HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-09, Page 5IiRSDAY, AUGUST !ANON NEI7MREOORD •IPLASSIMP RATS CASH _RATE. oi,p04 .by the Wednesday following ''• "tiona puhftva- Ewo gents per 'Word,. ..201M14._ MP 00 gents, 114 cents a 'avoir0.1 for each following iusir- n4nlmum 35 ee0s. * 1170.T.BV4,40e extra.. BOX swims, MARRIAGES and • "DEATHS ---no charge - ENGAGEMENTS CARDS or & IN ivibmoig,Ams —WWo cents per word, minimurn 50 cents • •CHARGED -,15 cents extra. DEADLINE -1.2 o'clock noon,. Wedileada,„ y. , Accommodation For Rent TWO .13,EPROOM APARTMENT; ‘inftirriished, Phone Clinton HU 4077. 3243 TWO Room APAIVTIVIRNIT, furn- lshed, heated. Suitable for couple. aU 2.-9365, 32-b :SIX ROOM HOUSE, unfurnished, •-Mrs, Ray Chambers: Phone Clin- ton HU 2-9797. 32-b SMALL HOUSE FOR RENT. All. modern conveniences. Phone 11U 24880. 'NE FURNISHED .APARTMENT self contained. Apply Roy Tyn- •Pdall, phone HU 2-9928. 32-b-tfb =1D0iWNTSTAIRS • APAR TMENT, itteated and furnished. Available asoon., Phone Clinton HU ,2-9005. Furniture Re -Finishing VOA FURNITUR,E,. PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairmg, aPply W; G. Pickett, phone Clinton HU 2-7029. Help Wanted—Female PART TIME HELP FOR rettaur, ant. • .Girl or lady. . Phone HU 2 -9022, - ONE FULL-TIME WAITRESS one part tithe waitress, Bartliff Bros, Clinton. 32-13 WAITRESS,FULL TLME, AT Ruby and Hillis Snack Bar. Phone HU 2-9361, 32-b YOUNG WOMAN TO WORE IN dental office, Previous experience referred but not necessary. Phone Wl 2403, after 7 p,m. 31-2-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK The - day week. 55c per hour to atart. If able to maintain ProdUction, 75e p.erhour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton-. Laundry: and Dry Cleaning. 14-tth Help. Wanted—Mile ACT NOW if you, want extra $$$, Join a progressive conipany with 250 guaranteed products. Every house in your territory a poten- tial customer. No dull season with our line. Wberever you may live write in for details, Farnilex Stat. ion C, Montreal. 32-b Livestock Wanted WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderielf. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb AT,TENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect .Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth Assbciated with Darling and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 19tfb Lost- and Found LOST—Steer in Hullett Township, Hereford, white face, 2 or 3 red spots. 500 lbs. Strayed from farm of Harvey Taylor. Phone Clinton Hp 2-7527. ' 32-p Miscellaneous FOR SALE -- DRAIN TILE, all sizes. Order now. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b FOR SALE—CEMENT BRICKS, in stock at SEAFORTH CON- CRETE: PkODUCIS: $35 per' 1,000. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b HAYFIELD REST HOME, "THE Italie within a home." Home for convalescents, e 1 de r 1 y people, Home cook6d meals, registered nurse in attendance. Phone Hay- field37. 32;3-4-5-p OHLMNEYS. DbN'T WAIT TILL fall. Order your ehimney repaired or ' build now: New chimneys complete with flue tile. $3.75 a foot, Contact Bert Christensen, Con,tractor, • Seaforth. 27-32-b ART SUPPLIES (Winsor New ton); religious goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all occasions.1VIacLaren.'s Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p.m. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401. 29-tfb LET • US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diarnond ringerenewed and stones Safely ,secured—don't take chan- cos. Expert work done reasonably to yoursatisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing: W. N. Counter. • 32-p ATTENTION,'Cars, Trucks, 047: - hauled for only $3.95 with over- haul (compression -seal) one treat- ment give approximately 1Q,000 miles service. For complete de- tails, write THEO BROADY, SALE ENTERPRISE, '55 Wid- mer, Sit., Toronto, Ont, 31-2-b ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired Home and' Auto Radios • Repaired • ART LEVETT Isaac Street at Dunlop Phone Clinton HU. 2-6640 23-tfb SIDEWACkS and PATIOS—The modern manner is to pave with' flagstones. In a choice of 49"dif- ferent sizes and colors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth con- crete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated \in .a manner that makes them waterproofand stronger .than other makes. They are gdaranteed for five years. Made bnly by SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. Call -for free estimates. Phone Seaforth 740. 