HomeMy WebLinkAboutClinton News-Record, 1956-08-02, Page 1Zfte Cotumn :OW W. 104 FIRST AND • FORVIVIOST Might we tirge YOU to "drive care - fur this .neKt weekend Last Cvic holiday 22 'Te.ople met death in traffic accidents, Don't' it yOurself beeonie statistic in the, 3.$56 Count. Have :happy and. aia.fe - !i• • Wi-a MAN 1,1-1-14T WNG MiARNIite.-ser.1Q141y., 'Chief Thompson wowo the lage in this. :hew lest travel season, .. and we agreed that this .distriot was.*Vite fortunate in having less. than it - Share pf fatal :accidents „ „" but it could baPPert to you, ., and hell - clay traffic :at its carefree best is traffic danger at its carefree Worst ,, * TIME FOR TIM SW#RMING OF bees is at hand . though how the bus ai creaures have found enough sunny days this year for za.thering any honey' is beyond , We've hearcl two stories about swarms findings homes in town houses,. . . (read °The West Window" this week) and there seems to be a regular xolgretion, .of the little • Stingers,, * * 'IotalaTOYING AUSIVIAN'S HOU- day yesterday were three visitors to the News -Record. office . .a. George Dills, publisher of the ton Free Press and his two sons, David and , . paid a short pall upon us as partof a tour of .newspaper offices throughout the district, . . Particularly in search of modern plants ... the Dills plan to renovate their own newspaper • plant in the near future. . . s, INIIERESTING 'TO NOTE: THAT just ten years ago this week Han- , ,k•evereTraesport suffered a loss .of • $100,000 when their cement block and steel consteucted plant was on fire end several transports with their loads were destroyed. • • My, how tinee ddes fly • * THPEEWEAS ARE DOING ' their share in, holding up the name of Clinton one the babebell diam- ond . . sort a takes away some • Of the ' sting of New Hamburg beating the Clinton Colts on the hoekey rink last winter. . to note the score of 26-3 which our Pee- ilvees totalled- last riight against the New Hamburg young ones.. . * * * BRAVE OLD BIDDY 'AT TKE farm of Herb Munrot near Paisley, refused to vacate her nest . . . ev- en when . a windstorm completely demolished the barn in w,hieli she was setting. . . A. settingrof duck • eggs was more important to her, and although a heavy timber crashed deem on herliestingplade (a gdivanizecl avash tub), and one •-side of` the tub crashed in, she Stayed put A-gang-of:men was needed to extricate hen and nest . . • Biddy's only reaction, was to ruffle up her feathers and pre- pare to defend her eggs. . . We would Wonder if this is the' same Mr. Munro who shows his prize horses at Clinton's, Spring Show. . . • Credit Union In Fifth Year; Wit Build In 1957 Last month the Clinton Com- munity Credit Union celebrated its fourth birthday, with a savings total of $170,000 and over 900 mem- bers. rn addition to manager Vic Roy, his wife and Miss'Gail Man- ning, Miss Sandra Thompson, G�d ericie has been added to the staff, and crowded quarters urge the Credit Union towards expanding. The directors are formulating plane for the new office which is scheduled for .building in 1957. Last weekend Manager VW Roy, , directors A. "Red" Garon and Fred Gibson; end chairman of the cred- it committee Tom Steepe visited Detroit and toured a number of progressive Credit Unions in that ' city with view to gathering ideas for the building. The Credit Union is now con- ducting a campaign for new mem- bers, With prizes of .$50, $35 and $16 for paesent rnernbers respon- sible for bringing fin new ones. Al- so the Credit o Union is urg- ing more savings, which forms the capital and backbone te the organiza.ktion. • Cpl. Tony Broom • • Arnong .Graduates At Aylmer School • corporal - Anthony (Tony) Broom, RCAF Station elintote was among graduates of Air Forte' Police Course 51, at, RCM' Stat.. ion Aylmer reeently, He and US wife Betty, live at 30 Oue de ROad, Adastral Park, Clinton Clinton Couple' In Goderich TourneV Mre, Bert toyes arid her on, Bev, Clinton, were among the Win- ters• of the open •Mixed bowling tournament held on the lawn. bowling greens. in. Goderich last Thursday, First place Winners were Mte. IL Wheeler and George Baeehler, doderiel• e The Weather 1656 1655 •olligh Low gh LoW July 25 80 56 9i 62 21 80 60 90 71 2$ 1 i:83 67 •21 e4 47 80 63 30 67 48 01 65 31 65 46 I 04 /2 Aug. 1 14 GI" 73 flait1>11 JisRain:,,,05 ri THE HEW ERA, 92nd YEAR THE -NEWS.RECORP,75th YEAR •No, Yi----,The Homo' Pam With; the News •CIAINTON, ':ONTARIO, IMAM)" .M.1.41,1$T 2, 1956 7 cents a copy $3.00 a, year Pro fessOr Enjoys Lerirkonade Prof. George Raithby, head of the Animal Husbandry, Depart- ment, OAC, Guelph, enjoyed a cool glass of lemonapie poured by. Miss Lois Jones, of the 'Clinton