HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-09-07, Page 1LOCAL ZeTLF";47
Mv. S.:rntlzill 13 3 7 i)moved his office
.fro., his reef lenoo to .ter Kut block,
I, —A gar load n .ui nUa wheat s
f t h wa
aninadecl for the 1Jj ;r %ills at Iireuuaa's
Biding this week.
--Gilbert c£ HeMe' n'i new e aio opera,
"Tile Tower of L hidon," is said to be
unusually good both in words and name,
-•-.A. etetuo to 1'u no vita unveiled at
Albany, N. Y., ou i hursd:ay amid groat
—Rev. John Sentt, 1i. 11.. 'prcaolied the
anniversary sertiloox in i3rnhsolo on Sou.
day, Bev. M. tic=.••..0 conducted the ser-
vieeH hero in end renig and evening.
—There have e lie •u 21 Hcott Act convic-
tions made by Pol•ct Iar,'istrate Lowes, or?
Rotltutty, atoms last vmei lo Wellington,
mount to 331.200.
aid the lines intpeeee
—Mr. J. I elc ,i7 y . Tonga suoceesful
teacher in Ilowiek, hie. opened out a grocery
1<toro in Harrisston, We ere we hope he may
meet with tlic htooceee he no fully deserves,
---A. sabbatli seine 1 and evangelistic
cotivention iH being leld at Blyth, tido
week. An entterteen ie, progratllme has
boon arranged in whi 1 most of the ,tetllo.
dist clorgyr,ll)u le til district aro taking
• part.
—Mayor inglie has named us a copy of
•tile Algome eleetip, utilislled at Little
Current, iillanitvu.in, Apart from the
enterprise of its wattle leers, it is consider.
:altic of a ottriostty to appear in a small
v11 go.
Mr. a. J enders ,t is sending o large
. quantities of t il,ie b rrole at posent • He
ter ) f ! p
la )
1 ln- 1 11a,5t>, 1Y ire'( :'
a 11 J. FI. Gar(
to 11 W. Is, l'o'in::'(, o i Lueltonw, atresent,
, euah; of whom is Alli ping. applee from the
- --Reports from IV anitoba and the north.
• west are very coni ii ting as to the extent
of the damage uh ere by froet. From
>.. v..
private sou.c ., e warn that the injury is
very' great in xnan, localities, We have
seen letters statin t that everything wap
dent yod.
t1Ir. C. Ilea lin of I3Iuevalo, has been
contemplating t11 • erection of a grab,
warelloaao at the C. P. R. statinni This
• ought certainly t he had in the itlteroste
of the towel and vicinity. We iuteud to
disparage non: vv hen wo urge competition
in this as ineve 'y other line of busitais.
SameU1ui3 ago, r, e5• lonlson,
mf £et1giid,~,:1 oiled to re ace his saw
mill, which A. as destroy by fire rc;
<sentlyy, ' 1a '''ltilrtiay 0 ternoon las
. some itft;ihr o scot of e 313)1
bodid a
ectio • yeomen.. f,ieitiii
Mr. F. 2'f tthe, n bailiff of the .Gigth
I)iv..ision Court 1 nt11y, left -a basket of
:apples at tide:mile ill . a Sew days ago. Whilst
Wei plaint fry gt nl.r i1• t to the inferior size
. of apples this year evetwentri infer that Mr.
Patterson's strew h . is alt exception.
hllecimensi of an 3,thnown variety loft us
measured 14 b,te<1' inches.
—Mr. P. I.lvit to 0n; of Baden, travelling
inspector of flax = 'els for the, Livingston
I3ros., of Listowel : nd Badou, was in town
last week. The Li inghton 'Bros. are the
flax kings of Can • a, are reliable men
• who have prospered utttisindustry. Peter
• is an expert iu fie, • and is well esteemed
wherever he is ku wu, He goes on his
yearly business tr p to •Manitoba at all
• early data
-We wore hank 1 by Mr, M. Cassels, a
teepy of the T:onclon terry Senf£ned contain-
ing a lengthy :aaeotttl,3)1 the 100112 miniver,
sary of the relief ,1f Derry celebration
„which -occurred whil he was visiting there.
