HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-16, Page 1''THANKS TO MARSH MARii1;SH
We have more copies of the Saska-
toon SW -MOWN to skim through
Saskatoon, has always seemed
to us a very pretty city, . and
we were Teased;' to. read of the
newspaper folk •of Saskatchewan
having their annual conventiott in
the Bessbornugh Hatei there.
Thanks, Marsh, for thinking of
of how busy things can get around
a Small town. Over et the Lawn
Bowling green the men's -doubles
tournament was underway all are
- texnoon- and till late at night... .
there was a Peewee baseball game.
Up at the Community Perk
midget :game had to be postponed
Tor lack of a playing. field..: The •
Ladies Auxiliary to the Canadian
Legion put on a crowd,..getting fro-
Iic and draw up at the Legion
* * *
complaint about our choice of
words with reference to the new
housing, development on the south
edge of town. , . Last week we
had occasion to make some com-
ment or other about the section.. .
and called it 1V1i1lionaire's Row. ..•
We understand; though, 'that cer-
tain of its residents feel the more
proper name should be Mortgage
Row . And more lately we have
had cause to suspect another term
might, 'be'even more accurate,
The stork has apparently made
several all in the district since
settlement in that region became
fashionable, , . and this week there
are four new mouths to feed... kit-
tens, that is . . So some folk feel
that the proper name would be
'Maternity Row. , .
* * *
of Clinton shoulfl sometime soon
be dubbed for certain... Clinton
has its usual, number of nicknames •
for different 'districts, .: "Up vine-
gar hill". , "Hell's/Half Acre", . .
"Little England"....They all mean
a good deal to residents of long
standing. and newcomers are
soon acquainted with the names....
• * * *
ed a good deal this summer has
been -the cheerful falling of water
from the fountain in Library
Park. . . Throughout ' the rainy
season it didn't much matter. . .
but now with sun -shinier days... .
and so many folk : attracted ' to
watch what's doing at the town
hall. it would be nice if the
fountain 'could be set working
again, . ; There's another two or
three months in which it can help
make Clinton beautiful.. »
a * * *
maintenance needs,doing. , . and
that's •.a coat of..paint -.on ,:the
floor of the wading pool at the
Park, .:. That's a lovely bit of
playground' for the younger child-
ren in town. . and lately it does•
n't look very nice to go in. , . A
clean coat of blue paint some early
morning -:Would be dry enorigh, by
, afternoon to Arun the water in . . _.
and it would look about 150 per-
cent better than now .. »
* * *
means re-creation. . . and -it is
just that... People who finish
with •the job at which they are
making a living are generally
quite tired out, sometimes physic-
ally... sometimes• mentally... and
what is needed for each individual
in --recreation is the change which
will make him feel happier. . re-
lax muscles that need relaxing... .
and resit brain cells which are be-
ginning to feel strained . . . The
field of . recreation is an extremely
wide one... A lot of people need
direction in: finding just the right
area of endeavour in re-creating
themselves, . . That is where the
role of recreation director fits
RCAF Station Boy
Breaks Leg Iia Fall
Seven-year-old, Royal Paulson
says, _ "That's the last bridge I'll.
climb," as he facesa long period•
with a cast on his leg in 'Clinton
Public Hospital. He is the son of
Mr. and Mrs. S. L. Paulson, RCAF
Station Clinton.
Young Paul was playing on the
bridge being constructed over the
B4yfield river, just back of the,
permanent married quarters at
the Station, when • his attention
was' called away and hefell about
30 feet to rocks below. Dr. T, K.
Hackett accompanied him to hos-
pital here, were he was given em-
ergency surgery and the cast was
put on; Dr. W. A. Oakes also at-
The boy has compound fractures
of .the leg, and bruises.
