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The Wingham Times, 1888-11-02, Page 2
eljejijinun Ciao FRIDAY, NOV. 2, 1888, 1bTEi3PlA'1.'Li 1.,ti". YTaiT11Tb,� Dr, (keglers, editor of The Journal of inebriety and Seeretiary o£ the .Atu,erieun Asseeietion far the Cure of Xaiebrietes, of Hartford, Conn., recently lectured. in 'Toronto oa the history of the treatment of inebriates, Ho gave • were amongst the delegates pr.saut and the discussions showed a spirit of broad philantroplry and praiseworthy humanitarianism. The reports from the representatives of the different eocieties were interesting and exhaus- tive showing *pont indefatigable efforts to relieve sutl'eriug amongst helpless and hamelese children and for dumb animals. Ottawa, Montreal and Hamilton societies reported through their delegate.,. A good deal of attention centred in and importance was attaahed'to the discussions on the condition and treatment of poor, deso- late wretches, waifs and homeless. poverty stricken children in our cities. The folly, cruelty, danger, the absolute sinfulness of li(tviug such cast amid the vile associations and low contaminat- ing inllueneee of police and prison cells was ably and prominently set forth, Many whose only crime was poverty, were schooled in vice and irreparably lost in this way. Some of the societies re}rted promising efforts to remedy this crying evil, especially the Children's Aid Society of Pennsylvania. , This class is amongst us, Oapecially, but nut solely, in our large 'uoities. Smaller towns contain not a'few who are destined to swell the ranks of the vicious and the criminal if no effort is made in their behalf. It has already been made apparent that it is easier and cheaper to throw the necessary safeguards around the poor and homeless than to protect society against them, perchance bear the burden of their mahntenance when they have gone to swell the criminal rank . These societies are animated by loty and laudable motives and are entitled to generous support and sympathy. We might here enter a protest against the steady process g,ink; on, of:annually swelling the list of destitute and helpless frem the cities of Europe. Whilst we have a rich suncciinicy of such, many of those imported have worse inherited tenders: cies and are tar from being a desirable aequieitiou to urban or rural papula tion. =DIANE SOCIETIES. A.t the twelfth annual meeting of the American Ilinxiane Soeie&y in To, :onto last week, delegates were present from the leading cities in the Auleri. can Union, besides a fair represeuta• tion from Canadian cities. The first organization of this kind was estab- tithed in New York about a quarter of a century ago. Other cities fol.. lowed and a national organization was begun in 1877. Many medical men n great deal of valuable iuformtetion on thls subject. lie traced the history of the wort. from the first conception ref a disease. In 1747 it had been urged in France that the State should provide special hospitals for drink maniacs. Inebriety was recognized as a disease long before the establishment of the first asylum in 1804 at Bing- hamton, N. Y. The first asylums had failed because of improper and dis- honest ivanagetnont, but the truth of the dieeese theoryhad been maintained, Over fifty different hospitals for ine- briates havo been established in America and more than thirty are in successful operation. In England and Scotland there are to -day about twenty asylums in operation. A thorough scientific hospital has been doing grand work in Melbeurns, Australia. 