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The Wingham Times, 1888-08-03, Page 2
ttitctitg .1,sr•,fiatii-fr. es, fly _uuuCS FRIDAY, AUGUST 8, 1333. 1'33,tJ1'>'ifa.11'./.1140- ]) LU'SIONS. Thaler the caption ' (tai. Wainer:de 'ara111ia=e," sa IS/is axial has been dealing out to the eddies of the Ecl- a•aleurg1t Scotsmai al, good deal of very Suisleadlil , mel ; elpably absurd Inbar- elation. Alhloug the opening eenten- o b aro these : In Canada one + the most urgent social ,cit ..chic:' is how tc persuade women to cw.113 there, how 0 flet along without them, s * Wit u thoy reach the prairie LaidLeidm of promise : they are iu a woman's ,., to (11,Q. They may ask ;any wages they °,1. t,so, sand w worker's auto a x Ti +r S scrub the it"ars, if• 'et thein ii thoy aro tifa re:tltocteblo characters. do all tho lhet:vy 11 tho water can, 2 i' WOQd, for tl1Q st0v a a i 1 so 00. hien ;>', n, knead the do 'h, milk the rotes. atavents on norms ori a41011l:tCa1 03 equals the ftallily U. It in by her own that a "Bice ttlo woman" romans — not for 'ant o.' good "0:for ." ,elan may choose h r slate front a race of able, p;ospere:ts,.fanaeotne item. * x * i:l.ere eanne ten 't oua W01110,11 tQ every 50 ..1cu, and I heti ..o the old country coal r.slti r Ito great r boon upon this eine s'ouug seeding in thousands of `;;5:41117.11.1,.•'401,••44,.1114;',4:.1.34:1,•'417',1-: the pelta of maintaining the . ght and per. 1 A muvehneut is Imps. 1a the hope of a iet Linin„ Rat deemto repeal+round. Only when th r !; Slipped through their at convinced that It wash either of thesemill one. Ther business men whose ended, who might lh in comfort if they h businews when. it became new circumstances bad a now method% nr had at to keep abreast of the til -action than l our "rosabtid gi is" to soften and swcetou fisc in the Wild West." Now every this, apart from rare moonshine the old laauI o :a--illJ effeeions u1•: nt and will =: 1o, perhaps thole. Welled 1 y =:nee: ''Tele want 0 tells to make the fled, recklessanc :tete of absurdi 1eged utteran man : "Bet' goodness ho iy—she da. e girls." This e mimed picture ascination w " Davin, " from Begin'. was the writer's infernl- `u t and ho gave—her "a ,patient bearing." Mr. Davin, too, boomed Regina < "one of the centres of west- ern col 1Rerce' and is in turn spo'aen of as a cultured and fisc -seeing, and one 11' 0 "speake a5 wise leen speak, know i 1p that which shall be." His af- e story of girls who came out as its and who are now married to by leading metl,and who are, taking place at Ottawa among the"fasihion beauty" assembled to do honor to 's representative i lies on a many other highfalutin s of his. Ail such oratorical delusive, if not intentional, savin shail era could they be possible to aobiove Tile ,finale is a re malty old time now abroad in 0 export duties. The 'Mexican 1 it ander says these duties do not tired co resultsaadegnate to the amount cf unoyanee andlabor La areor has thus sadly that they cause.© iin}5hoa their days process goes on a es retired from apparent that hien rcgniriha3 ace deteranincti anadian knows that pretty sentiment, is and those who leave tho srength of these 'eciestine;lto disappoint - inwardly despise those unconsciously, deceived •enour in the utter - feminine influence non restless, dissatis- godless." Bat the cll. y is reached 'in the al - of a Canadian gentle- r oven than money—and ws, we, need capital baa• a cargo of home -loving Icbanting, but wofully, loses a good deal of its en we are told that N. e silvery -tongued orator" The l '11P 11 for al is easily moves and bringu lnethoals and result cept the eh tinged fl tion