HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-08-03, Page 4• cif wcta >a i 1t ;Re �a4tt1, Mlle de oriptiv catalogue ,:of,.'the e,htba;' f 'tote .ravine of httr a n 1►t the Gt►n .'inial Exposition, 4t (,Ii1ciuutati3Ohio,co tains the names of unt•.atr.•nua exhibit 's from. Huron.. 7si< ,•s. they, You1lt,,U Spal:ling have t:v i cAltibits from , inghs%W flAd take :rotao..fertll au Blyth.. There are utso e .L bits b} • George 1114, -Wena .11t'atsc:ll ; Joseph Goderich ; The i 1t4rtou Salt 'VS( rks Co,,Werwiek, Ialanlb4:oi1 county; `Ogi vie &. iIutchifiau,, Gti.,le•rich ; F. C. Rog 's, Brussels t D. T. T. Coleman), Seg forth ; 3. Kidd, t z.,elr•ricla ; Exeter .:alt Co,,; Exeter. The salt region is us described; The .alt dia;rrict of t ritaria occupies. an area, of about 3200 square voiles, catending over porous of the -coun- ties of Druce at d Lampton, and almost the whole of II on, The outer limits of the deposit n ' ' be indicated by n 'line drown from t town of Hinmir• dine, on Lake Hur'u, through Wing.• ham, 'Brussels, Du ini Parkhill, and Bothwell, to Cour right, on the St, Clair river, Near the lake coast there are no fewer than i six successive beds of salt, separat a from ono another by thin layers orock, .algid having an aggregate thio' Hess of over 120 feet, A diaamond drib boring made at God- erioh, iu 1876, to depth of 1,517 • feet, showed the exi tense of six beds ---the first at 1,028 • clot, and the sixth at 1,885 feet—wit an aggregate thick ness of 126 fee . The harbors of Gaderich and t incarcline, on lake Huron, afford ,xcellent shipping facili- Cos by water, and all the wells have' convenient rail accommodation. tl. Mann. ernikarrIKAIX no Ross—In Culross, on the ' 4th ult., the wife of Mr. John Ross ; a son. Lorr—At Brussels, on t e 21st ult„ the wife of Mr. Levi Lott ; a sow SnooI,AIR—At Brussel ', on the 26th ult., the wife of Mr. W, D1, Sinclai. ; a son. DIoon2Y—At Brus lis, on the 21st nit , the wife of Mr. Gordon Moo ey ; a daughter. Srasrsos—At Ebbe on the 21st ult., the wife of Dir. T, P. Simpson, 11 chant; a daughter. WIL1s s—In Herrick, on a 1St1 ult., the wife of Albert Willits, Esq., ; a so i. T tTrealeLucknow, en': arnghter.ult., the wife of Mr W. C 'Tease—At Goderieb, on • o 25511 ult., the 'wife of WI. II. I. Strang, B. A.' a son, BRANT—At Winghstn, o the 20th not., the wife of Wm. Brant ; a dam: • er. 4,001sntsrerc—In Morris, .n the 31st ult„ the u9fe of Mr. Wm. lsbister; a •.n. TARRIED. Jousgroar—Colter*' At the residence of the bride's father, on the 25t ult., by the Roy. D. G. Camer- on, David Johnstoi , o Isabella Cousins, both of Aahtield. SurTF—Oonn—At Ktncard, e, on the 12th ult., by Rev. J. Gray, Mr. Thos. '•with, of Clinton, to Miss Minnie Dodd, of Saltfor D D. p C Ravno:t—In Morris, . the 25th ult„ Mary, wife of •'',y' Jo"n P. Blandon, , ed 84 years McKAy—In Kinloss, •n the 10th u)t., James, son of 4 Donald McKay, of 'on. 3, aged 23 years. "TA -tan —In Kinloss, •n the 25th ult„ Robert Valens aged 73 years. Vanes.