HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-10-26, Page 11,1). t
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0,IP3rolrIt."Fikm ',..:1=Tacix=seggiggsmivr,&=crs=xmve
VOL. Xiirl i.--11/4,10 WINGIiAMq ONT:3YRIDAY, OCT. 26,, 1888.
Betas mietinderetnauline or
itegioot,,eattlto per of thoto who Have
Alit,11134sn;pitpli«1 ts. qraper this
bulb torah to hand. Ii
ttPast'i,t3Pild0 we oil the indulgence, a our
readelen whilst retie yiug them wiEls half rt.
alteet:, I•Text wee' under stem arrauge.
'monts,• the paper vil 1 be feet* otatirolyr'
rona our own oirte..
r.-01,4nnernzmsralca.-11...4,54, nrs,4441,44.7.-4 44,53,1,-"kwalottortd
LOri.0,14 141I1Vcr1:-.1,
—Cali on Yates TitJ for Celluloid starch and
'have year Collars tud cuff
-'1V.111* L. Smi h's Swiss Bell Ringer's
will be in town o Thuredoy, id over:orm lst,
.. ,,a.`. —The overoge tge. of t"..:o fora Persons
. whose demiee wi .3 recorded hi tbe Miteirell
gideerniar last v7 .h, was aeurly 81 y eors.
• , • . , •
—The TIMER trom now. flail January,
1800 for al.,25,; 'or from now uutil January,
1880 fdr 25 cents. • •
. • , •
-:-Out of 4,000. vim wrote for certificates
last aiornifaer ' b t 1,803 Pwi'ion.. This
meankth4t 47 fe; led in every CO.
413.sitta El. Grery'e 1.-efal trlenit clearing
out'eforuiture stock for next 40 days.
1-r1 l'tnr prions for otteli.' - • ,
sou f the late Dr, Muter,, was
lienteueed, to five yeare in -the penitentiary
or stCaling at •osenili. . • • -
—The' finest
th le, ou t for laundry Purposee,
Se Celluloid • Sax :h. For sale Sy W. T.'
Yates., at the Cli is House.
—MLol'auixeltie clritinoellad his hand
badly lacerated ' the sandpaper maohipe
of the ljuion F otory last week. One
finger had to eutetea.
--We have
-.Empire o
etiveti tts pr
the weekly It
taefou of the old
Thoe. A
Ni4,wanosh, ron
$- ocenpies Mr. 1
' lately vacated.
• ziaechania.
40,1--lls. Sabbath eltool la been opened
Congregitti a church, to bo held
-iminediately of the forenoon eervice,
Atr. S. Ritchie h boon choson soperiuten-
—Mr. Tilos. 13
overseorAof licen
1 wore -an °terve
'Mooted Mr. J.11.
•Ilurou,for the e
. • 'kept.
Subeeribo foreTnz
--Sohn Koll , of Blyth, woe lined . $50
fer selling liqu witheut O lioense.
Gonrg Harper .ie aranissent
Ithvin opercht att1a G. T. It, tt3p•
eath. W. II. Beamer lute evOry:thitig
applepie order around the 0,"' S.1.0tation.
57;iitting of the W. 'T,•
Mris. IXdmuth's on the eve -
y the Gth. prox.
—The next
will be Weld tet
ning of litesa
KLArr. Pilaf,
r , onee arl and p
John street.
Omar, woo° me covert and BrCnohitis
immediately relievedby Shiloh's Care.
For sale by 0. 11.1.• William*. .• ., :
—MeniTs- sp/rliell, A Pewell h.ove ib -
sed ta begin he purchase of grain, peth
god proaucts generally at Myth this'
-Motor. ii• . .. .
alma lute most tastily at-
utred toes ou his lot on
Wine. You mean with Dyspepsia and
Liver • Complaint,f, Shiloh's Vitalizer is
guaranteed to min*
Sebastian, -of
pion of Rim
next, tneigth
•—A full re
inn and skn
but must wi
ti. For sale by 0. E.•
be oot race between .A.
\Tingle:ma, and the, °barn.
