HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-02, Page 6Mrs, Hunter accompanied Dr. R. HUnter on his" return to Tor- onto, and will else epend a few days Kalnilton before re ing to• the village, on Thursday.'5a figpi llY Beth Hunter is with her grand- parents, Mr,- and Mrs. Charles E. Rogers, during her mother's. ali- seace. Guests at the Albion Hotel, last week inclUded.1 WO. laleYd Leath- erman and three daughters, Pe- trait; Miss Amy Ellen Truitt, Mrs.. Jerry Vann and: three -children, Mrs, L. Truitt, Royal Oak, Mich., Mrs. B. Lorenzen: and MM. M. Stubbs, Detroit. c Mr, and Mrs., Terry Rourke and baby son, Lon- don were weekend guests. • S. Scruton CITIES SERVICE , „DISTRIBUTOR For Service. Calf HUntei 2-9653 After A p.m., H U 2-97,09 • By NISS 1[41P1/ R, WOODS 19$0 ‘Optarle champion Rural Correspondent PHONE; BAYFI.ELD 45 r I'm In A Spin Because I've Got To Let You In On Some Big News „ A .BULK BUYING PLAN FQR THE .HOUSEHOLDER THAT ENABLES HIM TO BUY BETTER FOODS.FOg FAMILY FOR LESS MONEY.* IMAGINE SAVING UP TO 30% OF YOUR FOOD BILL EACH AND EVERY WEEKt ^ ALL FOOD. UNCONDITIONALLY ,GUARANTEED. . DE-:; LIVERY RIGHT TO YOUR HOME 3 TIMES A 'WEEK. NO' MORE SHOPPING But You Haven't Heard The Best Things Yet. More Money Saved Than You Will Dream 'Possible. All your food, your+ own freezer, food spoilage insurance, delivered to your home right away. You and your family eat like kings for 40 days before you pay a 'cent. You don't have to wait until you save up money before you begin to put dollars back in your pocket. Do it today. WE ARE NOT IN THE APPLIANCE BUSINESS SEL- LING EREEZE11S. WE ARE THE FOOD BUSINESS. A PLANT IS NOW UNDER- CONSTRUCTION AND WE WILL BE SERVING YOU FOR MANY, MANE YEARS TO COME. WATCH FOR THE "FAIRWAY SCOOTER” IN YOUR: LOCALITY. ' Remember, all your food, your own freezer, delivery 'right to your door and nothing for you to pay. for 40 days ,(120 meals). WATCH "FOCUS" CKNX TV EVERY TUESDAY AND THURSDAY --- 7.00 to 7,15 P.M. -- CLIP ANb •MAIL * -- 1 FAIRWAY FOOD PLAN, 285 HUGEL AVE. W., MIDLAND, ONTARIO. r Dear Sirs: Please rush me information ofil'airway roods Bulk Buying Plan, / AM Wider no obligation. I NAME • I Address I No, In Family Sr lrade-in for Sof*. 734. m RE:Goodrich Vacation Value” ALE PP 204 Off on a trip . or just •week-end driving? Take advantage of top' B. F. Goodrich Trade- In allowances'. Trade in on smooth riding, longer, mileage conventional or Tube- less Tires . . today . at ... South End 'Cities .Service CiTitS HU. 24055 Clinton SORVidi 10 DAYS ONLY GODERICH TRADE FAIR SPONSORED BY, THE KINSMEN CLUB OF GODERICH 4, BIG DAYS — 4 AUGUST.8 .. 9 10 11 BIG • MIDWAY BINGO'GAMES OF CHANCE SPARKLING VARIETY' SHOW. Saturday, August 11 featuring DAVE BROADFOOT, M.C. SKYLINERS and DOUG ROMAINE DALE SISTERS HAL BEE . JOHNNY DASH 1 01d Ty me Dancing IN ARENA AUDITORIUM THURSDAY and FRIDAY August 9, 10 DRAW FOR AUTOMATIC WA.SIIER and DRYER Giant Fireworks Display Saturday Evening August 11 .•-•-•-•••••-•-••+•-•-•-•.÷+-4,4-4.-M41-4 BAND IN ATTENDANCE EVERY NIGHT SEE THE INDUSTRY ox HURON 014' DISPLAY AT (R)DERICH ARENA AND AGRICULTURAL •PAItg curwroN vEws-AtcbAP Tau AY, AUGIJST 2, 1-95Q Pioneer Park AtiritW Hears Report. 