HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-10-05, Page 2te )tg1 ant Lim is FRIDAY, 0 e, 1888, WIit1.'.p NIX IN WINGII4,14. Never have we witnessed mare prompt, business- 'ke or satisfactory ac• tioa on the parts of oso granted aid by way of public los or bonus than is exhibited by our thr.e %in„ have firms. It was understood on day of polling that Mr. T. Be had partially con- tracted for the erection of hi factory. Mes s. Gilchrist, Gr Co., in view o carrying of the b 'had their eye the various ma necessary to o on with the stipu improvement: and the erection new building. he consequence that on Monday mese arrange= were completed an on Tuesday m •aerial was being 1= cl on the growl .anti a gang of me at work removal timber and gett' g things iu orde This staff will ' kept on hand a augmented by `e necessary zneeha ics And taboret• to have the buildif ready for sec •ation by the beginni of the year. Mr. Green''tells us til the factory ill not have to be cloy for more t+an a fortnight. T ,'Union men 'ave gone to work °wi earnestness; d industry that m convince ever ody that they me business. Mes • 's. Kincaid Bros. Co. have secure + the building lot b tween Mr, G. cK.enzie's hay pact ing establishm • t and J. Brennan Co's tannery, 1 : ving purchased it fro Mr, MeKen 4. They have thus s cured an a. •, 'rabie location, as usin the buildi + entioned as a wareroo they can 1 • goods ou the frac , They have to no time and have a . ready begun operations, with .:t1 full expecte ion of being ready f operation by New Year's. The nese sary buildin material has been pu •chased and e !nettling members the firm are , : -vely at work. understand Mr. B 11 has expressed decision to leave o er building ope - tions till spring on account of hurl demands on his ti •e and the necessi of removing a portion of existi buildings for he new additio V hilst it might be more satisfacto to see these titre -• great improveme • going on at ance,it 1 apparent to eve one that building perations at t season are carried + at a, great dis vantage. But we can't express po tively Mr. Bell's ' ttentions yet. N there remains s • important part the people in is laudable of ert push.' the inters cs of the town as w as those of priv r e individuals. It ere) be remembered hat a large num of families must • - added to our p ulation on the umpletion of th ,improvements, so that we have houses • for li4 aecominodatioz . There is clear] a want in this respe How is,it to b • remedied? Men w some weans a their disposal and w possess a share • .nterprisc, must t in the situation a make the neces- sary provision f this respect. We g believed aced hay : already stated, that .before this move cent was set on foot, ,good investnleti s could be made by c erecting ntodera' expensive redia dentes tor rent, Tad you conlidenee in your town befoi' ? Is it increased iu auy degree ? nstead of indulging iu :suit forebodin ., conjuring up dark flimsies or evadin;. the bright side and edging rowed and:; 'raiuin; to see if there is a dark sid to the picture -- mostly every pian = has a dark side a- express your des ved confidenee in your town and do so ething to stimu- late its growths a courage its enter - p, risin business i n and at the same time farther your owe interests, One respect in which • o would like to set the Yankees imitat•d is by epeaking well of your own t vn. Otto we have ;frequently observe is this : If you meet an American lu the backwoods of Michigan, the 1 ost utifroluetive prairie in the west, he poorest hamlet In the eeput,lis ar +''Fe most declininrr, enanufaettlrino ce;1t:' of ex c:'.stt he epoaks favor bly, . tteringly of his Home, ho retell' s his individuality, considers izimst f au essential factor in mnanipulatiug t affairs of the great republic, dice msoa national or local affairs and leaves a egad impression on those he meets, % oo ;emelt of the re- verse of this pr veils amongst Cana- dians generally if the residents of a place are alw ye speaking ill of it what can y+ a expect of outsiders ? %ingham i• solid. •iron eau consci- entiously up old it. SNIAI;LPDX A • COPI7f'i1GIOUS DIS - J . S43." Buffalo has an o tbreak of smallpox, sixtynine.easee It ving conte to light, seventeen of wh• li proved fatal. In questione•. the race for wealt wbu1d get a corner I on water acid a Corner an air. The doctrine of th- brotherhood of man - Wed, based on the fatherhood of Ged, would, wipe ou +11 the petty mean- ness of business a the trioka of trade and professions. Whoa men learued that they were ail ane blood with one Master, even '•zrist, they