HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-08-17, Page 2e ttam Ciino
FRIDAY. i AUGUST 17, ee l
\ OND....e es eu N
The meeting
Monday evening wa
and augurs well for
lama and well•Irei
gathering, wee; tl
tire, the discuss
as might be
clearheaded b
by One grand na
hi the hall on
a splendid one
he future develop-
, of tI,e tetivta. Than
roughly re}ge.soizta-
us were caalnr, logical,
nd eminently pr;acticaaI,
xpected of a body of
-bless men animated
ive-•-•the promotion
of the boat inter ste of ii'inelianr.
to o£ the milling,
nee iiat]ustries in
chilly dwelt upon.
arils centralization
u izz anufaeturing
gnized and set 'forth.
were athe opinion,
re dealers unanimously
e fat, that it was a
.the approximate s
foundry and furn
Paa,nada~w were esp
4'be tendency t
:Was clearly r
Those presen
and the furnit
emphasized t
decided wive tage to a town to have
';<;veiy line of a y ivalustry represented.
..For instance, ► innham has a repute.
tion'abroad'as at court) for furniture,
yet it is°riot repr -exited in every line.
If dealers could ave a fuller assort,
anent of lines m a de in this town, it
would . greatly f, ilitate and increase
eases, and give ai stimulus to the
establishments lreatdy here, although,
'we believe, th.e .can't keep abreast o£
orders receive, . Tows get a repute -
tion for cede lines of manufactiues.
For instance Minneapolis and Grand
. lapids have reputations as furniture
centres. , essrs. BelI and Green
freely confe.sed that the fewer lines
they made he better and more profit.
able for t em. They would like to
see 'Wings m represented in every'
line. Tit trend of the discussion
indicated t e importance and desir-
ability of on further developing this
' line here, as i, has already acquired
a reputation f• shipping splendid
furniture. In onfirmation of this
opinion, a resol tion was passed ap-
pointing a cons ittee to wait on Mr.
Pell and ItIessr.• Gilchrist, Green &
Co., with refer" nee to the extension
of their premi.es or the engaging in
other depart eats of the furniture)
industry. i 1e Committee is also
•empowered tr consult with any other]
resident in he town who might con-
template tb, erection of a chair, up-
holstering o other furniture establish -
fin adjo •ued meeting is to be held
next Mon y evening. The meeting
was a cap' al success, the greatest cf
'harmony nd enthusiasm prevailed
and the ins i ression left was that tilde?.'mean busi ess. The meeting was
largely due o the exertions of Mr. S.
•Youhill, who ,I judreicttsly pLesided hs
chairman. T e report of the meeting,'given in anot a rcolumn, is commendedto those des' .ons of fuller information.
We sincere y hope that this matter,
' whi3b has . sen so long delayed and is
now so s risibly and energetically
taken hold of, may not be allowed to
drop till it results in substantial and
Ilrosporous dditions to our town.
Now that the subject of granting aid
'to mmnttfactori s is prominently before
the people of t inghtnee' a few opinions
thereon niay not be inopportune.
That the i.. iscritninato hemming
of railways, anufactories and i blit
enterprises" in. Canada has resulted in
heavy' losses t, municipalities, eorpor-
atlons and in It ideal taxpayers, is
beyond success f contradiction. In
some eases the system may have
resulted iii los to the institution or
individual pros. ed to Le benefited.
But that asp( t we don't propose to
discuss. A re ority of the ratepayers
in Canada me be epposcd to bonus -
log onprieci le, as we believe they
are, and right y too. Parliamentarylegislation ha of late been in the
direction of ., aking bonus grantitag
' mote difficult, The systatlr of bonus-
' fpg was no a,, onsidcrable agent in
teroducity, or t Ieast expediting, the
present advanced c
futurity anis
Canada. It i
meet Canadian t
still and that not
ea or retrograde.
depends hugely on th
felted and the judice
directed carts lout fa
This, of eourse, as
surroundings, stanch
.flow, then, is Witch
A critical period
its history. But
it, Its location
ities are ttusttrp
tions, well -dire
trade, to inane
these circuinst
nous efforts oug
a few substantia 1 manufacturing con-
cerns into our xn`dst. If this eau be
done at the cost of easozrablo outlay,
it might, we believe, e granted izz the
public interests. A v live industry
briugs householders 1. a town to assist
aides enlianciug
payers,' property.
have to be con-
bility of the
and the stand -
its promoters
lditioa of maim.
svtla of town in
parent to all that
tvus US St a staTzd-
w nmet remain
This, however,
energy tuatzti
tae and well-
z by residents.
