The Wingham Times, 1888-10-12, Page 1et Talbot, - The secret of in the character of —The Cloderioh during the aays'of -Notice the an wank by M. T, Le XVII. ---NO 41 /J TT r T T, ONT., 'FRIDAY, OCT, 12, 1888, VV T LB NO. 873 OCAL XMWS. e for Tam TInes, e the nee ad.of Messrs. McInnes nation's greatuess, is is citizens. r issued live dailies fair, he , lemma/opt made this lie, tailor.. Irl -air. P. Mein on Nae removed into Mrs. J. Sue11's real mice ou John street. —k1. S. Cox has• been liberated and till the charges ngo,. et him have fallen; "through, —Mr: ;Bone is having arise storb—lately bettupied'ley Mess . Matinee at'Talbot— ;,Ypaireci. eas4Mitchell is 11 tdy to have 'eleotrio "rights at+an early , ate, Their Ate la 2 'carats on the 4. A bey Navin; a expressively: tooth came out." —The Jarvis Sta a aptist church, Toron- to, has passed a reso utiou in opposition to. •c role exemptions. --_The finest thing o e laundry purposes a Celluloid Starch. eaVor sale by . T. Tates. at the China House. Fpx,an exam le of the power of a fuels' letter compel re the phrases " bloom` owing cheeks." —Wa R. Davis, f Mitchell, averagedone ut dyed auction s les in the fall and win - tete of each of the est three years. and roasted, mar r boiled with myrrh, rizers au a siok room. —The Thies from now until January, ;1890 for 41.25 ; or few }low x}ritil Jautiary, 1880 for 25 cents. —Mr. John Ha, ilton, of Gerrie,shipped. oar lied of shoe to Buffalo on Thursday atought from Mr. 3 Stewart, of Wingham. —Jpdge Ramie , head of the Commis- sion of Enquir , remarked that the press is the best representative of the public. —"Wingham'eg terprise"waa a heading dozens of pap re last woek. Others ettumunicated fay rably on the enterprise manifested. . —The Musical hair Competition was fairly well attondsi at the rink on Tuesday ,evening. The sac essful competitor was • Arthur Stewart. —If you leave a them the TxSins times better them, :cost nearly so mac3 —Mr. ;T. A. Mori .and produce at the on. Monday, No in� man could be soon —Mr. B. Davis cattle on i atnt:day Hamilton. Mr. Dh ed a car load of b —The Presbyte pose holding an evening of thanksgi Thursday the 15th —Prom the seed f one potato, Mr. Jas. Loutit harvested a few days ago 32 fine •large potatoes, filli g a good sized basket and weighing 16 lbs A. rich return, surely. aa—The . sole of vel isles by Messrs. Coutts `Lea is, on Satur .ay, was well attended ?end most of the ri s sold at fair prices on the whole, Some 'ne bargains were no doubt obtained. • —A. lot of neem new type has been put in the Trams office, and we aro better prepared than ever to meet the wants and suit the wishes of those desiring anything iu the printing line. --Come to the Toms office for neatly gotten up and excellently padded bill head ;letter heads, statements, cheques, receipts, &o. .Cheaper than can be done is the city and as well done. , ' ooth pulled exclaimed before it killed me the in „cheek;" and "bl Coffee pound burned and vine( are, excellent deed• For job printin. 3a11 on Tara Trails, --Live busines men are agreed on the flet that the bes and most tucoessful ad- vertising le that done in nowspapore ,A. Philadelphia soa dealer says ; I have con- fined m,' adver ising entirely to limes- papiers. The in a who doesnot reada newspaper does 1 of use soap." die lt'ioall A. ba Y e au ly execrated pl. convulsing the 1 present. Poise' were seat from. named Cherry 1 being rigidly iuvc ;Vionaat a distance send year: Ib is him* or weekly and don't r. . an was ajndge on fruit East Wawanosh show recopipetenb or reliable ed.. hipped a car load of For Messrs. Gillespie as y, of Gerrie, also shipp.' chars' cattle. an Sunday School Pur - entertainment on the ingday, which fallsou November. —The Toronto S tool Trustees have re. •solved to open twel e night schools for the winter months. I, by not have a night •school in' Wiugha. • Great good could be accomplished in way... l: �¢ —31 a man punch : sea an article at an auction sale and ref ses to take it, it may • be resold and the fi •at purchaser sued for „idle difference in pr ce. An action of., this .kind has been eute conceived and deliborate- o person three families is snal quiet q of Galt at ek scandy lea pa a)gt3 of Coronto, and one family st a eliild. The tnattor is stigated. —It is no empty b , st we make Who we assert- that Wi gham liar especial attraotiots and adv; mages for intending purobasers of goods almost every line. In lio town in talo w+st is 'the competition keener than here. ria is especially true of dry goods. We lave active, sbrewd, euterprisiug men w o purchase to the best advantage and lisp, •e of their goods on the most reasonable ar ins, Thi can be.. easily tested by (airing purchiises in outside towels, Wi 'ham is the dry goods centreof the conn y. —If you want your town to improve, improve it. If y u want to make your --Miss M. llicCor €o desires to call town lively, make it. Don't go to sleep, Maar- attention to•the fact that sale has started but got upal mina) i for Push. or bly lossmaking in the Beaver Block, in the tise it, talk ab ap, property, ,,talk favorably.it. formerly 000u led byMrs. M. J. If you have an pclean ,, i your ch � Paint your lieu e, clean up your back he oafid ret t 't she Gaeof l meet the yards. Make y' r surroundings pleasant ge, c 1i and you will fee better and your property stations of patrons. . will be worthm• a dollars in the markers. The successful t•wus of Ontario have been successful by pro.erty owners palling to- gether. Public) i provement is an invest: - malt that piiys. Get at it. 'Wake up. There is no tinge to be lost and every little bdilps. Toot yo r horn, toot it loud,' A. number of our citizens • went .ret to a big social Glance at' Mr. I. Maitwell's residence last night. About forty .ouples were present and spent a Ino Boss, pair ex Speaking of ea Here, the Hoe part of Wingham enterprising emir' altogether advoc to the beaming. we imagine that to follow in the our lively town. still greater aoti d at Mitchell. —Mrs. J. Ritohie nd Mrs. 8, Smith are. attending the anuua, nesting of the W. C. T. 13. ha -Sarnia the: yeaek. About' 200 delegates are prose ' b. The "Union haat now a membership o 6,000 in Ontario and over 18,000 in the Do ' inio;i. —A St. Mary's furl itul .dealer offered a sideboard free to tri •,00nfale who decided to be married in the + aricuititral Hall on the day of the Fair, al • tiler citizen offered the marriage license f oe, and the Rev. Mr. Charlton to tie the knit free of charge. • . • We are again in good authority that be erected at the 0, P material for the saln by the Company. W , accomplished fact bof weeks. --A new fonee has of the English clan terraced. The latter ciored necessary by the hill. This hue g appearance of Jo11u math more convenie .', 31. station. position to state on grain elevator is to R. Station, and that 11as been purchased hope it may be an re the lapse of many edit erected in front eh, fund the front operation was rens ie meting down of eatly improved the treat, and made it t for treat: to the 0 o reeent bylaws voted ✓ /"urea says: On the people this displays an , and Valle we are riot tes of nor yet favorable stein of advancement, vexd-Exeter, in a degree* ,he of the \'Viugham four,. ig1 t. get an impetus to • ity. ,1 -Bev, S. P. 't ale•olserves on the sped.- al peei.al attraotionsof he fall' shows ! "De worn' do move ; all de successfulness ob de. autumuial expo ishone is beyon questshun-. ability now alt bootal to de inereasfulnee ob de aggregas nal Ideatities an' de con- glomeration ov der indoosements to attaot de in .dividooal y o11 do all-devonrin' au' all-observashu • al public." -=.Mr. T. a regory has begun buying grain in Wingm and we. hove now the benefit of com titiori. Mr. Gregory has a thorough know edge of the grain : business, is a,pr tnpt, h. orable and cautious man of business. F rmers having cereal to sell peed have no 1 esitati'on in bringing them to Wingham to ' maize highest prides. • —Miss Milne n, niece to Mr• J. Milman, and Mrs. Gree , living near Ltloknow, were pressing a foot . ridge, opposite Mr. Well-„ wood's,Lower ingbam, when the former, stepping on au unsteady piece of timber, fell into the ' rater. With presence of mind she wa seized by the latter and finally restor•da to terM'forma,•:pretty thoroughly e liduseed and considerably frightened. M- r• T. B; 1, of the furniture 'factory left for Winni • eg on Tgesday to look after his business . teresto& ' •before. stated Mr. Bell does •t'parp`ose in thug till next spring, but 11 already purchased addi- tional machi ery.. His business . being- chiefly eing• chiefly'in Mau tob and the Northwest, his present trip is ith a view to extend and further it. M . Zell is a' cautious, Shrewd and reliable • an who .has established a solid business reputation. t enjoyable evening. 'Messrs. ti. Itut terford, James Fowler, John S., AI Max -well furn Dancing and indulged in. . also sprr'a.d an and Mrs. 1! entertainers. Pnaesonts.— a r. J, J. Anderson, of the sawmill, has bee 1 confiner$ to'his residence for some .days th •ough;ilijUiles; several:aof his ribs his ribs laving been broken -ab • is about again, , °ostmeater Fisher has been confined t • hitt hoatee by a severe attack of asbhm: We notice that Rev. David Mann, o was a coteruporary parish instruct, r with Mr. Lithgow, of Wingham, has Vas visitiug D last week.—Mr • Who has . not witnessed the rapid progress; mad and being made with the• new factories. One week from the day the by-laws were •varied, Messrs. Gilchrist, Green & Co. h d the roof on a three -Storey building, 30 y 60 test. The progress since has beequally rapid. and the universal. co ment • is "Marvellous." Messrs. Kincai i Brow. & Co. are busy with their foundati n and that biglorn k stc- ture is to be c• plated this fall' —Some se Bible people never have ocoaaion to b• on the streets these dark nights, They don't think of and probably oppose street. *ghting. .Not a few business mea and oiti ens have to find their way home in "D .yptian darkness." Their sentiments ar :: "Let there be light'—of some kind. t requently, or nightly, stran- gers have to came from the station. They probably go : ' ay chagrined and call us a benivl •d peole,. — The Win ham Curling Club held its annual meetie recently and officers wero elected as,foll, ws : president, John Inglis, re-elected;" vi a -dc', SexteeIient, re-elect- ed ; seetetar. -treasurer, Sohn Neelands,re.eleoted; p roil, Dr. McDonaldt Corm mittee of M °agement : John-1X1iglis, S, Kent, and J Neelands. Representative members: H gh Miller, oronto'ana John Neelands. ' here are 'over BO members now connate 1. Prospects are good for a grand winter': sport.. — Mr. W this year wh• at ,Belgrave, and Hensall these points •Competent m prams are in points we ar the public c advantages t grain to Win in auotheri Clegg made arrangements •eby leo has grain warehouses Blyth, Kippen, Chtedeboye s well as Wingham. Atjall e has secnred reliable and n to buy. Whilst uniform ended to prevail at all these strongly of the opinion that n apprehend compensating be derived by bringing their ham. Those are referred to m. —Spoakin of the kleGibeny family of singers shoe y to appear in Wingham, the Toronto Em ire said : At Association }Tall last evening standing room only could be lead, Rand in fact many went home, thus missing one •f the richest txltisical treats ever given in the hall, as it was the occesio0 of the MeGi eny family's first appearance. Meek the &tinily but a few minutes to capture the ears and hearts of their audienoe, w o recalled them many times. They compo.e a very remarkable group of father, mot er and children, ana an equally con orsant on brass or string, besides ,well cultivated in song, making te delightful pa • are ou the platform. Tickets for the great musical entertainment by the McGi17eny f telly can bo had at 37, V, - (#oyster's. clerson and • James stied splendid xnusie ther amusetnents'were n elaborate table it r"iwb1y enjoyed. Mr. ax0411 . are excellent" APPROP$IATP ANA s' 13OLAi1I s1 nalQNs. In the enforced Taylor, of Al'>:•itoholl, Moorhouse, preached and wholesome discou the steadfastnessof fittingly set forth, base ence of Bev, W. J.. 110 pastor,. Itev. J. H. two earnest, practical ses, Iu the morniug, od's premises. wero 011 Gen. a: 22, Too frequently, he argued, eagle failed to look beyond the barveet t the Author and Giver' of material and spiritualtritu al blessings, We have the four • •se sons as competent witnesses to testify t. the infallibility of God's promises, Wkn st man enjoyed the bountiful harvests, as Well as innumerable other divine gifts,. it ' se vastly more im- portant cad essential o possess the Giver of the gifts than tai= mere material her-. vests. In drawing, i vb practical lessons from this iuspiriug f of of God's absolute faithfuluess,the pre cher blended apt and vivid illusttations,ear est entreaty,faithful 'conned, zealous appe 1, as well asap faith ful prosentatiou of se ipturedeandefations of sin and prod's t neatened judgments. The lessons drawn fr n a belief in God's faithfujliess were; 1 Tggbring peace to the anxibus. 2, To ; religthen believers, 3. To bring comfort •'`kil[e. afflicted. 4. Te ipdueo greater relia ility on God's: iirotri isms. 5. To teach us that w11i:1,stglis, promisesare true, he' numorous,t3pcom- promisiug threaten ngs .ltf 'st eipturee! equally trate 3tfPe1 1•, t thele must she ae- cepted as surely as t e fernier. Whilst we believe in the Moline s, mercy and goodness of God let us also 'elieve in Iib justice. Joel's utterance, "Pit in the sickle for the Harvest is ripe," wa: the basis of' his eve- nieg's effective dise. arse In tlae; iutense1y,, realistic vision of a ape Tha&-j grain the 'Prophet pictures the ptoeeaa'o gathering eau hate Christs he',Only kingdom.. The :,tap; $1b i, hts here 'eturued to Canada, and Campbell, of Seaforth Chas. Potts; who. has been visiting at Mr. S. 'l.'oubill's, left for . Slee' is to be' met at husband; and they will t. Thomas, and call at way home.—Mr. W,,Mc- Clymont wasaj dge on implements at the Luck row. fall sh • we—Mr. J W. Inglis'wets a judge ou impl: mode Al the Belgrave' show.—Mrs. J'. •nell left for Cleveland, Ohio, a few day • ago, where she is to re- main for some tin a at least with her. son, Albert J. Snell -'-Mn R. Elliott, of the Traces, spent so•e days in Toronto 'ibis week.—Mrs. Tao • throw, of Southampton, visited her chug R. H. Holmes, b his wife visited Holmes, this we a judge ou ladies show on Monde hone onTuesda Loudon 'by he vit3it friends.at' Detroit en their ions device by is accurately indicated, M most successfu ers.----1VIr, .A,lla A2crris, receutl country with th nue filly andtwo .M i This is x. Spiel importing busine *:hicll the quantitymade ensured and the price Bell is ono of our andenterprisin; faun. Spiers, of :Con. 4, returned from the old o Clydesdale horses, tallions all yearlings. , fifth trip e• 1.tp i:1i the s. 4 li was' q italnedwere sowing, reaping •.The operating laws it81dr of nature were explained and 'a -Aetna anal gy into the re ions of ne the medon spiritual+ vt �rted and a 'pllfied and the i aces 11r ,, abeosion iu the higher life iuc�i tate; The:jgy Mei ent to the reaping of natures harvest was i icompaiiable to that which characterizes t e'spiritual ingather, ing of souls. LEOTUnn • TIABIT1 Mr. Moorhouse pre: siring, in .a few re• once of intellecfual cad Rev. Wa S, Tay- ell,e The speaker emeral compliments oration of his sub - marks on the impor improvement, introd lor, rector of Mete pleasantly paid a few and entered in the eat jeot, Toe word was='guificantiu its cou- atrectiou, as by delette ing it still retained a mewling. Habits'lgro almost inpercep- tibly and were thrown ` }vitheareat difta- eulty:+,d.Sfide caekeepaaa yontD u1 -habits were criticized such ` s • staring, sniffing, a gum and tobacco as commendable isgusting, foolish prospects iu life. Common errors in ape •ch and national fere Vera last weak.—Mr, characteristics—tale dro ping of -h for in - f T t , stance -were indicated, the use of slang mister, smacking, linger melon Manliness but mannishness was and hilarious: to ones a orou o. auc at his father's, Mr. .q,m ,was illustrated and c • ndemned, as uu- k.—Mrs. Wm. Clegg was n, -- : work at the Belgrave —Rev. R. Henderson, brother to Mr. H. 1). Henderson, of White- ngham ou Saturday on eter, where he preached . A. H.. Musgrove, ' of in town on. Saturday. of Hamilton, spent.. e 11 friends in town this gy Clarke, who carried lug business in Wing - mei left for Winnipeg :he purposes to remain. hers in that city,—Mr. V. S., of Gerrie, gave us day. He has been for ing his palling in that . Johnston, living on the who is nowin his 87th church, was in his way to Wro last Sunday. 111 Whitechurch, wa Mr. J. McCpnnel few days with week.—Mies Ma on the dressing ham for some t this week, where She has two bro James Armstrong a can on Wedne nine, years practi locality, --Mr. W B line, Turuberry year, called on t• a Trans on Wednesday. His sight has beeme dirt but lie has yet a fair share of bode y anti mental vigor, and walks to Wingha occasionally.—Mr. J. A. WindBor, a forro=r teacher and personal friendj„ from Chao d, gave the Txaxzs a call on Wednesday. L painstakingand suc- cessful ..teacher, he now represents the Temperance and General Life Assurauce Co. in the West• n district, and is likely to make Walkertu his beadquarters.—Mr. A. J. Conover is ome again from a length- ened trip to, t nolo Sam's Dominion. —Mr. Andrew B ask and family, of sou. 6, Vest Wawanosi , left for Bruce Mines on Thursday, near which he has purchased laud.—Mrs, Ma 'oh, of Edmore, loft for Portage La Prai le this week,—Mr. Mar- quis, of Goderic , and his new made bride, ree Miss Hanna M k, of Hullett, wero in Wingham thiel t eek, Mrs. Marquis is at sister to Mr, M•nck, of Wingham.—Miss Lillie Miller, o Winghsm, has gone to Lucknow to re • cin till Christmas.—Mr.Wm. Pearce, orrierly working at the 'Canon, has retu lied to Wingham and gond to work again. TARES vain DEconeet Mrs. J. 3L Mo St. Paul's Chnrel dations for the el ingly attractive decorated the eau the harvest thank last. The varie and household p1 gorgeously arrali NO tendwltlance istan€nthe dilig att very large, the filled. 1VXNG SERVICES. Na, A13Lti BLRatoits AND Lzcxuiers. thous° and the ladies of oilmen - borate, won universal mon- borate,tasty and exceed - inner iu which they Wary in preparations for giving services on Sunday cereals, garden flowers uts were artistically and d for beauty' and effect. inclement weather, the oreuoon dna evening was Mitch being completely gentlemanly, lowerin The unmanly, sinful au of swearing was dwelt w of speech as criticize of speech 'commented plaiued and commend suchas the queen an and Dr. Barrie have yoices in Britain, and mistakes wore p ed. Novel reacliug dangerous dissipatio the Pilgrims' Progr Tom Brown's Soho Help,. the works o The drinking habit effects pointed out. instructed in do families of Gladst taught some lilieds once said the grea mothers. The hab amusing children were given some ' duties, family pray of importance, and made on thanksgiv played several nic abominable habit n. The naselhabit , the nervous habit - n good reading ex - <1, as exemplified by Gladstone. Spurgeon the best cultivated Clerical pretensions inted out and ridicul. certrin lines was es, Robinson Crime, days, Ben klur, Self Scote, Dickens azo. as condemned and its Women ought to be estie economy. The ne and Bright were - vocation. Napoleon neea of France was t of playing with and s commended, fathers od advic as to home rs were urged as being some timely commente ng services. The band seleetioas, the church rtainiugly, and Miss ve several Kindergarten Ho Mr, Alex.. Ora 12 timbals of -pa squad.� he. Poo obtainel'fi'at and Toronto Industrial two seconds and on don fair. Mr. -S, matter.—The Howl ord, of Gerrie, dug • atoms. from,, 39 le'a cheese factory arta' :prize at the Fair, also secured third at the Lon- oward is Cheese - k Farmer's Mutual Fire insurance C•, received 42 ap• plications covering risks amoultten , to $62,826 Whist the • tiny. ` chid,' - of Con. 1, 'on distinction as an ria fine Olypdesale big sweep with his diel importations "at ' Mr, James Ri liowielc, who has importer and deal recent and sple Walkerton. lie .took first prize and diploma for t 00 year old. More attractive or , e,rfect .specimens of stallions than hose, Owned. by Mr. Ritehie can 'sea cely be' 'found.—Mr. 'T. Bell, of.Forth ieh, has been menhir- ing,, numerous all, . deserved prizes with -his ane,, h xses this py.ear. • At Harriston and roxpter he virtually swept the prizes 'or hekvy team, model orse, yearling a d spring colt. These ninivis were un Versally.admired.= The fine colt . exh bited by Mr.. Bell. and which appears to hive begun -a big B. Harris, ,Splen id stallion "Gold.?? VIIEBENT The regular mo present except M staff of teachers w cation as follows : department, at 92 fifth depaatinent, Henderson, sixth c department, at 9' was re -appointed a300. Accounts w fellows W. Hell was received from. palts room aside Stormouth's (Apt board. The pal tho secretary was The board Mu?. ad STAFF lin•tNGAGED. hly ineetiag was held g. All the members . Inglis. The present re re-engaged on appli- V. E. Groves, principal, ke, second department, Burgess, third depart - la. IL Reynolds, fourth ; Miss Jennie Cargill, at $255 ; Miss Miran° epartment, at the rate Catley, seventh 0, Mr, joseph Coed janitor at a solary of ce ordered to be paid. as ho pupils of the princi. , for the purchase of dietionary by the ion woe graded, and set in operation year on his own ed with it a hp of Con. 4, Iforris has An° cider mill this arm. 11 has connect - sad disaster, on. th Merniug.of the 4th inst, The house of fr. S. liumphries being ,reclaced to as es. The inmates had a verar narrow cape. Very little- was'saveci, and the nsnrauee will not , Orciwston,-whe bas een on a tour to the Northwest; arr ved home on tho 4th inet.—Mra. G eson„ who has been. visiting friends. i London returned one of his fine dra ght!borses to Mr., Mooney, of °lintel .—The chief occu-, pations of the far ors of this vicinity' atpresent are are loughing and har- vesting apples.--- n exiting incident. occurred on the ev fling of the 5th, some parties return ug from the show thought they won] try . a. race. Cer- tain of the riders, ot wishing to stop the fun jumped out at his goal corner where the race was in its full height, but gave himself n excellent oppor- tunity of examinin „with his proboscis, the gravel on the road, Another of the party jumped out before he was ready and tried to net as a prop to the fOre wheel pf:the ther conveyance but and vehialitan in this leoT8..n.aa uebessful for herse. The counci rector members all pr was iostructed to '06 641V:0.4. Oppo, site lot 2, on 4 cot , line pt. tapair. The reeve waS in tructecl to have tho road opposite lo 13 repaired, Jas. covered with ced • or elm plank. mr. Jas. Nesbitt appe red in reference to a proposed dram hrough lots in the 8th con. and ask cl for a resolution of the engineer br aelit ' Mr. Nes- Mooney was roe t9J-rob:tt. bit's. request The a Wary of $86 iideread reeve Was 'Matra between Ids 25 n. 7 Chopped ' out. Accounts ere paid.' as follitiwt: T. Rogerson li ber $10.70, Wm. Geddes ditchin $2, Joseph Gilley' ditching $16, W Garness repairing' bridge $1.60, A. Vanalstine repairing bridge $2, John Sainple snow fence, Ritchie do $8.60 Wm. Taylor do $18,- 79 MAIMS culv rt $1.50, A.McAllist- er culvert $1.50, Wm. Brown inspect- ing work $4.88, J'as. jaelcson work Core repairing c lvert $5, M. Omni. ingham lumber 11.81. The minima adjourned to M et on, flip 12th a No mullet