4.nothor has been organized in New '!eland. Two very well managed asylums are in operation in Germany, and one in Switzerland. A number of similar hospitals have bean projected in Norway, St*eden aha Franca. The class, he said, who come to the asylums are the inearables who have signed every pledge, tried evory means, They 'stay a few weeks au:l because they do not get cured deuounoe the institu- tion. Auotherelass,thecurableceses,the nerve and brain exhausted men, the. oyer -increasing class of men who have broken down from overwork,worry,and irregularity of life and living, and who find alcohol a narcotic of most scdaetive nature. This class often represents the big lost talent and genius and, as a rule, are active brain workers of the times. An inebriate hospital , to this class brings rest, restraint, seclusion, bthii.iling up, and is literally a place for repairs and restoration. There are many thous. and of this class who could be saved and permanently restored to teaiprate life and living if they could be placed in inebriate hospitals and treated early. It wars shove from statistics that sixty-tcvo`iand ono half per cent of 'those treated five years previously were found ti be yet temperate and total abstainers, mid over thirty-four per neat of thoee treated from ten to ei; hteeu years previously. Most of the inebriate hospitals in America are private and corporated organiza- tions, some have endowments and others depend upon income from patients private donations, and charities gener- ally. The Dr. drew Some conclusions which aresupportedbythe latest; teach Ings of science, and experience: 1, Inebriate hospitals mast take the place of jails and station houses. 2. Inebriate hospitals should receive the iniihrable inebriates, make thein self-supporting, and uuitd there up physically and mentally. 3. Inebriate hospitals can and should be self-supporting when once established, and should be b.xilt from 131Diloy raised by taxes on. the sale of ;spirits. 4. The inebriate hospitals' are only in their inf an 7 contending with opposi- tion, prejudice, misunt erstead, eon. demned, an l working against innumer- able obstacles. . The work of, the present inebriate hospitals, siltwithstanding difficulties and irnperfestiuns, bas the grandeet proseise Lor the further effort in this field, along the lino of scientific re•+earch. Brussels, This item is going the rounds : 1t,ev. G.1). Ilowio, late of Syria, now pastor of Knox church, Brussels, 1iA taken the oath of allegiance to the British throne, He is the first Turkieil subject naturalized in Canada. .He will marry on Nov. 1 Mies Sarah Spur, lath of England, and hopes still to return to the foreign mirsiou f€etd, Exeter. Thursday evening a man -gamed William Brownlee, aged 65 years was found dead in his house by Con stab'e Creech, Ile had been sawing a stick of wood placed an chairs in the house, rn 4 had fallen back and died. It did not appear at he had moved after he fell, 'lamb ll. Ile has been living alone in a small ;house in the north end of the village for several years. The coroner has been notified and will hold an inquest. LuttienaW. The ladies of the Methodist church held a ha ltos,;:,'en.. supper and concert on Wednesday elPeeing in the church. The literary so,layleas .beau re- organizad.—Cour has elected the f Lyous,O.R. ; T.M Yule, It. S.; A. Lees, treas. ; 3. Davidson, • St. ; Sherwood, Sherwood, C.0.F., flow in ; officers : J. attl:ie,V.C.R. ; D,D. lclntyre, F. S. ; R cott, Chaplain ; G. Sanders, S. 13. ; R. Davidson, J;� B.