HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-09-07, Page 3ijamifinia FRIDAY. ,PT, 7, ISM. Ctrl e nal Threshing is tl , dk,f ',the ilav in this lloighborliee "6,'1 `y friends of -air. Robert ii pleased to see Biro in his b i T.taddia's Church after his r u track of typhoid fover.--M ( ge Multi;rove has boon re engag (? B. No. u, The trustees alt' i ka pap). s of No. $ are to bo aon1;r tulttted. Mrs. L. Masters is visitil her Estee Mrs, J. Ferguson.—Miss loggia Ni att and Mr. James Stott eft for illawdalc near Toronto, of FAA ast, The number of sighing la wai eft by the former was only execs ed by the slumber of sorrel ing my nphs mourn. 'ing the absence o the la or. Lot us give the fair In ideas of W'illowclnle timely warning t 1 provide betnsclves with the armor Tennyson speaks of in Clara Vero c cVero,-11 r. Duncan, noir village bl• oksinith, 's mourning the death of it pet crow supposed to leen poisoned. MMMT. G rriok has re- turned home f 0m a vi t to London, r -wbridgl Miss Bayne, of \Vooclsts k, is on a 'visit at preson .to her site. Mrs. Alex. Littlejohn, C n. 4, Ho vick.—lli"as Bradburn, of Detroit, i visitiu"r at •the residence of Mr. G TIIIm & is one tiling in whielt 've do not want reciprocity with. the United States --that is, in rogues. 'Wherein can the national dignity of either Lotm•try suffer by a surrender of criminals of tiny class? EnciicstriZl Wad Arta 2x11,11:ition, aOhl+ ON, (. 1, `'1AD , 204 'L0 a j Dept, 1888,. 825,000 Appropriated Or Prizes, Attractions, etc. 8142,000 Value of New Grounds and Buildincrs. 9.200,000 Display of Agricnitalai and Oilier :ria. chinery. 8500,000 Live Stock Exhibit, Gt1aid IntezinauionaI Boncii OIlalm of Dago, TEEM, INDIAN TRIMS OF ONTARIO are preparing an immense exhibit of manufactured articles, agricultural production's and curiosities of the old hunting days. There will be LARGER A'J ISrS% GP...A./4MR ATTRACTIONS, more to suo.ard more to learn than at any previous exhibition, Pr14o List and all other information may be had ou application to the Secretary. CAPT. A. W..I'oRtTE, km. bitBROOM, President. Secretu"ry. 'KV. J. YOi[NG, Forlucrly Itou$ .S Hospital, Oi'FicE AXE :RESIT) Wingham, Marc: 1, 1 VL; 61.0 .P. S. 0., eon td Kingston General : Dr. Bethune's Old Stand. 8. ggins.= -'lo'e rkl:" & DICKINSON. of the farmers are nlak' ig gond 1i atl BARRISTERS, Joe. way with tit& ' harvest bare fields ore •t the ey of our young men, w io on outlay evenings infest the higl ways li o vermin, should either be farad to us decent language while peopletti °passiti or be sent where they would n t troub a his part until they showed hat they lad ceased to be barbarians Their c nduet reflects no credit on t einselves .r on - the line they fri'quen .---.:Mr. illiain Hynd- luan, of:Con..1, Eloiviel', left for utrat- ford on the t3 d of Sep to attend the Basiness Coll ee for a tern. As he is a hard wor ing stat ent he wia no doubt carve out a 1. ate among the "classical College pup s of which his parents and friends m be proud. and as a result I Solicitors for the Dank of Hamilton. Commissioners or taking affidavits km Manitoba. .Private funds c lend In straight loans at lowest rate,, Offices — lient's Block, winghr.ni, Lnoknow and Gordo. 11. W. 0. B11V1ut. It. L. 010001NHan. Zetland. MIS. G, TIIOlt. ON REPP,A,CES ;IS MILL. Same time apo, Mr. Go'o. Thomson, of Zetlo<z3d'i',°d 'tiled to re ace his saw mill, which+ ,is destroys by fire re- aontly. 'On Saturday a pontoon. last, ,..some fifty, Ur throo seer 'of e able bodied, aotivyeomen iciuity. .assembled a. the site of the .ld mill and, under th- skilful directi. 1 of Mr. Wr.James, f West Wawa' osh, work - ,ed with a se t, skill, good minor and effectiveness haraeteristio f a pioneer logging bee uo fluid insp ration either —till the so stautial at acture 70 feet by 80 reared its eo11d ,roportions on the old site. 