HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-02, Page 5IlninsDAY, AtiouSir 2 1956 t COMM NXWS-11M0113,• CA/ASSAFEO RATES CASH RATE (it peg by the V.Wedpeetleyto1.10..Weg pabliele• Von) se• Two -Cents Per Word, Minimenti 00 eents,-A eeeta 'weird for each folieWteg .inser- tion, mirilinii*,30 cents, BOX NUMBOW400 'oxtrf.k. „ BIRTHS, li44104e1s and "Orenirep.enni -drainer • 6 Ellom.krziEns, ;lulus or IHS * IN MEMORIAMS - eeTwo Teents poi. word, minimum ott vente. . c1Anoro-15 040 extra. DEADLINE -4.2 o'clook noon, • •'Wedneielline • • • • Accommodation For Rent, SIvriv.J.; AP.A.ilTIVItM', furnished eariel heated. Phone HU 2,5692. 30-1-b • 'ONE TWO -ROOM, FURNISNEI) ;apartment Phone HU ,2-9390. 31-p --R.001S1 DOWNSTAIRS lurnish etIaPertment, anailable immediat- ely. -Phone HU" 2-07e0. 31- S •SELF -CONTAINED •apartirient. Vacant firet o Auggst. Phone• ;t1 -1U e-9928,. Rey Ty2ldaIL. 27-tfb , • :73)OWNST.AIRS A PA R TENT, •• ; heated and furnisbed. Mailable e soon. Phone Clinton HU 2-9005, 31.-b FURNISHED APT$. TO ItENT1 Centrally located. Phone Clinton ' 2-9682 or. Hensel). 105 (in at . -ternoon). 21-ttb rireATETP, eement, all einodeite eennerlitihnee, esuitableilVXWe, 4Wilira/are rik).** Dial HU' e -9463.e •311--* •THREE iRoOavi APARtri1Mtiva4, furnished ele "ihrfiethished. ,For /couple:bele:4h one baby. Central - Uy nOne HU 2-050, • 31-b FURNISHED spaRoom WITI1 Use of kitchen. Also lakefront nott-age from August 4 to 11, Apply • Clintart News -Record, phone rata ILAKET,RONT COTTA; E THREE :fi2 31-p • r•beciropeee with living room, inside • onvernences, private grounds. $40 -*week, reduction by month. Phone HU 2-9898. * 29-30-1-p -COMFORTABLY FLIRNISHED, ketemo heated, well located, three eirocei apartment for couple, Aven- el:tile now. Dial 1W 2-9728. 25-tfb 7.PURNISHED APARTMENT priv- eate entrance. Hot water heated, eathe of washer. Possession, August "."1. Phone HU 2-9459. • Thomas Churchill, Joseph Street. 31-p --VERY DESIRABLE apartment: ntwo bedrooms, living roorindthliig •eroom and kitch,en, Frig., washer eand stove. Heated. Private en- trance.- In Clinton. Telephone Goderich. 1167W. •• 31-b • Accommodation Wanted '1.31i1FUR.NISNED HOUSE TO ient • etre Clinton, adults, civilians..•RePly by letter to Box ,.280, Clinton • ,News -Record. " 28 to 31-b • Articles For Sale -1.00 POUND SIZE ICE BOX IN ,A,1 condition. • Will' sell cheap. 11%one HU 2-9665. 31-p -1956 PHILLIPS 17" .TV AND n.tennae. Reason for immediate tattle, transferred. HU 2,3349. 31-b • ILVER GREY, LLOYD, BABY terriage and bathinette. Both in excellent condition. Phone NII 31-b :PRS AND ACCESSORIES for "46 to '48 Dodge or Plym,autb. In - 'eluding built in radio. One pure- 7bred English setter. Don Campbell. Bayfield 58r411 31 -la -.'TV FIT Fore A "KING" - We -Rent - Move - Install. Complete eeervice On all makes of rotators :and antenna. All workefully guar- -enteed. Huron Tower Installation, •:phone Goderich 1344M. 23-tfb Articles Wonted -BRASS OR COPPER JARDIN- eiere. Phone Clinton HU '2-9672. 31-b --MUSIC STAND FOR 10 YEAR -old boy studying acceedion. Phone "Clinton HU 2-34,4. 