HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-09-28, Page 1V O L 7ft0CAI-t r.441,7..s". For job priuthug 2.1,1t on Tun Ti ,y —The Pateudnue tit the roller aka lsett! es. anoint lest night t` .45 rather meagre, —The flutter or tL : wader gold cuff but- ton would be ow are d uu lousing it at the Trees oflle°. —�Viu liatit is cl tt.ilcd to go aboad• Don't give it it beet ` t by votiug against +'!t bylaws.. ev. J. C. Te ogle, of Port Elgin, a remelt tlteologteal gi %dilate, has he= walled to Allis Craig tied i•: rliele. --•!t full in t ? the W. C, Ii'. U., is requested to 1 t : s;ut ; t ea important bueiuotej,itit() 1.20 t1;1 oil. . eisid Wells ttnd eisd being seriously bolting oft the -^'i i a -tilt Ole t.drl .i tl.sn l uu. 'narrowly iujured: by a nfidi owlyiujureti:bya teeth"'" trach. •.-13:oto for the byl we.; iuorease our pop- ulation, an • to i iii ace other manufae- ture;. toed p sai citizens to locate in our tonal. —home 160(1 lbs c f clothing and.suppliea ware cuspate! el to t' l; 'whites of theft orth- west by the W. 3'..i ie. Societies =mooted °vitli Maitland pias , tory. =-dome time sena li were pilfered from the garden of ,Jr. Jt hu Chaituuiu, near the bridge, a'fove Well neo. This is the quintessence cf auuc utratod ineaunoss 'rho progrurnrn of the East Huron 'teachers Assooistioi , whjehi meets here ou the 1hth ivnd.l'Jth Cit a, will be pultliished in next week. • -Tile Listowel a ; d Liieltuow lacrosse clubs are uow a tie f • the Gerr!e. district •elrampioushite The dooidiug snatch is likely ftp be played u Lie -towel on 'Satur- day. •' —Afore or less se 'flus burglaries 'were committed, thin week •t the N owbridge post }office, Greer's etor'e utt Campbell's hotel, Morrie, the two hotleat Wroxeter and 3!itr. Cook's oMoe itt ordwioh. Theategina jest nal of the 20th instil, speaks fuvorablys o the harvest. New wheat sold there ;to 85 cents. At Moose. Saw wheat yields 40 oats Se and barley 45 bushels to the sere, —Is it not about t offered by the corp. the detection of lute have an unenviable tis,in this respect. —When meron 1 TIN '11AM, ONT., FIt1DAY, SEPT. 28, 1888; Subseribe for Ter d'taine, 1 Vote for viii of your p town. —Two ea.r 1n, ou Moudey, ou James k.iliew, —Celrnh• cot sider. Don't vote ag last what you bell + ve to be the town's best interests. • —IL rest:ei f• rtner named Fred, Thede, whilst netting .i':ts drowned DA fort Elgin ou Thursday ta: t. —Grip charas terizes the bluff and bluster of A tuertcen w, tieiso:•,.aR a"tuouthing and. 11e bylltwa., a 'increase the •operty, aed build up the rhe of cattle were shipped by T. Piers and oue uy rtiutlue eenu:nt —Mr. M. Memo. Hutto; roar of the sal -.-lion. G.\ tiou, has rete fst, Androw's '•—lteti)emhal me that a reward was etiou of'ifiugham for ;diaries? We may soon reputation thrust upon go to the trouble and • expense of paetin0 t 0 streamers or posters a`t�•nt)nt has TS (WWI into _% Cerr's large building in block, Itoss, Minister of Educe - ed the degree LI,. D. from uiversity. it will oosttyou but 16 cents on each hnudre El dollars asse1Htnent if the byltswsere carred, eveuif ue uew texpayore' are added. —The shorts e the wheat crop of the - world is given t t 160 to 180 million bushels hely to ratio a good deal several years, the London, Englund, an infallible remedy for tit of hot water taken an meal and the last thing aucl prices vet 1 higher than for —A writer i Standard gives u. sleeplessnee; a p hour before eat at night. —1f the byhvs •s aro oarried every . mo- olianta in town every business nate of trade, 1' be streugthenod vantage result and citizens gene The chief int ill have a busy year ah owl an will increase his vol- ingitam's rep,itation will abroad, and .mutual ad - the firms do be aided ally. rine us that whilst many citizens exerted herrisolves ouergetically at the late fire at 1 ieiunes ek Talbot's store, the conduct of De. the Uniou factor was especially w they having works boys ought to real' %e that in pulling down -or damaging the with private prone' —Rev. Dr.