—The cheese at our factory was "sold at 9 cents for July and 10 cents for the balance of season.—Mr. R. J. ItleMath sold hie carriage shop to`.Mr. William Grundy. --Rev. Mr. Shaw preached the annual sermon to the Az 0, U. W. on Sunday week. i4aforth. Dr. Sloan, of Blyth, his son 'Wil- liam, John Iiawtlhorne, Peter Me - Ewen, 8. Ross and Alex. !toss left here this week on a mouth's excursion to Muskuka.—Tho chosen for the current year b Seaforth curlieti' club: -President, D. D. Wilson; vice president, George Patterson; secrptary•treasllror, John Weir ; Patron, ;John McMillan, M. P. ; Chaplain, Rev. A. D. McDonald; honorary members, W. G. Castles and R. L. Sharp, Toronto ; Sheriff Gib- bons Goderich H. W. 0. Meyer, t"Vilghain ; H. "Cameron, Winnipeg, and M. R. Counter, Seaforth. tiepre• sentative anetulj'ers, D. D. Wilson, R. Counter, W'. G. Castles and R. L. Sharp. Committee, John Weir, R. Common, W. J. Fear, A. Wilsou and J. Lyons. Skips, J. lt, Lyons, R. Common, Geo. 'atterson, D. D. Wil- son, A. Young,J. Weir, J. A. Wit- son, J. 0. Laidlitw, J. S. Roberts and Alex. Wilson. tail], Naylor, gravelling tat lot 31, cone 8 and 9, $20 ; Peter l.''iaher, gravelling on northern boundary, $12.80 ; Won Elution, gravelling on western boundary, $10.80; .b-%trittain 11 aylor, building culvr'rt on side+lino 30 and 82, con. 11, '$27.140 ; 11.:etor d 1 I S fat F1Ct3, JOSEPHINE $TRe T, I\i.cKav, gravelling on northern bound- " ONTARIO. 14 $28 05 ' \Mtn c'kthignu is rCni.islIED— E y l RS! I'ItIDAY 1al.Q13NING, ---AT env -- art, Goll. , y,- t ' n � wr:a ©s :b peace, tear SieAr,tztadvance.. rods wire fetfee, sideline 83 €;n( 81, ,....r. con- 1, $10.87; Wein J. Fenwick, 60 AD>:1 htT1:,XNe, re xrs1 G .. rods wire £once, Eaideluw COane °i, can, 6, $ 7.50 ; Anson MvtGrowan, soft. 1 137. 1 5 rte. 1 5 n 1 +' ' ,tt) I t« -;,4 building and repairing ettivert:l at sof n <1 {i!f lciu.,tan 470 00 $;} (w 40, cons, 1 and 2, 0$5 ; Henry 'Ai, I, :ttt rter ""int no Ll (t0 Plank for culvert, 75e, ; John 1� Deer. got tucl, J as 00 74 yds. gravel, "1„.'.3.70 ; Blain Ili(i31a1t,rSi f.t I tr,trt. 3 ,t cand,u..lictrcsinieit tnotrenthNuebape,iiulcu ton, witting hill! lots 37, cone. i + f ani area type 10% for !frit to 1, �r45 ; John 'Robertson, 1':'ptairin.. cosi 1 • ttnv S i , t la t,ubsequettt meertion bridge, sideline c told 40, con, 8:le'.', tinting cern the :, t . . not t.s. to c, a •.td lets thans.Sc, Alt er l, t 1 t•t o41, t Fatnd Strayed, Situations, Edward Jael{s"n, 52 toes Wire rit't:eL? t t s tt;uucd, not ekeeedmg 8 lines tit lot 35, con. 10 ahhd 11, l e t it ; f y 1 t r\ Thos Thos ? 'i.n.05; Jitl, Ilrttrrl dict, sideline, lot 37, Gou, 4, ti, u m" r-lt ; t i• i t lc ;tt rrcrlin S I' l . Coad, slhovell6n ;' 4ratri•(:1, vtt3 ; ! .1 LY . Ta lUr .O+uJ rOCltl tVlt'e 7ent7.'i GI1 oft ilun;,ur a,lvcrtlsontents, or for ry .-L 1 t r it i '! n0 01 . - i dL (... ell I tl n r 'hent monft ,-_( ""rte +u,l{ . ' ki1741iy tilt0,'Cd t0. EDITORIAL NOTES. Tun English government derived $729,594,770, of revenue from the liquor traflle last year, the first in- crease for the last four years. The average consumption of spirits was over a gallon and a htelf per head. L,Tiis Bust of Ave" is the new title awarded to Lord Dufferin, marking approval of his services in annexing the territory of Bunnell to her Majesty's Eastern possessions. Ave is the aliment and bust known of the capitals of Burtnah. AT the recent Baptist Convention at St. ttatherineS, strong resolutlOna were passed in favor of total abstin• mice. A motion was also adopted con; deeming the principle of exemptions in church property; whilst recognizing the importance of Bible instructions, they appr,ived ,of its teaching in schools being entirely optional. ,e.;rtiorte...y.