HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-08-10, Page 21
ipntt c .inns
FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1886.
Mr. A. Blue, Sups
Statistical Departm
recent statistics co
of the population,
assessment rolls of t
period 1873.79 with t
tactive Tariff•period
result is interestin
the iaorease in th
ratepayers from
40,364 or 16/ per
or town and village ra
or 34 per 'cent, a tote
78,9G1 in.'Ontario's pop
per cent, This,. by the
What Tories are pleas
regime. Let us s
pored ander Cons
N. P. inflaences -
The increase in
13,360 or 41 per
529 or 21 per cent, a
population 44,869 o
From ,1872 till '79
gained 9,132, but fr
lost 828. Mr. Blu
tendent of the
t of Ontario, in
pares the increase
shown by the
o Free Trade
se of the Pro. -
79 85, and the
He shows that
number of rural
873 till '79 was
ent, and in urbog
ayers 33,597
inti ease of
lation, or 22
ay, was under
to call Reform
or Mackenzie's
how things pros-
rvative and benign
the next six years.
ural population was
nt, on urban 31,-
d in the whole
10 per cent.
Huron county
1879 till '86 it.
" These are ve
their gravity is
fact that the nu
reported to have
was 32,273 mor
the former per
not• for the a
1879-85 the pe
-would be 62,
Our growth by
least two per c
the increase in s
. with 1,673,000,
To this add the
reported by the
Tent to have se
and we have a
000. But in r
increase of o
become of th
they gone1
tainly ; for
that Provin
including I
in 1881 it h
truth is that
the United 'Ste
grave figures,.:and
ccentuated by the
ber of immigrants
ettled in the Province
in the latter than in
od. Indeed, were it
cession we received by
ring the seven years
ulation of the Province
0 less than in 1879.
tural increment is at
t, and at that rate
ven years, starting
hould be 234,000.
208,000 immigrants
mmigration Depart -
led in the Province,
otal increase of 442,-
ality we have had au.
v 145,000. What las
297,000 i Where live
Not to Manitoba:, 'cer
the total • population of
in 1886, ae.:shown by the
census, was only 108,640,
diens end helfbreeds, and
c166,000. The litmentable
e are growing men for
E MQli
T m (sr re : su'rTz,NDikNT
STA' Ud.
With Belinore
point, a few days a
drove through Turn
Way 1louee on tli: C
hence east to the
to the_iecond
eastthree an
thence south
age is situat
four towns
Culross an
ring to the
is the ;North
town'slkips,, of
pineer seal
111'41861 ca
then "din
• ,,Mar case of a ons ailiment -
mc nget domeiltic a, inrals.---•Dr. D.
rax Tuck, a clever ac nate of Trinity
school of medicine,. a been here over
a year. is an exem a • and active
young xnan CAA prof() not ally success -
Perla from year to
year does a good bus less at his saw-
ntities of timber.
prosp ctive
your reortee
Ty to the Half
tlross bona 'ry,
swater road,' up
ne scion of Culross,
hr* fourth miles and -
o Delmore, This vitt-
at the corner where the
ps of Turnberry, Howlett,
Carrick meet. Iii refer-
tlas we find that llowick,
terly of the sixteen
on. county. The
was hid Carter, who,
e as fad a Molesworth and
rbrushed a road for ten
miles th ; reaching L¢t 11 Con, 8. And-
rew Mit hell on the Wallace and Grey
town lin. was the nearest neighbor,
10 miles istant, for two years. The
second sett : 'as Jacob Cook who
settled on Con. in 1853, and settle-
ment quickly fo i owed: The records
show that F. W Irwin was the llrst
to settle in the orth eastern portion
of Turnberry. On reaching Belmore
our first eii air.ies brought us inoi•
dentally in ontaot with the genial,
fine physiqu d Lardy specimon of Can-
ada's pions In bis 72nd year, he
is active, cl-*headed; talkatively in-
clined and h> a vivid'. recollection of
'minutest de -- of tpioneering life.
