HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-10-26, Page 2•
FRIDAY, OCT. 26, 1•638,
In the Octob(
Patterson has
a rChrietianitythe
eau Civilization."
Revolutionary war
million laeaple, h,
these then cent
one-third per ce
lions of popula
per cent. of the
found in the citi=
in ten cities. This
tralizing of populat
importance. It nu
wand, over SU
creased cost of Iiv
supply over dente
increased difficult
F Tt1E,
Century, C. ,Stewart
n. able orbitals) on
nservator of Amari -
At the close of the
he States, with.' four
but sin cities, and
ed. but three and
at. of the four mil -
on. Now about 23
opulation is to be
nearly half this
fact of the con-
on is one of grave
ons increase of ae-
ply and in -
ng ; an excess of
d in labor, hence
iu obtaining means
of subsistence wraith and tuxnry for
the few and povert =nd suffering for
the many ; a consege ent development
of crime, intenzperauc : and vices. Of
two million voters in ' lnertcan Cities
a, majority, says the writer, are not
sufficiently educated to exorcise the
franchise intelligent , and many are
ignorant and vicious. He arguee that
the ordinary school education will not
supply the neeessar instruction • us it
deals with children, a d the tendency
of its methods is to direct attention
too exclusively to , rofessioual labor
instead of to tree s or mechanical
work. Philosop cal training alone
willfail as it di , iri the cases of
Greece, Route ' d France, in the
timed the Belga o ' error. Neither will
the false gospel of a godless humanity
accomplish the de iced end. Under
such teaching; thelogic of dynamite
anal assassinatio has been heartily
received by the i brant and starving.
'Cufortuuately th s evil is no longer
e•onfined to the • d lands. The con-
gregation and aonj stion o1 the masses
in cities here, the aggressions of the
rich few and the egradations of the
poorer masses ar•• already developing
portending roma for evil. The great
conserving forc the writer asserts, is
ohristiauity, ina such as it deals with
men as individua s in their personal
responsibility to •'od and as citizens
iu their relatio
preaches by •e
.:hristian ebarit
need.. It, teas
is a trust, not
class antagonis
trine of the bro
christiauity th
a living, aggre
one. It must
and byways,
virtuous and.
guilty and by t
clergy. As eb'
the essentials o
es the forgetting
the gloving fore(
in one great, ir.
phalanx in the c
and justice.
to society. El 1.t
mph) the power of
limited only by human
es the rich that evoaith
gift. It neutralizes.
s by teaching the doe.
hehood of man." • The
t is to do this must be'
sive, liberal and united
e done in the highways
mong .rich and poor,
eious`, innocent tied
e laity as well as the
istians are agreed on
ith,the writer aclvis-
f non -essentials and
rd of all the churches
esistable, conquering
use of mercy, truth
Dr.. CLAIt.II., ` i,' R, for Caithness,
Seotland, lauds ie to republican form of
government and : ays lie expects it to
alotne in at least; ,ne.generation more,
11%belioves the' reateat good to the
greatest nun'abe• to be more likely
secured under a ,repub't3.
. Bonn is wha-.Rea. C. 11. Spitegoon
thieks is frequ itly taken as the ele'
desats of a po tiler preacher : ieOne-
tltird voice an ?orsonal iireaenoe, one -
thud sensat onus topics, and. one-
third theo on ";: An exchange in
+CC;{entnlcnting' 1 n" this,mere, the last
third is the e: sie
st to obtain, as any
1'eetetnti('n a tbehetoredox, it re-
quiring. 'reit r ability, thought nor
1t.o. Mouhi r, AiAelreNzin r ae ;written
a vigorous d ,feneo of Ins treatment of
the ;ate Prii en Frederick, and asserts
that hie as ilants made Iainontable
telltales in their treatment of the
eine. The s atietical portion of tho
book exhibit the results of twenty,
two safes of 5yrolollly for cancer, may
two of wh h were successful ; of
'0;7,ty sive et ,s o;E partial excieiva of
largitx, only io of wl:icli was. SUE -
ccs lr1, end' • i f *!9 eases . of total
.e:xtirpatinll, o 'y (l•att of which iters
'.Pita; 1-'."•11(141x1 ,' Q + C,-:.'. hints lilnl.'u
taken severly to tae . for asserting that
Canada proposes t waive the right
she possesses uncle the treaty of 1818
to prevent Anleriss n 'fsherneen from
mitering her ports. • transfer tis!, sled
shall shoat of the tr', sportation o£ the
1,tu.erfvart`cateh In po d over Catiadt.
inn railways. Fite lUa l deelarea that
the right is likely to b conceded with-
in May days notes' hstauding the
Z:mpi-re vigorous prof' st.
