Clinton News-Record, 1956-08-16, Page 8-.-114141P. "FM. ..14411, Bell Telephone Class Trains Men For Mid-Canada Line Advance Tickets. For Western Fair On Sale in. Clinton. Advance sale admission tickets. for Western Fair, London, Sep- tember 10 to 15, Are the same. price as last year, three for one , dollar, *and are now .on sale . in ,Clinton and throughout Western Ontario, Only. purchasers .of advance sale' tickets, .are eligible for the draw for two sedan hers on the last. night of the fair, '$aturday, Sep- tenter 15, in front of the grand„: stand, GeOral admission at the gate Is a straight 50 cents, with no , chance of winning either of the beautiful sedans. In 'addition, the purchaser of advance tickets saves `0 cents on every three admissions. One admission ticket will admit two children to the fair. Just make sure your name and address are plainly written or printed on the back of each ticket, Western Fair has more attrag- Utiles than ever this year, including the' 50th year anniversary celebra- tion of Hydro in the home city of PERCE STRINGS the late Sir Meta SA*, 1 Ontario. Xy0o are Ong of KYdro. London And with an. Attractive, s,parlsi . habit you will want to see, Another ;feature is a Cle feltelieh.ed. "Dream Rome' right on, the fair grown dream tome exhibit and hasth f oabts.ro,sitt.atfielvya nncoe connect! is an entirely separate at Western Fair has a fin features for you. Watch'f in this paper. You'll be in Tractor Kills .inlossFa.rine Life was ended for. 30- father in Kinloss Towns week 'When the tractor o he was riding on. Highway loss Township, roiled ititoi; and on top of him. Kit Glen Stanley Irwin, br Grant Irwin, Clinton, Mr. Irwin bad pulled a c btboemdeittehti4,iantilde itaewealdsen h on hi. hi;-• He farmed on 0,ancessio Kinioss Township, Bruce BART" MITT at WETTLAUFER FEED MILL Mary §treet HU 2-9792 PLYMO.UTH soRv Phone. HU, 2-9475 . MURPHY -BROS. . CLINT obis On d.Canada W h i io students throughout Canada are enjoying their suM- Iller holidays travelling, fishing or just 'keening in the sun, 250 men whose age averages about 25 are attending classes daily in 'an old building located in the heart of doWntown Montreal. Tile ,building houses a defence Ceenneullicatielle 'Khoo). the Only one of its kind in Canada —.operated by The Bell Tele- phone Company of Canada, The 250 men are beingtrained for service on the ,IVIid-Canada Line Young technicians recreited within the seven companies which,form the Trans-Canada Telephone System are taking a, course which covers the entire range of modern communiea- ions, After six months of study —three months basic and three months ed*anced training—the young -telephone men emerge with.a good knowledge of micro- wave transmission, raddre4adio,. telephone, radio-telephene, tele- type, power distribution and many other components of up- to-the-minute communications. In his six months a journey- ing through the electronic Maze a student acquires 5,000 sheets of paper with • various ,kinde of notes, He "sees 400 slides, num- erous diagrams and circuit 'lay-, outs, several films including one on fire-fighting, He Teams to become safety conscious, he im- provee his knowledge of first aid and he also acquires a gdod ape preeiation of problems connected with survival in, the Arctic.• . ' Then after six months of lee- tures, many hours of home work each, week and several exams, 'the new electronics specialist is ready to go to one of the detec- tion stations on the northern frontier. Along with- other grad- • uaths' from the )3ell school, he will 'coordinate equipment instal- lation, operate the electronic ap- paratns and keep it ,in working condition. Training these technicians for the lid-Canada Line is part of the giant task—undertaken by the. Bell company in acting as the Trans- Canada Telephone- system's_ project agent for the construction ofthe radar fence ,for the Canadian Government, Working in close cooperation with the Bell Company are six other Canadian telephone orgatt, leatiene ee. the Maritime Tele, graph and Telephone Company, the New Brunswick Telephone Company, the Manitoba Tele, phone Company, the Saskatche- wan Government Telephones, the Alberta Government Tele- phones, and the British .Columbia Telephone Company, The. Mid- Cenada, Line, which will'be over 3,000 miles long, is being built and .eventually will be maintain- e ed,• by the Trans-Canada Tele- phone System. • One of the early steps In carrying out this .project.