HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-10-12, Page 4PIMAtr.-At Brns,s31N air. J. a. • SrawANr--A„ 0iaauen, 11,0v.,A.Lacv. .t; a taatxxl'. on the ii0tb ult., the wife 0f daughter, II the 2nd fiat., the wife et on. 011,0v88. -At Accvui viten CO., 4n thf+ •Sth hist., the wife of kir. 5'. k. Groves, 1Jrinidont2oI lb* Wingliai i Ii 13n tch l ; a son. COolt-In VI est l%alran h, ()tithe 8th O'sa,i the IWO of AIr. Wm. Cook; a n, M rrR ZD. Srniptna Y.!user---le CD ton, ou the 3rd 'dist., by the Rev. Jno dray, Mr W. Spinldes to lin. Susan Wilson, both of Clinton rleumuad0N YA'rS^l At lin Cottage, 31 ilamllten Road, on the 3rd lust., y the to'. E.B ,Ryckman, D. D., the Rev. Geo. Richardson, of (koderich, Pres, of the Guelph Co OWrono° ofthe Methodist church, W M !cgl4, elde t daughter Of the late 11'ru. Yates, of London. J1,erso8-T5.r rllssrur-ln llnt0I ,, on 25th ult., by Bev. John Gray, Mr, JO es Jackson, to Mlss 1Ji, s Ednlesti n, both of !lull tt, 11s4r - 01.1 na--In Crr11oy,Ro the Ord inst., by Rev, It. Paul, Mr. Jno. . 1 , to bliss Mary, eldest daughter of Mr. Fran* 0 iver, both of Qroy town, ship. MOCnRTea-•Harz-Near R vandale, on the Ord inst, by Rev, A. R. Linton, IS. of Walkerton, to miss Ra ult., by ltev, J. Greene, 5 Ida Greer, both of Nest 1Vreacoar.-Cot,2- At Volta Mr. James SlcCartor, hal C, I;ail, of Culross, t Wawiulosh, on the 25th r, W, Macdonald, to bliss 'awanosh. 500, on the Ord inet:, by Rev, J. Caswell, Alfred Iglnoro, of Toronto, to Miss H. S. Cole, of !fosse dale, IIAZMT-BiLLIN0S-At Gooe, on 3rd Inst., by tho Rev, W, Ayers, Mr, tiro . Hazen, of Wallace, ,to ..r„ Miss Marc Aim Billings, .f Brussels. "'AWACS-Hai/IE.-In Rev. A. Y. Ifartley.uri r. berry, id Wallace on the tto Miss Bella Eadie, both of Turi berry. (,'LEAMNTS--Ilt SIM—Ili I''ra t Wawanosh, on the 3rd inst., by the Rev. Mr, I , as, Mr. Nathaniel Cle- ments, of Hespeler, to ulia A, Henry, of East Wawan05h. D .S.r>x12r—At Brussels, On th 3rd inst., Robt. Sample, aged 23 years 4 months , -d 19 days. ARMST1t080-In Morris, on he 27th i$i ,,Sarah, relict of the late H, Armstrong aged 85 years, 4 month and 19 days. ,oINsr0N-In Morris, on he 4th inst., Charlotte, wifo of Mr. %Vin. Johnsto , and 65 years 7 months. McALis'en-In Wallace, of the 2nd inst., Margaret Ann McAlister, aged 19 years, 5 months and 24 days. .01Kne u. -At Wingham, cn t e 8th inst., Samuel Gor- don, son of Sir. John 52e •r, aged 1.3 months and three days. Cheese 111, Mete. rsoll to -day there was ales were made at 91c• rust. Tactoryinen are her atextremo prices, ISORasolO, Oct. 9. -At In nothing much being done. to 9'e., all of July and A holding September and Oct 'WINGHAM MARKETS. 11, 1883. Fiour'per cwt., . $ 2 50 to 2 75 75 to 2 75 Ylour per bbl., Fall Wheat per bushel, new • 1 l0 to 1 12 Spring " 00 to 90 Oats. • - 60 to o 32 Marley, • 60 to 02 PetatPeas, s, 25 to 30 Apples per bag, 30 to 40. - Butter per lb., . 16 to 10 T:g„16 to s per dozen, 1 25 to . „ 16 16,, wood per cord, 11 00 to -12 00 10, flay per ton, < DFESSiv1AK ANTE.WISII TO INV() ham that we have o Rooms opposite the Ban your patronage, we goaral Resneetfuliy yours, Ma C00t ICAN. Mrs. Coolican has recti taken a, thorough Course on the Taylor system of s G ROOMS. THE LADIES of Wing. ened out Dressmaking of Hamilton. Asking for er perfect fit and finish. M. ROSS & MRS. E. tly been in Toronto and Dress and Mantle cutting uaro measurement. Oat Fleal till Opened. The undersigned desire to inform farm- ers and the people generally that they have reopened their .Oat ii;fg Winginm, And are now prepared to purchase Cats in unlimited quantities and at the o:St Market Price. They will supply customers with the BEST Gaanns in Oat Meal. ELDER & CLEGG, 'CN"71\1-G-HAM, - - ONT. ,.,i:15 DAVIS IS OFFERING TNT E `YY' ON '.&.;R C PROPERTY• AT VERY LOW RATES. OFFlCP'--OPPOSITE THE MARKET. f1 i 11:!1, OCTOnE11 4111, 1888. MONEY TO LEND. D g'1 r,;'ul'cmATION OP THE TOWN$IlIP OL' Tw ,Lorry has about 83,000 to loan ou Mort - {ming 4111750, 1Ie:.AitEN, or Mt. MCPHERSON, Ta. Tra1.r,;: non Wingham. RRxvr, Olenfarrow 1yir; h.zn, ?lay 11th, 1888. t',i.Y• b,:L:" „>.��.,'.' iia„ 1.,. ..c�w;,,� '1 Jt � d li,f.t ,? "r 'CuitoT do not motin taer5'ly to 154-0 vein: .1(q, tifno, and then haves tl WOi se - t1 sl ut', I ;;5r soj .A. RADICAL GORE. 1c f ca {"tie the disease of r� °E72: MPIVEIPSY0V Va;lt li:V*imyremectq're cs'ss. Beca»so others have) g f os s rnfor not nowrd'deivin •nc1•rC, tt1 ei inztstr6 ,tiseandayat>,a TIOTTX,11 1 1J d Alr'2fr.It !belt», . Give Bx7rrees ' ?o .t t t; Oil t i<. Ii, CoStg','ou Nes 'nothing l' b, 5,1111, ea x :It, a Altura you. Address } u , T+, f . Z GL'•'.. 37 Tonpe St,, Toronto, Ont, See our Dress end Mantle Goods. See our Plushes, Sealettes, T arveille ,u and Trimmings. See our Flannels, nd,erware and. Blankets, Q See our Tweeds, Worsteds, Pantie s and Overcoatin s See our Gloves, Hosiery, Yarns and Shawls. See our Carpets, Oilcloths, Damasks and. Curtains, See our Boots and Shoes, Overshoes arid.. Rubbers. See our Magnificent Display in all Departments. See our value. Cannot be Undersold. eaver Block. NEW TAILOR SHOP 0-ro MR, E. C. CLARKE, In opening a new Tailor Shop in Wingham, respectfully solicits a share of public patronage. It will be bis endeavor to give satisfaction to all entrusting him with their orders. Ladies requiring tailor -Dade JA. -CK HATS AND 17 -EST -FIRS Gan secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shop. E. C. CLAREE, Wingham, Sept. 25th, 1.88B. GirtioNiit + 0 TO S OTTRn 0 Fine He ¢ and Scree . ri and. Rigs ✓_,A._ A 1.,+-a DORE & GOOK'S. To Make room for new fall and winter goods, we are offering purchasers splendid inducements in TOP BUGGIES, New and Second Hand PHAETONS and DOG CARTS. This is the Golden Opportunity. Rigs home made and unexceptional in material and finish. To the People of WiDgliat CLarge Having opened out ^, large stpek of atches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silverware, I am prepared to meet the wants of the people in every respect, NOT ONLY in the lowness of prices but in the quality of goods as well. I ale prepared to do all kinds of work that is in my line of business and SATISFACTION GU:4.RANTEED J. 11. VANSTONE SUCCESSOR TO E. PARK. La%est. OheaDet Bes A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LATEST STYLES IN----- G-ENTS' HgT� ---SPLENDID VARIETY AND EXCELLENT VALUE IN— GENTS' SHIRTS, COLLARS, SILK CAPS, Sze., &e. Clerea. Olothi ag)a Specialty. 4. W. X71/ E ST.�:,1'gyp R, Yours Respectfully, • . a MCINDOCt .1 —FULL PROVISION; AT THE POPULAR POo: TORBy —IN THE WAY OF Scholars Supplies for Public and High Scho�Is'm Blackboard Crayons & Slate Pencils. Wholesale JUST ARRIVED, A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT or BERLIN AND SAXON; WOOLS, FINGERING YARNS, &c. 3BLANX BOOKS OF EVERY SIZE AND QUALITY • A3 ROS CHRONOMETERS! JUST - SEE - Y - SUPPLY 0 . - AAL V'y A. Y MVV A.f..L_ BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS AND PERFECT TIA7E-KEEPERS. GOOD V LIM EN D and FIXZED GUM GABE MY . QUOTATIONS AND PRIES i •N'T .E BEATEN 1 MASON BLOCXS, WINGIiAM. EAVETROUGHINf}; STOVESI TINVVAREI DAIRY SUPPLIES, &c. I llttwo on hand a large quantity of the best brands of tin manufactured in the world, bought for cash at the lowest prices, in the best English !Markets, aa d as my facili. ties for purchasing these cannot be surpassed by any firm in the trade in Oanada, I am determined to sell my goods at the lowest possible margin and not be undersold by any, MY STAFF OF WORz .MEN ARE A 7.. All work warranted first-class, as it is entirely don under Ivy own immediate supervision. Eavetroughing specially attended to and properly put up and completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. REMEMI3ER TiIE PLACE—Opposite Exchange Hotel, corner Josephine and Victoria streets, Rarl.ley and htcOrinlnon's cid Stand. Call and see and you will carry home the conviction that what I say is correct, My Motto is SMALL PROFITS and QUICK RETURNS A I'1Ifl3LE SIXI'BbiCB IS I3ETBE THAN A SLOW SHILLING. D.SUTHERLAND.