Co,o ou Tuesdaycoveniug
rt. of the evidetalie taken in
h the Bluevale milk water-
ing ownst
s hart ;been et upS
regrot be held over till next
—Lost issu it./ the Goderich Sipa/ has ri,
well written tter by Rey: John Jamieson,
poiating rest the hardships,- labors and
acklevemeut of Bev; G. L. Moiray, that
greatapiooee missiebary to Formosa,
a. from the Toronto -e-Pivinion
Ir John A. laacclonold, byajudge Do,
to new eubeeribers to loaded of. iT
ts a fleet owl real represeue
Ream , •
inebrong, of con. 10, East
eyed to Winglittrn aud
'in. Moore's reeidenee,
He in an" eneellent
ease larerign
•Mr. Jolitt•Gr
jury sustain
Lower 'Vi
o the MiGi
nosiday 'oven
lighted es
bo the finest
ever rendere
through: th
pleased 'wit
'ourt wes held here on Tues.',
le ond six4or seven eases dis.
dgroeutsivan, reserved on the
eagalustethe corporation /b
en to rover danuagee-
by a 4efeelive•sidewelk near
lam. a • . • •
eimid not obtain admittance
en fotrrailY concert •on Wed!.
The audienee, was de -
p ogrenarne was aihnittecl to
ntelleotual and museeel treat
• bere,.:A.' 'great mony : saw
it prilatiO1 oar • and were
•ite:•splendid and •gorgeous
f Torontogenozna. eqraptnente. drle believe the Feresters an, o,
e ietore for hove Ilan sortie, holt:aloe on baba after
Sundae. . .4ef,Fadtilla 0! Llennent
inonobteNf Last, ••• BADIAINS .t FtfliNITU11731. —S. Graeey's
ient way his book:mere Stock of Puruiture,. consisting of PARLOR
Provincia Association of Public 130ARDS, LOUNGES, Ms. is offeted for
und,High Sohool ' veetece for Ontario hold .sale orcite.P, OFIZA.P, CHEAP, for 40
thotr ypihrly meal t, on the llitai Novem- days, for casb. Whole stook to be leared
in Tortonte. . A. namber of tho live out to make room for the boom. Stet •the the eight direct
•edueational tejoisa of the day . will be place to go, young folks, if you want to go •to, as it certai
eliseusieL r • ' • a . honsehoopIng. A. nieelot of Pictures, Oil already adreir
—Tho twelfthuol eneothe •
PaintInge ond Chromos to decorate your for many teas
. .
• . ' vefiraer, f.,
• ,horges. Phitures fromod to orcler„ any mentiOn the
American I/urnatt . .Assooir.tioo conoluded,
hursday evenlo at Toronto, • ' POpe„re size. .00me right along and got bargains. present ' and
were re:fa en 0 'laity o children end,
:Remember the place, S. Gracey's Dural- your ombition
titre store,. Main St., 1Vingbam.
. toruelty to ainim le. eThe next meeting and an inoreas
long, establis
labs,' whole
Hamilton, m
more; was wi
Mr john•Wil
federation L'
Thurstlay it
Trues, •spen
Thomas thi
this streelt.
Strafford, •on
•Detroit, are
Pealelence thin
:amighter ret
Old tat)
ed ''and reliable business
HOY, ropreseuting Dixon
, fruiter') p and grocers,
•de ue friendly call this
latelletay,ruerehant, of Bel-
li friends irrtown this week.
on le in the vicinity of Owen
sionally, this week,—Mr 11
repreeeting the Cou-
..ewe tewn this*
Rev Swan i. °VW. mop's, was in town ou
•taacar . ,of the
o• couple . of • days at St
• week.- -Mrs . a Carr, of
visiting friends. town
iss- Maggie MoDifutrid ,eef
• Miss 'Est Parkinson,
mats at Dr ,, A1404°1144'8
weekee--Mr A 'Dawson ana
•ued Ib piglet from the
Soya! • peas
A dol ions
the field a
on Cogqe.
or4Onourishini: breakfast
purifying the °blood and,
e estern. • In the herbs of
oreet are found properties
that antid re neatly all the diseases
whicla Isomito y. in ,liable. For sale by
Gordon & MoI yre.
essrs. Lloy
• erect a large so. and door footory onjoint
street.• The bui ding is to bo 80 feet by 30
feet and two Odes high. Operations
have already gain • Ie is! exceedingly
this dattional.manifesta,
and Door Fzeitort.