31-b -ELECTRIC' BEAN COOKER IN -.good repair. Mac Wilson, Bruce - lied. Phone °Clinton IIII 2-9945, • 31-h Board and Room. • .ACCOMMODATION FOR ONE _alone or two sharing. Private `dime. Private entrance., Mrs. rri Ji 'Cox, phone MI. 2-7093'."' • 31-p Business Opportunities 'OWN YOUR OWN I3USINESS. 'Conte& L. G. Whiter, Real Estate, Iligh Street, Clintob. Phone Cline 'Ion HU 2-6692. • 164113 Farms For Sale leTICE LIST OF FARMS VOR sale. L. G. Whiter, Real Estate. a°hone Clinton HU 2-6692. Low down payments. 33-tfb FARM EQUIPMENT For Sale •V MASSEY-HARKS 131NDE1, in %good shape, Apply Fred Btrehan- ne, RR No. 1, Clinton, phone Sett 'forth 84114, 31-p ' WISCONSIN VF -4 Ant -COOLED I•notor. Suitable for baler or done - bine, k4 shape. Best cash offer. "Ii..eason for Sale, haVeio firrthet nine of it. George Jackeon, RP, 5, 'Clinton, phone I-It1 2-7404, Vep 1 '• Furniture Re-Finisnmg r'OR FURNITURE, PIANO AND rade) • cabitet, tefiniShitee and te- ' pairing, apply W. G. Pickett, *phone Clinton Hu 2-7029. 26.entib Help Wonted—Male iStI1A.RIT a permanent year-round betinees. Yott begin earning good • ellenee the first day. Strialy your •tiWn boss, Ali familles are ant. oilers and users of our iiiaorpto, duets, Opebings in your surrouty, ,dings. Write for details, atatfon, C Mentreal, 314 &P. 11.10.1.•••••••.110.11.1*1.0••••••.••••••••••...101.1.4*.••••••00.1 Help Wante04emile PAR'T TIME HELP FOR 17estatir- ant. Ohl or lady. Phone„ /1U 31-b 2-9022, • YOUNG WOMAN TO WORK IN dental office, Preetons experience Preferred bid not Accessary. Phone IU 2-9453, atter 7 p.m. • 31„-2-b MR LAUNDRY WORK. Five- elay week. 55c per hour to start. If able to -maintain production, 75c hour. Phone Clinton HU 2-7064 or apply in persoe, Preferably," to Garon, Clinton Laundry and Dry Cleaning. 14-tth - • Livestock for Sale - POLLED 'HEREFORD BULL, 15 months old. Apply W. Hanle NU 2-9240. WA) , SMALL PIGS, VVEANED Stewart Broadfoot, RR 5, Clinton phone HU 2-9-110. 31-p 30 PIGS, 6 AND 7 WEEKS OLD, apply to 'Wes and Ross Hoggart. Phone HU 2-9878. 31-b Livestock Wanted WANTED, OLD HORSES AND dead cattle, Gilbert Bros. Mink Ranch, Goderich. Phone • collect, 1.483J1., or 1483,14 9Ptfb ATTENTION FARDLERS: Prompt, courteous collection of, all dead and disabled farm onirnals and hides. Call collect Ed. Andrews, 851r11, Seaforth ASsociated with Darling aLg_o.of canada, Ltd. i9tfb MiScelleli16065 R SALE - DRAIN TILE, all Veen Order now, -SEAFOR,TH CONCRETE PRODUCTS, Phone Seararth 744i 20tO*4. — • FOR SALE--4DEIVIENT BRICKS, in stock at SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUCTS: $35 per 1,000. Phone Seaforth 740. 25t032 •b CHEVINEYS. DON'T WAIT TILL fall Order your chimney repaired or •build now. New chimneys complete with flue tile, .$3.75 a foot. Contact Bert •Christensen., Contractor, Seaforth. 27-32-b ART SUPPLIES (Winsor New, ton); religious goods, pictures, picture framing, photographs for all occasioes, lefacLaxen s Studios, Clinton: 'and Gaderich; at Clinton, Tuesday and Thursday, 1.30 to 7 pm Phone Clinton HU. 2-9401. 