HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-08-17, Page 3eeee M (LIMO Ou Sundayt1 1r:129111,th° build. au. Inge of- Mrs. Ju m veir were Bayed from being burned, twenty:reix of the neighbors tun ng out and, ex- tinguishing the gen es. Ur. and Mrs. Weir were at ul reh when -the fire frown Me. McK 's swamp" which is on the west and adjoining Mr. Weir'e, spread with gro • rapidity across a gimesfield towards tie • barn. The fire wine first observed by Ere, T. Aitkens, who lives across the r The alarm was given and the .eighbore turned out and extinguish the flames, The courage of the wet en an this occagion it worthy or the highest commenda- tion, as their at ention was directed towards saving t a house, while the men saved the be e Mr. and Mrs. Weir tender their incere thank* o the neighbors wb rendered sue aseistance to thou in extinguishing the fire in their aence.--A uui her of farmers have reared. Thi sev. eon'a yieldeof. fal • wheat, which roves to be a great de better than es at first anticipated --Miss A. Iflj, of' Seaforth, •and Ire. Thoi on, of Brussels, havebeen itine fonds this neighborhood. str 17, 1828. nenneene er.• a departure for 01 was on Tues. reeipfeet of an 11 oyster supper Inge Lodge here,' rae.ey uardian ef the than. The ad- ,erewith : • of Loyal awl Guar- qtons Lodge ( e :Jociet speakable be from yo peep the So earn:leasing. ally expres ianshipdurin to maturity. 'ways necessary successful. Litt as yet and if w 'you'll never m well goes dry" more sincerely --quest you to social gatheri found affec friend, wit prosperity farewell. yon iehieorhaod danitoba, we away without end affectionate We remember kind acts aud You have boon t to 'Ieivo a help- s andto alleviate rnsible of the great L1 by your removal our soeiety which We hope you will blessing in your close at hand. Since rst met you in the we have received un- fit, directly and indireet- hand. Your offorts,to 'ioty together have been We as 0. Y. B. especi. gratitude for your guard. our infancy, yea even in. Your presence wa fi al - o make aur meetings e we know of our loss recall the maxim the water till the lien will we think about you. We reL cept the calling of this g as a token of our pro. on and resport. Dear fervent wishes for your d happiness we say, BrO., The streets, .11 cheap, p' A 6^ou\ 08 and Ora, Ince, a 800(1, ellefffctquan to sell ad Organs IA Wittewtrid Ay or common. Arxx, , e and Lot forvacp. VI on the corner of (lentrt patrivic ofteupied be V. Dethune,,10.W Apply \o, •••,. 11.) i0V 0h10 also. 1,1) TRA..T;tr ..cake; TUTS, IdY EARLIEST OTTkt ( Lilttendering my iotheartfelt tit,,g4a. bore and friends generally, awl esPe'41" employes, for tho valuivide survive rritthav!ill',. almost •uperhuman effo..ts made, during their indefavgable elTort,t thi.ut rot " ,ted and hurdler and other material :4%4 graitude. GEO. 1:1101.1 Zetland AU. 17 let. i:',11:11`.111,1,tvw1,1),1;tirZge,„10 ,V, • ix Has just received a line of e's 11Q,cv? StIg6g1Q12:5 a'o,,pan Te.g, A FINE JAPAN, 6 LDS. le'Cref. ee1 • A.11 the best brands of CANNED 1‘1114.A.Ti3, SAI,,tertle:'i Fie-fI, PURE SPICES, PULE 1) LBS. BAR SOAP VOR 25 OTS. r. HAVE JUST OPENED OUT *. C O.,' • 'EINA TEA SETS, DINNER SETS, TOILET SD -1;2S, 7:43,1Z4 61,50 P. TATER SETS, AND A FINE LINE o ChM:MARL!. kna'1;;TE JARS AND THE CELEBRATED AMeI0AN 1"1ta.111 PRESERVING POWDER—en+ eonne. ALL AND SEE US. Oft have cve wa iod with great delight Our honored go' dian's step ; He always did who t he thought right And every prom ie kept. , He taught us thin s we little know, To us instrueti n gave ; He prided of his .hoseu few From Popery o save. So, dear friend, we bid Good Bye, But only for while; 'We hope to m et in hefty= on high • And joiu yo