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The Wingham Times, 1888-08-03, Page 3
Cije dindam Ciao FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1888, , jr;9 I..o .P'T:o::, Rao( Ns AND P16nsE;IQR' t1:C.1'EDi G. if uneis iraaagi ;itively or reflective- ly, inclined :and any extent familiar -with the bittt;r hardships to be en- countered, the stubborn obstacle:; to be overcome, tile, toils and privations to be endured, th courage to bo roue. terra! to b1'avt the di • 'k, blue, and the then comparatively unploughed ocean and dare the clelstitn ions and solemn loneliness of Canada' primeval forests, they must experienc1 overflowiugs of sy rupathv for, and cdmdration of the ciaaraeters of the migrants who de- cided to leave '• , ►o mer'r'y homes of ft. England," "the :It orn.and rock-bound" coast of Scotland or the dazzling, be- witching verdure of the Green Is1o, to take up their ago ,o in America, Wo can realize tho pa hos and significance of the vines of hat graceful and . patriotic poet, Moons, beginning : " As slow our slain her fo ming track Against the what was ellaving, Hoc trembling p naviit stil IooItod back To the lest i:;k 'Gvraas 1 axing. ' t o loth we part from al wo love From all the links th t bind us ; Ifo turn aur hearts. wl re'er we rove To those We left he ma us," But .another .r pect we must not forget, " Cone lniaaI hope," bright, strong, aldttri g, with its passion kindling pow ever waves its golden want]. _ klop'y " the child of heaven," as 0' tho ant for of the soul " and . "springs ote 'nal in tho Unman breast." The stirring ,ltd patriotic poet, Camp- bell, has boa..-'ifully pictured this in "His pleasures lope": "What potent spirit g ides tho raptured eye To pierce the shades of Urn futurity ? Clan wisdom lend, with all her heavenly power, The pledge of joy's an reipated hour ? • Oh, no 1 she dar1Jy 0.4 the fate of man - Her dim horizon bo'/idea to the span, 'With thee, sweetll pc, resides the heaven. ly ]fight, That pours remo, at rapture on the sight. .Angel of life! thy :littering wings explore Earths loveliest b1 uu1i, and Oceans wild- est shore." Pioneers in aver. °°tion of Canada had many cominoaecl,• racteristics, and no doubt went throtigl many similar experiences.- They had poworful frames, iron constittlt' ns, strong wills, • nnilinelin; coins%e, igh hope, largo ambition,- earnest' ass of purpose, :friendliness and a Cull determiria. tion to heav out a", .tonic. in tho land of their adoption. :dry eaarlioat settlers j in Morris, outside ?9russels and Blyth ) Were four natives .r ' Erin, county of Fermanagh. Thei1 names wore John McOrele, Chri: t pber Corbett, .11i ,john Brandon and&",ert Armstrong. First settled in Jimeoe county, GIlilIirnbury town lip, they came to Morris and took u land in -the vicinity of Bolgravo in 181, patting up shanties and plan Mg a. face potatoes in the 'spring of 'Jd. ".tto in 'i2 quite a few settled in the }unship, 0.. W. parker, Jos. En„la_?t.David, John and Wm. Gectdes, D rotor MoLean, roctor. John W erei11em berg is Morris. •[t', MIS and Thomas le East Wawanosh 13 time. It is with. that we have to do Abraham and Adam McRae and 0. Corbe of the first counei Brandon, Wolin 0 Agnew settled On t side about the Gai Belgrave, lloweve'1 at present. Belgrave is situate between Morris and about seven miles from received the rill:0 of Belgrave after 13oIgr most fashionable c England. The IIt by Ed. Foley, who in Winghann. TI pied by A. Tayl store was put on the townline .et