HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-10-05, Page 1VOL. XVII.•._ 40
For jab printing 3411 ou ,
--A nem) scut , cents to +per` Fork 'for
25 usebel liouseh d artiolet l?1; lid received
20 needles;
-The Mee from now until January,
1890 for $ 45 ; or freer: now until January,
1889 ler lr cents,
hlr, David Rusl ,,of 'the founth y, lad a
der .finger crit nearly LT hest week and is in
oonserluelme Off wd
Tlie Weet ;Brno ,Teachers' Association
Will uieef,,at $',1Hcar( the on Tliuradey and,
Friday, October 1.8t and 10th. •
—Tug fj,, P. R is brtilcling a grain
elevator at Harriet, u,—Has the Winghain
cue fallen through if so, why?
-Three medic students were expelled.
from Trinity •M< ical Sebool for roved
cogduct•4tt the op •nhi,; ori Mondale
—The nest C it service examination
'Will be held at L nclou, Htunilton, Toronto
and Kingston ou he 111tH November.
Ilomemlrer t e llarvest home services
in St. Paul's ehn h'oe Sunday and aleo
the lecture in tlx town hall by Bev, Mr,
Taylor on !!Loud ovouing.
—New • Xork S
WING -n.01, ONS,, FRIDAY, OCT. 5, 1888.
inlll idltl� bushels
generally hasher:
taketi place in pr
riffs likely to hay
ete has a surpltia b one
of apples. Tile crop
excellent, a drop has
es acid heavy 'shippers
'Small margins.
—Mrs. M. J.
thank the citize
eympathy and li
Iota fire and re
who interested t
—A. meeting of
er's Institute to d
• is to be held atD
19th. Moses. jo
Macdonald and
petted to deliver
—The famous`
ers is to appear
the evening•of t
auspices of C
The American
in highest term
excellency of tl
eoremu lice! jou
with Lueknow
Clinton and: G
from Clinton
Any -vela .in
.moe within re
splendid shape
—A recent i
pays a w,e1i des
(quirk mid Care
dug: From thei
sitter', their
duties and their
are no conencto
half att'hear to s
corned than th
—Notice the ad. o
Mr. D. D. Wile
three year old stalk
—All the cheese
allow were tarried
—What =gee e
who swallow it?
—'Welter Rees, 0
ra, dug 210 fairly
one hill.
—A second had safe is wanted. Those
having such for sal can apply to Box 126,
--An exchange s a that in the 300,064,
people who visited he great fats ab Toren.
to but one arrest as made. It argues
from olden time ca ousels at such gather-
iugs the ;;rand wor being done by churches,
schools and the pres in Canada.
—Mr, A. Taylor , of Beigrave, is now in
the employ of Mr. A. W. Webster, Wing -
hal and will dew to most of his time to
pushing Vt.'. Web: ter'sburliness interests
eatable. His itcti ,.ty and business experi.
mss wishes to publicly
s of Wiugham for their
1p during and since the
ecially those geutlemeu
mselvos in her behalf.
ne West Haien Farm -
cuss Commercial -Union,
ug:anon on October the
u Charlton. M. P., Dr,
r. Porter, M. P., are ex-
leGibeny family of sing -
n the town hall here on
24th October under the
rt Maitland, C. 0, F.
d Canadian press speak
of the high tone and
ir performance's.
Mrs.Rose & Coolioan.
, of Seaforth, sold a
u for $1000.
lzes at the Toronto
by western factories.
`body siok bat those
3'oungsvil?b, 'Wag.tdre.
yeloped pottatoer) from
now unexcelled telephone
Connection is now open
d Kincardine to the north;
oriel) direct; being opened
Londciu; to Teeswater.
e sterreandingerionntreeei
ch and `the wires are in
once fits him well ; ,r this work..
