupying their cottage, "Grunthlenot". Mr. and Mrs. George. Peter, Stratford, were' at their 'Cottage over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Bentinger, 1VIrs. Harry Peter, and Mr. and Mrs. Franc Peter, Douglas ail* Mary Stratford, spent the long weekend at the Peter cottage. ANSWER TO THIS • WEEK'S 2C -W011,1? NUS., S• jOhMtOil. (B our Dayfield 'correspondent) The death occurred in Alexan- dra. Maxine and General Hospital,: Goderieb, an Sunday, Aupst X' of Mrs. Sarah johnston, The deceased woman who was a daughter of Mary Ann Bell Eird. William Bell, was born in anIi- ton, January 9,„'1870. In .early childhood she moved to Goderich with hev parents, where she continued to 'reside, Site was parried to .Johti John- ston, who predeceased her in 1.948.. 'Besides raising her family of: three children, she also raised a niece and a grandson, William. 11. jolInstono in later -years, Follow, -mg her husband's derniSe, she made her home with this grand - eon.. She was a member Of Victoria Street United Church, Goderich. Mrs,..:•J''.ohnson had spent some tune .with, her daughter in 134y- -field and also been in and out of hospital for some months during: her lengthy nines's. .peat/z was due to a heart condition and corn - •plications. • Surviving are, a .son, Clarence, GocleriCh, a daughter, Ada (tMrs, George ‘Little), Bayfield; four grandchildren, -William H. Johns- , I ton, Doris and Arlene Jobnstong • Goderich, and Mrs, Cecil Grist,. Halifax, N.$,, and three great., grandchildren, The Amoral WAS held frau), OA. Ledge funeral home'GotieriChro. Tuesday, August 28. The service. was conducted by -the Rev. S. A, . Moate, Goderich, assisted by the . Rev. Reter Renner, Bayfield. Interment was made in Malt., • land Cemetery, Goderich, - The pallbearers were: George-. s Mtnnby, Wilfred Larder, Robert McCabe, George 1VieCabe, Bell,D, M, O'Brien. Those attending the funeral., from a ,distance were; Mrs, jobn,. W. Bell, Mr. and Mrs, Ernest ' Rowe, Nerwieh; Mr. and Mrs.. Reg. Tnfford, Stratbroy; 1V1r, and, Mrs. Jahn E. Patterson, Seaforth; Mr% Fred Unteh, Mrs, 3, Rands, „ Mr, and Mrs, Dick Jacob, Mr. and Mrs. Thomas 4. Riley, Clinton,' Mr. and Mrs. Stanley I Bryant, Lori don; Me,.and Mrs, 3, M. Stewart,, Mrs. Fred McEwen, the Rev. and•„ Mrs. Peter Renner, Bayfield; L. $„. Walden, London; MP, Corey E. Back, Detroit; Mr. and Mrs, • Theron Betties, Seaforth, (Additional' Bayfield Hews , on Pages 3, 9, 10 and 11) TENDER, Tovinship of Tuckersmith TENDERS ore invited by the TOwnship of Tucker - smith for the construction of the Shepherd Creek Drain consisting of 33,500 lineal feet of open drain (17,700 cu. yds.). . Marked cheque for 1096 of the amount of tender mutt accompany each tender and tenders must\ be in the clerk's hands by Sept, 15th, 1956, at 6 p.m. DST. ,Plans and specifications may be sten at the clerk's office. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. E. P. CHESNEY, ,„Clerk, Tuckersmith, 36-7-b ', _ ( R.R. No. 4, Seisforih,‘Ont: % 1 • ......4 ' NOTICE Township of Tuckersmith The Township of Tuckersmith Municipal Dumping Ground, , situated one-half, miie west of Egmondville, Con. 3, HRS, will be topen to ratepayers of the Town- ship of Tuckersmith only, on Wednesday and Saturddy afternoons from the ',hours of 2 to 6 p.m. No wire, car bodies or garbage (organic) is to ,be deposited and all dumping must be cione, under the supervision of the. insPector. , 33:4-5-b E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk, •- Township of Tuckersmith. , „,.„; • • • v.? ••••• ...• .•':ip:a•iii:,:k:::•:.:::.•••••••••.• • • • If you con send nine pigs to market out of every litter farrowed,rit stands to reason that your cost of produc- tion per pig is a lot less than if just 4 or. 5 pigs reach market. That's simple 'arithmetic. What's the secret? There no 'faret. it's a question of starting with 'well-bred sows, using good management AND FEEDING PROPERLY. For the dry sow we recommend SHUR-GAIN DRY SOW RATION --a, feed designed, especially for feeding the sow during gestation*to aitsere a strati§ AgarauS Otter. PO the nursing' sow we recommend SHUR-GAIN. NURSING SOW RATION, --a foea that keeps your sow fit and helps her produce a good milk.flow, Tests prove thot balanced fed sows will Wean more pigs per litter, Use these two balanced feeds'to feed OUr sows—ond be assured of feeds that ere FRESH, Canada Packers Limited Clinton, Ont. iltone M. 24815 1. • Lowest Priced RCA Victor TV Console Handsome Gold -Toned Appointments, FeaturescHigh and Easy Tuning, with numbers on knob, big speaker, balanced fidelity sound, "all clear" RCA Silverarna, aluminized picture tube; in Walnut. Mdhpg- any or Limed Oak finishes. 10571%1030EL noW hi Stock at "'Where You Get 90 Days Parts and Service Absolutely Free" Phone J. 2-3841 Clinton