'he unbr' hell assemblage then sutnma'ily adjou' d to the resi• denee of IVir Thomson, wl ere a yeti, table feastal spread,exten ed on tables sono half Is ndred feet, n his beauti- ful lawn, un or the sha of fruit and ornamental rees. Wi a alaxy of young ladies from the 1 eigl . hood as carriers and dispense s .f lie good things provi ed, the table were sur- rounded, dis'ussed with gel uino relish and if ther was a sin le churlish. dispositioned soul preseu' he refrained trout nanifc • Ling it, T. . dies then lengthily vis ust'.d a co d lavish spread, but he writer cal a sudden halt Itere—hcannot, dari not,divulge anything. 'our care pendent in- variably lea es the ind' i on such matters to those with •"ader fancy arid more l,teile pen, r'roups held varied conv:rse, soiuce p ayed croquet, aleft finger eharmii :"ly plied the instrument n the par ; r, and thus the •evening W s most g eeably spent. Along with this the vas some sing- ing in cone rt. Mr. ' tomson has hero ,a most bo utifully a dnlnFiinc:. ei;s,:r improved f rni of 2 ink; is exoollen , the ti age thorough and scientific. The g tc' surroundings indicate taste, w 11 'ii' tributed labor and mate ial co or . A fine brick residence; largo and .plondid orchard, well•arran red and orninodious bank f e J. A. MORTON, BARRISTER &c„ Winghana - Ontario. JOHN RITCHIE, GENERAL INSURANCE AGENT, WIN6I[ALf, ONTARIO McGILL & VANSTONE, BARRISTERS, SOLICITORS, NOTARIES PUBLIC, CONVEYANCES, ETC. OFFICES—Beaver Block, WnionnIr, 091T., GOMan and BLyTII, ONT. Private and Company funds to loan at low rates of interest. Mortgages, town and farm property bought and veld. Mercantile collections a specialty. a, VANSTONE. S. G. zieGiLt. DENTISrBY.--w. II. M9I110DBNALD, WmeuA,s1. tx Maker of Vulcanite, Celluloid, Alloy, Silver, Gold, eta., etc., Plates, ranging in prices from 5500 upwards per set, erownng and bridgework. Thoth ex- treated without the least pain by the use of Vital- ized Air. bead Office, wingham, side entrance, op- posite the queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except- ed) from 0 a m to 5 p in, Will be at Blyth every Saturday—Office at Mi'ne's hotel; Gerrie: let and Ord Mondays 01 moll month—Office at .Albion hotel ; Lucknow : 2nd and 4th Monday and Tuesdays of each month—Office at 1Yhiteley's hotel. Extracting, 25 cents DENTISTRY, J. S. JEROML, WISGLIALI. "`.s..z.a I am making beautiful setts of Artificial Gum "Teeth" for $3.00 per sett, and Plain Teeth, per sett, 4.00. Prices in all other branches of dentis- try in proportion. Vegetable Vapor administrated for the painless extraction of teeth, the only s fa anesthetic known OFFICE: In the Beaver Block, opposite the Brunswick Hotel. JOHN CURPIE, Wrgenu I, 'LICENSED AUCTIONEER• Orders left at TtliEs' office promptly attended to TERMS REASONABLE. DEAN, Jit., WIfiotlisr, LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COUNTY OF IIURON. Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charged Moderate. / y E0I1GE MoICAY, wingham, Licensed Auctioneer "r for the Counties 01 Huron and Bruce, At moderato rates, sales will be conducted in any portion of the Countioo, Orders can be loft at the Trsn:s Office. JADE':, IIENDERSOXN, LisoNsr,n Aaoriotoma Yea Coazenrs 11000058 1x00 Bai:cn, All salsa attended to promptly and on the Shortest Notice. Charges Moderate and Satisfaction Guaranteed, All nece99aly arrangements can be 10110 at the Tome office. W100011tS), CALEDONIAN HALL. This commodious hail ran be seemed for tail* tainnients of every kind at a very low figure. For terms au., apply to ONT. Alms LOUTIT, at t lieu lo Co9store. C3-xZA1\TD ' izI T TK EE,'"2, A. 0, S'i'RATIID I , AGENT, WINGIIALI. Though tickets to all points in America—North. West, Pacific Coast, do, via, the shortest and all popular routes. Baggage elteeked through to destination. Lowest freight rates to all points. --TIME TA5 L ,. MATE WINGIIAM. ARRIVE. AT W1EGI1ALI, 0:80 a.m.Toront01 Guelph, Patine �sto,1, &o. 3:5"I p.m, 11:10 10:10 8;40 p.m, " " Clinton, ," 7:25 " ......Palmerston, 51ixcd......10:2p a.mt 7:05 a.m..... London, &o.. 10:40 " 8:40 m. ,611:10aa.m., ,.....Ilincardino, &o0:30 t:45 am. 3:30 pan " 11:10 " 10:10 " " 0:60 p.m. C. P, R. TIME TABLJL Trains arrive and depart as follows : LEAVING ARRIVII,'0 6:27 a, m..., .... ,.For Totonto.......,..5" 7 a. in 1:45p,m " 1:45 p, 3:15 . . ,For Teeswater 3.15 ., p. „ In• BANK OF HAIXXLTON, "VCT' Z - Sterling Exchange and Drafts on New Yet BOUGHT AND SOLO. OFFICE HOURS : 10 a. m. t 3 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 a. m.to1p.m B. 