HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-10-05, Page 3Elyrotin 1a RIVA1: WROXETER F FULL, ENTRIES, apb' PAI1Z T`I71t lop ; any other ted, J, Brethour, L. Lovell ; Swed- turnips, R. Gibson, R. Laing; any of ier kind, R. Gibson, L. Lovell ; blood :. pts, R. Miller, C. Baker ; reangold tlrt:col, 0. Nichol- son, 0, Baker; olgian .carrots, J. OW. Knox, J. Bray; ny other kind, J; Gillespie, J. B. ogt ; Parsnips, 11 M. Htlzlowooc J. Bray ; eelety, 0. A ) Veal, 1 and The fall show undo 'the Wroxeter Hort- Was the best held 'and superior exlii 'bet the attendan small. The e 'very large and the fact that t centres for hors too, were quite were, some splend .)animals. In Hols Elliott and John much attention conditioned herds was particularly Roots were peen quality. The 1 rattier scantily taktSa:s were as ND GAR Large tot Cowan ; sea sou ; cabbage, oauliflowers, J, squashes, 0, ) kips, NV, 0. citrons, G. I melons, J. Nicholson, J, Brethou the a ices of ultural Society, s regards -Jr,. tries its in nlall7,, l ;Q ''s, was comp/fat/ tsly thin of lion Seg was really fine, evlcr y g is is one of the it in the west. C umerc is and t herds and sit eiiis, Messrs. Jas. 'emmill attracted ith their splendid The fruit exhibit arge and attractive. iful and of excellent dips' department was supplied. The prize ppended: HORSES. tght-Span, J. Bell, • brood mare, J. on ; two-year geld - two -year filly, J. D. Ramsay ; mare est John colt, Wm. lko Ieavy Dra M. Sanderson i3el1, M. Sandel ins, R. 1MMiller; Bell ; horse colt, colt, J. Bell ; Ho Willitts. General Purp Montgomery, Montgomery, L ing, J. Young, filly, J. 3 ohnst year gelding, E. one year filly, T. Jo Horse colt, A. Tho A. Gallaher ; bugg C. Willitts ; mode Honest John colt, CA Durham -Cow, and 2 ; two-year son 1 and 2 ; y Nicholson, J. L. Nicholson; J. L. Nicholson. Grade -Cow, J. • ICnox ; yearling •he' Geo. Nicholson; L. Wilson, Geo. .1 steer, J. •Knox, steer, J. Galiah J. Gallaher 1 an \...!olstein-Co mill; year-old h calf, J. Geixtmill, ' Sheep -Ram, sliearling, ram, Fisher ; ewe, D. Fi ram lamb, J. Jol ewe, J.Johnston, shear's or over, J. Downts-Ram, do, G. Hislop ; lop ; ewe, shear lop : ram lamb, ewe do, J. Ino G. Hislop, J. sheep, G. Hislop. PIG Berkshire -Boar, "Gillespie ; spring brood sow, J. Gille Suffolk -Boar, J spring pig, C. Bak DAIRX Fresh butter, firkin butter, J. 1 I;tiIPLEmmirs AND J. Davidson took plough, gang pious -second for gang plo second for plough. EN VEGn7.A.stE$. atoes, 3. Sanderson, J. 11 do, 0. Veal, A. Thom-. J. Brothour, 3, Cowan; Cowan, T. B. Sanders; alter, E. James; pump- tzlewood, A. Thomson; . Moffat, J, Bell ; water- owan, 0. Veal ; beans, G. 1. Laing ; porn, R. Laing, se -Brood mare, A. m. Willitts'; span, A. Lovell; two-year geld - L. Brown; two-year , T. Jenkins ; one. nes, A. Thompson ; ins, J. R. Miller ; pson ; mare colt, horse, L. Lovell, horse, J. Bell ; . McEwen. PLR. Geo. Nicholson 1 eifer, Geo. Nichol- rling heifer, Geo. Filson ; calf, Geo. sou ; herd, Geo. L.. Wilson, :J. er, J. L. Wilson, o -year heifer, J. ieholson; two-year Gibson ; year old r, J. Knox ; fat cow, 2; fat ox, J. Knox. , J. Elliott, J. Gem- ifer, J. Elliott ; bull J. Elliott. ged, G. Hislop ; Johnston, D. her, J. Johnston; ston, D. Fisher ; . Fisher ; ewe, two