junior Instifute, lellowing his address given to a large audience at the Huron Soil and Crop Improvement Association twilight ,meeting held: In the auditorium of the Huron County Hoxne Tuesday evening, (News -Record Photo) Water, Hemlock Gets Close Attention 111111111ellii Close examination of the deadly water hemlock was made by ..young'farmers at the Son and Crop Improvement twilight meeting • ' .Left to right, Gordon Deer, 4-H member. from. Auburn; Keith , Strang andlie father, H. H. G. Strong, Hensall, second vice pres- ,ident of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement Aisociation. (News -Record Photo) nk's Request Sets Off Set 01 Location Shifts A. 4equest •froin head office of the Bank of Montreal for two bus- ieesses on Clinton's Main Street toVacate their premises by April of next year has triggered% series • of moves which will lead to rnore modern facilities for visitors and shoppers in the Clinton district, 'and a "new look', to the town in general. Stanley's Meat Market, operated by Orville J. Stanley and the drug store operated bei W. C. -New- combe, both on the east side of Victoria Street , in the Bank of Montreal building will have to find new iodations by next. spring. This probably means renovatiori of, the entire bank premises, though official announcement of what. exactly will be done, has not been made. * .• • Town Hall Chimneys Come* Down Mast noticeable change so far in the look of the town hall is the removal of 'four ehimneys: Act- ually the four which were remov- ed have not been in Use for an es- thnated 40 years. An estimated 15 tons of brickeithe ben, removed from the roof. The other two will remain to serve the stove which dries the firemen's hoses and the furnace which heats the Wilding; Major changeseht the police a• tate are nearly Completed. The entrance door will no longer be directly of the street but will be one 'of the three opening. off the main entrance: hall. Similar door will lead to the'upper audi- torium, inta the totincil ehambere and into the clerk's offiee. The present door from the court-, eil chamber IMO the clerk's offitel is beiog bricked itt, and• will be finished to eOrrespond with the onside •of the recently decorated coulicil chamber. The sidewalk has been cot away direetly itt frcatt of the behtral erttraoceway, and " footings have beenpeUred for the construction ef the stet* will& will lead into the building. tt reavesttroughing is being carried oat around the entire Hall, and the eaves are being painted. chair- man of the public works commit:4 to George Beattie, reports that • the townhall has not been pain. ted since 1933 (23 years ago), The total cast of renovating the old building; which has been dis- covered to be in "Much better shape than anyone imagined" is • being taken from a specie' fund made available by the sale Of the old: public school for $8,100, -tt,, timated Cost will be $6,500. Mayor W. J. Miller has received anthorization, tram thePublie: Utilities Correnxission • of (ter water, hydroandsewerage service to his lot on Victoria Street between, Rumball's Grocery and the. Hotel Clinton. Hie in- tention is to put up a one story beilding, 70 feet by 55 feet, fac- ing on Victoria Street, to house • two businesses, each with floor space of 70 by 27 -feet. A lane leading between the Miller build- ing and the Hotel will be. left for delivery Service. This decision -by Mr. Miller to build, made :Cliff Ashton look for another location for his taxi stand, and this move was made f yester- day. Ashton's Taxi is now loca- ted on Huron Street, where 1-fus- ty's Shoe Repair was for many years, between Vodden's Jewellery and Groves Electric Cliff elide. been in the taxi bus- iness in Clinton since 1940 when he and Iteg Shipley operated cabs out' of the Supertest gas station where his brother Harvey Ashton now runs Harvey's Taxi. • In 1944 Cliff moved to the a,eliller lot and. the familiar white frame building which he has now left. This frame buildidg was moved yesterday morning to,, the back ef the lot, where it will he used as- a tool - shed during the building of the new stores. The. Ashton's • Taxi new head- quarters was recently vacated by Iturondate Laundry after -a few weeks in *ration. Cliff has one man (Scot Pawson) hired full time a swell as part Time drivers. Post lffke Hours Announced For Post QW* lieUrs for the Civic Civic Holiday Holiday riet Monday have been announced by Postmaster G., ,M.,. Counter, oket will be oPerr from 10,00 Lin. to 12.00 noon and from 1,30 p.m. to.,330 pan. The outerlobby- Will remain op- en until 6,00 p.m. • Earircopy Plea se For'Next Week Next Week, with Civie Holiday coming on Monday, the work week