Clinton News-Record, 1956-09-06, Page 6Auburn SOdety Holds Successful Flower Show The APIklurn tieulturel Flow- er Show held in the .Grange Hall was a success in spite of The in^. clement weather. • More than 25 ...exhileitere, brought in their blooms, The' judges were Mr. John •Cuthlierteee-, Goderich, and Mrs, Harrison, Detroit, for- merlyaf Goderich.. The gladiolus were placed on the plattom in baskets on perleA-. els against a background oft a large golden shoe. The living_ room, dining room arrangements were displayed. In the novelty section an old-fash- ioned soup ladle filled with small .flowers and • foliage, took first prize. Here'elscr was hand croch- eted swan holding a container with roses and sweet peas. Mrs. Robert Phillips , won the most points for her exhibition with vtotal of 27., Mrs. Herb Mogridge, Mrs, Geoe rge lelillian, Mass Margar'et.' R, Jackson and Mrs, Gordon R. Tay- lor tied for second place. • A silver collection was taken at the door and draw tickets given 'as a door prize. A flower contain- er was won by Miss Viola Thomp- son, and the draw made by Mast- er Keith Scott. The president, Mrs. G. R, Taylor, thanked all donors and helpers, groomsman for the wedding in First Presbyterian Church, Sea- forth, of Carole Jean, daughter of Mrs. Helen Glew, Seaforth, and. Kenneth Raymond Nichols; RCAF Station, St Sylvestre, Quebec. At the Rorke summer home, "Beach Place", Lake Huron, over the - weekend August 24-25-26, were Mr. and Mrs. Harry W. Amb- ler, Mr. and Mrs. Barney Ambler and infant son Randy, Miss Marg- aret Ambler and Harvey Render, Pontiac711Viich, Mrse Donald Symons, Barbara ancrrorrie, have returned 'from a visit at ,Port Hope. They were accompanied by Mr. and Mrs, Harold Symons and Mrs, John Connelly and son Harold. Mrs. Connolly and Harold are remain- ing for a visit here. Mrs. W. Shacldock, Miss Ann Shaddock, Clinton; Mr. and Mrs. W. S. Macaulay and,- son Jimmie, Sarnia, returned Sunday from a three week holiday to Winnipeg, where they visited Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Macaulay and Mif. and Mrs. George Niittall, relatives of Mr. Macaulay. F/0 and Mrs. J._ Nogales have,. returned to their home in Ottawa, after spending a week with Mr. an'd Mrs. John McGuire. They had visited Dr, and Mrs. David Graub- ert during their trip through the Adironeck Mountains .' and Lake George,in New York State. After leaving Clinton they motored through Northern 1V1ichigari to it friends and relatives in Sault Ste. Marie, returning to Ottaiva through Northern Ontario. 0 Wedding Andrews.:Beninger Sunday School, 9,45 a.m. Breaking of Bread 11.00 a,m. Gospel Service 8.00 p.m. 'TUESDAY, 8 p.m. — Prayer and Bible Study. 'A Hearty Welcome Awaits You" .4 444 . 44. 4. 4.4 444 44,44 44 Joseph Streit GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Order of Meetings for the Lord's Day " 11.00 a.m.—Breaking of Bread 3.00 par.—Children's Meeting 7.00 p.m.—Gospel Meeting ALL WELCOME 444. ..... 44444 444.44 44-44.44.444 Maple Street GOSPEL HALL CLINTON Exirolment in Clinton School has been kept down' to 459 at the start of schaol, according. to,the new principal Bert ,Gray, Mr, Gray reports that 3$ young- SW's ,have enrolled in kindergar- ten under Mrs. George Falconer, and he has 40 students himself in Grade Eight. Though it was expected.. that there would be over 500 pupils in the school this fall, admission was refused to about 26 youngsters' which have been coming in from SS 4, Hallett, and this Section found there was room for the children in ' the Blyth Public School. Also, some of the children from. outside_ Clinton who had been attending school here, are attending RCAF Station public Laymen Attend Conference At Alma College ...