Time did nolo pet it our enjoying to
the fullest ektent s well ..old tales
and thrilling a000un s•of genuine back-
woods life. Mr. ,I viii came to Can-
ada from Frinane
'31, living n M
township,alsb in
time. Ile came
Provisions had
Goderieh on til
42 miles. He
case and. took t
map of the first
more by Mr. Mole
was 27 years ago ap
trate and coroner.
medical diploma did
Mr, Raines' Flemi
from Wellesley to
'oatecl''on an adjo
township, was
is'now it his 8
surprisingly v
bodily, a great
on social,reli,g
ters. He°is a fi
tish highlander, s
must have had in vi
"When death{s..i rk at eam I ferry o'er -
A fact that sure she 1 come- ,
In heaven itself I'll a= • no more
Than just a highla d welcome.•"
A fine two hu .dred acre farm is
tilled by member of his family. We
should like to h e met with other of
the old settlers ,ut time was limited
having "to do le ,tewn." 111r. J. T.
Lamonby,'who conducted a shoe shop
for nine years .s now the village land-
lord and an o. ruing and well disposed
pian he is. r. J. H. McHardy has
the sule there utile industry conduct-
ed here at pres t, Mr. J. B. Straith
having,' recently q it. For years he
conducted a pro ' able business at
Lucknownalso in t e vicinity of Galt.
He is a "cannie S.ot"-a shrewd bus-
iness man, obser ant, intelligent, o-
bliging and takes an active interest in
in matteks of chu ch and state. , Three
of the Knights f Vulcan have shops
in the burg. Vin. Teskey, an old
resident of Cl rrick, •opened a shop
about 'a 'year ago. Messrs. Chittiok
and Benton a ;o,havo good shups and
all appear to • ' prospering, not such
men as 'Shakes are described when
he said ;
"1 saw a smith stiff
The whilst bis iron
With open . mouth
Mr. P. Ross
done au excel
making, is a c
•and a man of
teemed. -Ge
sive busines
that craft of
reputed patr
who has just put
shop and Mr. Th
from Lakeleta fe
areyoung aa,ncl ac
doubt sce, co
ing honor for
Harrison has
making busin
and if he .gets
in the vicinit
"trapped" to .1.1
pression. —111r. G
Itnight of the Ne
master and Mr.
mechanical build
herr Fredericka
ierland," is willi
Gale. ST=0ai
illness, died on
A Norwegia
started an expe
land and pro
PROF. Gold
on Unrestri
ARRANGED xxrs have been completed
Manitobia Government
len Pacific for ,the open -
River Valley road.
after a three months'
named Nausea bas
ition to explore Green-
ecute scientific study.
in Smith ably lectured
ted Reciprocity to an
udience iii Winnipeg on
laCo., Ireland, in
ntreal and Cavan
Nellealey for some
ere in 85. years ago.
1 to be carried from
between th
and the Nor'
ing of the He
land Geyer=
Dominion Gov
of Newfoundl
Will arrive at
of September.
Thomas, M
Morning and
Richard Cho:
s from the Newfound-
nt to confer with the
nment as to the teethe
cl's entering the union,
tawa about the '1.0th
anagny, on Saturday
Ontario, on Sunday.
nd, died on Tuesday.
Astomen'of those death traps in the.
ement houses in New York
death of twenty persons,
re in rickety, secluded,
shape of te
.eaused th
To read of
seven or eigl t story frame buildinge,
is indeed harrowing, apart from the
miserable exis
and their scan
Tata Impel.'
245,000 annu
:subsidy to a
ship between
, and Hong K
being the carry
The Dominion
annually, whic
to $300;000 yea
AT a meeting o
meal Millers' As
en Friday last a
to wind up the a
tion on Sept. 81
the ASSOCittti01
collaese were th
is so large in, pr
nesS that it 18 imp
gether any' longer.
nombine will in all
a drop of $1.50
"Stssthe new crop comes its
ce led by the occupants
means of livelihood.
authorities Will pay
y for ten years as a
onthly line of steam -
Vancouver, Shanghai
ng, the consideration
ng of the British mails,
ill contribute 215,000
will brinci the sum up
the Canada Oat.
dation. in Toronto
,Siilttition was passed
airs of the ASSOditt-
t, The reasons for
being allowed to
t the nutnher of mills
rtion to the bust..
ssible to hoia to:
The failure of the
probability, result
barrel es soon
-The grist mill of .A. D. Harmeston
has not been ope ted, much for the
past two years vhich is a serious,
drawiaack to the farmers in the sun.