with a smile, ;Lengthy and complimenta• ri speeches wer:. .lade by Mr. Gus. Barto • and Mr. W. . Wilson, of Wroxeter the former dwel g on Mr. Hustot long residence an personat hainet isticS, and the lat er ou the prineip of the Orange erg nizatieti. Mr. Barton cleverly resided. Mr.G.Barton s again getting r to wield the a ctioneer's henna which he ha had some seve years' experie • ce. Being a I • good judgm: t, active, shrew and 'reliable, he a safe man to doY. elie serves t e interests well .460 ;•who emplo him. — Mr. J 3rnoo Straith cone ded to enga eln8le handed no longe in the bat A life, And the interest ig clime f this resolution was ob reed in aarriege eereertony at th reside of 'his chosen 'life par er, Oti Pdnesday ewe'ek. With iss M. Bruce es bride's maid a Mr. P ackney groomsman, th mania ceremony "vas'neatly per rmed by A. Stew. art, of Beim° , assiste y Rev. Mr. Fairburn, of alaklava The evening was pleasantl spent it eial ecnverse and amusern te by out 70 your. people. Now e to r Mr. Straith our hearty congra J 011 en hie awes' sion to the benedic i. ranks and hope he and his partn ray have a more 'than usually pro ,life's billowy mak at en of A champions pIayel here on ea.rdine and Lis Listowel four g ere° was W. rd ,3?. Lillie°, bi cor, lengthened t p to Dora Roger Mollie, of •appointed teaeliing s establishe . of the bee for the 8 is 2 cent .T?psy an alai Brume dard t wheat Mr, .otts voyage over wet. lacrosse match was :May between Kin- wel and WAS won by to one. The ref. n, Drayton. --Mr. returned from a Manitoba.—Miss of ondon and Annie Men Ilan, have boon fill vacancies on the 4 fifth class has been n the wheel -A meeting .epers' tree elation is called •t inst. Jur taxation rate on the $ Strieker's won $250 in a race against al owned ljy 311r. Beaty of , last 'Wed esday.—The &nen es a ho1it1akt rought to Sia Bier, of Wall4ce, we101ed Turn' Tho voters' list fully prepared by Fortune, has be that there are 6 vote at both mun to the Legislative municipal election members of the only. There ar teen. The Rev. A. at Eadie's w acceptance, fel got a child b L not 'forgot h its old ees we are h valescont..e,' is laid johnsto , fa The oa rvest ere th 1. nges this, irk foi the •fluid.—A. most refreshing showe n Saturda morning, like Samoiler's love otter, makes .us wis 32:1°N. .opy of the Eye published at Cass Go., Dakota, we notice onthly sch il report of Miss f rmorly of this town - She is tett hing in Cass Co. r he p rry T erry, oaro. 11,1r. Thos. ,Lt shows 8 entitled to and-06,4one embly, 40 ee fly and 32 for halve Assembly 4 qualified jitry- Hartley. preached more than usual asa—MaCowden me day. Name ral—Mr. C. hs - at Bluovale nor . Robt. Aiken, unounce, is con - hell, of the 10th, bad knee. --John from being well.— ill be in full blast clay ts, to 11 th B usseis. • 'e Post will e issued this week,— st e Joseph &ester arrived in ruSeele on Thurso y morning of this eek from Scotl nd. He brought lime splendid 01' desdale 2 year . old stallions, "Aus. ry," "Prince of the West," and Pre ident." Mr. Webster says there wer 83 horses brought out on the steamsh • Circe, and they had a good passage.—.. Ronald setup a new fire engine in Viarton last week. —Miss Hargreav of Paigley on the the eve of her departure to take charge as organt of St Johns church, Brussels, was resented with a purse of $40 aud an address.—Miss Dims - dale is expecte. o .conduct a series of revival meetings ere this under the auspices of th Methodist •church West a,,Varioih. The West V awanesh Insurance a is a well c :ducted and proper institution at d is rapidly exteudi g. At its last me ng 104 applicati ns for insuranbe we e Maxie. The tal amount of its risl s by the last an Intl report was $2,88 ,839. Its office s at present aro : Ch Garvin 'Nile, 'res- ident ; J. M. Roberts, Dung non Secretary ; an lessrs. 