Previous to her removal to Toronto
Miss Mattie Drum and was presented
with an address, bible and several
books by the men ers of the Trinity
Church 'Sunday 8 , lool,
Standard t M. H, Stewart, of
Blttevele, has aecep ed the oder made
hiiu by the trustee of our public
school, and takes the p. •ition of prin--
civet, on Mr, Burehilt's •etirement at
the end of this year.—P esidant Mills,
of the Ontario Agriou are College,
preached twice in ie Methodist
church here last Saud, y.—The Meth-
odists have decided . erect a new
church edifice,
Celeia,ai au;.
1}1,r. P. Welis' pot toes this year are.
of monster growtl Many of thew
weigh three pound . Who will say,
after this, that pots ccs are not clan-
nish ?—Mr. J. Hut . n held a prayer
meeting at Mr, Wm, Fergl;son's on
Thursday night of la•t ween,—Mr.
1\ oDairmid, of the bo ndaly, is ser
Jointly ill,—'1'he service -s in'Etndie's last
Sabbath were conduc •d by Rev, Mr.
Stewart, of Bellmore. The Rev. Mn.
Hartley preached in uokuow..
Label t.
On Wednesday aft moon last, while
engaged in threshin'Y on the farm of
Mr. G. Burnett, 1 Krummel met
with an accident ioh might have
ended fatally. His c L blies got caught
iu the tumhling'rod •f the -machine
the result being that le revolved with
it several times, H d the rod not
been well up off he ;;round, his
brains would most ertainly have been
dashed out. As was• he was en-
tirely stripped.
Kin ardili,e.
At the meeting of the Kincardine
curling club th fol owing officers
were elected: Petr• 1, J. S. Greenhill;
patroness, Mrs. Ghee nhiU ; presidene,
L. leightmyer, vice p'esideut, Dr.11ar-
tyn, chaplain, the l?t I. AI. Turnbull
Representative mem ieree 3. 11. Scott
and Josiah Bruce o. 'Toronto. Treas-
nrer, 3. }L Scougal ; secretary 3, 11,,
Scott ; executive ..npntnittoe, Messrs.
Tyre, Rapley, and V, Murray.
On Thursday m ruing of last week,
fire broke in th.. carriage works of
Plebe); & Co., Kincardine. 7'he
fairies were sp edify under control
but Mr. Fishes eldest son, while
making his way through the burning
building to the office, was suffocated
and when rear •cl life was completely
extinct. Mr. isher was a popular
young man and !eaves a wife and three
La; ,, beide.
On Thursday
surrounding n
themselves at a
premises, for the
a building whi
exeellenoy had f
which has takei
of years, But
old proverb:
often win the d
laziness," so th
motto, he has
his groat enter
the intense
o last week the
libors assembled
ertain neighbor's
apaese of. erecting
his distinguished
atned himself and
hipnl well nigh a score
h remembered the
Slow . but sure will
y ;against speed and
t by taking this for his
eon,, able to accomplish
res, Whether it was
twger or for more
experiment, one, 'of the assistants
tried to get on tit outside of a largo
wooden pin but tt •n realized that his
front grinders web not strong enough
to endure the nl, stieating process, he
was compelled t. quit theperformanee
and seek for foo sat could be more
easily dissolved. 'he Y, P. C. A.
sooiety had thei monthly ineeting on
Tuesday avenin; .''i'he Her. N. Well -
wood took ehar,, 'of the services i21
the Methodist eh roh Satnday evening
and will also take arge of the service
on the following !bath.Mr..Well•
wood is a very g1.11 speaker awl both
eloquent and ftut X.
The scarcity, (Yf apple ppie !hotels is
pausing quite a idturbance among the
neighbors of th atity.—Mr. Wm.