•Aylee ly and aitpulitr r tefethod)s church ugwo, did sod uesdayodlust a;n lxi —The annual lea i3t. Paul's church w 1 : the 7th of October, preached by Rev. "1 - He He will also deliv following Monday ev Subject ; "Habit." they are iuterfeeing ty. orth, a clever, scholar rod minister of the late, residing in Ool- nly at Georgetown, on u year, —After the first o . Express Co. take co Seca. The Amu1'ic the offices along the This °benne will be est home services at 1 be held ou Sunday, lien sermons will be J. Taylor, of Mitchell. t-, a lecture on the ningiu the town 10,11. Remember Coutts ea Inglis' auction ale of carriages, buggies, dc., on Oct, Oth. A. second band safe is wetted. Those viug such for sale eau appy to Box 1.25, Vingham. —Blyth has curl- ite bylaw to raise funds for the pureha a of a steam fire eugine by 03 of a majority. —Think the bylae s carefully over today. Don't vote against ern because some ono Mae is plug to. (J your own Ged•given judgment, October the Canadian rol of all the G. T. R, n Co. formerly had old Great Western. n advantage to people here inasmuch as ex a charges -were made when parcels were tr Lusforred to Canadian Co's offices, —To marry the byl . tatopu.,yers entitled l - as welt as a majority the supportora do the easily be, seourcd. , 1 insinnated, instead o bylaws. They" are ,and largely begin wit it -Mr. W. It, B removed his famil ayeupies the reside Beemer has been i Some time, but app orated by the brae with. Wo bshiev him an exceedingl offi4ial. ws,two.fifths of the vote must support it of those voting. Let r duty and this eau aware of arguments asserted against the vainly teehuioalities that formidable "if." ars. John Gillespie, of and Harper Crawford, rthy of commeudation, like Trojans, —The real estate, took and household effects of the late J hu Hutson, an the Blusvale react, will b sold by auction on Wednesday the 7th f October. —Moulton Ladi' s' College has beon opened in Torou o, through the munifi. canoe of Mrs. \ r.. McMaster, with Miss Cooley, tl..' ., of ' hicago, as priueipal. emer, C. P. R. agent, to town tliis week and foe at the station. Mr. indifferent health for routly is already invig ng atmosphere of the the people will finch obliging and competent wl --The Homo Tin which obtained a Xi b, there last spring, pro who refused to pa delivery of the ata clairiied that his ag annual payments, b t alio eompauy main. taireed that the ager t exceeded 1de powers. The judge duoitled t tat the agreement was ;valid and the defeu auttwon the vase. .•ego. Association, mbar of subscribers etsiteed a Galt man, the 312- in full on Lat.j The defendant c 01 Watt far four It is universa a solute healthful= rounding country ar Ontario or Canadie different health and assert this geuerall The air is euro, ther nature of miasmic a ve y best. Dr. J A. Meld of Toronto Univers tied la Inn—gbam oto is the one for ler Young on Patrick St. eatabhished repute Dian, ie• evideutly sterling man and worthy citizen evhc obtain a luorative Vines eaddres receiving a bouque Mechanics' Inatitt —Rev. A. Y. • preach the gonna Court Maitland, 0 11 a., in. in th Wingham. Breth beau invited and expected, enticed -Se that for g Winghtim and stit- not set -passed in i'hose who aro in in. tay a short time here and emphatically. being nothing of the d the water is of the --At the last in l?resbyterg, Rev. can active worker in his miniateriLL -' etaarter of a Center his possession 16e 1 testifying to banal of counsel.; lin is six oilers to ,chap: ge me a hi er eatery t The iniieaY W. Trolly; ..Baptist 't has owing to to resign his pasta - -twee is weakness '.. the trouble is net y be very dangorotia, bas received r can ono of the health `ting of the Maitland S.,easle, who has been ase • uuobtrusive way work, for nearly .a 'ettidethats he had in tori from young, meu received in the way disc received live or ids lceatiun eaele beteg • an Ito was racuiving. —The Wingham opened out this week Cloggglt has been t and is uow iu a • (solidi Class of work. lye a revival of thin industr long continue to do a It will create a greete --li'heu about going a lengthy letter from tnc "shrewd 'reeve of trash the advantage t fee at granting aid to favorably of the resu sums up the situation, there are objeetionab ins, yet, whilst the c are as great as they large cities, live, wi combat them to a guard the interests o supply the demands o rtloy, of Bluevale, will uuiversary sermon to O. F., next Sunday at Presbyterian church, u of sister Courts have large attendance is atmoal mill has been Messrs. Elder ee °roughly renovated on fire. clo the best pleased and :hope itemay . rosperous business, demand for oat;. o press wereeeiveu. t. W. S. ,Johnston, at .Elgin, settiug t town has derived udustries. Speaking s ou •the whole, he as follows; "" hila features ,in bonus- iitralizing influences re at present in our Wake towns must agree sufficient to the community or the locality." m, an honor graduate ty, is now nicely set- ith his family. His occupied by Dr. ibe Dr. has an ,on as a skilful physi- clearheaded, active and wo welome him as a deserves, and is sure to realm. ed to Miss C. A., on , LVlondayevening,for the to Receive an old m The flowers will But grateful feelii Like emarauth flo Will flourish in i And mock and sp Meader segs : Rev. J. miuieter of 1?euelou 11 health;' basil obliged Sete. The cause of i11- e'tho lnngo, however, steer far advanced as to and sty Rev, Mr, "telly 20112'a•eougregation in est pats' of .California, ' his medlw^S •. e.,sv. ;:ors recommended his 7tnenedlate 1l0'(t4Til 4: before winter note in. Ifo wilt therefore 'Ibo very Mass Selly will leer; .siorrow. While"t won golden Pini. iso 11514 come in staunch advocate wish that one cwt' Alv;1 ltas ie.t,rat sie may b5 speedily rest ti •-1 i;n lateitia tied etrength 005*toratan to' itrtit t:a: seeore:...hatche-ti }n Canada deft a e -teas Jesirou:i.ei;'secur• fns bah servie:'t?. ;:,go early in October. fil=nlder of Rev. Mr. hits • above with deep Vii °'iia c':iunty he has to trota. all with Whom eentamu, as an earnest, f chirps thine;. , The best —A recent iss a/curc/mtau has thi of J: H.Moorhous garf, where he co weeks, not long, a had been ineutnb the Gleurchtnau s earnest addresses much that the ohs 1'a thanks, fair maid, 'tiler, wilt abd fade ; gs, as they rise, ers of Paradise, ortal bloom, the yawning tomb. LrTnmow. Tuesday.—Toeswat, of Wingham, was vi this week. ---Messrs. Lindsay, and E, 33 spout a few relays wi last weclt. Mr. ,fag law to Mr, .Agus. executor of the late Miss AleCorvy op yi tablishment to tl week. ---.111r, Ross to recuperate after IfTant McCutheo Thursday where h situation in a dry active, Courteous at. —Air. J. P. Newma town this week. --h e of the Dorainion reference to the work , of Wingham, at Kin- ueted services for three After stating that he ut there for six years; ys : Hie eloquent and rew large crowds inso- roh could not hold all who attended Rom evooiugs. The interest increased till the . nd, sue throughout the whole service th presence of God was felt, and several a e known to have been brought to se savin' knowledge of the truth. The careless ha o been awakened awl cliristians strengt lened and enlightened. The untiring zeal' 1111 earnestness of both the miseioner and the pastor, Rea. J. G. Newton, have, in God's providence, been accomplishing n - rk here which will live after theta and th fruits of which may he ouly fully known i i eternity. --Rev. W, B. Short tor of the Cougregatio his first pastoral s His remarks were -base Fire"—the trial of