HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-10-19, Page 1VOL, xva i. -`', 4`? WIN�' b -1L M oNT, 4 RIDAY, OCT, 19, 1888, col°1TETOICA" -0 :13 . 1 "1GeES, ey 7 r i.. . xIs ., ,< emu Tl :,i9��xx�, 'mess To r, i,r�. PATL,NT INki1pl , Since the T [.rias carne under the management of the presort proprietor it has enjoyed a satiafaetory share of public support, Its circulation has steadily increased and it now has more j� than the average number of subscribers to a local paper, in the interests of ourselves and patrons, it has been deemed desirable and necessary to have full control of our columns, and this by dispensing with the patent inside. The recent stimulus given to the toren by efforts to develop cur manu- facturinrc industries has also tended to T 9 LClC1�.a, N�..ws, Flubseribe for Tit .—C,eorge Ro1n\ manager, died in TIMM. C1/4, 1, a noted. theatrioa� udou on Sunday.. on Yates, for Celluloid starch and our ci>11ars and cuffs Mee, —Mr. Wrn, Litt of the planing mill, lad the poiut cut <.1 the thumb of his left haul a few clays a+ 0. —The Rev, Marl Turnbull has resigned his position at List wee, and, accepted an invitation to go to incardine. --Messrs. Meyer Dioitiaso , of a w ing. barn, have decided o pay ly visit. —Mfr. P. Dierlam , artist, of Walkerton, sold the picture "Ti + old homestead" and two smaller tandem es to Mr. II. Cargill, M. P., for two Mende dollars, —A. meeting of the Western Assoeiation of Congregatioual a arches was held at Woodstock last week about fifty delegates and members being i attendance, encourage us as to the future of the —A witness toad —t1. now dry !louse is'boing added to the woo en mill. —Mr. Wm. Bradley, bakery in roar of his p —Notice the new Misses. Bonthron. --•Thursday the 15t1 set apart as thanksgi —Mr. P, Welsh pa the river from Mr. H lug a residence there —The next wee Division Court will; b day by Judge Doyle. place and we express confidence therein the head of the stele e named Wilkins. by incurriuh extra labor anexpense. e name of the other ey ing counsel. —The mayor and canvassed the town electric light and rec port to encourage the the contract. —Mr. A. W. Durohi awarded a Shakespoar ing the required ox Shakespeare class of Scientific and Literary —Out of nine of the attending the Toronto College last session not Yet half the aggregate Score one for Woman' city, and application. We see no valid reason wily Wingham should be behind any of its rivals in the county in the matter of supplying tt good,representa,tive newspaper. We aro bent on furnishing a paper credit• able to ourselves and in keeping with Winghaun's relative importancealnongst Canadian centres of trade. We hope and expect that in doing so we will be cordially supported by the public generally, as the success of any local • paper depends mainly on this.. Begidi,dn,pe with the first week in Novernbe'r, the Trues will be printed entirely in •our own office. This will entail a great deal of extra expense, and we hope this to be compensated for in a more hearty support generally. We expect our already very respectable list to swell by several hundred by 1Tow Years, and besides we can offer additional inducements to advertisers. The prime and only consideration with advertisers is -the extent of the circu- lation. We eau now appeal confit derntly to intending advertisers on this score. We purpose malting the 'Txtzns net only a repository of local news but a fair indication of Win;ha.in's varied lines of business by means of our advert tiling columns. Tine number of our correspoude it Willbe largely inereas; ed. Urnder' present eiretunstances the matter pent by our presentable corps of • reporters was not a/ways as. prorlaptly utilized as it ought $o have been. Frequently columns of matter wor set, up and unavoidably crowded out. This will be entirely remedied. We shall bp pleased to have items of news handed or sent to us by any ono who may bear of local happenings worthy •of note The Tx es has become tt lnnst:deeirtthIe o dium for advertising, being- readitbie;' popular and widely circulated, and we are desirions of .extending its scope, influence and ,pati;oixae, to a degree somewhat coininensurate with the means and labor expended in getting it up. We hope all our business men will avail themselves of this only effective method of bringing their wares •before - the • public: Wo especially thank those who have steadily supported us under earlier dilfieulties. We heartily appreciate all the support accorded us in the past. We aro here with a full determination to agitate and support the claims of Wingham and its bnsiness men, whilst always further- ing the interests of the surrounding country. The person I saw at was a man with One "What was the ?'