'VILLSON, Aain r. MRVRR & b1CRINHON, Solicitors A. J. ANDERSON, UNDERTAKER. Caskets, Coffins, Robes, eke, always on hand. FIRST CLASS HEARSE FOR HIRE. PIGTUES FRAMING PSOIIPTLY ATTENDED TO. I --)O/H/O/I/C/E(-- FRESH FR' I T HARVEST APPLES, PEACHES, PEARS, WATERMELON'S, GRAPES, TOMATOES, BANANAS, LEMONS, MUSK MELONS, AND ORANGES. :Big Arrival of' CANDIES. Admittedly the finest Show Cases in Town. EVERYTHING FRESH, NICE and CHEAP At J. McKELVIES, OPPOSITE TM Cr,lan L. o—NORTH–WEST—o PAii��L�1s� 'or all points in Oa: North-West, 'Port Arthur, Dulutli, St. Paul, Winnipeg. Pacific Coast, 3cc., take the _Beatty urns roro Sarnia, Godsrich, IEino arclirteo or Southampton. Leave Sarnia, (W,P,) Tuesday &r Friday Etegs •OTHER PORTS THE r'OLLOWXNG DAY. Il2agraddeont Steamers. Aodoaniatotb tiola, tate best—unrivalled an a summer holidnr route. Lowest passenger and Sroicast rates may be had from A. C. Strathclloe, or W. E. Towler. ! . J. H. EBEATTY, General Manager N. W. T. C., Sarnia• t �.",.!: ,fits., y'IQ a Rios FULL PROVISION AT TEE PULAR BOOKSTORE, IN 810}8 WAY OF— barn, F- barn, all dd to th comfort, conveni- I v ew oft et 9u tfl' ne.i, B m f 11:1 molars Supplies or Public andHigh Schoolsa here is an excello/i" one. Besides the product o his mill Mr.Thomsoii deals largely in £tit cat e, both in the way ro£ Sunni r pasta a' a and winter stall feeding. Ho het- s mo three score floe cattle o hand a pr sent. He was formerly resident of town• ship, and removed Ileo about twelve years ago He i `,a nazi of shrewd ,clad, caul ons bustles habits, of ue• icnowledg d integrity', and conversant -with cur 'ut matte s in state and ;church, is opinion is in demand in patters of public im' Mkt. Blackboard Crayons & Slate Pencils Wholesale. JU's'r A1IItIVED, A CAPITAL d.SSon rI(1T: NT Or' BERLIN AND SAXONY WOOLS, FINGERING YARNS, sic. BLA`NIK" nc,,AoLts Q i Evr,11, ` STYE AND QUALITY. A.ee Blas just received a line of choice A PINE. JAPAN, 0 LBS. FOR 1. All the best brands of CANNED 'MEATS, SARDINES AND PURE SPIOES, PURE PEPPER, PURE CO 1:TE. b L135. BAR SOAP FOR 25 OTS. FINE TOILET SOAP, CIIEAP, •• IIAtiE JUST OPi:NED OUT A CASH OF OHINA TEA SILTS, DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS, FROM $I.50 WATER SETS, AND A FINE LINE OF GLASSWARE. FRUIT: JARS AND THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN FRUIT PRESERVING POWDER—aro SUGAR. CALL AND SEI; US. NO TI OUDLB TO SHOUT — . .J..`Z9D .fes R T K I x..63 . �•,�� Having added a Delivery Wagon to this branch of:tile blri'l? orders will (if necessary) be delivered anywhere -within 10 tnile. Windham. This will no doubt oftentimes save a good deal of trouble, erpee n' where parties may not have suitable conveyances of their own. A. necessaries for FUNERAL FURNISIHINGS, 1IA.TCI;APES, GLOVES, Fa: - kept t.kept and delivered with orders. S. GRABBY, Undertaker 7 =VG TTAM.. For good value all round come to the ANOIion• 1 i TILE Axouon will not undersold: Of the 'BROW A O I —ARE OFFERING BIG BARG.ANS IN - 11/471 , O �` %/ �rtir Cos I I J p '__` t ,!�� Jr Colne early and get first choice as we are bound to clear them mit. SPE MAL ATTRACTION Iyal, Dress Goods, C Jidtleeri.sI Prints, Laces, Ribbons, Glove$ and Hose, in 'ail:, Cashmere, Lisle, and Cotten, all . es. kg the Data "1> ITSTirel We can fill all orders promptly as our stook is complete in every line. Creat -value in Teas Yon should try our GREEN AND 3APA.N T A AT per ",. Best value in Canada. Boots, Shoes and . Slipper In endless vtu'icty and iv; r ri^t i t0 'Tit 1711 purcbah''rs. 9 , : 4e,M�Y.,i ��8t. 100.. r.