here at the NewseRecorcl is cut by one whole day. This means, that an extra special, effort has to be made by the staff, if you are to receive your "home paper" on time. You can help us serve you by getting your advertising and news stories to lig early. Write them out and send- them as soon as you can. 0 Permission For 5 Services. Granted By PUC Permission was given to five property owners for hydro, water and • sewerage services to new buildings, at the PUC meeting here Tuesday evening. Mayor W. J. Miller, planning a business building on. Lot 1, No, 2 survey, on the east side of Vic- toria Street, between Rumball's and,the Hotel Clinton; Elgin, Hoff- man, HuroeeStreet; Roy Cante\lon, ..,Fulton Street; Eli Galachuik, Jam- es Street; Robert ReElliott, Isaac Street, between Reg %Shipley's home and the CNR tracks. The latter four are for dwellings. Cro0Men' . Tour' Mril County ,Farnifri*Or ProF Raithby 'Iroprovement of soils and crops Trarm. operation is being .carried being the One most important task out with one bared man, In place faraners,. interest in the of three which were at work there Association ,..ef Huron -County last yea,r, whose aim is just that is strong, During the prograrn which was and about 200 farmers with their held, in the auditorium of the wives and ohiklren. were :on band -County Home, Richard l';'roetor, on Mondayeight to visit test plots president of the Huron County laid -can It the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Assoc- Home. : • asked for a minute!s, silence At the Home„, where 26 staff in memory of the late Elmer Web - members care for the 86 aged res- ster, a director of theassociation, lamas, an up-to-date project in Warden ,Tolin Fischer brought general farming is carried out. greetings from the County, • Produce grown is sold to the Professor .GeorgeRaititY, bead Home and accurate records are .of the animal husbandry division kept on profit and loss. of the Ontario Agricultural Col - Of the L26 cows, according to lege, Guelph, "formerly of Auburn, superintendent Harvey Johnston, spoke in praise: of the work of G. 14 are on R.,O.P, tests, and they W. Montgomery aa agricultural pretinced $664 worth of Mille . in representative in Huron, saying June. During. that month the that the men at the College held Home used 472 gallons of pastetne Mir 1VIOntgomery in very high res- izerl milk, and 58 quarts of cream. pea. • , Mr. '.jolinston related that they Raithby spoke of the need for used a :cattle beast every :fair or care of soil and different types of five weeks, andbutchered hogs on management needed for the great theefarm as they were needed for varieties of soils.. His discussion food. They shipped 21 hogs re- of rate ofegrowth testing in bulls cently, all seleetseeand sold two kept in the college barns was lis - for sows, which he believed also tened to with great interest.' He would have been selects. The said that while butterfat • test in Stanley Residents Near Clinton Must Call Brumfield Fire Department Ever since the deadline for, ac- The council a the Township of Stanley is not prepared to agree to ;the request of the Clinton Town Council for a $100 retaining fee annually, . in addition. to the rates which have been in effect. These rates have been $75 for the first hour on a fire call, and $25 foreeach additional hour. . . The other three townships, God - erten Huliett and Tucleersmith, have agreed to the new arrange- ment, as well as the Huron.Coimty Home for the aged, whieh will pay $50 annual retaining fee. Council of the Town: of Clinton .found the increase in fire protec- tion rates necessary when consid- ering the continual increase of up. - keep and increased capital -tied up in, fire protection equiprrrente. '" According to Fred Watson, clerk of the Township Of 'Stanley, the township was quite willing to con- tinue with the agreement in effect prior to: the re -arrangement How- ever; Clinton did not feel it was possible to continue with the old rates. The Township of Stanley has four other fire brigades to call upon: Brucefield, Hensala, Bayfield and Zutich. • ceptance of fire protection ar- rangements with the Clinton Fire Department, two weeks ago, Stan- ley Township has been doing with- out protection by the Clinton Briga.'cle, • Persons lisOng in. the north east section of the Township, nearest Clinton, are asked to phone the Fire Department in Brucefield if they need assistance, The num- ber to call is, HUrrter 2-3232. Soil Testi: Finds Park Land Suitable.. For Swimming Pool • A swimming pool in Clinton—a1- •vvoilid have a filtration system and though still a dream is rapidly be- dbrrilngloffiltrz: and win, if all goes well start" to become a