—Dr. Hammond
heart is almost
Heart and the legit
heart strong pity
systematfcally, sufti
into Which olimbin
a prominent 'featut
says a repil ly beating
invariabl reply
ate way 'by
make e.
ically is by taking,
fent muscular exercise
heights, •staircases, is
-We understan
Queen's has •purcha
of the late 5.'Hotso
chance, we !lupe, t
ground and anvil
Hope arrangemen
factory anent this i
—At the last me
Dies Dr liaodoual.
appointed delegate
meets at Barnia
former officers we
Mrs J Ritchie pie
Mrs Lloyd, vie
Komuth treasure
Tell me not in
That our tot
For a man's st
In these be
ere et us then l�
With a heft.
Still aohievin
Booming e
—A new ang
ue of the Guelph llfsrcuri '.
rved tribute to condrioto;
of the Grand Trunk say -
genial alit obliging dike).
trict attention to their
ervice on' the road, there
on the line who have
are, more cordially
two gentlemen .,above
--Saysthe Str
Davis, y f the Mit
editorial ltet l'o
eines that expre
seek Otis •nice
eleven ':soils and
the, Chorus Who
• happiness- is no
.—The Wingha.m
holiday to the soli
attend the show.
Matter : These fat
• They have au eau
boy can learn ne
Fair iu a week t
same length of;ts
• the Province. 'A
;good a Province 0
th;tt fair,
ford 'Times :..Mr. W. R.
tell4dvooate, heads the
the thirieenth time be
ive and ng
be a daddy?" W th
wo daughters to join iu
ill say.that his eup of
full, almost ed • over -
he installati
,Sllortt,14i. A., as
tionai church, in
place ou Thursda
o'clock p. in. Rev
Ilton, .•chairman
Union, Rev., Thos.
3elisalous, 1 ev. O.
sled Rev r. Me
,exnectellbe pres
eohool board granted'a
ars on Wednesday t0'
a,oxonies says on this
a are good institutions.
ational effect. .A sharp
o at "Canada's Great
n he could learn in the
.iii•tlie• best school in
boy Afar knows how
tario t , nutil he.sees
n of the. Rev. W. K,
stor of the Congregte-
Wingliam, is to take
12th October, illi ' '6
Joliti. Morton, of llam
tlio Congregational
9,11, Superintendent of
Boas, of leinweetline,
od, of Listowel, are.
1, :and, take .part in
.---A1 wholly mei
omiesioti was made
last '(veek. .One
beautiful and attre
made bakers'' supe
Tressed was made b
Centl;al bakery, W
iprizes were given 1
r, Nicholls maul
commended acid
greet credit by his
exhibit. Our atte
.omission by an oil
.success of the sho
Subscribe fee Tire Trues.
—Notice Yat s ad. of speoialties this
--A. new Nest
e (moue d in
Mr. A. Roe, of the
d the 34 Imre property
"sThere is now a good
ecure a good show
park. 'We sincerely
may be made setit
ting of the W 0 T IJ
and Mrs.S Smith were
to the eonvetitiou which
n Tuesday next. The
appointed as . follows
dent ; Mrs Agnes' ,ti d
residents ; Mrs,rr J1gJ
;and Mrs ¥• a
—Fourteen cat
through here cn
sale of carriages,
—The Bank of
to open a branch
of November.
Me. IL Dav'
cattle to Messrs
Wlhiteohureh, th
—Rev. Wm.
in this locality,
Tri • ston, Miclii
—Mr. J. E, Dt
of Wingbam, ha,
Teeswater in moi
of that to n, J
mouruful numbers.,
n is full of bloom,
rank that slumbers
ling days of boom.
up and doing,
t for any fate;
, still pursuing,
ly, boomine late.
parts cularl1r4 interests its
and profitable re sew exercise ;.. as -intro-
duced at the Metl odist school.' ` ' Sabbath,
Programmes of the order of procedure
were diatribut• • during the morning.