- Upwards of 150 then of the Lona don Conference of the United Church of Canada attended the Lay Conference in Alma College, St. Thomas, on August 24. This is the fourth annual gathering sponsored by tile Lay Association, Dr. James A. Guest, London, was :chairman, and Verne Baker, also of London, acted as registrar. The theme this year was. !`Chris-, elan, start where you are," and Dr. Guest told the initial session that the purpose of the gathering was to allow laymen to step aside from the ordinary cares of the world, and through worship, dis- cussion, recreation and inspiration to get a new perspective of their lives and work. Dr. John Oliver Nelson of Yale University, theme, speaker, challen- ged the men in his three addresses to carry their religion into their work and to beleive that as 'Prot- estant laymen they are all Lay Preachers, not merely hearers of the Word, Huron County was well repre- sented by 19 delegates, froth chur- ches\ in Goderich, Clinton, Zurich, Wingham, ,Londesboro and Exeter ENGAGEMENTS ANNOUNCED _ Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Postill, Clinton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris Ellen, to Melville Paul, son of Mr. and 'Mrs. Clarence Simmons, Goderich. The wed- ding to, take place September 21, in Calgary, Alberta. 36-p Mr. and Mrs. Ernie Stevens, Walton, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, Doris Alberta, to Mr. Murray L. Crich, son of Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Crich, RH 4, Clinton, The marriage will take place on Saturday, pterreher 15, at 7.30 p.m. 36-p Mr. and Mrs. Allistair Mine ray, Varna, wish to announce the engagement of their daughter, June Marie, . to Derek Cottrell Lowder, only son of Mr. and Mrs. William. Lowder, of Trail, British. Col- umbia. The marriage to take place in Clinton Baptist Chur- ch, on September 15. Meat 'gout Cluitieh RING BINDERS -from $3.75 Delitxe binders of solid leather with wear . bumper edge for longer 0.50 up GOLD- INITIALED FilEE. AIKEN'S • LUGGAGE Sand CLOTHING THIS WEEK'S • SPECIALS! • NYLONS, 45 gauge - 30 denier, Quality nylon hose at a very low price! 85c pair-4-f. 2 pair $1.50 .FLOWER" GIRL'S PULLOVERS and CARDIGANS Wool. , Sizes 8-14. Only .,„ ..... $2.98 ea. FLANNELETTE BLANKETS "IIINGCOT" and "TEXMADE" Size 70"x90" ' $4.50 Otily $5.90 pair • In/A Clothing & Footwear' ° We have a complete stock of MARY MAXIM NORTHLAND YARN MARY MAXIM CLOUDSPUN YARN . PATTERNS and NEEDLES IR WIN'S CLINTON — HENSALL — EXETER For those School Lunches be gure to include some of Our Bakery Goods .a.eadetere, N.:,2•!..,:2 mee'e co .NEWS-R.E00ery WIURSD-.6-Y, SEP' 6, 195.5 4,-•••••-•-•-•-•-•7•-•-•44, CLINTON BOYS'• MEN'S The rectory of St. Joseph's Church, Clinton, was the scene of a Wedding Saturday afternoon, September' 25, when Re,„ J. W. P: Graham united in marriage Joan Patricia, elder daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Sherman Beninger, Ma- Connell Street, Blyth, to Richard Andrews, youngest son of Mr:" and Mrs. Frank Andrews, Clinton. The bride wore a fall suit of beige gabardine, with browh ac• cessoriee and a white orchid cor sage. Her attendant was a niece of the bridegroom, Miss Gwen Grif- fiths, London, wearing a beige wool suit, with brown accessories and a corsage of yellow roses. Donald Andrews was his broth- er's