31r. Cassels spent si mo time in London
,and Greenwich, and t• s especially gratified
with his visit' to the e hibltiou hall io the
?latter place. Belfast Glasgow and other
towns in the Britisl ivies wore visited,
observations made t nd many pleasant
,Tocollections renewed. It is 85 years sineo
1'Ir, Camels Mt the of 1 laud;.
—The Brussels Budget says: The Editor
bf the Winghatn Times is- an old school
teacher. Many years' application has left
its traces. Now lie has loft the profession,
the old habit Atilt lin, ors; and he still keeps
shop open by cont nuttily propounding
catch questions. Strange what the force
of habit will do. -Bro. Jenkins is also au
old teacher, but just a little more so than
the Times editor. Realizing." the force of
habit" and taking tl is in commotion with
the fact that the •' ubiquitous" editor of
.1~il ipet is alio an ex • . =dagogue, we are very
glad we quit when o did, --dropped out,
as it were, at tho ro131ein propounding
Miss Fannie Sto el, of Mount Forest,
IcP o 1 r '• g
t t act as mlHdiant tat 1.614 a, India.
Y r1
--A. converted 30 , uahned Wad -del -
Ward, has been loot • nd and proaohing in
---Throe good Co. /lauds wanted at
(moo, 3, 3, Iiozutill3 2t
—Insurance H I3t0 COn) :110a have commenced,p
cancelling policies in Palmerston for want
of proper Aro protcet'on.
—Mrs. Rose, late
now o(aulel the
11olrinos Talbott.)3
1 the Beaver Block,
apartments above
Last Week, Fish is dam, Paieley, was
washed away. Th a will prevent the
working of three nnl',s fee about one week,
—Our thanks are t 'adored to Mr. John
Salter, of Bast Waw ,nosh, for Homo choice
apples and honey, le t at the Truss sanc-
tum. a few•days ago.
«-I0 nonsideratint of a bonus of- 55,000
Mr. P. Wylie, of 13 'antford proposce to
establish in Galt a 'actory for the menu.
facture of winceys, 103011 flannels, otc,
—•An observing itnd sag:icioue . child
recently asked if e at vote a bird or not.
Tho conseientiolts areut was in a quau-
dory, How is it?
—Ur. David Les e, of Maryboro', has a
four-year-old her that has primped his
own water supply for two ycarH. Tho
ohroniolor reports that this animal will
pump for others if they come along.
--Tile receiving f bacdt;es and compli-
montery tickets is cbaraotorised as dead-
heading by the 1i'tchel! Advocate. It con-
signs then' to th waste basket and says
its rates are 10 oe its per line.
—In addition t(
poration of St.
by a bad sldewal
55,000 for loss of
valesoonen, tie r
his wife's sning the cur -
1111, N. Be for damaged.
the 11UPb.and claimed
her society ciuring eon -
covered $100.
—President Gr u. Tilton, el tho New
England Breed rs' A.ssociation, sago :
" Within fifteen ears I expect that horses
will bo able to Clot a mile two nenntes,
Dud that 2:15 hors 1s will be quite common.
—A very (legit ed a3vautaeo, and ono
which would be my appreeetted, would.
be conferred by ti Post t) ileo department
in placing a tette. 1>ox at thestation, In
fact such a eonv071 ecce is urgezltly needed
and wo hone•jt. • • hiss meat:'
OFFICES—Beaver Block, W'inne'r, ONT.,
0013311t, and MYTH, OST.
Prime and Company funds to loan at low rotes'.
interest. Mortgages, town and farm proper
boueht and sold. Mercantile collections a speeialt,
.1, ave .egutt o run a
ant on which b t bee change is rlladl3
between 'tv inghe n or Kolar no and
Toronto—and the at Guclpht During
the fair at Toro: to titrouidi ct$i will be
run daily. Tito fa 'e is hut 52.05 to Toronto
and return during the exhibition.
Mr. F. H. Het til, (;ion -in-law to Mr. J.
Duffield, Winghal ,) general sooret:try of
he Young Men's hris Mall Association of
of Loudon, has re civecl a uuaninieue 013.11
frozn the Board .f Managemout of the
Ottawa Associatio 1, their present secretary
having resigned to enter the miuistry. • IIe
has accepted.