The council of the Village of
Hensail have set the following tax
rate for this year: County, 12
mills; village, 20.6 mills; public
school; 13,6 mills; high school, 6.8
mills; community park, 1 mill;
,public library, I mills; fire equip-
ment debentures, 1,2 Mills; water-
works debentures, 1.2 mills; hyd-
rant rental, 2.9 Mills. • •
Total Mill rate for the year is
60 :mills,
The Watther
• 1056 , 1950
High LOW High LoW
Aug. 0 Si 66 84 55
10 18, 59 84 G9
11.a 70 55 78 60
12 11 54 83 48,
18 '19 61 76 62
14 81 50 68 64
1+5 14 58 80 84
Twill: ,78 in"a din .76 int
010 33.eita
• TME' •NEW ERA -92nd YEAR
No. 33—The _ ... . .
Home Paper With. the Neal
nth YEAR
THURSDAY, ,AUGUST 16,,f 1956
7 cents •o copy -- $3.04 a year
Clinton S*imrning Pool f and LaukKhed
aeitie- � ,..?.4f'
Enjoying an afternoon Splash in the wading pool at the Com-
munity Park these young folk are, looking forward to thetime
when a big pool will be ready for swimming, Stakes already
mark the 'spot (just beyond. the wading pool) where the bigger
structure wilLbe put in. The wading pool is a very popular spot
now that warmer weather suggests a dip to the Small fry. Older
folk, too, wilt be attracted to the thought of a full-size pool next ,
spring.' (News -Record Photo)
till Three Drive-ln
erv-k�s To Attend
There are only three Sundays
left in which tiiy attepd. the sum-
mer's evening church services held
each week in Brownie's Drive-in
Theatre. Next Sunday service will
beginLat eight o'clock, under the
direction of the Rev. C. S. Inder,
St. Pa(dI.'s Anglican Church, Clin-
For the last two Sundays, Aug-
ust 26 and September 2, the ser-
vice will • begin at 7.30 o'clock,
ung to earlier coming of dusk.
Rev. IL C. Wilson, Wesley -Willis
United Church, - will be in charge
of the service on August 26, and.
the RCAF Station Clinton chap-
lains will be in charge of the final
service, • -
These non -denominational out-
door church programs are' made
Flower Show
Opens' Saturday
. Exhibits to the Flower
Show are to be in place on
Saturday morning, August 18,
by 11 in the morning, and by
2.30 in the afternoon judging
will be completed and . the
show will be open to the
public., r
Competitions are much- the
same as in previous years—
details ' of these are to be
found elsewhere in this paper.
A special door -prize , of a
fine'bone china cup and saucer
(on display in the. window of
the Clinton News: Record) has
been provided and the draw
will beanade.at the end of the
show, Saturday night.
possible through the generosity
and' thoughtfulness of. Lorne J.
Brown, proprietor of Brownie's
Dr Who gives iv the theatre
Drive -In ve- n I
and its facilitiesalong with.°per
sonnei to look after the loud -speak-
ing system, free of charge to the
ministerial association.
The programs which have been
held throughout July and August
have received increased interest,
and from 300 to 400 persons have'
attended each one, depending on
weather conditions on Sunday ev-
ening. However, the rains have not
brought,, any of the -services to a
halt, and the ministers, organists
and song leaders have carried on
even in threatening bad weather.
It has been said by one; and
this expresses the feeling of many
church -goers, that "It's the nicest
thing that has happened to Clinton
for a long time."
Goderich Twp: x.
1956 Mill Rates
The, following is a breakdown of
the rate struck last week for the
ratepayers' in the Township of
Goderich: -
County of Huron( 12 mills
Township general) ... 10 mills
General school .3 mills
Clinton DCI ,. 6 .•mills
Goderich DOX'p7 6 mills
Township School Area 7.2 mills
SS 2 "
SS 5
SS 8
SS 9
Union SS 2 .................... 14.1 mills
Union S'S' 12 12.5 mills
Union SS 10 12.8 mills
11 mills
7.8 mills
5 mills
8.4 mills
Mary St.'Draifl Cost
Estimated At $15,000
Progress is being made in the
matter of enlarging the Mary
Street Drain.