reality in the -very near future. • The tentative committee of men from the Legion, Kinsmen,', Fish and Game and Lions met last Fri- day night lit the Legion Hall with the major part of the discussion spent on the problems of financ- ing. Cameron Probtor wasnamed secretary for the committee. _ Ai in attendance were in com- plete accord with regard to the, need of a pool in Clinton and a fotir man committee consisting of Don colquhoun, Joseph Murphy, Earl tidieeette and. R. J. "Bud? Schoen- hals were appointed to meet with Clinton, town council on August 7, to obtain peemisSion to Build the pool. If this permission is receiv- ed the committee intend to riUt some of the ideas for fund raising into immediate action, Soil samples that were taken at Clinton Community Park and had been sent to Unteersity of West- ern Ontario to be -analyzed were back with the report that three locations were good and one satis- factory. The samples were taken by F/O Bud Hayter, RCAF Station Clin- ton, who has been working in close co-operation with the- committee, F/O Hayter has made a thorough study of swimming pools and While at university wrote a thesis on the subject His knowledge will be of great assistance. At present the committee are considering a pool which would be 100 feet by 45 feet with the depth to range from three feet six inches to nine feet six inches. The pool bath house and washroom. Thae attending' the meeting included Legion representatives; R. J. "Bud" Schoenhals, PercyBrown, Cameron, Proctor; Kinsmen; R D. "Dick" Frernlin Frank Cook, pan Colquhourf; Fish' and Game, Earl Doucette, William Edgar; Harold Glew; Lions, Ken McRae, Joseph Muephy. J. E. "Eddie" Dale was the s unofficia 1 representative of council and G. W. Montgomery at- tended for the Department of Ag- riculture. The next meeting of thecommit- tee ,was set for *Wednesdays Aug- ust 8.. Mr. and Mrs. Milton Hales and two sons Jim and David, Chat- ham, visited Mrs. Elizabeth Walk- er, Ontario Street, recently: Ama 'Cyclone Fund' Set Up To , „ Aid Rural Worm Victims A Cyclone Fund to aid residents in MeKillop, Tuckersmith and Hib- bert Townships' has been set up as a result of a meeting •called in Seaforth last week by G. W. Mont- gomery,' agricultural representa- tive for Huron. , A general canvass of citizens in those ' townships will get under way immediately. ‘Estimates of wind, damage in recent storms ranges as high as $60,000, At meetings of Township Feder- ation ,of Agriculture • unies, held last weekend, there was gertexal agreement on the necessity for the campaign, according to fund their - man, E. P. Chesney. In charge of canvass arrange- ments, are F. of,.A. heads in each of the- tainships, iricluding: Mc - Handing k)ver Parade At Station Clinton The Handing Over Parade on the parade square at RCAF Station Clinton last Friday was eliniaxed hy the signing of documents on a table draped with the RCAF ensigri 'by the 110W Cont. Mantling Officer, Group Captain R. C. Cameron, 14130, CD, who, succeeded the departing CO, Group Captain H. 0, Ashdown, MBE, Ot)-, who hero ttnesseis the signing. Aso standing by are Flight Lieutenant T. JacksOn and Plight Licuten.:....t 6trotid. (RCAF Photo) Killop, ,Gilbert Smith; Tucker - smith, Ellin Whitmore, and •Bib- bert, Auguste Mclean -Tie. -At The meeting lest week rep- resentatives of municipal 'C'buncils met in, Seaforth, with members of parliament, agricultural represen- tative- G. W. Montgomery, county ,clerk A. H. Erskine and citizens who suffered losses. Meanwhile it was announced Monday by Thomas Pryde, MLA„ that the provincial government would contribute 50 cents for each dollar raised by individuals or municipalities. The statement: "Consistent with the policy established some years ago in assisting fanners of On- tario to meet losses entailed through the •destructiali of farm buildings, by tornadoes, it was an- nounced .that Ontario government would contribute 50 cents for each dollar raised by individuals or munitipalities. "The government contribution / will be contingent upon the money +raised being Used for the rehabili- tatioh or replacement of farm buildings clestreyed by the high winds, The contribution will not appay on farm machinery or other expenditures, being restricted en- tirely to oapital expenditures on btIildilis Mr.Pryde said he had.,cliseussed the problem of eerrient with pro- offieials. He advised any farmers who, as a result, of gorrn damage required eentent for re- pairs, to communicate with the Huron Agriculture Representative at Clinton, who' would rnake ar- rangements. While a hotite-to-house canVass is being made in Megillop, Tuck- erarrtith and Hibbert, it is realized that there