> asked the oppos- eove of Mitchell for supporters for ved sufficient surd. to proceed with —At the W. 0, T. Sarnia, the subject of se instruction in our pu discussed, the couven strongly that a depart should be held inev subject. —One of the most ii the season will take t roller rink ou Monday when a fo, take plat taneo r tian, tow �tioulare will be•give , of Blyth, bas been diploma for pass- inatiou of the the Chautauqua circle. enty-two students omen's Medical ne failed to pass. f students failed. intellectual cape - race (g etweeu th ner of Simco Wingham, fo band'will Nein a res ereetod a new ennises. advertisement of November has been ng day. chased a lot across Clarke and is erect- ugof the Eighth bola here on Tues. --The finest thing out for laundry purposes olluloid Starob. For sale by W, T. ates, at the China House. —Buckley, the T had his sentence c lift =en years iu peni —A. sunflower in as a circumference iuches iu diameter. B. Deacon, of con. —Forty stalks of something scarcely may be seen at brought from Maui+ .convention, at eie ific temperance lie 8011ools was on feeling very ntal examination y school on this eating events in the Wingham ling, Oct. 29th, you -please) will mpiou loug die- . and A. Sebes. 5 (.side. The deuce. :;cl urther 7d. . ‘e. s been , to this effec f Health, and its 11 at once notify altli of all and all -pox, and of =Ali order in council by the Ontario governmet "Tbltt every local Board medical health officer, sh the provincial board of h any case of cholera, of s —tA, lot of nice n the Traria office, an than ever to meet wishes of those des printing line. —Mr, A. Ross, bo 'cords of wood pile Suuday night over t It was evidently, se work of some tho route murderer, has waged from five to entiary. r. P. Deans' window .f 44 inches, just 14 It was raised by Mr. i, Bast Wawanosh, ats from one seed is o be credited. Such r. Deans, It was .ba by Mr. Scott. w type has been put in we are better prepared he wants and suit the ring anything in the --Notice A. Ross's hangs of ad, --Tho teachers of T'.wst. ]furan aro in obey. A full report appear in next issue. session yesterday and of the proceedings veil ---Come to the Tr gotteu up aid =ellen letter !leads, statemen ho, Cheaper than ea and a well done, Mr. R. MacKe country with his hay, ting up about ono hen Marshall's,Ct 1ross, 1 vicinity of the Black uubiidied fiend ? ---Four youtlls,BB Albert Bell and W. Rose, were before tho y night charged with They were feud 50 utioued as to future keener, has some fifty on the B lino. On n cords were burned. on fire. Was it the htless boys, or some Simmons,Jo11n Smith,. mayor on Satura breaking window cents each and behavior. such outbrealr3 of rtiphth • ria and scarlet lever as occur1 n jari diction of the" said roc Mr. Je.s. A. Cline has photograph with the ohm, Star Hose Reel Co.S of Sea he was for many years Chi the champion running co continent, !laving won th race at Sarnia this season Mr. Cline is still a m3mb pony. •'th•n til limits of the 1 board." a A precocious on taking up a pa alarmed: Ma, Sir 3 the bust this week responsible for tl "Ca ache's greatest -Mr. Fred. 'Wei new residence and street, and has all tions for two -more about purchasing) uobody can deny. received a find limonts of the all, of which MThis is now any of the international A. brother to r of the cone- -The fair season is ov been captured, articles names published. Ou th no doubt a wholosonee 1 given to agricultural pursu fine arts, &c., by the rivalr developed. 