13ros, have ,derricted to
t •
gratifying to se
tionsof busioese confidence and we hope
the enterprise limn may be splendidly-
compensotect:i tee young men,
'• .
tint $eam
, con, 12, East Wawanosh,
Cattle and implements.
T oesaoy, 'Deb. 33th. Brea
na implements. Samos
Efeuiten then diseuesed some errots in
setae/foes on lackboard, and disparaged
the use of syn actical rules in correeting
oinks; Itt rreating errors teachers
should' bo gt ,rdecl by conventionalism
or usage. •Ns Ts...act:opt a reason that
not parfeetTy ttlefectory, final and eon-
Q11:15iitv:r. mese Mr. Houston again spoke.
on ,nlisthetio 'Treatment of English,"
HO said the b t means . of judging of
man's lute -nee (101:T10n:tont is by the
rammer in whi .11 be speaks and writes his
own longtime° I 'the • produetions of
English Alter: taro • there =is, au artistic
element, an lenient doeigned to give
,pleasure, an elonteet • of beauty. The
'object of stud log' literature tie= is to,
derive pleas re, and teachers,. should
inouleate in pupils "a, desire for ()Voice
literature, an to get pleasure from that
reading. Li nature alorcle the cheapest
and most e actives method of obtaining
pleasure. I t joronortiou as the teacher is
Alex. Took'
on the 2nd No
Guyon Wilson,
-Doling Bra.
horses, cattle
Heuderson, au ionoer.a?
Mortgitge sale, Bluevale, Ststurday, Nov.
3rd, Moans de.
T. Coma's, eon. 12, Bost ,1',Wawanosh, on
Tuesday, Nov. •Steill and imple-
ments. P. Deans, auctioneer. ' , •
Mrs. W. Watson's, at, .Wingleano, on
Saturday, Nov. 3rd. al: 1 Frop.orty
and . houeehold effect's,: P. Datum
auctioneer, • '
modoet teteero geirstenettals •
To the Editor of th ,
Sin,—I note yli'..pleo,sure your declared
purpose to lisp Se with the patent inside
of your paper, as,having coutrol of your
own columns This is a move in
'OA, and the change °ugh,.
y will, greatly swell your
ly large list of subseribors,
rowing "demand of the,
rosperous development of
town, for a wider =nog°,
g degree a Buell public.
r loog intereets ,the
changed 'form afford ; "Oleo
nes takes' on every great
and the moderato views
on, polities, and other
ay, where good polemic are
widely in their °pintoes
These and othor hied:red virtues commend
it as a visitor. to e deeiredie every hortio
where wholesore
matione end so
are to be pro.
with the Trams
after the 1st of
'creased (firming
and finarteird sup
Urfa of the °UP
surrounding will
foci, two, that it i
established enter
and ,perseverance
melee it the basil
itt .the 'county,
guarantee of arc
public may say of
Mr. J. *G. Math s, son of Mr.
Ohs. 111athers, of thi township, has
been npaoiuted accou taut and solid -
tor the attorney • oral's /Ace, in
. • Bolrri e.
An aged. and • respected partner
in pioneer diffieultie 'passed to her
rest OD. Thureday mo'ritirtg in 41ni
person of Mrs, F. ; . of 'Rel.
more. She had b6 n for six rare
under the inguen pf a paralytic.
stroke. • It is over 4 years.‘sinee Mr:
Irwin came to th t place.1 The re-
mains were interre Teeswater oa
Friday. :
e- Beig
impreseed h the beauties of literature so
may be exp at to impress his pupils. He Ina reP?r.t_ef. the
therefore r (nixes fa be an admirer of daily says ; FiVe
literoture, nd.- , appreciative harmony Watnon, Van
with tho s ine.. It is necessary for the Niehoipon and Han
pupil to no erstana the text in order to see
the depth of thought and, beauty of the charge of aggra
one Damian, bu
acquitted, in feet th
expression • Bot thee idea ought to be
subordinat teacher should indicate
what tl o more beautiful passages of
any selecti u. Les there be impressed by
The acted as peace=
the author, and ouly by the author,
form of the oem should be studied as well fracas.
as its ar11b le element. • Thought and ex,
-oderich assizes 11
.ung, men. 'named
oitmel;• Hopper,.