There was excell : nt music by the orches-
tra, composed of Messrs. R. Orr, H. Park,
S. Smith and D. Kincaid.. A solo "The
half has never be n told "by Mrs. R. Orr,
was well give also ne "Life'spilgrimage" by
Mr. S.Seeith.111 ss A.4. Agnewveryeffec
tively recited the Bwthtlof Moses," Mr.C..
Lloydalso spoke o temperance. Mr. Bu-
°tenan's review of i ;. quarter's lessons with
.blackboard illuetr• us, was interesting,
instructive and v ';y stimulating. The
whole exercises we i4 of an entertaining,.
well blended and holesome character,
and there was a goo attoudance of parents
and visitors,
ice called Herbison has
dorioh township.
loads of cattle passed
nday from the north.
outts & Inglis' auction
6ugg es, &o., on Oet, 0th.
Hamilton have decided
et Toronto about the 1st
sold twenty-one head of
Gillespie & Hamilton, .of
hitfleld, who has Mende
as located for a • year at
pp, brother to Mr. Dapp,
opened a butcher shop in
pany with Mr. W.; Linger,
*" Messrs. Me unes & Talbot have opened
t their partially damaged stock in the
regory block where they intend running
off goods at very low prices.
aeon is in Toronto,
since the exhibition
that Mr. Allen, se
Waterford Reliab
made arrangomon
ntaehine in town
We understand t
hi the onion fee
obtained, Quit
men have expr
taking lights an
Frankly and go
substantial tok
figure at which
cents per light
matter anon.
'Miss Maria
Mr. Wm. M
+.n chis week t
Toronto Unive
r. John L.
left here a few
where he has a
a law office.
the court at W
Mr. McQnarrie
Knox College th
of the bank, left
tefitionaibut stupid
n our "Fair Notes"
f the most varied,
ive displays of keine
s we have eves wit;
Mr, A., Nicholls, of the
ngliatn. Although no
r exhibits of this kited,
sted enterprise to be
id hie establishment
oatly and well arranged
tion was called to the
eider interested in : the
-The Executive ommittee of the H. C-
C. O. F„ met in Br, Word last week, there
being present : Bro . R. Elliott, H. 0. R. ;
E. H. Long, P, H. R, ; E. Towe, 11..V.
C. R. ; J. Neelauds, H. T. ; T. White, H:
S.; A, Macintyre.. The chief ranger re-
ported that he la • ! issued a cheque in
favor of the widow ,f the late Bro. 'Gibson,
of Listoevel. It wi be 'remembered that
the claim came bef re the High Court un-
der very Strang' eireumstances. The
brother died and t e members of iris court
thought he was ba an the books, because
lie had nothing to , is credit in the endow-
ment fund, altliou- he was overpaid, for
dues. It subsegn' tly transpired that, the
F. S. of his court had token the money
from the brother,' • nd instead of crediting
i•t, equally to duos nd endowment placed
%b all to the credi • of dues, thus making
this brother bad o the books. This canna
out and the High 'oust Committee decided
• that•his widow s eine have the money,
'although no claim had been made for eight
Reals. This aotio of the Canadian Fores-
ters is highly corn endable, and shows that
the desire is to pa all jatt claims; no met-
ier ivhsu the clai • is made.
Q.uarrie left for Toren
further his studies a
Vatson, stenogriapher,
flys ago for Chicago
tained ,a situation in
R. Vanstone attended
kerton this week.••-•Itev.
attended the opening of
week.—Mr. W. Dippel,
or a visit to his friends in
tary,trcasurer of the
Ilieotrio Light Co., has
s for placing an electric
r one month ou trial.
o machine is to be placed
ry whence power is tobe
number of our business
sed their intention of
he company have +acted
erously in proposing so
s of eoutidence. The
e lights are offered is 25
er night, More on this
Towxl. enrich,
At the meeting o • Monday evening ever*
present, the Mayo and Messrs. Neolendei,
Towler, Itobinso Cline, Pringle, T.