25ito32-b KEY OR LOCI PROBLEMS? WE DO— O Lock Re -Setting (cylinders - without keys), O Change Combinations. O Key your doors alike. O Master Key SyStern, (for max- imum security) you carry one key for any number iof rooms, • guests, etc., each have a dif- • ferent key, O Key Duplicating (2 minute ser- vice) 35c; 8 or more, 30e ea. 0 Past, efficient service, • "YOur security for Tomorrow, is our Bush:ices for Today" 0 teattory testing 'ekuipment in- stalled for fast service on Cole- mati, Duo-Thertri, ete. Space Heater Contra ValVeS. FRIDAY NITE SPECIAL 1 Only—EASY WASHER. Pull 5 -year warranty, for only $79.95. See it in, our ' Hardwa're WindoW0. BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE Niche Clinton HU. 2.9805 314-6 Farms For Sale NICE LIST FARMS FOR sale. 14, G. Winter. Real plate, Phone,. '.01inton MI 2-8692" Low down payments. ' 33-tfb PERSONAL gyErrrs RzviRixEs—ROWVTA remedies, Asthma remedies, and the rest of the famous line are •av4ilable at Pennebakeet, the IDA Store, sole agent. - 24-28-32-b Poultry For Sale 300 SUSSEX X RHODE ISLAND Reds. 5 months old, started to lay. A .E, Townshend, phone HU 9107, 32-b Tenders Wanted Sealed terider.s for a year's sup- ply of Yancey steker-coal will be accepted at the address below, until August 18, 1956, for immed- iate delivery, or as agreed, in •$t. Joseph's Church, Clinton, Ontario, underground bin. Minimum order 60,000 lbs. The lowest, Or a:by tender, not necessarily adcepted. FUEL COIVIMITmE % Mr. M,,Lebeau, Secretary, Box 86, Clinton, Ontario 32-b • 'REAL ESTATE FOR .SALE 11/z STOREY 4 BED ROOM Dwel- ling, with Living Room, Dining Room, Den, Kitchen, 2 Natural Fireplaces; Hardwood Floors down; modern conveniences; hot water heating withoil; attach- - ed garage. Spacions grounds, centrally located. Will _sell furnished or unfurnished. Early possession. f -0-- 11/2 STOREY DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen, 1 bed room, with 2 'piece bath down, 2 bed rooms and 8 - piece bath up. Hot water heat- ing with stoker. Located near both schools on Rattenbury Street. - • 0 11/2 STOREY 7 -ROOM Dwelling; living rooth'dining room, bed- room, kitchen down; three bed- rooms, 3 pc. bath up; furnace; sun porch; verandah; attached garage; half block from main intersect Possession 30 daya. •• GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP with 4-roonr.apartment attach- ed, situated in good farming dis- trict, on County Road.., Fully equipped... Price: building and equipment $7,500... Stock Extra. CHOICE BUILDING LOT 72' X 128', located on Highway No. 8, near schools. Apply to 11. LAWSON' Cot=nplete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments " Bank of Montreal Building PHONES Office HU 2-9644 Res. HU 2-9787 CLINTON, ONTAR/0,,, •••••••••••••••••••• \, REAL ESTATE 132 ACRES . OF CLAY LOAM Land, g barns, drive-in shed, henhouse; with 9 'room brick home, basement,- pressure sys- tem; lots of fruit. .$11,000. • —0- 90 ACRES ' OF elm( LOAM` land; 30 acres of bush, with a very good 7 -room brick home; L -shape. barn in god state of repair, full price $5,250, can be bought with low down payment. These tvvo farins ...are close to Clinton. ON TRE OUTSKIRTS OF OLIN - ton on Highway 4, a Luxury type of an architect designed home. The first floor. consists of large living room, dining, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 4-plece bath. Second floor, living room, kitchen, bedrooms, 4 -piece bath. Full' basement, oil heat, never before such a beautiful home, so " amazingly low priced. IN DUNGANNON. STORE, with 5 -room house, bathroom, garage. Full price only. $3,000. —0— 'We 1:)ave a nice list of fools in Huron County. Homes in °oder- ich, and summer cottages along Lake Huron. BUYING OR SELLING Contact John Bosveld Rpm, E4TATE BROKER 40 WELLESLEY STREET Phone 1108 — Goderich 32-3-b .•••..........•••••••••••••••••,•-••••• ..,!••••,* K.W. Colquhoun Real Estate Broker •••••••.:•••••••• kV& STOREY 13RICIt ideal in- come property in select residential district. 4 apartinents, two 3 - piece bath, ell furnace, garage and small barn: Priced reason- able, terms can ,be 'arranged. $3,200 ONE STOREY 5 -rood cement block cottage, two bed" rooms,kitchen, livingrooin and bath. Lot has 65' frontage and $130' depth. Built in cupboards and tile floors Throughout: $1,500 — Suburban one -storey two WI -60M haute, three years old1 i1 furnace, full haterrient. This property can be • parchated very resdnable and inortgage can, be arranged, a, "LiAings & Enquiries Invited" Phone HU, 24747 Royal tank Building Clinton', Oniartel +44.%....444.,, BIRTHS 11:A4K—In, Clinton ubUe. Hospit- al, on Wednesday, Augqat 8, 1958, to Mr. and, Mrs, Cary gaoy, llttrOn Street, Clinton a son. MOLE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, August 7, 1956, to Flying Officer 44 Mrs, Frank NI *11 e r, RattenburY Street, Clinton, a. son,, 801WBERT — In. Clinton Public Hospital, on Thartday, August 2, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schubert, Matilda Street, Clin• ton a son. STROM-M-4n- Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, Augnst 4, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Steckle, ayield, a son, TREWARIIIHA—Zn Clinton Public Hospital, Clinton, on Monday. August 6, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. • Kenneth Trewartha., RR 2, Clin- ton a son. DEATHS 4,,•••••••". BliYPEN—In Children's