would then cease to grj d down each ether. It was a stanch g disgrace to this city that while our exhibition showed all that God ba • done for us, the only name that s not mentioned is the name of tit- great God Himself. If we were he thens we would be pour- ing out liba.'ons to our idols. It was a shame that .me of these grand in- spiring words o' the Bible were not aims. We recent - with the Melted etfy• purposes the ted. The 1Jnited ct retaliation, and hat we also should ould have inked that have been such a r at the tread of this Id have weitteu back, to meet you and make a is great question. We arbitrators. Tiley net heard on such oc ly made a treat ;States, and for. ;•treaty was reje States threaten bonne proposed retaliate. He there. would Christian pow nation as wo “!o1 asked u treaty on t appointed ou you and came to a conolusiou, You are dissatisfied ith that conolusion and threaten ret • iatiott. We can, sider it to be benea h the dignity of a great Christian nat on to descend to such a thing as roti . nation, but what- ever you may do, t e people of Canada will not sink so low." (Applause.) Had such an , newer been given, he had no fear t at retaliation would hurt Canada. • Our Pali clans as Speakers Writing at "Concerning the best in various line •," that versatile writer, Knoxonian, ( Yves his views on the oratorical abi ity of some of Canada's public men. relieving it to be un impartial and w:ll balanced estimate i we submit it to o r readers. All have their ideals in thi matter and this is likely to change he opinion of none. Here is what 1' mandate says : "That wond ful little machine sent t over from New ork, containing four of Mr, Wiman's sp es—tones, infections, eougbs and all—n' urally suggests the s question, who is th best speaker in Can. adian political life? '.o much depends on individual taste tha it is impossible to give au intelligent iy swer to that question. Different men excel in differeut kinds of oratorical work. or turning a point s.' cleverly and puttin et different face ou a "• question, Sir John .tends easily first. By a neat anecdote, o timely witticism, or g. clever joke, he can , pear to knock the bottom out of the best •gumeut over con. strutted. No mai) in 0, sada can find out the weak spots iu an • pponeut's 'speech more quickly or can ma: a more of then when found, than Sir John. The Hon. AIexander McKenzie the only political speaker in Canada wi oso speeches stand a verbatim report. 0 of the beat steno. e graphers iu this oo itry told his contribu- tor several years a,.o, that at that time there were only tw men in the country who could ntaud v balls reporting. The one was Alexande Alollenzie ; the other. Principal Coven. or ocean, iucisiye, never -to -he -forgotten ,itting, oomniend us to Sir Richard Cartw 'ght. He gives no quarter and asks none. Ile excels in the power of statement, c arrange facts and figures with extraordi ary skill ; his liter. ary style is high and altogether he is a most formidable m n, People who ad- mire the very high..b kind of intellectual work will give the . aim to Edward Blake. Por close reasonb g and literary finish, he has few, if a rivals. Per making speeches that ne er alienate friends, and are very likely to •onciliate opponents, Mr. Mowat can hold ha. own and a little more, judged by their effes, his speeches com- pare favorably with he speeches of any public man iu the ouutry. Tho man behind the speech, 1 owever has a good deal to do with the a exit, 13r. Tupper is a speaker of rare po er. We never beard him but once. It w s a fine effort. in his younger days he w s no doubt excelled in a Province that haproduced more' first. ,class orators the any of fth'-"size on this side of the Atlau .io. ` People who admire graceful orator, of course admire Mr. Laurier. Peo o , who like to see a crowd waked up and begin' to wonder what struck them, gratly admire Mr. Patter eon. M. P., of B <• utford. Men who like cold facts Well arragad, figures 0ceuratoty given in great abun • mice, and logical argu• sent, admire Johu a harlton, M, 3?, For good, effective wor oa any kind of a plat- form, it would be and to surpass the .Lon. G•. W. Boss, Mr. racer, Mr. Hardy, Mr. Dalton MoCart y and Mr. Meredith are good. So a more than half a dozen others whose n es might bo mentioned. e t s s. e is d id e - e In a 116 he ng of et y y ch eh be MANLY WOR i' S BY 5.H. BLARE, At the openin,, of the Christian In. stitute in Toront• a few days ago the cost of which— 5,000•—was borne by lir, Wm. Goode Ianz, Vice• Chancellor S. III. Blake ga e utterance, to