Holmes, W, Reline' Morton and McKene.
zie. Minutes of las meeting were ape
"lions were made by Messrs,
Carr s follows: They
en 'rho up' •r mill privilege for
/1beinga -owed to remove the.
frames . d gearing, purifiers.
ut fal cleaning •• acltinery, packer,
te+ her, and thre- 'uu of stones.
e• 'They will take „' ,500 witliout ma-
ty. wshm•.
Peed byIn theinthese tillttho newaes millte is ill camto-
ey offer for 115,x'0, the town to malco, •
l necessary connect' pus between their en:
;bee and the water- • •rks machinery, and.
also the mill and p1 vilege being exempt-
cl. front taxation, th agree to furnish the
eavieeehth steam or er power for two
lours daily for six days eekly, to supply.
he town with water fo any use desired
ecording to the exist' . g pipe capaeity—
of to exceed an 8 iu pipe. They also•
gree not to supply e)M° any parties in
he corporation fro • either:,of the'mill-
ands without per issionout the town.
They also agree ' the event of any of the
ill privilege bein • old, rented or used for
ny other pnepose, th, it will be liable to
axation. hey agre to remodel the
ill on the latest appy , vedt roller system,
ming a capacity of 00 barrels daily. In
vent of the 1st or 2 . d propositions being
accepted they stip ate that the 25 acres
:°ming part of th, lower pond be exempt-
ed from taxation as a remuneration for
loss, of water to =• through the towu.,.
Moved by Messrs. T Holmes and Pringle
that the communient' •n be received and
the matter be,referr• to a committee con-
sisting of the May r, .Reeve, and Messrs.
McKenzie, W. Hol es and Cline.
Accounts were ,rdered to bo paid as
'follows; J. Coad, s lary, $11.25 ; B. Will-
son,rent, $9 ; J.Fle • rinting and ser'vice:,
as D. R. O., 019.50; Firemen's, 'salaries,
3220 ; J. Bullard, dr. ing, $6 0. ,Barber.
drayi'ig, $1.50: T. '•' oore, work, 013 ; J.
B. Ferguson, solar and services as D. It.
0., $64.50 ; Geo..P: yue, D. R. O. and rent,
$4 ; G. Patty iiec y, ' 0106.25 ; J,
Dickson, salary, $17.,0,' and services eel
D. R. O., $4.00 ; 0. N : Griffin, charity, $2::
Firemen's coats, $6 .1.10, freight en above
36 cents ; R. Elliot , printing, $10.70 ; S.
Lockridge, work, • .50; W. Rankin, work,
$1.88; A. Barber, , rks, $1.88 ;. W. Mc-
Manus, work, $2315 Geo. Hughes, work.
Mr. Groves asked or the iree;'ese of tate
town hall on the ov=oi i' of the 18th l
Ootober for a free lec e tq be given.by
Mr. Wm. Houston on 'Industrial Educe: -
don." the
duca=tion."the first eveni g of the Teachers'
Association. This w s granted en motion
of Messrs. Neelan = and 'Towler. Ou
motion of Messrs. Cline and McKen-
zie, Mr. Pettypieee • - ; reappointed Cap-
tain of the dire corn • , ny at a salary of
$50. On motion it w s agreed to hire the
roller scraper at the 'ate of 50 cents. daily.
