HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-02, Page 8I Money on terms you select •-•-•••••-•-•-•-•-.144,11 When a customer'borrows from HFC, he is shown what ,we call a payment table. This table (sample below) shows exactly how much you may borrow, how many months you may take to repay, and the exact amount you pay. each month. You select your own, repayment plan, to make repaying your loan as convenient as possible. This dependable service is. available to you whenever a prompt loan is needed for any worthwhile purpose. SA/APIA tAbLi '`tallettlYt . IttliZYS NU."' M ONTHS ;t05.73 $10.00 it )00.30 24,00 lig , 1110.40 W'24 7046.50 40.00 24 Borrow with confidence from Canada's first and foremost consumer finance company 118glilllifill111011111i1111111111111111111111111111111fig11111111111111111411101111ifill HARRY WiLLIAM4 ) 9tizeWit:06-. . • ..... • • .. • . *CV .to • 'ART( purrom PATE vox-rr THUIMAY, UGUST 2, 1 ukki * gii Pistro I *Pm Goldsworthy blue, with white aecessories and corsage Of pink roses, Following their honeymoon, Mr, and Mrs, McGlynn will live in Kit- chener, Guests at the wedding were from QUOI)11„, •Kitchener, Vahan- Wm.. London, Hamilton, Teeswat- er, Wingharn, Blyth, 'Dublin • and Clinton, The newly married couple, ac, Co11104111ed by the 40 guests, were feted at" the home of the bride. krOom's ,parents, Teeswater, on Saturday evening, The neighbor- hohd 'sponsored' an open-air dance in their honor, and the couple Were showered with gifts from the members of the community. 'The Rev. 4. L. Newton officia- ted at the double-ring ceremony' in the Presbyterian church at Dresden, on July 5, when marriage vows were exchanged by Barbara Ann Sauer and Donald James Dale. A daughter of Mrs. W. J. McBride, Toronto, the bride has been public health nurse here in Clinton. The groom, who taught in Clinton Public School last year, is the son of Mr. and Mrs, Lorne Dale; Seaforth. Mrs..Donald Parks was organist and Mrs. Hugh. Lati- mer soloist. Escorted by her uncle, Hugh Fainsworth, the bride wore a wal- tz-length gown - of white nylon tulle over net and satin fashioned with , bouffant skirt and fitted shirred bodice, A white mohair cap triinanecl with iridescent se- quins held her fingertip veil and she carried a cascade of pink and White gladioli blooms. Miss Vera Dunlop, as maid of honor, wore a blue flecked street- length gown. The bridesmaid, Mrs. Phyllis, Butler, chose street- length white glazed cotton with blue trim. Both carried colonial bouquets of pink a n d white gladioli. Flower girls were MisS Glenda Johnsen and Miss Lyme Wright,i wearing pink nylon with 'eyelet poke bonnets, They carried baskets of white and pink gladi- oli. Michael Beechley, Seaforth, was groomsman and ushers were Mur-. ray Harrison, William Stevenson and Aubry Butler. Receiving guests, the bride's aunt, Mrs. Hugh, Fainsworth, wore a navy and white crepe dress with white accessories and pink, rose corsage. The groom's mother as- sisted in a grey flecked nylon dress, with pink r4 corsage. For traveling the bride chose Dale-Sauer 4, •:, •zx Watch 'all heads turn when you appear in the stunning Chevrolet convertible! Can't blame them, really . Chevy's low-swept speedline styling is at its elegant best in this sun-loving classic. Chevrolet liveliiiess at its most luxurious, a smooth-as-silk joy, on'the open road! Top down or top snugly in place, here's new zest and zip for any man's life. YOurs7 Come investigate. 4., , „. ..,;:',,........;.:....... •:::::VJ:',..,. • ......... ... ........,. .,...........,..;:t.,.„...,.,.....,....:!;.„.:;,.,.....:;.:.N. .,,,m:.-ti..i:,.:•...:„,..:::',..iii....,.."4:::,,,,:....,..::::.'„,.;.:...::::::::.:3::.::::::::::::::::1.;;i4...m. .. ... .....",,,.....,„ .„,....,..4,4., ' • 4.:•.:,:.:.::::.,,,,,•,..... . ,,.., ........::-. ...... • —4•••• •, . :::•fts.