HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-23, Page 8Centennial sates At Sayfiel Impressive stone gates have been erected at the entrance to the Bayfield Fair Grounds this summer under the direction of George Western 13ayfield, who superintended thejob, and pointed up the stone to complete them, This is the right hand gate, and the other one matches it. Ea h of the pillars have been set with a ,plaque of pink marble purchased from T Pryde and. Son .man .„ orial works in Exeter, stating the length of time the Bayfield Agricultural Society has been putting on fall fairs in the interests of the agriculture industry in the county. This year is the '1.00th anniversary of the Fall Fairs in Bayfield and special program, parade, etc. has been planned. The date: September 26, 27. ,(Photo by Phillips) 604 E FINAL CLEARANCE We Byt The Must • Clear 1 25 DreS4e " S En Of August' IT WILL PAY 'YOU TO BUY FOR NEXT YEAR i • , AT THESE PRICES. • SPECIAL- GROUP— Dresses Regularly Priced up to t I 95 TO , CLEAR. AT $4.98 MANY OF THESE DRESSES ARE SUITABLE FOE FALL • WEARING. "JONATHAN LOGAViand "TEENA PAIGE" RpDVCJED TO CLEAR AS FOLLOWS: ' Reg. 04:95 — NOW $12.95 Yeg• 418.95 .6— NOW-$10.95 Reg. $16.95 Now $ 9.95 Reg, $12.95 `` NOW $ 7.05 , ALL SAL IM IINAL ?-tas,410 artin' Store GOSHEN LINE Mission 0a4.40 Thirty children .attended Miss- ion Band on. .Sunday morning in the Sunday School of the Goshen Wilted Church, , The president Marlene MerClin. chey opened. the meeting with the Mission Band PnrPose, followed by whyrnn repeated in unison, Scrip- tures with .the first letters spel- 11100SE MOUNTAIN LIVESTOCK ASSOCIATION Arcola, Sask. Stocket & Feeder SALE Ootober 10th • GRADED CAE LOTS OF STOCKER AND FXEDER CATTLE 1,.000 HEAD -THE BEST IN THE WEST Save 300 Mites of Freight Haul by Buyhig At Arcola First Class Hotel Accommodation For Information write. T. H. McLellan, 'Sec. Blackmore and Brown, Auctfoneers- 34.n-7-b 1953 FORD two-tone 1951 STUDEBAKER • V-8 radio 1947 FORD COACH $1,295 $1,050 $225 Murp y Bros. \Chrysler — Plymouth — Fargo Sales and Service Huron St. Clinton 'IT'S -A CLAY PIPE CINCH 1951 PLYMOUTH SEDAN radio p,425 $675 1952 AUSTIN — one owner I C141T1W IIVWS-R4COBD Goderidi. Township rs. 1 Lawrason >To 'Join ver-90-Birthday Club Regular Meeting ^The local association-to Guides and Brownies met at the home of Mrs. Grant Turner on Wednesday afternoon, August 15. Mrs. John Lindsay opened with Ore Lord's Prayer in unison. A motion to accept ' the secretary's report as read by Mrs. Fred Wall- is was made by Mrs. Merton Mer- nen- A donation of $5 from Mrs. Path was received for the work of the L.A, A discussion regarding new un- iforms for leaders took place. Ways and means of raising mon- ey was a question before the meet- ing. It was' decided to hold a euchre, bridge and canasta party in Trinity Church Parish Hall, on Thursday evening, July 23. -1 Those 'Who Wish may make up The first Bayfield Company Girl Guides, received a most in- teresting gift, and one which they will treasure from Rosalind Car- ew-Jopes, Bulford Vocarage, Salis- bury Wilts, England, last week, It is a. camp blanket embroid- ered by Rosalind and bearing the nathee of the different camps she had attended, and the 'different Companys in which she had been a Guide The grey blanket is fold- ed to represent a kimona with the front bound- in red satin. Neat letters in blue forming "First Com- pany Bayfield GUides" have been appliqued across the back Nand the -badges of the two Baylfeld Corn- any patrols, the Holly arid Hepat- ica are on 'either shoulder. The Canadian Trefoil and other English and. Canadian insignia be- t.'veen 1952-1,956 is stitched on, anal in outline stitch: "Red for the flaine of friendship -fire,- . Gold for the light of a high desire. Blue for loyalty strong to dare. Green for the days in the open air." • (By our Bayfiel On Tuesday, August 28, Mrs. Isabella