T0a/laillg, Want and detrimental to
the interests of the village. -We have
reserved the, ()aim), of 13elmore's
main industry o the last, The cheese
perous in (lane and, the joint steels
factory bev ra. s went :It yes
established about n years ago and
has 'About 150 patro s. The building
is convenient, 'well qutpped and 'Ice
cater], on a line seri 'g greek. There
,are 24 presses an as bigh as 21
cheese daily have en.matie this year.
The maker fer t last three years
eleven years' ex Hence 'and the ready
sales made at st prices testify to his
preficieny as a alter.. The Company
is' efficered as ollows : 'John Johnston,
Mr, H. Day. eps a number of hogs
near by and us s the whey. -There is
but a remote tot ability that .any of
the smell villages .4 Inch dot the count-
ry are destined te row much. The
tendeuoy is rather cowards retrogrece
',sion. But Belmor holds its own as
well as the averaa
in flames which spree
nothing could he save
was insured in the I!
no and E1600 on
W. Etcher, mason h
to wont. ---•A son of 14
who has. been for thrc
ado, is expected here
Mr. Van. Vanorma
hick from a colt a f
incapacitated him
tine.---Iev. II, 1F
ham,, preached in
church on Sunday
Mrs. Procter who re
runaway injuries, i
Apparently the
slaughtering, 1
amongst candid
gates this year.
on Saturday la
only numbered
of schools, one
on looking over
have come far s
col Teachers.
has beeu wholesale
taphorically speaking,
tes for teachers' certifi-
The names first appeared
Owing to the fact that
districts are given, instead
s in comparative darkness
the list. All high schools
rt of former years,. We
apidly t hat
'he bnildmg
t Mutual for
elate.- -Mr. J.
'one, to.Okutton
0, McClelland
years in Color -
a few days.---
r'ceived a severe
w lays ago which
fr m work for a
narrio of Wing,
'noon last, ---
ed so sorious
etting along
are not aware tha the 'papers were much
beyond the averag in diffioulty, but this
year's results wo
greater severity th
examiners. The
14 indicate a muck
n, -usual in marking by
'eet probably is to cut
down the supply, ihich in some seetions
is far above the demand. The names of
successful candid tes in surrounding towns
are as follows ;
L. Campbel
School; X.
Lamont, Cli
B. Porta
Clinton Hi
G. Prumin
A. Spotten,
with his hammer
id on the anvil cool,
swallowing a tailor's
las for several Years
nt trade at chrriage
petent mechanic and
integrity and well es-
ge Wynn does an exten-
in agricultural impli-
e are two' followers of
whom St Ori4tin was the
n saint -W. a. Bridge,
s Bunston who came
months ago. Both
Vd merkand we will no
cation in trade hav-
been in the harness
s hero for eight years
his way, all the horses
Will be neatly and well
.an ota form of ex-
Ilagher is presiding
le, Mr. Terift is post -
r of the plaeo.—Mein
to render his set-
le-sRaost CLASS.
Clinton 'High School
High SOlool; Geo, Black-
; J. Bowering,Clinton kligh
ton High School.
e, Turuberry ; M. Gregory,
School; N. Paulin,Win gliarn;
r, Richardson, C. Prager,
berry; W. Smith, Bluevale ;
range Hill; A. McLeod, D.
G. Anderson, F. Sel-
to; 0. Boyd. Third
°Colgan, (passed in
L Steven.
Methodists o
tinue to maintain
StatiOifing Coma
have issued a ne
they say : "Just ac
are recognised. aro w
in line and try to r
the position of a $1,
and we herewith.
believing this to be
ment of the actual
which has been
loyal Methodist
The Banner
week. -The cle
at baseball on
13. -The clerk
the 14th just, the
is an excursion to
days' fall show is
under the new arr
Wallace Society.