Wawanosh, Wingbam. Tt appellation of via, ono of the fres in London, ;aLvern was built resided afterwards r alto is now Oen- r' store, The 'fleet p by S. Armstrong, and has Iluron's 1lietory,wel; digested, at his tonguo's rid, having lived at I3ayheld,God°''oh, lllarit lc,&0,---del. grave has tw general stores, one of those formerly t by Dir. A. Taylor, handling a baukru:'t stock at present. A1r, Charles 1\LeCl,llaucl has been in bustn es to a for eine eight years and wo 0o • trade, He is a clever, oi.al ilia • zntan,With a good lniow- letlb Ili' 1 ale and exceedingly ac-. conn. f , —;i1r, McKinnon keeps a gra a d flour and feed store and dues a :ocl , u."aine ss in the purohase of grail ;11r. ' n Vanarrnal,n does a big ttxacl• 1 Igennl 1 ]1l£wlismithinC, and built. •all sorts f rigs.---J.G.Stewart has al, 'arried .n a shop for the past four y . a • -Mr. !:Robert Sterling is a clever mechanic and °conducts u car- riage making. usinoss.--.T110 one fine and. cotmmodi •ns brick hotel is kept by John -oaten jrd. It has few equals fo comfort or convenience in a tura village.—CVT James Watson is th active, oblib ng and ever -busy villa Crispin, w,"1 industriously plies hi e: ten ivo buri11esa.•-.-.',1'}'11°0. Bros., a their saw mill, cut this year over hall a millions feet of luotber. Mr. Wm. Watson has ac =d as sawyer for seven years.--'T'he large and well•looatod joint stock neese factory enjoys. a spletldid pat onago siueo its establish- ment four earn ago. It has about ninety pat' ons and this seasou snakes from 15 to 18 cheesiv daily. The officers are : A. McLean, president; Geo, I .od, secretary; John n1loCaln hum, n. !gasman, and J. Proctor, treas- urer. 'hey have a splendid maker in the per -.n of W, It. Kaiser, farnlorly of Barris +n.. -...There is an agricultural park of fivacres, with building, and successful a ows are yearly hold.—A fine new Fo esters' hall was recently completed a id opened free of debt. Mr. Win, alsli was the coatraetor, and ho m,nopolizes the work in his Iiue hero r,nd does it to the satisfaction of all. .Il10 3lethodist, English and Presbyt s,'ian bodies have neat churches here,tlie English church being supplied from 13 yth.-.•John Gillies has been G. T. 1 L. agent hero for 12 years and apparontly labors to accommodate everybod . —If any o111issiODS are tirade in 'a report they are uninten- tional. Man facts in commotion with the early sett, anent, the struggles and patient cndur nce of the pioneers, we would like to give if space permitted. —Until rec rztly, Dr. McKenzie, of 4Vinghans, , uccessfally practised his profession I ere and his friends hope to see hint re rune his practise again, Whiteel,urclz. The Ki the club of match here The play of b very good, but Bill were too hard t Kinloss men snec game the both olu The slipper was host Joe and hi up a first plass of I£ilrloss um satisfactory m is the score Wnincnlrncu oss base -ball club and Is place played a o Saturd ray last. th clubs .' vas Fennel's cur solve, and t _abed: Aftcr t s dined at Nixon grand, one as our wife know low to get upper. Mr. Hamilton rod the game in a wry Iner. 1110 following nivacrovo, G.1found, G, Paul, T. Found, A. Tumoth, W. Found, C. Henderson, J. Macdonald, W. Gardner, forth. The 0 • legiate nstituto Board have engaged bliss U. Oharlol�, 11. A., of St. Oat arines, wi : is an honor gradu- ate of pronto Un' ersity. C. stunietien. C`ut'ely Oared. Toy n E:naron :—.Please inform your read, in that I have a pueltive rcmetly- for the above named (Di ase. By its finely use: thounanole (.t hon Iola r 1a,,a !faro been r urod. I elicit be glad to send two I:vttleci of ray r= uclly;ans to any of your milers Who harp cons ml,til,n it they will semi me their Express and 37 1 n"idrei4, IiNix,/tinny, Do. 1,. A. b11,01:C:1j, „e St., Toronto, ant.. . MONjiiy TO LEND.