••• by St, JoseWsRaman Catholl'e Church,. Oiroton, decorated with summer flowers, was the setting for the marriage on Saturday morning, Jgly 28, of Miss Mary Josephine Goldsworthy, Ktchen- er, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. AI- fred Goldsworthy) Lot 25, Con- cession 7, Hullett Township, to Ernest jam McGlynn, 'Kifthener, son of Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence MC- GlYnn, Teeswater. Rev, W, P. Graham, Clinton, officiated. Miss Florence Evans, played the organ, and Miss Lucy laevy was soloist. The bride given in marriage by her father, wore a floor-length gown of white stiffened lace and net over taffeta in bouffant style, with small matching bolero made with lily point sleeves and collar of sequins and pearls, Her finger. tip veil was held by a Juliet „cap of sequins and pearls and she car- ried a bouquet of Better Times roses and white carnations. The maid of honour was the bride's sister, Miss Marjorie Gold- sworthy, wearing a waltz-length gown of blush pink embroidered net, with flounce of pleated net over taffeta, and a matching bol- ero. Her flowers were pink car- nations. The bridesmaid, Miss June Gold- swarthy, also a sister, wore a waltz-length gown of Nile green ruffled net with pleated net floun- ce , over taffeta, and a matching bolero. She carried. white carna- tions, Both the maid of honor and the bridesmaid wore white flowered h'eaddresses. "The five-year-old sister of the bride, Jill, was, flower-girl, dressed in yellow organza with tucked bod= ice trimmed With' yellow velvet ribbon, with a coronet headdress of sequins and pearls. She car- ried a nosegay of white baby chry- santhemums. Two brothers of the bridegroom, Bruce McGlynn, Kitchener, and Lloyd McGlynn, Teeswater, atten- ded him. The ushers were Joseph McLaughlin, Dublin, a cousin of bride, and Dennis McGlynn, Tees- water, the bridegroom's cousin. Following the service, a recept- ton was held at the Commercial Inn, Clinton, where the bride's mother received in is 'turquoise bengaline taffeta dress, with white accessories and a corsage of pink roses. The bridegroom's mother wore a white dress flowered in CON VAXIIN 'The Cox family --417041:Ork was .field tin Sattirday, July 21, at Her. '6,04r Park, Goderich, with an at, tendanee of -'over 70 of the clan., Following- a delicious lunch, thg el- ection of officers .restrited fel- ' 1 president, 'William, -Cox, Hplyrood; secretary treasurer,. MA'S. VVdllianr Mcllwain, Baytiold, The reunion will be held at liar- - tour Park again in 1957, at -, „ap 14'414.rnately the same time of year, the setting of the date to be left to the executive, - The sports results were lows; sax to eight years Bonnie Cox, Dennis Harris, Tertry Cox; eight to tenlears, Bobby Pearson, Larry Pearson, Janet Harris; ten to 14, John Ha-41S, Sharon ,Clark, Patsy Cox; 14 and over, Ronald Pearson, Bruce Harris,. Claire Cox; three-legged race, Ronald .Pearson ..and Bruce Hams, Larry Pearson end John Harris, Patsy Cox And Janet Harris. " av‘m,rted ladies, Mrs. Alvin Wise, 1,-Mrs, Grant "Ilurner, Mrs, Donald ,,:Harria; married men, William Me= Aairr, Ray Wise, Alvin Wise; cing the 'slippers, ladies, Patsy ...Cox; men, .Bobby Pearson; scram- bled Janet Harris, Patsy '• '00X,- • Sharon Clark; dropping unions oons 001.e$OXIS beta% Ted Clark, Terry 'Cox, John Harris; jelly bean guessing contest, GrO10. le Newton,:- -During' supper - new, prizes were given to the •(:41tlest. member •pres- vitt, Peter 1110.E.Wa.n.; 'largest family present, the .family of Mr. and '34'44 RAY .0O3,C;. Person coming the greatest distance, Mrs, Ada Hod- gins, Detroit; youngest member present,. Jane Harria,,:datighter .of Mr. and Mrs, Donald Harris; most .reeently .naarried couple Present.. Mr. and Mrs, Alvin Wise, MIDDLETON' REUNION The Middleton Family reunion picnic was held in Jowett's Grove, Bayfield, on Sunday, July 29, with 111 pers.