School entrance
passed 36 can
\vote, 70 per
58 per cent,
Berlin 50 per
cent, Mitchell
cent. Listowel, a.
these figures, stanc
The hay crop
out to 'be very
anticipated. F
stances is an ex
althoegh short
head and color
is now beginnin
Livingston Bros.! ),
No. 1. The rains
this and fast week h
the appearance of t
late grains, such as
oats. The latter,
Elma, is said to be
the north
and the township
not nearly • so goo
whole, the crop prosp.
as being very much be
a few weeks a:pas-The
fall exhibition eeenis t
definite shape at last.'
given over its intieett
Palace to 'the newfs
let the contract of 311
to the new grounds.
has also signed aw y
the concern to the leSe
is' expected we sha
this fall better than lias
years.-Basebell see
tage here. Matches a
on the grounds ..every
evening there was H
against Moyer & "0.'s
evening Hess 13 ft.'
the woodwork.e.
chatits against'
Grand Cent::
the aletts, so
is to he nut 'fat n
against lean men u
be non-professional
10th, another leer
nection with th
championship, corn
vs, Kiecardine.
pected, but of'
boys expect to w
on as our rights
repated to fall
ich our names
ets.of au outran
h holiday this
eat the merchants
sday last by 24 to
re beaten by the
11. -On Tuesday
ivic holiday, there
"oderich.-A four
iltely to be held
gements with the
t the recent High
s out of 53 who
Wohdstock passed
art4s 55 per cent,
Stratford 33 pe
1 Goderich 30 pe
will be seen b
at the head of th
Second class
wood, W. Freem
Neilson, J. Gre
Downey, IS.
Latin). J. Fetch
Second °lass
son, B. Watso
Dougall, F.
L. Latimer, 3. Morri-
. Calder, B. Dickson,
lone, 3. Morrisot.
Second 'class -
Rae, H. Andrews
Irwin, (passed
(passed in Lets:
McOluekey, W.
McMatli, S. St
Second ela
Kenzie, M.
3. Norman,
Sellery, P.
Third class
E, IVIeKenzie 3.
son, M. Tilcdrego
W. Struthers, A.
,Third class -W.
RobertSon, E. M.
omens, Q. 3. Thompson,
Morrison, A. Perrin,
facLeod, J. Patten,
is section turne
vheat in some in
ut crop.. Barley
raw, in quality o
be delivered a
s, is said to b
at have falle
eo• ot crop an
ring wheat eat
the township o
abundant crop
is looked upo
ter than it wa
question of
have taken
The town h
vi g • the buildin
r he old societ
ociety, and
a show he
been held f
s to be t
being play
yelling. GI
Bros.! Mi
hen the me
Ike. Next tl
33e grave.
Mr. and Mrs. M Kinnon left on Mon-
day to spend
friends in Halt
stone, one of o
is shipping a
floo'ring to So
noted cotton
ular game he
good players t
played between t
the Huron star
grounds of the
last week whiel
of the Belgrav
score being 16
this is not
take into eon
this is the iirs
this season. Mr.
the game satisfae
terrible rain stor
neighborhood CU
belonging to Mr,
lot to 4, 3rd con
by lightning au
their holidays with
n. -Mr. Elam Living -
r enterprising mil Imen
carload of fine maple
tland to be used la the
spool factory of & P.
let seems to be the pop-
s w and we have some
villagei-A very
ree of Baseball vvas
Belgrave club and
of Blyth on the
latter, en Friday of
rebutted in the defeat
club by two runs, the
to 18. The boys think
ad playing, when. they
ideration the fact that
ame they have played
Sterling umpired
orily.—During the
which visited this
1 riday last the barn
prof. Blithe
Arch: Nicholson ort
Morris, was struck tieulaantralaittell.
in a few minutes WaS thecender's own
boasders again
But the late
over 200 II
r 130 lbs,
On Friday, t
se match in co
Gerry Distri
off here, Listow
good game is e
Entry. of Toro
vhsit to Mr.