+..,rtmo,.. Gillespie, buildii g culvea t oil t::'te teen boundary near . Blyth, ,';1('. On motion the council alljourned till ti day 16th Nov. next. P,+PORTE FIELD, CI(rk:, Etarriston.. Frank illiller,a coln.i gentleman o Elarriston, is reported to have beet‘ form f,rrtued by the IP itcd tttatee ntttlhori- ties that $2,000 : tccunttllttted pension awaits hila, to ether with ;712 n month for life. 0. N. Solanine, Zee llarriston high sohoel, has deeti led the position of tlicher of that „1. r:1 languages in til, Collegiate lfh,d •tut:, at London, to a htch he was atl)jtuil)c• ed, owing to hit salary baying Sem- ithcreased to $14000, Tnn Bnv. Gro R Lima, n r., of Bourbon, Iud., says : " Bb h myselc and *kin owe our lives to Blit ones 0o surwwTIo:i For sale by C. I; • Williams. Judge (to i ospecti:ve grand ,jniy- tnan)—What is your occupation ? t'. G. J.—Collector far the gas aotnpnr.y. Judge—You are exeutded. It would be impossible ,for you to bring in €, true hill. Aiu you made miserable by Indigestion, Constipation, Dizziness, Loss of Appetice, Yellow Skin? Shiloh's Vitalizer as it puri- tivo cure, For sale by C. E. Williams. Synipathiziiig visitor—Your hus- band's death was vary sudden. Be- reaved widow—Yes, poor Joan was stricken and died, without to mush as a chance to tell. me where he • l:ad deposited hisoiusurunce policy. `Vxr will you eough wham Shileh's Curt: will give youimhlediate relief? arice lee. Seo. and „1. For sale by C. 1;.Williarus. The Lord giveth a cheerful lover, murmured Miss Wilker. No, that isn't; right, sh© added, but yet it has 3 pleasant sound. SHILOn's0ATARRr1 RRIIIDY—a positive ours for Catarrh,Di1htheria and Canker Meath. Por sale by 0. • It is said that a new baking powder has been called Ord hutch because it makes dour rise so easily. Semen's Coal: will immediately relieve Croup,whoopingilengh and Crone/lite, For sale by 0. E. tvilliims. * East ..ViTaavanoslh. The council'! met in the council room on the 120, inst., members all present. A deputation was present, a iktnn that a s:lrn of money be grant- ed fur cutting hills on oast and west side of the river, con. 8 and 9. Muved by Mr. Reilly, secconded by Mr. Sutherland, that F. Anderson be authorized to let a job of cutting hill on east side of•tlhe river, con. 8 and 9. - It being late in the season no action was taken in cutting hill on Brest side of the river. --Carried. Moved by blr. Reilly, seconded by Mr. Ander- son, that Joixn McDowell and Alfred Carr be ap Jointed fence -viewers in- stead of Ile srs. George McGowan and George Sovitt, resigned.—Carried. The treasu er's bond for the current year was accepted. The following ac- counts were' ordered to be paid : Eliza- beth Harrison, 00 rods wire fence, lot i9; W. D, Wilson, build in division line near Man- chester, $5. 4; Robert Haines, repair- ing three culverts on western bound- ary, fall of .18 ;7, rt 1.50 ; Arch. Me - Lean, Morel, 70 yds gravel, per las. Ferguson, itetlintaster, $3.50 ; Thos. Nicholson, 40 yds, gravel and darn• ages, $2.4; Jor. Parks, 70 yds. gravel, $3. 10 ; john Redmond, 55 yds. gravel,t32.75 ; Wm, McCoy., 90 yds. gravel .• and damages, y$5 ; Jas. McGee, con, 1, 145 yds. gravel, $7.25; Wm, Shorts, 17 yds gravel. 