On motion of Mes: s. Cline and Pringle
$750 was placed to he credit of the school
Waterloo county this weekeeJarnes Mac-
donald left for T ronto to ursue his med.
liursday --Miss Fisher,
arae days iu town this
tie Fisher has returned
holiday.—His old and
e delighted to see the
r. H. Park on our streets
is doing splendidly in
iness, /Ikea the city and
all of which is pleasing
Vingham and vicinity.
edy left for Newmarket
where she, intends
-Mr. Thee. Bowles,
of Dufferin, epett a
son Edward, of Bowles
els.he individual
of Gray, Young &
cturera, were in town
. T. McCulloch and
ilactelphia last week.
in about a week.—
Lirtowol high school,
He is well pleased
says they have a
he school. We are
) his share in mein-
lished reputatioie of
Croydon, of Detroit,
ical studies, on
of Paisley, spent
week.—Miss Ha
from a lengthene
warm friends w
familiar face of
00 Saturday. He
his new field of b
-enjoys good health
news to many in
—Miss MinnieRe
an Saturday las
making her hom
sheriff of the conn
few days visiting h
& Hiseooks, this,
members of the fit
Sperling, salt manuf
on Saturday. --Mesar
E. C. Dean left for P
Mrs. McCulloch goes
Mr. Wtn.Ir vuiu, of th
speut Sundays in tow
with his nets: !teas au
good attendance ,at
sure Mr. Irwin will •
tainiug the ell esti
the school. r. Join
formerly in leour and feed busineos iu
Wingham, was in t wn this week. Mrs.
',Sohn Rea and chil reu are apen iug a
couple of weeks with rieuds in London.—
Miss A. J. Fyfe, of Heusall, is visiting
friends in town. --M and Mrs McLean
formerly o,merehant,inelie 'swater, who have been, fn
Oalifornia,for the benefit
—The artist ref :rood to in the following
enbroot from the !tile is known in Wing-
batn, having apen some time with his
friend, Mr. John Wands, this season:
A life-size head a d shoulder ,portrait of
the late ItIL. J. G. orts has been iu the
window of Mesare Roberts & Son for some
days. The pietu is iu Mr, J. W. L.
1 ore'atetee well k • ' wn vigorous style, is an
excellent Moneta; . and is in every way a
credit to Canadia art, It is to he present-
ed to the Toren ' General Hospital by
Mrs. E. A. t nlar ; daughter of Mr, Worts,
through whose b zeficenoe a large addition
wits ips,rlo to the t ospital bi ildiu ;,
The pee nitre , e for the next meeting
of the East. Idu 'Peaohers' Associatnati
to be lieltl here o • the 18th and 19th is es
follows : Thursda forenoon session at 10
a, m.: President' Address; Appointment
of Committees ; i eleoate's Report --Mr.
A. H. Plummer Writing—Mr. V. D.
Lamb. Afternoon ession--2 o'clock. "The
Practical treatme of English" --Mr. W.
Houston, M. A.; ''; he Esthetic treatment
of English"—Mr, . Houston ; Solution of
the Third Class A • ebra paper, July, 1888
—Mr. J. Dickson, • , SeA• "The Scientific
treatment of Eng' :h"•-•-edr, Wm. Houston.
The evening enter inmettt will oonsist of
a Public Lecture, ubject "industrial Edo-
eation;' by Mr. m. Houston. Friday;
Forenoon sessio' ' Philology— "Tho
Scientific treatm: t of English"—Mr. W.
}louden ; Cauadi n History—••"Outline of
the work require' by Mils preparing for
the ntranee Ex munition'—Miss rake;
Rhetoric --"The scientific treatment of
English" - Mr, V. Ileuston, Afternoon
Session Outline'.f "The Lay of the Last
Minstar ---Mr. ' Turnbull, 13. A.; Die-
. Passion
ie-.cttssion of tits Se nd Claes English Gram-
mar paper, July, :88—Mr. A. Carruthers,
I3. A, ; Prosod "The Scientific treat-
ment of English" -Jr.:kW. Ilouston,
'wore in town this week.
still indifferent.—Mrs. 'Dr
her sister, bliss Fair, o
Winghanl on Thursday to
nosh.—MV. Iilawseii, of H
Messrs. McInnes•& Talbot'
family aro on a mouths v
ston, Alnia" Georgetown,
Ash and Mrs. S• X•ouhilt w
show, the fortncroir ladie
• roots and agricultural pr
rof Langsido, brother to
town, gavo us atoll this,
turned from, Manitoba.