Lawrason will4e a mem- ber of, the• Over-Ninety Birthday Club. Formerly Isabella Hahn er, daughter Of Matthew Hoh.ner and Catherine Mutter, she was born it Hay Township, August 28, 1866. When she was about 12 years of age, the family moved to Stanley Township. Sixtysone years ago she wag- married ,to George Lawrason and came to make her home in Stan- ley Township on the south-east bouncily line between Stanley and the ; village of Bayfield. She has resided there ever since. Two children were born to the couple,Samuel Mitchell and Car- rie (rs. Nelson Heard) who re- sides 'with- her mother. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Steepe at- tended the-Payne-Wright Wedding in Kitchener on Saturday. Mr. And Mrs, John ,H, Mctwen and, Stuart 1VicEwen, Stanley Township, spent Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Stewart Middleton., Mr. and Mrs, Sy' Sauder and Son, Oren, Thorold, visited with Mr. and Mrs. Murray IVICDoUgall and other friends/ last Friday. Fit. Lt, Alvin Whyte, RCAF, Mrs. Whyte and family have taken up residence in Winnipeg. MIS. Whyte Was formerly June Middle- tOrk, Mr. Wait Kailite and two dau- ghters, Mrs, Steckle, Toronto and Mrs. Stanley and daughter Janke arid his daughter-in-law, Mrs. R: Kaalte, Kiiiinss, visited with Mr. and Mrs, .1. P. "Stirling and other relatives oh Wednesday last, week. f Wind MOM The ministration of the public baptiarri of intents was conducted in St. Ames Church, Middleton, What the rector, ihe Rev, Warren $. Outerbridgo, bri Sunday, Au- gust 10. ,Recoliving this sacrament . Were :loan Louise &MO- OD Of fir, Edward Mullets and Mrs, Wiens,. and Robert iohu PAGE .1 HT a. News. of „,, MISS vuor 1.0•5 Ontario. Qliampion PHQ1M: I3,4 Yr4Lp R. woo0s, 45 ,Bayfielci Aural Correspondent . r . .0- Mr. and Mrs, Jackson, Detroit, :are in the McCornhe cottage.- Cr:noon Johnston,' who, has been visiting his sister, returned to Paris on Monday. Mr. and Mrs, B, B. Pocklington, Peter and Nancy, are spendhig August at their cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Ted Mack, Phyllis and Merry, Orrandoe Florida, are tbe guests of Mr. and Mrs. 3, E. Hovey; , , Mrs. J: H. Cobb, who visited Mr. and Mrs, 3, Wallace in North, Bay, returned to the village th'e first of last week.Monday. F/L W, D, Burton, Cold Lake, Alta„ spent ThurSday afternoon of last week with. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Fitzsimons. x Dr, E. A, MeMaster returned to Seaforth last week after having Vent two months at his cottage en River Hill. ' Mrsi BrroWn, who has been with Miss Catherine P. Rankin for the. glimmer' left on Tuesday for Pen- nay Farms, Florida. - Brian Bellchamber, who has been with the Cadet Corps at :lamp Ipperwash for seven weeks .as returned home. Mr, and Mrs. Milton Parker, Mr. and Mrs, JohnSIVfauch and Miss Glen, Listowel, visited relatives in the village on 'Sunday. Mrs, Spencers'Ervine and Mary Elizalieth, left'on Sunday to spend this week with per parents, Mr. and Mrs. Garfield Rourke. Donald Chapman and family re- turned to Bandon on Friday after having spent several weeks at their cottage "EVerest." . NITS, Douglas; Party and two children, Barbara' and Dongie, London, are spending a fortnight at "Relle Vue' cottage. Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Reid and Wanita, Windser, left today for Toronto after having been with his mother, .Mrs. A. W. Reid,' since Sergeant and Mrs. 5. MaYiban, London, came on Friday to Spend a fortnight on va.cation with her . ,, parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. 1.4-1Vic- IVIillett, • Mrs Peter McGee was able to leave •Scott Memorial HoSpital, SeafOrth, on Friday anels recup- el-ethic at the Bayfield NurSing Horne,.following her recent °per- ation. ,-. , Mr. and Mrs. Charles Taylor, Janice, Barbara and Garth, Euclid, Ohio, called to see their grand- mother and great-grandmother, Mrs. Newman, on Saturday after vacationing at Sauble Beach.