1 ewspaper m ful as preparing and publi the most edifying things i the shows have an excelle teepees wards making always -s For jolrpriuting 3011 on Tipt Traits. —Mr, R. Robin CM, of Glenuanau, and family, with a carload of stock and mov- able left Tuesday (for Boyoman, Montana. —The Tions from now uutit January, 1890 for 01.25 ; or from now until January, 1s81 -or 25 cents. Read S. Graeey's local about clearing 3 t furniture stock for next, 40 days. Spa ial few. prices for cash. —Rev, J. Scott, •verary services in I Ripley last Sunda was filled by Rev. ' —The manager o Toronto writes the coueert was it gra 'been driven away' in.Terouto. . A., conducted mul- e Brethodest char& at The Wingliam church ..1. einowdemof the n McGibeny family t seems, oeowds having ea of the three nights —The difference betwe characters is thus Set fo is a developer ; the oroalee The kicker incites to i croaker ,to indignation The kicker only is heard one dollar aceommodatiot rates ; the croaker would if he was gettiug three do tion and paying nothing. lively, jovial, progrossiv croaker is a dismal anis superfluous on the stage. —It will bo heart with pleasure that Mise Bolin, a. Hardy, of Belmore, has decided to opou a, class here for instruc- tione inittuo, organ and harmony. She is a goldd tneelulist of Whitby Ladies' College, to pupil of Mr. Fisher, the director of the Toronto Musical Conservatory, arra of Mr, Fiarrieou, organist in St. Simon's Church, Toronto. For the rendition of a solo in the Toronto pavilliou recoutly she received highest encomiums of the —A Kincardine ma that impressed him m exbibition4was the p inordinate consume Strange how some me more thou others. —The assizes at God day, Justice Falcon There are 25 civil cases. of Winghain is on the.ju Bruer, J, Brandon, T. B of Morris and G. Fortun s$ office for neatly y padded bill treads, s, cheques, receipts, be done in the oity zie i busy in the, packer.Re is put. • red t s il,t Mr. R. e then goes, into the terse. says the two tbiags et at the Toronto onograph and the ion of tobacco. observe so much rich opened Tues: ridge Presiding. Mr. D: -Melones, y as are also G. ne and J. Clemon Turnberry. r. Prizes have 0mmended. and whole, we have petus has been s,manufactures, and competition n,too,are thank - hi ng lists are not , the world. But t effect and the do their part enema. —Could not 'Win and derive great a lishment of a go, spective of all c iareb, society or class 'distinctions? W. + is willingto assist in .i;ugurating sue Miss M. lri attention to thee' dressmaking in rooms formerly Ross. She would t:olicit a share of public patronage, confident that she eau meet the expectations of patrons.' attended the meeting Leal Association last A lengthy discussion orieiu and nature of sing a difference of —Mr. W. II. Clegg,. Of ing the Manufacturers' L was in Wingham on called on the '['11IEs. He from Goderieh where he 1 A. Wood, of Fordwiah, to of burglary. The place time ago was Mr:13. S. C the prisoner was tried bef son, Foster and Ross, an sent up for trial, nd irrepressible youth x - e r the other d: ty e lin A. Macdonald is on gain." The Empire is 's latest reflection on tates,rnan.' It is compkting ft neat workshop be Victoria oat completed negotia- esidenceson a lot he is That Fred,is a hustler, eerie, represent. fs Assurance Co„ ednesday and ad just returned ad taken one J. jail on a charge rglarized some ok's office, and re Messrs Gib - ordered to be WHOLE NO. 871. . Kincardine, led McLeod gave the accompanying it ploae,ing acdress the pastor elect and labels of a fa Rev, J. 1'. Gerrie, the people, eon, speed; settlemen romiudiug them upon them as After the publi service was held siding,. Royal Dandelion Coffee, A delicious and nourishing breakfast beverage for purifying the blood and invigoratin" the system. In the herbs of the feel d forest are found properties that tidoto nearly all the diseases to , whi humanity is liable. For sale by don & McIntyre. 1 prayer. Lev. A. S. ;lit braid of felly:el_ e, WW1 a touching au•1 Ileo 1'ar. Ball addressed stting forth the duties hfui minister of Christ. of Stratford, addressed atulating them on the of a suitable pastor, and of the duties devolving mbers of the church, meeting a commuuiou Rev. Thos. Hall, pre - FINE IIVIFO ham organize, support vantage from the estab- literary society, irre- —A naont °labor! te, and unique musical And literary ptogre mitt is beiug gotten lip by the Presbyteria ki for the avening of the ,15th November, TI anksetving day. 13eat -that date avid eveo iu mind. Mesere.W.IIol ander. of Toronto, who -sueceeds Mr, I). Ki ieteid BON factory Ana Morn% in t ,Stevetnion are now playing baritone AU 11 two. common b : The sticker is an incumbus. provement; the nd resentment. hen he is given at three dollar o just as noisy lar accommoda- Tho kicker is a fellow ; tho nee, who lags . tpovement? Cowie desires to can 01 that she has started e Beaver Block, in the ccupied by Mrs. M. 3'. ARGAINs IN FuaNITIIuu..