HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-09-06, Page 770iLlOWAY, SrOrfgerin 6,1656 4o,usTroisr nvirs-nmonia VICASSIrliriO RATES CAM RATE (it Paid by the 11,ednegleY I0110wInl petiallea 3lon) Two eel* pr word, lloinboom cents; li/e eenta 'Newel for _cavil, following Loser,' teBnelleiniuul 35 coeds. BOX NUMBER-e15o extra, BIRTHS, MARRIAONS, arid "DEATHS--ao ()bane. ENGlAffEMENTS,VARDS Or ,nwsngs A lsT MEMORIAM; • -.Two poets per Werd,Inirdneeel -50 Oen* CHARGED -e15 cents extra, BEADLINP-1.2 o'eleelt noon, "Wedneeilay• Accommodation For Rent -Two APAR,T1UNTS, fernished, refrigerater, garage. 'hPie HU "2-9e08, 33-tfie WO ROOM APARTMENT, fur- Ilished, _heated. Suitable for couple IEU2-9365, 36-b -FUR,NISHED APARTMENT, suite -, -able for family of three or four. )Plione HU 2-5572: 6 -*P 'THREE ROOMA,PAR'I1MENT' ` -e-' with Separate bath, Unfurnished, ',Roy Tyndall, Phone HI.)e- 2-9928. 36-b 'Two .Daxtoolvf APARTMENT • . for rent' unfernished. Mailable eimmediaiely„ Phone 1-10-2416fre, 88-b • -wova rtoox 'UNFURNISHED :apartment, share' bath. Couple • "Witteehildren. Phone cjinton, HU „: 2-9418: le 36 -le , • :NEW MODERN HOME ON KING treet, OIL. * furnace, hardwood • 'floors. Attached garage. Avail - :.able Octeber 1. Phone HU 2-3289, Oil r .1 'TWO ROOM FURNISHED apart- ement, suitable for couple. Laundry 7'fadlities. Call after six pan. Available immediately. Phone HU '"--9504. 36-b -FURNISHED AND UNFUR,NISH- •eed self-contained heated apart- :eenente: Apply H. C. Lawson, Real - lot, Bank' of Nfontreal Building, qehorie HU 2-9644., • TWO APARTIVIENTS, suitable for ' tveo. Available now. All modern • conveniences. One with private ..entrance. D. S. Cantelon, Raglan Street. Phone HU, 2-9483. 36-b .14 ROOM UNFURNISHFAD heated :Apartment, private bath and met- eer. Also three room furnished rii e's. t e d apartment. /Weldable :soon. Phone Clinton HU 2-9005. - .. 36-b OR RENT, SEPTEMBER 15, iturfurnished 3 room apartment, tgrotend floor, self contained, in :modern home. Heated by oil fur:. etace. Laundry in basement. Ideal Lfor couple. Phone HU 2-9634. 36,b -,r,wo ROOM, FURNISHED apart.: Anent, eeith garage in private home'. Su& -in sink and cupboards, refrig- lerator and stove, soft wa,ter and tateam heated.° Suitable for. couple. Aehone HU 2-9642,edurieg day, and :HU 2-9357, during evenings . 34tfb -=. HOURS" Accommodation Waited - 8 ROOM FURNISHED APART- Inent for couple with 2 children, '20 menthe and 4 months old. Alp - :ply -Box 363, News -Record. 36-p Articles For Sale IOE CAR GARAGE 20' x 14W. 'Cheap for quick sale, Abe Bran - ,don, James Street, Clinton, 36-p , "TWIN BABY CA.RRIA.GE, in ex- ceptionally good condition, used •only a few times. Phone Don C. Colquhoun; HU .2-3297. . 36-b 'TV FIT FOR A "KING" - We 'Rent - Move - Install. Complete :service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, bone Goderich 1344M. • - 23-tfb -Ve• OFF SALE -1847 ROGERS 'Bros. Silverware, selling at half rice for limited time. Choose irst Love, Eternally Yours or :Adoration patterns. Order a few 'pieces or a complete set while this -amazing offer lasts at Counter's :Jewellery Store, 35-p Articles Wanted PLAYPEN WANTED, TO BE IN good condition. Phone HU 2-3843. 36-p 'AD'S BICYCLE IN GOOD con- dition. Mrs. H, leer*. Phone HU '2-7572.x 36- -• SHOTGUN'S WANTED, any make or calibre. Apply Box 364, Clin- ton News-Itheord, BABY SITTING .--- 'RELIABLE MOTHER will baby it by the day or hourly. Reason- able rates. Phone HU 2-e765. 36-b "Z WILL CARE FOR CHILDREN in my home, while Mother works. '24 Regina Road, I3ox 46, RCAF .Station, Clinton. 36-7-b Business Opportunities 'OWN YOUR OWN BUSINESS. 'Contact L. G. Winter, Real Estate, High Street. Clinton. Phone Cline 'eon IIU 2-6692. • 13-tfh 'SCHOOL and- Fuel -• expenseS! • expenses! Meet this extra cost by aelling famous. line of products. Write for details and • free cata- logue. FAMILEX, Dept. 1, Station eC, Montreal. 