the fol- lowing brave I Id manly sentiments He was glad t• see the banner unfurl - ea bearing th words Christian Insti- tute, which in .bo busy centro of To. ranter was a sten ing .protest in favor of our Christianit; , and fieuntea itself in the facts of a eryone in the city. Ile belonged . the old-fashioned school which beli :vett in the inspiration of every letter, every word, of every chapter, of eve y book of the Bible. God would Bono zr diose who honoured Him. The area means of doing the work of God was by .kis word and His spirit. He ejoiced that the in. stitute was upon hat basis, Ile would like to see the University and the •I vJziity ettalent, a:tending tie insti tutti-where the could et thorough lettowledi,e of tit Word of teed. In these days of the ytiserable sweating rytetn ictal cornea; on corn, the Bible, alt#tie cau d scot thi gsright, Ise was o31..iot . i< ti : di t 'Own 5;1110 cno in Belmore. The follow ng is a report of the weekly examine on held at Belmore Publie School : 46h class.•.r.Ja; . Fleming, 75 per cent. ; Ella 1 os:, 68, Alex. Ball, 68. 8rd '(doss,. Se --Minnie Jaffray, 85 ; Mande Fry, 6.; Maggio Fleming, 35; Laura, Mellon, 3;i; b'retik Perkins, 35 Jun 8rd— gelia Wynn, 84 ; jos. Hall, '81; Ida. ittick, 48. 2n4 elnss—.3o .. Tesbey, 100 ; Ella Jelfray, 90 ; Ma .gie '.Cerrif ', 90. Part 2—R. Peri- tis, 100; tide Pere kink, I00; John i insle.y, 08. After appealing to the Board of L'gain'rers, Toro, to, John, Bartley has receii ec, a th rd class certifi;t{te, Tux r + oivy. Miss Bella Al well rettrned home after a three malts' visit in (salt. Site intends got; ' to Brendan, Alan., id the aourso of . week or so, ---lits Annie Henderson •eut the last week visiting friends in 1 Widen and vicinity and at time %este n fnix..—Mr. Thos. Henderson spent couple of clays az, the Western fai , London, ll"iet wee=k, -- Mr. Joins Me0 'sten, 3m',, took iu the Western fair, Landon, last week, i%IA Geo,1\1ot t Was a. judge op train a the ordwhet ehowm and Iris. Alott'a on Ladies wet .,_z_I'tiMr. Geo. IL Mofia has, as usual, On halting a big eweep in prizes at the all shows, At Wrox eter on Weduiesc =y he took first for white and black took first For home loves, needlework, rrasene work, and lnbroidery, crochet ool work and fancy TOME; Df WING oxrnAB,Io. sutmerripet 0,$1perycor,ixt';:dvattee. AD TISING HATES: Apace. j 1 yr. 0IQ), i S mo,. 1 )no t•' One CoLnun 6(f0 00 0 00 • ..0 00 3 0 Finlf ++ 3s,00 20 00 I 12 00 a at 0 cinarter ++ 20 00 12.10 7 00 4 0p ono inch `0 ,10 3 00 2 es 3 ca Local and o casua atm d, i tisc3 rots, l e. per lin"q for first, i Inert ,. and So. Or lineforefich subsec;uent inserts u Local aim, in nanpareil type, Iso. for first in. sertlon, and Dn. pet lana for each subsequent inn Won + No local notice will be charged loss than no. Advertisements of Lost, Found, Strayed, Situations, and Business Chances Wanted, not exceeding 3 lines nonparotl, 31 per month. Jiousea 51331 Farnis for Salo, not exceeding 8 lines, $1 for asst month LOc. per subsequent month, These terms will be strictly adhered to. Special rates for longer advertisements, or for longer periods. Advertisements without specific direetio'r,s, will be inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran- sitory advertisements must be paid in advance. Changes for contract advertisements must bo In " the office by Wednesday noon, in order to appeal that Week. R. ELLIOTT, Pnorltnsron eno Pehatiai,Qfi:mt. spring wheat; Hari oats. Mrs. itlofi'at made shirt, socks, sample lace and second for silk work, bead and knitting. The Council et pursuant to ad- journinent,at S nits' hall, Bluevale, au the 24th of Sep ember. All the zneni- bers present. "he Reeve iu the chair. The minutes of est meeting read, ap. proved of, and igned. Mr. Thou) son reported the 1 ting of the culvert On the 12th Cbu , I d the widening of the approaches to 1 feet, for $45, not finished. 11r. Dins gut reported• that the job on houndar' between Morris and Turnberry wa' finished--ilecoln- mended to be pai•, $12.50. Mr. Bar- ton reported the: a drain had been put in in Belinore, rnberry to pay $5 ; also the cleanin out of a culvert $1, Howlett to pay elf ; also the job of cutting down To ten's hill was finished, amount, $0 — ' ecornmended to be paid. Mr. D. ; aughton applied for an outlet fur dict on side of road in beaver meadow; Council agreed and autlmorized Mr. 0iment to Iet the job of cutting the`. ditch across the road allowance au put in a culvert 10 feet. Mr. Bober' Harris aocepted the appointment as Collector and gave security to 1h: satisfaction of the council. On otion of efr. Barton, seconded by 141. Genemill, the salary was made • p65. on account of extras imposed by Stat te. Accounts paid : Andrew J. Dodds, for use of gravel pi , 82 ; John Harris 100 yds gravel, $5 Hugh Rea, job of gravel on S. bon dory, $12 ; Elijah Higgins, eleanin- jam on river, $1 ; John Hale, de n in Bellnore, $5 ; Richard Arrest ons, job at Totten's hill, 96 ;. Da el Pryfogle, cleaning culvert, Belmo e, 50 cts. ; James Piper, Charity, $7 •," Edward Armstrong, Li tovvel. bougletn,he stook Mr. Geo. Draper, who has been a le ing nierehant here for about a quarter a. century.