HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-16, Page 6CLANIVN NEVraeRAVORP
_ews',Bayfield •
*955 90040 Chanepien Aura Correspondent
ws. amps Manness, Arcade,
is the guest Q IVIrsand WS.
W. V, ;Wanness,
AU. and 1YX.rs.rJione* P. rerg•u$-
Pti, Lontkm, were at their coatege
over tile weekend,
Miss 1Srary Edighofter,
is spending a vacation with her
parents, Mr, and Mrs. L,digh..
Mr. and Mrs, Grafton Weston,
London, Were with his parents, Mr.
and Km E. R. Westees ever the
Sergeant aid Mrs, j• Mayman,
London,Were with her parents,
Mr, and MrasR, L. MaeMillen, ov-
er the weekend.
Mr. and 1Virs. Hendrick,
Birmingham, Mich., entertained
guests et 'their cottage, 'West,
Windt" over •the weekend.
Dr. R, G. Hunter returned to
Toronto on Tuesday, after having
spent ten days with his wife and
daughter at their borne in the vII.
Mr. and Mrs, George
Waterlog, spent Tuesday withrthe
former's-. son, Munroe Fisher and
family at their cottage ori Dow
• Protection
•••• ••-?-'se•ss
.W:105iiist" , • \ ,,,..„..„......................___.
-.......7.. _A,
A sleek cr'aff'clemands
a slick finish . .
B-H "Anchor" Marine Paint.
• Sall -Macaulay LTD.
Coal - Cement - Sash
King Street — Phone BIT. 2-9514
Mr. and Mrs, Clare Hall and
We boys, Morris and Flint,
1Vlich., were the guests •a Mrs.
isruee-Merierey from Thursday um-
tii Monday,
Mr. and Mrs. jams A, Can -
en iVere the guests of Dr, and
Mrs. W. A, Oakes at their SUM -
mer home at Bala Over the OAP
holiday weekend.
Charles F. Rogers was taken. to
Clinton Public Hosiptal en Tu„ea,
day mernang. Mrs, Rogers is stayng with her daughter,
Hunter, during bis absenee.
r, and Mrs. ,Armand Manness,
John and David, returned to Lon-
don on Sunday after having spent
•a week with the former's. Parents,
1V1r. and Mrs, W, Marines's. N-
. Mr, and IVIrs. A, W. Brisson and
the latter's parents, Mr, and Mrs,
.1. L. Lewis, returned to Grosse
Pointe, Mich, on Sunday after
•spending ten slaks...at their cottage
Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schatheitlin,
Judy, Susie and Dpnald, returned
to their_hpane in. Niagara Falls on
Sunday after having visited Mrs,
Schafheitlin'e mother, „IVIrs. Will-
iam, H. Robinson;
Mr. and Mrs. ClaesRobbins,
•Detroit, occupied lVfrs, J. Des jar-•
dine's cottage last week. This
week, Mrs.. Earl Martin and two
children, and Mrs. john Plater and
two children, 'Petrot, are holiday -
Ina% rblaerelid‘ Mrs. Herbert' K.irkharn
and Shermae. Kirkman, visited her
Parents, Mr; and Mrs. E. Heard
on Sunday. On' their return to
London, •they were saccontnanied
by Mrs. 1-reard, who.came home on
Monday evening.
• Guests over the weekend at•the
cottage of Mr. and Mrs. Percy
Proctor were: their sari -In-law and
dengisterSMr, and Mrs. Alan Dwy-
er and son Rickey;. Mrs. • Angie
Dwyer, era, Mr. and Mrs. V. Pas-
covicz and family:"
M -and Mrs: Terry Rourke and.
babe, London; were weekend
Vests at" the,. Albion Hotel. Also
registered there this week are Mr.
antl'Mrs, Kenneth Farmer and son,
•Harry, Stretford; Miss Dorothea
Treleaven, London.
Mrs. Keith Leonard and chil&
rers*rettirned from a camping trip
bn Tuesda:y of last week. They
were with her parents, Mr. an
Mrs. E. A. Featheraton, until Fri-
day before moving to make their
hprhe north' of Toronto.
Mr. and Mrs. E. Bryant. Hamil-
ton visited the latter's brother, E.
• Auto wreckersH
. •
Parts for All Acikes of Cars
from '24 :to '52 •
Sales and Serylce
Used 1647-18-19-20 Tires *
Phone: HIJ: .242• 11
We Buy Scrap
Township Tuckersmith
The .Township of Tuckersmith Municipal Dumping
Ground, situated one -hof mile west of Est-nondville,:
Con. 3, ,HRS, will be open to iatepayers of the Town- -
ship of TuckersMith only, on Wednesday and SatOrday,
afternoons from the hours of 2 to 6 p.m.