Taylor returne to the West on'.
Fride,v lest.—ti :. VVi[litttn •Dawpon,
of this vicinity is i present in a crit-
ical Gvondition, it
recevr.ry is.
earnestly wished ler by her many
friends. -.-The il,o Mr. Green, of
Luckuow, will Cell a missionary j
eortbion in tho lethodist ciiur`elr,
Law silo, gleet Su y at 10,30 a. in.
—The neighbors
itt (rooting It new d
Coast, ' 1.
At the annual nem ting of the
Goderich Curling t ale, the following
officers were else ed : Captain Ade -
Gregor, president, E. U. \Vatsou,.
vice-president; ► A. Humber, hoe -
trotted F. Marti , J, Yule, T, B.
Perry and 1?. And: son, eonunittee of
management.--Rov, " I?, .110011livery
was tendered, a fare ell previous to
hie departure to Act t< a missionary in
C1141110—Last year the number of
prisoners coalmittl)• to Ooderieh jail
was 130, of whom 3 were females.
The number acqui ed on trial by all
counts was 51, nd the number
sentenced 79, he nationalities of
prisoners eon= ed during the year ;
--Canadians 68 English 19, Irish 24,
ted States 6, other
eligious denominations
otnlliitted during the
Catholic 24, Church of
resbyterian , 25, Mallo-
w: denominations 9.
overs who were mar -
ode, 78. Number of
ould neither read nor
amber who reported
rate, 39 ;intemperate
or which prisoners
Assa•tlt,9, breach of
empt of court 8,
t moiaey 8, drunk
horse and cattle
ng goods and money
tences,i9, indecent
y 22, t lunaties 15,
ery 1, ;vagrancy 40,
not a merated 7.
potions of the prison
tiring tl a year :---Far•
re 49, sailors 4, hotel
tsmiths 4, shoemakers
. For the year ending
7, the tihtal number hi
6, whilst fur the year
iepteinnber 18813, there
g an increase of 61.
Scotch 11, Ulf
countries 2.
of prisoners.
year --Roman
England 37,
dist 35, of
Number of pr
ried, 52 ; si
prisoners who
write, 15,
themselves tens
Ql. Offences
were committed
Scott Act 8, con
passing counted()
and 'disorderly
stealing cis, obtain
under false pr
assault 2, lance
seduction 1, for
other offences
Trades and occ
ers committed
niers 15, labor
keepers 4, bla
3, carpenters
30th Sept., 1
custody was
ending 30th
were 140, show
Lists el.
The Elev. Jame: Livingstone, of
Clinton, who has 1 mil the topic of
conversation and t. entre of attrac-
tion in Methodist ci'cl is here since the
adjournment of the eu 'at
last June, gave hiss lecture, " The
Human Voice," ' ith personifications,
on Tuesday eve nag, to a soleet and
appreciative aud noe. The friends of
Mr. Livingston: who have been so
anxious to hear him, are .more than
pleased and the v. gentleman seems
to have come full up to their expec-
tations. The leotn e was given nuder
the auspices of the oyal Templars of
Temperance. ---I W s }leased to read in
last week's Times het its proprietor
was contemplatin further improve-
ments in this alre dy spicy and newsy
sheet, by having full Wcontrol of the
whole of its col mns„kinstead of the
patent inside. have no doubt but
that the busines men;', and the Wing
ham people at large will' appreciate
this onward. m 1 roh of journalism in
their midst wi h larger subscriptions
'and by the taki g of larger advertising
space, I protni:: to 'add my unite to
keep up its ri.lutation, for outside
items. ---The „ ra It r;tarket has been
unusually active . ere his fall,especially
in barley, in hies$ product, alone
Messrs. Hay Brs. have handled. 85
car loads. Fo gfioil samples 731
cents per bushe half been a common
price. Large antities of peas and
oats have been 1 rouht in, Consider-
able wheat, of 'ery( good quality, has
been owning i ale, some of which
has been sold . „ hiil1 as 81.18, which
is undoubted' accountable to the
demand for th t artj cle at Hay's milia,
which are kepgoing night and day.