Hospital, Winnipeg,, Man., on ThursdaY, August 2, 1956, Karen Ann, in- fant daughter of Flying Officer and Mrs. 3, W. Bryden ,(form- erly Jacqueline Mulholland), age three months, BUCHANAN — In Clinton Public • Hospital, Mary Cook, wife of John Buchanan, East Wawan- osh TOwnship. Funeral service conducted by Rev. Hugh C. Wil- son in the Arthur Funeral Home, •Auburn, on Tuesday, August '7. Interment asin Belgrave Cern etery. „ HAMBLYN—At he residence of his son, Morley 0. liamblyn, Sandwich East, William Ham- blyn, formerly Of Clinton, in his 75th year. Funeral from the Morris funeral home, te-Bovvmanville Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, August 4. KETCHEN—In South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Wednesday ev- ening, August 1, 1956, Margaret Bell, Hensall, widow of the late - Arthur Ketchen, in her 86th year. Funeral from the Bonth- ron funeral home, Hensall, to Baird's Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, August 3. McPHERSON* — At his home in aVIcKillop Township, on Sunday, August 5, 1956, Samuel MiePher- i ' son, n • his 80th year. Funeral service""On Wednesday, August - 8, at the family residence, conl ducted by Rev. Glen Campbell. • Interment was in Brussels Cern- \etery. • ROSS—At Melita, Man, Dan Ross, formerly'of Hensall, in his 85th year. Funeral service was, held on Thursday, August 2. 0 •-LONDESBORO Miss Anne Vairservice, Detroit, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairservice, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Youngiblutr Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longman, and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblut and fam- ily, Woodstock, and June returned home with them for some holidays. Swim Pool Idea Movd.Closer Toward Reality (Continued from page Ono which includes three cards. "all prizes, including the specials may be won on any card. No extra cards to buy for the big prizes; but extra cards will be on sale for those who want...more than the original three cards. Building Committee 'Earl Doucette, a local contract: or,: was named chairman or the building coriamittee; Don. C. Col- quhoun Reeve Burton Stanley were also lianied. This - commit- tee also will be added to. The site in Clinton Community Park is being surveyed today. Blue prints and specifications are being drawn up and will be ready this weekend. ' Tenders will be called for the various jobs as ,soon as plans are ready. Local con- tractors and suppliers of materials will be used as far as possible. If funds and materials are avail- able, it is planned to have the 'concrete walls and floor of the pool poured 'this fall' in order to ret,it season well over the winter months. Part of the plumbing will also have to be done this fall. With this much completed it is hoped to get part of the Commun- ity Centres Act iiant. This is truly a community pro- ject as evidenced by the enthus- iasm shown by the representatives of the four 'elUbs and council mem- bers at last night's ineeting. AUCTION SALE at Auburn,,on Monday, August 13 at '7.30 ii.mn. The. trustees of Court Dufferin, No. 46 of the Canadian Order of Forresteis will offer for sale the frame hall, orie storey size, approx. 26' X 70', wired for hydro, alto the land which is part of Lot 4 in. the Elkin Survey in the Village of Manchester (Auburn). The contents of , the building consisting clf ,piano, two stoves, chairs, benches and etc. • TERMS—CASH Bert Daer, Secretary -Treasurer Nelson, Hill, Chief Ranger Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer - , 1 32-b Clinton Community Fanners' • AUCTION' SAIIES EVERY FRIDAY netnineneing at BAD p.m. TERMS CASH 1..COREY, Sales 1VIanager E. W,ELLIOTT, AuCtiOneer K, W:T COLQUHOUN, Clerk • PAGEirw HOW BOUT 11111T YHOS **00:**4 LUMBER 13 AS (KEEN AND AAPPY AS I WAS , ,FOR BUYING- IT ' Drown Especially for Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News -Record by Ralph Tee, AND HE WAS 6.017147TO SAVE ON LUMBER ,-HA / IT'S TOO BAD. HE DIDN'T LISTEN WHEN 1 TRIED ,TO TELL HIM HE COULD HAVE GOTTEN &ETTER LUMBER FOR LESS Martlav HERE, IN CLINTON • • v.• ••••,,A 4••••",.. VII. 'CM ,1 ....,":,.,:to,,,,,,rctron$14601PA • •; a3.0•001.131 r,gral • vattatONV,,NOW7m4, tIVIMIMPAPfg I F YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR 31ALUMBEit— ie KNOW YOUR DEALER. School- Addition OK'd For Village Of Egmondyille (continued from nage one) rollment now at SS No. 4. Mr. Gomart outlined the Department's requirements re financing of the new construction Clerk P, Chesney and the school board sec- retary are to prepare a schedule of construction loans- and repay- ments to be forwarded to the De- partment of Education. Reeve J. Doig commended the school area board on its decision to build the additional classroom. He asked the board to consider supplying water from the school well to about 27 'dwellings in Eg- mondville and stated that the rev- enue would financially benefit the school area. Some board members were of the opinion that the school board should *engage in matters of education only,' and that the pro- vision of water to residents was a service which properly belonged to the municipality. They had no objection to the Township using the well for this purpose providing •that the school Water require- ments were assured of priority. Nothing definite was decided. The report of the Huron County MHO, Dr. Aldis, following his in- spection of school area premises and well water analysis of the Area schools was considered. Gen- eral conditions were reported' as satisfactory. Teachers engaged to teach in the schools for next term are. Mrs. L. Reicket, SS No. 1; Miss D. Turner, SS No. 2; Mrs. B. Alexander, SS NO, 4; Miss 0. 