No wire, car bodies or garbage (Organic) is to be
deposited and all dumping must be done under the
supervision of the inspector.
E. P. CHESNEY, Clerk,
• Township of ,Tuckersmith.
Read, This!
You Can Now Pay Your Fuel Bill 9n
The Budget Plan At No Additional
4' Cost To Tim -
" • 11;1•1111•1111rnew
Jack Scruton
• Phone IIU. 2.96$
Mr$. Geo. 'Crozier
mrs, George Crozier, mother of
Alfred Cre4er, Clinton, died on
Sunday night in Sf. MarYS Man,
oriel Intal, in her 77th year.
She Was the forreter Pearl E. Ed-
wards, Blanchard Township, Perth
County* husband died: in 1937.
Surviving besides her son are
two, daughte4, Grace, liesPler and
1Vira* Jelin MeKniSISt, St. Marys,
Interment was an St. Marys
•cenlaterY QP Wednestlei after-
noon, following services in the. Ball
funeral home,
° Nellie )3ick.
(By our Hensall Correspondent)
,• Miss Nellie Dick, '-RAT., passed
away in South Huron Hospitals
Exeter on Y'riday, August 10 in
her 18th, year. '
Boa in Hensel' she resided for
Sortie years in Standy Township..
She was a member of $t. Andrew's
United Churl, Kippens "
' :surviving is one -brother, Robert
Pick, Hensall.
Private funeral 'service was held
frPna the Bonthron funeral home,
Hensall, on August 12 by the ITev,
H. J. Snell, James Street 'Milted
Church, Exeter, Interment was in
Hensel". Unica Cemetery.
• —
1VIrs„M. Ketchen
(By our Hensel'. corespondent)
Mrs.. Margaret Ketphen, Hen -
sell, died suddenly in South Huron.
liospital, Exeter, on Arednesday.
eveningAugust 1, having been
adanitted that day by ambulance
quiffering. with a heart condition.
Mrs. Ketchen, who was the for-
mer Margaret Bell, was born on
the Bell Homestead in Hay Town-
ship, younger daughter of the late
Mr. and Mrs, John Bell. She was
in be 86.th year,
Her husband, the late Arthur
etcher, who was deputy minis-
ter of agriculture in Saskechewan,
passed away some" Airs ago. in
SaSketehewan, and •following his
death Mrs. Ketchen. came back to
Ontario to reside. •• '
• She was a sister of the'late Rob-
ert Bells Seatorth, founder •of
Robert Bell rhdustries 'irt,Seaforth.
dfily survivor is' a niece, Mrs, F.
Anderson, Hamilton.
Funeral was, held on Friday,
August 3, from the Bonthron funer-
al home, Rev, G D. Daniel offic-
iated. Burial was in Baird's fem.
A. Featherston and 1Virs. Feather-
ston for a couple of days last
week. Mr. and Mrs. Featherston
left the end of the week on a
mottar trip to northern Ontario.
Mrs. Grant Turner and Mrs. R.
enkinv were in Detroit on, Mon -
ay. They'were accompanied by
theformer's aunt, Mrs, 2r. D. Mer-
ner, 3etroit, Who has been visiting
in this district fora month. She
was the guest et Mrs. Turner last
Among those who attended the
Derry payseffebration in Wallace -
burg on Saturday , were: Mr. and
Mrs. E. Heard, Mr. and Mrs. Jam-
es Hutchings, Mr. and Mrs. Will-
iam E, parker, Malcom Terns, Wil-
fred Castle, Benjamin • Rathwell
and William 1VIcDool.
Mr. and Mrs, Delbert Haw, Don-
ald and Dawna, Proton; also, Ed.
Price, Toronto; Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Heard, Lorna and Douglas, Strat-
ford; Mr. and Mrs. Russel Heard,
'Bronson Line, and William Heard,
Blue Water Highway, Stanley
Township, were joined by other
relatives and enjoyed a family din-
ner in the park on Sunday..
New arrivals. at Deer Lodge
Park are: Mr. and Mrs. David
Knoiees and family, Toronto; Mr.
and Mrs, A. Iloggarth and tarn:11Y,
Wallacelaurg; Mr. and"Mrs. G. W.