Slgce the first of A igust this firm has
shipped 74 car loads .of flour and have
on their books ow orders for 19 care,
tvhiclt they aro filling as quickly as
possible.—A we known citizen of
this Town, who is can active business
man, was•telling t e.writor of a recent
visit he had been .fl,ying to Winghatn,
1`fo speak* in g wing terms of the
business• activity and enterprise which
is manifest in al 'the business places
and manufaot ring establishments.
Tete also speak ery highly of the
system of wa 'r forks and., the way
they are maim ed but thinke;.the town
glade a jllrst5l a i • not purchasing the
water privileg Stitt was.snifne thno ago
for sale.—Th, M Gibotty family gave
one of their po ulna entertainments in
the Lilieo oper .it use here on Thurs-
day evening la:t,?iunder the aagpices
of the local 0 olds of the Canadian
Order of Pore • el
The oongreg ,tioi of Christ Church
adopted a reso utiotl asking the Bishop
of the Uioccise to a [lectin the' Rev. E.
W. Hughes, of io' 's I :lead, to the va.
annoy Nitre,•••-• 4 . 1', 1.3uck has bought
Hay & Calais's ur iture business.
bur34ly oil;;aged CAxisnti antes`,, In
Price 57 Conti. Na4
8946 by C. E. t4ri411a
;ling for Abe13,1 cool e.l by Shiloh
i1 futtt& sWOe t !reagin
(;:titirrh lionnrlaly
Injector tree. Vo
Bev, Or, Austin, • f the Alin
College, fit. 1110111 5, lectured
a 'woman,"ota the . Monday
following the ant 'vesary servi
the Ontario St. cit'. cif. He preached
two able sermons o . Sunday,
Speoiel meetings al still held ovary
night during the wee in the Mettle -
dist chnroh stere. -0 r neighborhood
is likely to be taken y surprise over
a wedding to be Dale gyrated very soon.
The contracting paries are well and
favorably known, : nd we can't but
wish theta a long, prosperous and
happy life,
Messrs, .T. San arson and W. Wil-
son are pure/mei g grain here this
year.—James Pat on, of the Toronto
customs, was faun • dead Its bis poi•
vete office on Fric =y morning last.
He studied sew and b=canto au L. L.
13. ill 1847, and L. , D. in 1848,
Ile had some experi ce as a news-
paper man, ;He wa : a Member of the
Ilfecdonald-Oartier •verument, repro -
senting the Bang en division, He
held important le al positions, and
was appointed to t o 'customs 1111881
The cause of his sudden death wa
heart disease. A r. Andrew Patton
of Wroxeter, wa the chief mourner.
• Mr. John Sam erson .vas in Torout
this week.—Ali s Tina Wrigbt, o
Morrishank, was , guest at the rest
(lenoa.of Mr. T, B. Sanders this week
—Mr. A. L. Gibs., i has rented 14i
woolen mills to M ,srs, Bunstou, of
Walkerton. --The wi e of Mr. I. Elliott,
station agent here, las beeu seriously
indisposed but is re, ivering.—Wehave
naw a live grain m' het the purchasers
being Sanderson • Wilton, Evans &
Hemphill and R. 1 . Hazlewood at the
, Trains arrive and depart as follows ti
Lse.vs:•n • ARRevrxe,
6:..70, m. ,.......Por ;ar,eta........,.5:57 a, 1n
o 1:45 p. 1:i ' ' 1:46 l nv
3:1 r, p.in...,.......ForTreswatcr 3.15
;n a4;vttlztro,
F,,a ( 1 ll nes, j i Ino.
1410 00"» 5g0o
n0 j'. >a 6 o0
it; 00 I r ,o 400
a 00 2 ,00 100
Loral :anal of for somal adVertiselnants 8c, per lino
for first insertion, and Se. per lino for each euboeguent
in ;ortivn.
Local r tlets, in nonpare ! type, 10e. for first in.
nort:on, and 6o, per line for each snhaegtlent insertion,
Iso local notice „iii he charged less than aGc.
.Advertisements of Lost, FOnnd, Sara; ed, Situations,
sand Business, Chaure:a Wanted, not exceeding 8 lines
nonpareil, 9l per month.
Mousey and !home for Sale. not m:reeding 8 lines,
`1. for 8zn snonth, 50e. per sttb+eel, ont month.
