HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-11-02, Page 1is
s+„arz+•^..LBFT•Y:iAn.. ,•y,,•Lrf^:yA.':J[`2'"'
)L XVII. ---NO 44
uVr• i, TxIE xai3OPLIS WANT'
AN AXOLutilvrr .A T,0041, hABUR,
Agreeably to p
``this week issued
-., pxper,'the paten
been dispensed.
change :entrails o
labor, acid no lit
omise the TIMES ie
entirely as a local
sheet in use having
with. Whilst thi
us much additional
le extra expense, wo
believe . our elf rts will meet with
'public approval id appreciation iu a
still more extei ded cireul,atiori and
liberal advertisi patronage, A. live
newspaper publi her has for sale . just
what his urban and rural constitu-
ency demands--+ newsy, high toned,
carefully eondu eci keel paper wit
e good cireulati n and in demand.
Those in publi, business require a
reliable media through which to
make their needknown. To supply
this is our m ssion in Wingham.
New Features an additional improve-
ments will be c ded week by week.
The arrangemen, of matter may also
be improved on 0 time permits.
With )Modest onfidenoe we )make
the assertion the, we furnish now a
local newspaper Which for spright-
liness, newsiness =tied amount of read-
ing matter, has n t a superior amongst
the weeklies in iron county. The
subscription pri e, ton, is but one
dollar a year, ith the balance of
this year free. Subscribe for the
LOQAL3k' J'd's.
—'Mr, Jonath a Sadler has started
another dray eve, on in town.
-The Bruce a unty land valuators are
nearly through th their work.
—If you want °o get all the news about
town and country road the Tzeres.
For a good first class American watob
:at:reasouwble prices, call at i. F' . Gerster's.
-Mitoleell is to be lit by the Ball nests o.
:of electric light ata cost of 060O yearly.
---A.. report of the
is held over till nes
— Mr, Wm. Pelta
Porter's dray busi
;Wingham, j
--Juet r hived. e•E. F. Gorater luxe just
received th latent -and most artiatio do.,
signs it% s erware.
--Smallpox is v y prevalent in North
Gwillimbury tow ship, south of lake
Sie eoe. 1lweswiek Map liar ten oases,
—Horace Gree1 'y said ; "The darkest
hour in the histor of tiny young man is
when ho sits do n to study how to get
money without z rkiug for it."
E- . F. ierater makes a specialty of
atlroad w hes and eonee uently keeps
the been ti keepers in stock that eau be
WIN GHAM. ONT., FRIDAY, NOV. 2, 1888.E ,'
ible Society meeting
has purchased 11lr, J•
ess and removed into
=11S.i. W. F.
'appointecp D. D.
.1,0.0. F..
—E. F. Gereter has the Iargest and best
aesortttient of American watches and
.jewelery iu town.
—Canon I1ookr
Hamilton, throat
pews are not mai
—Read S. Gra
out furniture e'
Special low prio�
—Mr. James IVs
the premises late
in the Misses Rin
Mr, J. B. 00
rosidonoe in col
where he intends
rookenshire has beeu
:M. for distriot No. 20,
—A team belt
ran away on Jos
-The Rev.Mr, it. ci .innon,of Teeawater,
will conduct th services in the Baptist
church, in this •Ince, ou Sabbath next,
both morning au evening.
•-Mr.,lohti A. t cEwen, of Morris, sold
his house and lo on Rotor street, thi
weok, to Mr. Th.:. Armstrong, for e175
The sale was mss through Mr, Samuel
Youleill, real estat agent,
age, of Christ Church,
neo to resign if ohurch
yrs local about clearing
ook for next 40 days.
sfor cash.
iOroight has removed to
y vacated by Mr. Wait
b,'s building.
comings is repairing the
rection with his shop
to remove at au early
ging to Mr. P. Callahan
phino street on Monday.
