HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-09, Page 8• IIENCILS Reg. $2.00;43.60, , $4.30, '$5.15-for $1.29, $1.19 , $2• 89 $3139 ENTS SPECIAL OFFERS MONTH _OF AUGUST SCHOOL SUPPEIES . Book List for CDel for 1956-57 available NOW VACUUM JUGS (1 gal. cap.) With Pouring Spout 4.49 Reg. 5.49 Reg. 4.39 3.49 SNO-GEL ICE- Keeps everything 4 sizes-Reg. cold. 1.59 ...„ ,,,, ,,,, . .. ..„....$1.29 .89 . 75 .98 .................. 01,40" .89 2.49 „.. Id II% • .. • .. 114410( 499 Mid-Summer BARGAINS THERMOS CHEST Portable Cooler-reg. 19.95 $46.95 Clinton Pair Help With Dodgers .,Winn In Tourney Kay Sharpe and-Joanne Castle, were, two" prominent, figure,s in the Goderich Dodgers' lineup Mon- day when the, lakeshore town team took to honours in a Big' Four ladies' fastball tournament. 'Thse Dodgers nosed 'out Strat- ford Kmehlers 4-3 in the first game and came back in thesnight- cap to clip Sarnia 2-1 for the championship. The other team in the tourney was Florence Chicks who 'bowed to Sarnia 2-1. Both'. Dodger games were• pack- ed with thrills. ,Against Stratford the Dodgers took an early 4-0 lead only to have Stratford come back to almost snatch the,duke with a single run in the eigth and two more in the ninth. Goderich caught the third out in the ninth with the hases loaded. With Sarnia'it was the Dodgers who staged the late rally to score in the last of the ninth. Kay Sharp cailie up ..,with two big singles in the first game and Joanne banged out three singles hr the final including one in the ninth inning when she was advanced to third on two sacrifices and came home with the winning run on a wild pitch. BROWNIE'S DRIVE-IN LIMITED THURSDAY and FRIDAY Aug. 9 and 10 Double Feature "MARRY ME AGAIN" llohert Curnmhigs ",The Pace That Thrills" (One Cartoon) SATURDAY and MONDAY August 11 and 13 "DESERT SANDS" RALPH MARLA MEEIMR. ENGLISH (Two Cortoons) TUESDAY 'and WEDNESDAY August 14 and IS "THE 'MAN WITH THE GOLDEN ARM" (Adult) FRANK KIM SINAT,RA NOVAk (One Cartoon) THURSDAY and FRIDAY , AUgust 16 and 17 "`MART`" (Academy Award Winner) ERN'EST BETSY BORONIT\TE BLAIR (Two Cartoons) Box ()Oleo Opens 8.00 Show Starts at Dusk (Children Under 32 in Car9 Five) Formerly Llashmar Drive-In Next TO Conlmunity Varlc CHURCH SERVICE Every Sunday Evening Auspitesi Chlnten Ministerial Association 4.1 Priced To Sell 19501 odel 50 Clipper Combines NEW 1-Massey-Ifarris 8 x 42 Separator. Excellent condition. One owner. Never off the farm. (1-M-11. Super 27 S.P. 12, ft. cut 1-1947 Ford Ferguson Tractor overhauled, new' Pew rubber PLOWS-We have new deririonstrator plows, all sizes, at Slashed Prices. Sturdy Farm Equipment CLINTON r: Plume UV Z-9,184 lime,' lie e 4. Pay As You Drive Perhaps you've wondered how it's done. Most everyone buys on time these days. Here's how you too can own a "BETTER USED' CAR:' the G.M.A.C. Way. A small down payment and you're on your way! ' Down Monthly Payment Payment .752 Austin Sedan $200 W $27.50 '50 Ford Sedan 300 27.50 '50 Meteor Coach . 200 21.00 '51 Chev, Coach „ 300 40.00 '53 Chev. Sedan 400 53.00 - Increase your down payment, and your monthly payment is love.* acordingly._ -Why not drop in and talk it over? We welcome your inquiries. LORNE BROWN MOTORS LTD. Too FrIeridIy, cHEV.-OLDS: Dealer Filthier 2.93/1 CLINTON Open Evenings for rout' Convenience PALM EIGHT Brucefield Mill Will Offer Daily (hopping Service To customers. CLINTON NEWS-RE-CORD THURSDAY, AUGUST 9a 95 Operating under the manage- ment of Roy MvNaiI, Myth, the Brucefield Chopping Mill will be- .40 a word, minamum 7513 Saturday; August 11 - Share- the Wealth Bingo, Legion Hall, 9 P•ni. Jackpot $100 in 60 calls; 14 regular ,,games, $1.0 each. Sponsor: Legion. 