29etfb _ • PROTECT YOUR TV PICTURE tube With a IIASTAR TAT 'PIC- TURE TUBE PROTECTION pen - tract. As row as. $9.50 per year. Fell particulars are obtainable from' T.A. Dutton, RCA. Victor Dealer, Brucefield. Phone Clinton HU 2-3232. „ 28-9-30-1-b , 'Jur US 'REPAIR AND MAKE Your rings and jewellery like new. Diamond rings renewed and -stones safelysecured--don't takerechan; cee. Expert work,donereasonably to your satisfaction. Watch re- pairs and Pearl restringing. W. N, Counter. 31-p ArliENTION,,,Cars, Trucks, Over- hauled for only $3,95 with over- hani (eompression-seal) one treat- ment give approximately 10,000 miles service. For complete de; tails, write THEO BROADY, SALE ENTERPRISE, 55 Wid- mer St, Terotitb, Ont. 31-2-b1 ELECTRIC MOTORS Rewounct`and Repaired Hone and Auto Radios .. • Repaired • ART LEVETT • Isaae Street at Dunlop Phone Clinton HU. 2-6640 28-tfb SIDEWALKS and PATIOS -The modern manner is to pave with flagstones. In a choice of 49 dir- ferent sizes and colors; Seaforth concrete flagstones can be laid in' designs that add beauty to your. home sureonndings. Seaforth con- crete flagstones are manufactured and vibrated in a ,manner „that makes them waterproof and stronger than other makes. They are guarEtriteed for five year. Made only by SEAFORTH CON- CRETE PRODUC1TS. Call for free estimate. • Phone Seaforth. 740. - - 25to32-b KEY OR LOCK PROBLEMS? WE 0 Lock Re -Setting (cylinders without .keys). .0 Change Combinations. O Key your doors alike. O Master Key System (for max- imum security) you carry one key or any member of rooms, guests, etc., each ,have a dif- ferent key. .c) Key Duplicating (2 minute ger- vice) 35e; 3 or more, 30o ea. O Fast; efficient service. "Your security for Tomorrow, is our Business for Teda.y" • 0 ractory testing equipment in- stalled for fast serviceinn Cole- man, Duo-Therme4 etc. Space* Heater Control Videos.. • 0 FRADAX NITE SPECIAL 1 Only -EASY WASHER,. Full 5-irear warranty, for only $19.95. See it in our Hardware Window. BALL and MUTCH HARDWARE phbele"Clihton HU. 2-9505 Poultry For Sole 150NEW, HAIVIP x SUSSEX pul- Tete', ready to lay, Arnold Keys, Vartia, phone Hensall 69602. 31-p 200 LIGHT SUSSEX PULLETS and 200 New Ilarnp X Barred Rocks, 5 months old, started to lay, Apply, Louis! V4 Stadelnian, phone 131112;:' 31-p W.ANT PULLS? Dayold, star,. lea. 'or broilers? (ineluding P11 - eh White Itoaks),, Kitchener Big -4 Itatchery has them. Or mixed chicks. Prompt shipment. Ask for itiftellititieri. Agent, Chafe Scott, Aehtirti, Phone 43E23 5tyth. Baefield, Ontario, 1-h The News,Ilecord, Sells Counter - Ch.eck Books REAL ESTATE K. W. ,Colquhoun Real Estate Broker TWO Rroxtuy BRICK ideal in - •come preperty in select residential district, 4 apartments, two e - piece baths, oil ternace, garage and small bent Priced repeals - able, terms' can be arranged • $500.00 114 STOREY; FIVE - room frame house„Size 30x28; pine sidg, double boarded. 'This building 5 miles from Clinton and must be moved from premises, • 60 Aongs—Sma. farm, three miles from Clinton. 