1st Concessi n.
his last visi
three years
sou and Iiss Mag
are the guests.
of Tilbur)i, is on
"A. Motwen on t
Mr. Reid came o
n On the occasion
o A.uld Scotia so
AGVICE TO MOTHERS,— API) you disturbed ttt ni
and broken of your rest by a -sick child suffering
crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? It so seed
of -mend got a bottle of "Mrs. Winslow's Booth
Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is Meal'
able. It will relieve the poor little suff
immediately, Depend upon it, mothers; there is
mistake about it. It cures Dysentery ma blurb
regulates the Stomach and Rowels, curea wine Co
softens the Gums, redoes Inflammation. and gi
tone and energy to the whole system, " Mrs. 1
pleasant to the taste and Is thoprescription of on
the oldest a»d best female physicians and nurse
the,United States, and is for sale by all drtmg
throughout the world. Price twenty-five cent
bottle. Be sure and ask for " Wnien
SournIXO 1371:9P," and take NO Other kind.
sae, of Eighland
n instrument called the Isa's „„ e• a dais as,„ _ „„ 0:29 a.nt.
anffinittillf( messages in iksoitm
stoeseription price, et per pear, tamer
Local and other casual advertieements, 8c. per lino
for llot insertion, and Se. per line for each subsequent
in8Learetnidices, in nonpareil typo, 10e. for first in.
sertion, and 60. per line for each subsequent Insertion.
arged less than 26n.
No 10e:1110:CO v.:
and Business Chances w4no..1, not exceeding ll line's
ill blo ;lb
Ativertieements of Lost, Founds Strayed, Situations,
limos and Farms for Sale, not exceeding 8 lines,
Special rates for longer advertisements, or ffir , .„.
tenger periods.
Advertisements without specific directions, will be
inserted till forbid and charged accordingly. Tran-
sitory atlyertieernents must be timid in advance,
Changes for oontrad nd% ortmements must be in
the °Mee by Wednesday noon, In order to appear
that weelln
it. Emiorr,
Formerly lIonse•Surgeon to Kingston General
11A91118TERS, Sze.
Solicitors Mr the Dmilt ot Hamilton. Commissioner's
or taking affidavits for Manitoba. Private funds
o lend in ftraight loans et lowest rates. Ottlees -
Wingham - ,, Ontario.
1. OFFICES-beavfn Block, WINGIXA3t, ONT.,
l Goats see meta on.
, Private and Ounpany funds to loan at low rates of
t interest. Mortgages, town and farm property
1 boturift and sold. Mercantile collections a specialty.
s e- - in prices from (4500 upwards per set,.
fleeted without the least pain by the use of Vital -
3 Ized Air. Head oflice, Winghatn, side entranee.op-
,„ posite dee Queen's hotel, open daily (Sundays except-
' ed) from 9 a m to 6 p m. Will bo at Illyth every
ard Mondays of each ntonth-Ofilee at Albion hotel ;
a LaOknOW : 21211 and 4th Monday and Tuesdays of
, 26 cents
g - I am malting beautiful setts of
le:, Arthicial Gout "Teeth" for ea.00 Per
Y k sett, and Plain Teeth, per sett, 54.00.
11 1 Mew in all other branches of
:, try in proportion.
Lt, Vegetable Vapor administrated for the painless
a extraction o? teeth, the only s le anesthetic known
, 011101.1 : lit the Beaver 131ock, opposite the
fr Brunswick Hotel. .
11 Orders left at Timis' office promptly attended to
4, Sales attended in any part of tho Co. Charges
st All yaks attended toy:raptly and on the Shortest
, Notice.
01 Chnrges ModeMie and Satisfaction Guaranteed.
,,... All neeessary arrangements can be made at the
^ Tutus' office.
el Wrifilm NT, .014T,
EtOin:Ibluale 110:60,111,0n‘tV: .itits1 r.,e oh tTalins til:L. oione emannesede .dnAr uuccot .i °Door
At moderate rates, sales will e concluded in any
i 0 iipoolaid,o,,niv(8:10i
'ihis commodious hall can 'IA secured tor eitter.
0. tains:eats of every kind et a very low figure. For
value arrive and depart as follows :
no A. C. STRATUMS', Amor, 171909Ast.
lie, Through tickets to all oints in America-Netth
yes West, Pacific Coast, cte.,' via the ehortest and al
'in, popular routes. Daggage checked threUgh 11
, is destination. Lowest freight rates to all points.
:IN"vi'n's iiri.:.:14: ap.:-..T—orout,o,T,:u4eE11:1:,,PAcaulGnritiLeerfs!o----INI;15&A„:.