HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-08-10, Page 1•7
TOL. llz.--.i 8w
-A oistern ea be purified bee plaoiug a
welt of charm,/ i the water.
-The P. 0. Pe artmout is going to re-
olothe all the Doe mien boatmen in grey,
-A sot of sale bills were recently scut
out of this office t Banffshire,13cotlaud,
-Mr. Alex. Me ' va, a former llfitehell•
its, falls heir to $7', 00 by the death of a
• -Mr. D. Moine=s has a splendid otop o
i*rapes in his 1 udsome and well -kept
s,arden an green a.
e -Dr, Wilson, .esident of Toronto Uni-
' ersite', has we fed. knighthood at the
'halide of the •Que=
-Ur. John Sto i y, of Gocierich, hits ob-
tained a pateut i r the Baited States, for
.ltiaiteproved earl et stretcher.'
-Duriug the ornt on Friday eveniug
'east ,a, butelter na, ed T1tos:Lake, was killed
in stem near tit Little Lakes.
-Phaeton for slide, nearly new. Can be
seen at Coutts & Inglis' shop. Apply to
Mrs. E. Johns, Johu St., Wingharn.
-Blyth T1eoh• ice' Institute expended
last year $197 an 1 had a balance of $1.
They received $1 G as Legislative grant.
-The bucket s ops must go. All the
Frequenters of th Hanralean bucket -shop
' jh Toronto, were s tied heavily, the other
- •Whilet not large number of new
bonitos are being e •toted this year, a good
cleat has been don, lathe way of repairing
and "additioning. Rubber paint appears
to be very genera y used.
--Walkerton is o play lacrosse at Wing -
ham today (Frid •); Kipeardino is toplay
atLietowel and 'Insley at Luoknow. Ou
the 17th inst., oeswruter is to play at
Kincardine and ingliam at Chesley.
-Wiugham f uudry is doing a splendid
:trade this seam: in harvostilig implements.
On Monday t^ • pea reapers were des-
patched, one fo a farmer near Teeswater,
the other for .ted ersdale.
-The Qatari
oeunty in the Pr
for the annual
which shall be p
dation of the con
T.13. work.
W. C. T. U. ask each
cince to prepare a shield
nveution in October, on
aced: the imam and pope.
ay aud;etetistics of W, 0.
-Six volume, eutitlod Old and New
London, have be u placed in the Mechanics'
Institute, T+he, were procured by Mr.
. Morton, at the i stance of the board, from
. e; in... Were.. Tit v aro saes bieenc1 and con.
tafeeetf vast deal of valuable information,
historical, Were y, artistic ancl`politieal.
Mr. E. Bo :re, of Harriston, a former
-resident of 'GVi . thane, has again taken up
hie abode Ale us) Be will be heartily
welcomed. He did not dispose of bis
property when =axing hors and now occu-
pies his own ne, t cottage near the Baptist
-church. ' Be m y take a trip to Manitoba
6u the near fit ' e.
The rain at. m here on Friday even-
ing was unusual), heavy and the lightning
exceedingly viv • , the air being, fully
-charged therowi, t. No damage was done
.however and t e rin greatly refreshed
the parched gro ' nd The reports from
many sections, in ion o:great damage done.
Bruoeiield, St: T eines, Forest &e., were
severely visited.
-Two Bunter: killed a deer, and sold it
by pound in he woods. They had no
proper means of eighing it, but knowing
their own weigh -ono 130 pounds, the
" ; ;other190pottnds they placed a rail across
a, fonts so that t hammed with one on
,eaeh end. They .hen exchanged places,
the lighter man to ,ing the deer in his lap,
and the rail age • balanced. What was
the weight of the • ser e -We would like
to receive solution to this problem.
-Tho following . aragraph appeared in
the dailies a few d ys ago: The Judiciary
Committee of the etnadian Amateur La.
erase Association mot at Hamilton to
deoide several pro' steel games. The fol-
lowing were the decisions arrived at ;
Chesley v. Iiistow•1, the ganle steads in
favor of Listowel. Luekuow v. Chesley,
the game to be p1a ed over et Luoknow en
August 20th. Tee water v. Wingham, the
game awarded to oeswater.
