HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-09-28, Page 34 eae1�(P Ic�ir tuc5 h ' MID J. , . 31?a. VIOL A gues linzi ange1 o'or t F Doubliug bis fierce oroo fur;. R;0 famed a man " Marriage is the h general;" end the, to meet eStli mots than i '75 other by dote( wee -tears, with that ee tittient, his own sound jiel in and indepen.deiatly 'Wingliarn'e genial John \T. J. ..to a traUslrtticm fr oancon;enial and of bacllolorhood of "tile compo ceremony" ctrl) residence of `Gast ZStawttu the presence .1"rineds, ttta e prosit.inr, his cares divide Tobiason said to for mail in nc ai3co appears gowned Oeee+ptil,nee „ things written it aeoordanoe int seting on nt deliberately eachl'tl, 041[1 of t0wri5iilen, Mr. decided to submit m the treacherous, npleasant quagmire through the channel ndiug . and complying d matrimony, At tho r. Robert Currie, eon.), sh, on Tnosday week, in of a lupe number of nuptial knot was tied between \Ir. "leon and hiss Annie epenco Gerrie. His other, 11r. Jas. S=e ilsoily V, , of Lir. oln, Nebraska, acted as gr c+ulsmala ten' Miss Kate .Ter vit as. brudot uaid . clergyman was Rev. 'Listowel. A lordly e.nd heartily enjoys the night spent in and dancing ; M brido leaving nc;•xr day for -Toronto on a wedding trip. About fifty couple were present. some and cos tangible friend wishes. Your • aaa:. lit , ,shine. Mr. Baines \v io )las been ill for so long is reeoverii -d-Airs. Hayes has re. turned to her lion e in Penn. U.S., and 111r. Stephen Ca' des has returned to 13artiia--111it;s 1i:itzl eraldisliving with her sister, Mrs Tgnge, is cond ing alone thi last week by The officiating 1 r. McLeod, of able was spread And a portion of social pleasantries . Wilson and his Clianthcre.-•--Itev, i11r, sting the revival meet• week, he being melded tho Rev. Messrs. Paul and Swan, o Brussels, and Godfre\1 of Belgravo.--Q1 ' are attending week.—Some o Brussels on Sa in the baseball eel between t and Grey a victory for M 18 and au int Nichol, of Set to teach in remainder of th Oct, lst and also coeds Mr. W. Pott with the intention to study nledici given general sat and we hope ho good success in takes with him large circle of anoes. 'he numerous, band, Ay presents testified hip and good will and correspondent can only May she,when +'ono has stink Into his years, Love her old '. an, and cherish his white halts ; Tor he parcels her charms thro' age decay, But think eacl happy sun his bridal day. o a number from koro he London Fair this our boys went to rday last to take part match which was piny - e townships of Morris which resulted in a rris by a score of 14 to ings to spare—Mr. J. ortb has teed engaged rr3. No. 2 for the year boginuing r 1889. He sno- r who has resigned of going to Toronto o, Mr, Pottor has sfaction as a teacher ill meet with equally is future work, tie the best wishes of a friends and acquaint. Wh •achurch. 1M1".r. Thomas He dorson, Port Hope, and Revs. Andrew i.d Robert Hender- son, are visiting + the residence of their brother, Mr. H, D. Henderson, merchant, The f milt' was very sud- denly called sops' sr, by the death of their brother, i' James Henderson, *s, treasurer of>' CJ loss.—M3:i. Jellison, of liinoardino, s also visiting at Mr. Henderson's: eev. R. Johnson, B.A., student, at Ie 'Gill College, preached Turn. Mr. Alex. Orr, more, lost two fine eating wheat to ex access to the bar Pearen who taugh who obtained aft now attending tho a eaforth Collegiate Institute preparing f r first A, --Mr. Tipling landed safel • in Glasgow, hav- ing bad a pleasant rip.