These terms will be tete tiya adh red tc,
Special rates for lunger advertisements, or for
longer per:edy.
Adv coal en,:en',e wit'tout erectile dfr¢ntiono, will he
inserted till Patti .:ml t' ne,ad accordingly. Tran.
sitoty adver i n.,.,:ts must be paid in 11 1.080.
Changes for cant:net ,d- erti;:cnlents must be in
the office by Wednesday day loco, in order to appear
that week.
PnorltlRroet Agit! PULLronan ,
Qin. C.0:•tnlri s .5 0
Ilea " 36 00
r ” 50 00
One 601
0-1v.A.1717 1111 -!TTN I‹ url"ry.
A. C. sri trlln r AdEVT, WINDHHAM:.
8 Through tic' ct a t,, alI /10 1111:41 In Amcriea—Ncrtii-
west, Pacific least, ctr , via the shortest and ail'
ropelar routes. Ravings checked through to
destination. Loweatircight rotes to ail points.
L13AVr, wr:ronlAar. -ARRIVE AT n'INDHAM.
0;30 a.ln,Toronte, Ouelph, Palmerston, &o. 8:30 pan.
11:10 " ,. , " tonne "
3:40 p.m, " " Clinton, u
7:25 " ......Palmerston,Sihet3..., .,10:20 a.m.
11 ' V
7:05 .07..... London 10:45 •
3:40 p.m, at 7.45 p.rv.
11:10 a.m........ISineardinc "e.... ,... 0:30 a.m.
8:30 p.m " 11:10
10:10 " It 6:$0 pan.
1inron li 11 Aeotsses.
The libel suit of Grant vs, Jenkins
occupied the attent•n of the assize
court during the wh le of Satarday.
Grant is tho Brussels , postmaster.
Jenkins publishes tl • Brussels Budget,
and inserted article- seriously calling
in question Grant': conduct as post-
master, out of wh' h has arisen the
present lengthy gal tussle. Grant
sues for $5,000 d, mages.; Mr. Osler,
Q. 0,, appeared fir the plaintiff. Jen-
kins conducted Lis own defence. It
resulted in a verdi•I" for ;,the plaintiff"
for $'v1. The jury d d not agree until
Midnight. His Lo dship granted a
perpetual injuncti. i restraining the
defendant from fu ther libelling the
plaintiff; The (1u :tion of costs will
be the subject of further argument.
The case of Darling v. Heffernan
resulted in a ver iiet for plaintiff for
S500. It was . n action to ret over
damages for all: 'ed illegally disposses-
iti the plaintit` of a farip rented by
him from the def . dant. Mr, Cameron
and Mr. Holt for p : intiff ; Mr. Osler,
Q.C., and Itir. Prou foot for defendant.
Duff v. Duff h : been settled in
terms of consent,) inutqs filed.
nr an. AonoNALn.
A xneeting of the West Huron
Farmers' Institute was held at Dun-
gannon on Pride last. Mr. John
Kernigan preside it of the institute
occupied the chai, and after an open.
ing address by ; Tr. D. McGillicuddy,
of Goderiuit, Dr McDonald, of Whig -
ham, deliverer one of the most
elogetent, and c.evincing speeelles on
the question en rgiven 1n this section.
Ho dealt with . he subject from the
different, aspects of the. ease as they
related to the s rioultnral, mining,
lumbering, fishin and maxlufaeturing
interests of Can a, and icy an array
of facts and fgu s from public records
made out an in ontrovertible case for
unrestricted eeiprocity between
°amnia, and the United States.
An invitation ad been sent • to Mr,
Robert Porter, Al. P. forliestEnron,
and others, to take the ' gative side
of the question but the eolined to
attend. .At ti close av of thanks
was moved to Mr, Men aid for his
able And elog( ent presen pion of the
case, and tho rceeedings ere brought
to a close. ''he attcndanCe was smell
Owing to t o insuf',ii;"irons announce-
ment, Itt future iesuiti we purpose
giving a pi tty full sy • opsis of the
arguments nd fact. co : hly adduced
11r Di
a oi•ald 'Uo believe
no abler p' .septation of elle case has
ever been ads iti Canada.