Keefe and family, Montreal; Rev.
and Mrs. F, T. McCarty and fam-
ily, Columbus, Ohio; Mr. and, Mrs.
Frank Roseberry and family, terk-
ley, Michigan; Mr, and 1VIrs. Fred
Balls,-Petrolia; Mr. and Mrs. Keith
Williams', Sarnia; Mr. and Mrs,
James Cann and tardily, Strath-
Guests registered at The' Little
Inn Over the past week include:
Miss Helen Howe, Montreal; Miss
TpurgeoissOutrernont, Que.,
Miss Agnes Carson, Detroit; Miss-
es Allele Element, Ellen Thomas,
Phyllis Adams and Minnie Robin-
son, London; Miss Bertha McDon-
ald, Miss Ida Beal, Simcoe; Miss
Helen Beaumont, Cleveland; Mr.
and Mrs. C. W. Jickling, Dearborn;
Mr. and Mrs, E. C. Petitjean and
son Paul, Plokering; Mr. and Mts.
Meador, Detroit; 1Vliss Ruble Dab-
ble, London; Miss Mary Arthur,
Ottawa; Mr. and Mrs, C. D. Bail-
ey and daughter, Barbara, Am-
herstburg; Misses Dorothy and
Lillian Reeves., Oakville.
• s ,
William Ramblyn
Wi1UanHamhlyn, fprUler resi-
dent of Clinton, Exeter and Bow.
;Denville, passed away at the
resistence of his son, Morley OP
1-lasWYn, 2614 'Parent Ave., Sand-
wieh Xast, ()Maxi?. He was 74
• lie was retired the Pleth-
ing iradnstry.,- Mr.HarnblYn'S wife
Lillian died in Mar.els pf this •year..
, ,Thes deceased' Vves transferred
front the Morrie funeral home,.
Windsor,. to the Morris funeral
halm Bowmanyille, where ser-
vices were.held on Saturday •after -
on, August. 4, and interment
was in the Bewipenville. Cemetery,
• Dan' Ross
IBy onr,Hensall correspondent)
Word. has been rketVed here of
the sudden passing of Dan Ross,
84, Nsrhb died at Melita, Man.,
where he had gone seine three
weeks ago tolattend a centeninal.
Mr. ROSS' who Made has home
here for many years with, Mr.
George Smale, and the late. 11,frs.
Smales made the trip out west -by
train himself, but took ill two
days after his arrival. '
• Funeral- service was held on
Thursday, August 2, in the west.
Samuel Merhekson.
Samuel 'MCPhersons 19, promin-
ent McKillop Township farmer,
died August 5, at. his home, con
cession 13; where he had lived for
the past 43 years.
McKillop resident all his life,
he was a rneraher of he United
Church, and served as a school
trustee for many years.
Surviving besides his Wife, the
former Anna C. "Wiebers Gran -
brook, are two sops, William H.
at home; Hugh, ''Seaiorth; three
daughters, Mrs., F. W. Roy, To-
ronto; Mrs. Alex Fry, Osaltsallle;
Mi. George Cutler, Clinton; •and
two sisters, Mrs. Ross, in Sas,k-
atchewarel•and Mrs, Alex MONO,
Funeral service was held on
August 8, .the fa rattly
residence by the Rev, Glen Camp-
bell. Interment was in „Brsissels
Cemetery. •• •
Mrs. J. Buchanan.
Service for Mrs. John Buchan-
an, 60, of East Wawanosh Town.
ship, who died in Clinton Public
Hospital, were conducted Aug-
ust ' 7, in, the Arthur funeral
home, by the Rev. - H. C. Wilson,
c.linton. Interment was in. Bel -
grave Cemetery, "
Pallbearers were her four sons
and two nephews, Eldon and John
Cook, Belgrave.
She was, the former:Mary Cook,
and' following "theirtalparriage, she
and her husband ,faired near
Weitfield. She was; a. meinher. of
Westfield -United Church. •
Surviving besides her husband,
are four sons, William, James,
Roy and John, at home; , ene
daughter, Lorna, London; and
tyvo brothers, Lewie• and Stanley
Cook, Beigrave.
Mrs. C. liarvey
(Sir our Hensel" 'correspondent)
Word has been received in Hen-
sel of the passing of:Mr's. Christ-
iana% Harvey, Regina 'Sask., in
her 100th year._
• The former, ohristianna Hood,
she married John Harvey, Stanley
Township in 1889. Mr. Harvey
died 32 year ago.