nates faavoraa,lo
and facilities,
n circumstanced?
s been reached re
*attire has favored
s)31ondid. Its faacil-
ssei. Its standing 'is
hat i$ needed is cau-
ted egort too extend our
oour pepulaatiou. Under
neer, we believe strut -
it to be wade to induce
in paying its taxes,
the value of the t
Many things woes
sidered, the adai
concern clearly show
inks, and integrity of
fully ascertained,
The Winnipeg a tested of Trade, in
a recent circular', i • dicates the extent
and manner of distribution of last
year's crop iu„14f, nitoba. The wheat
yield was about 1 00J,0pp busliels, of
which 8i millioi bush - : were exported
to eastern Cana a and urope, over
2 ' millions used at home, over 1
million for a"eed and. over a million is
yet in' the hal ds of millers and far.
veers. It is estimate" at there were
I6,000-fariners. En man' oba in 1886
and this,.gave theca an average yield
of 875 :bushels, which was grown on
432,000 acres, or it average of 32.4
per acre. It is'sai that 20 per cent.
more is under w •at this year than
last. The erops e over a week later
this year, but `t +rospeots even
better. About :830,+00 bushels of
barley were shipped i' 1887. About
70,000 acreseMee u . er dais crop in
1838, some 20 te, more
The '87 e aport ofcoatts was tlabout an sa
million bushels. Tho value of last
year's Manitoba xports is given at
over $7,00e,000.
Of late years t, era existed consider-
able diversity of opinion as whether
pulmonary diseas,, were contagious or
transmissible. scent International
Medical Congres , composed of five
hundred etoinent hysicians, who met
in Paris, has given _ naniruous Ver.
dint on the subject. he view ex-
pressed was th't it is r.ntagious'and
transmissible in man and animals.
They assert that th danger from
heredity is not nearly so greataas fromcontagion, Scrofula meningitis,
are classed " in; tib • same category.
Impure milk is an dive agent in the
dissemination of t ese diseases. A
sedentary life, govern ork, mental aux-
iety, insu$icsient n ritiou, are pre-
disposing causes, , d they may be
communicated by respiration or
through the organs of digestion,
Wel. Houston,' 1,.4., parliamentary
librarian, of Tor.nte, a clover scholar
and enthttsiastio e,, acationist, contends
that history ought t. be omitted from
the entrance exaanin, ions, as children
have ouch dire eo options- of the
subject. We laden that history hasbeen very i111perfee y taught in Cana-
dian schools in the ast, yet we believe
that those who acq , fired some knorvl.
edge of it from this in porfeet teaching
are iaz a Touch hettsr position than
those who, never 8 flied it at all.
Mang approving of he more modern
and rational metho as of teaching, it
is a fact that ma knowledge has
been imparted by the . ld book mentor-
iziug method, We wr aid regard it as
a mistake to omit hie ory frotn the
subjects for examinat on, even for
Stu Hector letegovin nti 14 Ir. LI
leau gave strop y dello.. d Impe
' Fcderatiofa, the lest projee of Dull
McCarthy and 141•. Men,'
Ain the Maeitelee
Merrier, of 1i�'eissrlc(� , wri inn frx
fi retna, ManitobaTe 's : 1 have trate
cd over a good pl, ion of t .o con
meats, but never Buell as prospeet
for a a bountiful haarves sherteereser;
itself, a valet ocean of �Ia at fee nil
bending to the breeze ; ace aattch whe
We had something l' co it in 1'ilrzl
i s the old days Vile I took a'attic
hand at faruzing i any boyhoo , bur,
since then ni
your fe ers have never
raised crops pile+ ' I have seen
The crop will b. even heavier tun
last year. it is a °enamor: oecurre3ace
for a farmer to z ise 8,000 or •I,000.
bushy+Is, Nowhere "an bettor Iand. tit
found. It is sivapfy na nificent.
AT`Iring . roe d..
sap. ' We lu t receive( a letter from
vial Mier's Cassels, who lis beenrustye
amid old association in Elieanti Irelau for Barre menthe, -
publieh, by pexmissioz , those porti
that are of as pulr 0 nature. t
1 Newton RathMaud, but sat
tly changed. 1
fent to two fat.
to see them buypu
Ana horses you wool_
going to Iril1 other
Lg mania cerenaon
as over a horse o
ke others' nand
se lawn„ uaige ver•.
tlse buyers l•vii
nny more that
ed thorn at firer,
ray ordinary circus
t is fair they here
been 'raining since
rday and is raininggoing out to see the
up through the horse
31 of cutting, slashing
es, this beats all I
o 1e had a whip
rse passed tilt>zzt
e is •,a goon deal
r,'thew. Cattle
and year olds
nob again here
s are polling at
ece. Horses are
p„ Senator
CR5S018 Is 8 native
01. ton, ;Fermanagh,
things helm gre
uttve be
To th
Editor of the W ngham Times.