—At Long Branc New Jersey, on the 17th Wt., John M. Fraser, so of Dir, DI. Fraser, Kin- cardine, aged 42 yeare. M 1 1t—In `Kincardine, on the 221id ult., Annie, wife of Mr. W. H. iller, aged 40 years and 7 months. Mentis—At Lucknow on the 31st ult., Hugh Munns, aged 50 years, STawAwr—In Norti ast Hope, on the 20th ult„ Mr. James Stewart, •x.dupty-reeve of the township, aged 69 years. ?LthL1)1(11(4,.w' 1imI -0111:11447,4t,114,ria.: I •4 —Having opened out a1ar;e stook of•-- atches, Clocks, Jewellery, S lve cwwre, I am prep Ghee , e Drtarizets. Weensrncx. Aug. .—Eighteen factories boarded 0,500 boxes ; ono f ory only reported assold at flic. Cabel, 46s. ISoSnsote, July 24 22 factories offered 6,080 boxes, 880 boxes June, •aladce July; sales,180 boxes at Ona : 730 boxes at f e; thirty-five fnetotiesr repre- sented ; eleven buy • s present ; cable 468. WINGHAM MARKETS, WiNorreal, July 20, $260to 500 to 05 to 05 to 50 to 50 to 00 to 50 to 15 to 15 to 1 25 to 1000 to Flour per awt„ - loat per bbl„ I'a11 Wheat per bushel, Spring Raney, Peas, Pestes, 'Butt,- per 1b., Fore per dozen, Wand per cord, flc.y per ton, - • 1853• red to meet the wants of the people in every respect, ,14TOT ONLY in the lowness of pricee but in the, quality of. goods as well, I afn prepared to do all kinds of work that is in my line of business and $.TISFaOTION,GUA.RANrUD VA .l. OJl.'if E, SUCCESSOR TO H, PARK; E AN To' 1 ALE NOW GOING ON AT 2 50 5 00 100 • 1 00 50 50 co 60 15 15 1 50 I0 00, ;ILI), 8E4 TO THE GANADI 3,200 MILS TO N NORTH-WEST, $28.00 OSO IN I117; Dress Goods, Muslins, Prints, Laces and Embroideries. 1 • ALSO SOME BIG DRIVEN IN -TWEEDS, UNDERWEAR, FELT AND STRAW HATS, PARASOLS, GLOVES AND i1QSIERY. Any person requiring any of these goods should see them before buying MID RETURN 220 MVIII-ts1NEST OF IPEG. C oloniSt - C las Ticirets will be sold at Ml eta ons on the Ontario & At'a.:tie and Eastern Dori ons at the Canadian Pacific, the Kingston & Pet voice and Grand Trunk Ilaila•ays, Prescott, Ottaw and west thereof, inciud• la;; Northern and North- 'estern Railway. Tao Kxcirsien will lean Toronto at 1100 p. m. on Au„ ;tor, anti Carlton Indian at 1.10 a. m 8th Aug., , via North Bay aid ve Canadian Pacific Railway, Part!cs r:hopld avian a to arrive in time to take t ,se trains, BOOTS AND SHOES ,1. WELL ASSORTED. GROCERIES Pure and Fresh. Inspection Requested. M. H. MCI'NDO.O. .w, -TO G T'kc'' EAP QOI S (': At the llkrllpt Sale. ,x131, II', 01 W HENDON' STOCK j*ESS GOODS, U LIM T % AND ,ALL LINES OF GOODS ust be cleared immediately, F` as we intend o, remove, HELLO I HELLO 1 1 HELLO I 11 Where are you going in such a Hurry WIIY ? ram going. to get a sspply, of material for house cleaning. I am going to, clean house right away ! and 1 am going down to. HING•STO T & SON'S • For some ASBESTINE. • They sell it for 35c. A. 1,?A't;K.AGE. You cap, get a good Brush, too, just as cheap. To tell the truth about the matter, you can get any kind of goods usually kept in a first-class, shop. They have got in a lot of Lovely Bird Cages,. Table Cutlery,, Spoons, Szo,, . Milk Cans, Creamers, Pails, Milk Pans, Churns, Butter Prints, Butter Bowls, Ladles, Stove, Scrub, and Shoe Brushes, Brooms, Chamber Pails, Toilet Sets, Agate Ware, Jointless Woodenware, Wash Tubs, Wash Boards, Carpet Sweepers, &c. Don't forget the name and place, HINGSTON & SON'S, Wait & Walsh's Old Stand; Winghatn. P. S.