HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-02, Page 8r t :'' .d utt.,, the wfte of -A, z.. t. ;, on t a troth ult., the wife of Mr. e.: 4! ^,'ern, •.v¢z,,, pn t lith ult., the wifc•of Mr, •in , or 'ic' Path Felt„ the wife of t F r ,', an•u,d.-ter. or, on the 12th ult., the wife • !'.4r. z a a t c tho 1t)ti ult., the wife of r 11 e a n c,,,•.2.1 au::wat On no 23rd ult., the Wito cf ilessard • u da 11ter. • „r — n ,h,t.)n, or Yh . 1Cth ult., the wife of 1 1 r a,:n 1.eynor; a d lighter. a, a m1 ',e lith ult , the 1rff0 of s.: r A TooLc an , a so , 1 .t rc-- t Clinton, on ho 23rd nit, the wifo of W i Wien; a son i i ti e-. At Clinton. on lro 24th ult, the wife of Mr 1 C Edmunds.; unds.; a s n. 5e ht * z iaik-n 1” r ront I obeya on ho 1 te30th ult , the wife of •• by 111 ., J. McMillan, Mr.G 1. Thacker, antaoulrs, to .-1.5s Isabella McArthur of Greenock. 111.—At the •esidcnce of the bride's 1 Set Cr 3 . Mr. Thn. eo 111139 Flow, on inottWest t , em sh to lilies Sarah 'ameron. ai.l� i i ue,—In Morri , on tilt, 3rd ult., at the r +en a of Frank PIeCt. -ken, by the Rev. Idr. 11in(, 3:., Jamas L. Strett n, of $russets, to bliss G.o,ly, d u, hter of Mr. TI Vis, Clark, of Morris. IaL+O'cr--Nuarar—At the esidenee of the bride's pili Smith. Mr. Jamc3 Elliot , of Eth hel, by blies Mar - last Murray. ararz:osoa---UAatenov—In West Wawanosh, by the Rev. R. Leash, Mr, A. 1 . J. Jefferson, of Enst li'a- w^.uosh, to Miss Chris na Cameron, of West Wa- waneain, I::n..0--Me AY --At Enni.killen, on the 23rd u1t., by Dor. F. W. Crowle, Mr Robt. King, of Teeswater, to Miss 0iagglo Melia , of Culross. L'70trr—•Serscsn—At aris, on tho 14th ult., by Rev. A. E. Russ, 1 v. Geo, Kirkby, M. A., to Emily 31, Spencer, aughter of ,the late Rov. J. Span::er, 14. A., and inter of 31rs. Dr. Stewart, of Palmerston. RED. ZI:^vacua-4t Winoh;a z,. on the 31st ult,, Mrs W F Iliscooks. SCOTT—At 3iole3wortl on the 12th ult., Peter Scott, a• ed 21 years, 2 mo the and 17 days. 1rrpotmar,L-1n North Easthope, on the 22nd ult., Dorval McDougall, .ed 82 years,. 7 months and 1 day, RYr o—At Clinton, on he 23rd ult., Jas. Kyle, aged 43 yearn, 11 months id 2 days Lo:Ts—At Duluth, Mi Lowry, formerly of Cosrr:,tA:o—At Ethel, o: loan:, Wife of 0000;-e M0D1Anmzn--rn Stanley Stewart, wife e.f Mr ye ars. Dow—In Hibbert, ont. 83 years. h., on the 17th alt., Ames floss, aged 20 years. the 22nd ult., Ellen Cush; ushman, aged 48 years. on the 21st ult, Catharine omld McDiarmid, aged 76 17th nit, William Dow, aged See our Deese e BEa.ntle Goo ,s. See etx : ,u,she3, , a lettes, Mar See our Flannels, erwear and B1an et . See our Tweeds, Worm, s, Footings an. Ove °coatings© See our Gloves, H.osiery, alias and Shawl See our Carpets, Oilcloths, =mask.; and Cu i w a .ns. See our Boots and Shoes, l .versh,oes and RtV bers. See our Magnificent Display 3.all s )epa1t2nent See our Value. Cannot be r ; dersolde P emu and TrizzarAng,is,.. SM4' ea Y ei, sloes'... APO TORONTO.—The receipts f Wheat sold at 6123 to $1 and 032 to $1 00 for goose, pati aL 420 t0 43e ; peas at to 67e. Hay very firer wit to :t25. 0%110400, Oct. 30.