-. .a 1; CORPORATION' (W 'Tilt Te75Cr;€3lflp 03' Turnhcrry hos about e3,e00 to Loan on :lint - For 1'or (sans a apiy to, F', IOLAREN, ortrial htepl:Imsozl, ' r. Traanctar;ct, 1 in;hatn, j enghaut, May lr:rarr•Glenfarroly y 11tI1 DM. W SOLI &+ qa PIl�3tli ws$ lbidd�, TATOTICy Is FIE' EEiy GIVEN that the partner - a 81111) for en 03 tuna carried on by Sr,». D. 1Iutton,,rhsnria race;tied Johu Ca:•r, nutterthe:km mnleofDutton l' e4.0iwr,attheT„a of,,lyinl;ham, in the County of Ifni n, it E„rs, 1r �d3r.( Ivt. I by the death of the raid TI nrac Prise, and the business will front henceforth h, . carried, on under the ilrni of /Distortauthorized to 1fisc ly. i„ Thu allsaid debts and resew0 all credits, on account . the eafil partnership concern. ( • Wirxt:ss: 1(W, p,. IEIITTON, J1tME:S ;Maj;IS N. t ALICE; I111 1:, Am:lsru.mnitla. Dated this 28th dno, 1833 A•NK OF � �V.�1 '�'� WINCd-H13-M. Se2rtlllg D7lIhaHg anis Ordain on Rosa Yor�l aL3O4JGHT AMID : SOLD. Druce !norms: IO a. m. t 3 p, ;an. Saturdays, from 10 a. 1n. to 1 p. 10, W, COZ3ll0ULD Aomir mottos i'. Drorsos, Solicitor ?' w • ��I ,k A, J. ANpEr sostT, Caeltets, Coffins, Doboj, c&o, always on band. UNDERTAKER. FIRST CLASS HE ARSE FOR IIIBE. FUTURE FaaF.11ss5 PROMPTLY ATTE1:0E0 10. LII ..a ,any Lljei �'j�1j � q� t^l}[�pMY�c1 er ntl paints in tho rror;;:t r + S J 6 e t, }?orb Omit!., ratilatz, Mt, x" .t.1, W F:'aciiys Coast e , w""c., take the -1C..at B a t t v- Line Vt it rorom ^Sart 3a, Golorieh, I»;:1ca;sj,;.ee o0 Ile Southampton. he Lt1D73313rpi:l,iW,P,) 3tiandayez, fiat' E 'ga S. 017FCR, POETS TUE FOLLOWING DAY. 11:1*.ag.niSoe_t Stonan©rs. beeps ixocat?oa, th3 Fag&t-unrivallo,i 40 a uuinaler laolttlo,Y route. Lowesta;: angor and _refontrrtlemay too had from A. C. Str itii¢3o0, o1• laxness 0, 0. R. O. 3 2 lair, 0 3 3 2 , nlacdonald, 0 4 3 2 7. McIver, 1 2 3 2 D. Macdonald, 1 2 A A. Jitvl:enzie, 1 0 3 Alex. 1l,:odor1aid, 0 3 1 4 A. McSwaln, 0 3 2 4 W, Campbell, 0 2 3 Arch: Macdonald, 0 •y Scorer, Ir, D. FI nderso i., 3 21 Mis Jenni, Sharp,. te.,acJ.ler, of Toe: . water, is tht guest of Mrs. 111. D. Henderson. On Friday, the 27tH ult. Iti nuiriber of 1: terestod persons, as- sembled on the rm of Pair. 1). Ken- nedy Whiteclinr ll to see started, one of Patters°, .Bros., of Wood- stock, Tight than el. steel frame bind- ers. Their ago Mr. Jno, Campbell was present, a d with ono tonin trio binder worked like a charm, .All present were rli;111y ploased at its opposite Valzorlrt s=1'1 blacksmith she worn;. John oys, his firlD employs The late W.ai Alli ell blacks the first 340 mon workng night and day to ]tots shop Ill 'tie, tho r.,a.a r supply the dem nd for those binders. towards Wi,n 111a out out and --Berry picking all the go among logged by ono (q. Fulton, and a propo. Parke School and Mi ,' 1.1 Sit, of n df °!tion to establ';I1 a postoiiloo made to Zint School aro s I. Simpson of Clinton `School r ending their hal- Mr. Foley, tl ,Vas acceded section ther connected vl and develop surrounding who has reside years, conductin 1orsatile manta ing a -splendid pEreoptioll of t reminiscences and zest. One and traditions appropriate ain iS an neck! t. thiP. Ho earn n Pestnlawter General, to. Lilco every other aro amusing incidents 111 the early settlement tent of the village and lnti'y. Mr. Dengough, here for the past 14 Y. a tailor shop, is of a constitution and hav- 1llemory and a lively o ludicrous, relates his vit11 vivacity, interest y ono his rceollootinns aro clinched With an Mote. Mr.l3engough J. W. Benwough, of to Stanley in 184' k idays among frlond-.