and adapt lib useless to cry hal former times we: e better than these. .r of accommodating stances. Ila must ught, the thud - the busiuoss n Himself into Sure to follow, 1a has been frsqueecy that minted. Time not grant nor e i1 3 chan�r04 in for Reciprocity. roci ty q have NOD. fit t lt,;.aa 1uu1.t ae- the current men d changing Situs- of the privileg self to them. It is would afford. I and urge tied the Been party Man has the pow himself to circlet study the trend of t oncy of the spirit o world and strive to bri conformity with is C. 1'. R. dinars A very important now going O7 at Columbia, The C certain sections province, when h wero very itnper aro endeavorin An export said the wort, was poorly- one. of 1\lr. .Tach. 1 dont ,of the Co show that he• was s tsitied when the work was being do-. e that the govern- ment was .scampi n and putting in material of a emporaly character which would ha e to be removed at an early date Id &also stoppage of operations. In many places rock had TTieet 0::.511. rbitration case is .0 C3»ever, British P. R. claim that profess to be tetnp('raaiice v altered much probably be a the Liberals f etl'icted rceipr States and SOrt'arives rel So the educative Ottawa, fair ; Galt fair ; Ayr, very goo good; Inner,a'1, good Woodstock, good ; L • ppringtfold,, t`eIr ; Iroquois, fttlr ; fockw good ; 1}tr;tiles I cee"` Lyall, Valley; Norwich, good 1bro, very good xbridge, fair ; dd, good ; Loa- d ; St. Mary's N ilestowu, below average• af;t';1.'aluiera¢(i' ighatn, not very ;al crop ; Peter- ; fl awkotairg, Roe not lettlf as loor ; Rothwell, average ; d:1-- .tplh, d good results are don, good ; Sarnia, got good ; Wyolniu;, goo very geld ; Teeswater sorted with painful Walkerton, below ave he Americana would not very good ; asides any proposals ood aver ! "et the ruling pzr,:ybo, below llseveral; . tT � , .o below average , j i give pronlnlente ill Cr{111 ; aver Cly, very palgn to offering many fair ;;AC -1 hosoly abou s evhioh Itecipraeity below average; Can Elora, good ; L. ora candidates inHalton Owen Sound, poor, rohibitionista, so the I to is not likely to be I Tho contest will atreight party ono, with reinh the issue of mare - city between the United °sanaada, and the hon- ing upon protection. Gant At a Demi' don, Eng., 11 admirable and which we qu f the• toad in, that j y e are outlet over , ! j raid to infuse L1c1,'s Future. 'on Day banquet at Lon- ln, O. iSlowat made an patriotic speech from to several extracts . to on it ndocl of tr to thee, eetly eoestrueted sand to recover damages. merican 'ugihtcrr , satisfied that in Many iplaces 1 defects itt it The evileliee remedied, 1 s tho American T rhe, vice -prose- to believe that 11any, went to able. It is we this C onstituti01 fortiting. It wt us by the it cperial Government. With slight ehanres itis the very one we asked for, country ;rows i creases in strong feeling in favor Canada, and I spirit hnanifeeting We love this Cana very hopeful in r We know its vast less resources, ' ality is one which aged—it is a sent' be cultivated. I an:i a very proper sairio time our lo is not at c11 lessen( d. We remember to remember—this e, though we are way. We always 110tne. It is our lr fatherland, the, tilers, the home of euerations untold. a country it has st achievements, done for liberty ways foremost in tion, always' ad - 6 it t e i i 1't.t.tk litep— layl'.let: 11tiee e ttata ssre :c, :.r 'vara • TI !A CS C't r; C. , Jo< 7.PhilINIZ STFll5 T, ,v1 i,10,;t3;:::: Cis-earroar, lea (lvaneo .:` i a a 1 t, Ito 1 5 Inn 1 1 tno. -.A'(h•• 01 ' t .. Lu i se.•.,11 fir r,::`I as 4 I ,i F ,. 