-ons present. Grace before meal was said by the -rector of St. James Church, Middleton, ,the Rev. Warren 5, Quterbridge, after which this lar- ge company Partbok of a most bounteous dinner, During the afternoon several group photos and movies were tak- en of the whole assembly, Much interest was shown in large portraits of the original Middletons, Charles Middleton and his wife, Elizabeth Wise Mid- dieton, who left the county of Kent, gngland, in the year and Fettled in Canada on the land . adjoining St, James ChUrch These roxtretts were brought by Mr, and Mrs, Fred Middleton, They are Fred Middletonfs grandifarentsi Many spent 'the afternoon now$ng old acquaintances and also meeting relatives for. the fir- st time as, almost' half :the large. number present were young child men, ',Others formed parties .and went swimming, At five Olock everyone' met again •for refreshmenta, which con- eluded a very suceeSsN1 piente, Credit for its Organization .and success is largely due" tot Mm, Mrs, Rosa' Middleton and to Mrs., Fred Middleton, Among those present from a distance were Mrs. Garrow, es Myna and. Agnes Middleton, Goderith, Mr. and Mrs,' BOY(' Tay- lor and Nancy,. and Harold.-Tay, Ior, 'all of Toronto; Mrs, Leslie, Lethbridge; Tom Prest and his Goderich; Mr. and Mrs, Robert Middleton and son„ Hen- sail; Mr, and Mrs, Bert Middleton and family, St. Marys;, Mr, .and' Mrs, George Flewitt and family, Sedforth; Mr. and Mrs, Edwin Tufts and family, London; the John Marks family and many Mid. cillns in the immediate vicinity. TEROUTT REUNION The 33rd Annual Tebbutt Reun- ion was held Saturday afternon at Seaforth Lions, Park, with ap- ,proximately 100 present, 'many of whom came from a considerable distance. A PA- system brought from Detroit by Cliff McCartney, provided Music during the after- noon and added to the enjoyment of the occasions. An excellent program 'of sports was run off with . winners as fol- lows: seven and under, Valerie Holland, Faye Merrill; Dale Sch- tchia, Douglas Trewartha; nine and under, Shirley Norman, Ricky Hol- land; 11 and under, Marilyn Teb- butt, Shirley Norman; 14 and un- der, Bobby Grigg; Ricky Holland.. Young ladies race, Dawn. Grigg, Ida Grigg; married ladies' race, Mrs, Ross. Trewartha, Mrs. Jack Merrill; married men's race, Ed- ward Grigg, Ross Trewartha; kick4he-slipper,- Dawn. Grigg; men's kick-the-slipper, Jack Mer: rill; cup and saucer rat.% Mrs. N. Trewartha. Graceful walking, Mrs. Ira Mer- rill, Mrs. Ross Trewartha; minute race, Valerie Holland, Ivan Mer- rill; dropping clothes pas in bot- tle, Mrs, Ross: Trewartha; gues- sing beans', Mrs. Jack Merrill; hub? ble gum race, • Sheila Mawson; oldest person present, Wallgate Tebbutt, Goderich; youngest per- son, Laurelan Bond, , Person coming greatest distan- ce, Mrs. IVIawsort, Lac, la Biche, Alta., and; Mrs. Sehuhla, Edmon=4 ton; longest :married couple, Mr. and Mrs. David Easom, Clinton, 53 years; nearest birthday, Valer- ie Holland, Donnie McIlwain There were eight' lucky seat priz- es. A sumptuous supper was served and the president, Lorne Jervis, welcomed all present especially those from a distance, thanked the, executive and all present for their co-operation; 'and Cliff McCartney for the use of the PA system. A letter of greeting was read from Mrs. William Shepherd, Lynden, Washington. Mrs, Harold lfawson, 'spoke briefly on her work on a mission, field at Vilna, Alberta, and life at Cold Lake, one of Canada's largest RCAF flying stations where she lived prior to moving to Lac de Biche, and commented on life in Northern Alberta in general. The president noted that for 1957, 'the reunion will' have for the first time a president who lives outside Canada. The executive for 