32-b Friday, August 17 - Parsonage Board SupPer, St. Andrew's Unit- ed 'Church, Barfield. Supper ser- verfrom 5 to 8 p.m, Adults UK Children 50c, 32-^3-b Saturday, August 18 = Clinton. Clintons' Horticultural Society Flower Show, 2,30 o'clock, coun- cil Chamber. Open to all, .324, 0,oderich ravillori,''--4-every*4riday Teen Age Record swing with Johnny Brent of CKNX as't•M;G, Saturday *nights dancing to„ Bill Stuart and his orehestra. Sunday mid-night dance, September 2nd. 2'431-b Enjoy Dancing from lb W1 at the Crystal Palace, 'Mitchell, day nights with Don Robertson and his boys,„, - 28 to 35-b Legion Bingo is cancelled for the month of Augusts , Will-„start again on September 6, with: jack-' pot of $54.00 on 54 numbers. tl gin giving farmers chapping ser' vice' every week-day starting about the 20th Of August. At present the Mid is grinding on Tuesday, Thursday and Saturday, Change in management frOrri- t11at of J. K• Cornish Cable follow- ing the change. to ownership by the Herisall Distriot Co-operative recently, Garnet 1VIousseaut manager of the Hensel' Co- p,. Said: that plans include the installation of bins for grain,Sterage• The Brucefield branch of the Co-op will be oper- ated in' close conjunction with the Zurich branch P'1111' with the head. office in Hensall to provide maxi- mum service to the farmers of the, area. The mill Was organized, in Oct-. Ober, 1924 by J. K. Cornish: end, Harry Dalrymple, who at that time operated a garage; business- across ithe highway and continues tO: do under the nesle: vir,. H. Dar- rymple and Son. In 1939 the part- qership dissolved and' Kr.. Cornish: continued to operate • the rnill, After the war Carlyteo, cbrigsh;, went into partnership with 'Ids father, for a short:oil:Me. • Mr Cornish plans to retire and, he and his wife Will live,• in a brick` cottage in Brucefield which; he is rebuilding.. He will continue as secretary treasurer; of the Tuckeismith Municipal Telephone System, a job which he has had' 32-b since 1940, Waterman's PENS and PENCILS PENS "l0935-9f: $329, $3.95, $6.95 BALL-POINT PENS Reg $2.20--for $1.49 Graduates from the Godertch Business College included quite a few students from this area. TOP"' row, left to right, *Margaret Smith, Clinton; Beverly Bosveld, Gertrude Cook, Deanna Mallough, Goderich; Helen McKay, Clinton; Frank. Schubert, Goderiebo: Karen Ann Moodie, Clinton. ' Second row,' Sophie Meier, Massey; Dianne MCNair, Kay Botz, Donelda. Bannister, Goderich; Jacob. Greydanus,-• Bayfield; 'Mary ,Ann 'Overholt, Herbert Kempster, Goderich. Third row; Linda Carter, 114Pley; Lorne Chisholm, Adeline Riehl, ,:Corinne Knetch,.: Ruth Peachey,' Carolyn Duquette, VelmaSteWart, Goderich. •-47ftattiA? Fourth row, 1Vlary Alexander,' Goderich • Alvera Hurshi, ' -Clinton; Ruth King, Nova Scotia; .1Viarilyn Moore, .Janet Morley, Goderich; Margaret Caldwell; Sask- atoon; Odrien Colwell, Clinton; Lillian MoLearq God- erich. Fifth row, Mary Joyce -EllwoOd, Janet Bowler, Margaret McDonald, Goderich; 'Anne Sinclair, Sea- forth. Zipper -Binders. ranging in prices from - -$3.95 to, $14.95 OUR STOCK IS THE LARGEST AND' MOST COMPLETE IN THE DISTRICT \ FREE IMPRINTING . . Your name imprinted in gold leaf, letters FREE of CHARGE if binder purchased during the month .of August.. FOUNTAIN PENS of $2.00 value or mo wilt also be imprinted without cfiarge. FREE-BALL-POINT PEN With every purchase over $5.00 we will give away one Ball-Point Pen FREE. Shop Early . .. Shop At MclEwan WICKED PICNIC BASKET Reg. $5.50 .. „ BAR .B41--Portable Reg. $7.75 COLEMAN' CAMP STOVES Two Onlyt-Reg. $18.95 Speeial at . ..... SUTTER-PERDUE LTD. "Your FRIGIDAIRE Dealer" Council In Action (Continued afrom Page One) a, "stop street." • t. On 'Suggestion of Cowl.. Sutter, John Serrgatee'was 'given permis- sion to cultivate the part of Erie Street at the CtNR tracks that has never been used as. street; and promise Was given that i1 -the land shotikl ever be sold, ;VIi-o''angster would have first opportunity to • WY. . • Colin. Irwin asked for author- iiatioirto pay , the policemen far eight hours overtime each this year: The extra time is incurred during the holiday- period, when