The now reef enee being built by Mr.
Robert Ore, on t1 e Diagonal Road, is going
to be one, of t) • finest in town. . The
situation fs eo ending and the design
modern eind, eon cuient, It is to be pro-
elided With • the 1 est appliances, a furnace
from feiaexty, .t Sarnia, having been
placed. ` The b ick work was done by
Messrs. Pugh, novale; the carpentering
by Messrs. Llo r, and the plastering by
Mr. G.'B1ackwe 1.
-At a meeti
tote Board, roe.
was appointed 1
Sunil, who resi.
ing school. A
been the dream
his enitensive
geniality and w
committed to h
valuable public.
Wo congratulat
of the Mechanics' Inati•
fitly held, Mr.Wm.Litligow
brarian in place of Milton
red with a view of attend•
position of this kind has
of Mr. Lithgow'a life and
nowledge of books, his
teltfulness in all matters
s trust will make him a
servant in this capacity.
him on his appointment.
-;)'Cies Magee i Macdonald, daughter of
Dr. Maedouald; who has been attending
the Stratford C.! legiate Institute, obtained
a second class c • rtiilcate et the resent ex.
aminations, ata ding second in the list.
But five massed for seconds there and six
for thirds. U wally over fifty obtained
eertificatcs at tat Scheel, Misq Mardon•
old is but Mixte . n years of ago and her high
standing i& not niy oxoeedinglyoreditable,
but indieetivo of splendid talents and
;steady applieati n to her studios.
WIN GHA.1i, ONT., FRIDAY, AUGUST 10, 1888,
WHOLE NO, 864..
-The Scott
begun iu Brant e
-Joseph Clegg
oar loads of fat o
01 - YY on Tuesd
eel 177; ;core of
wor11 )std
g000 t.igin,
t repeal agitation has
of Brussels, shipped 15
the to Britain this year,
aorosse team went to
y and were there defeat.
to 1.
as disposed of his pop
w •l, and comes out with e
-lll.essre Vein, o &Walsh have dissolvod
partnership, at the business is now
conducted by M D Pringle alone.
Our genial and n Faeioes friend,Dlr.J.A,McEwen,
J. P., et Morris, is t %dered our thanks for a Dns
basket of early app) •. left at the Tions sanctum.
-Ur J S J some, dentist, has been
prevented from ,ttouding to Ins practice of
Mete by en attar of ihilammation of the
- Messrs T Me'. ailoch and.E Dean have
taken their dep.rturo from Wiugheen.
We uncleretand r Dean intends studying
medicine in Detr.'t.
-A typo in th Witness office, Montreal,
set up 1,811 e.. • in an flour, at a
printers' picnics. • be type was nonpareil,
solid, with two pi agraphs.
-Newspapers ave become the great
highway of that .teiligeuee which exerts
a controlling pow r over our nation, cater-
ing the every -da food of the mind.
-Rey John G y, of Clinton, preached
eloquent and wel received sermons in the
Baptist Church he last three 1llouday
evenings. lie ' ill preach again next
Mcuday at 8 p m Don't fail to give him
a hearing.
-The Toronto rades and Labor 'Coun-
cil adopted a res titian protesting in the
strongest terms a„ mat the working of the
Welland Canal on "abbetth and praying the
Dominion Govern.. ent for the cauoellatiou
of the order.
-It is probable hat a liquor. store is' to
be started in Win lam in face of the feet
that a largely si_ teed petition was gotten
up protesting agnst it. This is rather
trifling with pa o seutimoutewe should
Grvxse tee Busieuess.-Salo of Dry Goods
at Cost, beginning August 1st, '88. This
is a genuine sale at cost, as I are giving up
business 1st of September. Parties owing
me will please settle by lst of September.
C. M. Nnwees,
July 30, 1888. Wingham.
-Peter K., of
thusly : "If the y
pot half as muoh
work as they do in
men of this noun
to marry before
e Berlin New, remarks
ng men of this country
nergy into their daily
laying ball, 'the young
y would be old enough
they were two years
-An exchange enders how it is that
women oau sit u r right and not change a
position, looking either to the right or
left during the s •mon, whilst a man will
sit ou a picket f tee all afternoon to see a
ball match, but p t him in a church pew
for three quarto of an hour and ho will
wobble all over a seat.