—Who Curing the past few days, the prediction that it 'nil does not look strong ; on may be described as badl DAIRY Woons0ocu, Oot 31—A here today 6,000boxes w P.:Iea30LL, Oct 50—At 20,000 boxes were offered market was quiet, and b Montreal, -Cheese—A not quite as firm. Full medium at nc to 4}o, T flutter—Prices of choice he supply is not large. lc, and choice roils also U. S. LIVE East Buffalo, Oct 31. dozen loads of shipping intra all but choice stoc demand. Sheep are m quality and sold at 63 35 New York, Oct 30— nominally him. at i5 00t Chicago, Cot 61—Ca $.1, 65 ; c.loice cattle, 65 feeders 12 o :35, coy r and prices unchanged: for fall; 6123 for red. arloy steady, 67o to75c; 3c to 67e, and rye at 65e sales of six loads at $21 has advanced unsteadily 112 some are credited with go lunch higher. But it Ole contrary, the market strained. ARKETS. the cheese market hold re offered, No sale. Ire cheese market today There were no sales. The yers and sellers apart. niet t•ade and the. market eanzs job at 10.1c to 110 and e October make is small,.. qualities continue firm, as; he best tub brings 20c to, ring the same prices. OC(I MARKETS, • attle—demand for about n. attle, but none here ; offer= , for which there was little stly of common to good' n$385. ogs—receipts, 8,700 head ; $6 20 per 100 lbs. Ie—native steers, $2 80 to 5 to $5 65 ; stockers and and bulls, $125 to $2 65. t .M 1CDONALD, //DV. � JOSEPHINE STREET, v Wl501WA1i, • - - ONTARIO. rpISE ENTRANCE EXAMINATION for admission Ai. to IIi•:h.Swho0ls and Collegiate Institutes in the Cvemty•wi'l 1Jo held in Clinton, Seaforth and Wing. ham, on Wednesday, Thursday and Friday, the 10th, 20th and 21st daps of December next, commencing 0n ll edneoday at 1 p. 01. A11 candidates who intend to write aro requested to notify the under• signed not later than the. 15th of November. A fee of pity cents will be charged, payable at the. time of wilting. U. Dirc00. MALLOCH, Inspector P.S., • Clinton, Oct. 27th, 1868. North Huron. t o the Public. 'We d0 ire to tender our sincere thanks to ouiz/• p%trona and the public generally for the.a'ordial business support accorded us the past years. COUTTs & 1300018, The undersigned begs leave to state that arrangements have been made whereby the business in future will be conducted by himself, as the existing partnership has been dissolved. I hope by close attention, and consideration of the requirements of my customers, to merit and receive an extended patronage in the JfuturS. e. 7vcl; a, Winghate, October 25th, 1888. YOU OUGHT TO GO TO TIRST.31 Yours Respectfully, 4D00. �__ ,.dr.....a.a......... ..�.�-rim..,�.,�.s..�..�.�.,�.�e-.-....�,�.,.....w..+a. IMPQ.RI V .M., Where is to be found the FINEST, BEST SELECTED and CHEAPEST AS- SORTMENT of all the Latest Patterns and Most Reliable makes in SCOTCH, ENGLISH, IRISH and CANADIAN Made Goods, Fine Fllench panting, Worsteds Dercontiiggo. a'i'OR SALE O1. r20 RENT• • trIt. 17. B. IIUTTON, (HAVING DECIDED TO `@ 1L romnv0 to his premises near the Upper Mill, offers for ea%e or to rent his property and residence in tows 471011501, opposite the Salt Bloc0, eon- s tin„ cf 2; arr5s of laud, well fenced, with good w!cha d, wellstable and large, comfortable resi- dence, Also for sale In, on Josephine St.,Winghtun, north of T lmlyn's Blor', and opposite T. A. Mills' store. A desirable business location. A; ;o fur sato 2lots on Frances St., a short distance south of tho Public School, /1 -0 -SIC_ MISS NELLO McHARIDY. yt IM m O TATI NS HAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF EVERY LINE FOUND IN A FIRST CLASS BOOKSTORE. A STOCK OF BENTS' FURfb1Stofl6S, - LOWEST PRICES FOR CASH ! (' LA",f :5 roil. INSTRUCTION 05 PIANO AND ci 411,111 Voice Culture and Harmony. Musa, Booms : t:i Ba voa BLOCK. Mot, y to Loan on Notes. Notes Discounted AT ,I'inASONA'.3L7 ]3t .TES. I I n o .