6 -room, pne storey, with, modern. iconvenien- cen 36' 50' barn, cement stabling. Buildings in good con- dition, Owner selling.because of pressure of other business inter- ests. SIX. CHOICE BUILDING LOTS, all in select residential area. 000.10000.00 ,i;Astinf usvi&teruiries- Phone HU. 2-9747 Royal Bank Building. • Vlinton - Ontario • 16-b • FOR SALE 114 STOREY DWELLING, 2 living rooms, den, dining room, modern kitchen, 1 bed room, with 2 piece bath down, 2 bed rooms and 3 - piece bath up. Hot water heat- ing with stoker, L'oeated near both schools -on ItattenburY Street. o 1 STOREY DWELLING,' 2 -RED - rooms, living room, modern kitehen, hardwood floors, oil heating, sunporch, good location, early possession, 13/0 —0 STOREY, 2 APARTMENT . ore single dwelling; living room, dining, modern kitchen,- 2 bed ' rooms, four-plece bath down, hardwood floors. Living, modern kitchen with dining space, 1 bed room and' four -piece bath up. Air conditioned, Oil heating. Un- finished playroom in basement. Owner moving to Toronto. Must be seen to be appreciated. Lot 80'x30'. Low taxes. $3,500 down. National Housing Mortgage. - • , e.y2' STOREY 7 -ROOM Dwellieg, living 'room, dining room, bed- • room, kitchen down; three bed- rooms, 3 pc. bath up; furnace; sun porch; verandah; attached garage; half block from main 4 intersection. Possession 30 days. Apply to 11. C,. LAWSON Complete/ Insurance Service Real Estate — Investments Barik of Montreal Building PHONES Office HU 2 -9644e -Res, HU 2-9787, , • CLINTON, ONTARIO • . Pet Stock FOR SALE COLLIE PUPPY, enr months old. Bab Glen, phone HU 2-9909. 31-,b Tendeis Wanted • 11F,NDERS ARE REQUESTED for'thoming a 16' x 20' frarne build- ing at Bayfield Town Hall, and in- stalling a cement foundation- for same. For further particulars cont -act Reg. Francis, secretary. Tenders to be in the hands ofethe secretary by August 15. Lowest or any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. Village Trustee Board, Bayfield, Ontario. COAL and ATE% OIL' TENDERS Tuckersmith School • Area No. 1. Tenders will lA received up to noon, August 6, 1956, for 24 Lens, No. 1 best quality hard furnace coal delivered to 4 Area schools. • Tenders will also be received up to same date- for supplying fuel oil' to 3 area schools, 1956-57 term. Any tender not necessarily ac- cepted. W. P. ROBERTS, Secretary -Treasurer Rt 3, Seaforth, Ontario. 31-b SEALED FIRM PRICED. TENDERS Will be received by the secretary - treasurer Tuckersmith School • Area No. 1, RR 3, SEAFORTH, ONTAIrrl Up to 12 noon August' 6, 1956 FOR CONSTRUCTION OF ONE -ROOM ADDITION .AND ALTERATIONS TO SS 8, EGMONDVILLE, ONT. to plans and specifications prepar, ed by Riddle Conner ad Assocfa, ten 422 Wellington Street, London. Plebe and specifications may be obtained from,. the SecteterY upon the deposit of $50 in the form of a cert_ffaci cheque, made payable to the school board, Tucketsmith School Area No. 1, WhichWill be released upon return of plans and specifications , in good condition Within three weeks of the date of closing Of tendert. , • ' W. P, ROBERTS, • Seeretary,treasturen 3, Seaforth, Ontatfe 80-lsb BIRTHS 0a0p411,-Tui Metz, rrance, On irip, July ,R7, 1906, -P/S a . Peter Cooper, formerly 0 ROXF ',Station Clinton, daughter, a sister fox -13111Y. MARLOWE - ClintonI Public Hospital,. on 'Webesday, July 25, 1956, to Sergeant and M. Keith Clarke Marlowe, 20 Que- bec Road Aisla,s.tral Park, Real, Station 'Clinton, A -son, , SNE141.,--In :Clinton ,Pubho Hos,. vital,. on Wednesday, Ally 25, 1956, -to Mr, and Mrs. ACK • Snell, Londesiniro, on, STEP -Ju Clinton Public Hos,' pital, on Thursday, July 26, 1956, to Mr. and Mra. WiWani Steep, .