1 t lit} 1' Ual la en Fe. r. r i ,t 1 ); ala 7 Ile 3 e1F UO 2 00 So tt. u ,r,( , t t d :-n 2 tivt,nsn} x 1,e pear nut. in Lull, very poor; l�? ,tlu,.:,t,,.s-;,,..::cIiuuturraeltsul;aa.iuctxt. , poor and light ,ea an al mat tt ; in r et. ttp1, for for ID* in. is .. ' n and . a f .+ s' . 't *oi,. qu ut ms::rit„a. No 14 TO. ,t e i.a°,,,tlht3talm,'.C. :1lrrtti. 11 ,l.a.nd,Sttac(d.Sitmatinns, and 13u*(,sF t°: 1.1,a 1, not exceeding s tine., nem. cit el , `'• Ir• -n•. +a '01,1 i 2 1 :' a not )evain;S 8 liner, :c Mel, u,- . l...Anent'month. Ti . ter'.,:: s ' 1 a•s • ndlcred to. ,: - 211 t.. :I .:tisane:Its, or for lout r , , u.ala in 1:n8, will ho . _d. ulti•nulur;S). 'ream- x:'+rtdtl `"1vAiX�13. silV`J Ht6'.YV42 li4 kY NA:nits a 134;700.13.srt a rune. We a app nd the n tees of those who succeeded in pasui g the recent ell 1 Cl' was 367, and ale() • 31. rep: cent I'll each l t, l;+,el:, 'm'ic'a at Wangle het and tiit011 o tc zl tt i xncu. i': n ,d a ,r must be lel T11e 11t1111ber 02 lila 'l.li tequirOdeto peal t iu order to appear subject, ;and 50 p' F et'nt. ill tl1tc al`,^,,;rOr aar",i,.tanPumasn,n. re ou,nst.'xided .haa'�,' rrs.r ..cam_ ft, but failed on miff I q., �s� 3 �;• +ly to be a11:'sv cel by t v I'c , 1, 1 i ,, n to i;itt,dtan (1naral c•r: u,t, n sn , .... is,. I:utllunu's 010 Stand. 1Y1�1.k.�.• & i . ern •plea ete- sufficient aiU�t .,.. subject but are lit the depal'tlxleet : goat('. Those varlll� improve c HAA. into it a lamer portion eagle, Bridget 3 6 I Morris of the spirit of the British Coustitu- l'yilllalyd, Lizzis 'ti 7 Wheelie In taco. But th ugh I do not regard Brawn, Lottio - 0 Wroxeter our Constitutio l as perfect, and ani Cline, Nellie '99 ' Winghaul xperionce has showu which ought to be it is far , superior to .1Stitttion, I rejoice its defects are rotnov- 1 tt7 remember that is one of our own s not imposed upon fedi sesta weal thei and been blasted into the Prase when it shied( purposes of El banlanents wh rola the faco of bluffs • and Thouipsen rivers have been utilised for ling and making min •e the Government had put iu "Gruel: • peer tresles," a class of work to whici he strongly objected. He took a teeptio tho bridges built and- also to the to .support cant. whole he critic language the we toont section, take not less bring it up to t Oslee and CIar counsel for the Cassels, Black for the Comp ease are wat our e par wit utteraanC rant an inisrep' esoutation is detrimental to the be interest of Canadian Society. Perna' help it, scarce in the North- west, Ws t; a have an abundance in Cana ta. We have women as active, en- • orgoth intelligent, frugal, affectionate as aro tbo found in Britain, worthy and wil Mg too, to become help meets . to the 1 lucky pioneers who have gone to Motet o single handed in the western wilds. C:TI to The hasaS not aaf dewed to pov cense meet uletic Thee. iiQ+`. Comet titiOli ED BUSINESS ;,Ii TI1ODS. reit: th:al G,c+d-Zillini Nets gg(3stivo article slhowing how a� w business men have been re• reel circumstances of affluence -•sty by the cli,tuge(t conditions went on the march of improve- s well as the entirely different de of doing busineas of late years. vats a tittle, in Canada, when being ecareely existent, atial to business enema to the character of y the Government, rib-wharfiug put in nknrenCS. On the sed iu vary strong, k upon tete Goveru- d claimed it would than $5,000,000 to e'standard. Messrs. stopper Robinson are `3vernhlientand Measru. tock and Judge Clarke y. The counsel in each - eine the progress of the arbitration el iti great attention. The public are al 'o interested. pp Mu. and. their golden O. P. R thinks there is of 20,000,000 Manitoba this ye Hon. E. Dowdn ed Minister