-A correcpon
a nucleus of w
Sunday indust
peddling, whoa
record. He by.
the law," whe
break the law
-The last i
low, of Toren
Grand Master
and Grand S
The Odcifellow
feet one of t
Canada, bein
to the organ
ent writes: Wingham is
t may prove a booming
We refer to whiskey
professors will beat heloses'
strained metaphor "broke
eas the whiskey peddlers
f nature, of heaven and of
no of thio .Dominion Odcifel-
, contains fine portraits of
J. R. field, of Brockville,
retary J. B. Hing of Toronto,
neatly gotten up and is in
e best 1. ciety journals in
ssuedv's k1y, and is a credit
Ode interests ib
atioft #ll
--Amongs the..vain v z those ,who
matriculate. at the late f, ip».+eens at
Toronto Uui-reitv we notice tthe name of
Mr. W. L., s. of Rev. H. MoQuarrie, who
has been iu a teudance at the St.Catbarincs
Collegiate . stitute. Messrs, F. Beggin
and A. S. Di on, of the Sea -forth High
School, and essrs?J D Morrow and J
MoAsh, of 0 inton,'also matriculated.
-fn looki through the brick and We
yard of Elli .tt Bros.,we find they have not
made the u al supply of brick this year,
the demand •eing leas. Ono kiln of tile
has been b rued. A fine new barn was
erected and new residence is being com-
pleted. In ct, tine district promises to
become the • • cleus of a flourishing suburb
to Wingha Wm and Wm Henry have
an extensive yard on the boundary between
Culross au• Turnberry.
disti guislled name is likely to be
added to th • musical instructors in Wing -
haul. Mis Nell' • Penelope M. Mcllardy,
whose pare is side in Belrnore, and who,
a few month ago, graduated its the gold
medallist a the Whitby Ladies' College,
will probe. aommence classes here at an
early dat.. he press then spoke in the
highest •rmof the artistic ability,culture
and s t eu4id mica and literary acorn -
lis l • ants of this lady.
We beli. a it was amistaiteou the part
of the Coune 1 to refuse to defray the ex-
penses of a cl legate to the convention of
the Provinei .1 Board of Health, Notwith.
standing tie, Wingham is an exceedingly
healthy tow and the duties of the Health
Hoard are n• • paratively light, their Wu -
time aro v :tly itnportant. It is the
especial obj. t of the )Provincial boarx to
discuss topi.: of live interest and spread
information 'n the matter of the public
health. Del: "atee in attendance' would
Have their lin wledge extended and general
interest stim hated; besides, local board
keenly() no rem aeration for their sorviees,
-See the advertise rat of A. Ross, of the Popular
-Henry Danie of the Durham line,
Bruce Co., thresh: new peas en the 25th
of July.
-A few Ham' toniaus are promoting
the establiehmen of a dipsomauiao asy
hum for the cure •f drunkenness, which is
now regarded as ' form of disease.
-Kincardine as some sixteen water
tanks with an ''gregate capacity of 3250
barrels for fire •roteetion purposes. The
Reporter argue: the insuf&aieny of these,
put in ten yea : ago,audfavors waterworks.
The suggestion s the most rational and of
supreme impo tanco to the town's interest.
-Dr. Talm ge has been substitutiug
vacation lett: s for sermons in his absence,
His epistle •n the troubles of childhood
bring up me : pleasant and disagreeblo
recollections • the minds of readers, In
the catalogue .f children's wooer he enum-
erates leg.ao s, hunger, subjection to
bullies, goiug o school, &o. He suggests
seusible metho s of relieving and miuimiz,
ing these yout ul troubles.
-Mrs. Milli: T. Cook, of St. Thomas,
who is travelli . under the auspices of the
W. C. T. U., wa in town this week. She
delivered leotu, sin the town hall ou Sun.
day afternoon din the Methodist church
on Monday eve ing, both of which were
fairly well att•, ded, The substance of
the lectures w mainly what has been
so frequently hes, -the gigantic evils of
the liquor traffic. Mrs. Cook is a pleasing
and forcible apea er.