1).` were tried. upon
ated assault upon
were honorably
evidence adduced:
showed that derta n of them really
ors a barroom,
pression, m ttor aucilant% must be viewed
and studied iinultaueoosly.
•e M. J. Di" rson, B. A., then gave a very
solution of the Ora class
-twill be hold ita Ph 'de1i . Pausotates C4odorio g . , •
h Si nal. Mrs It tilim 4 411 374.
' limns ca u in it
1,bia, ' •• •
• ' ' A. Geeruen•e niricau loader ' maim- Henderson ft on Toeaday for Wingbaan. the stand the
neer diecover 0 W04 to tmlAtnerican to join her ister, Mrs. Walter Greert, of Moral question
; skies so tha thoy becoMe in °Very that placte and on Wednesday thoy will
, aria strttemeut
salty superior to t Q PI:en& . artiele, . 'The old home and 'friends ln.' '-4° :qtiontions lathe
• shins sell from 50 to 70 per aunt. less than rove—Mrs. 3. Hampden, of. likely to differ
' the Frouols. 'Ter dressing of kid skim; was visiting at the residence of Mr.
d by France,
revisit thee
Liatowel, i
county of
;.r. h. Silla
'e. lYte0oIl
'for Philad
hifeband a
Ifteli.inoon •• of Culross, for some time
employed n the Brunswick House, Wing
hem, left or Bolivar, New 'York skter
Mrs. T.' L alio returned on Friday front a
visit to he daughter, Mrs, M. MoD., Flinn.• *
Attention to the fact that she has started: by ears. F •ming. —
at L stowel. Shp was occeriapauiea
We notice that the Oar-
, ; .f5T.45,...2isS U. VI, erVid aeoiros to call ing.
4.1reeelnakillg is the Beaver 131'3°4' ill the thagetio 1 as orrivoll r' at 'Pother Point.
„. • I ' Tonins formerly °coupled by Mrs. M. j. Thia is tit boat in which Mr. A. •Dawson
Bons. She would solicit a share of plink)
toe i, y patronage, coo . and. dime iter have roturned.—Mrs. 0.
Tannar, o Blyth, was visiting in Wingham
' fident that she can meet the
• expootactions of patrons. •this. week; Miss Hattie Ireland returned
almost motiopohe
--aThe annual n :et; ng of the Winerhart
•broach of the II' me and Foreign 'Bible
'Society Will be he in the Congregotional
-clatiech •tho vetoing of Wednesde, ,
-the 31st of Coto
401. deliver a
- The pi;
• his so poke—Brussels Poet: Mre.
Ugh left Brussels on Thursday
where she will join her
d spend thewinter.--,•MisaMavy
er. Idea. N. G. Man y
eture on Babylon and
ic are cordially invited,
—Tnotwo guar
and•furnitwee ow
• - WI be sold by p
the Ora of 'Novo
The lots aro epic
residence is o con
or acre lots, residence
J. and occupied by Mrs.
orraccenorch of the river
11 'Mutual on Saturday
bar at 1 „o'clock p, tn,
aialy situated and the
ortn,ble one.
Boss wl hoe or
,ary -Vain Cont. el loclit
farlough, will d., ifirofni
Presbytermix Oh = ;eh eu
'neat, the 30th, in .. at 8
collection will b' token
Mies Boss has t • repo
eleven timelier o•has
the east;
.'-One of the wit int
tholulaeon will t ko pia
roller rink,on M dejo
when re',10o/ ref
"* .0alie place hstwo
tones runner of, Imo
'Ilion,' of Winglia, f
itoWn band win — rt
partioulars will 3
--It will be la
Mien Della, M.
sledded Ao open
tions in piano;
is to gold ma
rolltige, a pupil
Ot the Toronta
of Mr. IlarriSon,
(March, Toronto.
eolo in the Tome
eon in mission -
a le home on
ddreoe in the
look p. A tubo nen
itt tho close. Toeswat
on of being ,a, • n .niston 0
. five years lit Mr. W. 11
the Cana
ting evente of ".„.11„a„Lmad°
the Winghara r"
g, oA, eebh, freeneecia
.please) will visiting ,et
pioloong tdftthis m
s' a side, 'The Mr. A`
to Detroit this week. --Mise IS. Rush spent
last week ith frieuds in Wroxeter.-aDr.