of Superintendent o Mr. John fling Rev. J. C. missionary ses church of El Toronto last v farewell at W the e. of. goede, reader bu and Pea; r , acre slow „ ware active melte in macre° :may their traelri. the teeennfat TOIII�L ] OTalfe. rs. Gladstone celebrated wedding last week. Superintendent Whyte likely to be a surplus shels of wheat in • y has been appoint - the Interior and Indian affairs, and t postmaster goueral. Robinson, the first t to Japan by the ,land i11 Canada, left eels, receiving a hearty cliffs college. * �t •• As our population and in 11 there is a growing f the nationality of rejoice to see that tself here tonight. lad of ours, We are gird to its future. extent --its bound his spirit of nation- ught to be eucour- (nent which should is a very natural entilnent, fit the -e for the Old Land ea to awindle, ranger ling them ftea taking Tina, Leg,01.1 to (Irate a .91 former yeas in Dawson, Eva Hotuuth, Alice Halsted, Lilian McDoea1d, L. !!filler, Maageie Risd'nl, .tl.nnio It tel, Mary A. Rees, .fomite Sheppard., L. J. Sanderson, M.- Sucith, LilahL. Wright, Jane ii° Wilson, Ida iwi Agnew, Pleteh Cassels, Robe Gordon, R. Mooro, Thos McKay, Alel Sandie, Jose Stnilile, Robt Scutt, David 5 Timmins, 13 Wilson, .Benj Williamson, J Whiteford, t —we IICVOT cease country cts our ho living 3,000 miles talk u2 it as' onr birthplctiee Of our f our ancestors for We know how grea been., Nve know its we know what it ha and all mankind ; a the ranks of eivilis vancing in religion, arts and overything good—it is itupossibl of and not to love o the same time no of our present relations remain unchanged. Paola ni.Z.OVN has retired from the The mime of T. o taw, of ilton, Stock Jon nal, has editor of the Live remedy for tl etch abroad in Chicago Let and Tire Unite( tates Hon of any and all trust . 0 tali:title:11 the reg let ports now in mast n e. are rapid y humid u must ON Wally app niom ti of pereonal held before s •elee generally. Th mori of a protecti Ye tat • ego idea he foreign ed, tonght fed for a of Repro - a bill in the produet er cent. in The trusts popular, and avow, big and d. clevek and vest and vilest d abuse. Bat ire and press iterature, the fine hat is noble and not to be proud ✓ country. At e can say that are permanent. that thoy can Vilna the change 49 tk1Vin ,hall' il4 WingIzun 55 1Wing hani 439 1( Turhhbetry 4333 'Wroxeter Wiaaliain 1a i. Wawanoah 10 Howiek • Wiitghaln 1 Turuberry .Wroxeter :4 Grey 118 Howick h, T eVingham ,Viughatn V"lhigham• i inloss 3 Grey 10 Morris 10 Morris 13 E Wawauosh 10 Morris 13 llowick 0 4' Wawauosh 10 Morris 385 • .5stl 337 883 4:ia 475 884. 867 r 417 t 412 407 489 887 ' 500 453 379 98 384 V 414 11 410 should be is a problet very difficult; to cal plan proposed. one \vela would sati would not satisf Some enthesiaetic 'what a great emintry are yearning te bec dent people, But N, that we are not in thoroughly independ years hence wo migh deuce but we eanno Then thero is anti will not discuss. Holnaes, Ada Sample, Tena Elder, Clark Guest, Fred James, leo Bitches, j Smith, 0' t seen any precte- could draw up fy Canadians, but Groat Beitain. nadians, seeing we have beconfe 1110 an indepen- e older men feel 1. position to be think of! italopen- think of it now.. ao not think that Berea, Cha Courtice, S. Dick, Ma Gibbin Hunte Laidlaw, Laidlaw, Taylor, Turner, Conno 388 Wingham 388 •Wingliatn ha 896 Whig -Liam or 1,:e.iins-i• Private fund5 Kent's ;, ani Gerrie. 0. 111. 