—Thefollowilln was written as a sort of
solatium to news!, aper men, we twosome :
.--•There are litut.'orls w110 cannot go on
vacations for ono 13110 cyan, Ent all .can
Bleep, and sleep is t 1e perfect form of rust,
which vad9.tio,l s: inbelizes. %Io who
sleeps. well is well, and if he can add one
hour to Itis night', sleep it is bettor for
him than a month's vacation.
—Mr. Jas. Stcphc 133011, general snperint'
tendert of the Grant Trunk Railway, lits
arranged to have the engage of travellers
from Western Ontarito the New Ln„ laid
States and New York , xamined at Toronto
in future, as is done Montreal. This
will i the the people at est ileal of trouble,
for they will not Ila a to loop at their
baggego again until they roach their
destination, Thio w' 1 also give theta
more time for their 111 els at Island Pond.
—Colin 9lacdougal, , C,, of St. Thomas,
was Here Wednesday t nd to clay holding
an investigation, Filo g with Mr. Geo,
McKay, J. 1'., with a view to throwing
light on the origin of t o late fire at the
Lower Wingitanl Mill, Some 47 witnesses
were subpo3nlod, but o ly about one half
examined. The evidon o was not of such
a character as to wart: ut further hearing
at present annd the cos 1 was dlsmiened.
Detective Murray, of T )ronto, had lacers
Here for some days wu1'ting up the ease.
—The - next entrance examination to
Bigll Schools and Collogi to Infititthtes will
bo hold. on December 10 In 20th and 21st
next. Tho time -table of the examination
is as follows : Vint, (1d. —Literature and
writing. Second clay --i rithmetio, draw-
ing, composition and dic ati011. Third dory
—Grammar, Geography and History. A
paper on agriculture «111 bo sot at the
entrance examination i:h July, 1880; but
tho subject will be an phonal one, and
any nearks thereon wil be counted as a
bonus. .
—Wo were rote tly shown something
exceedingly unique nd interesting in the
way of a descriptive .letter. It was written
by•the Rev. Wm, W hitfield a Presoytorian
eIorgyman, in Toro, to, to Iris old friend
1Vir, Wm. Lithgow of Wingham. Mr •
Whitfield 131 a Nati of Biggar, Lauarlt-
.ediire, Scotland and this 12 page letter
winch t=vcrages 15 ve eels to the lino and 48
lines to the pap;o or t t least 8010 words is
a ra0y description o Biggar folk ho plot in —We tamed refrain f am oxpressin our
.Canaria a1,d It repro nation of much of the profoundest admiration for the sublimely
.conversation 11e 11'd with them. Me. poetic specimens sent u7 last week. The
Whitfield has aortal ly a marvellous fecal• giddy loftiness of the t gimes,wvtho sweet
ty for tracing and r. collecting genealogical naturalness of the treats ent, the grandilo-
tables, a close obse'ver of eccentricities (Vent artisticness of the phraseology, the
,land lies a fluency au facility in eepressin g, eleganeo and absolute . orfection of the
'his ideas, exception, l powers of language rhyme and rythnl, the u fathomed depths
,condensation a13(1 le happy ability to of feeling, the infinitude .1 pathos and of
make old scenes an every clay ohmmeters power, have conspired t. protium within
intereesting to (asci alien. One spoken of tieoombinod emotions of awo and admira-
iH a. Mr. 11onderso 1, a book peddler, of tion. We have put the Trinalin our best
"$eafortll,auotiter s a Air. Carmichael, scrap album anti tom itted to memory
Q£ Seeaforth, , lest aught wield happo 1t.
—A largo ammo of local matter and
cornos ozl
dance uuavoidably crowded
out this week.
---I 's said ti e'
t a sac a
tl 1t h lalailmnts e
p Y o are
frequently oau ed r afgrt
by eating
the seals and pito o berries. Tho pits of
;;rhos are cspooiall condemned.
—There ro 21. stn outs in fille
the Clinton Modal S •hoof, anhongnt whom
are Mary Grogory ea 11 Nellie 1ti. Paulin,
from Win htteej Th re aro 20 registered
at Godorioh.
—Efforts are boinmade to love the
South Act repeal vo ' ig oozier in Peter-
borough, Northumborl tnd,llh1rbatn, Leu
nos and rl.cldiugten131(1 ether eastern
counties on tiro salve d ty,. `
At the meeting o: the Ontario Trifle
Ass0olatiohz 111 Toronto last week, we uotice
the name Pte. It. Mo 'Atte, lOtlt R. G.,
making good sliodtin as usual. Mr.