groomsman, A wedding dinner was served to members of the immediate' famil- ies at the home of the bride's par- ents. The house was , decoiMed with, pink and white '*streamers, white bells, and bouquets of pink and white gladioli. The bride's table was centred with , a •three- tiered wedding cake, flanked with pink and white candles in silver holders, Assisting in serving were Mrs, B. Walsh and Mrs. W. Tam- an, both of Blyth. Mr. and Mrs. Andrews left on a wedding trip to Algonquin Park and other points in Northern On- tario, On their return they will reside at Oakville where Mr. An- drews will be a member of the teaching Staff end 'Mrs, Andrews will continue as a member pf the staff of the Royal Bank of Can- ada, having been transferred there from the Clinton 'branch of the bank, .144 PENTECOSTAL CHURCH -P.A.O.C. Victoria Street, Clinton K. L. SWEIGARD, Pastor • Friday, September '7—' 8.00 p.m.—Christ's Ambassaaors Sunday, September 9- 10.00 a,m,—Sunday School 11.00 a.m.—Morning Worship 7.30 p.m.—Gospel Service Tuesday, September 11.- 8.00 p.m.—Regular Prayer and Bible Study Service. A Special Welcome Awaits You Record High Enrolment On School Opening Day Milton, spent the laat weekend with Mrs. Wilmer Wallis,,, MO* and Mrs. Gordon •Cuning- name enjoyed the holiday. week- end .at. .j,K.j„. their lake-side home in Bayfield., with the Mel Stew- art's of London in Cedar Neat, Mrs. Inez ,Glassford, Mr. and Mrs, John Glaaaford, Indianapolis, and 'Mrs. Refbertson, were visitors at the Wesley-Willis manse on .Sunday, September 2. ' Recent visitors with Mr, and Jvrrs. Tames Lockhart were Mrs. John 1Vt, •Corbett, Toronto; Mrs. Jet? Stevens, 'Palmerston; Mr, and Mrs. Glen Montgomery, Shelburne, Me, and Mes.* Clarence - Cooper and daughter Nandy have return- ed home after spending the past week visiting with relatives in Flint, Detroit and Dearborn, Miele Mr, and • Mrs. Bill Rhode and family and Mr. and Mrs. Almer Peesmore and family, Woodham, spent Sunday, August 26, with Mr. and Mrs. Ross Merrill and family. William Shearing haS resumed his •studies at the Royal. Military College, Kingston, after spending the past two weeks with his par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Mitchell Shear- ing. D, Steepe, sales promotion man- ager of the packing division, Sum- merville Ltd., London, sand his wife and, family, called on his grand- mother, Mrs. David Steepe, 'last weekend. Mr, and Mrs, Percy, Rutter arid two sons who have been visiting the lady's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Pepper, RR 3, Clinton, and other relatives, left Wednesday for Penholdi .Alta., where Mr. Rutter is stationed with the RCAF, William Edgar; Clinton, acted as •-•• school or rural schools. There are two Grade Ones, with Miss 0. Johnson and Mrs, P, Wil- hams teaching 33 and 32 pupils zieliectively. Mrs, George Jeffer- son is teaching 31. in Grade Two. Mrs, Taylor has a combined class of Grade Two and. Grade Three, pupils numbering 33. In Grade Three Miss LtfElla Johnston has 40 pupils. Miss E. Jamieson has 40 in Grade Four, Mrs.