Surviving are- three daughters,
Mrs. George Troupe, Pense and
Misses Agnes ,and Della at home,
The latter has been ,employed with
the Regina Leader -Post for several
years. Also surviving is her sister-
in-law, Mrs. Martha. Harvey, Hen
salt, and a number •of nephews in
this area.
Iu Jae Mrs. Harvey had cele-
brated her 99th birthday With con..
grattilations received from. friends
living from l'oronto to VancoUver.
Hensall Legion
Bingo Winners
(By our Hensel' correspondent)
Winners. at the Hensall Legion,
Bingo on August 11: Leonard
Wilkinson, Mrs. William. Bell, Mrs.
Thomas Brintriell, Mrs. James
Clark, Samuel Deugail, Mrs, Bert
Wren; Harry Powell, Goderich;
Ered Kennings, Mrs. Austin, Sea:.
forth; Mrs. L Baynham, Carol
Brown, Harold Schwartzentruber,
Mrs. Don Cowan, Mrs, Glenn
Deitz, Mrs. Alvin Chapman, Lloyd
rs. J!, Ferguson Teacher
ens Bayfield correspondent)
Man little fOlk commencod
sestina in Ba.yfield under Mrs,
James Forguson,• To her they
owe a debt of gratitude for a good
start along the roacl to "learning."
Not only did, they absorb the three
R's, but were also imbued with
patriotism and valuable rules of
life, .
She first ani q Bayfie4 as
is s Margaret Porterfield, in 18$,
and taught here in tie junior
room for three years. She had
attended Clinton Collegiate Ina',
tnte and Clinton Model School,
Before coming to Bayfiekl, Miss
Porterfield had taught in, Wawan-
osh Township.
• After leaving BaYfield, she was
At her home at Marneck, ii.Bast
Wawanosh. (Her father, Peter
Porterfield had taken up land
there after emigrating from Scot-
land, A Pot Office was estab-
lished and he Was appointed post -
)ie named Marnock after
tKihehnaposrntouchntlitntheScoaticleavt.td. otHeheld
mail delivery, when the post pf-
fice of Marrieds, disappeared, and
the district was served from Bel -
pave and Brussels.)
Iri January 1899, Miss Margaret
Porterfield became the bride 'of
James Fergusen, and • came to
make her home on Colina Street,
• Tragedy struck suddenly on
August 19, 1905, when James Fels
gusOn with his crew, • William
Woods and William Bailey were
drowned a few miles froni.Bay-
field harbOUr. " The sailing boat
capsized1 a sudden fierce squall.
Mrs. Ferguson, eommenced
teaching again in Bayfield Public
School in 1908 and continued until
the sunnher ef 19L9 under special
permit front- -Inspector J.
Tom. And it was during this, per -
ted thiethe writer was fortunate
in corning under her tuition. Hav-
ing a very large bump of'curiosity,
She knew her A.B.C.'s and 'could
read shoal words before attending
saber But to her dying day, she
Will retain the pibture of • Mrs.
.Ferguson with her neat aprons
(the mils Wore pinafores in those
day, too) standing before the
large printed cards with a pointer,
sounding out, the word.. And
what a thrill itwas when. a little -
one was able to spell "CA -T, cat"
and "H-A-T`hat",
And then too, there were the
songs on the side .'blacleboards—
"Rule Britannia,"- "The 'Maple
Leaf Forever," and "ru. be a Sun-
beam for Jesus." She sang with
such gusto that sh actually pic-
tured herself dancing abut like a
And then one day the late J. J.
Merner, M.P., visited the school
and ieft copieg of a new song, "0
Canada," to be sung in the school.
- Of these early year. fn the cely
.tuiy, Mrs. Ferguson has. one very
vivid recollection the children
gathered around the hot 'air reg-
ister in the winter trying to get
Mrs. Fergusim became a part of
afield and was active in church,
cornmunity, patriotic and Red
Cross work. ' •
Although she had ceased teeth-
ing in the school she continued to
show,herinterest by 'helping the
neighbours children. Over the
years, nothing delighted her more
than to have former pupils call at
her home7
Mrs. Ferguson has been a pat-
ient in Parkwood Hospital, Lon-
don, for three years. Even here
she found scope for her ability
when she undertook to teach a
spastic patient who could not read.
Each week shelooks forward, to
the Clinton News -Record which
shereads' and re -reads from cover
to cover. It is like a letter from
At the time of the official op-
ening of the new school, it was not
convenient for ,Mrs, Ferguson to
be here. But she has since visited
the building in company withher
son, James P. Ferguson, Publicity
Executive of the London Life As-
surance Co., and signed the visit-
or's book.