°heto.—O33 Wed- nesday Messrs. I' , iliilton & Gillespie shipped a oarloat; of fat sheep for ex- port. -.0a 3aatt 'day afternoon last .Lucktlow nine . id..Whitochurch club a visit to a frion ly gamo of base -ball. The ]atter wont b 04 to 8 afterwards Mr. J. Nixon cater° sumptuously for the lads. Blu; aTd. Rev, A. Y. Pim "ley preached to the members of Gott t, Victoria, No. 52, Canadian Order of iorestor's, of Tees - Witter, on Sunday a ening last. August 17111 is .otor'a civic he]iiin.+o, J. N. BElATTY, Genma1314nago: 3'. W. T. C., Sarnia. A T— pen an m., Tilts just received a lino of ohoiee fir.; f7tt9 'Nett O'M1ei9g A FINE JAPAN, 0 LDS. FOR $1. All the Lest brands of (CANNED 111EA'I:S, SA}tllltii_:;y A.s3 I'I i1, PIPLI ; SPICES, PURE PEPPER, PUNY, CO.FFFJ3. 5 LBS. DAR SOAP FOR. 25_ CTS. FINE TOILET SOM?, CHEAP. �3 "rr^kc ��+I sIAS'L JEiar OPj1N3:D QUJ A CA813 OL' O RINLa TEA. $T+1Tw DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS, &'ROa,ia $1.50 UP. WATER SETS, AND A FINE LINE OF GLASSWAT, FRUIT JAILS AND THE CELEBRATED LEBRATED AMERICAN FRUIT i� C IT PRESERVING POWDER. _up avGAR, CALL AND SEE'! US. NO TROiJDL1a TO $1,10W GOODS. moi l G � A lc ..e Having added a Delivery Waggon to this branch of the bu,iness,. orders will if necessary) be delivered anywhere within 10 miles of Winghaln. This will no doubt oftentimes save a good deal of trouble, especially .where parties 1nay not have suitable conveyances of their own. Ail necessaries for FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, J tTCRAPES, GLOVES, ETC,, kept ancl delivered with orders, 9 jRa t ., 4 EY Undertaker,, 711 For good value all round conte to the AN0I10.11. of the 1' Tun ANCIIQR WiII not tindersold. -----A1LE, OFp.ERI FG BIG BA.RC•AINS I -•-� PRICES BELOW- " 10 ; �; � �,' � tTh it EIei'i eur had In �R fav l tl°l, Fresh lines of TONGUE, TURKEY, BEEF, DTi OK, PIG PET, PINE, APPLES, MACKEREIL, SALMON, SARDINES, LOBSTERS, CORN, TOMATOES, .+ TCl41ATOL�I, P1+: AS, i✓ a r -: e'w` lM:-, (017 p, 1,, ,,f)` •9 Opposite the Central ]Totc'1 i�'..,�w.3s'r. r_.•->-:31u::."�Sr,�4Zfr:a'i.rl,; 9°' p the: q f» � O ©, annth i, h va t1 merely re- turn Itrnln 11r. .no' A. RADICAL J41 , S have made the tilse,.se of a:".D,t;' Vii, ll.hfo!Ong sttidr, 1 WA3rANTr"rr''e12t'lyto Carni, thee, t or saws. Breams c ,11c, 3Imre f iledisner.laorlforhotf10sr, t. il:r a cur). Gondgatencoforntrottiasoanr;,,.,1 : 7t i twl:•;1 of Fzzour, 1111:37 IIatltl,'03, l i' e xatre n and rest 0f3..e. 11 co..ts te'1 1ot44 ,,' lila auc1 it win Coro you. i_ ddl e s ter, Lc+, G.11,00)4. 87 raw l✓t, Toroutr, Ci^r, fo )11113111 .47 I Come early and got first choice as wo are bound to clear them out L h • 1• 9 �t 9191`t fl ' Ttv "' " Gods, Sateens, RztI us i n , I `i , Laces, lrobo•nM' Gloves es an Pose? oe, r 9i I;k9 Oathmere, Lisle, and Ootto .` , all sizes �.�• We eau fill all orders promptly as our stocIz is complete in every lane. • Jr4,1 „LAI Great vahle in Teas You should try (Jur ORBEN AND JAPAN VIA AT 20c. per ib. Best value in Canada. oots, Shoes and -Slippers.. In eniless vatriet' a ;n1 at Triels'to s lit alt purchasers: GoTtDpic & w a C: T ,a,