1tleVittio was a guest t Mr. T. Elliott's,
Wiugllam, far some tin o this.spring,
We advise every vote to Closely examine
the by laws submitted l y the council, and
to individualize the pro able advantage to
tlhenlaelves and the wn if they are
L o,: at thmatter without
prejudice and 11on'e ace pt misleading or
unsubstantiated state ents from any
—Tho next meeting of the Nortel Huron
Teachers' Association 1 'to bs hold in
Wiughanl ou the 18th ant 19tH of October.
Mr. Wm Ilouston, DI. A., of Toronto, is to
lecture ou the various depa,,.rtmonts of
Literature. Ito will al. o give a public
leoturo iu the town h 11 ou the first
—That clever clerical w iter, Knoxoeian,
in speaking of work and lay, says: If too
much work causes dulne s, toy much play
produces imbecility, fur nity, insipidity,
frivolity and general vac ity in the upper
storey. if a person playr all the time 13e
13110 always rooms to ton in that upper
Storey wi;ich is supposed , coutain brains.
—The Queou's hotel, To 'elite, refused to
receive the Rev. G. 0.3011 ts0,3, proprietor
of the Brittsli Tiara newspa eer, anti another
>teeeleinton ltr''the groun , of their miler,
clattniug that their pre ence would be
offensive to their guests. DIr. Johnson
gavo the firm of 1\10usrs. 131 lie, Kerr, Lahh
Cassells instructions to ue the Queen's
for 535,000 damages.
—Under t33o "divine a. etas," "his fine
eye in frenzy rolling," a young man
retuarked to a matter -of- act disciple of
Esculapius : "1 !mew I 1 ave a veil of
poetry in. me, and all 1 Wan is a chance to
bring 1t nut," The cold, .rushing rept
was : "1 think you bacl atter haves to
lem ad."` Thus the youth's 'noble rare" is
reproseea uen ti ovicrs' are - ern to -bl:letr
Dir. J. LOckie, of.Water oo, Inspecto't'
for tho Northern Fire Instil mice Co., was
in town this week. \r aterlo 1 is to have a
new Life Assurance Comp, iy, 8117,000
having been subscribed !u tl 4 solid little
home town. We aro told tl at the town
has had its second failurs si '0 '57. This
is Mr. A. Ootzel, contract, and brick-
maitar, W11oee liabilities are estimated at
;50,000. '
Jt;ss AltnrVan,--13y S. S Parisian, 1
hint of flu a Printed To li4at Sette, the
cheapost that ever strbek tl,. town. Also
1 lllul of fine Glass and Di , uor Setts. I
will open up on Monday 1 1 tolcago of fine
Dinner Set .--very, cheap— trld 1. orate of
the Mont • so Pattern ul W site Ware, the
The China
best yet
Gall nerd mistime;
W. 'i.' 'Yam.
—.& pupil asked to descri.3 the oh:trac-
ter of Alexander the Great, lid : "lie Wae
proacl, of medium height, wi 11 shoal' oyes
and head. luolilled a little t. ono side. 1
think, Mise .illank,it was the eft sido." Ill
giyiug an aecnuut of a battle another amid:
"The Hnlllicre fought with euc11 bravery
that after they were killed they crawled
€Gloag •the ground and ela, hod at the legs
of the en0111y„
Tarso utLs.—xtrs.Ilondors p,ef Goderich,
is vieiting her Hinter, Mrs. 'loiter Green,
'this week.—Before leavin Clinton for
Gauanoque, Mr. J, C. I,i11k1 Iter was offer-
ed, unasked, t11,e l'riucip lship of the
F artuereville Model School, at a salary -of
8750 per 8131113:0. — Mr. .'.Oa Nixon,: of
Whitechurch, was in Winel am this week
on his return iroin the Clin .11 races. J'oa
says the races this year wo o splendid iu
every reaped. ---Mr. Wm. II lines, a sou of
Mr. T. Holmes, who is a stn ent in his last
year at Bellevue Medical College, New
York, is home on a visit to din parents this
week.—Dr. J, G. Siuclai , of Nashville,
Tennessoo, whose brother as in Wiligham
last week, spout e. clay at 11 rs, P Sinclair's
this week. --Geo. l3. Camp e11, son of Mr.