According to Reeve ' Burton
Stanley, chairman of the public
works committee of ° the Town
Council, the estimated cost of the
necessary enlargement will be
$15,000, This is'rnade up of $10,-
000 for tile, and includes engin-
eeringfees, municipal board fees,
legal, fees, etc'.
According to specifications now
under preparation by engineer D.
M. Ross, Goderich, the drain will
be of 30 -inch tile from the Clin-
ton Lions Arena on Orange Street,
across to North Street. • Then it
will increase to 33 -inch over to
Osborne. Street, and from there to
the end of the drain and the be-
ginning of the open ditch at Erne
Street, the tile will be 36 -inch,
If plans can be completed and
cleared with the Municipal Board
intime, it is, proposed that the
work be done this fall.
Soil And Crop ,tour -Reservations
(lose To -Morrow) Make Yours Today
Deadline for resertiations for the
one -day .bus tour into Simcoe
County by the Huron County Soil
and Crop Improvement Associa..
tion is to -morrow, August 17.
All members of the. Association
and their wives are asked' to send
their 15 fare to G. 'W Montgom-
ery, Agricultural Office, Clinton,
not later than to'-rnoerow' if they
wish to participate.
Three buses are being arranged
for and pick-ups will be made f'r'om
Exeter, Hens'all:, Brucefield, Clin-
ton (at 7 a.m,),. Londesboro, Blyth,
13e1'grave, Winghaire and Wroxeter
(745 am,). Visits, will -include
the Ontario Beef Pasture Demon
stration Fart at Jeseepvitle; the
farm of J. d. 1MYe'Cague, Holstein
breeder, Alliston; the sod farm of
Bill Ruthven, Alliston: and a hot
turkey dinner at the- Park Pavil-
ion in Midhurst, provided by the
Midhurst WI at a Cost of *toy
per plate
In the afternoon a tour of the
Midhurst reforestation 'Station will
be followed by visits to the provin-
dal managed pasture plots, grass
and clover adaptability tests and
the pasture drainage 'de'rnonstra-
tion at. Vasey; then a visit to the
Indian Village- at Midland (35c
each; ; the Martyrs' Shrine as the
guests of Father McCaffrey and a
trip to Collingtvood via 'Wasaga
Beach, After a visit to the Sibart
Bras, cannery or farms at Goliinga
woad, supper will' be had at Col-
lingwood and the buses will re•
turn- to Hutch-Oounty,
A 'bank account- has been open-
ed under the riimie of "Clinton
Community Swimming Pool Fund",.
The Kinsmen Club, of Clinton and
the ;Huron, Fish aid Came Club,
Clinton, have already pledged
$1,000 each to the fund. The .Qin:
Fire Brigade, at their monthly
meeting Monday night gave $500
to the pool, project.
Tenders have been called for the
cement contract inn the Clinton
Community Swimming Pool, These
to be in the hands of -the building
committee by Monday, August 20.
The tender calls for the work to
be done by October 15.
At a meeting Tuesday evening,.
the building committe chairman,
Earl Doucette, released the above
facts and announced hit full' com-
mitte'e. They are; Mr. Doucette,
chairman; Harry Ball, secretary;
Joseph Reed, "Wiliam Hearn,.
Reeve le rton . Stanley, Alfred
Crozier, Hector 'Kingswell, Henry
Young, Don C, .Colquhoun; , PUC
Superintendent • Jabez Rands and
R. J. Schoenhals, acting chairman
of the over-all committee..
This 'building committee has
helm split ifito sub -committees ea-
ch with a specifid-part of the build-
ing project to l6ok after.: It was
also announced that volunteer
work and work parties will be
called for during the building of
the pool this fall, And again next
spring when the bath house will
be built.
The three filtration plant tanks
have alrea'd'y been ordered. These
are in short supply according to a
committee 'nem ler.;
Since the pool," is being built just
east of -the present children's wad-ing pool in Clinton Community
Park, plans are being' made by'
the plumbing sub -committee to
have the water in this. • pool gb
through the filtration plant in the
larger •pool. Otherwise the wad-
ing pool is being :left intact.