-A farmer lea ammeter has oomplete-:
ly beat the record in the matter .af being
"done" by sharpe ',. Three strangers gall-
ed to buy his farm,.'.avelled over it, rested,
played cards, allot ed themselves to bo
beaten and lose • oney and eventually
cleaned his Dash ..ut. Re went to the
bituk and drew out : ,200 to stake; so confi.
dent did he feel tha he could beat them.
On his way home 1 e was drugged by the
sharpers and reliov•. of the $3,200. He is
reputed 'wealthy •a ordinarily shrewd,
but moat will fail tr see yQhero the latter
trait comes in.
-The Clinton ew Era says : The Bap-
tists of 'Wingham • •m determined to have
the Rev. John Gray ttbeir pastor, if such
a thing is possible. While he was station -
'ed in Clinton they :xi -ended' a very press-
ing invitation to im to accept the pastor-
ate of their chur li, buthe did not see his
way clear to do so. After he had accepted
the Kincardine c I;. the Wingham pulpit
became vacant, a • d Mr. Gray was asked to
"fill ilei' an occasion. • ervios for thl`thia
ho has been doing) tely by preaching in
Wingham every i .nday evening, and so
well pleased are the people of that plane
that they have agai extended a unani-
mous and very pre ing invitation to him.
-As usual we have recorded queer
answers given at t < recent examinations.
In speaking of Qu en Elizabeth one said
"She was honest , d tried to rule through
Parliament, she • as a very great liar, and
Parliament woul h scarcely believe a word
she said." Allot er thaught that Elizabeth
was of a very go.• character and great for
style. Intelling w o made England "mis-
tress of the sea' , one said : "Nelson
fought the battle f the South Sea Bubble
and defeated the +ranch," This is the.
past tense of "wed as given by another :
Singular -I weld d, you wedded, he
wedded, ; plural ' •• a married, you mar-
ried, they marries A pupil defined a
crater as the "mon of the equator." ,
Pxasovaxs,-Miss s Maggio Hunter and
Lizzie Ross, of Br esels, aro the guests of
Miss Maggie McLa _hlin, this •week. -Mr.
D. C.Campbell left •u Monday to push the
interests of his fire of book publishers at
Stratford.-Mr.A.J. rnold, of Pert Elgin,
travelling agent of ' . Bell & Co., organ
manufacturers, of G Iph, gave us a. oall on
Monday. He reports ull times and a poor,
year's prospects fro the north.-Kiucar-
dine•liepor•ter: Miss rt ncaid, of .Wingham,
was visiting Miss -Lob ie Smale, this week.
--Mrs. Wm. Jackson of Galt, and her two
daughters,Jennio an Annie, are at present
visiting at the res . 'nee of Mr. A. S.
Murray, Wingham.- rs. J. Gilmore, of
Ingersoll, is now on visit to her father,
Mr. A Clark, of Low Wingham.-Kincar-
dine Reporter: Miss 0 ie and Miss e2ervet,
both of Wiugham, ha e been visiting at
Mr. Thomas Johnston •.-Messrs. Stewart,
father and son, Bln,vale, passed through
Windham Wednesda -morning en route to
Bolgrave ou a friend y visit, Mr. A, D.
Mackenzie, son of d . Goorge ackenzie,
who has been for a .uple of years in the
employ of .Messrs, L. . • & Taylor, Broad.
way street New York, 'a home on a visit
at present)) This 5tn employs over six
hundred Ii3Eitds and do one'of the largest
wholesale dry goods' rades on the coatinent.
Mr. Mackenzie ropor trade as somewhat
depressed for the pa- few months. -Mrs.
Shepherd, of Luekn. , returned ou Tees-
day,after spending a week with her mother,
Mrs. Bray, at Wing am.• -Miss Robb, who
Ihits been residing .vera year with her
relative, Mr. T. Jobb, eft Monday morniat'
to wait upon a cis r. -Mrs. Dr. Orr, of
Stretiiroy, Mrs. Ti:1 ale, of Clinton, mud
Mrs. Davis, of Chat i am,wero visiting Mrs.