'Bannerman, SS No. 5; Mr -s. F. Kay, SS No. 7. ,Mist J. Cluff and R. MacGregor, SS • No. 8. • W. Spencer Jeffery, SS No. 9. 91111111111111111111111111111111111SEENEMINIMillilliger • .N1O.TI C E Holiday Period, Our Welding Shop will be closed for our Annual • Holiday period from WIONpAY, AUG. 13 to MONDAY, AUG. 27 For Oxygen and Acetylene please call E. J. 'Mike' REYNOLDS HU. 2-9616 NAUGHTON'S WELDING - MACHINE- SHOP Huron Street — Clinton Phone HU. 2-9771 :,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, 1 WE STOCK Toms AND..PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF TV Roxy Theatre, Clinton Now Playing: "THE iCOURT JESTER" Danny Kaye -- Glynis Johns MONDAY - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THREE STRIPES IN THE SUN" Based on a true story, printed in the New Yorker magazine, the roarance a a Korean war -veteran and a Japanese girl. Aldo Ray Phil Carey •. 'Dick York THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "THE SPOILERS" •Stirring tale of gold rush days in Alaska. A new high in rugged action and breathtaking spec- tacle. — Jeff Chandler - Anne Baxter - Rory Calhoun Coming: "OUR -MISS BROOKS" IN MEMORIAM DOWSON—In loving memory of • our dear son and brother John • Harold, who passed away Aug- ust 12, 1953: "From our laappy home and circle God has taken one we love Borne away from sin and sorrow' To a better home above." —Ever remembered by Mother, Father, Bill, Marian and Earle. 32-b The manufacturing industries of the prairie provinces employ about 90,000 persons, Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU. 2-7012 — Clinton ••••••*•••••••••...........,••• ••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE 1150 AT PARK TELEPHONE Goderich _ Now: "RED SUNDOWN" In Technicolor -- Rory- Calhoun and Martha Eye;' \ MONDAY - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — Adult Entertainment — "The ROSE TATTOO" Adapted from the Broadway play by Tennessee Williams. T h e Eternal Triangle from a unique and somewhat sophisticated angle. — Burt Lancaster -- Anna Magnani and Marisa Pavan THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "SOLDIER OF FORTUNE" 'Scope and Color — Filmed in the Orient—tells of an imprisoned journalist and the American smuggler who helps in his rescue..:. -Clark Gable -• Susan Hayward and Michael Emilie, Coming; "THE SECOND 'GREATEST SEW' 'Scope and Color with Jeanne Crain -414-••••••••4440-16-641-41±40-46+.4-11++. The News -Record Sells Counter. Check Books ASFITOITS • -TAXI. - Operated by CLIFF ASHTON Now located in the .former Rusty Store, on Huron Street, two doors west of Ruby & Bill's Snack Bar. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CALL . MU- 2-9036 oV•••,..nr•••••••• "••••00‘, -aka COOL! Comfortable! • EXPERT CAREFUL - SERVICE --' at Galbraith Radio and TV Member—Radio Rieetionie OviSleh Tehflklails AssOciatieti CLINTON HU. 2-3841 *‘' Special Purchase of MEN'S T-SHIRTS • Navy - Green - Brown Sizes S - M L • Reg. $1.95 tach WEEKEND SPECIAL 98c each 2 for $1.95 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS • PICKETT istsITCAMPBELL ED Main Corner—Clinton Your TIP TOP Store PHONE HU 24732 ApIgirrmENT 0 N GROUND 'floor, Furnished and heated. With itrig, Immediate possession. Phone :HU 2;9536. 32-b 7rual,Nismo APARTMENT, Pm- -Nate entrance. -sot Water and 7'heated.'Apply to Kirk -Worrell, 7 William Street Clinton, '32 -aa 'SUMMER COTTAGE ON LAKE THuronv 8,, miles from ClintOn. Rate 425.00 per week. Apply H. C. Lawson, Phone HU 2-9644. 32-b ,IHEATED, iFURNISHED apart - all. modern conveniences, "suitable for two. Available now. rDial HU -2-9483. 31-2-b '41W0 BEDROOM, FURNISHED ragattnient. Heated. iAill modern convenie•nces,. Full Kitchen. Bath- room. Phone .HU 2-9390. 32-x "COT'rAGE. MLLE AND A HALF south of Hayfield, three bedrooms. anside plumbing. 'Available Aug - lust 18, to September 1. Phone. i HU .2-9218. 32-343 -``TWO-ROONL FURNISHED apart - anent, near downtown, private en- trance. Also, roomy -cottage 'on 'Lake Huron,. 3 miles south of God - completely furnished; dril- led well, hydro. Phone Clinton XRT. 2-9395. • .- ' -ri 32b • 6 Accommodahon Wanted 'Two BEDROOM APARTMENT -tmi ground floor. Desired by early 'fall. Apply Box 322 Clinton News- liecord. 