But little dame, a was done and no one
injured. R j,
--If you want your watches and clocks
--Daniel Pteua3o Clinton, Conn., donated
a million dollars 't. the American Mission-
ary Association, t interest to be devoted
to the education f colored Southerners,
Tbisis the largest ift ever made in Amer -
—Miss 31. Mc .oryie desires to eail
attention to the'i t that she has started
dressmaking in th , Beaver Block, in th
rooms formerly . ,cupied by Mrs. 31. J
Boss, She would : • licit a share of public
patronage, confider' that she can meet the
exp tions of pa ens.
—Mr, W.13. Hu • on, of Hutton to Carr,
inteuds removing t his residence near the
tipper mill',•end o is for sale or to rent,
in another `column his Lower Wingham
residenoo. He els' offers soma desirable
property in Wingh en.
—Isieense Inspect or Paisley on Saturday
last indicted john o onald on a charge
4f selling liquorr ithout a license. An
,examination of tlpremises was made and
liquor found, Be ore Messrs, Scott and
McKay on Seto.rd• ; evening the trial came
off. McDonald w fined x50.
—13uying advert sing space in a paper ie
just like buying h use property—it must
be done judielotisl and wibely. If you
bay for investmen you select a good house
in a good neighbor ood, and you are sure
to getgood interest Same in advertising.
You select a good a , d suitable paper and
nothing pays bette•
—Says the Clinto + Nem Record ; Bonus-
ing factories is coati
Wingham,Berlin an
to their industrial
icipal aid. The pr
or right,but towns t
in industrial develo
in line. "When
must do as Rome
—Mr, Wm, 111
his livery adapte
bands or social p
-.-The Liberal
forget the moth;
tion on'litiesday
tismgnt in anotl
--Meager Ei
effect that $100,0
ant inducernent
in Louden:
—Kr. Goo. Gre
and is to be be
dill and 1]d. D
jewelry stores re
—Mr. J. MOP
now takes a flail
behind a dandy I
Todd, buttornea
Mr. Wn, Cl
put in his office
18th in town,
lines, -to L ado
and points eastw
—Tao Si/alert/le
Little, of Tuckers
potato grower for
toes which weigh°
repaired in last cries style and warranted, 'weighing 2 pounds
give E.P.Gereter a all. Satisfaction guar- piokell, of Culros
anteed or money refunded.
Messrs, Gordon ies
potatoes weighing.
weighed 2 pounds
the word elephan
"monster." But
do oven better th
,,, 3Xossrs, Goor
'have purchased
.noes. 11ir. ifliug
tion entirely to b
--There is ge
town at pr esen
street had as mt
for e, rekiently va
--'Che Goderio
natned 0.13.. Sy •
weeks made an a erege of 400 barrels pot
week, Last wo t he made 500 and on
Monday last he ado 180.
—The new tiro table which canis into
force on ;1Truday • ado but ono alteration
in Wingham ti o, The morning `traitr
leaves London a, 8.05 instead of 7.45 eta
roaahos here at a. m. instead of 10.45.
A provincial fileial holding an impar.
taut position w e reaontly heard saying
•that the Drunewi k house was one of the
best equipped an .kept houses in Western
Ontario outside o
. and Donald Gilchrist
J. 1"iiing's bakery busi-
attends giving his atter-
s co0parage.
at demand for houses in
A gentleman on Main
yas fourteen applications
ted house in two days.
Signal says: .A. cooper
ends, for the past nine
13Au6ATNa IN F
stock of Ferititur
sale CHEAP, C
days, for °assa
out to snake room
plata to go, ,your
housekeeping. A
Paintings and Ch
hones. Pioturo:
size. Come right
Remember the pi
tura store, Main ,
—The Loudo
most elaborate
pietorial edition
anniversary. I
arranged illustre
history for a qua
els has added a vehicle to
ler the conveyauco of
rties to thole destination,
of -the town ought not to
of the Reform Assooia-
vening next, Seo adver.
Seton has written to the
0 offered was not sufaci.
o have the oar shops
They go to Stratford,
n's store is being divided
upiecJiy Metiers, Robt.
neleyys restaurant and
le, ofthe Star restaurant
airing in his dog wart
dian pouy bought from Mr
✓ ab' Whitechurch. Jim
gg has bad a telephone
t P. Deems. This is the
ere are now four trunk
, Rlifterdine, Teeswater
.Advertiser has %sued a
a d splendidly gotten up
onamemorating its 25th
is s pithy and well
d r sumo of the city's
er o a century.