Town Clerk coli i• Livermore has
been made treasurer of the Clin-
ton Community Swimming Pool
Fund, and Ronald..- G. McCann has
been' added to .the - finance com-
mittee, headed ' by -R. D. "Dick"
Fremlin:-. ° •
The income tax departement,was
contacted and application has been
made to the Department of Nat-
ional Revenue, seeking exemption
from income tax on donations
made to the pool. fund.
Lorne J. Brown, owner of
Brownie's Drive -In Limited, has
offered thethe luee,P of his theatre for
one night, ,to' the: fund. All pro-
ceeds fromadmission will go to
the fund, - Members of the corp.
mittee will soon be selling tickets
for ' this Show.
Plans are going ahead for the
huge $5,000 bingo early in Septem-
ber. No exact date has been• set for
either of these fund-raising events:
Itwas decided' to have progress
meetings of the full swimming
pool committee every Wednesday
evening, unless notified otherwise..
'The pool will be 35 feet wide by'
120 •feet long, and not 35' X 100'
as erroneously reported in last
week's issue,
'ublic School
cr 500 In
Due to increased number of pup-
ils expected to attend the Clinton
Public School thi's fail, the school
board was forced this week to re-
fuse accommodation to the 25
pupils of SS 4, Hallett Township
this, fall.
According to KC.. Lrawson, sec-
retary of the board, there are 40
pupils registered for the kinder-
garten room at the school, and
with the regular increase in num-
bers .of pupils in the ether •class-
zooms, based on growth of other
years, it is expected that ever 500
pupils will be coming to the Clin-
ton school in September.
•There are 14 classrooms,. includ-
ing the kindergarten, which will
mean 35 pupils, in each room from
Oracle. 1 to Grade 8, without the
addition of any from SS 4. Pupils
from the Huliett school have been
-transported by bus to Clinton for
the past six years, Last year the
school section .:paid $11,50 'per
'rzes Won. L�caIiy
►t Last Night's Frolic
Five lucky people took home
prizes from the Frolic held at the
Legion Memorial Hall, Kirk Street,
last night.
An electric frypan was won by
Mrs. William ('Clara) Brugger,
Seaforth, the second prize, an el-
ectric -portable mixer : went to
George Knights; third prize, an
electric shaver was won by Mrs.
Gordon Herman; fourth prize, pop-
up toaster, .William ' Grigg; fifth,
coffee maker, William Tideswell.
Good weather helped to • swell
the crowd which gathered to play
bingo, take part in the games and
many attended the dance which
followed . the event. Mrs. K. C.
Cooke was over -alt chairman -of --
the frolic, which was the first such
evening to be held by the Ladies'
Auxiliary to the Legiqn.. This
year, when the Legion `members
decided not Ito hold the usual .frol-
ic, the ladies decided to take over
the job.
Conveners of the booth at which
hot-dogs sand soft -drinks were dis-
pensed, were Mrs. W. McAlpine
and Mrs. B, Stanley. The , bingo
was taken care of by Mrs. William
Thkley and Mrs, Alex Haddy, The
games were convened by, Wilfred
Den4mme, Kenneth Cooke and
Richard Freeman. Arrangements,
for the dance were carried out by
Cameron Proctor, Douglas And-
rews and' Arthur Leyburne,
Those in charge of tickets for
the draw_ were Mrs. VI Habgood
Ronald Mrs.
and a
n MacDonald The
draw was made by Wilfred Den:-
omme, president of the Legion, as-
sisted by Mrs. Cooke and winners,
were announced by J.E. Dale.
OBA Meeting' In
Clinton Next Year
The . annual meeting of the On-
tario Baseball Association will be
held' in Clinton on 1Vlarch --14-15-16
next year. According .to •Hugh
Hawkins, past president of the
Western Ontario Athletic • Assoc
lotion it is' expected that over 200
delegates • from points all over On-
!tario will be attending the three
day convention. • -
Hosts for the first time Will be
the WOAA and the executive have
decided in..order to defray the cost
of the meeting that a raffle will he
held. Prizes will be awarded on
Christmas eve with the draw for
winners to be made'and announced
over CKNX on the nightly sports
broadcast of Ed. Blake.