3. And .rson, Belarave ; 3. onion, St. Helen ; W. Ballantyne, PiRiver ; A. S mart, • St. Helens ; 3. Gt ffin, Kings idge ; Geo. Atkins, God rieh; Joh . Gook, Kinloss, the boa of directo s. The =omit of now b shim last ear was [92,557. The heaclquarte s are at Dungannon. East 'mews East Wawanos i vgters been issued. The prompt a Clerk of this unicipalit Porterfierd, of Marnock. might be thus at inrlzet 579 persons qWLliI ed to v cipaland olectior a to th Asseb1y,27 fo councils toia 16 Legislative A.sso are 809 qintlified Mr. S. Carter, a colt kilted by of Friday week C'ensureption Swett Cured. rout, 'le Tim Ente% 1-1310:150 infeim yotir readers that list has a eilloient is Mr. P. Tho liet There are te at mini- Leizslative f umnicipal NO TitnUr.1,4 To f4TIONIJ GOOT.4:,,; CINDERTA', *1'11 IN'is n."- ee, •.4. ff.r,41 BANK OF B MILTON, 1T G- let . Stoting alpha ge an Drafts en New York ,OUGHT AND SOLD. OFPIC0 Et1R0 10 a.. t 8 p. m. Saturdays, from 10 a.m. to 1 p. m W. CORBOULD AGB?.1T famme-er Dietrimosi Solicitor J. ANDERSON, UNDERTARER. hots, Coffins, Robes, &o, ahrays on hand. IRV CLASS HEARSE FOR HIRE. NATURE mem Pil0A1PTILlt ATTENDED TO. FRES: FRUIT FRUIT IIARVEST APPLES, PEACHES, PEARS, WATERMELONS, GRAPES, TOMATOES, BANANAS, LEONS, MUSK MELONS, AND ORANGES. Big Arrival of CANDIE. Admittedly the finest Showpases fu Tom, EVERYTHIR FESH, ICE ad CHEAP At J. IVIoX 4 • ing added a Delivery Waggon to this brane1i of the hreinese, ill (if necessary) be delivered anywhere within 10 /lilies of n. us will no doubt oftentimes save a good deal Of ti &1O, where parties may not have suitable conveyances of their necessaries for FUNERAL FUNISHINGS, HATERtIti, GLOVE', kept and delivered with orders. GRACEY 4;i 1/4.J 9 1 1 I I 1 I I I I I 1 • - 4 r ciur4 ''.'"i•i',-1•,''''orie.,.:-., -..7, • le, g 01. .-I 1-..1.,1 ..' ':.; , ''. ri'11 :',.f, 4'4,,,J'..,.. 01'. nenn e g i :,; .;.".•, -,:'eh,1 e . . For good value all round Tae Aece,..e ran, net be come to the ANCTIOR. D2, '...tov1, Of the BROWN —ARE OFFERING BIG BARGAINS - — ; c7lic r” MT 6-1171 I, dr% • Yrial thlt".1 , ; w. .rr • t ,4 -1 , •;41,2,,,j1 Come early and get first choice wo aro bound to z11.).7 ore, czl Cir A T n—i -LA in less Goods, e;•.**,4 e en" 011P0E7ITO CENT111.1. o—NORTH-WEST-0 Eriaq Vor all points in tato Boved-Went, Port tIrthur, ;Duluth, 1.18. Paul, Winnipeg, Paolfilo Coast, e.te., take the • ember:, Beatt Line for eleciions te the5.6.0.1 GodorloN Ei=orat000 or ih1yhilly. There noutaaanntern, o S0I1 on Juries. of lot 1. con. 3,had gliting on the evening Leave Sarnist (W.P„) Itiostiay Friday Ev'gs OTHER PONS TUE FOLLOWING DAY, IVIrignifieent Steantowo. Acoonmiodation, the boot -unrivalled as a cabin= holiday y tor OD above named diseae. ntow(18Spitctortgolt fold. ereient rates way s have a mit' • tstittrl to week. ---New Ily it9 t nitly usn thousanomav ds hopeless oen hn bo had froA. 0. Stnetteleo, Or W. )3, pros, mill t, been cured, I shall be OA to send. two bottleS of m MT my remedy Dunn to any of Near readers whO have consumptiOn if they will sendjne their Express and P. 0. Dams, lenpentielly, DR. T, .1.. tiLocum S ,/ 'lenge St., Toronto, Ont. Pririts, Lacec4 ttt' tiose, in Bilk • •-•' '004: • 9 Lisle, and Cottcz,„ th rl • t•P • la gam zs, We can fill all orders promptly as Oar ;i,.:,ek is r-tZ meaCt; it,L,„„J) fat fatitL7taat....9 r . 1 1 Cra,:atAtUk Great value in T1 Yeti should try our GREEN AND JAPAN' T.L'.1, i! Best value in Car,,tda. Boots, Shoes and In enllesa vatiety en1 et irices th 8 it ali . H. BEATTY, Manna 11. T, C., SaniS. er 0 jEt ID 0 Atj- C ILS; N- 0 1 r.r '"*1 r- "fl - "4.t