—S. Gracey's s 1t of Furniture, consisting of PARLOR SUITES,' BED ROOM SUITES, SIDE- BOARDS, LOUNGES, &a. is offered for dayEA.P, for 40 s, for coin 'Whole rHtookto be cleared out toenake room for the boom. Just the place 'to go, young folks, if you want to go housekeeping: A nice lot of Pictures, Oil Paintings and Chromos to decorate your home - Dictums framed to order, any size* Come right along and get bargains. ember the place, S. Gracoy's Purpl- y) store, Main St., Wingham. —Dr. Macdouald of the Huron. M Tuesday at Clihton. took place on the diphtheria, there opiniolodgesuinsto whe the throahotando is tson hen h ast then ab. sorbed into the sys m or whether it is first takou fromthe tir he throat. the system and theu appears in —Mr. A.11ertzem , chief engineer of the Ontario division o the C. P. R., and Mr. John Wanless, pt dge inspeotor, were Material has beau partly delivered for ti e immediate ereo- It —,•Tile Quartette club ed the season's festiviti tally and dancically of Winghtem's blytho a of the muse, of Terpsioli train chartered to ate "graceful gyration gym day evening. Ap event y appreciative of poet estimate, Music, sphe dose Blyth inagurat• s for those musl- uclined. Some 24 gay worshippers re hada speoial d the Blythites' lastios" on Tues - TED HORSES. TI:LINO 1;nos LAfiT YIIRC1ASE. Mr, Thos. Tipling try in search of On Saturday last having brought ttod to be two of g animals ever The first is au field Oak," two cashire, England. bred, being refile. Book, and coml.e- im a model animal. with black poiuts, eavy bone, great. olid limbs, good proportioned, ecru• •s likely to make s. etured, The other •sh Hackney horse, years old. This am in color, he is (bome appearance :ani the stand. araeceand adapts- . s we believe such country's require - has been of lath in light horses, to sac ifice everythiug to speed in breeding l „'ht horses. In the last move the Tipll 1g Bros. have done what is likely to euh as shrewd horsemen. to be horsemen, and widened experience. realize their fullest e Some six weeks rag left for the old con additional horse flesh, he arrived at Wingb with him what are ad the most promising yo fetched into this looalit English shire horse, " years, old; bredin Lai This animal is standar tered iu the Shire Stu tent judges pronounce He is of a brown color capital feet, has muscular power, sp action, is admirably pact and graceful, and 2,000 lb, horse when importation is an Eng "Young Gordon," tw animal is also dark br standard bred, has a ha aucl fine movement. points of durability, app bility to general purpo stock will meet the meats. The tendency in Wiugham this week tion of a large grain the station. Aportion to bo utilized as a war admit this to be a i'cons to be wished." —Tho committee of t Inglis, Morton, Gregor ,tad W. Holmes—appoi .ted to report on tlepropoeitions of 1tTe : re. Iluttou & Carr, met and concluded tat the 15,000 offer would be rnost condi -ire to the towo's interests,if the firm c tisfactory guarantees as to thobligations este buildi also as to priority of se will be submitted to th date. arellpuse north o f the building is woke. Many will mmatiou devoutly, Cliue, Mackenzie press. facili —Who ere they, or w originated this ponderou appeared in the Luckuo of the Itince,rdiefi /avid good. joke on a young She had been over to 1.1.i and one -of yo er accurracy of rendition an of expression. are specially alpha,. lose fertile brain paragettph which correepondente 1y of Luckuow. up, men became handed some samples which 200 words are en occupied 'by a five ceut also two capital letters 1888. On another saa words, including tw written on the 80.1110 third, the Lord's praye All the writing ie pia the naked eye, bub to r was done by Mr. jaane, la give sa it ability to fulfil g and running mill, Couucil at an early infatuated. He Vali tile . OD of 0110 of the aristocratie Ot towns. SI e, to make things OM good as elle eould, N9 a ,r am only a peted foe by every two saleslady in Ate140.4. le atom.' The were elloeated. 