\ , Sunday visitors at the Fitzsim- ons home were: krt. Jack Bry- son, Wyo_rning; Mr. and Mrs. Will- lam Laird, Ross, Ronnie and Mary .1 \. ' ViscDing! Zurich, • Investors of Canada, • Investors of Canada, .11 Limited• Phone .. Syndicate Mutual Limited 168 - ' n„ 43;lr„ , p ' , ,. e .., 4 ,. '44 Large HEAD POTATOES POTATOES TULIP MARGARINE Boneless Prune - ROAST BEEF WEEKEND FRESH RADISHES ISHES •/- • Rib LETTUCE, SPECIALS ,.. ' . I /10 lbs. . 75 lb. 3 lbs.-for bunch 2 for bag for lb. 5c 15c 29c` $1.75 89c •59c SUPER STANLEY'S • MARKET Red Queen & St. White PHONE HU.. 2-3447 FREE DELIVERY Open Friday Evening — Lots of Parking' Irma, and 'Mrs, Jack Chubb, ear- 311a, They came to visit.their,aunt,; ^MrS. Newman, Mr, and Mrs. Gilbert Knight, Toronto, were here over the week- end to visit the latter's ;gather, Mrs F. V. Genieinharelt) •who has been it at -the borne of her son, Keith GetneCnhardt, Linda Gem- eirthardt returned to Toronto with Mr. and Mrs, Knight, -Th(r following are gue,sts at The Little Inn; Mrs, Edith H. SeSttik and children, 13irntingharn, Mich.; Mr. and Mrs. Robert Howison, Ann Arbor; Weir.; Mrs, Volker, 1,011. don; Mr, and Mrs. F.. G. lif,c,Tag- gart• and family, Miss Joan• Was, man, Mrs. Broome, Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Weeks, St. Catherines, spent Tuesday with Mr,:i and Mrs. Ror Fitzsimons and then left for a couple of days at Kincardine and Sauble Beach, Mrs. Newman returned to Bayfield With them after spending six Weeks with her daughter. ,Cottagers at Deer Lodge Park inchkde the following recent ar- riN?als: Mr. and Mrsi H. 1Vt. Ander- son and family, London; Mr, and Mrs. G. Smiley and family, Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs., R. W. Hicks and family, Windsor; Mr. and Mrs. A. K. Campbell. and family, Wind- Sort Mr, and Mrs, 5, G. 'Mitchell and "orally, Buffalo, N.Y. Misses' M, Hodgins and M. ,Mac- donald returned to "Stonehaven" on Saturday after having, enjoyed' a motor trip to Quebec arid the USA. They spent five days at ",A-rdentuil," 150 miles' south of Montreal, and then went on to Wocidstock; Vermont. r Returning via Garranoque, they took the Thousand Islands boat trip. • Eric Cleave returned home from hospital on Tuesday with his Jett foot in a cast. He was working at the General Coach works, Hensall, when he suffered a very painful accident. A jack Slipped one day last week and a: trailer came down on his instep. • Five bones in the fbotwere broken, and he was tak- en to Clinton Public , Hospital where he remained for several days. Mr. and Mrs. Harold King, Sar- nia, were with Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Larson from Friday until Sunday night; Mr. and Mrs, King and Mr. and Mrs. Leonard Smith had re- cently returned from a 'motor trip to North Dakota, where they vis- ited the ladies' uncle and wife, Mr. and Mrs. • Wellington Johnstnn, brother, Percy Parker and his wife, Nekoma, and aunt, Mrs. Mark Cox and family, Grand Forks.' ^ Mr, 'and Mrs. Leonard Smith, London, Mr. ,and Mrs. Ed. Rowse and baby, Dorchester, spent the- eekend with Mrs. E. A. Feather- ston. E. A. Featherstone, wikotas Been on holiday, 'returned tb Lon- don on Monday evening. Mr. and Mrs. Featherstone had been/on a motor trip to Parrg Sound, Point au -Baril, and Sudbury. Return- ing by Toronto, they spent a coup- le of days with their daughter, Mrs. Keith Leonard and family, ichvale. LAKEVIEW CASINO' GRAND BEND „. DANCING WEDNESDAY-FRIDAY • ,SATURDAY * * * * * * * * * * CLIFF SCANLON • AND HIS ORCHESTRA Musicians d correspondent) • Stirling, •son of Mr. and Mrs. Wil- liam Stirling. Mrs Lawrason is' very active for her years. At time of writing, she was out hoeing in the garden. She misses being able to read the newspaper, owing to failing eyesight, but •still manages: to make quilts. All her life, she' has had a great love of flowers, and caring for them, helping