11, 4. Campbell, who has sen ,...working at
carpentering at the Soo 1 r 'some menthe
is hone on a visit to his areitts.--Mr. H.
S. MaoLean, late of Moto Jots taken the
prinoipalship of Porta;,=o Ii Prairie Public
School,--Teeswator .tkt lea . MSS Iles,;, el
Wingham, is visiting at F. Howson's.—
Clinton New .Lia: Mr. W F. fro&kothshiro,
-of Winghatn, did tnis tot n up this week.—
Mr, E. W. Miller, travel' ng representative
of Messrs Jas. ltobertso & Co., dealers in -
saws and leads,. pbro ler to Mr. Miller,
at Mr. M. 11: 1Jo loo's' tore was 1n yenta
ham with iris new made bride a few 'hays
ago. --Miss tda Small, of Toronto, and Miss '
Susan Robertson, of 1l,unt forest, wore
guests at tho residence f Mr. S. Merrifield
this week, bliss Magg e Cruieksllanks, of
Wingllam, andMiss- g) nio Rutherford, of
the 131uovalo toad, lof on a visit to latter's
si3.tor, Mrs. W. T, .Iliele, of Walker Valo,
this wools,—Mrs, li,. ' illsou returnod from
'wort Dover this week whore she had 'boon
opouding soma mon •lts. -- hiss Buuie o
Pettypiecoe loft for Si
day with her aunt •
felt for London, this week.•
son and daughter were cis
this Wee l
t They bats beer
the marriage of Mr A (31
vlacIntyre Mr. It. Ronne.
vifle, is on a visit to his cont
son --111'. W. Scott rete
Thu ^t . --
r 3I
lrov, rs E. G. Ash
'4 A=
r ',
and 7.7 , F
td f .s Towns,
1 .t
11r. S. kmlhill. 3117 A
Yonhill,-•-11rs.13. JlZeAIil3tc
of St. Louis, Miss., left for
They wore accompanied by
goes to Hebeo1 tkere.
W.110 LE NO. 868
lnnipcg on Wed nes.
Il C. 1'1. Williams
Mr.I).1tcEwhron, wife,
ting at Dr,I
r a
eat Lu,l t 4W ,
1 a
r tL1.a11 7
clCenzio and Miss 1 rzzi4
y, blacksmith of I'iatt.1.
iin, 811'. 4 If Stephen.
rued froth Manitoba. on
end her dame:tem amnia
111)1„ aro 11x1 a 3133 t0
31 is a tlaulrtd r of '11r.
r, and da,r„htc r Maggio,
home on Tlnul,lay 17e4t.
131133 ,3411113e 010031 who
A TIDY P.. l 1i'ItSEPa i.
3.111, e. To)7fILL'1 Vr 61:TABL0 AND reowohi
/For location, pictlesqueness, produc-
tiveness and protital le cultivation the half
tore lot of Mr. S, Y uhiil, at the corner of
Patrick and eopol streets is nob excelled
in Win:them -7211 a renidenee is 0neat
frame, the eiioe 13 a unique rustle
coustruottou of eel r saplings, the linen is•
tastily arrauged, it wered and well kept,
the hedges aro triol • nd tidy, the vegetable
garden is capitally .rrarhged, splendidly
tit .f
tilled nu< sc u
1 1 ul,u.. neat in i keeping.
331. .