111oXenzie left last . week to speud• :Same
months New York, where he intends
taking a o arse in the Polyclinic) solfool4
Ile is it ej er young mat veld we Mips he
mew be ery simeossfut —Mr. Lorenzo
Itettlowel std Lustily, of Listowel, have
dooklea t.move to Wingliate. He is
employed t fhb Union factory. —11Irs.
Molrelvi' f4f Bolivar, Now York State,
• •n on a visit to friends poor
eturnea on 11Ionaeer., She is
rs. Winghom,—'
villain, of Listowel, wont ler
Life, was in town Wednesday
rs friendly em11:—Mr 3. T.
Listowel, was in town on
—Mrs. Lang, who has been
EL Clark's for a low clays,
rnino foe her home in Losing.
aulMies Maggio Dallas sed
rra , Wingham, attended
o of Mr. and,Mrs. T. LI. Pound,
Weclnesdayle-Mrs. W. Scott
and month 'sof family ifff7an Wednesday
to ripen so lo days with Mende at W41.
korton. M . Richard:ion, travelling
agent 1.) th:'Wabash. St. Loins ct Pacifies
Ity., was in town ou Weartesday.--Rev.
Corson, of , Vbitecniurch, 'WU ill tOtYll 011
Wertuesaa There is no improvement in
tho toudit ,n of ItIrs, ()arsenal health.—
Mrs, E. alt, who Iltlft been visiting at
Afr,f3. for sointinnntlia., left for
1 Beet Taw. Minh., this week,
ti boon indisposea
ffeets of jaundice
aay for consulta.
$ Liehowel foul).
and A. Sebes. tent Mich'
• sumo. Furthot the't•mtrill
in Grey,
'With pleAsorci that
•y, of Delmore, loss
ss here for
1 leiamony, She
so of Whiltby
. the director
eietkloneervatory, and,
•••gatilet in St. Simmons
For the rendition of ti+,
povii.liten recently she
literature, useful infer -
al harmony and. parity
ted, We are delighted
ud we ' basaPak for it
,ayernber at greatly ;in-
n: and also the moral
ottpf the:most infition-
ne of Wingliana and
es and 'Country. The
now to be permanently
rise, -with DM af push
it,the hoed, resolved to
a meet eleVating sheet
fiords additional
le rotueneefor all the
add in its support. Vic
will simply oho, go the plural opto a
singular. verb the very populot and.
pleasing sentence The Traces is gOod.".
Alt Otuthnontrui
TEAalrER IN snssIOX.
algebra /it,oe • of July, 18B,
• "The soie rtific treatment of English"—
grammar --n . then,* discussed by Mr.
Ifottaton. ' s ' a, bads he stated that
&deface rove tieutes, what art has done.
We meet li
case wp
performing •
tone° to fin
words. Note
and classif.
almost alma
tbe truth of
Mather has a,
discoveries of
should be elle
reasouing. I
reflective lnad
the study a g
ME.V. =ITS= '014 EX014511 Tata%
The teachers Bast Huron mot 111
council in the publ 'echool, Winghana, on
Thursday and Fria y lad, the president,
'D. • S. Dorran o,. the The
following committo s were eamointea : On
Besolutions,Mesor Mallooli,Groves, Diok.
son and Misses halea and Molt: on
XessTn• 0itl, Wilson, Balfour
oud A. M. Divehi . Win, Houston,
M. A., first dieotiss Composition, or the
prnotioal teaching ef English. He gave
teachers several ea, tions attempting to.
toaoh .compesition' Language is purely
conventioual, ana 'must bo taught' by
imitotim, The in
influenco, the tow
slioald use words
pronounee dittiiio
their utterances.