readers his is apressions,
Week's paper,
f Mrs, McLean s health,
'he health of the latter is
Campbell,. oil Detroit, and
Clinton, passed, through
ir. Campbell' in Wawa-
nsall, is noir clerking at
,—Mrs. H. Hiseocks and
't to friends in Palmer-
nd Toronto.—Mrs. A. G.
re judges at the wroxetcr
work and the latter on,
ucts,—Mr. A. Crowston,
Ir. W. Crowston of this
eek, having recently re.
re will give the Tis et'
f that country in next
We. understand th
Electric Light Co. w
Whilst we would be
meats made for the 1
and shops by this.
satisfactory method,
obtained at present.
light, per night, may.
figure for light, we b
be willing to adopt it
be regarded by privy
be apparent to every
is time something wa
of street lighting,
respect is absola e
representative of au,
s in town this week -
lad to see arran;ge-
ghting of our streets
modern, and highly
e fear it is not to be
Whilst 25 cents per
seem an exorbitant
ieve not a few would
However this may
individuals, it must
hiuking man that it
done in the matter
ir condition in thia
indefensible and
positively shharneful, dike clangorous and
ineouvenient to citize is and hurtful to our
reputation abroad. c know of uo place
in Ontario of half th size or ono quarter
the prominence or im ortanco of Wiugham
that is destitute of so e e method of street
lighting. Mouth by need` we learn of
small towns and v Mages adopting or
• eaprovingmethodsot street lighting. We
don't urge any sort 0 lighting on public
attention, we simply ' y it is time some-
-*W cis s. being done,
he Bemired ata ream
area oil lamps. But'l
of street lighting to r
safe and moderately
on our streets thea
nights. We are not t
tonsure the council
delay in this matte
some notion.
T•.Llimrnte Lte
Since the above Wa
Miss Fannie E
Toronto, where
the winter.—lvi
his residence 1
his family to
he prosper in t
Mr., Luke I(in
another canvass'
last Mr. Alfred
Tobermory, w
main during
with him th
friends. --Mr*
going to Cree
part of this wee
a situation in
who he will car
cess tai you, J
If nothing, else eau movea into tl
ddie left last week for
e will remain during
John Welsh has sold
ere and removed with
'e move he is taking.—
has returned from
g tour.—On Weedily
Adams left here for ft
ere he intends to re, n
•winter. He takes
gooci wishes of many
Linklater intends
ore, Ont., the later
„ where he has taken
roller mill. Wonder
(y)ie with Wing Stie-
house lately occupied
THE TWO BYLA.:tb. , V14. 0.00p, L1.,10itt.
The moat set
the promoters
alized on S' tue
morning till the
supporters worke
ening success.
organized Oppos
Youhili, who origin
and devoted all his e
time to furthering
nine expectations of.
f the bylaws were re -
ay. From early
e of the poll the
with a will betok-
fact thete vas no
ea the agitation
the scheme and
working up the li t, is deserving of
especial mention
the carryin„n of tl
polled was large
very respectable 0
vote Was 330 and th
fifthd 132. The ac
follows :
coemectien With.
bylaws. The vote.
The possible
• necessary two. ;
nal Vote was.,
t tie have some sort
tevenient to venture
derk, disagreeable
leest disposed to
inaiviauale for
We simply urge greasing. It
show here b
Mr. Geo,Balt r, of 'West ‘Vitwanosh,
has patented ing,eilious and handy
little article for raising vehicles for
s exhibitea at the
Mr, T. Vinen and
at tention.,
Majority for the
Ward 1
For Against..
47 7
rat) 2
58 22
200 39
y.law 101
For Against,.
48 5
40 4
Majority for the .law 185
.tho evening band turned out,
notwithstanding nclemont weather.
beaded process. on ,pf‘ ,Noiluele$ anti
residences, as well s