HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-08-17, Page 5a1uo file, cript`. n of P3luevale you tine the village gar• • t fahe •don. Ifisgrouzlds, of vel;t>, hies, shrubbery, would o a credit to a f,reate pretensions thea Inch i .eying a good deal, the Te* 3,—A ow nue to correct an e,pi rod in your last coo the :1 me of 0. Fraser Clinton igh School. As ural soh. Is received credit • ipils who ' ere successful in a 3rd el' .$ non-professional .on, it ea y not be amiss to harles F er was from S.S. <Iorris. Ile 's but a young reflects ored to the school teacher, Al R. L. Stewart. A TURNS aux TEACz;ER. • riff floosie, ' bile serving a . possession on the occupants .Viudsor hot • , Stratford,. on . last had to 'e force to eject uo refused tr go peaceably, and 4. so made u = of some language ,rcible tllau e law allows, the tying that he 'as fined 81 and y Police Ma, trate U'Loano on Lay afternoon \11e have just opened out a very large attractive stock L►� Fall na ows. Western Fair, at Wingham, Septi nd 20th. astrial, Toronto, Sept. 10 to 22. vincial at I%ingsron, Sept. 10 to 15. stern, at London, from the 20th to .;th of September. ,at lY awanosh, Belgrave, Oct 8th and rotor, on Monday and Tuesday, Oc. , r1aud 2. Linton, on Wednesday, Thursday and day, Sept. 13, 20, and 21, 3ut11 Iluron, at Seaforth, on Monday 1 Tuesday, Sept, 17 and 18. 1-oderich, on Tuesday, Wednesday, lursday and Friday, Oct. 2, 3, 4, and 5. Morris, at Myth, Wednesday Mud hursday, Oct. loth and llth. East Huron, Brussels, Oct. 4 and 5. Goods Tweeds, _'antingt and Over-- coatings, ver-coatings, Mantle r, this, Milton Flannels, Uncles ar, loves, Hosiery, Carp tains, Boots a Extra good value, and large as to s INSl'ECTItIii INVITED mo FULL PROVISION AV li Must Btel �"'OO�!' tdle POPULAR —IN THE WAY OF Scholars Supplies for Public Blackboard Crayons & Slate Pe l JUyT ARRIVED; A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT OF BE WOOLS, IINGEIIING YARN LANK BOOKS OP EVERY SIZE A —A resident •f Ldweil Mass., will „low no instrum:.t in his house ex- ;zpt au upright iano, having such •an acessive develop ent cf conscientious- ness. Mc,Apntsrna—In Culros , on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr. John McAllister ; eon: nzt1 R.IED. 5UTIIF.aLAtiD—STEV-ENS : —At Orangeville, on the 7th inst., Mr. J. II. Su erlaing of Teesw ter, to Miss ptwensnn, of O )geville. 2i:.•d,ED--STaetrit—At t atoll, on the Oth instant, by 1tev, A. Stewart, Rev 2.liieGee, M.A., of Toronto, to Miss Jemima N. B K Straith, of Clinton. fot:r,owhs—Do»us—J, Clinton, on the Sth inst., by - Bev. J.. Livingston :lir. A. J. Holloway, to Miss A,„ e G. Dodds,.bo of Clinton. Scneeett—GALS A1TU t Guelph, on the loth inst., by Rev. 1)r. Griliin, Stratford, assisted by Rev. It. N. Willoughby, o uolph, Mr. D. A. Scro;ggie, mere • ant, to Mins 1lieGalbraith, both of Guelph. STaA1TIr--Bnr;;r.—A the .residence of the bride's ' father, in Carrick, • 1 the 1st inst., by Rev, A. Stewart, arskted by ev. Mr. Fairburn, of Bala- clava, Mr. J. Bruce raith, merchant, of Behuore to Miss Agnes forte Bruce, of Carrick, P. ED. Dorms—At Scaforth, n the 7th instant, Bridget Dorsey, relict of t 'late John Dorsey, aged 83 years. Che WonDsrncr, Aug. boxes boarded; out terms. INon0POLL,. Aug. hexes July make. not 02010 inclined t for whinh salesn faefo iestepresent_ The Oliva zlerah cas v.o;so than it There was e'most a the ehipnerr, recoil addition was neeess in e.,ld storage. Ti cheese in'F.n;::and. larger steel..s held Is known at 1111s time e Markets. -Ten thousand one hundred one carload sold on private .-27 factories offered 12,402 o sales reported. Buyers do pay the prices for July cheese O are holding. Thirty-three' eleven buyers. The cheese market last week d been any time this season. tnplete stand off on the part of were pretty heavy, and a large 1p rnade to the stocks already re has been a heavy make of In addition to this, there are. ;lt in Canada than ever were year. Eine New 4v T_NGHAl12 MAF IiETS. S1'isoa.3t, Aug, 10, 1250 DOW To male room for,/ splendid i Flour per cwt., 4 .0 `) 54 to 2 55 Flour Per 1.b1., - - 6 00 to 5 00 Fall Wt,cat ler bushel, new— 85 to 85 J5 to 1 00 . 50 to 50 - 50 to 50 • GO to GO 50 to Go 40 to 50 111 to 1G . 