salon!. know how
far as their expo
teacher's brtsine
expresition. The
not too -thing a
titer exerts the greatest
or ranking next. They
i their proper meaning,
y, and bo careful in all
Children coming to
express their ideas so
mune goes. It is the,
ti train the pupil's
netist realize they ore
i language. Beglith
it home 4 should bo taught )„ on nuttily, not once a
ilia:Myna Ole WI os• encomiums of the ttt it.c rnyti, tom h week. Text boo are not only usiles hut
fese. tier twc racy oil renatqou and or tOIDO tr e from the inisoldovnin, 1, can only obtain per-
foility ofoxpre, ion tom specially cprite. left, or To nto on Thu feetion by halitn practice. No practice
tien. ttit AOptiOr of ie curd to giving. he pupil's own thoughts
• Birreents COMM 'td 0011e°1!Alltioll GUN is ars. pont ` day or WM town tine week on seven subjeete eat detest and to Ins agricult
eold by itts ono guswraulet. It curse Con- and was gr ably pts/1 with Wingbion's correct their own errors. Deal with all Aturray iind P tersen for the Ard, arid
, ii
ontopRoa, Par sole by C. EL Willis,Lus. 1 banding prospects,. lir Austin 14 a the errors corrt a by blaokbeail, Mr. 4th de partni,vn 8 respectively., p ' dehiy ".”111,
4 . .
.. '
On Wednesday
H. Pound our p0
smith crossed the
blessedness Navin
• partiner Miss Anal
township:Vie, cor
Ve subject wetter. In this eat the tride's r
e, to deal with language
ts 'f auctions, 'Use the sen- Jones, or Brussels,
out the •functions of the acting as bridesm
e'sextbiOnces Data. differences; Found as grodm
t acoordinglia. Words will assortment of . co tly presents were,
themselves, Then will follow `
aud the estobliehment of mad.0tn . the il sot. 'Made briclo.
principles or laws. The In tnne.vening a Assent and well'
ightto refuse to teach the attenigasSlance was helii. " We top*
others to •a, pupil, He our congratulations ' - '
ed to see loals by inductive aT , .
this week Mr. J.
ular young °black -
°Hanes of single
talion as a life
• Delgatty, of Gyey
molly was per•forn?.-
idonce by Rove S.
iss Lizzie Delp:AV
id and 'Mx:. Wm.
man, A beautifal.
this wav you train the
t •
titifiintit0 ballades. Then • ,*--*---,'''' P 1 •-sitttiv
timer °becomes a grand • .
mental, disciph ie. Indepenclenteitivesti- The Sentinel. says
gation in it smt 11 degree. is - marvellootily Hartley's special seri
more important lova dependent thought. ters : The • rev. ' a",
Mr. A. Ti. IS warner, delegate- to the
Provincial Asso ation,reported'very fully,
dwelling on the• necessity of, making the
association repr sentative.
•. In, the evening with Thoe, Gibson, M. , . .
,P. P., in the elm , Mr. Houston 'lectured • Reva A v leei ley was. billed; to
in the town hall n the subject of ludas-
of Rev, 4... Y.
-16n to the .Fpres,,
ntleman is an
able and eloquent rpeaker and his
discourse was groati
the Foresters, and d
appreciated by
e largo oongrega-
trial education. He characterized much. lecture in Dn.:sot:is cm Tuesday eve -
of the current dation as impractical.' rting on his lin rissions of, • the
aun„tbe teaohlog bad „aud oseless. The South which be cantly
. McPherson is it
premises ki
iettrubdeiretneSepeulIceevr.svivi,eivica. roevnetrepalaaleied, tLaitePneparoi:
lately vacated by •
. Johnson baspuro
lied by G. Garnis
mg that was objected and is about to
tore 7 was commended.
ro,otleal aud industrial
nethod:3 ;was strongly
ItipdergOeten sy ug into his new
in odueatioutal Outsets .Lho bon-
. .•
The vidue of the
brough.t out *ad , shoemaker has
, -
breught before th
Sbortt, A.,pas' eti.:sionerofiltoirso.st:? d
church, Wingliam
r the Congregational
spoke tor it short time.