with the household tasks, and gardening keep her happy. Until recent years, she enjoyed long walks and thought nothing of coming down to 'the village of- ten for, mail and to, shop. . We join in, congratulations and best wishes to this grand old lady: Patsy Scotehmer Surprised By Friends' Shower (By our Bayfield correspondent) Mrs, Malcolm Toms entertained her assistants and former tele- phone operators at her home on Tuesday evening in honour of Miss Patsy. Seetchmer, There• were 12 present. For this occasion the house was decorated with gladioli and bal- loons containing a little Confetti were placed around the living room. The affatr"was a great surprise to Patsy who was on duty at the switchboard, Mrs. Toms went in: to the office and asked her to go into the house for • a moment. Patsy heard a step and was heal- Cant it leaving the office, She did, not see Jack Caldwell take' over at the switchboard as 'she left. Then in the sitting room those who were .gathered punctured the balloons and confetti flew about, Elaine Grainger , assisted Mrs, Westlake hi -a program of games. Before going into the dir0 ing reoln for a buffet luncheon a sniall parasol of confetti suspend- ed above Patsy was tipped. •Mrs, Heard read an, address, arid 1Vrts, Fred Wallis presented her with a card table and combined smoking stand and magazine rack on be- half of those present. Miss Scotch. met ozpressed her thanks quite graciously. Ouides,,INceive.'Unique4ift From GOidpr In ,England (By our Bayfield correspondent) their own tables as it will not be progressive. Mrs. R. Fitzsimons and Mrs. Alf Scotctimer_were nam- ed as the lunch committee, and Mrs. A. Bassett arid Mrs. L. West- lake to solicit prizes, In view of the small attendance it was suggested that the next meeting on October 17, be held in the evening. It will be at the home of Mrs. Lloyd Westlake. The work of the Local Associa- tion to Guides and Brownies should be backed by the citizens in general. It is a patriotic duty to support the Guides/and Brown- ies, and should' not be left to the faithful. few. Children Auction. Off Lots Of Items (By our Bayfield ,correspondent) ,A children's auction was held at the home of Dr. R. G. Hunter, on Saturday afternoon, ,- It was attended by about 50 children for only they could bid on the articles for sale. The Jat- ter, ninged from ladies' hats to cucumbers, One little girl got a game for One cent, and another paid twenty-seVen cents for half a box of powder and perfume. Excitement ran high as Janet Burch. Pamela Fellows, °Mary Peter and Sally Beth. Hunter act- ed as auctioneers. Adults hover- ed about on the streets to watch the fun. So popular was this second auc- tion that it will probably become an annual 'event. The children do everything themselves, the only part for adults is perhaps to, don- ate some ' article for the sale. The sum of $18.50 was realized. for the Pioneer' Park Association. THURSDAY', AUGUST ga, 19 0 ••••••44.1.444.01.04,4•1104.11•*•44...1•44.14.44.........•••••••14.• ling AUGUST were read by Prcibar-- Dolg, Pcolg, ;Part Dianne Peck, Donna Peck and Mary Armstrong, Gall. McBride read the Ininktte4. and the roll call with the verse • 44q0a has made everythng teal* ital." Bruce McBride teals up the , offering,. A hymn was read and Mrs. RObert McKinley led in pray. er. A play taken from "World. Friends" was acted out hy',14•4 members, An end to this "lead pipe cinch" business! Because that curious-looking object up there is an unglazed, vitrified clay pipe house drain more than 5000 years 010 . ... and stillixx perfect conN dition. This was no surprise to us because, like present clay Vitrified 'Clay Pipe, it was acid and alkali proof, with complete resistance to any chetnical action. Specify the best, most durable' house drain of all, Vitrified . Clay Pipe. NATIONAL SEWER PIPE LIMITED Salet Office: 100 Queen Stq 'Swansea, Ontario hone it0 7.7575 4,6