-Clinton, 4 daughter. (Debra Ruth -Ano), TALBOT- In Alexandra Marine and .General-4ospitalt.'Goderich, PO Friday, Jule '20; 156, t'vfr. and Mrs. 'Robert Talbot, -Bay- field (nee Margaret Reid) a son ',marry' Edward,. grandson for Mr. and Mrs. Norval,Reid, Hen - sal and Mr, -and Mrs. Leonard Talbot, Banfield. THOMSON -'-In Clinton ?011ie Hospital, on Tuesday, July 1956, to Mr, and Mrs. Warren Th.ornson, Kippen, a daughter, YOUNG -In Clinton Public .Hospi- till, on Sunday, July 29, 1956,. to Mr. and Mrs. Roy Young, Blyth, a daughter. MARRIAGES DALE'-SAUIR-In the Presby- terian Church, Dresden, on Thursday, July 5, 1956, Barbara Ann Sauer, daughter ofel'ifirs. W. J. 'McBride, Toropto, to Donald James Dale, son of Mr, and Mrs, Lone Da -1e. - In the United Cher, Varna, on Saturday, July 28, 1a56, by Rev. T. J. Pitt, aseiated by the Rev, W; 3, Wool - fray, Simcoe, Jean Marie, daugh- ter of the Rev. and Mrs, 'T. J. Pitt, to Frank Laird Hill, son ef. Mr. andL Mrs, Lyle Hill Varna, McGLYNN- GOLDSWOR'ItHY• - In St. Joseph's Roman Catholic Church, Clinton, an Saturday morning, July 28, 1955, by the Rev. J. W. P. Graham, Mary- . Josephine, daughter, of Mr, and Mrs. Alfred Goldeworthy, RR 1, Clinton, and Ernest John me- plynn, scin, of Mr. and Mrs. Lor- rie McGlynn, RR -2, 'Teeswater. REID-EYRE— In the "United Church, Brucefield, on Satur- day, July 28, 1956, by the Rev. S. ' Davison, Verna Allison, youngest daughter. of Mr, and Mrs. Lindsay Eyre, Brumfield, andDeviciejohn Reid, Clinton, son of Mr. and Mrs. David Reid, Owen Sound. DEATHS PEE -Suddenly in Hensall, on Saturday afternoon., • July 28, • 1956, Irene Lippharde, widow of the late George Fee, in her 66th year Funeral from the,Bonth- ren funeral home Hensall, on Monday 'afternon, by Reve.C. D. Daniel, to Exeter Cemetery. JOHNS -In St. Mary's Hospital, London, on Saturday, July 28, 1956, E. Anne Makins, Widow of the late Thomas Johns., in her 79th year. Funeral from the Bonthron funeral home, Hensel', by Rev. C. D. Danieleon Mon- day atternoon, ,,July 30, to Baird's Cemetery. JONES -In Queen Elizabeth Hos- pital-, Toronto, on Sunday, July 29, 1956, Edith. M. C. Jones, dear sister of Mrs. Brock (Evelyn) Olde, and aunt of Nancy Olde, Clinton. Funeral from, the Mc- Dougall & Brown Ltd. St. Clair Chapel, 646 St. Clair Aver,".:W„ Toronto, an, Wednesday after- noon, August 1, with interment hi Oakland Cemetery, Delaware. WEBS TER - In Clinton Public H ospital, on Thursday, July 26, 1956, Elmer James Webefer, be- loved husband of Alice Living- 'ston, in his 5'Ttle year. _Funeral 'from the Ball _and Mutch funer- al helm, High Street, Clinton, under the auspices of Varna LOL No. 1035, to Baird's. Cem- etery, on Sunday afternoon. (1111110111111111111111111(11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 e-.- •-n. ==.---: -S.- en.--- E- g- -Q- en; en nee- ff-- 3-. -E---z_ $1.00 ..( A WEEK AND MORE! Becothe re wholesaler in your area. 'Wake huge re- petit profits distributing pro- ducts made by: •General El- ectric, DuPont, Echo, Walt Disney Toys, etc, fun. or pert timen-We iurn over hicra.tive, establishedretail store accounts to selected person with car, and $995. For full details, write TRI -PAL SALES LTD. 47 Elm Si., Toronto 2, Ont.