36-b ' •• , Farm Produce For Sale 'PtA.caEs - gimp CANNING 'varieties now and until the end Of 'the season, at Ceeveelodk Fruit Farm, one mile north of IForest on llue Water _Highay, ' 34-6-b *PEACHS FOT SALE, $4 a bush- el, for choice fruit. Bargains on Small peaches, windfalls, etc, 'Bellvievv Fruit Farms, Goderich, RR 2, Phone Goderich 1260W4 . ., .. 364.0 ,..4 'PEACHES AND PEARS -Vedette and Hale Raven Canning peaches leee at their best. Battlett pears ready the end of the week. El• *berth peadhes will be ready in ten tlay s to two weeks. Cane early 'es ere* Is Het, to Coverilock Or. ,thards, one mile north of 'orest ......, vele,* men-. ttt;its411101vir tb,_;•• 'VII JJJUC VY awL IL., For r 1 Automoulies r Joie 1946 CHEVROLET FLEDTL1NE in fair condition, with G.M. radio. Albert Letbold, RR, No. 2, Clinton. ?Ilene HU, 2-7509. 36p furniture Re -Finishing FOB FURNII.TRE, PIANO AND radio .cabinet, refinishing and re - Raying, Apple' W. G. Pickett, phone Clinton HU 2-7029. - 26-p-tfla Help Wanted 1V1ALE AND FE:MALE-To work in poultry eviscerating plant. Apply H,\ A, Doney, phone HU 2-9565. 36b WANTED FULL OR PART-TIME SALES help to enroll new members' in Ontario's Fastest growing Freez- er Food Club. Drawing account or commission.Apply box No, 362, News -„Record. 36-7-p Help Wanted -Male BREA-D SALESMAN,. Full time employment. Apply in person 'to Bartliff Bros. 34-6-b YOUNG MAN FOR WRAPPING and packaging in • bakery. Full time employment. Apply in per- -ten to Bartliff Bros. 33-4-6eb - • Livestock For Sale ELEVEN PIGS, SIX -WEEKS old. At same address, sweet corn for canning. Come and pick your own at 20 cents per dozen. No. galls on Sunday. G. Vanderhaar, RR 2, Bayfield, two Miles west of Mid- dletores Church. $6-p Livestock Wanted OLD HORSES WANTED' AT 31/2c lb., 'and dead cattle at value. If dead, phone at once. GILBERT AROS. MINK RANCH, phope col- lect 1483 J 4 or 1483 J 1. :36tfb _ ATTENTION FARMERS: Prompt, Courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Cell collect Ed. Andreees,- 851r11, 'eaforth. Associated with Darling and Co. of Canada, 19tfb •Miscellaneous BAWIELD REST HOME; "THE home within a home," Home for __con.valeseents, elde rly. people, Home cooked meals,'registered nurse in attendance. Phone Hay- field 37. - 32-3-4-5-p ART SURPLIAS (Winsor New- ton); 'religious goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all occasions. MacLaren's Studios, Clinton.and Goelerich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p.m. Phone Clinton HU. 2.940l.' 29- fb LET US REPAIR AND MAK your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and stones safely secured -don't take chan- ces. Expert work done reesonable to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs: and Pearl testringing. • W. N. Counter. 36:p PERSONAL HYETT'S REMEDIES - Eczema remediee, Asthma and the est .of the famous line are avail- lele at Pennebaker's the IDA se:5re, sole agent. • 24-28-32-36b Poultry For Sale 100 &EW HAMPSHIRE X. -ROCK, laying., Robert Taylor, phone HU/ 2-9144. * - 36-b 200 SUSSEX. AND ROCK PUL - lets, nearly 6 months old. Chris. Kennedy, phone Blyth 2&r41 36b FOR SALE - 150 PULLETS, Swift's Layers ,(W.L X R.I.R.), 5 monthsold, started to lay. James Landsborough, RR No. Seaforth, phone Seatorth 655r1&. 4, 36-p Property For Sale ' FOR SALE IN BLYTH, SIX room brick home with hydro, bath room and •towfl water, one block from Highway. Apply Ella Met- calfe, phone 116, Blyth. 36-7-b FOR S.A.,E; Lake Front Cottage at Hunter's' Beach, Godericb. 21' x 24', Better than average; lined with plywood; completely furnish- ed; sleeps nine; drilled well and inside plumbing. Apply George F, Eggert, 351. Ontario Street, Stratford. • 33-4-5-b SEED FOR SALE SEED RYE -FOR SALE, $1.25 per bushel atethe barn. Lloyd Hol- land, phone HU 2-7084. 