DEAR SI11,--P mit me through tb
columns of your paper to: say a, fee
words on a subjee of vital importance
and ik you were
end Milne cattl
think they wore
They have just
over buying a goa
cow, They will sti
in conversation end
not give otze half
just whet they offe
It is better than
to watch them.
today, awl it he
ten o clock yest
fun. 1 /111.V0 beei
fair, end ie the.%
end running Ito
deer saw, E Der
thsy struck it. Th
of the gipsy style w
e that are two year olds
' sell for just about as
as in Canada, and /a
0 to 85 shillings 4
which affects erry one throughout 3
inch about the
the length aud b end of our fair pro. n
our atunieipal ta*a, ou and our frau- Rule, if lie were
assessment roll both , the basie of all from mr. linos, 1.
'ehise, makes 3 important that it
should be peeper with the greatest will not suit Irela
would °Loge his nei
care, and shouid ve a fair and honest they are too exci
representation each and every per-
atue Kite here ae
es about Home
ere 1 think he
, as Horne Rule
. As a people
ble. They have
tibout Warren's
men banners and
niform,with fife and
s which. is not very
t. Some of those
son's taxable roperty. A.
now atands, ho is it possib
assessor to pet orm this
duty, unless 11 can secure correct
information from hese and those only
who can supply it ? So far as real
property is calmer ed there is no diffi.
culty, for it canno be concealed and it
is left to the jted ent of the asseseor
as to its taxay value. It is under
the head perse al property and tax-
able income wl sre the difficulty arises.
To illustrate, cannot do better than
give you a par graph that appeared in
the columns o that spicy little sheet
the Toronto SI rday Night of Auguet
the llth, 18883:
"Ilow do people n wadays render unto
Caesar? Asa genera ry.le they lie to the
assessor either in wor a or by concealment.
What rieh man: ich women of your
acquaintance cheer! Ily pays his or her
full sharo et ttuiatio 2 flow many do you
know among Imam s people who tell the
belongings? Thes thoughts are suggested
?merchant who Id me he has 010 000
worth of goods inl s store, and pays taxes
on 52,500. The Issetsor threatened to
increase tho amou but the merchant,
who is a good chore member, solemnly
assured him that a lila the stock was
worth 140.003 hi, owe 145,000. Elo did
110t eXpiaitx tO tlio nese or that $40,000 of
e N?45,000 was owing on is real estate,
worth over 5100,000. -/e told me he was
glad the assessor di not ask any roore
questions because he mild have " hated
to tell a. fib." Niow b a untruthfulness was
just the same az ff in set terms he had to/a
a lie ; the intention deceive was mani-
some awful time
s the 18W !Point, carrying
le for the I dress d i
importaut !dram, 08 San a
pleasant to io
who advocate Ho
I imagine, would
The weather is v
seen two dry d'
I came here, ex
of July. 1 le
the 30th of
for copies of ,t
Some time ago tt, convention o
asseseors of this p.evince was
vened and it was hop that a re
for this great Wrong w uld have
suggested to the Legi lotus so t
change in the hew uld have
umete, but nothing ti at 1 am awa
was done in the um ter. Having
an experience ,as sauces coveri
period of 25 yew's, feel that I sit
not be assuming to much to sugge
cure that will in reat measure a
the evil and place e 9.ssesor i
positioe to prepare a ore just
satisfactory aseessinext roll,
Let, the Legislat e, at its n
session, amend the as essmeet law
malting it imperativ on the aeses
to serve each pence who is supph
by him to be in pos ession of perso
property and tax qe income witl
schedule to be by t e owrter of at
property filled out, s ging forth t
amount of all his pe salmi propel
and taxable income, and have
make his solemn tie eretion there
and for noncomplian coneealuIP
of the fact$ let a sea ea penalty 'be i
flieted. The poor an who owns In
littio property, eth h cannot be col
waled from the ass ssor, but which
in value, bears au lane mil ana unjus
rich neighbor, with p ornissory notes,
of merchandise, and plethoric) purse,
eucepee and goes gott free. now
long is this evil to re Min? How long
ellen the o dollen of eon.
coaled wealth escap just taxation? ite
a question that the makers sheuld
see to.