01 Repairs Dry. R 6.. Hunter, ..Pres.. Prof. R. K, E, Pemberton, Lea- den, was at his, cottage over the weekend. Mrs. Kerry Stowe, "Tcironto, is the .gtiest of her cousin, Mrs, Mal- : core Toms, Mrs Frank.Burch and family are Wilding the summer at thq MtIstard cottage, Mrs. W. Jeffries, Copilleer, is visiting her brother, S, Bryant and Mrs. Bryant. Mrs. T. Wilson is visiting Mrs. George Lindsay and her son, T. riugh,p,nd R, B. Johnston left on Fri- day to visit her niece, Miss Helene Brownlee, tendon. - Mr. and Mrs. A. frisson, Grosse Pointe, were at their cottage for a few days recently. - The„ Rev. and Mrs. Peter Teen- . ner left this week to spend a vaca- tion in Saskatchewan. Mr. and Mrs, J, M, Stewart left on Friday for Hamilton, returning home on Monday evening, Mr, and 'Mrs. Lloyd Pease, By- ron, are occupying a cottage south of the village this. week. Mrs; Howard Burt and three children, London, are spending this Week with Mrs; L. M. Burt. Miss Ann Tait", Centralia, ;was the guest .'of Mrs; Malcolm Toms from Thursday to Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Grafton Weston, London, spent the weekend with Mr. and"Mrs. E. R. Weston. Mr. and Mrs, J, Currie and four children, Dearborn,- ere occuPYing one et the Edighoffer cottages. Mr, and Mrs. Dalton Smith and Janet. London, are at their cottage on Sarnia Street fer a couple of weeks. The ladies of Knox Presbyter- ian, Church are busy preparing for a bake sale and tea, on Friday, afternoon. M. and Mrs. Dol*as Lc.orig, Lend6n, •spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. , Harry Baker, `Wheel-In" - Mrs. W. J. Finnigan and Mrs. J. Cameron ' Seaforth, visited their' brother, Hugh R. MacKay, for a. few days recently. Mr. and Mrs. Harry Johnson and daughter Jane Anne, Alder- shot, visited their cousin, Mrs. Bruce Menerey, aver the* weekend, Miss Margaret Smith, daughter of Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay Smith, left on Saturday to spend two weeks in Guelph with,Mrs. Ever- ett. Mr. and Mrs. Lorne Cook and Gail, who have „Wed at their cot- tage- "Eightop" for the past few weeks left on Wednesday for their home. in Evanston!, Ill. Mtr. and Mrs. Kenneth Brandon and two children and . Mrs. wan - don's sister, Jeanine Denby, Visit, ed their ;Aster, Mrs, W, Denby in Thoma,4 on Sunday, Mr, and/Mrs. J. 13argon and two children, Janice and Carol, are spending b. vacation at their cot: tage. •Mrs. John Pease was with then„, over the Weekend, Mrs. Robert Heard, Toronto, and ,Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dean, London, have, returned to their homes after having been with Mr. and Mrs, R. L, Mr. and Mrs. John Rankin, Kar- en, Jack, Bob and Tom, 'Goshen, Indiana, arrived the first of last week to spend a vacation with Miss' C. P. Rankin, "Glenliolg," Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Twenty man and three daughters, Waukegan, arrived-on Sunday to spend ten days with Mrs. Twentyman's parents, Me. and Mrs, Paul Cleaye, 1Vfr and Mrs. Erol Duvall and two children; 'Katherine and Greg, have returned to Windsor after having spent a. month in `Mrs. W. H. Robinson's cottage. on Howard Street. A picnic far the,congregation of John's;. Varna, St, James, Mid- dleton) and Trinity Church, Bay- field, has been planned for Jowett's Grove on Friday, August 3, from 2 to 5 'p.m. — Robert MacLeod returned to London on -Saturday after having' spent a week with.his parents, Mr. and Mrs. L. H. D, MadLeod. His daughter Cathy remained with her grandparents. - , • Glenn Brandon, Streetsville, was, here over the weekend: His wife and daughter Sharon, who • have been visiting her parents, the Rev. and Mrs. Peter Renner, accompan- ied