36-p GENESEE SEED WHEAT FOR sale, good combine variety. Apply to Cecil Elliott. Phone HU 2-6621, 36-b ,0 WANTED WOODWORK FINISHER to eventually take charge of finishing department. . WOODWORKING MACHINE HAND to eventually take charge of Machine room. * Good Workff'ig COnditiOnt # Good Poy Applitations treated Li strict confidence. Fodor), looted in Western Ontario TPwn, Reply stating experience, marital status, salary expeeted. Apply to 110X 360 Clinton News-Iteeora' 36-b CARDS. OF THANKS. I wish to- thank any neighbours, friends and those who sent gards. kind teats while I was a patient in W tmlnster Hospital, London,' TREY •O". MANAGHAN„ • • 36-b t 1 . AND MRS, ANTHONY' ZABLOCIO .would like to convey their heartfelt thanks to the pee. - pie of Londesboro and Blyth for the kindnesses, gifts and, hospital- ity shown them during the past seven years; we thank everyone from the bottom of our hearts. ,36-b' Mk and MRS, ROBERT FAIRr r.„13,wm wish to thank their neighbours, the Clintonian Club the WA ladies of Londesboro and the ladies' of the 13th, for their gifts; also for the excellent service the rendered •.during the after- noon and evening, on the occasion of theF 25th anniversary, • 36-p I week" like to thank my many friends who so kindly remembered me with cards, :treats, giftS, books 'and letters, 'while I was a patient in the hospital, also special thanks to Doctor Addison Dr, 'Oakes and the nurses who were so good tq erie.-TERARY HAUGH-TON. 3A. -p TENDERS WANTED TENDERS'WILL BE RECEIVED by • Goderich" Township School Area tq supply furnace oil to three 'schools, No. 6, No. 10 and No, 4. (Oil to be of satisfactory grade). Tenders to be in the hands of the Secretary by September 20. Low- est or any tender not necessarily accepted. Frank Yeo, Secretary-' 'treasurer, RR 3, Clinton, Ontario, Goderich Township School Area. 36-7-b ee, • 111111101111111111111111111111111111111411,1111111111111111111i1111111111111111111111111111111111111111115 APPLICATIONS WANTED Applications for the position of Superintendent for the . TOWNSHIP' OF 'STANLEY • Will be received by the under- signed up until 1200 o'clock noon, Saturday, September 29. Wages to be. .90e per hour. 36=7 -le • • FRED, WATSON, Clerk, Tpwnship of Stanley 111111911MIIIMII11111111111111111111111111111111i1111111E1111111181111181 REAL ESTATE K. w; Colqu'houn • Real Bstate Broker FIVE ROOM COTTAGE, two bedrooms, 3 -piece bath, 12' x 10' livIngroom, built-in cupboards in kitchen, one car garage on prop- erty. Lot is 66' x 150', -two blocks from uptown. REASONABLY PRICED .14•fi storey frame house, "insul brick siding. -Coal II/A furnace. Living roam, dining room, large kitchen, bedroom down, 3 bedrooms and' bath up. Owner wishes ot pur- chase smaller house. IDEAL.' INCOME PROPERTY in, select residential district. Two storey brick. 4 apartments, two 3 -piece baths, garage, small barn. Oil furnace. Priced reasonably - term -4 can be arranged. PLANING TO BUILDe-I have several select building lots in Clinton.' "Listings & Enquiries Invite' Phone HU. 2-9747 Royal Dank Building Clinton - Ontario 16-b issemesitomenowerensamiesseemnavies. FOR SALE HOME Mos INCOME -Contain- ing 2 self contained apartments with 2 bedrooms, living room; modern kitchen with dining space; -bath, oil heated; located neat schoefs. Early possession. IN VILLA ES801/0: . 11/2 storey 7 room dwelling. Hydro, Water, acre land, im- mediate possessiote Priee $4,000.00. 