------- -IIIIIIMMNIMEHIMMID1IIMIMIMIIIIIIIIMIIIIMMillin WE STOCK TUBES AND PARIS FOR ALL MARES OF TV - EXPERT CAREFUL SERVICE Galbraith Radio and. TY Member-110Mo Eleetronie MO* Techniegua Association. CLINTON HU. 2-3841 noine:anneselienenneenien, ' PAOM MVII) HOW BOUT THAT DrawEspecially for allt041* and OistrictThomhot of Commerce and Clinton News -Record by Rolpli Too, YEP. I HAD IT SENT FROM rig OIG TOWN, SET ME BACK 4t400 TOO, OUT THE SALES-. MAN SAID IT'LL 1.A$T A LIFETIME, irrs. MADE 91.MA • GENUINE SAPWOOD OF COURSE IT 010 •O.E'r sCRATCHED A SIT WHO ;1! THEY SNIPPED IT, BUT, O#1.' LOO/( HENRY THE SPRM/OS I . HA- HA-- •S'iniel* MT 50 croup le 0140 SUE. WHAT. A SHAME, , SAPWOOD! AND TO THINK YOU AND HE 'WENT ALL THAT DISTANCE WAS A TO NY'. IT... WHY l'YE SAP TO SUN BETTER. FURNITURE SUY 171 FOR LESS HERE . IN CLI oro N .... •• . ;.. • • • dfl 0 ela COPY 11,i&NT ?TUR5S o1A.t9k0 CARDS Or THANKS . The family of the late • Vrneif Webster wish; to expreAR their sin- cere thanks to Pelatinenand neigh- bours for their kindness and sym- pathy extended to them 'during their recent sad bereavement, for beautiful floral tributes, cards, letters and help in the home. Special thanks to the Rev.' T. J. Pitt, for his helpful message and the LOL for their attendarree, Special thanks to the special =- see, the doctors and staff of the Clinton Public Hospital. • 31-p • I would like to thank all those who sent cards and letters' while I was a„ patient in Victoria. Hospi- tal, London, They -'were much ap- preciated. - BERT ALLEN, Lon- deeboro. 31-p Meand Mrs, R. L. MacMillen wish: to thank neighbours . and friends for their 'iind -tokens of sympathy during . the illness an& subsequent decease of Mrs. Mac- Millen's mother, Mrs. Cushman Wil -lent. Special thanks to Dr.:F. G. Thom,pson and Rev, I, Baden - ham. AUCTION SALE Saturday, August 4 one o'clock sharp This farm consists of 50 acres well drain land and good 'fences; bank bane 40' x 56', with shed 20' x 40', with all cement stables. Driving shed 20' x 40' with hip roof and hen house above. 134 etorey house, new with bath,. hot and cold, water on tap, buslt-in cupboards and pressure system. The house is covered' with insul- brick sid3ng. This farm is situated half mile from a Separate 'School and four miles from Dublin High School. This is a model term, with no weeds or diet, in a good neigh- bourhood and. good farming condi- tions. • ie COWS -Hereford cow due Aug. 29; -Herefordcow due Sept. .60; Ayrshide cow due Nov. 5; Grey cow due Jan. 11; 6 yearling Dur- ham calves; 3 heifers and 3 steers. PIGS -4- York and Tamworth saws, bread 3 ' weeks; 4 shoats; Landrace hog 1 year old. - POULTRY -150 Sussex and. Red hens, 1 year old, EVEPLEMENTS-Case S traet3r: with, new rear tires, starter and lightenCase 2-furroweraetor'plow; Massey -Harris binder, 7 foot; Mas- sey -Harris, grain drill, 13 run; Massey -Harris horse cultivater; 12 plate horse disc; turnip seeder; electric 'brooder; gas engine 134 horse power; scuffier;. walker plow; cutter; set of 5 -section har- rows with: steel pole; land packer, 8,foot; Massey -Harris side rake; New Idea manure spreader; Mas sey-Harris mower, 6-fodUcut; 32 foot °extension ladder; 2 *wheel trailer; set of sleighs with flat rack; set of 2000 lb. scales; self feeder for pigs; root pulper; bar- rel of 15 gals. molasses; Massey - Harris Hay loader; new hay rack with sliding car; rubber tire wag- on, car, ropes and pulleys; fanning mill; 134 horse motor; mail box; 3 chicken shelters; double set of harness; bags; sacks; forks; shov- els; gravel box; lawnmower; wheel barrow; 37 Chevrolet coach, with good tires - HAY and GRAIN -3 tons mixed hey. in mow; 40 bushels mixed gram; 8 bushels wheat. HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS - Leonard refrigerator, 8 cubic feet; Harrison range cook stove; Simp- licity. washing machihe; kitchen table, extension. Farm will be sold with or with- ont crop, subject to reserve bid, Tern1S. Cash on ohattles, on farm 10 percent purchase money op. day of sale, balance in 30 days. Sold strbjece to reserve bid Auetioneert decision is thud in case of all dis- putes. • ; Joseph L. Ryan Aoctioneer Wilfred Maloney, Clerk Mario, Maloney, Peoprietor 31-b Roxy Theatre, Clinton Now: "A DAY OF FURY" Dale Robertson - Mara Corday MONDAY, TUESDAY and -WEDNESDAY "NEVER SAY GOOD-BYE" - A woman's picture with sure-fire appeal. 'Romantic drama at its best - Rock Hudson - Cornell BOrolierS- George Sanders THURSDAY; FRIDAY and SATURDAY • `ARE COURT JESTER" Gay musical satire - alight= k hearted spoof of romanticknights in- armour and co.lrt intrigues. Danny Kaye - Glynri John Coming: "THREE STRIPE\S ' IN THE SUN" . Aldo R,ay - Phil Carey -------------- ASHTON'S, TAXI Operated by 'CLIFF ASHTON Now located in he former liusty Store, on Huron St., two doors west of Ruby :& ,Birs Snack Bat. DAY and NIGHT .50 PHONE HU- 24036 e*,•44&1.**M*00,04,041~441 ,4444,44-4,44-44, AT.hAhI, TELEPHONE THE k rinn 1150 Goderich- Now Flaying: "BAD DAY AT BLACK ROCK" 'Scope & Color with Spencer Tracy - Anne Francis and Robert Ryan MONDAY, TUESDAY and WEDNESDAY Betty Grable Sheree, North Chas. Coburn - RobtCumm lags dn Cineneastope end-T,echnicolor - a mirthful mixup which tem/ burlesque queens, marked' for murder, take refuge in a • fraternity house. ' 9IOW TO BE VERY VERY • POPULAR" THURSDAY,. FRIDAY and SATURDAY "RED SUNDOWN" — In Technie,olor - Tells of a saddle tramp who turns. sheriff's deputy to tangle with a despised -and ruthlesslandowner, landower. Lita Baron - Rory Calhoun ' and Martha Hyer . Coming: "THE ROSE TATTOO" Burt Lancaster - Anna Magnant and Marisa Pavan. Atha Entertainment 1 HARD- OF • UEARING? FREE CLINIC From 2 p.m. to 6 pin..( HOTEL CLINTON Friday, Aug. 3rd Also see the new Ear Fone, no cords, nothing on the body, no Head Band. . ACOUSTICON 225 N. Front St. Di. 4-8708 SARNIA, ONTARIO 31-b TEE Clinton emnununitY Farnsers • AUCTION SALES EVERY FRIDAY tIonuneneing at 8.00 p.m. TOMS CAH I. COREY, Sales Manager E. W. ELtiart AuctiOneer K. W. COLOtIlioUN, Clerk OPEN FRIDAY COOL! Comfortable! Special Purchase of MEN'S T-SHIRTS Navy - Green - Brown Sizes S M L Reg, 51.95 Each WEEKEND •SFECIAL 98c each for $1.9S VENiNGS PICKETT le CAMPBELL Your TIP TOP Store LIMITED Main Corner...Clinton PHONE HU 2-9/32