in order to' arrange for holidays, the men swing shifts. In so doing they. each-work an extra eight hours. Authorization was giVen. Discussion on new rates payable for street lighting was held; and information on cost of the new mercury vapour lighting was also discussed. At present the town pays $322.60 per month. New rates to' go' into effect soon on the present lighting, will be $366.25 per month. If the mercury vapour lights are put in, there is no flat charge to the town for the instal- lation; but- the rate per month would go up to $435.58 per month to pay for them in the 30 down- town standards. The protection to persons and property commit- tee consisting of Couns. J, Sutter, G. Beattie, Ed. Dale was asked to investigate further and bring :in a recommendation. CLERE-VU Auto Wreckers Parts for All Makes of Cars from '24 to '52 AUTO LITE BATTERY DUNLOP TIRES Sales and Service Used 16-17-18-19-20 Tires Phone: HU: 2-3211 We Buy Scrap Metals iteeddleeedine;.iaikudike.adiae.aii‘eadheeeolIkeadkee.Alieeeseemeali Weekend Cause Accidents . . nor Daiiiage: A three:month-al& baby which was thrown to the floor frOm the back seat of a car in „Which it was a passenger, was unhurt wklen 'two tars'collided on. tiatt:enbUry Street East last Fridavo eVciling. The baby, Kathy, and hei.two and one half year old brother Robert, along with their mother, Mrs. Stanley Falconer, were pasiengers in a 1956 car driven by' Mrs. Ruby 'Pickard, Clinton. • Mrs. Pickard was 'proceeding east on Rattenbury,, when a rattle in the glove, corimartment gained her attention and she leaned over to see what it was,. Her vehicle struck the side of .a 1952 truck owned by Fire Chief Grant Rath, which was parked in front of Ho- ward *Cowaris' home. Dr. F. G. Thompson examined the occupants of the Pickard car. No one was injured. Damage to the 'two'vehicles has been estima- ted at $500. Constable Albert Shaddick investigated. Charges are pending. Main Intel-Section Constable Shaddick received - a call to an accident at the main intersection-'early Saturday even- ing. John G. Gibbingso 84, was making a left hand turn into Isaac Street frorn a parked posit- ion in front of Newcombe's drug store, when his 1936 car was struck in the side by a 1954 car driven by Sergeant Kirk Worrell, William Street. Sgt. Worrell was coming through the intersection south on. Victoria, Street (High- way 4). a ADMIRAL 21" -SWIVEL' BASE Consols $220 We. Instill .Anywhere Phone Goderich 1 509 31-2-3-b R. Irwin Thrown.:. To Pavement Car Is Wrecked • Robert Irwin, 28, son of Mr_. and Mrs. Bert Irwin', Clinton, was re- ported to, be in satisfactory, ,con- dition in hospital last night,-;where' he was taken onSaturday follow- ing anauto accident early that Morning: Goderich Twp. Sets Ten-Mill Rate An increase of two mills on the tax rate in godelich Township this year has been.attributed to a $4,300 allocation which will be paid towards the addition to the Alexandra Marine and 'General Hospital, Goderich. This brings th'e rate in the township to ten mills, in compar- ison with the 1955. rate of eight mills. Rate was set at the Ang- ust meeting of the Goderich Town- ship council this week. The school rate (paid in addit- ion to the township rate) varies in each school section from a low of 5 mills, to 14.1 mills. 0 Is Your • Subscription Paid? He was driving on Highway south of Exeter, when his car left the road and struck a tree, throw.- ing Irwin from the vehicle. He. received a fractured skull, bruises and cuts. A passenger, Fred Van), Egmondr: RR 1, Clinton, eseapedv: without injury. Damage. to the, car was estima- ted at $800. ' Ccuista.ble 'George Mitchell, Exeter, investigated, LAICEVIEW CASINO' GRAND BEND DANCING WEDNESDAY FRIDAY .and SATURDAY CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA « * * * * * * * Rain or Shine! SUNDAY EVENING CONCERT August 12th Also PUPPY RAFFLE Sponsored by Grand Bend Lions 4.19 5.49 15.95