children. The Wag and beautifully pout itig a contrast betweeu he Scripture tittles, a forms of government. temptations that chria to iu modern times mammon woreleip, de leuoe and indifference t Iu tide conueotiou h keenly analyzed =tit' these temptations s fidelity, prayer, 'also age, spirituality an rich promises of God. the germs of sorrow greatest opportuuitite tiqu is frequently re hotter. He urged the the professiou and po pointed out the keeu tweeu sin and righto will of God was the The sermon was ohara ity of treatment, wa mingled with- opport and literature, had o trations, was roll reaso succinct and improssiV News ; Aries Cargill, ting friends; iu town David bagleson, of llaby, of Port hope t Mr. James Angus eson is te brother-iu- Mr. 73allaby is an oho Hutou'u estate. --- a dreesmakiiig es. Beaver Block this ok a trip to Litelcnow er sore disaster.—Mr. left for Toronto on has secured a good roods store. 110 is an reliable young man. , of Listowel, was iu John Turner return- ed title week from a lengtlteued visit to his parents is New Yor state.--Miss:-,Maggie Hunter, of J3russel M.eLitughlitl'e titin' of Brussels, is viei• this week,—Mess Schofield, of Woo Mr. J. Carr's this mail is 011 a trip Sound this week. Loudon, a forma Drug Store, apeu doctor this,' week. pnc3}irli ttnied by . t;i i ; is home o Mi. F. Halliday r` visit to Detroit McGowan, of Wro. .T H. Halliday's. 111. A., the new pas- t" church, proaohe, anon Sunday lust. on the "Ordeal n" o three Hebrew el event was vividly yed, after Institut- Eastern despotism, d present civilized „Then some of the aux are subjected ere enumerated— are, liquor, ludo- spiritual matters. eau motives wore means to overcome gested — integrity, consecration, cour- ependeuoe ou the Sin has within it d: to those with the e furnace of afllic- ered seven times istiuction between session of religion, as of the conflict be- usnosa'and said the rfection of reason, terized by original - judiciously inter- ne facts in science or two apt illus. ed, well delivered, throughout. 'Few people re, lize the full produntive oapaerty of Cana hen land. That it 'is many times more • an is indicated by the best tilled fermi. g -1 nds goes without saying. Par. D. Pd. iulltay. wlio owns one and owe -fifth aures •n the corner of Petrick and Catharine etre,: si,hitsbeen incidentally establishing this for he past years and hes brought the yearly returns up to tt sur- prisingly high and profitable standard. crus from the oil v.lweeea.mply-tho t iitttr f of toil and outlay of capi- iug esse • tail ingtedionet lank- McIiinlay's us. name, iply rewarded sett'- eclat' 101 exhibit its exp sal ipeel tetlii the s71. l efforts have been i by year and he has garden. ve,totables•--c thhege, celery, bee::. carrots, cauliihowora,ys ingly flue, exceedingl,e ies will yield flim elm outlay and diligent 14 credit:Ode and such asere eau.= for his 'ors. 02 the miller stuff and smaller fruits. to hen it goo illy =ate and of fiue quality. tie grounds?. are in splendid condition an 1 apple pie order. , was visiting at ;lir. J. eds.—Miss Sadie Reid. ug at Mr. James RRoes's . it, Whitlow and T, I3•. stock, were visiting at veok,—Mr. James Mil - to Marton awl -Owen Mr. W. S, 13arkwell, of clerk at Dr. Towier's a few days with the —Miss Hattie Ireland, iss Jennie Bates, of a visit to Wing'ltam.— turned from a months Iis week.