—lilr. A. Tip• lino has the dandy -ig of this locality, it having takenffirs ' rize at Seaforth and Clinton. It wa put tip by Mr. T. Tipling of Clin on who does an extensive busings. in vehicles,—A short time ago o Messrs. Thos., John and George ortune were called to Ancaster Dundee o., to attend the funeral of their of st brother, Robert, who died from in 4ries sustained in falling from an ap f e tree. His spine was hurt and rend in tho Pres fterian Church here on ,Sabbath las . The baildiug, on both ,oee0isi;ons, as crowded, and the Ilia - .courses we' o very excellent, indeed. Mr. Johns.n is a rising man.—lir, James Gil esu ie and wife, of Hibbert township, re spending a few days at Mr. John 'a --Mrs. ICow, wife of our esteemed st tion agent, is away on a visit to frien 1 in the wost.--Mrs. T, Miller, and Mr. H. J. Bickle, Mr. •H. D. Henderson ud his son Charlie • took in the Tor tato Exhibition last •week.—:i1r. Join Cooh, who has been .residing here s1 co last spring, moved .an Tuesday last to 111aueirester, where he has seeu •ed steady. work. --On 'Thursday ever ing last John gave the youths a sod r 1 hop, when a very plea- sant evening *as sp,.nt.—The treasurer of the Crea. ery paid out to pal;ties last week $ ,000, as payment on the last sale o.' batter.--Rov. N. Well- . wood, ,who was announced to proaeh in the M thodist church here on Sabbath la was prevented from doing so by the den 2 of his wife, whish .occurred on t e previous Saturday. They were up n a visit to friends in 'this vicinity.--- ,Ve regret to announce that the wife o • the Itev. R. Carson is in very poor health.—Mr. Geo.Tuenoch sells his effect • on Saturday ; we under- stand that Ib r. T. iiitends to retire from farmin; for the proseut,--Tho tax collecto , of Kinloss, is on his rounds. Th = taxes are not so high as they wert last year.—W. Cunning. hameshoe-1n tker, has removed to more commodious alters an Main street, whore ho will to•attend to customers. belongingto its last a f anee.--Tho p and frosty n occasional ra November Ica We may expel As usual the This is far en ry. living near !3el- orses this week by ess. They obtained floor.—Mr. Fred. in S. S. No. 8. and st 0. certificate is Culross. Mt'. J, ,iaokron tenured home to UlflevaIC last week w" h his steam thresher, after doinn the best work those hen been clone ' some titne,•�-• sir. Wm. McKay i et with a sad accident whilst chopping n fitick. In. a mistake he hit hie arin ins eacl at the stick, Under DrCbisch as care he is doing wo11.' -Mr. San McDonald, who sometime ago retur ed home frorr, Michigan where lie sp ;at the summer, has gone back, tau g hie daughter with him . lie has eo taken a fine span o£ horses along w' , 1 him.—Mrs. Pickell has gone to To onto to seo some friends last weoli:. 381uevsl Mrs. Jos. Young ' rad Mrs. Wni, Mann, of Manitoba, \ ere visiting at. Mr. F. Patterson's, th week. --Mr. T. J. Dillon took sec ld prize for white cheese at the To • nto exhibition. —Mr. Moore. of r Dilworth, who learned with Mr. illon, took firat prize.—:Mr, Messer s+1d the August cheese at 0 cents. red him unable to move whilst hewas co seioustill the last' He was a very o 1 settler in that locality and Hat it papers testify to the esteem on win he was held by his circle of acquau antes. Glen anan. Mrs. Stepheuso , of Stanley, is visiting her daught r, Mrs. L Metcalfe. .--Mrs. Saddle rata - cl from Toronto a weelc ago last Tuesd; .—Glenannan. 01 AMOR TO A1oTn£as.—Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a sfok child suffering and orying with pain of Cutting, Teeth 't It so send at coo and get a bottle of "Airs. Winslow's SootlhIng Syrup" for Children Teething. Ito value is inealeul- able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; there is no mistake about it. It aures Dysentery and Diarrhea, regulates tho Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens the Ci.uus, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to tho whole system. "Mrs. Win. slow's Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono 01 the oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cants a bottle, Be sere and ask for "Alas. WINnLowb So&TnIxo Slave," and take no other kind. Ove of the reasn a large vale Is, t Cameron, I -tallies Scolds INgLaas rirlte, for the p., agreeable to these its use than any a over used." Sold 1 Nr. �tV'1n. 0 injured by 1t eyeelabas Iltld 11' must bo -very insigni ant in the eyes of Winghamites. A young lady from `gingham bounce for 'lenannan passed through it on the t1 in not finding it until she found herre. in Teeswater.— Mrs. Appleby, Mise ggie Scott and Mr. John Scott retur 1 from Toronto •on Monday. An ac dent happened near Orangeville, del +� ing the passes - ,ger train until after vo o'clock in the morning.— Master illiam Campbell of the boundary et recently lvith, what might have b a very serious accident. While p s g beechnuts,he fell from a high h, hurting his arni and side. He le to bo around. —Professor Gal • h gave a free lecture in the school •iouse ou Tuesday evening. Clin' George 5ohnstoy Edward McCabe, George Smith, of charged on Friday J. P., and John with passing- and possession counterfe bogus 25 cent pi their pockets at t arrest. They were c their trial at Gode1� an .a rai' West A most distreil overtaken Rev. F. R. II. B., o Bp with his wife, had be brothers and relatives for a fortnight past. at his brother-in-Iayr's Con. 11, West Wa bis wife, apparent'' spirits, was su convulsions whit t lei medical atteucittnce was unavailing and she died on Sa f urda+ night. She was an active, geni WO nly, clrristian laxly, who won t =•nhdence and e came in con - 31st year and irteen months. the rev. putte- e. The remaiirs o Queensville by nettling. anosh. g bereavement has halliel Wellwood, m, Ont.; wlio n visiting, his n this locality Whilst staying Ir. B. Ferrier's, osh, last week, good health and illy taken with t fora short walk. The most unr ing personal and n. of Summerhill, Colborne, and Godericb, Frere fore Henry Steep, McGarva, J. P., sarin); in their money. Several es were found in o time of their mmitted to staled cel. Ill /tor fill )intst For good value all round come to the Axcuon, •( � l l l l l l Consumption Surely Cured. To Tuts Enrrolt o- Please inform your readers that I bare a positive r , ody for rho above named disease. By its timely nee thousands of hopeless cases have been cured. I shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy mean to any of your readers who have eonstunption if they will send me their Express and I> . 0, address, Respectfully, D. T. A, SLUC'UAI 87 Yon,re St., Toronto, Int. BANK OF HAMXLtTON, a a1\7ays foul;:) wil:itift 1,v,' of all with wll 1e m Soles of his uvuut'ruui. Ina. She was in her was married but t About three years a, roan lost his first w were aceompained friends on Monday Luc! The rate of t. xa the $.--•T11e strr gets lighted by lamps)-, has purchased the h very ',minable horse , Janues Allege breathed days ago. No innur- babilititn are clear days Me, with • clouds and s. About the first of out for snow and then eleinhing by Christmas, ,ys will become short. 1 ahead just now. why 8.1:J3r S F.5UMOTON ha8 suo11 Me it is VIA 1,:;:,t Dr. W. II. "I ):ave prm,cribel s ovae ion is 2 mills on aro soon to he Ir. Win. Connell nkrupt stock of Mr. Geo. ICer'r and. Messrs. Cameron 84 Murdoch tho st : cli of Messrs. W. ro li. Little.