—Citizens Dreg
W. Watson's sal
is at Brisk;
d of Novembe
g with all eon
doubt be excel
disiring such o
—The Salva
rousing meetin
'and today (k"
town hall at 3 a
addressed by 0
England. Adj.
also be present.
—On Wodnes
• roof was on the
factory and in t1
wee on after a st
hustling crowd
to find. The g
the enthusiasts
is got g on ver
t to' bear in mind Mr.
of Iots, and househoI
Terrace on Saturday the
. There is a good dwell-
onienoes. There will no
nt bargains and those
ht to attend. •
ion Araty are bolding
in Wingham yesterday
idayl. Meetings in the
d 8 P. ne., Friday, will be
. and Mrs. Dowdle, late of
and Mrs. Sweetmnau will
ay marring last the old
west wing of the Union
even.3ug the tar paper
ry being acltled. A more
workers would be diffaeuit
ng is a good illustration of
of numbers. All the work
gle & Crowstou have re.
p Works to Mrs. A. T.
on Josephine . eta where
d more commodious and
ises. Their geowing busi.
a change of location. A
--Messrs. Pri
moved their
Bell's brisk sto
they have sent
convenient pre
gess neeessitat
few days ago a
to Thessalon,
uing all along tho line,* "vouiences and
other places are adding hope they will
arks by granting mon_ pro er.
neiple may be wrong —Sudden at
at want to keep abreast announcement
meat will have to fall Hfscooks,whicl
• e lives in Dome one
epositor thinks ]ltr. J.
ith, is the obampion
his season. Four pota.
7,j pounds, one of them
2 • ounces. Mr. J, N.
, had on exhibition at
Molutyre's store four
pounds one of which
ounces. We substitute
ne for •tiro hxpesitor's
o believe the north ern
ntwruss. •-S. Graeay's
I DEES, N. is offered for
EAP, CHEAP, for 40
hole stock to be cleared
or the boom. dust the
folks, if you want to go
•ice lot of Pictures, Oil
mos to decorate your
framed to order, any
+ long and get bargains.
tie, S. Gracoy's Etirni-
t., Wingham.
.---0wiug to . he inclemency of the
weather, the Atte dance at the foot race
competition on • inlay evening was not as
large as might h ve been expeeted. Tho
contestants, A. S •astian, of Wingham, and
Ed, Boomer, of 5 mew) Co., duly started and
London. A deserved kept up a good ygo.as.yott•pleaso gait fer
about an hour
Mr. fohn Brett tan has purchased from Boomer was ala
Mr. John Little th We uaddrstand
road leading #�o th 'xier:.ta Beed in
ally ag;roed to c
the "Grove." L is Lie intention to have a i tun again for i!'
reoidefaoe erected' hereon at his oouvon- t Moses. W. W.
of the most pieturenatte 1 et, rofereotidpllo
.to residerxoe locations., good mettle a•
ability to beat
acre property on the
otmotery and known as
01100, Tide is on
1 add exoellrttt ,prl
lit Ivi1•
When time was called
ad by a couple of feet.
hat awing to soma misuu•
o time it Iia been mutu-
11 the race off and have it
t a side, at an early date%
nglis and C. 11. 1Villiaius
lid Ur. Sas, 'Nilson, V. S„
11 the dernpotitors were in
each is confident of his
is opponent,
morning lash
of our respoc d townsman Mr D A Camp -
son, of Loudeeboro
at Wingham this
Webster, sen,, wit
Sootland,--Mr. A.