—Miss, Josie eter, is visiting at Mrs. Mr. and Drs. S. D. Webb have been • pending a few clays in . T,ondon jkis wee' —Mr. W. F. Dul the 14(14; oi% exhi Daviate ',wife r holiday tri;'i's le turned from a till and Buffalo this erford, hardware sawmiller,"of Wi' week,—Mr. Geo, WHOLE NO. 811 Hints on ` ending, as not out of ray ' d Scott's Tales of ci now after the i half a century 1 the word pictures are indelibly @f memory." ire this'wvaty ; mimics and Walter came Iris grandson's.. word, young like,' us' history for, Lamb's Telee tend to idle succesti to i :lei s by fair Walterseee et ilia teacher Ito ith the life anr. . -espeare's bistori, . istorical novels, . Child Harold, ve not irksome 0 by the poet agreeable I steal u your next-issee' DEAR teens when. I had re A Grandfather ; a lapse of wore th ask myself ; F' W of that fascinating engraved on the tab 1 account for the char,• Young folks are bor story -tellers, and S' down to the level 1 mind, becoming, in liim. Charles Die young fonts and Marl trent Shakespeare bot same end, and owe the' same cause as the tel In teaching history, thoroughly imbued soul of ballads, Sha cal play a,Sir Walter's and gay L -rd Byron' and his tack will 'pr but delightful, as s the Seasous. If draw out e, sclieine to serve as a flue r -post for this younger members o the teaching profession. W. Lrenaow. —Mr. James Wilson , V. S., who has been for over a year prac Lincoln, Nebraska, is sp with his friends and gi description of the sta surroundings, Nebrac tled but there is still iu the western portio prairie with timber an the rivers. The main rye, oats, buckwheat, tables do splendidly. and there is not mor inches of suow at an used only as a sort of The chief fuel is There aro extenaiv hogs are raised ve being rapidly impr ising his calling at tiding some time es an interesting capital u.ud its ft has rapidly set - me unocepied laud The lend is all shrubbery along d hay and vege- lain falls frequently than four or five time. Sleighs are usury bY liverymen. oal and corn cobs. ved in quality. The soil is of a heevy lea and is very produc- tive but no manure- is ever lama. Money is -worth 4 ner cent i the banks and is lent privately at 10 p cent. Good water to 60 feet. Corn its es el to 31.25 ; hogs 6100 to 3'200 eech ; eight. The people e of all nationalities. 1, has a population extensive woolen ng establishments, 3.0 eacesseries of a r. Wilson has been Mr. B. Costord, 'dent of Wingleten, taking' in the Eshibtiou. age has beeu attendiug tion this week.—Mr. 11. turned from a lengthened task.—Mr. A. Carr, re - to London, Woodstock oar.-lliessrs W. Ruth- tnerckl aatencl Gibson,' eter gave lee '11. this 'awcott spent a feiv' uwvs in town this wee •.--Messrs. W. F.' B00% enahire, E. F. G rater, D. Nincain J. Mc- Alpine. J. Brett u, J. DIns1ay, S. Merri- field, T. Drumm nd auddt. Elliott :attend. the funeral of the atete*udeater hilason at Tooswater on Ss. urd'ajr.; Another ; it Ottntioi .. is gotten et from e0 -worth 32 to 50 cents . 5A to 30 per ton ; 65 to $6 per owt ; horse cattle 3 to 4 ate. live aro a complete mixtu Lincoln, the state eiten of 50,000. It contains; t —Goma house, asylums vereity, ;Sc. It has or mills and pork pack manufactures and all live -western town 13 in partnerehip with vetermarea once a re =lope life arid la pee tits far west. ha,s been gOOSt for A. Cline's his broth Small, of 'Mount Vora S. Mar:fields last woo lett for Toronto last entered. ast a student College. 2.1ilton is time aud likdy Holmes returned to to reeume his studies —Mee Masson, of Ot teal, former watt The Workin To the Editor of the T' Aetween °ire' aud four o'clock =Friday monsing last, t •ro. bell rang, the scene of the fire being esars. McInnes le Tal- bot's geberal stor The lire apparently originated. in 1 Oar ,stearweea of the building and. had iade considerable head- way, working u tairs. Mrs. Ross and family, who ha ooms above, weo res- cued. by the fa= stairs and lied a narro escape. Her effe ts were badly iujared The fire brigade d. capital work and the fire wes soon co ilea aud extinguished, Not much was nt, but the goods were badly damaged water =a saturated with smoke. Th hop was feeured in the Lencitshire for 2,000 and the Phoenix for 69,000, The b ing is owned by John Bone and was i cl in the Western. The fire is suppose have started in the back stairway, ma au incendiary, . hoot aud shoe stor were -partly destro in the Waterloo. Los by ineura,nee. The d been removed to C. stand, where the i being adjusted, Ea proves the superiority brigade and Wil4CYWO ome days at Mr. J. tltenie , was visitingat Mr, .