• -•-The I micas fa'l chow is e5 ).inks (115 151211 II5 Q1',!OS' to he held here on hureday and Fri - two s yearn, and found it more thandhavthatterresultsfront day tho 4th and 5' h of October,—At ,r+orationof the Lind Ihero lb Voiting match It ,femote, Mr. A. 11 firth:fee we. and ,ei. • L,wwi i3`.iil, of this 1 it .(,. was awarded third prize.—•The cot nail rejected the Ton is. proposal th uraU1 i1.1) Ittore,tvlla 111(1 1111 log Messr>". Griffin st, Gr ;t:iliing machine last to iltart a foundry, .tl foot amputated. Cliff & Stovel,by lean "VT N" G- 1—I A. i - i [1011011i Sterling Exchange and Drafts on Hew York BOUGHT AND SOLD. ' orrice Iloos,e: 10 a. m. t 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 a. m. to1p.m B. WILLSON, Aouxr. Maxim tC- Dtcau,sos, Solicitors TOWN PROPERTY FOR SALE. Tim .ANOI10 ; will • not ho undersold, HAVE NOW THEIR mg Stook of Fa 1 COMPLETE IN EVERY DEPARTMENT, 613 yy 8 And without attempting -to give even an outline of' the many imports t additions this season to their usually attractive stock, they would simply extend a most cordial and hearty .w welcome to every person visiting their House. HE UNDE11SIGI ED HAS DECIDED to offer 9 for sale several good properties In the Town Piot, (Lower w'ingliam,) composed as follows : FAIROSL I : Lots Noe. 131 Gild 135 0n the North side et Wates St. and lots Nos. 137 and 11,8 on the ancnwasasstleiThese lall cler d 1 splendid sore part lot, Excellent value. I'MtGsL II: Ibex. LOTS—Numbers 35, 36, 87 and 88 on 111e East lido of Herbert St., in the Town Plot, Fisher's Snrvw. Fawn 1I1 : In the Government Mill Reserve, Fisher's tluvrey, Lot No. 2 on the East side of Helena St., about one-tift11 of an sore, with a small house and stable. Parties wishing' to see the properties and ascertain terms can do so by applying to flus of $5,000 to 11cly, of Guelph, a to ai:i Messrs. no them $3,000. Winghani P. 0. MRS. T. PRICE, Lower \yinghsm. LEAVE YOUR ovE0 J. INFKELYTE'S ey will take pleasure r iza showing g their Good and citioting Pricea, If goods and prices are satisfactory, they will be delighted to make solos, and the larger the sales the more delighted they will be. --FOIL PEACHES, PEARS &; PLUMS. FINE TOMATOES, ALL VARIETIES OF GRAPES, MELONS, &C. OYSTERS EY BULK. Ea' CALL UPON THEIR EARLY. IT WILL PAY YOU TO DO u0. GORE S&liicENTTEE, THE BIG BROWN ANCHOR. 13J11.11C3 0125•44.. Ilas just received a ilne of choice Mow SeaUsa`� Eul �G3`.,t�,•"t•'oa TLam, 9 A FINE JAPAN, ii LBS. FOR $1. All the best brands . of CANNED MEATS, SARDINES AND FISH, PURE SPICES, PURE PEPPER, PURE COFFEE. 5 L]35, BAR SOAP FOR 25 CTS. FINE TOILET SOAP, CHEAP. - �+t-+•I HAVE JUST OPENED OUT A. CASK OF O1NA TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS, FROM $1.50 UP. WATER SETS, AND A FINE LINE 02 GLASSWARE. FRUIT JARS AND THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER—No SIIGAIi. CALL AND SEE US. NO TROUBLE TO SIIOW GOODSi A. 3, AlopmsoN, than.atTt\xtat. Caskota, Coffins, Robes, &:o, always on hand, II S'.1 CLASS 1XLARSE 1.'OIt IItiUE. • PIt7 i 1� "OAf;\le,"1 " 'Iw"tt,d OATif;.i:s:c+.' Y0 ITaving added a I):3livery Waggon on to this branch of t110 it+: ,lues orders will (if necessary) be dcliverid anywhere) within 10 inlia:u tit Winizltam. This will no 1'1011'1)1 Oftelltitilelsi s tVO a,,..good deal of trouble, esprs.iully wilere parties may riot have sulieble conveyanccs:s of their oro. A:1 necessaries necessaries for FlI rl 1LLi, I+'Cr1 ISllYtit,ts, 111TC11A1 113, GLOVES, ET '.a kept and delivered with ssrdere. AO Y Undertaker 1