Dray, of Wingham •• , last week•• -Mrs. W.
T. Bray returned from Port Dover this
and Sate hood, of
ily and Wm, Hood,
tnday at Mr. James
r. Neil McGregor,
onto, spent Sunday
ave been kept very
ee going to Toronto
Mrs. J. Stephenson
ars Contre, last week.
; of Ili+l,otown, is et
he rosideaeo of 1Atr. W.
Wiugliwm.•--blr, W. J',
week. -Misses Nellie
Buffalo, and Nettie,
of Luoknow, spent
Miller's, Wnighatn.
now employed in
in Wingham. They
busy at tilde trade
some months ago
visited friencd•'' at
- lFii s Stephensoi
proaent a guest at
B. Hutton, Z'iowe
Hutton left for hi- present sphere of labor
iu Roufrow, on uesday morning, after
spending a fortnig t with his parents.-
Mr. Johnston, •a t eologioal student, of
McGill College, / entreat, who supplied
Rev, 11. McQuarr':'s pulpit in his absence
last summer, we - in Wingham this week,
He had been • i a visit to leis home at
Jiineardine, Ile : a clover, popular and
promising young • n. -Mr, Jos. •ddolndoo
is at Walkerton this we t in company with the Brus-
sels baud, -Mr. and IV . John Leslie left for their
home in Winnipeg thl week. Mrs. Df.Mct'. Fleming
spent some days in stowel this week. They have
secured a residence a . d she expects to rei',ove•thero
shortly. -Mrs. Iravid. rigg returned last week from
a prolonged visit to S •ttand, She was with friend
at Kilbride, Ayrshire. ir. Geo. Mooney Mar es in
few days to take a pes ion on the Aurora Borealis.
Goorse is a reliable fo ow and a good typo. -An old
friond, Ilov,W. Torre e, of Walton, made a pleasant
call on the Tunis on ednesday., Mr. Torrance is a
clover and successful aster and a genial and sterling
man. -.Word. -recently totted from Glasgow, Scot-
land, is to the cifeet th, Mcasrs. A. J Anderson and
James McAlpine ate th ounhlyenjoying themselves.
Mr. Robert Barber, •f Wawanosh, returned from
Glasgow, Scotland, th s week. --Mrs. Dr. Campbell, of
Scaforth, is the goes of Mr. and Drs. if: Davis, of
Winghatn.-Mr.James l eGuiro, clerk of the division
couri, nd express agen at Wingharn, is on a trip up
the lakes tots week.- rs. George Strathdee of Dor•
chester, who hes bee with her daughter, Mrs. 3, L.
Coutts, of.Wing:eam, some three weeks, returned
this week, Mrs. Coutt has fainly recovered from a
severe attack of mala a fever. -Mrs. John Williams,
of Winnipeg, and Dir . B. Nicol of Beissevain, Man.,
are guests at thePrc bytoeian DIan,.e,Wineham Mr.
Wm. licltuarrie Is not recreating amongst bis old
companions in town. Miss Battle Fisher leaves to
visit friends in Guoep, this weals. -Air. J. L. Forster,
artist, of Toronto, a his mother, who resides in
Brampton, are on a •' .it to Mr. John Neelands,, se
Wingham,-Mayor Iugi' . spent some days in Toronto
this week. The heat, • says, was intense, whilst wb
had fairly agreeable cathor. Business he reports
as very quint in the ci, butthings are expected to
improve soon. -Mrs. T' edfotd, of Palmerston, is
visiting Mrs. H. Histo s, in`winghath.-Mr. Chas.
Carr,who has been absit for some months, returned
yesterday. -Mrs. Thos. Holmes -isvisiting friends in
Toronto, --Mr, A. Coop + of Listowel, spent a day or
two in town this week vis ing his son, W, H, Cooper,
of the Trims stats. -Dr 'Dung has been confined to
the house for a week y an attack of inflammatory
rheumatism in his right `• ot.
To • Council.