-11.1r, Milton Snell eek, where ho hat, Ceer at 'Upper Canada talented and. Captain bin). r succood.--Mr. 'O. township a 110W' York this weele scalp woaled Mill men's Interest. se grant Me space • on behalf a the, ard to the vital e -by the blessing or ee 1 hope those rivileged to provide • consider the in, n in the matter dere the people. chance to ',benefit n and the working - speak on behalf • . 4.eing our bread. beliV of this. se men, of capital a harmony between. manifest asy• noble - rs• increases one's he is put to bed y voting for the eye new dwellings erect -- additional. factoriee. t what _may aws are defeated? btedly the work of .y see empty houses, math de Buchanan's; We will like! also the tailor shop, property decreasing in value and •entere They wen insured taxation. We -ant to decrease tax- . bout $800, coverad.• IltiOn by inereasin it. We want to maged goods have enter on en era property, to see vale iu tho shade rous and thorough, sending its warett hy business mei. are second to emu., . It is but natural 'an siness enterprise of increased tasatio est of time and property holder shou tion in deciding a. whether he ought •to are the genuine support the bonus be tws, This has been artiole whitest by chorsing outeide held up as the groat lathe° by the oppo- . concerns you may meet bagus offers. flouts of the bylaw They hose in some They aro lionestt,ii Thetrious and have eases drawn ,matv lowly ou the increclul- nu interest in tile to n greater than ity of those they re addreseiug. They we heve. De peeper to consolidate, say that the carryin of the bylaws '1 1 u end mak Wineham your home and express our confidence in it on Saturday by -e-,u,pportheg the by, laws. Remember rivals who would lie to their profit. L, courage and fester. We have made a us move on cauti we will further The workingmens' -viewed are the c everybody's intere its deserved an decreed 01100 ntat.)144, the thriving sori wing. Henderson s ranee claims are successive lire the Witraham fire S. Sehe Increase TilE EXACT COST EMU R,11501T311, Wiugham leave it and become a pros through the le I land. Give our woi a chalice to do thi aiding them. The eheracter and and have stood the depressions, They proper that every view the queetion as 0. prime cousidera- briefly to give f iudisputeble facts on -this matter. Adt itting that no now rate- payers would be b •ought to Wingham, than the present aSSOSSI ant of about 3500,0,00 would have to bear t e burden—but this uo sensible man bell es—let us see what it would cog otepa ere yearly. If the con - ditto= of the e:oeosed contracts aro carried out, the tual sum that the town would have to raise onld be—by the.most acourete calculatica the half of 31193, plus 0303 or 3795.5 . That on au assess. ment of 3500,000 w aid mewl a little loss than 10 cents on eh 3100. Therefore on assessments its lows the entre, taxes would be But we believe the andieional taxation woula be moo the emit" by those who would come into tow town would have a we have jealeu to SOO US SUffe:IN tr us support, en- •oocl beginning. Let nsly and firmly; and intereete of all. ntereets properly in ehort Hee The fall show i Lyery property in cube -need value too. 3. Wi an enterteining. in the school S ine, reeve of the evening of last wee. had a very severe lie also delineate evidently klet these,present. Mr. 0, Clerlefe, Bellevue College. vie, is a gueet at Dr. of Wings:are, 11051 wee town ett , to be hold et Ford, the Gth of Oetelier. 8011, art Zetittild, :ga%,0 on till ,Seielice„ a number of etine, the approeul ,Bitolliz genially the, audieute to —Netiee Gordon