85e. ; Andrew 'W. Sloan. 60 yds, gravel, per. George St"wart,, patihmaster, $'d ; John Anicl ion, sen., 82 yds. gravel, $4.10; Wm. Bradnoek, 192 ydn. gravel, $ 5.0 ; Henry Edwards, re• vert, sideline 36 and 37, 84 ; 'Mins, Lind, building llcline 86 and 37, con. 11, 111, 1)&1,00n, {;ravelling oppo- l0, cold, 10, $40 George yds, gravel, $8,50 ; Tilos. Ldurbrasllinir on sideline 89 end 40, -eon. 10, $4.5 ; John :Il. ron: ktu road !louver, ctitcllin;; and lna g eideline 30 eared 31, con. 4, $50 ; E(twar( tt nrdetr, l;rl1vellitsrz on side. line 80 and 81, con. 18, i15 ; Pow. Bluevaale. At the last tamable of the Stanley, Hay and r2tncicersmith. S S, assoeia- t:ion, Rev. J. b. Cook, or I-Ieusall, formerly of this . place, gave an able and instruct:4ve address an the S. S. in relhttion to' the church. ;• Blyth.. 11r, James Denholnt shipped .over 8,00J barrels of apples this year.—Dr, Skew is deer bunting in Muskoka— '1i': thee a parr of rubbers that ties l'8imrling /iL 1'otvell, t f Win;; n g purchase )o:Io e•�st `�'" outs in Portland, ;Wine, creat hams, h,.vo begun the purelia5 i 1 true I(tlla .1; `•.ontl,•ui'i NV ito p•tyslut.d peodeets on the Blyth Itmarlcet the: ,19ty l to ut-e a .: ry ob:l4lxi,stl, a:l.l 1:)ivf, slur, court was laid by judge i1R L `•` V• «.(.I E,. d,' Moxld.ey week. 37, con. 6, ing culvert ::,ht /13.1%/ t .a t:,/11011t rtperlile directions, trill be cart ,.c.l ^se2ordlrgiy. Tipp. A1111t 10 Ind in advance. fete , •"rat'•I c i, ad«erti� tuoitte must ho in the this...? by n 0.1, (•, noun, in order to appear that t ek• E. ELLIOTT, f'r 4 mon A: n 1'031,181MR, )tift. r. A h l a sv z+ L.• T Torte University. it;',no and 1 ,t 1 it phi stand formerly neon- pi. ccu- 1 ,1 1 Ar ?,.t,{ ...u, at the earner et Centre gnu, :tri. t y W::.r:n 1, - - Orr. 1.LETER.E tifC;ilriS( lti v l+"tStu. t,af 11 1 i Iti tri , ; 11 , 1 elan i,tnn. Comniieeioner5. of t, lett; ct , `ortf t alae Private fundtt r,it ratr5. Ofitceti- .:.:acv; and Gorrie. «• 11. W. t-, v7.s.;1r. t;. in nreltINnf r. .. J. .A. r1OnTtN, DA sutIl3T.;'a, Sze., iii ntham • Ontario,. .,,., FF,etI1.i,W tiAw t,s. :,, 4V.11, DAlt5L,TLT )I, ut i+l I, iomARIEs PURLIC,. • • COZ.VLYAN:11Itt, ETC. OFFIOI;S , t .., li' t t tri .ematr, 05T., coma.. nil ' t t k, (t1:T. private attti1. +::r :,1,; funds to loon at low rates o; :utcrir. :,l.rr;•'::-, tOl:1 02,d farm property ".1' tsit and sold. :tlerear,tiio collections a apecialty- k. 0. 0.3teGltt.'""„ li\s'SY Ji•.1 0n1;, Vi INGHAM. 1 •'n u,1Ttn beautiful setts of tt"f t11Clap •T.ttl"for :8.00per ',• Y i f f e c. tr, per sett, t`5.00 '-= I'"•.ec, .feel. of ... branches of dentis• try nl r, lion. \'211,1e ispur rltrr- l -.r.:.. -d for• the Rainless , keit .t •,f 1., tt 0.1.1y t e anesthetic laiown ae L :"t•ar-"leak, opposite the rlr,tr:::wick 11o0,1. Tr,' tENT13 II, - •fit'. n.:JACDONALD, Wrsoue.l. ,•,i;cr of r t tt Zu, zn.tc, Celluloid, Alloy is (.k ta etcPlates r-nginr• ,l ;Twee, trout .n) upward., w0 set, anti '1 it -•c•went. teeth es-• traet,tt viti.net rho bast pant 1. the use of Vit, i liet.e V. tr •han ode uttr."nee 1 o. , . the , l ..Int,' n} a:, daily (atrn lays era 1) Ind..: 1 nt ut et 1*rt. % 1 he at Myth ever,tt• , "burs hotel; Gerrie: 1st and ^ o, i @ t , b n , th,--,)nice at Albion hotel 0.*t 't , . ",v1 tirsi li I •ret' "y and Tuesdays of 1:/011 l'1:41 ed.