Messrs. the Me or, Reeve, Neelands,
Robinson, Pringle, 1' ack,Towler,Homuth,
Mackeuzie,W, Hol . • s,Williams,T, Holmes
and Little were resent at the regular
meeting on Mond • y evening. A communis
cation from Mrs. . F,Cook, asking refund
of hall rent for Su day last, was filed. e
request from Mr. i. A. Mills, Chairman of
the Board of Ee alth, to defray the ex -
nausea of a del -gate to the Provincial
Convention at >',i : • say, on the 14th, loth
and 16th August, .: s not granted. The
county clerk inti. ted that "Wingbam's•
share of the coun • rate was $61'2.05, A.
letter from Mes;,;.. Meyer & Dickinson,
asking compeiisati to Mr. John Green for'
injuries received on sidewalk on Victoria
street, was referred t the Executive Com -
mitten. The resign ion of Mr.T. Gregory
as Deputy Reeve as nob accepted, on
motion of Mr. lee : nds. Mr. W. F. Dul-
mage applied for 11•ense for two billiard
tables for the balance of the license year.
This was not grant dens licenses have to
be taken out for t e Buil year, beginning
with the first of arch. On motion of
Messrs. T. and W. olmes, it was agreed
to expeud $100 to t down the hill'on
John street, opposite the English church.
The Couuoil was adessed on this matter
by Messrs. 0. Hann and Crowell Willson.
The report of the 'mance :Committee was
adopted, in wlticl was recommended pay-
ment of these he aunts : Smith & Pethiok,
supplies, $13.29 ; Geo. Mason, stationery,
$4.25 ; 0. N. Griffin, charity, 113 ; G. N.Tel.
Co., 50 omits; W. t anuott, street work,
$2.50; IL Elliott, p rating, $5 ; 0. Bullard,
cartage, $4.15. F. work ou streets -Jos.
Herr, 31 cents ; J. Lockridge, $4.07; Geo.
Hughes, $33.75 ; as. McManus, 034.50 ; D.
Matey, $19.13 ; hos. Gray, $3.12 ; Wm.
Rankin, $3.12 ; Barbour, $3.75 ; A,
Ackerman, $10.50; ,.'Lockridge, $10,62;
C.Barber,1159.87 ; ra way fare to indigent,
60 cents ; J. Fleshy printing, $15.20 ; Mc-
Lean & Sou, limb: , $87,87; P. Fisher, P.
O. box rent, $2. I was recommended that
the rate of taxati, n for the year be: For
school purposes, 6 • ills on the e; county
rate 1e; sinking fun consolidated deben-
tures • ; interest on d .bentures 4 ; general
expenditure, 0 . T . report was amended
by inakiug the last to 7s•. The town rate
of taxation is thus 9 mills on the dollar.
It was brought on in discussion that the
respective cost of gravel and plank side
walk was 55 cents nd 112 per rod. The
laying of gravel sidewalks was approved
of by the Council.
Wiligham D triot Meeting.
The annual fi anolal meeting of the
district was h, d in the Methodist
Church Wingh nig on Wednesday
afternoon. Rev... Scott M. A:, pre-
siding and Rev. J) Rodgers acting as
financial secretor There were pres-
ent t Rev. Me rs. Scott, Sperling,
Smith, Swarnn Torrance, Rcigers,
Tonne, Isaac, G• dfrey and McKibben;
Laymen : Dr. '.0 • • ler, W. Fessant, J.
I. btcliardy, A. Morrison, N. H.
Young, A. Proctor and A. Reid.
Missionary wo Winntiam, Brus•
cels and Walton Make .local arrange,
plants ; Teeswa er, M. Swarnn; Wrox.
eter, W. W. S arlulg on Nov. 18 ;
Londesboro, R. • lfrey, on Oet 21 ;
Blyth, 3. Scott, 10 A., on. Feb'y 9 ;
Auburn, Rogers id Tongc, on Jan
13 ; Belgrave on tet, 9,8, 1J. Rogers;
131uevall3, Nov. • nth, W. E. Smith
Local arraugemt its to be made for
educational work •11 each circuit.