32 p `111W*0 BEDROOM, HOUSE OR atpartment for family of 'four. Un - "furnished. Needed immediately. a'etinanent resident—civilian. Box Z20 Clinton News -Record. .. -- •32 3-p Articles For Sale- ' :1VEcOLARY 9 CU. F. refrigerator. New unit in 1955. Phone HTi 2-9224, 32-p SKIFF.: KEEL, 15 ft, Beam, 3 It.; oars or outboard. Phone ala- i -Ion HU. 2-9395. • 32b c-GENDRON BABY CARRIAGE, -six months old. Light blue. Phone •-HU 2-6620, Mrs. Gallant. • 32-p ICELVINATOR REFRIGERATOR In good condition; small kitchen 'astove; also 2 -burner electric range. Phone HU 21-3471. • 32-3-b -TV FIT FOR A "KING" --- -We :Rent — Move —Install. Complete :service on all makes of rotators and antenna. All'work fully guar- anteed. Huron Tower Installation, phone Goderich 1344M: • 23-tfb :DROP SIDE a:A.11CH AND mat-' 'tress; rangette; ' crib mattress; baby buggy; play pen; baby's car - bed; baby-tenda; safety gate. -'W'eighted floor polisher. Mrs. Westie, over Massey -Harris shop. 32-p ZINGER TREADLE SEWING anachine; Norge refrigerator; Eat- •'onia washing machine, all in good acondition; Sunshine electric heavy 'duty rano (new); forest . green 'tlaveno; rust armchair; blonde cof- tee table; lovely classic design limed oak bedroom'suite. foam 'tubber mattress and spring '(new); kitchen table and two chairs; rchild's wardrobe; odds and. ends of houseware and ., apparel. HU 2-7080. 32-p - , Articles Wanted, ELECTRIC BEAN COOKER IX. good repair; also 14 little pigs for -Sale (weaned three weeks), Mac 'Wilson, Brumfield. Phone Clin- ton HU 2-9945. • 32-b ' Automobiles For Sale 1948 FORD Va-TON WITH racks !tor grain, nearly new. paint, good motor, good tires, Apply Box 821 Clinton News -Record, 32-b BABY SITTING liELIABLE MOTHER wu,i, baby :Sit by the day or hourly. P,eaton- vable rates. Phone HU 2-9765,- • 32-3-b Business Opportunities OWN YOUR, OWN BUSINESS, Contact L, Ca. Winter, Real Estate, -High Street, Clinton. Phone Cli n - ten IiU 2-6692. 1.3-tfb CUSTOM WORK COMBINING WITH SELF-PRO- 13-elled 31m. Deere, Phone Clin- ton HU 2-1505. .N, 82.1y i1tI,Z1 PROPELTLED SWAT/TIER, available for immediate use, Phone Percy Carter, Blyth 28r8 or Len nal:Vera, Myth „ Met , ,32-b Employment Wonted ART TIME 30t RY JAitirron tt Bell, TelePliOnt, Marie HU 12,9215, .. 32-34 Furniture Re -Finishing VOA FURNITUR,E,. PIANO AND radio cabinet, refinishing and re- pairmg, aPply W; G. Pickett, phone Clinton HU 2-7029. Help Wanted—Female PART TIME HELP FOR rettaur, ant. • .Girl or lady. . Phone HU 2 -9022, - ONE FULL-TIME WAITRESS one part tithe waitress, Bartliff Bros, Clinton. 32-13 WAITRESS,FULL TLME, AT Ruby and Hillis Snack Bar. Phone HU 2-9361, 32-b YOUNG WOMAN TO WORE IN dental office, Previous experience referred but not necessary. Phone Wl 2403, after 7 p,m. 31-2-b FOR LAUNDRY WORK The - day week. 55c per hour to atart. If able to maintain ProdUction, 75e p.erhour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in person, preferably, to A. Garon, Clinton-. Laundry: and Dry Cleaning. 14-tth Help. Wanted—Mile ACT NOW if you, want extra $$$, Join a progressive conipany with 250 guaranteed products. Every house in your territory a poten- tial customer. No dull season with our line. Wberever you may live write in for details, Farnilex Stat. ion C, Montreal. 32-b Livestock Wanted WANTED. OLD HORSES AND dead cattle. Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderielf. Phone collect, 148331, or 148334 9ptfb AT,TENTION FARMERS! Prompt, courteous collection of all dead and disabled farm animals and hides. Call collect .Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth Assbciated with Darling and Co. of Canada, Ltd. 19tfb Lost- and Found LOST—Steer in Hullett Township, Hereford, white face, 2 or 3 red spots. 500 lbs. Strayed from farm of Harvey Taylor. Phone Clinton Hp 2-7527. ' 32-p Miscellaneous FOR SALE -- DRAIN TILE, all sizes. Order now. SEAFORTH CONCRETE PRODUCTS. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b FOR SALE—CEMENT BRICKS, in stock at SEAFORTH CON- CRETE: PkODUCIS: $35 per' 1,000. Phone Seaforth 740. 25to32-b HAYFIELD REST HOME, "THE Italie within a home." Home for convalescents, e 1 de r 1 y people, Home cook6d meals, registered nurse in attendance. Phone Hay- field37. 32;3-4-5-p OHLMNEYS. DbN'T WAIT TILL fall. Order your ehimney repaired or ' build now: New chimneys complete with flue tile. $3.75 a foot, Contact Bert Christensen, Con,tractor, • Seaforth. 27-32-b ART SUPPLIES (Winsor New ton); religious goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all occasions.1VIacLaren.'s Studios, Clinton and Goderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 p.m. Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401. 