—A farmer, named W . Martin, living near Cartage, whil leaving town on Saturday oight, s killed by being thoWn out of his wagon lute the ditch in meeting other rias. neck was dislocated in t e °fall. He was 54 yeats of age an leaves a wife and. large family.—Th table belonging to G. L. Leidenhergei. tegether with contents, was total y, destroyed by fire on Monday mot tug; Insured in Mercantile for $400 buildine and coutents. Also stable adjoiaing, belonging to T. Ro Is,' and ocoupied George Wright. No insurance oe building ; $400 he by Wright on the contents in the aterloo Mutual, The insurance will a out cover the loss in both cases. . T e cause of the fire is supposed to be ncendiery. Gocte Some 500 ex rsionists visited Goderieli last Wed 'Imlay, it being the day of Rev. redid West's grand ex- cursion, The day. as rather un-' favorable, but tho endance at the park was about 2,00 , The sculling match between Wm. O'Coneor, of To-. route, and Geo. W pe, of New York, for $250, was won y the former by over a length. ongst the clergy present from outside points were Very Rev. Dean Merphy, Irislitowta. and Rev. Fathers Shoe, t. ,aforth, Kealy, oE Drysdale, anfl o and Aylward, of Wawatiosh. suspended last ,k for assaulting Wm. Cannel and pa, mg the attacked party $25 tiot to app,ar in court. Our factory Ion le honor of taking firat prize for white hone atthe Lott - don fairt nit is e really treditable the Bluevale factory hes few wirer- iors or wads in Can de' • Treble arrive and depart as follows ti Through tickets to all pants In America—North. West, Pacifica Coast, etc., elo, the shortest 9110 air popular routes. Baggage checked through toi destination. Lowest freig,ht rates to alipoints. ----TIME TAIESLAE0R.--m At motrAste 0:30 a.m.Torpnto, Guaph, Palmerston, 4te. 3:30 p.m. 10:10 " 1711:1241005 pen. 4. 103:100 p;In Office and Residence—The olci stand formerly Ohm-, pied by Dr. Bethune, at the corner of Centre on4 Patrick streets, BARRISTERS, gzo. Senators !mottle Danko/ Hamilton. CommissionerS or taking affidavits for Manitoba, Private fundo o lendlirstraight loans at lowest rates. Offices —• WILL VANSTONE, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC,. CONVEYANCES, ETC. orenors—Beavee Block, UriNaimg, Orr., Germix and Diem ONT. Private and Company funds to loan at low rates oe bought and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty. vansT022. 2, 0, voehtt. 1 am making bOautifUl setts of Artificial Gum "Teeth" for 88.00 per sett, and Plain Teeth, per sett, 34,410. Prices in all other branches of dentis- try in proportion. Vegetable Vapor administrated for tbe painless extraction of teeth, the only s anesthetic: known OFFICE : In the Beaver Block, opposite tho trunstvick Hotel. Maker of Vulcanite, AlloT Silver, Gold, etc., etc., Plates, ra»giug in prices from 3600 upwards per sot, crownng, and bridgework.. Teeth ex- tracted without the least pain by the tree of Vital - Ind Air. Head Office!, Winghtun, side entrance op- poete the Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from' 0 a m to 6' p in; Will be at Myth every Saturday—Office at ittilneIS haat. Gerrie: 1st and 3rd Mondays of each month—Office at Albion r each month—OffIce at Whitelefs hotel, Extracting, 26 cents JC/IN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE Afnia, tit for the Counties of Huron and Bruce. At MOderate rates, salDs will be conducted in any portion of the Counties. Orders can be left at t110 tuts °Moe. LICENSED AtIonostErt. Orders loft nt 'Mtge' °Dace promptly attended to TI41018 REASONABLE, LiGENSED AUCTIONEER POR THE ootniTY 05' HURON, %. Sales attended lit any orb of the Co. Olutrgoa JAMES IiIINDERSON4 AB sake attended tO promptly and on tho Shortest. charges Moderato and flatistoction (1(190400M. All necessary arrangcnients can be made at the' Twee` oilier. WM011X1t. Oat. This contemilicus am, 110 ataated fat Oattt. Minmoas of ever.v libel at very low tiger& rot .14111e4 TA/1th,- 441, Cane Vol alt+,