Sabbath Behold C• ,vention to be held•.
in Blyth on W dtxesday Sept. 6th find
tt meeting in th same place the fol.
lowing day for t e promotion of the
work in the dis ieb The May dis-
trict meeting ill be held in Wing -
P About three o'clock on Wednesday
morning the • re alarm sounded and it
was soon tie ertained that the Lower
Wingharn ,oaring mills were under
the devasta mg influence of the Raines. '
Tne fire evi ntly had made consider- '
able headway • efore'13eing noticed and
absolutely not, ing c'ouldbe done to
control it. • au, incredibly short '
time the r' of ensu timbers wore
tumbling do .n. For the information
of outsiders it might be stated that
this loeatio • is far beyond the reach
of the wat - •rks, ilbsolutelynothing
was savec . e mill was one of the •
finest and est .quipped intheProvince
and always dic splendid trade, mainla
local for the f ast year. It was running'
at full caps•, ty of late and could not,
lte'ep up wit the demand, The mill •
ran as usua' on Tuesday and was gone
through by r.Hutton at 9.30 o'clock
and liverythi • g was found right. There
is no .doubt • e fire was the work of
an incendiary, (The. loss to the pro-
prietors is ver Navy; being estimated'.
at $82,000. here is an insurance of ,
$8,00, one mill and $4,000 on
grain, of ` ` ich there was a large
isuau t b ned. Universal r al so
riexprese for Messrs,Huttn Carr
and also fo Mrs. Price, 'who still held
a financial terest in the mill. -A
large frame b ilding once occupied as
a store was estroyed also. There •
were a couple of occupants -Everett
Everett and • me men employed at .
the new Sri• • e. Both lost most of,
their effects.
1!•'1 • Tinto Words <-tee that it is.••- w-.
theintention t• - have a double set of
rollers put into he upper mill at once
for the acoom • odation of farmers in
the matter of o inding. ' A supply of
flour will also be kept on hand for
customers at t feed store the some
as usual. We, are also pleased to
hear that it is he intention to have
the mill rebuilt on the 91d site.
Advid Shiel, of Brussels, was
awarded a'lst soh,larship for general"
proficieny at the niversity, of Toron-
The Howick +al tni'rs' Mutual
surance Co. lead .19 aliplications for,'
insurance at last meeting, covering.'
$161.000 of risk, . For May, June"'
and July the app cations passed were
for $384,000.
Mr. and i1rs. itehie returned irony
the Old Sod on i` onday the 81st.---'
?Jr. Ritchie brougi t four fine horses,
with him. This is he second lot in two
years. Mr,Ritehia rnows when he sees a
good horse and hese will prove no
exception to thrule.--Mrd. Halliday'
who has been v ry i11 for it While, wo'
aro ,;lad to sa is able to be around'
again. -Fall whe. t harvest Inas fairly
begun and no do bt it will turn one'
le great deal bette than was anticipat,'
ed in the spring. they crops are going
to be very short Peas, may prove to
be a very fair op. -Quito a number
of self binders have(alerted in this
neighborhood d ring the past few days,
Haid times a et hes enol. -Three
weeks more and the instruetsrs of
the young will be at work again. I;
wonder who it will cause the 'blast joy
to teacher, parent or
Wroxoters eau neat Walkerton at a
game of basebal with It score of 5 toll
and Brussel0 can 'beat \'ro:ceter 10 toy
G how many cru 13russels beat Welke
erten at the salve rate, --Tho dry
weather has to 1 very severely on the
berry seekers thi season. 1 never saw'
thein as scarce.
e 1nro»resefttinee toe k'• .4t:#. •
To the Editor of the Tints :
Sea, -It was said in last issue Odle tl3rusysL tweet:,
Ova I was invited on Sunday to sit ca "teteeteretee
ease. Jenkins ve. Srntt. 8nen it ,itettr'it bete
would have but Nelle weight ; but i.i jitetee to DIr.
F. Scott 1 may say the accusation is fai e..1 was in.
vited by telephone on Saturday cve:,init. Such
real:less a5scitrms arc not r.,lctitatiri to strent•tlu_n
the Budget ma'+'s eisi an raise hint bi tiro public.,
estimation. 'ours Sea.,
JOIN liiEni,t504