HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-08-03, Page 171191‘1`
a' •
'VOL, XVI i. ---NO 81\
-Seven thous°, d outeido reernhere o
the A. 0. Fe twee ed a. pieeio in Hamilton
ee Mainlay,
-Bright beat . nderich et lacrosse by 8
to one ancl Street 4 heat Clinton on Mon-
day by 4 to O.
-The by-law t raise 0180,000 to pier-
Qbase the ton toa e in Wentworth cenuty
ewes defeated by 87 majority.
-Plicketon for ea a, nearly new. .Gaat be
eeen at Coutts & Itigliti' shop. Appy to
Mrs. E. Johns, jolui Ste, Wiughana.
-:Vifty-two ti tete were ohl at Wing-
. bare for the Ora i eville picnic' On SthtthZ4thy
Let, and 107 at 'I emitter.. •
-The Catiadi a Pros Associa,tion's
axcureitin this ye r is to Portland, Maine,
eakieg in Bostou, the White Mountains &c...
iporeLThe flow a oney Wit; season has been
ar below the av ragb sena apiarists share
In the discontent t the season's prospect-.
-The tidy an we conductee barber
shop of Air. IL Knapp, mud Veterinary
Simon Wilson's Mae are improved by a
coat of palm. -
-All the Sebbat sohoole between Lis-
towel and Ripley a to be afforded cheap
exeursion rates by be O. T. R. to Kincar-
dies on August the 15th. .
-The Orenbro school beard have
reengage( their tea er Mr. John MoIntosh
for 1888 at 9. sal y of 5500. This is
promOnese, surely.
Irwin Johnston, •4 Manion, died last
week in his 62n6 ye r. He was a marl of
integrity and well es -wiled. Dr. Johnston
st clever son died so e mouthe ago.
-The band'evesit o Luoknow on Thurs.
day to take pe,rt in rnouster picnic under
• the auspices of the •oint societies of the
town on ,the occo.si 14 the civic, holiday.
-Brother Race, • the Mitchell Recorder,
has received from is friends te solatiure
in the form, of a 100 purse 'to assist in
.et 40 defraying the e penoes 9f his late libel
-Bev. Dr. De art, of the • Christian
Cuardiatz, was ele ted Preindeet of the
Canadian Press A sedation ehis week.
He is a cleverand d stinguished Man and
will grace the positi n. .
, --Negotiations ha e been completed for
the purchase, by the G. T. Railway, of the
Tolpdo, Saginaw & Muskegon road. De-
troit thus secures a air line to Muskegon
and a second direct •ute to Milwaukee.
0, Yes I 0, Yes/ 0, Yes I -Everybody
.go on the big cu iOn to /element Falls
ee.uder imsby Pa Aug. leth. Train
Ie Wingliam a 6:80 a.m. Tickets
ode for Three da s ouly 42.30. Cozne.
long with the cro
--Cliuton .1Veto Era : The handsome quilb
worked by Kiss A. E. L. Treleaven, of
s field, and whieh was on view at the
-Great Northwestern air last year, and
which was atterward presented to Queen
Victoria, has been d dy received by her
ElitIesty, and acknowl
-Chief Pettvpiece received two cards
nfferieg rewatds of e 0 and e50 respec.
• tively, for escaped r ntiesing parties.
The firse is for oueeston who escape
!rem' _Brampton jail remedy. He was
charged with aesaul ng a Mr. and Mrs.
Forester, .at Bolton. The second was for
missing man, de pendently inchued,
fr Carlton, Orlea Co., N. Y.
--The 13,ressels dget comes out square
and flat.footecl ag net the practice of
giving preset at g Id and silver weddings
on the groun that what should be
"unalloyed friendly atherings, degenerate
into delicate ways of eating presents from
Unwilling donors," ewspaper teen see a
good deal of human nature, meet th good
deal of cleadbeating nd are -unjustly, we
presurne-aconsed o doing a little at it
once in a while.
D. Woad 'farewell sermon ort
Sunday night last ve s a well reamed and
stientdating elucidati n of the utterance of
411164 to his deeiples "Lo, I am with you
.4levays." The Dr. s ke pleasantly' of his
seeetirti iu nd kind and gener-
ous treatment by ti e peop14 and gave
some encouraging„ad ice as latve best to
support the muse o christianity and to
conduot individual hurch work. The
'church wee wellfilie representatives be-
ing present from ever detueninatiee,
-Winghain school made a very credit-
able howing at t a Entrance. The
examination was on the 'whole fair (inept
the arithmetic. Ou of the chitin class of
10, 16 have been co pletely successful or
were recommeeded, which is as good as a
pas, each pupil making over 50 per
nt of the aggrega o number of marks,
a failing in but • e subjeot. The De-
partment has never efused, to acknowledge
a recommendation ram Huron as yet.
