HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-08-17, Page 4aa1w ale. ,eript 1 of L11tevale you flute the village gar. Bala : don. Itis grounds, of veg e > bles, shrubbery, would o a credit to a greats preteusions than Inch i. ,tayixtg a good deal, • the Tit 3,--A ow me to correct an t apt red in your last e the me of O. Fraser Olinton l:igh School. Ati ural soh• is received credit ,ipils who 'ere successful in 8rd cl •s non-professional on, it to y not be amiss to barks F sof was from B.S. 21orris, Ife 's but a young reflects (red to the school teacher, 11I R. L. Stewart. A TORN Ma' TRACER. rift Iiossio, . possession on A'iudsor hot last had to no refused t so glade u ,rcible than wing that he y Police Mao' Lay afternoon hilo serving a the occupants Stratford,. on e force to eject go peaceably, and of some language e law allows, the as fined :LL 1 alul trate O'Loane on titre have just opened out a very large attractiva stool.] )ress Good, Tweeds, Panting tad O ver - coatings, Mantle ri tJs, ilto7, F1aanels, Uncle • arl loves, . osiery, Carp tains, Boots a KftS : ,p ma 'FULL PROVISION h © fust POPULAR 1,00 ' —IN THE WAY OF, Scholars Supplies fur Public Blackboard Crayons & plate Per 4tl`T ARRIVEI3; A CAPITAL ASSORTMENT 014' BE WOOLS, ''INGEI.ING YARN LANK BOOKS OF EVERY SIZE A Extra good value, and large as to s INSPECTION INVITED, 'aal ows, rh Western Fair, at Wingliam, Sepli ad 26th. rtstria1, Toronto, Sept. 10 to 22. virleial at I{mesion, Sept. 10 to 15. :;tern, at London, from the `20th to Ali of September. :,t ;"c'awanash, Belgrave, Oct &th and :oter, on Monday and Tuesday, Oc. , rIaud2. ,iuton, on Wednesday, Thursday and i;ay, Sept. 11, 20, and 21. auth ITuron, at Seaforth, on Monday 1 Tuesday, Sept, 17 and 18. Iroderich, ou Tuesday, Wednesday, . rursday and Friday, Oct. 2. B, 4, and 5. Norris, at Blyth, "Wednesday and hursday, Oct. 10th and 11th. East Huron, Brussels, Oct. 4 and 5. —A. resident ',lose no instrunl .apt an upright ::cessive develop nese. f Lowell Mess., Rill 't in his house ex- iano, having such an cut Of conscientious. F WAIIi8TEa—In Culros 4r. John McAllister ; FLA 33UTT3RRLAIM—STEVENs 0185., Mr. J. II. Su If. aWvensou, Of U :3en—STs-orf ft—At �itev. A. St:.wart,. Rev to Miss Je:nhna 0. NonLowAS-" Dome—A Rev. J. Livingston Aggie 0, Dodds, b0 S CP o07IE--G ALIS FAIT II by Ileo. Dr. Griffin. R. N.1iiilloughipy, o mere •ant, to Mise STnAITIt— nr:.'ii.—A • father, in Carrick, Stewart, wsletad by clava, Mr. J. Bruce to lilies Agnes forte Donny—At Scafsrth, Dorsey, relict of t years. , on the 25th ult., the wife of 80h. BIBB. a—At Orangeville, on the 7th erlangtof Tees+vater, to Miss igex i e. 'nton, on the Rh instant, by McGee, M. A., of Toronto, Ii. Straith, of Clinton. Clinton, on the 6th inst., by 0tr. A, J. Holloway, to ,hiss ofC7intMn. t Guelph, on the 1500 inst., Stratford, assisted by Rev. .uelph, Mr. D. A. Scroggte, 'llie Galbraith, both of Guelph. the lesidenco of the bride's r the 1st inst., by Rev, A. 0v. Mr. Fairburn. of Ilala- ralth, merchant, of Delmore Brace, of Carrick, ED. n the 7th instant, Bridget 'late John Dorsey, aged 83 One, e rrer7rets. aSr0nns78C2, Aug. • —Ten thousand one hundred bo::cs bonded ; 0111. one carload sold on private terms. I0orneoLO, Au .' —2i factories ovored 12,462 hues July real.:. 'o .0108 reported. Buyers do not 67rrp inclined t pay the prices for July cheese for which salcsu-'n are holding. Thirty-three facto^ies roprescnta eleven buyers. Tho Utica Regal : The cheese market last week was r:00o than 0 r d been any time this season. There Seise a'most . : replete stand off on the part of the t hipp.:,re, re0ei were pretty heavy, and a large addition wav necess, ly made to the stocks already in c 1d etoroge. 1 re has been a heavy make of ch0.so in 000000, In audition to this, there arc lorr,er etocl;<, Leld b ,k in Canada than over were known at this time , year. WI GFL .M MIArtKETS. Wisosay, Aur. 16, 1255 PIour per girt., • . ,, .4, ''4 00 to 11 s0 77nur per 1,1,1., - - 5 00 to 5 00 Pall Wheat 1,, r bushel, new- ,5 to 85 Opr4ng " - 55 to 1 00 Oa' . • 50 to 50 Daley, . 