ohnson, D. Fisher. . Yoang ; shearlin we, J. Knox, 0. Ris- ing, J. Knox, G. His - J. Knox, G. Hislop ; , G.:Hielop; fat sheep hnston ; finest wool ged, J. Bray, J. ig, J: Gillespie ; ie, W. Pomeroy. Bray, J. Gillespie; r, J., Gillespie. tonnes. Gibson, E. James ; ay. ANUrACTURES. first for wagon, , harrows, .and gh, and J. Bone FRUIT.. Winter pe: rs, A. Thompson ; fall pears, L. Bre n, J. Gillespie ; crab apples, I1'. Pati ck; Yellow Bellflower, Davis, G. Johnston ; Tompson ; King Tom - 'nos ; Northern Spies, wton Pippins, W. Doug - e Gris, J. L. Wil - burg, J. Davidson ; Ram - y; Rhode Island Green. ston ; Golden Russets, oxbero russets, W. •ts, A. L. Gibson ; L. Lovell ; twenty J. R. Miller ; fall Eagleson ; Wagner, Alexander, W. Willitts; wherry, R. Barnard ; h,l1 W. Pomeroy ; St. McTavish; Hawthorden, llection ofapples, J. R. tion canned fruit, J. J. Bray ; Ben I amuese,A. kills Co., J. J. Bray ; N las ; Pom son ; Oldei bo, J. Bi ings, G. Jo R. Gibson ; Douglas ; Coly Tolman sweet, ounce Pippins Pippins, W. J. L. Wilson ; Chenango str Maiden's blu Lawrence, J. L. Lovell ; c Miller ; colle Bray, A. Tho nson grapes, • J. B. Vogt colleeti• i of fruit, A. Thorn. Cul Miss Shurry, fr Mrs. Calick this Caliak and John I4 to Michigan. -We Mr, Biekle's pearin splendid time. entertain a collipa and Mrs. 13icicle. very choice. Mr. enjoyed himself s bier sold a horse Manus, of Clinto T, oss. Morris, is visiting elk -Messrs. John olntyre have gone , Bob, were you at bee ; they had a w know how to better than .1Vlr. The party was F. was there and lendidly,-leer..Am- or $115 to Mr. Mc - Luo II. P. O'Connor, an address on Mot under the auspice mechanics' institt Ball was tilled a Skeen interest in ' marks. The su the functions vincial parliame party politics. Mr. Peter Cor Bryan, of Luck remarks. son. DoHEST_0 M A. L. Gibson spun vara, cloth, Calf boots, pegg coarse boots, W. J. Knutson ; ho Brethour ; honey, s our, J. B. Vogt. FLO GRAIN. Fall wheat any kind, a. 11IcTavish, A. L. Gibsoi ; Seneca fall wheat, E. James,, J.- I'nox ; spring wheat, any kind, G. Mo 'at, J. Knox ; barley, G, Moffat, L. ,wn ; black oats, G. Moffat ; white • ats, G. Moffat, J. Knox ; large p as, L. Brown, W. Pomeroy ; smal peg, W. Pomeroy, E. James ; flo •, R. 1i4 llaz1ewood. ,L LES' WORM, now. 1, P. P., delivered day evening week of the Holyrood e, The township all manifested a Mr. O'Connor's re- ject dealt with was d work of our pro t on lines outside of . Mr Daok, M. P. P., 'gran and Mr, Jas, w, made a few NUPACTURPS. sok first for home- flautiel and drugget. d, W. C. Hazlewood; . Hazlewood ; coat, -mado bread, J. rained, J. Meth - • Bel Mrs. F. And Anderson were Acton and Presto ave. son and Mrs. D. visiting friends in last week, eAnehor xouse.. For good value all roltud, come to the ANCIioE: AI•ioE TO I11'oTIIERs,-Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a side child suffering and orying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of " Mrs. Winslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is incaleul• able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer imoiediately. Depend upon It, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It cures Dysentery and Diarrhma, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Gums, reduces Hifiammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " Mrs. SYin- slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United Status, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty -flue cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Mas. W1s8L0w's SooranN0 SYRUP," and take no other kind. Tatting, a Veal ; crocthet-evark, W. Pomeroy, . Moffat ; embroidery on silk, W. M. ' obiusou, 0. Moffat . embroidery on i slin, C. Veal; bead work, G."Moffat 3. Knutson ; knit- ting in wool, 0 Veal ; knitting in pot - ton, G. 1Vloffa, O. Veal, ; fine shirt, hand made, G Moffat 0.Neal ;' Ber- lin wool, raise, and beaded combined, S. B. Smale, G. Moffat ; Berlin wool, raised, J. Breth. u, J. Gil lespie ; Ber- lin wool, flat, L. Brown, T. B.Sanders; cretonne wore , W. M. Robinson ; sofa pillows, J. Davidson ; patch work sofa'pillows, 1 13. Sanders, W. M. Robinson ; brais'ng, L.• Brown, J. Cowan; pencil d awing,. R. Gibson; oil painting, W. Laurie; wool stock- ings, L. Brown cotton stockings, 0. Veal; wool elo es, G. Moffat ; wool socks, G. Moffa•, W. Laurie ; knitted 0. Veal; crochet quilt, G. 'f3. Mof'at , 0.Veal ; knitted quilt 0. Veal, N }t, Barnard ; James ; shell cone work, J W. Laurie; to son ;. aracene em J. Davidson ; ou Miller, W. M. silk or velvet, Special prize J..Gofton, .Joh Bong, T. Rae, W. mill, Robinson J. Marks, J. Robinson, W. Gibson, J, Irel2 Collection bask do foliage, W. W. Laurie ; do, do dried flowers, W. Laurie ; boa flower flag dahlia, ornamental grasses, you TRY. quilt, J. Cows M. Robinson ; inat ace, 0: Moffat, E. ork, 1. B. Sanders ; rethour; spatter work crape,. W. M. Robin- roidery, G. Moffat, lino embroidery, R. Obinson ; paintini; on . Laurie, R. Miller. were given by Messrs. Davidson, A. P. ),. Henry, J. Gem - Lee, J. Sanderson, ono, J. Fox, Wm. Hazlewood, A. L. d, T. 13. Sanders. A new weekly be known as Unit started in Ottawa, Coffey as editor. It has cost fro per mile to "get through parliame bill in a recent ca 000. Catholic paper' to Canada is to be lvith Rev. Father $25,000 to $75,000 ritish railway bills t. The solicitors' came to $1,200, - Consumption Surely Cured. Mantles cut and fitted flee of charge, as usual. GOROON & McINTYRE,. Toms EDITOR :--Please inform your readers that I have a positive're-tody for the above named disease, By its timely use thousands of hopeless cases have been cured. I shall bo glad to send two bottles of yty„rrineay aimm to any of your readers who have consump%iOrl.,iL they will send me their Express and P. 0. address, IteSPOWnety, Do. T. A. SLOCUM 87 Yongo St., Toronto, Ont. II,AVE NOW 'HEIR Immerse Stook of Pall Goods BANK OF HAMILTON, w2:L\TG•23A1aGL- Sterling Exchange and Drafts on New Yo BOUGHT AND SOLD; 0rrW4i DOORS : 10 a. M. t 3 p. m. 10 a. in. to1p.m Saturdays, fr B. WILLSON, AGEN 11 .