14 to 14 - • 1 25 to 1 50 10 00 to 10 00 Spring Ca,.; Barley, Pc. . Pot.d,v, - App`,: i 1r t• tag; Butter Wr,r;dt r -rd, [f sy pc :.i,, . MONEY TO LEND. • • 111111,7, ,I;PoltATION Ol' TZ5E 'rO\VM1SlIIP oe r)) ort c h to nl.r t t ;',3,00i) to loan on Mort- ragc l terms apply to 1'. 1.201,:'.!;EN, or WM. AleP11E000N, Tl m s n1ir., wingiamn. I:Enve, Gtcnfarrmv` B rn,. 1....t, May lith, •1G:i3. his is 4 Ri s home made and unexceptional in material and finish. ers thg. Pool -g! 111411pm Callintitli Having opened out a large stock of, Watches, Clocks, Jewellery, Silvervi re, I am, prepared to meet the wants of the people in every resect, NOT ONLY in the lowness Of prices but in the quality of goods as well. .udg I am prepared to do all kinds of work that is in my line of business and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J. H. VANSTONE A let I� n.fluence patronage. is in accordance with the \Bargains we gee. :BaSrTFIRp. REI31AINS IN INGHAM ! HAS LARGELY REPLENISHED' H1S STOOK .AS A GREAT DISPLAY O7:' BARGAINS ! 1 OLIOJ IN^ ' ` EWELL R- • fl SIL \E W TA E, &c,, SUIT When you want to save Work guarante) TASTE AND FINANCES OF EVERYBODY -c., make make money, call on S. F. GERSTEB. Alw ld guarantees carried out to the letter. lialty made of Repairing. l OUR MoTTo---Small profits and quick returns., Wisaa&st. Honesty our policy. MASON I3LOCa, SUCCESSOR TO H. PARK, Ei,�.®1 HELLO p HELLO ! o \I. Where are ybu going in such a Hurry WHY ? I am going to •get a supply of material for house cleaning. rl am going to clean house right away ! and 1 ata going down to IIINGSTON" & SON'S For some ASBESTINE, They soil it for 35e. A PACKAGE. You can get a good Brush too, just as cheap. . To toll the truth about the matter, you can got any kind of goods usually kept in a first-class shop. They have got in a lot of Lovely Bird Cages, Table Cutlery, Spoons, &rc., Milk Cans, Creamers, Pails, ",Milk Pans, Churns, Butter Prints, Butter Bowls, Ladles, Stove, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate Ware, Jointless Woodenware, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Carpet Sweepers, &c. Don't forget the name and place, HINGSTON & SON'S, Wait & Walsh's Old Stand, Wingham, P. S. -.We wish it distinctly understood that it is no trouble to show goods at the Ono Price Tin Shop vr;,rw, 1 say Court &notarom merely, to 110 . t°lent !o* atime110,a2(, and the have them r0- t I ;waive lead the disease ofno, limvps-se iGaG. Q✓Uy.B. VILLICKG' C SS,. P tl o1n11Kehidy., X vitett•A r'myrc nedy5o CAM% the wore Onset. Because (there ha"v'0 i Llterliste reason tornot now receiving &cure, f'r'.dal; once foratreatineand &Fun EBOTTLEI at u.p YxrAr t n3u1 RrMasiX. Giro Exppress t.,r. x'c zt (,Alm,. It costs you nothing 200 & t:. '.al, e.t.a ft tint ttri'i yoga. Addres' L-. 7= & . x.!1()'1'.37 Yoga et,, 'J C' "l1t'y Gw-tt, i+re lire:1dw.. to,Qt, ..!) al (o;.,(B ibte ---�-�-A BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LATEST STYLES IN --- Ca—MS3T'S :ATB --SPLENDID VARIETY AND EXCELLENT VALUE IN— IIS BIG S RIVES , ORDERED C LOTI 1I READY-MADE DRESS GE GENTS' SHIRTS, COLLA ,S, SILK CATS, &:e., &c. orrc .et eco. Olothin.g, a Specialty, A. . WEBSTEU. OJ B.I G. ®DS, and RAL DRY GOODS A FULL RAN BOOTS, - 'SHOES -* A1' m GROCERIES. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT at Lowest Possible RICES, and: will ba sola. EA ETROU i I , SIOV[S;T NflFMRY DPPLIE L&c, mid _,.....:...;— I haw\ on hand a large quantity of the best brands of tin 1.nu£aetured in the world, bought for cash at the lowest prices, in the hetet English M. rots, at d as my facili• tis for purchasing these cannot be surpassed by any •m intho trade in, t)auada, I am deterini d not ellbunfit goods by any. at he low: , possible margin STAFF Or VIORKMEN P.E A 1. All wo1 S warranted first-class, as it is entirely done under .y own in mediate) 011p0r'ision. Eavetrouglling specially attended to and operly put up 't and completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper tiro ever. REMEMBER TIDE PLA(7E—Opposite Exchangts Hotel, r net Josephine tad Vietoria streets, Barkley and bleCrisn1flon's old tand. Call and see and you will Harry Moine the conviction thatvhat 1 say is ( correct. My Motto is SMALL PROFITS 411d. QUICIC RET Arriptcntail SIXPIaNCL IS 13.1T II I MAN A SLOW SAILING., Drt SUTHERLAND.