Tho intermingled ruit and oruameatel
trees—deciduous an resinous—ere well
selected, handsome anti healthy. The
whole lot, too, is su rounded by as :inn a
lot of maples as c u1d be found in the
country. For sy tomatio arrangement,
variety and gorge(usuees the display of
flowers is worthy ,of note, Mr. 'Youfrill
gives especial tatteu ton to the cultivation
of garden vegetables, baying excellent Neil-
ities in the shape of roomy covered
building to stimulate the early growth of
plants in the spring. He has alio a well
arranged storage re 01 for keepin ; his
vegetable prndaeti n in winter. His
knowledge of the b t methods of tiIiage
and hie 11113 0031(13331 tied soil ensures, as a
matter of course, t 10 earliest poo'dble find
best vegetables of tl e seaeo_t, and his plot is
to him a source of co siderabIo"profit as well
"6 ues orp; aa
baetH, tomgouuinoatoespleas, rocr. i islu seascolon'prodcbbnetsge,
are very fine. The soil, the , climate, 'the
snerouuclinga, in Wineham, ;aro most ad• ,,
rnirably adapted for -the growgi of shade
and ornamental trees, the 1)r -eduction of
the finest quality Of eizetablesk and capa-
bilities in the way of ewer cultivation and
whilst we have many midst ria who have
su0cess1ully and - 'moil •ably given atter:
tion to these, . regarde 1 fin's uoially unit
aotllotteilly .'lope t see KO increased
111tereWlevl lopell-•ln these tLinge. Those
01131,) tfiv,.ttdka:>.the initEiattve,_ re deserving
of declit''an'1 thett•• tint. ot'13.elloze will be
y'v3rly Coln'tted by ori ern, 0 ,, _--_--
.'aringha To in Council.'
.Tho mombero pro. nt at the regular
meeting ware: The Mayor and ;1IOM:N.
MeX u,zio, W, Bolo es, Little, Pringle,
Cline, Robinson, .1t"nl tie, Towler, Neeland
and Gregory. Thi u1 nuto proceedings of
last meeting wore a proved. A petition
was presented by II. ,avis and 74 others;
611k1n4 tl:=tt a plank le lowalk be laid from,'
the Queen's 'Motel to .lo C. 3.', R. statiou.
Mr. Davis addressed he council judiciously
on this twitter. BFoe 3d by Messrs. Ncelaud
and Towler that the r:Lyer of the petition-
ers be granted. A pet'tion was Man pre-
sented by W. B. Iluttne, and others asking
some 111311.1•eve111eee on Victoria etreet ill
the vicinity of the Siait Flock. Mr. John-
ston addressed the 3301 10110, this matter.
Ou option of :liessre.;,Iorton and Not:land
tho niottor was ref
rred to the Public
Werke' Corntnitt•eo. Accounts were order-
ed to bo passed a follows : P. Pieher,
stamps, 85 Cents ; Ress, supplies P1 00 ;
3.13. Ferguson, supe les, 81.310 ; R. E11it)tt,
817.50; T. Moore, wo le, 33.75 ; I'. Deans,
supplies, 31.50; J. uty & eon, printing,
$4.00 ; H. Herr, wcr and supplies, $10.17 ;
T. Agnew, ries at vi le o1 Warden's Com-
mittee, 84; T. Gre='.ry, scraper and wail.
wey fare, 3••13,40 ; Potter, work, 0'13 c. ;
W. McManus, w0r 3, 356.25 ; A., Barber,
work, , .1.835 ; W. Ree ;in, work, 51.58 G.
IInghes, work, $2168 • S. Lockricl e, Sen.
works 82.50; S.Loekr' ge,Jr„ worh, ernes;
R. Rankin, work, $ .25. On motion of
Meese. Towler and ,T0kuu1, 13v -law No.
1.47, to provide for ssuc of debenture to
the extent ot 315,001 , to aid the a tablisl?-
mettt of the manufae.nre of furniture b'
the extontion of the factories of Messro,
Bell and Gilchrist, G eon (t; Go., wail road.
A fly -law, No. 118 w s also read, granting
aicl to Kincaid Bros. & Co., to the extent of
55,000 for the erectio. of a chair factory in
Wingliam.—Wo woul recommend a care:
ful perusal of th•, bylaws published
3r1 ooelw.
Messrs J. A. De iman, Dnniel Glasser
and David Ross 1 ave been selected as
elders in Knox c uhrch.
Se forth -
On Thursday norning last Mr. T.
lIendry's foufltlr was totally destroy
ed by lire. Th + loss is esti mated (3
$7,000 with all 1115110a3lc0 of $1,50U
13 uevale.
Bluevale publ e school passed one 00
more teathers or the last four years.
-•-Rev. J. S. 'souk, and wife, formerly
of this place, now of 13onsall, acro
visiting in lb1.lntreal.—Rev, A. IXo.