•Ieabel Henry has a combined class of Grades Four and Five and. 33 students. Another 37 pupils in Grade Five is being taught by Mrs, Blanche Parke, Verna. Grade Five and Six, with 34 pupils is the task of Miss Win •Gray and Mr. Frank Huiseer le teaching Grades Six and seven with 38 pupils, Harry Nes- bit is teaching a combined class of Grades Seven and Eight. CkoCI Students ' /". Approximately the same number of students as last fall, enrolled on Tuesday at Clinton District Collegiate Institute, although Prin- cipal. E, A. Fikes expects there will be some more come in when the harvest is completed. In Grade 13 there are 21 stud- ents, Grade 12 (general and Spec- lel commercial) 55. Grade 11 (three classes), $0 students; Grade 10 (three classes) 86; Grade Nine (four classes) 129-students. A/V/M Hugh Campbell Principal. C. A. Trott reports 331 pupils registered at the RCAF Station School on Tuesday morn- ing. He predicts that this married will increase when all personnel on the Station have re- turned from leaves. At the school there are 12, teachers and the principal. All Brownies And Guides 'Will Meet During September Fall activities tor the Brownies and Guides in Clinton are ready to start. All girls aged eight to 11 who wish to, join elould make applica- tion 14---Septalber 7.- Those wining to join the First Clinton .Brownie, Pack which :meets Mon- day afternoons from 4 to 5,30 p.m. should contact Mrs. Lloyd Carter, phone HUnter 2-3836, and those Wishing to join the -Fourth Brown- ie Pack which meets Tuesday ev- enings from €4.45 , to 8.15 p.m should get in touch with' Mrs. P. Brown, phone HUnter 2-7560. Application is needed so the leaders will know how many Browhies to expdct. There whl not be another group taken into Brownies until after Christmas. The First Clinton Company Girl Guides will resume meetings on Monday eveliing, Septe ber 17, at t 7 p.m. and all wishing join must be 11 years old. They should phone Mrs. Kenneth McRae at HUnter 2-7020 to - make arrange- ments. All -meetings of the , Guides and Brownies will be held in the Leg- ion Hall. An outdoor 'camp ,is being held 1 this weekend fof the leaders of the Guides. AkGLICAN CHURCH OF CANADA St. Paul's — Clinton REV. C. S. INDER, Rector Mrs. Theodore Fremlin, Organist Mrs. J. M. Elliott, • Choir Leader 15th. SUNDAY AFTER 'TRINITY 8.30 a,m.—Holy Communion 11.00 aen.—Special Service—to be., gin new year Sunday School work, JA' and G.A. Church Parade, new banners will be dedicated. T evitt Memorial Women's Aux- ilary, Exeter, cordially invites the ladies of St, Paul's Church to attend their 50th anniver- sary, Sunday, September 9, at 2.30 p.m. - Anyone wishing transportation kindly phone Mrs. Clifford Epps. Motet-WM Ettiteb eburtb REV, HUGH C. WILSON, Minister MRS. M. R. RENNIE, Organist M. R. RENNkE, Choir Director ,- 11,00 aan.-41orning Worship "The Wrath of Men" 11.20 a.m.—Primary School 12.15 pen.—Chtirch School 7,00 pm.--Evening Praise "A Voice in the Silence" HOLMESVILLE 9.45 a.rn,-1Vforning Worehip Sunday School "Conte to the House of krayer" 4 4 .... 4.4 4. 44-44 4- 444 4444 Bert Gray And Family Feted By Graduates • Prior to leaving Blyth for their new home and work in Clinton the Bert Gray family was honour- er.Vby elae villagers in appreciation of Mr, Gray's work as PUNig• school principal there for the past 22. years, Decorations in 11/e.morial Blyth included the principal'e strap, an apple, witty comments, and graduation pictures of other. years, as graduates gathered to hid'farewell to their teacher, More than, 300 persons were present on Friday evening, Auktist 31, Guests were from Alliston, Exe- ter„ Flint, Mich.; Goderich, Grand Bend, Guelph, Hemel], London, Sarnia, Stratford, Seaforth, Toron- Joan Johnston Gold Medalist At CNE Tests Miss Joan Johnston, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Harvey John- ston, competed in the alto horn solo class for 17 years and under at the Calledian National Exhibi- tion and placed first, winning the