5. \tom 010111N0011Z. anyoue here would. oeit'a,t the propos- al that tve seould country which lam us to another e ive away this great been entrusted to And then there is t scheme of Imp°. vial Vederetion. tion this import receivo I rejoice to whatever change a our relations wit will bo one which vill make our con- nection with the diseoluble and 'at whatever solo, ett matter may lope and feel that iny bo needful in the Old Land it other 'Country in- tevotual. (Loud. otte 489. Clinton Model 427. 2 Matfett 899 Olbatou Model do,g• gie 402 10 Stanley ly 426 Cliuton Model of emitna 444 1 Morrie ddie 881 Clinton Model nnie 410 1 Morris la,ry 885 1 Morris , Em 518 °Hetet Model lice 867 Holtmesville ate 894 Cliaten Model fully A 876 6. Tuelteeemitla George 4.30 10 Tuchersinith Ernest 481 10 Tuckersinith nos 8a8 10 E Wawanosh Dols, Joh 390 10 Tuck-el:smith Gram, W 120 Beyfield Henry, Jr. vis E 187 Blyth Hunter, m 398 1 Morris Ketchee, ' 413 le) Smiley Miller, A Irate a21 Clinton Model McLean, Welter 381. Illyth Poekett, 'red 409 Clinton Model Reid, blies N 425 6 Hallett • Recommended. Lousing, e 402 43 Hallett Peek, Wm • 3 378 13,tyllold: Whitely, 'S Tell. 401 -Clinton Model JOIIN BARRISTERS. 50 ..T.c.,T,C1111, -NOTARIES PITELIC, CONN EYANCliN, rm. OFFICES -it -leaver • 051•., Private and ilen53,31y •,..) loan Itt 10W rates ch bought and. sold. ;31c:ea:dile codediens a specialty. Satarday—011iec hotel: Gerrie: ist 0,031 Se.0 Motiklayo 01 these et Albion hotel •, each month—Lace hotel Ertracting T.120 Oa Tho fallowiue has been furnished places where mille crops are from fa' to very good along and south of th main line of the Geand Trunk rid way west, and earth of that they aro f cen fair to very poor. It looks aa if the e will be another year of not enough oft. s in Ontario for home consumption :— Wen Mills, eate look- ing well ; Men if aro being crop pronnsed at crop Deport 7 tho millers from • sitbated. Tho ein making beautiful setts of Mir:rill Gum " Teeth" for 88.00 poi t 16-io Teeth, per sett, 54.00. PricellYal air other branches of dentis• try in proportion. Vegetable Vapor mindoistrated for the painless OFFICE : In the Waver Bloch, opposite the Brunswick Hotel. LICENSED AUCTIONEER. Orders left at Tame' °Mee promptly attended to TER21S REASONABLE. Robb, Ge LICENSED AUCTIONEER FOR THE COTINTT, OE Sales attended in any part of the Co. Charges, ADV1041 TO MOT . MS..- Are yon disturbed at eight and broken of 3 -our rea's by %sick 51111.1 suffering and crying with pain of Cutting Teeth? If 00 501111 at once alai get a bottle of " Winslow% Soothing Syrup" fdr Children Teething. Ito value IS 1110111101 - able. It will relicts: the „poor little sufferer immediately.. Depend upon i., mOthens there is no nifstalte about it. It erases Dysentery and Diarrhaxe, regulates the Stomach said Dowels, cores Wind Celle, softensthe Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives touc and 511.0113, to the whole " Win• 8oething Syrup ". for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the pri2solption of one of FOTOilt, averago 2`i; Vilgla;,1vtegs,tnaltt‘fV1tt by all druggists 114111013. All sales attended to promptly and on the Shortest Charges 'Model:ate and Satiefaetion Guaranteed. All necesswy arrangements can, be made at the '4.3T for Cm Counties of (turd. and Bruce. At moderato rates, salts will be 'Conducted in any podiou of the Cour-tie.. Orders can be Mit at the Timm (Mice. ALEDONIAN Tido emninoclicus hall cm be secure:1 to enter. terms em., apply to at Cline &Co's store. Trains arriro and depart as followe : 0:11 p.01 —For Tecswatcr 8'15 " Through tichets to ail points 'in Amerika—North: West, Pacific Coast, ete., V141 tho shortest and all polnitar routes. Paggego checked through to destination. zowest, freight rates to all points. 5115111 WIXOM% .11•12111011 NC wiivoitam.