50 to 50 Yeas, GO to GO Pofatar,, - • - 50 to GO Aplp',:11,r:r 13i,' 40 to 00 1;ett•:r p<.r ±',., I5 to 10 0.11..c. po' ,Irmen. . 14 to 15 Wood t.'.'e,ird, - 123 to 150 flay penin, - 10 03 to IO 00 1ONE`5 TO LEND. 111,01OATp00 OP TIIF, TOWNSHIP 00 has flout ;.'0,000 to loan on Mort, =fav;&'r. , '0 .'4'3118 apply to, Y. ,:oL,.`.0 or 14M. ."ciMi111GO1v, Tr. ? a:1 :9eA E, yrhlgh..rn. REI:vr, Oknfarrowl {l itrr ;..:u, plat 11111,1t;5•.1. _Vserwii.C:' • %, iien 1 say Cunt l (Iona mean merely to Itoi) 'arm ft.?' a time, and then Y:: s_o tl'epm te- 61dtedCV.11.B. v again. e hboat RADICAL l`.rr.11nlladtnd . 1 NA1tn,AlfTMyremedy tto vitakthe wont donee. Btc useether,,hive tiler155 no reason fur net now receiving e, Cure. 7:4 at, once foratreatiseand aFl5t .t�pI tr1s 'F1} UL'1t�. X Cosl 'otiitnthingxioreaf,, t_i&i, 6314it tVi', core you. Addrests I', , n002'. a7 Tenge lith Tocnttn, Cate "eiF a.k.`_"c"ail A TQ' e New z DIr To make room for/ splendid;-] This Opd 147i 61.8 1 Rigs home made and unexceptional in material and linish A nf'luence Patronage. is in accordance with., the Bargains we give. OTS SWFREMAINS I INGHAT`l: ! HAS LARGELY REPLENISHED' HIS STOOK l AS A GREAT DISPLAY OF BARGAINS ! l o To tho Poql Wiagham tomnit\ b • , —Hav.ing opened out a large Wel( Watches, Clocks, • Jewellery, Silverm .,re, am prepared to meet the wants of the people in every reskeet, NOT ONLY in the lowness Of prices but in the quality of goods as well. am prepared to do all kinds of work that is in my lino of business and SATISFACTION GUARANTEED J. H. IT.ZiNSTON SUCCESSOR TO H. PAR1K, Where are jou going in ouch a Hurry I WHY ? I am going to get a supply of material for house cleaning. r am going to clean house right away and am going down to & SON'S For some ASBESTINE, They sell it for 35c. A. PACKAGE. You can get a good Brush too, just as cheap. , To tell the truth about the matter, you can !rot any kind of goods usually kept in a first-class shop. They have goA in a lot of Lovely Bird Cages, 'Pablo Cutlery, Spoons, &c., Milk Cans, Creamers, Pails, 'Milk Pans, Churns, Butter Prints, Butter Bowls, Ladies, Stove, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate Ware, Jointless Woodenware, Wash Tabs, Wash Boards,. Carpet Sweepers, &c. Don't forget the name and place, HINGSTON & SON'S, Wait P. S.—We wish it distinctly understood that lt Is no trouble to show goods. at the Ono Price Tin Shop LateSt DEAUTIPUL LINE OE' LATEST STYLES IN ne 01400 SUIT Whoa you want to save work guarante Honesty our policy, MASON BLocz, 113 make money, call on E. F. GERSTER. Alf; d guarantees carried out to the letter. jolty made of Repairing. 01IR Mom—Small profits and quick returns - ORDERED CLOTI II DRESS GE SPLENDID VARIETY AND EXCELLENT VALVE IN— S GENTS' SHIRTS, COLLARS, SILK CAI'S Sze. Order Clothing, a Specialty, 4. W. WEBsTnit. ODS, and RAI DRY GOODS, A PULL RAN GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT at Lowest Possible awn, atcl will ba sold SIOVES, THAPE, DAIRY PPLE, I hay\ on hand a large quantity of the beat brands of tin i imfacturcd in the world, bou ht for cash at the lowest prices, in the best 41,nglisb M. sets, al a as my facili- ti s for purchasing those cannot be nurpassea by any ma in the trade in )auada, 1 am determined. to sell my goodo, at the low ,p0seihin margin and not be undor4old by any. Mt, STAFF OF WORKMEN All woic warranted first-class, as it is entirely douct under Buret ision, Eavetroughing specially attended to and '' and completed. Stoves in all varieties, cheaper t y own immediate; oporly put up over REMEMBER TITB PLACE—Opposite Exchang& Hotel, c nor Josephine *.nd Victoria streets, Barkley and IVIcCrimmon's okli tend. Call and soo and you will carry home the conviction that. vlaat aay correct, Ily Motto is SlIALL PROFITS 6,nd QUICK RE' URNS,