29-tfb LET • US REPAIR AND MAKE your rings and jewellery like new. Diarnond ringerenewed and stones Safely ,secured—don't take chan- cos. Expert work done reasonably to yoursatisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing: W. N. Counter. • 32-p ATTENTION,'Cars, Trucks, 047: - hauled for only $3.95 with over- haul (compression -seal) one treat- ment give approximately 1Q,000 miles service. For complete de- tails, write THEO BROADY, SALE ENTERPRISE, '55 Wid- mer, Sit., Toronto, Ont, 31-2-b ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewound and Repaired Home and' Auto Radios • Repaired • ART LEVETT Isaac Street at Dunlop Phone Clinton HU. 2-6640 23-tfb SIDEWACkS and PATIOS—The modern manner is to pave with' flagstones. In a choice of 49"dif- ferent sizes and colors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in designs that add beauty to your home surroundings. Seaforth con- crete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated \in .a manner that makes them waterproofand stronger .than other makes. They are gdaranteed for five years. Made bnly by SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS. Call -for free estimates. Phone Seaforth 740. 25ito32-b KEY OR LOCI PROBLEMS? WE DO— O Lock Re -Setting (cylinders - without keys), O Change Combinations. O Key your doors alike. O Master Key SyStern, (for max- imum security) you carry one key for any number iof rooms, • guests, etc., each have a dif- • ferent key, O Key Duplicating (2 minute ser- vice) 35c; 8 or more, 30e ea. 0 Past, efficient service, • "YOur security for Tomorrow, is our Bush:ices for Today" 0 teattory testing 'ekuipment in- stalled for fast service on Cole- mati, Duo-Thertri, ete. Space Heater Contra ValVeS. FRIDAY NITE SPECIAL 1 Only—EASY WASHER. Pull 5 -year warranty, for only $79.95. See it in, our ' Hardwa're WindoW0. BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE Niche Clinton HU. 2.9805 314-6 Farms For Sale NICE LIST FARMS FOR sale. 14, G. Winter. Real plate, Phone,. '.01inton MI 2-8692" Low down payments. ' 33-tfb PERSONAL gyErrrs RzviRixEs—ROWVTA remedies, Asthma remedies, and the rest of the famous line are •av4ilable at Pennebakeet, the IDA Store, sole agent. - 24-28-32-b Poultry For Sale 300 SUSSEX X RHODE ISLAND Reds. 5 months old, started to lay. A .E, Townshend, phone HU 9107, 32-b Tenders Wanted Sealed terider.s for a year's sup- ply of Yancey steker-coal will be accepted at the address below, until August 18, 1956, for immed- iate delivery, or as agreed, in •$t. Joseph's Church, Clinton, Ontario, underground bin. Minimum order 60,000 lbs. The lowest, Or a:by tender, not necessarily adcepted. FUEL COIVIMITmE % Mr. M,,Lebeau, Secretary, Box 86, Clinton, Ontario 32-b • 'REAL ESTATE FOR .SALE 11/z STOREY 4 BED ROOM Dwel- ling, with Living Room, Dining Room, Den, Kitchen, 2 Natural Fireplaces; Hardwood Floors down; modern conveniences; hot water heating withoil; attach- - ed garage. Spacions grounds, centrally located. Will _sell furnished or unfurnished. Early possession. f -0-- 11/2 STOREY DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen, 1 bed room, with 2 'piece bath down, 2 bed rooms and 8 - piece bath up. Hot water heat- ing with stoker. Located near both schools on Rattenbury Street. - • 0 11/2 STOREY 7 -ROOM Dwelling; living rooth'dining room, bed- room, kitchen down; three bed- rooms, 3 pc. bath up; furnace; sun porch; verandah; attached garage; half block from main intersect Possession 30 daya. •• GARAGE AND MACHINE SHOP with 4-roonr.apartment attach- ed, situated in good farming dis- trict, on County Road.., Fully equipped... Price: building and equipment $7,500... Stock Extra. CHOICE BUILDING LOT 72' X 128', located on Highway No. 8, near schools. Apply to 11. LAWSON' Cot=nplete Insurance Service Real Estate Investments " Bank of Montreal Building PHONES Office HU 2-9644 Res. HU 2-9787 CLINTON, ONTAR/0,,, •••••••••••••••••••• \, REAL ESTATE 132 ACRES . OF CLAY LOAM Land, g barns, drive-in shed, henhouse; with 9 'room brick home, basement,- pressure sys- tem; lots of fruit. .$11,000. • —0- 90 ACRES ' OF elm( LOAM` land; 30 acres of bush, with a very good 7 -room brick home; L -shape. barn in god state of repair, full price $5,250, can be bought with low down payment. These tvvo farins ...are close to Clinton. ON TRE OUTSKIRTS OF OLIN - ton on Highway 4, a Luxury type of an architect designed home. The first floor. consists of large living room, dining, kitchen, 2 bedrooms and 4-plece bath. Second floor, living room, kitchen, bedrooms, 4 -piece bath. Full' basement, oil heat, never before such a beautiful home, so " amazingly low priced. IN DUNGANNON. STORE, with 5 -room house, bathroom, garage. Full price only. $3,000. —0— 'We 1:)ave a nice list of fools in Huron County. Homes in °oder- ich, and summer cottages along Lake Huron. BUYING OR SELLING Contact John Bosveld Rpm, E4TATE BROKER 40 WELLESLEY STREET Phone 1108 — Goderich 32-3-b .•••..........•••••••••••••••••,•-••••• ..,!••••,* K.W. Colquhoun Real Estate Broker •••••••.:•••••••• kV& STOREY 13RICIt ideal in- come property in select residential district. 