Fire Brigade Gives$500 From
Treasury And Pocke#TaPooE
A gift of $250 from the treas-
ury of the Clinton Fire Brigade
towards'. the proposed new swim-
ming pool was generously matched
penny for penny on Monday night
-by the firemen when they each
gave $12.50 out of their Semi-an-
nual pay. This will make'`$500
promised towards the cost of the
The Clinton Fire Brigade, made
up of 20 volunteers from the town,
is made the nominal sum of $55
per year. For every fire call to
which they do not respond, $1 is
deducted from this amount. The
pay of the Brigade is small indeed Joseph Murphy, , Earl Reynolds,
when the work they are expected Howard Cowan.
to do- is considered. Their contri-
bution toward the swimming pool
may be considered a major one
and must be appreciated.as such.
Members of the Clinton 'S'ire
Brigade are: Chief Grant Rath, as-
sistant chief Frank Dixon, lieut-
enant Robert Draper, secretary,
Frank McEWan, engineer George
Hanly, firemen Alex Cudenore,
Percy Livermore, Theo Fremlin,
Robert Carter; Hector Kingswell,
Royce Frernlin, Thomas Twyford,
Harry McElwan, Robert "Bud"
Schoenhals,- Carman McPhbl.san,
Kenneth Cooke, Dennis Bisback,
Cemetery Chapel Nearing Completion
Earl D'ouCetta} �ontrac it din • of the new' chapel
, t: cto� for the »b'u ti g >�
at Clutton Cemetery, is up top supervising the- cement work
rapidly being completed on the building: The t'wa-storey struea,
• tire is designed to accost modate grave -side ceremonies during .
wjnter and inclement weather: racittg the road, and at the font
i', -of the new section of the Cemetery,' It can be seen-easily,'from
Highway 4, (News4teeerd Mete)
month per pupil for their .educa-•
tion, and in 1950.57 term (if ac-
commod'ation was available) the
cost would have been $14 per pup -
i1. These rates are based on, the'
average pupil maintenance cost of
the school,
This -year's. non-resident pupil,
fee 'will be $10 per month in coin- 0.
paarison with last year's fee of $8;
per month per pupil.
The decision of the 'board in:
this matter was rblanimous in the:
face of the overcrowding, and the -
township school board was advised'
of the situation- on Tuesday morn-.
Centennial Cake
Added - To Prize
List At Ba field
Calling all cooks!
4 special • -class in the domestic
section of the Bayfield Fall 'Fair
has been added this year since
1956, is the Centennial Yeat of the,
fair. This is for a three-tier fruit.
cake, suitably iced for the occas-.
ion and entered inthe class.
Detail of the requirements may
be had from A. M. Bassett, sec-
retaryof the Ba field Agricultural
Y gi'
First prize is $50,1 and the win-
ning cake will become the prop-
erty of the Fair.
Peewees Capture First
Group Championship
Clinton Kinsmen Peewees won
their group championship last ev-
ening when they took the second
game of the best of three final
against Seaforth 23-4,
The first game played in Sea -
forth on Monday night was won.
by Clinton 11-8.
Last night's game was a night-
mare for Seaforth and the - stpecta
tors. The Clinton kids got rolling
after the first two men up fanned -
and' before the third man was re-
tired on strikes, 14 batters had
trudged to the •dish and 13 circled
the bases. Nine men batted in the
second for five more runs and the
homesixth. team finished things off with
two in, the fourth and three in the
Dave McLennan was out in
front its the hit parade with four
in, as many times at the plate. Bob
"Little Joe" Livermore clicked for
three hits. •
Tong hits were clouted by Bill
Murney and George Smith, each
with a triple and doubles by Cum
The Goderich. Dodger girls soft-
ball team won. the first game last
night in a best two -out -of -three
series with Stratford Kroehlers,
in a closely fought game under
the lights on the Goderich diam-
ond'. The score was 2-1 for the
Lakeshore town. This playoff ser-
ies isfor the Ontario Amateur
Softball Association championship.
rings (2), McLennan (2), Caron
and Thompson.