At somenf the towns wholesale slaughter
was made: At Parkd le 3 were successful;
Streeteville ; Belt= = 6; Brampton 7
complete pass, and On e recoup:I:tended.
-.Under the head o "Obeervations"
the Glebe we find thi, "--"What is the
Matter With Druce.?". old Mr. D. E.
Cameron, Ninny Provi elal Treasurer, to
thc Observer the other d y. Mildmay has
had a. N0,000 lire, lust efore that Ripley
was swept out of (Wolin co. A low weeks
prior to that disaster C esley was% laid it
ruins. But a short time Igo Southampton
was °halted and gapped by a great con-
flagration. Pour et five hriving towns in
the 01,10 county destroy,.1 within a few
=titbit. How many o these stricken.
tommutnties were previa tvith means of
protection against the enemy which
wrought the destruction 2
.the 0
-Eight new br
arranged for in Ri
-Port Elgin 15 blie Sehool passed 14 at
the root eutrau e, Tees,weter ao, B,in.,
eardine, e and 14 know 8. In nurcni
comity, Winghatn eased 16, fieo,forth 20,
Clinton 12 and Go rich 10.
-The Ontario ocher& Association
meets in Toronto o the 14th leth aec116th
A.ugust. Paper' ar te be read, by a L
Strang, 33, .A.. of Go erioli and 0. Clarke-
son.13. A.., of Sado h.
Grenta VP Bzcsnmss.--Sals of Dry Goods
at Cost, beginning Augast 1st, '88. Thie
is a genui e sale at cost, as I am giving up
uly 30, 1888,
bush) let of September. Parties owing
me ill please settle by let of September.
0. AL Nevaes,
-0epies of Begin pers, kindly handed
10 us by parties eeiving thein from
relatiy.es in the -4 local y, indicate splendid
ordp pcospeots througl out the whole north
west. In conseque oe settlers are in
excellent spirits, a as to health, every-
hocrY wejoye that b ug there.
-The Clintoe. He era in this delionee
way reminds corns (indents "to boil it
deveae ; We Imo A si 2 -page communication
denying a statement • at recently appeared
to the effect that youeg man VMS so
• badly scared by a wil cat or some other
animal flit* he had. 0 telt') refuge in a
.neighbor's hello, and 'ereained" all night.'
- -On Monday las a large number of
friends, re:embers-1g is congregetion and
others, met at tile • Wm to bid farewell
to Rev. 'pre Ward cl wife and to wish
them journeying ple sures and blessings.
-They left amid 'neve sal regret and °erre%
lug with them the iighest esteem and
good wishpeof citizen generally. Heartily
will al], exersien ; B Vwage.
-Save, tIni Listow I, Banner,: The pose
Ron and standing o the several clubs of
the Gerry. 'District Will be seen by the
following eehedule ;
Clubs Won ost Drawn To Play
Listowel 4 0 , 0 . , 8
,Chesley • 2 , 1 2 . 2
. Walkerton ' - 2 1
Imoknow " 2 2 0 8
•Wingham ., 1 2 1 8'
• Teeswatek 1 3 2 2
Kincardine 0, 1 3 3
Paisley ' 0 2 2 8
• .
-Banking, act calling, at least in the
earlier years.ef, gee who .etigage in it, es
'One of tbeMost
WINGIIAlvi, ONT., FRIDAY AUGUST, a, 1888. WI-10bE NO, 862
ap , Itailway excursion
k buildings are again
cer am of employments
as to one's locus iz quo. A few days ago
Mr. J. D. Nich , ledger keeper in the
Beek of Hamilto here, was notified of his
translation to the Simeoe Branch') On
Thursday exiornin he left for his new
sphere of labok 8 uring his etay of several
years here he 'ha made many warm and
firm friends, all Id whom regret his de-
parture. Re" evel be especially missed
amongest the boy's, as he took an active
interest in all tl ir amusements. We
uuderstand his el sition is regarded as a
pr. on. He i au efecieut banker.
--Ie he mapi cent samples of goose-
berries left in o r sanctum by Reeve
Morton are any e teriou as to the supply
and quality of sm • I fruits generally, then
we believe grumb ug would be precluded
on this score.) 13 we believe Vie Mer-
ton's fondneserfor h rticulturel, itoricultur.
al, and even agric Rural pursuits arid his
acrurate knowledg: of necessary conditions
and methods of e lture, 08 well as his
determination to aye the finest varieties,
accord him some ar beyoed the average.