4 apartinents, two 3 - piece bath, ell furnace, garage and small barn: Priced reason- able, terms can ,be 'arranged. $3,200 ONE STOREY 5 -rood cement block cottage, two bed" rooms,kitchen, livingrooin and bath. Lot has 65' frontage and $130' depth. Built in cupboards and tile floors Throughout: $1,500 — Suburban one -storey two WI -60M haute, three years old1 i1 furnace, full haterrient. This property can be • parchated very resdnable and inortgage can, be arranged, a, "LiAings & Enquiries Invited" Phone HU, 24747 Royal tank Building Clinton', Oniartel +44.%....444.,, BIRTHS 11:A4K—In, Clinton ubUe. Hospit- al, on Wednesday, Augqat 8, 1958, to Mr. and, Mrs, Cary gaoy, llttrOn Street, Clinton a son. MOLE—In Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Tuesday, August 7, 1956, to Flying Officer 44 Mrs, Frank NI *11 e r, RattenburY Street, Clinton, a. son,, 801WBERT — In. Clinton Public Hospital, on Thartday, August 2, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Schubert, Matilda Street, Clin• ton a son. STROM-M-4n- Clinton Public Hos- pital, on Saturday, Augnst 4, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Steckle, ayield, a son, TREWARIIIHA—Zn Clinton Public Hospital, Clinton, on Monday. August 6, 1956, to Mr. and Mrs. • Kenneth Trewartha., RR 2, Clin- ton a son. DEATHS 4,,•••••••". BliYPEN—In Children's Hospital, Winnipeg,, Man., on ThursdaY, August 2, 1956, Karen Ann, in- fant daughter of Flying Officer and Mrs. 3, W. Bryden ,(form- erly Jacqueline Mulholland), age three months, BUCHANAN — In Clinton Public • Hospital, Mary Cook, wife of John Buchanan, East Wawan- osh TOwnship. Funeral service conducted by Rev. Hugh C. Wil- son in the Arthur Funeral Home, •Auburn, on Tuesday, August '7. Interment asin Belgrave Cern etery. „ HAMBLYN—At he residence of his son, Morley 0. liamblyn, Sandwich East, William Ham- blyn, formerly Of Clinton, in his 75th year. Funeral from the Morris funeral home, te-Bovvmanville Cemetery, on Saturday afternoon, August 4. KETCHEN—In South Huron Hos- pital, Exeter, on Wednesday ev- ening, August 1, 1956, Margaret Bell, Hensall, widow of the late - Arthur Ketchen, in her 86th year. Funeral from the Bonth- ron funeral home, Hensall, to Baird's Cemetery, on Friday afternoon, August 3. McPHERSON* — At his home in aVIcKillop Township, on Sunday, August 5, 1956, Samuel MiePher- i ' son, n • his 80th year. Funeral service""On Wednesday, August - 8, at the family residence, conl ducted by Rev. Glen Campbell. • Interment was in Brussels Cern- \etery. • ROSS—At Melita, Man, Dan Ross, formerly'of Hensall, in his 85th year. Funeral service was, held on Thursday, August 2. 0 •-LONDESBORO Miss Anne Vairservice, Detroit, was visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Fairservice, over the weekend. Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Youngiblutr Mr. and Mrs. Carl Longman, and family, visited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Youngblut and fam- ily, Woodstock, and June returned home with them for some holidays. Swim Pool Idea Movd.Closer Toward Reality (Continued from page Ono which includes three cards. "all prizes, including the specials may be won on any card. No extra cards to buy for the big prizes; but extra cards will be on sale for those who want...more than the original three cards. Building Committee 'Earl Doucette, a local contract: or,: was named chairman or the building coriamittee; Don. C. Col- quhoun Reeve Burton Stanley were also lianied. This - commit- tee also will be added to. The site in Clinton Community Park is being surveyed today. Blue prints and specifications are being drawn up and will be ready this weekend. ' Tenders will be called for the various jobs as ,soon as plans are ready. Local con- tractors and suppliers of materials will be used as far as possible. If funds and materials are avail- able, it is planned to have the 'concrete walls and floor of the pool poured 'this fall' in order to ret,it season well over the winter months. Part of the plumbing will also have to be done this fall. With this much completed it is hoped to get part of the Commun- ity Centres Act iiant. This is truly a community pro- ject as evidenced by the enthus- iasm shown by the representatives of the four 'elUbs and council mem- bers at last night's ineeting. AUCTION SALE at Auburn,,on Monday, August 13 at '7.30 ii.mn. The. trustees of Court Dufferin, No. 46 of the Canadian Order of Forresteis will offer for sale the frame hall, orie storey size, approx. 26' X 70', wired for hydro, alto the land which is part of Lot 4 in. the Elkin Survey in the Village of Manchester (Auburn). The contents of , the building consisting clf ,piano, two stoves, chairs, benches and etc. • TERMS—CASH Bert Daer, Secretary -Treasurer Nelson, Hill, Chief Ranger Edward W. Elliott, Auctioneer - , 1 32-b Clinton Community Fanners' • AUCTION' SAIIES EVERY FRIDAY netnineneing at BAD p.m. TERMS CASH 1..COREY, Sales 1VIanager E. W,ELLIOTT, AuCtiOneer K, W:T COLQUHOUN, Clerk • PAGEirw HOW BOUT 11111T YHOS **00:**4 LUMBER 13 AS (KEEN AND AAPPY AS I WAS , ,FOR BUYING- IT ' Drown Especially for Clinton and District Chamber of Commerce and Clinton News -Record by Ralph Tee, AND HE WAS 6.017147TO SAVE ON LUMBER ,-HA / IT'S TOO BAD. HE DIDN'T LISTEN WHEN 1 TRIED ,TO TELL HIM HE COULD HAVE GOTTEN &ETTER LUMBER FOR LESS Martlav HERE, IN CLINTON • • v.