etion Mr. , Ilooston's
history :as a school
He ,ettlled ia lased the propel
dispar4onene o
in Algoteas
subject, = The lett ve in.. So it is a
the method of tea ev. W. W. Leech
to, not the subject.
urged the inn-of:to eecii this week.. --
le school wok. re on Monday,—
tendetoa Mr. Hou . 10, Morris, has
„ , .„
same senovi ior
r explained that it was
move all around—
coBev. Mr. McQuarrie
on du motion. of Rev. Vitt. Stewart, of II
vote of thanks was 'Jae council met
guest .of Jos,
of ci/testa:1 economy is a
Masers. MeQuopri and Sher%
On Friday mom ing, Miss M. Poke, of
the Winglutin publ school, explained her 1.889. Jos. Leech r
Method of- toaoliin histeryt The paper oftei' it few days
wan a. concise and inently practical one. Detrit.
tbean engaged in the
turned on. Friday
leasant ta
Mr. Houton then took up the scientiic%
treatment of 1811, Ho urged the
importance of havi g the pupils make im
investigation of th subject tor thernselveo.
hut alder tho toael r'wdirootious. Under
the Insa .of. phil logy aud prosody he
fuyther disouCsed t e classes of sentencee
and the laws of for • atiou of nnglish verso.
..•It-avas merited by Ur. Doig, secondea by
Mr. Plummer, that kilo next meetilig bo
Amid in Clnton. , ho question was de-
bated for some- the, and ou the vote
being taken a tie IS suited; a secona vote
Was called for; wh n, the 'motion ottericel
by a majority of 8' 40 14.
Tito followiugs°lotions wore passea
That ibis the o ,Mon el this Instituto
thatit would, be n vieablo that the mulct
timid be so 'alter& thet the age of applia
cants for third elm a certifioates should. be
18 yettrb for ladiis aua 10 years for gentle-.
That yin candid s be ttliowea to attend
the Model Schools unless they bo of legal
ago when thoy wri o for their professiouttl
That the thank of this Institute bo
'Marina to the m nieipal anthorities for
the nee of the to hll, and to the publio
school board fo the use of the school
The Omits the wool:Alen were
'Mudded Mr. .0. Moyer and Mr. 3.
A. Morton for th map and tolleetion of
Canadian ilora,-1 ttttetivcl.V, kindly plaeod
by them for oxii,
At the last
Mr. D. 1).
prineipat of
." • . • Zetl d. .. . •
We viere..plensecl!to see the jolty •
face of Mi. John T 'lor, of:Ripley. on . .
Saturday last, .fle, wife and famiy.
wer the guests of A r. John Taylor,
lir 'Our faithful rid weliqualiiia
, le
Sun • y School Si perteedentl • Mr,
John Gay, has res lied having given
rip his position on t o railroad seeder
here, Alseut two y ars ago Mr. Gray
succeeded in ora izinn.pa Sabbath
Scheel, which 11115o nder his carbeen
ever since a pronott ced success. , Mr.
Gray Nirit8 an active ..orkev in re giona•
fields ana we lose a man in his ninny -
al who was a trt friend, a ready
helper and tl. Id a ;neighbor. Tim
Zotiand people wi one accord wish . ,,
Mr. Gray and his , family prosperity
wherever they ilo. Miss Annie }Ing;ins and Miss Meg, 0 Tervit have geno
to Detoit. Miss Tervit filled the
the office a Secy.: and treas. ill Out,
S. 8. very accepts, ley •for 88. Wish
them sticcess.-4;N '. lobo Taylor, of
Ripey, foimie13 i Zotland has sold
;Wm. 'iViion for
Lingle man as yet,
elling. louse on th
8 pOt in a L.teye if
tent litre
Weans ana inspotio, fa0
Sfl?..10.) Win. is
There it a good it
know. plteo and Wre, le
• eting of the board not 'other farait re. Of coarse tne
e wee re-engaged as next thing is so c ono to keep the
school and Aliases goirg while" Yiliam" is ittenolog
Al puruits, 1).e't,