• was the establishment of the elect- ronics. school in, the old St. Lew- renee Street building; long the homy of ,a famous tea company. • Instructors were selected a- mongst experienced plant men, for the basic training period; and telephone engineers for •the„ad- . vanced course. When the engin- . 'eering of the equipment has been completed and the plant .men have bowie fully conversant with its maintenance. and opera-.. tion, they will take Over teach- ing in both par* of the course, :In addition td•-• the telephone men, one class of RCAF men in , 7-111-nforin attended the advanced course. Out of -this schtiol, 'one top telephone official-remarked, will come many , of the telephone plant managers of the • future. Another.incentive for the :ambit-. eious young technician who vol- unteers _for service on the Mid'-• Canada Line is the additional pay he will'receive' for working at' isolated locations. 0 1 Pig Prices Rise Attributed To Marketing Agency The 'President of the Ontario Hog Producers' Co-operatiVe, Mr. Charles, McInnes has stated that there is a well organied effort on the part of 'proceseors Of pork to break the price of hogs paid to farmers. Mr. McInnis said that the level of 29% cents a lb. back to 27 cents per lb. for hogs was off-set last Wednesday through the, efforts of the. Ontario Hog Producers' Marketing Agency. • , Monday, July 30, Mr. Mc- Innis stated that no processors in Ontario or. Quebec had bid the Agency more than -27 cents per lb. On the , morning of July 31, he said that the packer organiza- tion broke and the Ontario hogs moved at the price level of 28 ,centg? and some at the price of 28 Ye cents. In the face of resistance by pro- cessors to price asked by the Mee.= keting Agency prices were main- tained at a level very c'lose to that asked by the Marketing Agency. The Ontario Hog Prodileers' Marketing Agency 'reaffirmed their contention that had all hogs been on the open market the price to the producers would have held to the 2914, cents level this week. 'Mr. McInnis said that with the consumer price of ham rang- ing from 95 cents to 99 cents per,. lb., and weekly hog market- ings in Canada averaging 100,000, and considering the average ex- port and domestic disappearance of pork for June, 1956, at 120,000 Per week, the Ontario Hog Pro- ducers' Marketing Agency refus- ed to sell at the ridiculously low prices the 'packers offered, Mr. McInnis urged all produc- ers to,place their hogs on the open market, This would help, he said to eliminate at certain times the packer pressure for lowering the price of 119es. (93 .1.1110011I Vid -Dinni ~uri~h, I hone 168 • - Investors Syndicate of Canada, Limited Investors Mutual.. of Canada, Limited Get your supply of - BINDER TWINE Money on terms you select On the site of a stone stable where Marg- uerite Bourgeoys first taught the. ABC's 'to children' of settlers of New France three Cent- uries" ago, history of a., different sort is still ' being made today. In a Montreal building adorned by the bas-relief seen at upper left, young men leiund for duty along the Mid- Canada Line are taking a course covering the entire range of modern communications. In- structors selected from amongst engineers and ° d" W • FOser, Welder Hurt. At General Coach In Hensall (By our Hensall correspondent) William Fisher, who is employ- ed as a welder at General Coach Works of Canada, Hensall; was admitted to South Huron Hospital, technicians' of the Bell Telephone Company of Canada guide the students through 'a six- month course in the