-4aR & D,ORIssoN, Solicitors Movinas who have delicate children can Soo them 'daily improve and gain infleSh and strength by giving thele the perfect food and medicine, Scott's Emulsion of Cod Liver oil, with Hypophospites. Dr, W. A. Hulbert, of Salisbury+, Ills., says; "lime used Scott's' RS. iiinnision in cases of Scrofula and Debility. Results to i:t gratifying. My little patients take It ,with t plants, N. *Bray ; p., w„ire." Sold by all Di sygists, Slo. and 51.00. aurie ; do flowering, ut flowers, 0. Veal ; 0. Vecl ; geraniums, net, J. Sanderson ; . Veal ; collection 0. Veal. White geese, J. grey geese, 0. Beak white ducks, 0. Plymouth *rocks .Barnard ; Leg Rol' and 2 ; limit l3rahi J. Coq an ; Guinea II. Moffat ; Coc pea fowl, G. H. 1 R. 13ni'aard, 1, San J. Bray, 3. Brothou;'. RO6'i' Seed onions, J. Bt potato onions, 0. Dntchsets, (1.John 't aarly rose potatoes, L. el11 1. Moffat 1 and 2 ; r, W. Pomoray; keg, J. 11Io'I'avish ; G. II. Moffat, IL s, 0. II. MolI'tt 1 s, P. Pomeroy, vl, J. Bray, 0. 3, Gillespie ; tat • pigoona, G. TOWN J'ROPERTY I FOR SALE. rims .1 for solo several good DERSIGNED tprop S DECIDED in the Tow Plot, (Lower \Vingham,) composed as follows : PARCEL 1 : Lots Nos, 18I and 185 on the Nort side of \Vater St. and lots Nos. 137 and 138 on tt South side of Victoria St. These lots aro all togethe and compose a splendid 1} acre park lot, Excellen value. PAROEr II: FOUR LOTS -Numbers 85, 30, 31 ar 38 on the East side of Herbert St., in the Town Pio Fisher's Burr w. 1'AROEL III : In the Government Mill Resery Fisher's Surrey, Lot No. 2 on the East side Helena St., about ono -fifth of an acro, with a sin horse and stable. Parties wishing to sae tho properties and ascerta terms can do so by applying to MRS.T. PRICE, Lower Wingha Sr. forth. Tho Expos' • says that Mr. Hanna's three cr ameries wore more profitable t.i t' e patrons .than the ea proprietor this t r, on account of the dry weather. Wm. 1)ohert three prizes f ronto and the Tuaa for $50 rids 14 Ir. A. Dl. ' 1 with his fan 'SOMI ; Call.LrieS, Lizzie ILdwa1 ton last wot- them, 0. Veal ;• visiting friends 'nton. , of (31i flon, secured i a driving mare at 'I O - sold to a Montrf al COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, And without attempting to give oven an outline of the malty important • additions this season to their usually attractive stock, they would simply extend a most cordial and hearty welcome to every person visiting their House. They will take pleasure in showing their Goods and quoting Pricee. If goods and prices are satisfactory, they will be delighted to make sales, and the larger the sales the more delighted they will be. CALL UPON THE2d EARLY. 1T WILL PAY YOU TO DO NO e 0 al Wingharn P. 0. it m. Wavt anosii. k is auout to remove ily to Algoma. --'Miss a r•eturr .ed from Oredi• A. where she has been The M ,rnoeli Clover C ekets, Coffins, Robes, e.:e, alwaps on 1 ant matc't with the t5 Bel- Friday el• FIRST CLASS Ii ` 1tiAlI; 1O1 1I11L . is riday mud ,rot beaten eerto, being iii to 10..1. PItTWt'C re MlY9 POMMY AY't:tDAD 'Cc. LEAVE YOEJ ORDE .--AT- GOEDON MoINTY3RE, THE BIG BROWN ANCHOR. - J. IVIGKELVIE'S PEACHES, PEARS & PLUMP. - FINE TOMATOES, ALL VARIETIES 01? GRAPES, MELONS, &C. OYSTERS BY BULK. 11, J. Brethour; grave team at J. AND -U N :.r Iia,ving added a Delivery Waggon to this branch of t1)0' tuv•:ines4 orde.rm will (if necessary) be delivered anywhere within 10. miles of This no doubt oftentimes save a psfma tionl of trouble, c,pecial whet° parCes may not have suitablo conveyances; of their own. Nit nece,saries for FUNIMAI FURNISHINGS, 11-1TCHAPEtt, GLOVE, ;, MON, UNDEItTi lava. kept aqd tieliverecl. with ordets. GRAOEY Undertaker„,