• ••••,,A 4••••",.. VII. 'CM ,1 ....,":,.,:to,,,,,,rctron$14601PA • •; a3.0•001.131 r,gral • vattatONV,,NOW7m4, tIVIMIMPAPfg I F YOU DON'T KNOW YOUR 31ALUMBEit— ie KNOW YOUR DEALER. School- Addition OK'd For Village Of Egmondyille (continued from nage one) rollment now at SS No. 4. Mr. Gomart outlined the Department's requirements re financing of the new construction Clerk P, Chesney and the school board sec- retary are to prepare a schedule of construction loans- and repay- ments to be forwarded to the De- partment of Education. Reeve J. Doig commended the school area board on its decision to build the additional classroom. He asked the board to consider supplying water from the school well to about 27 'dwellings in Eg- mondville and stated that the rev- enue would financially benefit the school area. Some board members were of the opinion that the school board should *engage in matters of education only,' and that the pro- vision of water to residents was a service which properly belonged to the municipality. They had no objection to the Township using the well for this purpose providing •that the school Water require- ments were assured of priority. Nothing definite was decided. The report of the Huron County MHO, Dr. Aldis, following his in- spection of school area premises and well water analysis of the Area schools was considered. Gen- eral conditions were reported' as satisfactory. Teachers engaged to teach in the schools for next term are. Mrs. L. Reicket, SS No. 1; Miss D. Turner, SS No. 2; Mrs. B. Alexander, SS NO, 4; Miss 0. 'Bannerman, SS No. 5; Mr -s. F. Kay, SS No. 7. ,Mist J. Cluff and R. MacGregor, SS • No. 8. • W. Spencer Jeffery, SS No. 9. 91111111111111111111111111111111111SEENEMINIMillilliger • .N1O.TI C E Holiday Period, Our Welding Shop will be closed for our Annual • Holiday period from WIONpAY, AUG. 13 to MONDAY, AUG. 27 For Oxygen and Acetylene please call E. J. 'Mike' REYNOLDS HU. 2-9616 NAUGHTON'S WELDING - MACHINE- SHOP Huron Street — Clinton Phone HU. 2-9771 :,1111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111, 1 WE STOCK Toms AND..PARTS FOR ALL MAKES OF TV Roxy Theatre, Clinton Now Playing: "THE iCOURT JESTER" Danny Kaye -- Glynis Johns MONDAY - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY "THREE STRIPES IN THE SUN" Based on a true story, printed in the New Yorker magazine, the roarance a a Korean war -veteran and a Japanese girl. Aldo Ray Phil Carey •. 'Dick York THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "THE SPOILERS" •Stirring tale of gold rush days in Alaska. A new high in rugged action and breathtaking spec- tacle. — Jeff Chandler - Anne Baxter - Rory Calhoun Coming: "OUR -MISS BROOKS" IN MEMORIAM DOWSON—In loving memory of • our dear son and brother John • Harold, who passed away Aug- ust 12, 1953: "From our laappy home and circle God has taken one we love Borne away from sin and sorrow' To a better home above." —Ever remembered by Mother, Father, Bill, Marian and Earle. 32-b The manufacturing industries of the prairie provinces employ about 90,000 persons, Flowers Telegraphed Anywhere K. C. Cooke FLORIST Phone HU. 2-7012 — Clinton ••••••*•••••••••...........,••• ••••••••••••*•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• THE 1150 AT PARK TELEPHONE Goderich _ Now: "RED SUNDOWN" In Technicolor -- Rory- Calhoun and Martha Eye;' \ MONDAY - TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY — Adult Entertainment — "The ROSE TATTOO" Adapted from the Broadway play by Tennessee Williams. T h e Eternal Triangle from a unique and somewhat sophisticated angle. — Burt Lancaster -- Anna Magnani and Marisa Pavan THURSDAY, FRIDAY and SATURDAY "SOLDIER OF FORTUNE" 'Scope and Color — Filmed in the Orient—tells of an imprisoned journalist and the American smuggler who helps in his rescue..:. -Clark Gable -• Susan Hayward and Michael Emilie, Coming; "THE SECOND 'GREATEST SEW' 'Scope and Color with Jeanne Crain -414-••••••••4440-16-641-41±40-46+.4-11++. The News -Record Sells Counter. Check Books ASFITOITS • -TAXI. - Operated by CLIFF ASHTON Now located in the .former Rusty Store, on Huron Street, two doors west of Ruby & Bill's Snack Bar. DAY AND NIGHT SERVICE CALL . MU- 2-9036 oV•••,..nr•••••••• "••••00‘, -aka COOL! Comfortable! • EXPERT CAREFUL - SERVICE --' at Galbraith Radio and TV Member—Radio Rieetionie OviSleh Tehflklails AssOciatieti CLINTON HU. 2-3841 *‘' Special Purchase of MEN'S T-SHIRTS • Navy - Green - Brown Sizes S - M L • Reg. $1.95 tach WEEKEND SPECIAL 98c each 2 for $1.95 OPEN FRIDAY EVENINGS • PICKETT istsITCAMPBELL ED Main Corner—Clinton Your TIP TOP Store PHONE HU 24732