- t
$xxxrolr's VXTAt:zl.r. le Nelms you need for
Constipation, Loss of Appetite, Diszinesa,
and all symptoms of Dysppe'nsia. Price 10
and 75 touts per bottle. 1'oc pale by C. E.
omen for toren to Shows
'ivXUE Instars AtECONIAN IIALL. ,art biol'eas&JofnMrIy
brig in;theages up io 113. )p0 U0U r::tt cau:mod0mbell e; bo moo:Heil for miler., t.'v, n7enta of every Lind a a very lw f)ow. Poanti of 1181 iIl the )opulation, t:: r: l.1 1.0, apply tovrt)0)007v AM1 3 Y,otTIT',
At cliffs* eo.5 *MIK
t- -nat. J. A.:17NIa)RI'.tr,
I-Ioner Gra:les to of Toroi!ta university.
Online and R.:'once—The
pied by 10r. l ethune, at 11
Patrick streets,
anti formerly nceu.
esr of Centre and.
,i If1ilr.lt b DICIiINB(.N,
,"3AIUl1STEI1 , Sc.
9olinitors for the Panic of Hamilton. Gomm iselonera ..
for taking stud til x for Manitoba. Private funds..
to lend 1n vtrsiebt :/ans. at lowest rated. Ofces—
I8cnta t.loakr, tF irghem, Wel new and (tondo,
1.1. W. C. EtEz.r.. R. L. p1Clr1104071.
J. A, M011T01,
t41n ,.leant • 41 Ontario.
la [cGILL ;a vAN,;PONEi
OFFICES -Beaver Plock, ti?racu.tac, ONT.,
Gt,asn, 111:6 PLt h 01ST.
Privata anti Company fo' de to leen at low rates of
Interest. '.1Iort ams, trio n and farm' property
bought and sold. :lelcant •e collections a specialty.
1L,. PAF,BTOtr71. - -8. D. MCGILL. ,
'il'Ia1NTISTRY.— J. S. JE1tOMS,-14r roUAt7.
J1 1 am mmaking beautiful setts of
2, Artificial Cintt, "Teeth" for $8.00 per
i sett, and Plain Teeth, per sett, $4.00,.
Nees in all Other branches of dentis•
try )n proportion.
Vegetable Vapor rdminig,qtrated for the painless
extraction of teeth, the MO, a fo anesthetic known
OFFICE: In the ooavet Block, opposite the
Brunswick Hotel. i4
I>ITRY,-•w. Ii. <ACDONALD, wrlacBay.
biaksr of V eanite, Celluloid, Alloy
1:•Itv. e
r OW, ,
tc. ate.,
Plates,, ranging
$ in prices iron, 9600 upwards .per sot,
ero:vun,w and`. bridgework, Teeth ex-
tracted without the least pliin by the use of Vital-
ized Air, Ileacs 0lf5e, Wintsham, aide otntraoee op-
pos:to the Queens hotel, opn daily (Sundays except.
ed) from 0 a to to 6 p 1n. Will be at Myth every
Saturday—Office. at mews hotel; Gerrie jet and
Svc( Mondays of eacil month—Office at Albion hotel
Lueknow• 2ncl and 4th Monday and Tuesdays of
each month—Office at Whiteley's hotel. Extracting,
25 cents
(=NERAL is'su4 AyCE AGENT,
WrnonAr, ,
i• - OTr'TAni°
(y EOIttIE 1leIu1,Y, Wings tun,.Licensed Auotioneer ,
At moderate moderatetrnte,, les wiill l.o conducteccIn any
portion of the Co•.nas. •
Orders can be left at the Trams Office.
oIiN CURRIE, r4•tsolrea!,
Ordure lot:, at Test: i' oflieolnrotnptly attended to
TS' R113 IcE,AS'0NA0L1 .
p•r1,• DI.;kN, Je , Wrtton.i ,
ii 4
LI(OO S1D ALC7Ioti1Si.11 FOR T101 COUNTY •
o17 I1liib M.
Biles attended in any pfzt of the Co. Charges
TAMES nsoor'Ili7ola, 1
Linrnsnn AnrocioNnnu 307 .' Con/Tanta IIIMOttr ANL
All Rales attended to pron lily and on tho Slioriost
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