She was greatly impressed by
all the modern facilities and bright
airy roonis. Gone forever were
e011.801S $220.
We Install Anywhere
Phone Goderich
Priced To Sell
• 1956 Model 50 Clipper Combines NEW
1-=4‘ilassey-Ilarris 28 x 42 Separator,
Ekcellent condition. One owner,
• Never of the farim
1—r.MasseplIarris BINDER, 7 ft:* cat
,near.jy new,
• 1:---494/ Ford Ferguson -Tractor
overhauled, ne* rubber
PLOWS—We have new demonstrator plows,
all skes, .at :Slashed Prices,
Sturdy Farm. Equipment
• CLINTON Pliofte 'UV 246484
the slates of her day, and the pen -
Oils, slate cloths and water bottles
by Which the wealth 0 Mils was
judged by their TOW _scholarS.
Quite poor was the pupil thought
to be who spat on hti St t and
eleaned off the work With ills cOat
or sweater sleeve:
While Mrs, Ferguson was, teach -
ng, Alexander Ford B:ing'A V,tbsti:‘•
tilted for_ber while she went to
her fathers borne fer a week
The son of Mil. King and the
late George King of the village,
he- started school to Mise Flossie'
Stanbury, 4e also attended God-
erieh Collegiate Tristitute, but,
was too young when he graduated
from it to go to the College of
Education in Toronto.
Perhaps', more than AnYone else,
his youngest sister Muriel
M, C. Hart) has cause to rememk.
ber that week. Ford told a story
in which the pepile massed the
humorous point. 'In the dead sil-
elite which followed Muriers laugh
rang -out When they went helne
he asked "Did You see the joke
in the story I told," "No," she
answered. "Then why did nrou
Ian's?" asked her brother, Ve.
cause I felt, so sorry for you," she
replied. -
Ford Xing also substituted at
SS No, 1, Goderich Township, for
three weeks, and then taught for
six months at Lonclesitioro.
After attending College of Ed-
ucation, he joined the teaching
staff ,of the Withrow Avenue
School, Toronto, under the lap Dr.
G. MOGUL -He was only there six
months when he enlisted in the
Canadian Armed forces and ser-
ved overseas with the artillery •in
World War I. He was, also with
the army of occupafions In Ger-
••• On returning from overseas he
attended the University of Tor-
onto, majoring in mathematics and
„ s
Quite by chance his chosen vac-
ation of teaching was changed.
For the summer vacation he was
engaged beS Price • Waterhouse,
chartered 'accountants, Toronto.
ire did not return to university
that fa, batt Stayed with the firm,
of which he had been a Partner
fer $0100 years prior tQ hldeatil
FordfS sister Lila (Mrs. Fred;
Ritchie) .had ,also become an ,Eds.
• Wit good shirt's so (pc.
pensive these days, it pays—
* extra Wear ---to have us
launder, them, That's because
our eperators are experienced ,
—and; elm be relied, en to
value. a nd..iesaeot kong„"Pr9Pr
erty".. Therough washing,
ofine, finisbing?" Illope, today, ,
FOk YrOlArt Convenience:
Utit: Our,
POWItto.w'mn. Office
King2 Street
(formerly SiMpsonstSears)
HU. 2-7064
is Sale
on .
Shoe Polish ....(white only)
2 -in -1. -- KELLEY'S — SHU-MILK .
Regularly Priced 25c each
SPECIAL; - - f
z or z6c
During August
Friday and Saturday
2 ONLY— •
POWER MOWERS—Rotary Type c03• 0
Reg. 'Price $95.50—SPECIAL
• 2 ONLY—
POWER MOWERS—Rotary Type $51.50
Reg. Price $64.50—SPECIAL
• Reg. Price $89.50—SPECIAL `'"
HAND MOWERS,. 1.69 cut, 5 blades,
rubber wheel's: Reg. Price $1.6 50
.$22.50—Out they go at ,
Was $499.50—SPECIAL..at
DON'T MISS:this opportunity to, SAVE at our store
Hawkins &Jacob
"Your Friendly. Store"
Now On Display
Power Hawk
A Real Sports Car
• 12, Packard 4 -Door Sedan
, 152 .Chevrolet
• '50 Studebaker Ton
'51 Morris 1/2 T�n
W. H. Dalryniple- & Son
twap oegriNU, 24211