0 ON HIGHWAY NO. 4, 1 STOREY, i year old ranch type dwelling, 3 bedrooms, large living room, natural fire plaeo, modern kit- I chen'dining nook tiled floors', full basement, oil heating, e tacked igatage, lot '70' X 1157 Early possession.' ' -0- GARAGE AND MACIHNE SHOP with 44oem apartment sittaeli- ea, situated in good farming dis- trict, on County Roads. Folly equipped, building and equipment $1,500. Stock Extra. -0- OitOtoZ tstn[LOINO LO V 128', leetited on Highway No. 8, near schools. Apply to is^ C.LAWSON Complete Iniuicente Service Real Estote Investments, Bank of Montreal Buildings InIONZS Office 1.1U 2 -0644 -Res, MY -igi MINVON, ONTARIO BIRTHS Grace Hospital, Win- nipeg, Man., on Saturday, Aug - est 25, 1956, to Mr, and Mrs, William M. Mama (Kee Nora' Dbffield. Street, St, James, ,Man., _a son. BRUCE -4n Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, September 1, 1956, to LAG and Mrs. Michael Bruce, ,Tames Street, Clintonea; daughter,. CHARRATT - In' South Huron Hospital, Exeter, on Sunday, August 26, 1956, to Mn. and Mrs. Tony Charratt, Hensall, a son, Dennis Robert), COOPER ---In Clinton Public Hos- pital, • on Fria, 'August 24, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cooper, Bond Street, Clinton, daughter, (Peggy 7..,ou), CROSSMAN' Clinton PUNIC Hospital, on Monday, August 27, 1956, to LAC and 1Virs, Robert crossivan, 25 Edmonton Road, Reee.E Station. Clinton, twin -sons, (Trevor and Tyler), EMpEY-In Clinton Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, August 29, 1956, to- Mr. and Mrs. William Empey, Blyth, a daughter, VALCONER-In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, Aughst 301..1956; to Mr. and Mrs. John Faltoner, Goderieh, a daughter. LAIRD -In Clinton Public Hospi- • tal, on Wednesday, August 22, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Terry Laird, Thedford (nee Margaret Holland), a son (Thomas Char- les '(Tommy), LEFEBVRE - In Clinton Public Hospital, 'on Friday, August 24, 1956, to LAC and Mrs. George Lefebvre, Clinton, a son (Mich.. ael Ronald Roger). McKAY-In Public Hospi- tal, on Wednesday, "August 29, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs, Fergus 'McKay, Clinton, . a son. SNYDERS - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Friday, August 24, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. John Sny- ders, RR 1, Auburn, a son (Ron- ald Douglas), SleRUNG-In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, August 25, 1956, to Mr.' and Mrs: Donald ;Sprung, Londesboro, a daughter. STEWART - In Clinton Public Hospital, on Thursday, August 30, 1956; to Sergeant and Mrs. James Stewart, Halifax."Road,- RCAF Station Clinton, a son. SWITZER-In Clinton Public Hos- ital, on Sunday, September 2, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Donald Switzer, Clinton, a dalighter.:. • MARRIAGES MACDON,ALD-ROWE-Iri King - sway United Church, Toronto, on Tuestlay„August 21, 1956, by - Rev. Stanley Tose, Dorothy Jane, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Earle Rowe, Hensall, to John Arden MacDonald, son of Mr. and Mrs. Orlin Chester Mac- Donald, Toronto. PETPERIS-IAAW-In Caven' Pres- byterian Church manse, Exeter, on Saturday, August 25, 1956, by Rev. S. Kerr, Udora Emma, da,ughter of Mrs. Lettie Law and • the late' Fred Law, Guelph, to Norman LeRoy Peters, son of Mr. and Mrs, Fred Peters, no; sell. WHITIlAKER-HANDY - In St. Joseph's. 4pillan Catholic Chur- ..ch, Clinton,' oh Saturday morn- ing, September 1, 1956, by Rev. J. W. P. Graham, Grace Ger- trude Jessie, daughter at Mr. and Mrs. James W. Handy, RR 4, 'Clinton, to .LAC Gerald G, Whittaker, RCAF Station Clin- ton, son of the late' Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Whittaker, Oak Bay, Quebec:. DEATHS CRANDALL-In London?August ' 12, 1956, Olive Crandall, belov- ed wife of Roy Crandall, Tillson- burg, and dear sister of Mrs. Mitchell Shearing, Clinton. Fun- eral from the H. A, Ostrander and Son Funeral Home and in- terment in Tilfthornburg Ceme- tery. HAWKINS-SUddenly. in Hamil- ton, on Monday, September 3, 1956, George Hawkins, 52 Wal- nut Street, Hamilton, hi his 70th year, brother of the late Thom- as Hawkins, Clintone; Service was held in Hsi -ninon, Tuesday evening, with burial, in Meaford Cemetery an Wednesday after - mem, September 5. Surviving are his