him on his return. Mr.' and Mrs. Harry W. Latta and grandchildren Cheryl Murt- a'ugh, Lockport, 'and Marlene Wright, London; left on Friday,for their home in 1.ockport after hav- ing visited their daughter, Mrs. W. S. Outerbridge, at the rectory. Mr. and Mrs. Herbert Kirkham, Mrs. Elizabeth Jones, London; Mr. and Mrs. Roy Stutts, Roy, Gerald- ine and Robert Thoebus, Verginiat, and Mr., and. Mrs. Gordon Heard, Nilestown, spent Saturday with Mr,. and Mrs. Emerson Heard. The Rev. and Mrs: Gordon Kurtz and four• children, have returned to East Orange N.J.,' after, spend- ing three weeks in Mrs. Des Jar- dine's cottage. Mr. and Mrs. How- ard Beckworth and three children, East Orange, were their guests last week. • Mr. and 'Mrs. 3.; M. 'Atkinson, St. Clair Shores, are at their honie on Celina-Street. Mr. Ind Mrs. G. Pence, Forest Park, Ill,, and Mr. and Mrs. William Mack; illia . and Mr. and Mrs. Join; Eu- banks and ,Guane Johns, Detroit, have been visiting them. Guests at the Little Inn, dtiring the past 'Week were Mr. and Mrs. V. Franks, London; Mr. and Mrs. A. Wallis and sons, 'Leonard and Kenneth, St. •Catherines; Mrs. H. Anderson, London, Miss G, Flem- ing, London; Mrs. Bond and Miss' Ruth Bond, Kitchener. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schfeitlin, Jitay, Susie and Fred, Niagara Palls are'spending a vacation with Mrs. Schfeitlin's mother, Mrs. W. H. Robinson. Walter. Robinson who' is an engineer in Newfound- land and William Robinson, Sar- nia, were both' with their mother Mrs. M. C. Hart who has been with, her mother, Mrs. George King, for several weeks, and ,Mr. and Mrs. Charles Hart who were with his grandinother last week have• returned to Toronto. 11/Frs, M. C. Hart goes on to Montreal to be with hex' grandchildren while her daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. B. Winters, are in Era- land. 18 Acres Hay Baled pp Monday afternoon a hay Making bee was held at the farm of Gorden Scotchmer, Branson Line, About . 20 men, friends and neighbours in the district attend- ed and whenr they left about five o'clock, 18 acres' of hay had been, baled. Gordon is recuperating following, a se*rious operation over two .ago. • At The Poplars Mrs. C. V. Waters and children who were occupying the Radford cottage have returned 'to Goder- ich, 'Miss Elvira Churchill has vacated her cottage ''Grumblertor after oCcupying it for July. It has been sold to ,Stanley .Blowes, Stratford. Mrs, Don Beattie and Paul spent the_ weekend with her mothere.Mrs. William Grejg, Bali Acres, Michael, who has • been with his grandparents, left on 1VIenday- with his Mother and brother for their home in Bai D'Urfe, Quebec, Stage Mock Wedding A mock wedding ceremony greeted Miss Anna Porter when she-was feted' at the home of'Mrs. Bert Greer, Blue Water Highway, Stanley Township on Monday ev- ening'. The part of the minister was played 'by Louise Talbot; the gr\vm, Ann Westlake; the bride, bridesmaid,Greer, Mary Ev- elyn Graingerr bride's father, Lin- da Scotchmer; mother, Shirley Cleave, Patsy Scotchmer played the wedding.muSic. "Patsy gave a reading and Mary Evelyn Grain- ger conducted a contest. • Before lunch a • miscellaneous shower in, a decorated doll btiggy was wheeled into `the room by Wendy Greer'and presented to Miss' Anna Porter. Pricking the balloons released a shower of con- fetti. Miss Porter expressed her thanks and appreciation.,, to the. girls , some of whowlia.d been