Budd? Bayes pitched the com-
plete game for Clinton; gave up
only three hits, - striking out four..
He did not issue a base on balls.
An unfortunate accident to
George Brown, Seaforth first base-
man marred the .game. The young
player attempted tb bunt and had:
(continued on page 10)
Stanley Township.
,Rate is 9 Mills;
Name Road Super
Tax payers in Stanley Township
will !say a total of. nine •mills for
support of the township this year,
the same as in 1955. The rate,
was set at the last meeting of'.
council held in Varna last week.
A, M. Harper, Goderich, present-
ed the auditor's' report which an-
ounced a surplus of $2,036 last
William Taylor, Varna, was
named road superintendent (tem-
porarily) to fill the vacancy left in
this position by the death of El-
mer Webster.
Reeve Harvey Coleman and the
Township Clerk Fred Watson. were
appointed to interview the Ontar-
io Department of Highways re-
garding, a permanent appointment
far this job.
Six. Hospitalized In Sunday
Accident at Bayfield Curve
Mr, and Mrs. James McAllister,
18031 Ardmore Avenue, Detroit,
are in Clinton 'Public Hospital re-
covering from injuries received in
a teaffic mishap on the Blue Wat-
Hal. Hartley Gets
National Award
For Achievement
Harold E, Hartley, better known
in Clinton as "Hal", this week re-
ceived his framed certificate re-
cording an award announced
early this spring with regard to
his work as an insurance -tales-
man, ` -
Known as the "National Qual-
ity Alward," it is "A recognition
of. quality life underwriting ser-
vice to the puiblic as evidenced by
an exdbllent record of maintaining
in `force and. extending the bene-
fits of life insurance,"
Noting at the foot of the cer-
tificate a series of spots of which
the first one is coverdd by a gold
seal "1.955" it is evident that Hal's
company, expects him to continue
withhit successes and fill up the
rest of the spots- as the years .go
Mr. Hartley's record Has a +coni'-
n uriity-Minded, Citizen, and his in-
terest in municipal bodies and the
progress of his adopted heti*
toWii', ' Clrn.ton. wotild show every
evidennte of ability to do just this.
er Highway, at Bayfield on Sun-
day afternoon. Both suffer from
shock and abrasions.
Also taken to hospital were Mr.
and Mrs, Cornelin vandenHeuvel,.
RR 2, Goderich, whose pick-up•
truck was the second vehicle in-
volived, Recuperating in Alexand-
ra Marine and General Hospital;
Goderich, are Mr. vandenl:•teuvel'
with abrasions and head injuries;
his wife, Annie who has a severely.
injured right knee; their two-year--
old daughter Christine, who had art
severe cut on the forehead over
the right eye; and their son, five-
month -old Laurence, who has cuts
on his face caused by broken:
The McAllister car had been•
proceeding north on Highway 21
(the Blue Water) and had just.
made the turn in the road in front
of the Old Forge, when it was in
collision with the' front of the'
pick-up truck. The car (a recent`
model) was turned at right angles:
to the road, and the truck was
shoved slightly off the pavement
by the force 'Of impact. Constable
,toss Balls, OPP, Goderich dee
tachiment investigated, assisted by
Constable Helmer Snell, Seaforth
Dr. N. C. Jackson, Goderich at-
tended at the scene. Ambulances
from Clinton and Goderich were
'called to remove the injured.
A rapidly growing crowd of cote
Lagers, 'residents and motorists
added • to the driving halzard of
this busy point in the lake route,
as people crowded to see the acci'.'
dent. Constables and individuals
worked hard keeping the one -lane
traffic movieg: