HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-10-05, Page 40 110) N. it lrltAs--At Winahatn •n the Ath inst., the wife of Sar. W. J. Chapman; daughter. A1Airs:i—At Wingham 00 • :3.6th ult., VW wife Of • Ale. Chas. 5lanser ; a son. 1) 01.701}30 0--M Laugritto. on le 2.Gth ult„ the Wife of ltev, D. Das itson, adear tht. Aio 11 , -At Clinton, on t o «0th urt., the wife of Air. James Aikens ; a son. llai +izu -alt Clinton, o the 21st ult., the wife of ilr. 1', W. Hayward ; a son. ru0rltn-At VS0to0, o the 23o1 nit., the wife of Mr. II. Porter : a sou. t1 1(31.1.r --At Clinton, on e 25th ult., the wife of 3I Arthur Quigley ;. a. s linos, -At Clinton, on the 2' ad ult, the vie of Mr. Jas Boss. cabinet maker • o daughter, '.IAvt,eu--tut oderich, on th 24thuit., the wife of Dr. `.Laying ; a sou, eliEssA5--In ¥orris, 00 0 23rd ult., the wife of Mr. John ClemIon ; a ; u, MA ^ IED. tik�leKAr-'-Lorr--At Yin tam, on the Sol inst., by Rev. John Scott M. • Mr. Charles N. McKay, of .1;sllileld, to Miss lda 01110 Lott, of West Wawa, nosh. Vise—O'Sr4rt.ss—At IYt gham on the 6r&last., by Rev. John Scott M. A., tr. Thomas Vint to Mies Fanny O'Staples, 110th • West 1Yawanosll. Lou5x--Loaonsau.-•In W st. Wnwanosh on the 25th ult at the residence of he bride's father, by Rev. it Carson, Mr. W. , Lount, to Miss Moline Lcmghead, both of W :t Weivanosh, 11110-13111L1—AtPalm- stun, on the nth utt., Mr. John James Kemp, f Listowel,, to Mies Hannah Bird, of 11arrieton. SirOvrcusos—1 Io1 A —At Karatoo )s, 13. C., on the 10th ult., byRoa, Jo of the n Ch10110101, . A., Mr. Hugh 'McLean,tlate of Picton,�tlova Scotia. to Mies DI. 9, Gram—b mouses—In Ca •twright township, Oh tbe Mit ult., by Rev. Jas. crimson, assisted by Rev, Mr. Hazzard, Mr. Chas. Irvin, jr.,. of West Wawa. nosh, to Ann, second , ughter of AIr. Joshua Fer• quson. CAvruELT—Dov0LAS—I Grey, on tbe 29th ult , by Rev. Dlr. Wilson, Mr John Campbell, of IIullett, to Agnes, eldest denhter 0f the late Wrn. Douglas, of Grey. BLAss,.-HeoARrn—At "incardine on the 26111 nit., -by the Ree..7, L. Mut • y. 51 A., Mr. R. 3. Blake, of London, to Miss liar a HOgarth,of Kincardine. Etches—Dickso\--At )3ru =els, on the 25th ult•, Mr, A. F, belly, to hiss Jet ie Dickson. DI' D. 15"mo1A is—At Livorpoo , England, on the 28th of August, Isabella Wil ams, mother of R. S. Wil - Rams, of Godertoh. DEsm—At his late real once, 17 St. James' avenue, Toronto, John Chart. 1 ent, F, R. S. C.; journalist, aged 40 vears and ten n • nths, a native of Kendal, Westmoreland, Enrrlaa, H.ie rnan—At Lower WI gham, on the 30th ult., the . infant child of Mr. D. ialstoad, aged 1 week, WINGRAM pIAR•XETS. WIsouAaf, Oct. 4, 18ss 6•2 75 to 2 76 5 50 t0 5 50 1 05 to 1 05 90 t0 90 SO to 82 50 to 65 60 to 511 to 40 to 16 to 15 to 1 25 to 1000 to Flour per cwt., • Flour per bbl., - - Fall Wheat per bushel, new - Spring • Oats, - . Barley, • Peas, - •Potetos, • Apples per bag, Butter per lb., Eggs per dozen, Wood per cord, flay per ton, - 02 60 50 16 15 1 60 I0 00 DRESSIViAKING. ROOMS. VVE MSH TO INFORSI THE LADIES of W1ng• Rant that we have opened out Dressmaking Rgoma opposite the Bank of Hamilton. Asking for Your patronage. we` guarantee' perfect At and finish.. ,Resner'tfully yours, Mas. Df. 11085 & Stns. E. COOLICA:1, 'Xts. Coolican has recently been i,l Toronto and te. eh a thorough course in Dress and Mantle cutting . r n he Taylor system of square measurement. Oat Meal 1iTil1 Opened. This uNersigneci desire to inform farm- ers' end the people geuerally that they have 1915 1lt.,1 ,_.t . employed by me, nor 01111 responsible tor .done by him. Also take notice that neither the said McCullough ,nor K. Dema ere lic.msed to practise Dentistry in , Ontario, wog J. 0. JEROME. MONEY TO LEND. ,i'iinE CORPORATION Ole THE TOWNSHIP OF 1 Tui•tt:lerry has about 53,000 to loan on Mort. l;ages. 1".+r terms apply to, P. SIeLARRIN, or WM. DtcPIIRRSON, Tr. Tan.vstn:sa, Winghau, REEvn, Gleufarrew Wingham, Mly 11th,18 8. Who 17117 Ct71t171=do nit )'Wean 1" 11rely td stop ti l:1 log a tial°, and than rave th0m rem tarn 1i.11,. I $it4N A ItADtL& i GGibi1. £,,hal-o lltalc4 the -disease of OLE.,pyJLdttlP.,�.Iq��L�LPS+� (r G h'l.otom stud,,. T v r^ ,A14�, rhrteciyny L-11:1 t' 3%:01.06 Cosec. t eCan,C1 (Altera 11.11/1f .tie.13110rellon for not nowx•eri vinr�<<, ctLe. 7r7ritt4tF,:ed for' ttre'etheallda,d ltt i3Crlorrx C:,,;,r1V YverA7,L IIlilatPTIY. Ch v e 3::opiees hd i'Cst comet. Costs you 'Ootlong ler lb €.:al, And it Wilt Cab you. .A.ddress ,P:".•e, C 1 Wit)bT, 37 Tonga St,, T,ro,ito, Clnt, 0,411.zawr•�>!l arra;,anti • 11 The assortment in every Department is more extensive and attractive than we ever have shown, and we req you, which will al'rd us great pleasure in showing out,` goods and giving prices, befor's goods are picked over. DRESS GOODS 1 DRESS GOO Have been very carefully selected out of all the novelties, in both plain and fancy designs, in Silks, Plushes Foules, French Twills, Sedans, Ottoman, Jersey Cloths, NMeltons, Henriettaasr Tweed Mixtures, and great variety Trimmings to match, Also, a very large range of Mantlings and Shawls, GLOVES A ,A.'N D HOSIERY'. t i ' a' Call"from t M log, Cashmeres, Crapes,‘ aids and St8'ipes, • with,' We wish to show every person through this Department. Ladies' and Children's Wool, Cashmere and Kid Gloves, Plain and Fancy hose in endless variety. _ 1 • TAILORING DEPARTMENT. t ,,y�' We wish to draw your attention to our fine ,stoctc -full range—of most desirable styles in Black, Color adand Fancy Worsted Coatingq, in Naps, Meltons, I eavers, Scotch Suitingli, and Canadian Tweeds, Also, Vaidemore Shirts, Collars and Tiesug4,loves and hosiery. See then),. BOOTS _ . D (6 0E, , Large assortment, hestrrrskes and good value. fir` GB () C' - ,.��1 i S, pure and fresh. Hoping to havethe pleasure of showing you through before goods are picked over, Bea ver Block. X Remain, ?Iost Respectfully, NEW - TAILOR SHOP MR. E. C. CLARKE, In opening a new Tailor Shop in Wingham, respectfully solicits a shale of public patronage. It will be his endeavor to give satisfaction to all entrusting him with their order's. rar Ladies requiring tailor-made JACKETS AND ULSTRBS Can secure a good fitting garment by patronizing the new Tailor Shop. E. C. CLARKE. Wingham, Sept. 25th, 1888. ID V J i GIONN o TO S CT3P E 0 Fine New anti Second and o� 0 K S. AeN '1"A 0 T:1 A. r goods, we are offering purchasers BUGGIES, New and Second and DOG CARTS. en Opportunity. tional in material and finish. aa� Cmcity at Lrj t : large stock of---- llery, Silverware, f the people in every respect, NOT s of prices but in the ,nods as well, ' RE1 -ELI E IIT'GJDEP. ,.MIT ETTT . I .ala prepared toaflo all hinds of work'tbat is in my line of -business and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J. . H. VAN r7Lr O , SUCCESSOR TO H. PARK. La cr, ltv�i Oheapes —A 'A I3LAUTIFUL LINE OF LATEST STYLES IN 0 -ANTS' S3:ATS —SPLENDID VARIETY AND EXCELLENT VALUE IN— G-ENTS' SHIRTS, COLLARS, SILTC CAPS, &c., &c,, A Or cd emr Clothing, a Specialty, 4.M Y >w WE1,3PTER. .. MciNDOO. FULL PROVISION AT TEE POPULAR BOOKSTORE,, IN THE WAY OF Scholars Supplies for Public and High Schools,: Blackboard Crayons & Slate Pencils, 'Wholesale JUST A.IIRIV1;D, A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF BERLIN AND SAXONY WOOLS, FINGEI3i1NG YONS, &c. OF EVERY SIZE'AND QUALITY. h• Ar ROSS.. OH O•NO ETE'R►S!: JUST SEE - MY - SUPPLY 0'. ,1� �I•W A. , W LTCHJ+'S. BEAUTIFUL DESIGNS "AND PERFECT TIME -KEEPERS. GQL M ,ill Y1&LtDE IN and MUD GSE WATGRE4s QUOTATIONS AND PRICES CAN'T .31E BEATEN MASON BLOCK, 11_ » WINGHA1It, ERVETROUC}HINC#, STONES, TINWARE, DAIRY SUPPLIES, &c. 3 have on hand a Iarge quantity of the best brands of tin manufactured in the world, bought for Gash at the lowest prices, in the best English Markets, az d ars my facili. ties kr purohasiug these cannot be surpassed by any firm in the trade in Oanac1a, I sin determined to sell my goods at the lowest possible margin and not be undersold by any. MY STAFF OF WORKMEN ARE A 1. All work warranted first-class, as it is entirely done under my owls immediate supervision. Eevetroughin; specially attended to and properiy,dput up and completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. REMEMBER THE PLACE—Opposite Exchange hotel, corker Josephine and Victoria streets, Barkley and lilcCrilmnon's old stand. Call and see and you will carry home the conviction that what I stay is correct, My Motto is SMALL PROFITS and QUICK RETURNS A N111f]•3Lia SSIST?Ii1WCL IS B.f'1"TT;It TIIAN A SLOW SIIILLINO•. 0 SUTHERLAND, f