was in town on
representing Mee
the noted iron fon
few days in tow
Elliott is spendiul
tives at Lietowcl,
Blyth, gave the T
Tuesday, --Mese
Nevins, of Teeswa
Robt. Mainprize'
Chestier, ropresen
Mauufacturing Co
this week on a be
Ross, of Woodvill
donaid's this wool
Wiuuipeg, brothe
town, aur) who is
the first of Elliott
facturers, of Loud
to his brother in
returned on We
Manitoba, 1[e re
generally, as good,
prevailing in oo
crops were badly d
grate this year i
Under the watchf
vision of Mr John;
Leslie of Wingham
furniture trade is i
James Duffield is s
hipmeut of pop was made
lgoma. With better eon- g
spout a couple of days
ode, vieitiitg Mr, Janes
recently arrived from
i'lilson, of Soaforth,.
t'ueeday,—Mr. Walker,
rs, Goldie 6c MoCuiloeh,
ders, of Galt, spent a
this week.—Mrs, R.
a short time with rola.
Ur, Wm. Campbell, of
szus a ploasaut call on
. G. Strothers and 11.
er, were visiting at Mr.
this weok,—Ur. Alfred
frig the Haggart Bros,,
Brampton, was in town
'noes trip.—Miss Winnie
,is a guest at Dr Mao-
-Mr John Williams, of
to C E Williams of this
chief representative of
F:roe, implement menu.
•, was recently on a visit
his town.—Mr '12 Bell
sday evening from
its busines prospects,
and a sanguine spirit
oreial circles, The
maged but the injured
Ile at paying prices,
1 and efficient super-
slie, son of Mr Thos.
Mr Bell's Northweat.
a thriving condition.—
ending some days at
—Bad eyes. Mr. A. S, Murray, of Lou.
don, will vi it Il. F. Gerater regularly,�com-,
about 10 days, Due notice
of his visit. Any person with
d eves s>lould call and consult with Mr.
urray, as he is the best optician in
Canada. .
w': begiv
I hereby challee
Win, nen, for it on
a : 011 the Wangle
o,the race to tak
ter signing articl�
e Mr E Boomer, of
hour go.as-you.please
m roller rink, for 060 a
place within two weeks
s, A Sebastian,
Auction Soles.
uevele, Saturday, Nov.
Mortgage saga,.
3rc1. F1011$813 &o.
T. Coed's, con.
Tuesday, Nov.
relents. P. Deans
Alm W. Watt
Saturday, Nov. 8r
and • bouitehoid
• 3tortgage Salo a
11, Morris, on
Cattle and imple
Stook and im dements of Mr Thos Ii
Liuklater and Thos Walker, of lot 41, Con
13, East Wawanosh, on Wednesday the
lath Inst, John Currie, auctioneer.
2, East Wawanosh,, on
h, Stook and Inaple-
,n's, at Wingham, on
at 1 p. m. Property
effects. P. Deans,
Zetartnere si
A large audieuce
tare room of the
Tuesday evening
from Miss Bella
toga, Out, zvho he
aoting tie an iustr
teed India. Bev.
the chair. Diss 1
bitter opposition
natives, as well a
of the English
mission was apone
Wilkie opened a h
tions in which di
and opposition a
The various oast
described, and *of
one of the great
proseeatiou of ml
missionaries were
to destroy caste,
establiehed costo
clever but their a
with great diflicul
women were enga
the rooms. Anot
early marriages, a
married, twolv
are filled and d
The dingy and di
shops, social c
pleasantly convey
W001011 were barb
being little butte
slavery. The sup
beliefs were indica
transmigration of
killing of animals.
torture were also d
thou exhibited
brought out as me was, es, Daps,
garments, idols, &e.
tendered the apealte
eatedonald and Mr,
Shortt took part iu t
.R11 Yoe's Con 2; lit
riilIiy Nov. tho Oth,
eats, .Sale at 1 p m,
Watt 0.; Litt 's Planing, Min,
In the last few onths Messrs. Watt
& Little have been makiug improvements
and adding largo!. to their facilities•at
their planing mill. A new 40 horse power
engine is being a ed, replacing the old
23 horse power. new band saw and
planer , are also eing put in . it. The
bnildiu hes been verbaulod and repaint -
additional appliances wo led, and )las now a , uslness appoaranee and
o doubt further extend and uuesoeiled faoiliii• for turning,+ out work.