He is setting up a ideal worthy of imita-
tion. The cholas ampler' were of the
Ringer, White Smi Ocean Wave toed
Crown Bob varieties,
Peesoseas.--Godsrioh Signal: Miss Lizzie
Kennedy, of Winghana 's the guest of Mrs.
A. J. Manger.-Gode eh Signal: Mrs. Alf.
Ireland, of Winglia after spending feer
weeks visiting frieuc here, returned home
Saturday last, ernue benefited in health.
-tarr, Abram With formerly a drayman
in Winghana is now = e ployed in e furni-
ture factory in Oshaw His effeots were
removed last week. e. W. G. Hingeton
of Brussels, acorn 4 by her nolo Miss
Nellie Trudgeon of ilwalkie was visiting
her son Mr. R. T. ingston of this plaoe
this week. --Err. N. Irmo, of Tiverton,
and brother to Mr. D. IcInnes of McInnes
& Co., Wingharn, p sed through town
on his way to Toren o on Monday. Mr.
McInnes conducts general 'mercantile
business and has bee postmaster for about
twenty years at Ti vert .-Mrs,Meleredley,
of Harristote is on a vi 't to her souss.of the
Winghatxt bakery. Sh is accompained by
Miss Lizzie Strong o the same place. -
Mrs. Harold Laud, of Is anion, Texas is on
a month's /visit to II re. Gilmore in the
north end. -Mr. John Clegg, spent Immo
days in Toronto last eek.-Olinton Noes
Beeord : Barrister IL . C. Meyer, of Wing-
haan,passed auto the c unty town Mouday.
We were pleased to aye the geetimab
give us a call. -Miss bine) Kennedy, of
Winglia,m, is visiting f 'ends at Morisbank.
--Mr. F. li, Brown, an employe in
Bell's furniture fontor is spending a few
(lays with his relative at Inceter.-111r. J.
A. Ohne Was on a viei to his friends fu
Seaforth for several d • 0 this week. -Mr.
R. Elliott, of the True, hes been at Brant-
ord and Toronto for tl • past fortnight. -
r. James Ititchie, of ohester, a care
riage painter, was hone onlo,<isit to his
parents at Wingliam la wook, Um. Dr.
Chisholm, is an a vi 6 to iende and
relatives at rogue. *es Elia Brady,
wito has been the guest Airs. W. Black,
for a fortnight pm left on Thum
day for her OrthEt at Nowich.-Miss
Maggie Hailiday, f Wingliam is on a visit
to her brother a Detroit,. -Mies Kate
Abraham, is visiti g her brother, Bobert,
at Port Huron. -T le Brussels Budget ; Mr.
Will Hill, of "Wingham, 4 former resident
'edf this place, has •orne hack to make
Brussels bis home, tad congruences next
week to learn th bar ering business with
R. N. Barrett C. H. Hepinstall, and ilineSS he die
wife, jeweller o St. Thom was in town day, 1:18w
Oda week, on w y to visit his friends
at Fordwich. H commented on the °
f and hi
condition of Win ham 15 years ago to Wi &AM a
when he lafit visite it. He tells us he sent home for I
spent 84,000 in adve ising his business in
five years and believe it paid, tool Re has
imbibed largely of A moan busi Tess ideas
and methods.-Efr. Smellie and lady
leave for a holiday t ip this week. They
go to Fergus first an thence to Niagara, and
other poiete,-Err. EL Graoey, of (anan.
oque is on a visit) 1. Mr. 8. Gracey Wing -
ham. Gananoque eing a place of resort
things are quite liv but orops in Leeds
couuty are poor. Err. racey contereplatie
a tour to Arizona, earl in September -where
a brother to our to nsman, Mr. Chas.
Gracey, resides. -Re . W. K. Short, M. A„
wili. preach in the , ougregational church
unelp,y morningete evoing.-Mr. I.' T.
El- Ilerovene accoMP fled M. Brookenshire
et) the Photogra hers' convention at
Toronto thia week. r. X. E. Mulholland
has charge of lerr. B ockenshire's gallery
in his absence.-eMes re. Wm. Robertson
and T. J. Elliott,leav on Monday to attend
the grand Lodge ;• 0 • re Mr, J. Morton,
who is a membe "of the Committee on by-
laws, does not I till Weduesday.)-Miss
Nellie Dewar r. A. Chalmers both
clever and Recces ful members of the
teaching professio in Waterloo county
were on a visit to fr nds Winghean this
week. They, are at present visiting rela-
tives in the vicin y of Belmore.-Mr.
