The Wingham Times, 1888-10-19, Page 4• Un.-- --Lt a:;nglia,v, on tho 17th ,rt., the wit," :,v , tl t:..itt 4111a0411;vr. i (Ar.- In i t•'„ tti roti an t, nu the 14 t lit , the et ^'s. I:• o'ver't ; a elan eter. .t A itc;aaut, on tiro 11th ius , the ~sift of 4r. 1i,avi,i Priugic; udaughter. tt•itignam, nit the 15th lash ; the wilo of .h . T. ;anuale ; le svt::ter, en the 6 h inst., the Jos, pit X t1 1)ran • a da '^boor. I ,vit.-At '1'ersw,tter, on the 4th ins , the wife of it c\ Envoi t sign. t!v 0110101, ou thol4th his the wife of 1, Glimmer, of the listtAtn ; a (1011 ill r• `4 i Aa --•At Lucknow, oh the 7th it: t., the wife of 51r I afvrtG .raver, barrister; a sur . e',,m C tv -in Montreal, on the StIt tst., the wife of it; r D. t' Cameron of Dungatitio t; a daughter. 1' tf.u.--ln :loafs, on the. 7th inst.,. t as wife of Dlr. A. 1 t )tt ; t,vins, son and tlaagbter., 11 1 r, tv i;s,-.-1n llowicl., ort the 6511 111 , the wife of ..tu.uas llargraves; ataou, ItI.AFinar,D. NELson -YAtes.• At Goderich, on the 051 i -.st., by 1..•r, Mr. Hamilton, of St, Thomas T r. J. E. Nel- son jeweller, of St.Thomas, to Mis Munroe Yates, of Goderich, MCMILLAN,-BRADLEY.-At Harriston C. Cameron, U. D. on the 5th air. N iliianl Thntn s McMillan to'Sarah Brad! +y, both of Barris - ton. RYAN.--McGuire.-At Clifford, on the 9511 inst., bar tt llur. A. J. Belt, 55 A., Mr. \1 u. 11eury Ryan, cf 51t. Forest, tQMiss Ama,lda:lict, ileo, o1 Olif ord. SLATeR-HiLL.-Tn Grey, on the lett inst., by tier. 51. Swann, Mr. Ii. A. Slater, of lark's malls, to Miss Fannie N. Hill, of Gro;' tote shin, PEARsoN-MCEwEN,- - At the residence of Mr. Duncan McEwen, 3rd con. 0f Stanley, et 11 e. Joh inat., by tho Iter. J. H. Simpson, air. Jo n Pearson to bliss Bate McEwen, both of Stanley JoHNSToN-SrEenT.-At Clinton on the 10th inst., by the Rev. J. Edge,. Mr, John Johnston to Miss Sophia Specht, both of Clinton . TltentP'uoN-51000.0.-At Detroit, Mich., on the 12th fast., by Rev. Mr. Daw, Mr. P. E. Thompson to Lottie, third daughter of Dlr. Hugh Moore, both formerly of Clinton, 04.. 0I-IitAGiiwELO.-In Timor,. t the 9ih inst., by Ilei. T. Amy, Miss Angelina E. Blackwell, of Huron township, to Mr. John Glass, of the South Line. F::rrrtur--Txaeet.-At Seaforth, on the Oth inst.t by the its v. Father Shea, Joseph Fritzley, of Goderich, to Hannah Tracey, of Seaforth. Butt-OJ,1vmt..-•In Grey, on to 3t'd fust , by Rev, R. Paul, Mr. John R. Bell to Miss Mary Oliver b >kh of Grey township. . Ecarr-Ilttlnaioxp.-Yn Iticliillop on the 5t13, inst., by Rev. J. H. Musgrave, Mr. Win. antes Scott to bliss ierAgnea Jane Richmond, both .f Morris. tnnu-K3serrant,-At Wimgh in, on the 17th inst., •bv Iter. J. H. Moorhouse, Ilr. Wm. A, Reed to Miss Margaret Delena Kne pier. DIE BeEWEa.-In Harpurhey, 0 the Oth inst., Ann Cat. ford, wife of .lir. Wm. Brewer, aged 88 years. ,S'.t`dose..,-In Brussels, on 51 a 3rd inst., Robert Sam, pie, aged 23 years, 4 maont s and 10 days, Oxn.-Tn PaJneorston, on th 8th inst., Catharine, is. he 8511 inst., Norman nonths. 3rd inst., Mr. James years. •a the 10th inst., Julia •tffi Fannie Deadman, axed 3 ears, 10 months, 13 days. [4ttueva,-In \Vingham, on to 1111 inst., the infant child of James Armour, a' id 3 days. ; by the iter. DI. wife otJohn Orr, aged 30y Futtta.-At Goderich, on Fuller, abed 75 -years and 151100.-ln Lucknow, on th ICot'r,•of Ashfield, aged 21 D1:tonns.-At Brussels NOW WINGIIA1 t MARKETS, \Y I I GllA1i, O et. 18, 1888. Flour per cwt., ,ti,' 3 00 to 3 00 Flour per bid., - 5 50 to 5 50 rail Wheat per bushel, new . 1 15 to 1 15 Spring " 90 to Oats. 34 to Marley, - . - - 50 to Yeas, - - 00 to Potatos, _ . - 25 to 4pplys per hag, • 80 to Buttelt per lb., 10 to Eggs per dozen, 16 to Woodper oord, 1 25 to Llay per ton,, - 11 90 70 02 30 40 to 10 J, 50 SALAL4. Thy undlr+i bed hag ror.aived instructions from rue 1::acutots of tat estate of the late JAMIES ;:i5'L1 J0, to sell by 1=DITELIC ._UQTION, TUESDAY, OCTOBER 30, 1SSS, the following : 1'OI ;i a ; The famous imported mare, DIanaond, ra_Tiacrel in the 14::irc IIorse Stud Boot: ; Driving• ]zyrsa, "1,nntina,'faur Years old, a splendid roadster; 1 .5e year old filly, sited by 1)r. Ii-rtlor;:one year old filly