for- mer„ pupils. About 20 young girls were present. The house was tastefully decor- ated for the occasion. Miss Joyce Greer, hostess, waste assisted in planning the happy occasion by Mrs. Robert Talbot and her moth-, er Mrs. Bert Greer helped with the lynch. The lawn:of the home of Dr. and Mrs. R. G. Hunter, gay with beautiful flowers was the setting for a'delightful garden tea on Sat- urday afternoon. It was well at- tended with guetts from Clinton Mrs. E. Willert (By our Bayfield corresPoudent) Mrs. Elizabeth Willert, a Lon- doner for nearly 70 years, died July 25, 1956, at the home of her daughter, Mrs...Leslie MacMillen, Bayfield, Mrs. Willert was'born. in Eng- land 78 years ago. She -had been in failing health for the past year and came to visit her daughter about a month ago, Her home in London was 105 Inkerman, Street. Mrs. Willert was married twice; her first husband, -Arthur Cush- man,,died 25 years ago. Louis WHI* died in 1945. She was also Predeceased by a daughter, Mrs. Ada Young, and" a son, Ross Cushman, She was a member of London Gospel Temple. Survivors include four, daught- ers, Mrs. Catherine. Sageman 'and Betty (Mrs., Harry Dean), Lon- don; Elsie (Mrs. Robert Heard), Toronto, and -Edith' (Mrs. Leslie MacMillen), Bayfield; nine grand- children and 11 great-grandchild,- ren. The body rested at the Needham Memorial Chapel, `Loncleni froM which the funeral service, was con- ducted on Friday At_• 2.30 .p.m.. It was in the charge of the Rev. I. Bodenharn, Bayifeld Baptist Chur- ch. and Middleton as well as locellya Receiving were Mrs. William A. Townsh.end, Mrs. R. G. Hunter and Mrs.' W. S. Outerbridge (presi- dent of the chancel- guild)., The tea table• was done in lace and silver tea seeeice and centred with an- artistic arrangement of summerflowers, Pouring tea Were Mrs. P. Weston, Mrs. L. Scoteh- rner, Mrs; R. H., F, Gairdner „and:, Mrs. C. Knuckey. Sally Beth Hunter, Janet Burch, Sylvia Fit-f zsimons and Roberta McLeod as- sisted members of the Chancel Guild in serving dainty refresh- ments. - Ooderk.h...Towitshii) Mrs. Clara Dutot and Iiessie,. ErtiCefielA, and Bradley :Dutot,.. Clinton, spent a few days with Mr.. and Mrs., Alldn. Dutot. Mr, Arley Atwood and grandson Detroit, Mich,, recently 1e.,.. turned home after vacationing with Mr. and Mrs. Alvin •putet. on Monday evening, the follOwing:, officers were elected: president,,. Dr, R G. Hunter; vice-prealdentp. Mrs. O. R, Will; secretary, Mrs-r:H. Paull; treasurer, ,Mr% J. E. Hovey. Retiring officers' were, Miss.., Lucy R. Woods, president; J. M. Stewart, vice-president and •Miss;; Jessie L. Metcalf, 'treasurer, Mr. Ormond repotted that Mr„ McLellan,- the engineer would' do further work With stakes on the,- lake shore in front of the park. LAKEVIEW CASINO GRAND BEND DANCING WEDNESDAY FRIDAY I* and 'SATURDAY .CLIFF SCANLON AND HIS ORCHESTRA * * I * * * MIDNITE DANCE THIS WEEKEND * * * * * * SUNDAY, Aug. 5, 3 p.m. „CONCERT ON THE BEACH and PUPPYp RAFFLE Sponsored by Grand Beal Lions e • $4700 SH BINGO DURHAM •ARENA -- 'FRIDAYt AUGUST 3 1 GAMES $50 3 SPECIALS '$200 $1,000 Jackpot Special Must -Go SHARE-THE-WEALTH GAME 12 REGULAR GAMES FOR $1.00 Eictra Cards.25c, 5 for $1.00 • - GAME STARTS 9 p.nn. SHARP Sponsored by Durham Service. Clubs . FREE DOOR JPRIZE 1956 FORD FORDOR 'BRING THIS COUPOWWITH YOU—Entitles you to a FREE. CHANCE on the CAR. Nan"' — ONE 'COUPON PER PERSON t 4. Mr. and Mrs. ponald Harper and two children are spending the month of August • in a cottage on the Rule Water Highway, Goderich Township, Mrs. R. V. Hart, John and Judy and twin daughters, Elinor and Evelyn, Port Credit, are visiting her-fparents, IVIr,--and Mrs. L. Edig- heifer at their cottage south of the village. regor day. for family ndsay and her Clan G Sunday was the get togethers. Mrs. 