Yours- Truly
1 the
bat a
re of
st a
et like it very well.
, in succession eince
ept the 12th and 13th I exeratee INSURANCE AGENT,
hero for Glasgow on
mettle direct
mot be pahl In advan
let ad% ortIsements mu
the n,..:elay noon, in order to
ttmt week.
milnISTERS, &c.
Solicitors ior the Sank ef Hamilton. Commissitorie
or takFinr lot14.•eits fa Manitoba. Private f
lend in stra'..113 loans ..at lowest rates, Odle 1. --
e pales,
yours, ate.,
111, Cesser.s.
Prom the Act Fres Pres.
.Nassagaweya, on be 29tla July,
McGregor, age 76 years, Th
ceased was grat dmother of the
members of Mr ennedy's fann
this place.
Tee &ter.
The Early Chop. lig By-/atv was re-
pealed at the D meeting of the
comma—The Iage raises next year
for county rate '899.20 ; school pur-
97.---A delegation, oni the council is
to go to Winghaq aticl Orangeville to
inspect the wate vorks,
.pe:-:.., tt,;.: /;:teeif-/ Lad, open daily (Stu/days execpt-
Loot:new : mul ;m1 4th Monday and Tuck' ts 'of
,...p.e_ r PM making beautiful setts of'
i'd.-41-Ltit'd,ott, and Plain -Tooth, per sett, 84.00.
try In proportion.
Piteestri all other branches of detle-
vov-taida vapor administrated for the painless
OFFICE : In the Bearer 13lock, opposite tho
Orders loft at Truzsollice promptly attaidcd to
11) DEAN, ea, iYiNoliAtt,
Salts attended in any port of -the Co. Charges
:.:All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest
0:11:sea:r:;rogizcs,.sloriay,:elm.:ratc; and Satisfaettoil Guaranteed.
All nee" esary arrgng °merits can be made at tho
for ili.-: Counties of Ram, And Dime°.
i..01vtiinoeveloetititico craotleu.let,isoa,ics will be conducted in any -1 .4
Orders can be lekt at 'the Timm Wilco.
Se rat.
The Stet will no he issued next
Nveek,---The annthil tames under the
auspices of the S forth Caledonian
Society, will be hp d Tuescla,y, Sep-
tember 4th, whe.n, over $400 in prizes
will be given for a hietio sports, danc-
ing and piping,— e Seaforth fall
races will be held on e last Friday
Bly h.
Out of the five ndiclates from here
who wrote for 2nci and 3tcl class earth
The village lISSesina t is 16. mills on
the dollar.—Teletilion conzections are
spoken of.—Phretol gy has 1300/1
heought prominently tid cleverly be.
fore the public InaP &weer Galbraith
last week.
Mr. Henry sou of Mr,
()rocket Willits, le on Monday morn-
ing for Vaneouver land, where he
will push his fortune Mr., Willits is
no &Ike will ate eecl.—Qur Master
john J. Gibson wee uocessful pestl-
ing the third 'elas examinatiou at
Hartiston receutly. Three from the
public school here, who wrote at the
High School entre oe examination at
Mr. D. M. W kat' Is very succeasful
with his sable s.
AMICI: TO tioriums.-Arc you disturbed at night
and broken of ,vour re 33 by a sici: (Mild suffering alai
crying with pain Of (lath/ix Teeth ? /f so send a
Syrup" for children Teething. Us value is Incalcul-
able. If; will reilese the poor little ouricrer
funnediately. Depend upon it, mothers ; Clime is no
mistake abrait It. It *urea IV:scanty and 'Natoli/Da,
regulates the Stomach and Dwelt', eau/ Wind Celia,
pleasant to the tast:t and is the prescription Of tnie*t
the oldest and lied e'emato physiCia»s and nurses lu
the United State4, and 13 for sale by all d ' / •
bottle, De sure and itair for "Mr.% WINS1.0110s PM° P.M
S034111110 SYltro," and take 80 Other hind/ 10;10 "
nal) e
4310 pan,
Tide entotedteim hall MI 130 secured for enter-
tainments of eeezy kiuti et a very lotv figure. For
terms irm,‘;
at Cline Ce's storm
C. TreItil TABLE.
Trains arrive and depart as follows;
l'hoWt'll ficketl•ta 011 points In America-North-
slostinatten. rimetsit freight rates to all points.
Odle aan.Tokentc,Ghtelph DatinerstO/InWes :1:130 p.m.
3:40 pan.