widow, four sons and two daughters. MICKLE,--In Victoria Hospital, London, on Friday, August 31, 1956, Frank A. Mickle, in. his 72nd year. Funeral service from the McKellar and McIntyre fun- eral home, Ridgetown, on Sun- day, September 2, 1956, by Roe. Dr. R. W. Young. Interment was in Greenwood Cemetery. RANKIN-At his lioniQ Goshen, Indiana, on Thursday evening August 30, 1956, John Grant Rankin, nephew of Miss Cath- erine P. Rankin, Hayfield, in his 54th year. Funeral and inter- ment at Goshen, e 11N MEMORIAM YOUNG -In, loving memory of Gay Young, • who passed away September 3rd, 1955. 'Two? little hands are resting., A little heart :s still, A little girl we loved is waiting For us just over the hill." --Ever remembered by Dad, Moth- er, Kenneth and Audrey. 36-b PACM $MTVR How BOUT THATDrown Especially for Clinton and . Pistrio Choombot of oommorce and 411riton News -Record byRalph Tee, •OWE 'ME A PUSH, WILL YOU 'HARRY'? MY''OATTERY- IS DEAD AGAIN / GOING TO '010 -TOWN'" TO RAM - THIS STOP^ $TART BATTERY DOWN THEIR Ito -G -'e) THROAT .f.q lareeerre Trott 14013/401.Y Cr! YOU 'A NICE SWEET SALES TALK ON ANOTHER BRAND THEY HAVE, OUT iF YOU HAVE ANY SENSE YOU'LL GO RIGHT IN HERE AND GET A NATIONALLY ADVERTISED BATTERY FROM OUR DEALER. HERE IN CI.IN*TON • Z.Vee ..eteke. LETS HOPE THAT HE GETS ENOUGH OF AN ADJUSTMENT TO PAY FOR. THE GAS. . lioxy Theatre -- . c L'i N T O N. . Non Thurs.., Fri, and Sat. "711E LONE RANGER?' The West's, famous masked man dispenses frontier justice. Clayton Moore -- Bonita Granville -- Lyle Bettger MONDAY, TUESDAY 7 eild WEDNESDAY THE 'DESPERATE HOURS" (Adult Entertainment) A story which- stresses the nobility of ordinary people, un- der almost unbearable stress. ' Humphrey Bogart %and Frederick March COming: . "ANYTHING GOES" Bing Crosby - Donald O'Connor MitzieGaynor ..................e.e_e_ele................,.. BAYFIELD Mrs. J. Sturgeon, Sr., was' cal- led to St. Thomas on Monday, owing to the illness of her bro- ther,"Courtan Parker. 'Ctrs. J. Barton, Goderich, and her sister-in-law, Mrs. S. Hartley, Durham called on friends in the village on Monday evening. The Rev, and Mrs. Peter Renner returned home oh August 25 after a vacation with her. parents and grandfather at Carragana, Sask. . Mrs. Glenn Brandon and Sharon Lee who have been at Streetsville came the 'same day to spend some time with her parents, at the par- sonage. Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Howard and Miss Margaret -Howard motored to Moore -town on. Wednesday lase to vfeit the Rev: and Mrs. H. G. E. Crosby. *Mrs,, Howard 'and Margaret remained until Sunday and came home with Miss Anne Drouin who also was a guest. for a couple of days. Fair Plans The directors and committee members of the Hayfield Agricul- tural Society met in the town hall on- Wednesday night. Carl Hou- ston, president, was in the chair. There was a discussion of arrange- ments for the parade and special speakers. Final arrangements were made for the Fall 'Fair. The CBC Neigh- bourly News broadcast led by Don Fairbairn and Reed Forsee on Sunday morning, September 23 will be held in the town hall in- stead of the arena as\ originally planned. The men, decided to get in touch with Ben Rathwell some day when harvesting operations were cur- tailed and move the fence back to the agricultural society boundary. When this 18 done the entrance to the grounds through the new mem- orial gates will be graded and put in good order. Will Attend Masse Wedding (By our Ile/twin correspondent) Nine brothers and 11 sisters will attend the wedding of Monica Masse, Brampton, and Douglas Nleir, also of Brampton, formerly of Hensall.. The bride -elect is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James Masse, Zurich,who have the distinction of having one t)f the largest fam- ilies in. Canada. Their children number 21. The wedding is planned for