I .ibbin has be 7n engaged £00 the bal.'
anc01 of this y1;11', at $150 •'loot., too Ilio
a stitaendt sural',
The barn of /Malcolm Lamont, a
farmer 1'esiclin ne mile from Phu
village of Ethe' as struck
ning on Friday oflInn• The barn,
together with tl l3 whole of this yoar':a
ly des
ed. Loss
will be about ;u, ,, O, amount
of illliuz'-
Mice not known.- /
Seaforth T",E ,qQ's' Fon : There are 142
Macs uhf the votIou' list in Grey town-
ship. ' No worn er • it gives a Grit
majority.. --The .1 t ustees of School
Section No.1 bare • /4/aged ItIr.Pickard
from near (knell `T to teach during
1880. Mr. C. 1 ts'crinan has been
re-engaged in N•; 8 for next year.
This makes the tli year forMo.
Bowerman i11 this . pool,
131r. David Cast has been very ill
with the summer oo 1pla1nt during the
as t
past week, but sob re glad to be able
to report his jre Overs.—Mrs. 300.
Kit)ben had a bo tsefnl of old ladies
on Thursday Jit't, All were busily
employed at oiter quilting, sowing
e:trpet rags or tell ig old granny storied'
for the amusenle-) rf the busy.• -'-Rev.
A. E. Smith, this appointment,
attended the 31 iltll School Conven-
tion in Blyth of f lnlrsday and Friday.
Mrs. Frank Ca
is vieitillg at pig
of ler. Thomas
Netterfield and
from the Soo,
visiting a. son a
married there
Op of Mr. R.
ledit last week fc
situation in a Tai
Steady and respe
recommended b
Messrs. Hutton
ii,; is over and
done, threshing,
in order.
rnthcrs, of Waterloo,
elft at t10 reSidel1C("
rrut11eifpr Mr. Thos.
ifo returned last week:
leve they have been
,1 daughter that are
r. James Graham,.
40aha3u, of Morris,
I Thorold.to accept a
e flouring mill tlhere
able, ho leaves well
Lis late employers,
Carr.—Berry prick.•
harvest is about
chinos are the next
Dir. T. R. Mi
load of horses
last week.—Me
of Turnberry,
tone woodshed
Mr. John Scot
fortune in I)uk
all the rage 3311c
frightful by the
tortured animal
melancholy to
goes out to fin
and a,11.).%e am
ing, Ehe Jur
the Ulf played
211d (doff. olorri
ions by 4 runs,
This is the tl
played this s
131r. henry
finished dimwit
His barn was
o'clock at nig'
supposed the
spark dropper
the boys wcr
who Has for t
popular tinsel
to go Soutli
ingly )eaves
the next fe
stock at co
for come
lit., the 11
trial 110
as giving
and bolo
not to be
otlt nod3
selling a
J. Perk
the ow
mill, i3
We n
hell left with a car
or the North 'Vest
rs. Cleghorn ,i; Sons,
re building a large
ar 11r. W. Scott.—
has gone, to try his
r—Coon hunting is
e nights are made;
ideous shrieks of the
and the mornings
he poor farmer who
most of his plums
nt of green corn miss.
or blaoeba)1 team of
match with that of'
n1 came off victor -
e score being 12 to ci
rd 113atc11 they have,
miner winning every
'atlah.ay's sons ha .
in a few Ioads of o13,t^.
coycved about eleven
be in a blaze. • Itis
e originated from a
mug tllml 5 Ur:LW whi13
iokinn. Mr. A Welch
31st fete years been the
13 of Gorrie, has decided
Louisiana, and accord.
tho 20th inst. So fox
aye ho is selling off hi
Here is a good ohmic,.
man. —lir, T. i1lcLau h •
goods plan of the Man -
bas announced himself
business, and is selling at
ctual cost. W, S. Bean,
ellind the tithes, bas bili;
i; the people that he also
ost, It is supposed that W.
s, the remaining dry goods
I follow suit.-» 1'1', 11. Wiles,
of rho late saw and planing
Calle(', 3tIt n11t1crtakkillg find
business in Walkerton, and
o remove.there immediately,
flim success in his new basis
Vednesrlay, the 29th ult., wtt:i
ay hero. There W0,3 a large
, as several interOtltitlg emit' n
be tip for decision. Sumo w131.1
vo Or more eases on 11t111c1 and
sell one. went Boole With e, halt• t