gold medal. Last year her older sister, Doris, placed first in the open class, 'alto horn solo, winning the gold medal in that class. to, Wardsville, Welland and Wind, Sor. Mr. Gray was presented with - an automatic wrist watch and "Mrs, Gray received a bouquet of American Eeauty roses. On Tuesday of the week before Miss Sharon Gray was honoured 'by 4, party and her ,,euting friends gave her a memory scrap book and camera With films. "The Family Store" HU 2-9641 ALBERT ST. — CLINTON' e, Use Alberta Booth, Toronto, Visited her nephew • R. N, Irwin last week. • Mr. and Mrs.. Joseph Little, Sea- forth, •called on, Mrs. G. B.- Saville on Friday, .Augliet 24, Miss. Babeeo Kingstone spent p the weekend et the borne of Mr, and Mrs, Mitchel, Sheering. visiters with Mr, and Mrs. G, W. Nott were- Dr, and Mrs, L. Dyer, and Miss Lee Nott, all of Detroit, Mr, and Mrs. Frank Mercer, St. Marys, ealled on 110S, G. • Saville over the weekend of Aug- net 25 and 26, Mrs. Wilmer Wallis and Helen Turner returned the beginning of • the week from theiii visit to Moody Beach, Maine. Mr. and Mrs, Lloyd Adams, -To- ronto, spent the holiday at the home gf the former's mother, Mrs. Ada Adams,- and Miss Brigham. James Livermore nas returned after - a ten-day holiday with his eon-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Green, Grand Bend.. Mr. and Mrs. Fealk Layton, Mr, Cecil VanHorne and Mary Ann„ Gerald Flynn, visited with friends at Shelburne the weekenT before last. , Mr. and Mrs. Percy Douglas, lVieaford spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs, Frank Layten, Mr, and Mrs, Fred Pepper and other friends. • Glen L. Wakefield, Cumberland, Virginia, and Miss Nina Lee Har- rison, Brunswick, Maryland, were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Frank B. Perinebaker, last week: Mr. and Mrs. R. W. 'Beuskill and daughter Margaret, Toronto, and Mr. and Mrs. W. R. Hume, PERSON Harvey's Taxi (At MiclTowne Restaurant) PHONE HU. 2.9054 NIGHT HU. 2.3080 Harvey Ashton "14444444444,44444444,4•4444444444 BAYFIELD BAPTIST CHURCH L BODENHAM) Pastor ••••*. •••••••••••4 0.0.111.• WHERE Prices are Scalpe MAKE OUR STORE YOUR HAPPY HUNTING GROUND AND TAKE ADVANTAGE OF OUR WIGWAM OF VAIXES. There are a, multitude of VALUES in this GIGANTIC SALE and every item will make your wampum stretch farther than ever before. Shop Today at BALL & MUTCH HARDWARE "Free Parking at Lear of Store" Tom-Toms Beat For Our Harvest Meet GYM SHOES— • anc7.c.clioair.t`jitehTtlee,„ cushion insoles, $2.59 to $7.95 FOOTWEAR FOR Younq.-Men and Boys Sizes 1 to "6 — Large Selection of 'Patterns and Styles — from .... (some narrow widths) Sizes 6 to 12 — Loafer, Gore $5 and Lace Styles — from Phone liUW 249505 45 to $7.75 .50 up 10.00 a.m.—unday School 31,00 a.m.-11/014'AM Worship Services, 7,30 pari.—GoSpel SerVice You are cordially invited to these SetviceS. ALL WELCOME SUNDAY, SEPTEMBER 9, 1956 Huron Street BAPTIST CHURCH Minister—REV. 3, E. OSTROM 11.00 a.m, •=--Morning Worship = 12,15 a.m.--Sunday School ONTARIO STREET UNITED CHURCH "THE FRIENDLY CHURCH" PASTOu--MIN. A. OLEN EAGLE; BA . 0.45 a.m,--Sunday School, 11,00 exit —Morning Worship — Reception of New Members. 7,00 p.m..--Evehing Worship TVII,NEWS CHURCH 9,45 a.ni.-tbritin Worship 0.45 exn.--SitrAny. School. • Knit now for Christmas Our Saturday Special: From Our Store Only— BEAN MUFFINS Reg. ilOz doz. for ........ ........ 3 3 . BARTLIFF BROS. BAKERS' and CONFECTIONERS HUitter 2-9127 CUNTON SANDWICHES 'BASTE` BETTER made with RA TLIFF'S ENRICHED BREAD