The structure is 8 • feet by 36 and two
stories high. Th y are running at fust
distressingly sad is the blast and are ung' le to keep taco with
f the death of Mrs sati W. F, orders on hand et present. Mi. John
Watt )las been a resident and business
took place on Wednesday men in Wingham for twelve years, is a
eceasod was a daughter sterling, cautious :nd respected citizeu.
Mr. Wm, Little h been connected with
the business about two years and is de-
servedly respected herever known, This
firm is certainly 11. etrving of patronage.,
Nigh Soh . of YAoliltlan.
Parkhill is ereeti g a 06000 high school.
It is not• so largo 01 o important as Wing -
nutted by a 'spirit of
uetonte iia Znd$ifa.
assembled in the 1oc•
resbytorinn ohureh on
o listen to an address
oes, formerly of Beaver -
been five or six years
star near Indere, Cou-
r. McQuarrio occupied
ss first describer) the
ucountered frome
the indifferent support
opresentetivos. The
iu1877, In 1883 Mr.
b school the inr,trac-
elled much prejudice
disarmed) suspicion,
were interestingly
existence shown to bo
at obstaeles to the
siouery' work. The
epreseured• as coining
and interfere with
The children wore
tandem= was /waxed, even when abeam
din bringing them to
er hindrance was the
females lost caste if not
years. The minds, too,
104 with beadle/ism.
orderly houses, slovenly
stones, climate, were
ed about. The girls ands
treated by the males,.
than in a state of
rstitious and religious
d. The belief in the
souls prevented the
The various forms of
scribed. The lecturer'
number of articles
=toes, such as coins,
ear and nose muga,
A vote of thanks was
ou motion of Dr.
V. Scott. Rev, Mr.o opening services.
bell, was a yo
many noble "we
married not muo
A babe but a few
sympathy in its
tended to the b
amoral takes plat
ter, Miss Gelbrai
on a visit to Peter
to remain two In
a few days with
the Rev. W.
—Mitaltell .Advoca
Wingham. is visi
Davis.—Urs. W
is a guost' at th
1`loolauds, of this
Mrs, Noolands.
Seaforth last we
of her brother-
Kyle.—Mr. Jam
A. W. Webster,
ham, and'his cin
hero from the
having acoompa
return, Mr. W
chirder, l3anffshi
his 70th yoar.
share of bodily a
)searing is colloid
gelired sotne coara
adven°ed in life to brave the 'hardships of
leo long a journey
m strange country.
having erected on
onces in Wing"aan
poses staying with
a full share of ewe
»-Metsrs. lianas W
ng person possessed of
miler qualities, and was
more that a year ago.
ays old survives. Wide
st earnest form is ex.
reeved husband, The
on Friday.
F. I3irney and daugh-
h, left on Wednesday
oro', where they intend
ths. They also spond
so Galbraith's uncle,
Olbraith, of Toronto.
Miss Edith Davis, of
ng her cousin Mr. .ti. F.
.1'orster, of Brampton,
residence of IlIr. John
town. She isan aunt to
rs. T. 11. Ross was at
k, attending the funeral
n -law, the late James
Webster, father of Mr.
preheat tailor, of Wing-
•+hter, Susan M., arrived
cl laud it few days ago,
led Mr. Dawson on his
star is a native of Aber.
o, Soatland,end is now in
still retains a goodly
monad vigor, bub his
rably affected. It re -
o on the part of one s0
d'take up his abode in
Mr. A. W. Webster is
f the handsomest reale
aud as hiss father pur-
itn, Ile ie sane to enjoy
rts mud oonveleicnees.
star, and Geo, ,adldli.
ham, Yet ib is a
ambition and edu etional advaumemont.
Port Elgin is an in °rporated village, yet a
high school is bein, erected there. Wing -
ham is the centre • the largest uuoccupied
radius in Ontario, hem it high school point
of view. From NIin„ham and vieiuity
there goes yearl a large eontingeut of
pupils to Clinto , Seaford; and other
points. Hundred o'f dollars are thus taken
away . that leg,+iti • tttely belong to us.