^.F11mate d en 11f0rt;ariss at 0 per cent. with p it,l o: peying at the end of any year. Notes ani c _t.0 trite 0011,1ated. I$OBT. ivItatwoo. 0++ • ,--heaver TOock. 1vingham, Ont. FOR RELIABLE GOODS AND GUARANTEED FITS, —GO TO— JOSEPHINE ST., EAST, T. L LI 9 • WINGIIAM, ONT. AGNIFICENT WALL PAPERS Of EVERY QUALITY, SHADE and DESIGN, and at REALLY LOW PRICES. BIG ARRIVALS IN FANCY COORS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TEACHERS' ILEQUISITES, FINE ALBUMS AND VERY LOW PRICES. VASES IN EVERY DESIGN,, AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS. . BLANK BOOKS. HOLIDAY GOODS. RONOMETERSt To The Lndie$ of .Winghnri and Ountowiding goon%iti% We beg to intimate that we have on hand a very Complete Stock of F NCY GO•1S, Comprising the CHOICEST ARTICLES and LATEST NOVELTIES, REAL. L: RATEAND FRE iNSUR- °FciC ". KZN1"8 iii LOCK, WINCHAM. A nn'+,her of Iiutlding tots and 000 iitionee Proper. 1•, f.q,vale 'in nve.1' .rinrtainakeahomoinWI ghoulshnnld t'*0'n ,cwk1t,' v'i`h, or pl-r in pthir n at my 0.fce, wheys ail nee, -;wary inf,frulation Can i 0 3b'a.1)t'i. ce ntal Qoedis Evegy Dgltagtment. AN INSPECTION OF OUR STOCK SOLICITED. 111,74 gt Bing &golBas.the Latest Out. Bra XT.. JUST. SEE - MY m ASU PL - O RAILWAY AfT C EIT J S, BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS AND PEIIFEOT TIME -KEEPERS. rzr Prices Very Reasonable. MISSES BONTHRON. Oat seal Till Opened. The undersigned desire to inform farm. ors and the people generally that they have reopouod their oaf Neai Rill ii Wingha n, And aro now prepared to purchase Oats in unlimited quantities and at the ig iBt Market Price. They will supply enstotnera with the BEET Gnome it, Oat Areal. L AR & CLEGG, 00 VALICA GOLD and FILL"D aenz czar, S. TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. MY QUoT .TIONS AND PRICES CAN'T Bt BEATEN EL 2P— G M - WINGIIAM. ......... ram �.x,.ym�,x..,,.rs cer_.rx�a,.� �e:,anravcs•,. �...' for rsatools g00 116dod propS ller DECIDED 1n the Townoffer Pk, (Lower Wincham,) Composed as follows : Psa03r. I : Lots Nos. 134 and 133 on the North side of Water St. and lots Nos. 137 and 138 on the tionI toemther enth side of COmp001 ai splenria St. Thesis lotg ore al id if acre park lot, dEbaetient value, 1'Azlcet. 1I; Vora L0rS..-Numbers 35, 86, 37 and 23 on the East stile of Herbert tit., in the Town Plot, Fisher's Herr Iv. Patten III : In the Government Mill Reserve, Fisher's euvror, 'hot No. 2 on the, East aide of Helm St., about one.efth of an acre, with a small hones and stable. Patties alshing to see the properties and ascertain terfnw can do so by appiyi1S to SRA. T. MEM:, Lower Wbtgham. Winiliam P, Cl. MASON BLOCK, a OUT OF E E FIRE! MESSRS. FULLY ASSORTED THEIR STOCK,TALBOT cI,LX N.A..1S & HAVE OPENED OUT IN enderson'S Old Stand, AND o 'MER SPLENDID Z 'DU takIENT iN READY-MADE CLOTHING, GROCERIES, BOO'S & SHOES, AND GLASSWARE. Gana and mite E VEMUNAP GREAT BIG BARGAIN'S, WRICA EVERYBODY OUCtUT '1'U 07) OBsz VE1 AND PROFIT 3Y.