will be those, petition- laily itt Seafouth and, other eera tres, who will wish to make con- tributions direct. Por this reason, contributions may be left at any bank in Seafonth, Dublin, Mitchell. Clinton or Brussels, or may be for. warded to the searetatatreasurer, Andrew V', McLean, at Beaforth, Itt eaeh ettee an official receipt Will be issued, It is hOped to ecnielUde the gert- era canvass by August 18. fatties f eeiritribtifeet Will be published 40 -the taitipaign progresses. cows was highly heritable, the yield of milk is not, and that rate og growth is not greatly htflueria cel by environment, but is highly heritable, "Good care, good management and good husbandry, is the answer togood produce," said prof, Raithby, "Good farmers will not depend on crops, livestock or soil so much as in good business rnane agement." He -closed by saying, "Fanning needs a lot of thought, a lot Of study and a lot of over- time." • The speaker was introduced by Harry Sturdy, Clinton, first /vice- • president of the association, and was thanked bY H. H. Strang, see- ond vice-president of the Ontario Soil and Crop Improvement As - sedation, who was a student •of Raithlay's at OAC, G. W. Montgomery drew atten- tion to the fact- thatelVIr, Strang had recently been Iiighly honored at the annual meeting or the Can- adian eSeed Growers, 'when this group' made him a Robertson As- sociate, This is one of six or sev- en such hoilinus conferred in Can- ada each year, in recognition of a good job of growing registered seed. Mr, Montgomery said that as far as he was aware this was the first award of its kind to be brought beak to the County of Huron. • Montgomery commented that farm eonditiont in Huron were not too bad in comparison with other areas he had seen in recent tours outside the county. • He urged the farmers not to be pessimistic.. In speaking of the progress made by the farm mangement groups, he aid, "If you're going to, stay in farming, you're going to have to keep recork and work from them to decide wadi operations to stick at....Xou must be very efficient if you plan to stick to one type of operation. -Oroa. 100 acre lapin it is best to keep several farm oper- ations going." In a personal message to the 4-H1eriernbers present, he said, "The farmers of 'the future. have to be alert an well prepared 'to take advantage of all the intorma- tion and knowledge available, if they are going to farm productiv- ely.), Arthur Bolton, assistant. agri- cultural representative •spoke briefly. In the early part of this twilight meeting a tour of the farm was taken by the -men and the 4-H Club members to see the oat, barley, corn, beans, grass and leg- ume plots, with G. W. Montgom- ery and C H. Kingsbury explainin- ing what had been planted and how it was being cultivated, and treated. The herds at the Home also were seen. 'The ladies were given a tour of the Home and flowerbeds, and then movies were shown by Mr. Bolton, Following the meeting, lunch, provided by the Aisociation was served by menibers.of the Clinton .Junior Institute and Junior Far- mers. A draw, sponsored by the Junior Institute was held and a thnep was won by Clarence Shaw, Turnberry Township. lVfrs. R. Turner, Bayfield, was the winner of an end table, 0 Weed: Water Hemlock Dangerous C. H Kingsbury, fielcbnart for • the field crop branch, Ontario De- partment of" Agriculture, pointed out the dangiers of water hemlock if this weed is left to grow in ar- eas where cattle( are grazing. "A piece of root the size of a wal- nut," said Mr, Kingsbury, "will kill a oow." The weed, which the speaker exhibited and described at the twi- light meeting of the Huron County Soil and Crop Improvement Assoc eation on 1Vforiclay, grows to resem- WA an elderberry plant quite clos- ely. It is found in low, wet, Mar. shy areas, and is easily pulled, so that a cattle beast in grazing can easily pull it out and then is at- tracted to start chewing on the root. The sterna have a flap where they jail.' the ,stook, and the stems are hollow (oo pith). When: the root is split open, small sections within it can be seen. The head fortne a ball, rather than the flat top common to elderberry. Sortie trouble with the water. hendoek,is being experienced by i farmers n the county this year, •and veterinarians have asked that farmers be warned of its presence. As 11/fr. Kingsbury said, "It will take you only a little while to dieck your farm for its presettce, and: you, May not find It, but for the lova of the Lord, look." • Ihrthday Club I-Iarry GouIcl celebrated his 84th birthday at his home On High Street, yesterday, August 1, A fanday gathering c1 20 close rela. 'fives were gitests at his home ori SuticlaY,