Trade is also div .eyed to these points as
parents froqueutl, ego and do busiucss
where their child =ware attending school.
Again, many are •sing the advantage of e,
high school train net; their parents being
unable to defra heir expenses abroad,
whilst if at borne lie expenses at high or
public school wo d be much the same. 1f
wo aro to assume that high school advan.
Lagos are to bege ;orally enjoyed iu Ontario
then cortaiuly so nothing ought to be done
towards securin a school in WVingliam,
Wingham is utld.ubtedly moving forward
endnot only ha: the confidence of business
moo at home b abroad. But we have
this thee/beak ' Intelligent igen with
growing 1a.milie will be °linty abed locat-
ing in towas wi no facilities for higher
education. I • fact not a few eschew
all such loeatio s. Deeided and persistent
efforts ought to ° bo made to reinova each
hindrances a stand between us anti
;lore healthy ad unencumbered develop.
meat of the to a
Forming a L
To the Editor of the Titr
week's issue of the
Teems allusion was made to the organi-
zation of a literary meaty, irrespective of
church, society or e ass distinctions. Thie
no aoubt is a move the right direetion.
The long winter eve ugs will soon be here,
which will afford ale time for literary
work to many, an a little time to all.
Nearly all are d irious of brightening
their intellects, ext dingtheir meutalities,
developing their abating powers, or
cultivating themse intellectually in the
affords. Much p asure and, profit reey be..
derived from a so iety of this kited, orga-
nized with te pro er tura in view, conducted
cation to satisfy, ie clesires of the reiany
sides of intelleetu 1 van. A good literary
society is one of e best places to olioib,
train, and lenitive originelity of thoughp
end practical tale tawhieh, by the 'arty, is
Now is the time r all intereeted to talk
e,nd write this su jeot up until a society ot
tho kind meutiou is duly orgieniaed. 11
a literary society will elevate us in tho
scale of beiug, re e one natures, enlarge
the sphere of ou ympathies, employ our
nobler faculties, elp us to unlearn our
theoretical follies, nd do the mady thiage
which self.cultur will do, by all rueene
let us have one. banking you for your
speee mid hopi t that this will tend. to
awake interest the subject,
/aura truly,
G. W. Berry formerly of Goderich,
is now ia the 'rniture business here,
having bough the stock of William,
Court Hai
Order of F
Court Room
scorching it
and also fern
it dedicated o
Amongst tho
in the proce
High Chief
Strong, Prey
IL MeEwing
North Wellin
Palmerston ;
Mt. Forest, Mt.
S. Cotta N
There was a go,
people amon
good number
ceremonies hail 1
Court, took the,
addresses were
iston, NO. 31, G'anaclian.
resters, having got their
°paired after the severe
ceived some thno ago,
shed, arranged to haVo
Friday afternoon last,
present and took part
anger, •Wingliant; G.
milli Organizer, Gerrie;
ton, Palmerston ; A.
loud Prince of Wales,.
Odhlall, 0, R Court.
Forest R. Bride,
wbridge, Ne w bridge.
iturnout of tho towns -
at W110111 AVM 1k.
f ladies, After the
en completed, Mr. J.
ief Ranger of tho
chair,. whim short
„given by. the High
Chief Ranger ai klessrs. Strong and
one .of the nea •anti ceeiest Court
Rooms in the west. .iVfter the.
speeches, all repored to the skattril
rink to hear the famous MeGibenv.
family give one. oi tirnr enjoyable
Court Itarriston, ' About WO 'Weed
present, and to s y that all vc/v)
pleased is putting very mildy, Pix.#••
Qi.teds 4;120,0%
Any of the following inaronotiran weeklies can be
obt tined with the \\Ingham TIRES at the thrums here
given. Masao of '89 free :
Twee, malt ena Varin and Fireside, 111
TIMM Gleaming Ilvti,1 Canadian, ft en
Tinge and Moat:Tel Witness, 1 ”,