world of up-to-the-minute communication systems. Picture at upper right shows Instructor Gerrie Brent preparing a radar demonstration unit. Seen at lower left are Gil Noall and 13oti Herber discussing a speciar Bell Teletype feature. At lower right, technicians John- Radcliffe and Instructor Dick Atkinson put the multiplex training unit through a series of tests. Exeter, on August 3, • suffering a fractured leg resulting from en accident eat the plant. It is presumed that Mr Fisher (who was working alone at the plant) slipped and fell. Be will be con- fined to the hospital .for six to eight weeks. 0 Canadian factories produce about 350,000 hackey pucke a year. 110111.1111.111111.1W — OPEN EVERY DAY - - At other times contact Thomas. Steep, phone Clir HU 2-3869; residence, Shipley Street. T. PRYDE and SON CLIN TON = EXETER — SEAFORTH — PHONE CLINTON HU 2-6606 T A. DUTTON I'M LOOKING FOP. SOMETHING NICE FOR A YOUNG MAN. (ISCAL Tis..1.111 Clinton Memorial Silo] 11011SEHOLD APPLIANCES RCA VICTOR-WESTINGHOUSE BRUCEFIELD HU-2-3232 ' AND HAVE YOU LOOKED 1N AT DUTTON' YOU'LL BE PLEA PEOPLE! nl fifers for .ManaigeingSMMAIMEMUMIS SO little/ FLIGHT-SWEEP STYLING, the ay look that spells go in every ( line. Fresh and simply ,1 beautiful Plymouth is I the one new car styled to stay new-looking for years. RUSH-DUTTON POWERFLITE automatic transmission, easiest driving control yet designed. Just touch a but- ton, step on the gas, and go. Mechanically perfect, trouble-free. qeeeeweeeeeeee.e.e..eeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeg$e::i*':i'' OPEN-ROAD POWER is yours to command with a choice of new Hy-Fire V-8 or big PowerFlow 6 engines. In- creased torque gives you 'new, safer passing power, instant take-off at the light. ••••,„• \ • s When a customer borrows from FIFC, he is shown what we call a payment table. This table (sample below)'shows exactly how Much you may borrow, how many months youlna, y take to repay, and the exact amount you pay each month. You select your own repayment plan, to make repaying your loan as convenient as possible. This dependable service is available to you whenever it prompt roan is needed for any worthwhile purpose. Barra+, With confidence from Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company' • HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 1.004 Matenett *a Wait Street, rowel 11001 OoDial411, ONT THEY KIAN INTO ACI4 OTKC2 0,1 . . in South End Cities Service the other day, and congratulated one another on their mutual good taste and judgement, scalu e,a4Lz. CITIES' SERVICE f —n) Viand prrt, Plitledrr P V IC •TIRCV et re •T I Plymouth Savoy 4.1loor Sodas. That's rigahtt No Other car in Plymouth's low price range can match the features you get when you get a new Flight-Sweep Plymouth. There's up to 200 hip, under that hood to give ou the power you need for safer pass- ing, fast take-oft There's extra-roomy comfort inside for relaxed riding And the preventive safety features you get with Plymouth are standard equipment. EVERYBODY *Amino TARLO SAN , MONTHLY Horn OF TN NUM riONENTII lioNIMS moos lio.00 Is 4 MOS 24.00 IS of moo L4' 7112.12 ..• *00 24 A•a•A•sW .:4•3xA:60::::$:',N.;,•,...<4••••••••••• s • Chrysler Coqoration of Canada, Linlited LIKES ITS . LOOKS.; LOVES ITS GO! I WS a fact. Plymouth is the better cat, yet its extra value costa you nO more. No wonder Plymouths are Selling so fast. AM, of eourse, you can get all of Plymouth's quality features in every model. The best time to buy it is nova, when the deals are big „ . and trade-in value of your car is at its peak. I PREVENTIVE SAFETY features like Safety-Rini wheels, Safety-Lock door latches,, twin-cylinder front wheel brakes help prevent acci- dents, help protect you and your family. BIG-CAR COMFORT is an- other exclusive you get with Plymouth. Roomier inside and smoother riding. Oriflow shock absorbers level out the roughest road. BIGGE ST CHOICE ...1510011St IDEAL HOW ON THE • IL,01111ePRICIED CAR WITH THE HIGH-VALUE PEATUPIES 1