by "Tan Iiember ; dam of both got by "Block hawk torte an" ;, ;roar old and two year old gelding by. !stare 8 years olcl. OA '11Z.: G.00ws and a ntnuber of 5 euna' cattle, .14,:iOldY.tlrnittare, and faire, Ima)lomants and i ul7,ons other artistes. JAS..1)IENDl PSIIN, AMOS In T. G. TIPLItiG, Auctioneer. Executors, Win am, Oct.1851,11315 MATE. The FINEST QUALITY of GRAPES, PEACHES, PEARS, QUINCES, ORANGES, LEMONS, ---AT—. DYSTEitS RAW, STEWED or FRIED, very Full and Fine Line of Confectionery. V,i011EY TO LENT). ►Y1 ` -1y ,I: ,lvrrox OF T0113 hasnbout 68,000 to loan 01) UCOt. as .a. r Serine Ap8,1f ta, or WM.. 31cl'XTE1:80;i, '1', T*;,,,rvann, 1VieghetD. Tlsaa'a, Glerifuriotn See our Dress and. Mantle Goo Bee our Flushes, ealettes, Bilarveilleux and. Tzimittawa. See our Flannels, Underwear and Blankets. See our Tweeds, Worsteds, Pantings and Overcoati .g s. See our Gloves, Hosiery, Yarns and Shawls. See our Carpets, Oilcloths, ama Bks and Curtains. ee our Boots and Shoes, Overshoe a and Rubbers. See our Magniacent Display' in, all Depa t .eats. See our Value. Cannot be Undersold. Beaver Block. W TAILOR SHOP. I 0 -0 MRA E. C. CLARKE, In opening a new Tailor Shop in Windham, respectfully solicits. s share of public patronage. It will be his endeavor to wive satisfaction to all entrusting hint 'with their. orders. T' Ladies requiring tailor-made J A-CiKETS AasTD ULSTERS Can secure a good fitting garment -by patronizing,the new Tailor Shop. E. C, CLARK]. Wingbam, Sept. 251II, 1888. ri, Q .trivev and Second Hand DOBE & COOK'S. To make room for new fall and winter goods, we are offering purchasers splendid inducements in TOP BUGGIES, New and Second Hand PHAETONS and DOG CARTS. This is the Golden Opportunity Rigs home made and unexceptional in material and liuislt. s o klo Wilgham , Oonuity & l liggg: --Having opened out . largo stock of— Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, I and prepared to meet the wants of the people in every respect, NOT ONLY in the lowness of prices but in the M DP 22, -yam I afn prepared to do all kinds of work that is in my line of business and SATISrACTION GUARANTEED quality of goods as well. J. 4VA v .N T O N , SUCCESSOR TO H. PARK., st t7'st A BEAIUTTk UL LINE OE LATEST STYLES Tiv OSCoco C.4-M1\1711S' 1-11A.!12 —SPLENDID VAI1TE'TY AND EXCELLENT VALUE GENTS' BHI: 7tS, OOLLA S, SILIC. CAPS, Sze., &e. 0 . d Clothingo ' a Specialty. Ar W, WB pEt Yours Respectfully, . .,iic DOO. a FALL P RTATIt`„t NS '. HAS NOW ON HAND A LARGE STOCK OF. EVERY LINE FOUND IN A FIRS' CLASS BOOKSTORE, MAGNIFICENT WALL PAPE Of EVERY QUALITY, SHADE and DESIGN, and at REALLY LOW PRICES. BIG ARRIVALS IN FANCY GOODS. SCHOOL SUPPLIES AND TEACHERS' REQUISITES. FINE ALBUMS AND VERY Low PRICE. VASES TN EVERY DESIGN, , AND FANCY GOODS OF ALL DESCRIPTIONS, BLANK BOOKS. HOLIDAY GOODS. The ZE Mut Ring ekes. Baz.tet teat OHRONO ETERS!, '~ JUST - SEE MY A SUPPLY ` m C RAIL A.Y" W A.T C FiJ S, BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS' .AND PERFECT TIME -KEEPERS. Airri Pd AD and '' ELL , J GOLD D iS 23 ,' `r5 GI ,de 'a MY QUOTATIONS AND .PRICES CAN'T.. E BE4TEN I . MASON Iir.ocis, INA WINonAm... EAVETROUGHING STOVES T PAE DMFIY SU?PL-1€SI &c. I havo on hand a large gti:tntity of the beat brandu of tin tnanufactured'tn the woridoc bought for cttslt at the lowest prices, in the boot English Markets, al d as my facili ties for purchasing, these cannot bo surpassed by, army firm in the trads Oatntda, T ata determined to sell my goodrr at the lowest possible margin, and not be u kderstild by any. mAEE OF WORKMEN ARE A. 1. AlI work warranted first-class, as it is entirelly done .151 Sir my own immediate, supervision. Eavetrcughing specially at+.ended. to and i\ropt1riy put up . and Colnpleted. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. .•r. rttlradu .a.r....: r :rww ,y REMEMBER PIIE PLACE --Opposite Exchange hotel, corder Josephine, and Victoria streets, Barkley and. Mot;rinnluo-hi old stand. Call and fseeattd you will carry horno the reouvi;,t.O;; that whet :f say is correct, lily Motto is - SMALL PROPITS an (001 J TOK It TtUU N S t1 NIgI'1+f SIXI1 NCE T L'WrT1111 Tis414 A & LOW 4 TyyI I I Vt . 1)r ''`TILAND.