1957 is as follows: honorary president, Lew Tebbutt; past pres- ident, Lorne Jervis; president, 'Cliff McCartney, Detroit; vice- president, Irvin - Tebbutt; • secre. tary, Mrs. Carman Tebbutt; treaS= ures, Mrs. Robert Taylor. Managehient committee, Mr. and Mrs. George Addison, Mr. and Mrs. Ira Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Ross Sauvage, Mrs. May Ander- son; sports committee, Mr, and Mrs: Jack Merrill, Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Maley, Mr. and Mrs, Donald. Middleton, Elwin Merrill. The Tebbutt Reunion is com- prised of the descendants of Dr. 'Edward and Mary Wailgate Teb- butt who came to the Huron Tract in the 1830's and took up land near Holmesville. Dr. Tebbutt was one of the first doctors ever to enter the Huron Tract. Dr. William or "Tiger''. bunion who Settled at Goderich was first. respectively, P. 14'1\4010.1We. fined P.00 and costs ,or ,one nio in jail on a charge of being in session of •Stesien Richard X. Steep and Welch posted bonds of ,*100 e and were :Own One year's vended. sentenee on gorges. taking a yehicl$ without the er's consent, g,14aholle.,..was„fined,•$$0. eints and given one year sus ded sentence on a similar .cha idN, Coulter and GNI" Ohicoine were given three. mon suspended sentences on charge breaking, entering and theft, investigating officers • were .T Ford, George Mitchell .. and J Parkinson, of .the Ontario Pro Dial Police of the guron ,Ceu Detachment, PIERCE 9TRIN65' DOES YouR WIFE MISS. WU MUCH? A. DUTTON Vic Dinni Zurich, Phone 168 Investors Syndicate of Canada, Limited 40-4-04-4-0-11H1- THE WEATHER MAY $E COOL AND DAMP — BUT YOU WILL BE COMFY AND 'WARM IN 4AA "Peter. Scott' Cashmere "Kitten" Petal Orlon "Aurora" Fine Botany (Akan &Pullover SWEATERS Why „not Comply* your outfit with a warm Woollen Skirt from the new styles for fop. If you do your own DRESS-1VIAKINGryou will have no difficulty choosing from the large range of NEW WOOLLEN FABRICS (plain and knobby weaves), now on display at Hibbert & Sons GODERICH, ONT. Vogue -- Butterick and Simplicity Patterns HOUSEHOLD FINANCE 14. e. liocitatir# itotairger 3$ Waif Street, 046400d 4100r, 00010 1501 0ailitit51,40i4T. ouia se .rce: ) DEPENDABLE. i AKIO ALWAY6 OECOMMENI*BL.E. eves RCAF Mow Sentenced In Goderich .Court Seven members of Raw Stat- ion Clinton appeared. before *rate P. E, Holmes in pOlice court at GOderigh last ThUraday, on 'various charges, - W. 0, Warner, charged with criminal -negligence, ..leaving the seene of an 'accident and 'taking' a vehicle witliont the owher's "con, sent. was fined '825, $50 and Wt. charcoal envy ensemble, white accessories and corsage of pink roses, The couple will reside in Sarnia, HOUSEHOLD APPLIANCES* RCA VICTOR -WESTINGHOUSE BRUCEFIELD HU-2-3232 Off to vacation-land in the big Beitiville carries nine beauti- fully! And this handsome hauler-is just one of six smart station, wagons your Chevrolet dealer is proud to offer. Load 'em up with kids or cargo—sturdy vinyl' interiors give stylish service whatever the chore. Functional, fashionable ..and.fun-loving,- a Chevrolet stagotpwagon is the perfect answer to many a family's needs. Yours? Come investigate. ..•••••",* ..... ••••.;,.• • . ............. . ...... :s. What a honey to handle-the new Corvette, a true sports car! And , that meanfnuiek, thin steering, • superb read sense, amazing sufeness of control. Slip into the Cofvette1 ComfOrtable IblIcket seats, nudge the throttle, and you're bossing some of the most brilliant petformance in the world. For the man who loves to drive and loves that wonderful king-of-the-highway feel- ing, Yours? Come investigate. . ..... •••"' . ' .. • . •••"e'4.• evir a 260 LORNE DROWN MOTORS LIMITED SJIPCORAPS 14111401311 111-4 1141- ,A GMERAL MOTORS VALUE I Investors Mutual of Canada, Limited 2 2-9321 cutirrom, ON?