—We wish, it distinctly understood that it is no trouble, to show goods at the One Price Tin Shop SUPERIOR VEHICLES MDE TD ORDER BY CD. 0001‹, C 'Eau rirGul Influence 't "Patronage, Judge us in accordance with, the', Bargains we gage. E. F &EJ,STTEP. REMAINS IN WINGHAM ! HAS LARGELY REPLENISHED; H1S STOCK! 1 HAS A GREAT DISPLAY Q] .BARGAINS ! ! ---/N NICKEL'S OLD STAND. With excellent facilities, a good supply of first class material and capable workmen, we feel competent to turn out work equal to that of any establishment in the County. CARRIAGES, BUGGIES AND ROAD CARTS. We build all our own tops. Everything guaranteed. A first-class painter. Look into our Warerooms on Victoria and Scott Ss. DORE & COOK. 4 i.a'US 'til. 1888, T;c1gets will be geed to rotor Bow the holder to lay Over a or west thereof. Tache ,31 alai 0:' TI117 LAPD, reit 81I^_81Lt1 O 01,13505, Return turn Tickets will avis l,r Ott,,tion between w a; r• la Prairie not £:co:.u::iin west to Cal„aa Single 4 are or for those wh6 drive res; tho Country, one -Half r,t$:.:.717 be charged . ek t' Winnipeg or Portage to nearest Orem agent 46t13111 particulars p.,f,ed tt1 in Co.ni8tSltCllers,,'hichw111be asir until 7th October, and any station, Winnipeg NO 355r8a 413rE 50 Fano 000'r c0Op3 KID e sold from Winnipeg to nipe,5• and Delorainc, at to Laugenburg, and at at Latet Cheapest® A. BEAUTIFUL LINE OF LATEST STYLES I est. �biNTS' I T --SPLENDID 'VARIETY AND EXCELLENT VALUE IN— CLOCKS, JEWELLERY,: SILV EEWAR 141, &c* 3UIT THE TASTE AND FINANCES OF EYERYBODYr+- When you want to save and make money, call on E. F. GERSTER. All,, work guaranteed and guarantees carried out to the letter. A specialty made of Repairing. Honesty our policy. QuR MOTTO—Small profits and quick returns. MASON BLOCK, WINai3Aa1. GENTS' sniiirrs, COLLARS, SILK OAPS, &c., &c. Ordered Clothing, a Specialty, uW-WOBT ►r worproorr C BIG DRIV.E,S ORDERED CLOTHING R1 ADY-MA;DE CLOTHING DRESS GOODS, an. GENER AZ, DRY GOODS, n' .J — A. FULL RANGE OF FOOTS, SHOES w AND GROCERIES. GOODS BOUGHT AT BANKRUPT PRICES, and will be sold at Lowest Possible Figures, EAVE T i V' ', U MN► ,.11sr•G in 7r+'Yr' SIOVES1T1t4\VARE1DMRY SUPPLIEL c�5. • Y nave on hand a large quanti1iy of the best brands of tin manufactured in the world, bought for cash at the lowest prices, in.the best English ittaslsets, ai A as ray keili• ties for purchasing these cannot be surpassed by any firm in the trade in Oanadu, ' 1 am determiraid to sell my goods at the lowest possible margin and not be undersold by any. • MY STAFF OF ' ORXMEN ARE A 1. All work warranted first-class, as it is entirely done under my own immediate supervision. Eavetroughliag specially attended to anti properly put up and completed, Stoves in all varieties, cheaper than ever. REMEMBER THE PLACE—Opposite Exchange Hotel, corner 3osephiue and Victoria streets, Barkley and. McCriinmon's old stand. Call and see and you will carry hone tho conviction that what lk say is• correct, My Motto is SMALL PROFITS and QUICK RETURNS, A'N'UMDLE SIX1'I•aNC11 18 MATTER TITAN A SLOW I:MILLINa•. D• SUTHERLAND.