'George Li children (with the exception of with members or George, Paris) their respective families and Mrs. Virginia gathered T. Wilson, West in Clap Gregor'Square fora pic- nic at, noon; and for supper they on the bank of er. went to Goderich the Maitland Rix'r The members o it f Knox. Presiy- terian,Church 'and the children en- joyed a picnic at noon Ort Sunday in Clan Gregor Square. It vVas, in farewell the , nature of a to the Rev, Mr. McKinnon, Teeswater, who has been supplying for the p ast five Sundays, Mrs 1VICKin- non and three children were pre- members of the sent. .In the evening family of Albert Dunn, Sr, en- gether in Clan joy,ed supper to Gregor,Square. (By pulp Bayfleld correspondent) The annual meeting a the Bay.. field .Rioneer Park Association. Was. held at the home of the pres„ Went; Miss Lucy Woods,` Q11 Fri- day, July Zr,. 'The secretary'sreport was giv- en by Mrs. :F. Paull and treas- urer's statement by Miss' Jessie Difoto4t, John Rankin, auditer,' certified the latter. The, gross re- ceipts of the runnitage s ale amoun- ted .to MO. Considerable. - work has been done on the Fark.groub.ds within the year under the' direction of R. H, Ormond. Last autumn many leadseof top sell were dumped on the east part and levelled with a bulldozer, The pertion . of Celina Street adjoining the port Wes graded and gravelled. '523 cedar. trees were .set out (the gift of the Eayfeld Agricultural Society). The benches at the front were am. Owed and,feur black locust trees planted for future shade. Mr, Ormond reported that he had also cribbed a washout on the roadway near 'the steps. Heavy rains have again gouged out this spot on 13.ayfield .crescent There was some .ilisetission con- cerning the project oenunenewl last fall to build up- 0,-,beaph to prevent erosion by wave action et 'the base of the cliff. II, H. Or- piand, John Rankin- and Miss Jee- sie,Metealf volunteered to go to Bright's Grove-to contact the en-• gineer concerning it. :- In 'her address the president re- minded the members. of ".the be, ginnings" of Pioneer Park a' de- cade ago, 'First the land, belong- illg to the J. H. Reid Estate was acquired and held privately by 12 interested persons. In 1947 a provincial - cherter was obtained The price of the land was raised. by members, generous donations) rummage sales, etc. 'Then Phillip 0. Rhynas has -given the portion Which, he owned' on Celina Street.' • In tendering her resienation; the president expressed thanks to of- ficers and members for their sup- port and all who had in any way helped with the -perk, • • The retiringdirectors were Miss Lucy R. WoodS, G. M. Galbraith and J. M. Stewart, Mrs. R. • G. ,Hunter - brought in the. following slate of nominations: a. M.,Galbraith, J. M, Stewart and Mrs. J. E. Hovey. Since -there were no further nominations from the floor, they were declared elec- ted. - Mrs.. C. W. Brown tendered her resignation and Miss Lucy Woods waS returned to the directorate' to serve Mrs. Brown's. term of one year. -She asked .that .her. resig- nation be allowed to stand. At the meeting of the directors