Sat- urday evening, September 8, in St. Peter's Roman Catholic Church, Zurich, at 10 kali., with the Rev. Father Poisson of4iciating, Miss Meese has chosen to attend her at her wedding her sister, Mrs, Martha Deitrich, of St. Jos- eph, matron of honor; Miss Betty Moir, London, sister of the groom - elect, a bridesmaid; Miss Wendy - Moir, Grand Bend, alto a sister of the broorti-to-he will be junior brideSinititi. Peter Masse, Zurich, and Don Cowan, will be grooms. men. Brothers and sisters will Attend from London, Toronto, -Coderich, Brampton, Windsor, Dasliwood, Pompano Beach, Florida;. and St. Joseph, The parent of the bride, are the grandparents of 82 children. AT TEE AIR-CONDITIONED FIRST SHOWIM ' SECOND SHOWING PARK 7.30 p.m. 9.30 p.m, G E R H Now Playing -Thursday, Friday and Saturday •• "The KETTLES in The OZARKS" Their latest, and liveliest loft -show. MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY JANE RUSSELL - CORNET. WILDE and JOSEPH CALLEIA She tricked him into marriage then tempted him into love. --You've never before lived through a honeymoon like this. "Hoy. BLOOD", Cinemascope THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY • -FRED ASTAIRE with LESLIE CARON and TERRY MOORE A brisk toe -tapping musical version of the twice -filmed stage hit - based on Jean Webster's novel about a wealthy bachelor - who, adopts a Frenal orphan. "DADDY LONG LEGS" -- In Cinemascope- Coming: "PRINCE OwiFthRi PLAYERS" Cinemascope It GOSHEN LINE. Mrs. Margaret Erratt, Toronto, is With Mr. and Mrs. Russel/ Be- rate ee • Given McBride spent "Fronteer Days" in Wingham, with Karen Beatty. Mrs. John Robinson has resum- ed teaching at the Clineen Hige School. Neth. Kenneth' Parke is on the teaching staff at the Clinton Pube lie School. !. Anniversary „eservices will be held next Sunday, September 9, in Goshen United Church. Rev. S. Davidson, Brucefield, \API be the guestspeaker, Special music Will be by the chohe; Goderich Township Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe spent Labour • ID,a,„ weekend at Port Carling. Recent visitors at the Del -Mac orchard were Mr. and Mrs. B. Clark,. St. Thomas, who spent a week with the latter's brother William McGuire ' and Mrs, Mc- Guire. Warden and Mrs. Fisher and family Wingbam; Mr. and Mrs W. Johnston and Barbara Ann, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Clifford, Detroit, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Jack Misiner, Highgate, were all Sunday guests. - They go together. . . OUR CARE and YOUR '• CAR Get smooilier operation, easier handling from your car with reg- ular service at our friendly stat- ion. OIL CHANGE You save on motoring costs when you keep clean, top quality oil in your ear. Sct us now. for an oil change and have Cities Service 50 MOTOR OIL. GASOLINE For real power on the "GO" sig- nal, keep your gas tank filled wAth our high octane, Cities Service Premium GASOLINE. LUBRICATION When it's time for a lube Job, see us. Our men are skilled in lubricating all makes of ears. It pays to bring your to; ities Service Cities Soweto Product -1 Ray Hoggattli ee Can Cantelon ,,The place whete- you never have JO blow your horn" 1416116 1flTt -9032 Clinton t Ontario 00000•00010000000000mmmorwrom000.000.000.0000100.0.0.0 • 4. INSTRUCTION • Piano & Theory For further particulars contact LOIS GRASBVI A:R.C.T. .Box No. 361, CIinton,News-Record 36-p ASHTON'S A X-1 Operated by CLIFF ASHTON Now located in the former Rusty Store, on ,Huron Street, two doors west of Ruby & Bill's Snack Bar. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CALL HU - 2-9036 Flowers l'elegra.phed Anywhere 0* C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU. 2-7012 Clinton Clinton Community Farshers 'AT3CTION SALES EVERY ritirav eortimenelhe at 8,60 lent. TERMS CASH J. COREY, Sigesi Manager.E. Euiltyrr, Atidtioneer cougorotis, Cletk ,„.