-OM/0 r.t 14l,itt:v+'s hotel. Extracting, 15 cent; Burton— 'o you were presented to Prince. Bisu arek in Berlin i Bass— Yes, and I vas frightened out of ' my wits. Burt n—What did you say ? Bass—I do 't know. I think I asked him if he sp ke German. Fon DUPE eta and Liver Complaint you hale a printed p,l.:I ran:Aoo on every bottle of Shiloh's Vitalizer. It ner*or ft.trls to euro. For sale try 0, E. Williams. Fat wolne 1, says a philosopher; do not talk half as much as lean ones. 80, from this it would appear that the women with a double chin hasn't as much as the. women with a single chin. Funny, isn'tjit, A, Nasal Isasoron free with each bottle 01 Shilolt's Catarrh Rumcdy. 'Price 40 conte. For sale by 0. E. Williams. There recently died at Flint, Mich,, a magi who had made careful prepara- tion that nothing should be said at his funeral that would not meet with his approval. He had written his own funeral sermon, the hymns to be sung at his funeral, the words of consolation to hie friends and the epitaph, for his tombstone, pairing et con. 6, $' culvert, s' ,4.501; site lot Daley, 7 Irwin, Anvfen Te Mortlt•Stal.—Aro yen creltrbRa at,.1tf„ht and broken of your rest by a sick child suffering and cryingi with pain of Cutting Teeth? 11 so send at mice and got t>: bottle of ” Mrs. Winslow's soothing Syrup" for Chi1dret, Teething, Its valuate lnealeol- ab1e. It will reiteoo the Itoor little ow erer inunodiately. Dop end upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about It. It ares Dysentery and Diarrhute, regulates the Stomach and IDowels, cures wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces I1lfiautnlation, and gives tale and energy to tiro whole nyatem. " Mrs. win. slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is tpleasant to the taste and Is the prescription of one of he oldest rind b si feinulc physicians and nurses In the United swat, tat, and isfor :We by all druggists thro.12IIO re the world. Price twentytivc cents a butter.. Is sure and ask for "tins. Wintin0w'a SooTlt1N0 SYRUP,'" and take no other kind. N CLIN I;i'i idl0,' GENERAL INSURRANCE AGENT, Warci ata, • OF*•TAR10 f 50.110.0 itrt tt.dlr, Win ,leant, Licensed Auctioneer .. `1J for the Ooou t co of ituron and Bruce. At modorots. t t<,a, sales will bo condubted in any . porti•tn . f . i Orders eat he oft at the TThIw Office. 1+'1:;1;11e---1 notice that all necessities of lite at'e Itilvalicithghi price rapidly. Addle --'Is tlit, so? Why 1 under. stood .hi.t , were going to have free whiskey so , Zloty the papers do lief 1` TOIIN CURiU1•:, Wes rraal, LI 11 NS1 D AL'CTION111?,R. Orders left, t'2 zo0o {Puce promptly attended to T+:i'.•:1S flit/ASO/TABLE. DEAN, Ju., Oyr isawc, >L. LICENSED AUCT3(*NLra: FOR TIXR COUNTS' Ox if i:late N. Salts attended h1 any part of the Co, Chargee Moderate. -ry"AME111t1Nb Licessne Aucrictintin ren CeiTNTl0$ HVRAN' M*0 } 151rc. All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest .. Notice• Char; . R11 •rr,t and Si tl::faction Guaranteed. A!1 Herr 3 r'e'ran ,euterr;a can bo nude at tho Wiswtl�rt, ;. - 01sT. Tlat!s' c•ib:cu, If tAI,1'I)01 AN IIALL. This Fol u„orr.. Ato hall tan bo encored for enter - traumas rf every hind et a very low figure. For . terms,ito., appy to JAMIN LOUTIT,, as Cline & Co a store. BANE OF HAMXLTO Sterling Enlace ?dint "ilrotts on Now York Bou.4C'lC37` AND SOUL ORRICE Ileum :,10 a. in. to u p. ru. Satiurdaye, from 10 a, n1, to 1 p. nt 13. WILLSON, AAessT. • Milts (r cltereos, soilritors • UTAK. llc%L BO RS tali str,U• , The umltiralarted ,11, wan(wli, save:al h l c Yoatg Let: • u r ' R A a green cues. r r c . •on L• C 0 End tw t n• it Con, . X , ZatltWawitualb ot, 11, 28/4P•" hire Fears tor iwavrar. F NM( DEA0ON IBalgreaa P,