'Minot co that Wingliam young main pays a vieit Lucknow, soot and Listowel have been fitted at Brussels, to the store, and in direct a to the tailor. Groop 'No.12, in which % CI are included, is filia8 1.118 Wei' eomposed as follows: <ineterdine, Wai- Brusse'Is, umpire, --The aiming meet was held in Toronto lowing officere were ele Excelleney the Govern dent, Robert Vorgasoci Toronto, The jabilee °site). has been f welting on oue of tten ou the space piece. There are eeidet the figures 'le there are 134 eapitel letters, aceoe heroes on a is written in full. dy discernible by ad it oorreetly the Sit is required. It Rebind of pleasure, employ et J. Smith Wollivood, of Epsom with his 'brothers i John W. Vanantter, visiting frieuds and She was welcomed end around Wiugha who has been p College Alumni Ass =lion, was present at the annual meeting 'n Toronto last week, chosen peosident th Repracntive: Miss is visiting Mies Gri Wingham, aceom and son, spent par the guests of his si in the vicinity of ( dod maid, •Iodordo aid. time was spent, erry as a marri- e of days Nviiai 10, A Macdonald az co their reputation It is 10 the family they are gainiug clay their ventures PAREWEL SUPPER. T05 ODD FZI:LOWS,. Do. TOTING ememaan n the eve of his 0 supper by Mititland op Monday evening a restaurant rooms. parture for Toronto M• r. 3. PreKelvie's. bout 35 membere .asil Tim supper e ore it to one who . • reputation as a a other delectable nmendations A701"0 ueets of Monday., g„ood humor, Pre. alled to the nude toasts were p50 - t Rod well timed Messre. Morton, btherister, J. A. or, E. Gunter Teems. Seseral the deliveeol borne to the 1)r.'e skill and success, itizen, his genial . nd unsulhed repti- posed. In reeponsei me speecnes were mune b Turner, is ia the elltue, Dr. Meldrum, was spetading a week and R. Elliott of tl •elatives in Wingluan. speeches testimony eve y hosts of friends pi. professioual courtesy, sideut of the Knox tac of the Ontario hen Curling Club ecently. The fel- ted :—Patron, His r General ; Prone uts, john Harvey, mid Dr. Buucher, ev D. 3. MeeDon- religious experience 1111t. ellcso 3-. 5. lkilmil, cell to the mo istry. The call of the Amble to be cowl chui.oh hove heii reted. mid accepted the ai tubs in the branch council signified heir approval, and mem. "'Ile P 1, g‘." 0 le pe, =ended. that th iustallittieu ho ptoccedea short and intvrestni .• address oil tan with, This to t place in, the evening.: saltiect of Edueati m, last Sunday. Rev, Thos. 11a, , miesionavet supenuteia —The vociva1 me ti,np b,:‘,i bovit Ono:tiara, after gall Dv. C. 14. tam, 14 all fur foil!' mf:00ii4t , of Lizoieilten, hes been te • Drew. of Wingham, elneve hero this eveek. Mr. Thos. Doane, of tined by Mrs. Deane of last week in town. napp, is visiting friends for a fortnieht.--s r3 Matteson, of Clinton, spout a week with D. Stewart, of Elgin for a eoup town on Tuesday Gerrie, was in to a. Green, of Oral R. Orr's this wee .1ris brother -in -levy Mt. Vingluan.—Mes. O. siting friends in Peet of weeks.—Mr. Jan r, of Tiverton, was in Mr, Zan Munitook, of gev• ille, is visiting at Mr. Mrs. Green is a sister mereb silt. —Miss Lizzie led home on Saturday, his worth as an active esteem in which r of several local g of "Auld Lang Py enjoyed eoeial social qualities, matt the he was held as a moral) fraternities. The. eingi Syne" brought a, hear . gathering to a close. " he dootor left on Wednesday for Toront evhere he is likely to resume praptioe at early dote, We understand he has rat a partial arrange- ments for locating. Ve well bear with share of the professiot • 1 patronage in the Athens of Canada, eee tetionally speaking that goat vortex of. t etde 21:11(1 maitufae. Dundee aua G. lt.—Miss Charlotte Br. a three weeks Walkerton Geor spent a few days Last Thnreday held in the Congr meat of bis view ed home last week, aftet visit to Mildmay and M, Halliday is spend - his frieuds here this e McKibben, of Toronto, town this weelt. thin Services, week.—R. Clarh ha • been here fee the tew pastor, ga,ve a stmts.: last wool: atteitaing to busivpss on the president of dui Ag _cultural Colle,,,e, pie of Suuelible. 5 Wren, that most nn expanding city on the portion to its populati • eunsi Nies. Winslow, of ing her sister, Mrs. Wm. Newcombe, 'Fainde started for Saturday, where th —Mrs, Baines is a again.—Mr. John up for several days Morris, with the i back 0 school afte oath/eat, in pro; 0. maim, is 'visit - and his sister y intend to stay. le to be aroma tines has been laid vith a sore head. has resigned his • Christmas.—Mr, the village le.et embore of the, biteta 1 ana, working button holes