Wat Rutherford, of the Thelon factory is
indisposed and off oric.-Mr. T. Miller,
in the employ of r, M, H. MoIndoo, is on
a trip. to Detre' Cleveland and other
American cities, Mr. Geo. Carr, tailor
now working at Thomas, le home on a
visit to his parent in Lower Winghaml-
Mr. David Welsh le for a fortnights elide
in the locality of oerileld.-Efiss Liz
Dulmage has be era fortnight's with We
sister and frien iirToonto.-Err. james
McGuire, of th expreseeneleemith his wife
and faMily spe "unda,y evitIlefudge Doyle
at GoderielL-Dr Mackenziela libme with
his parents, loci ng fresh and vigorous.--
Atm Dr, Mae amid, left oil Thursday to
visit lelerfetelat ea in Beggatleld--, .
ent armors' fields, pick peas
ncl sell them on his return to town.—
About. two w,lts ago a Mr. Henry
hrysler, of e alt, passed through
Winghara, to e tend some time with
his son Anson ehrysler, on con. 10,
Tuenberry. fter two or three days
unexpectedly on Satur-
81 years and 6 months
remelts were conveyed
lieu on Tuesday and
all Shows.
Nth West re Fair, at Wingham, Sept.
2561.1 and 26th.
Industrial, Toronto, Sept, 10 to 22.
Provincial at Kingston, Sept. 10 to 15.
Western, at London, from the 201h to
the 20th of September.
East Wawo.ncish, Belgre,ve, Oot 9111.
Exeter, on Monday 'and Tuesday, Oc-
tober 1 and 2.
Clinton, on Wednesday, Thursday and.
Friday, Sept. 19, 20, afid 21,
South Huron, at Seaforth, on Monday
and Tuesday, Sept, 17 and 18.
Goderich, on Tuesday, Wednesday,
Thursday and Friday, 061. 2, 3, 4, and 5.
Morris, at Blyth, leedueeday and
Thursday, Oct. 101h foul 1111.1.
us fire ocourred here
rning, by which the
aw mill and private
rs. Bich and Sraith
A most disast
on Thursday m
large roller mill,
residence of Iles
were totally dest oyed. In the roller
mill were about wo thousand bushele
of wheat and a arge quantity of flour.
A very large uantity of lumber was
also destroy° Burning shingles
were carried a g at distance and were
the cause of two or three small fires
in the village, vela eh were luokily ex-
tinguished befor gaining any head- Th
way. The lose s estimated at $20,- a ne
000; insurance $5,000-.
T rnberry. . owel
Mrs. B. A. B rgess, (nes Josephine lacr°
HOwell), of Detr. 't, Mich., and family, of ro
are visiting at M . Geo. Blackwell's at towel
present—Mr. 0 orge Tipling, who is ab ti.'
in Speler's jaw lry store, range at., !.? 1
Toronto, was •n a visit to Messrs. ;AV
Tipling Bros:, his week.—Mr. W,m. 'ft..8' m
Anderson, of th R. line, ivho had his wa's 0
.A, 'very Serio
Belgrave S
yet result fat
As Mr. and
s accident occurred at
nday last, which may
ly to some of the parties.
Ifs. John Little and a
neighbor net tecl Miss Smith, were re-
turning horn
afternoon, their
manageable and r
which was occupi
Proetor, wife an
George Proctor
upset all down
is•nearly 20 fe
where several • f
jcired. Drs. 0
of Wingham, we
of the accident
power to reliev
last accounts a
ably although
Mrs. Proctor
head besides
Smith was ve
Geo. Proctor
and a very bad at
Mr. O. Proctorsr
public Bobo° ave passed successfully
the High se ool entrance eXamination
here Ulla Men ; Luo, 0, Martin, 671
Emily Potter, 0 ; Alice MeTavish,
488; Zetta. Fai bairn, 4'23; 1V1innie
Nixon, 416 -; nue Paisley, 415 ;
Digby Gillies, 418 ; Louisa Smith,
407; Neil iw °In Waldo, 374; and
Jennie MeIC non, 367. The maxi-
mum numbe of marks was 785 and
the minimu • required to pass was
867. --The Te swater Lacrosse Club '
have entered a • rotest .against •Wing -
ham, on the gro nds that in the match
played in Wingh in on July the 2011i
between Wingh and Teeswater
Oornyn, a play r in the Wingliam
team, played 0.; er more association
latches with t e Mount Forest team
his season.
from church in • the en
horse became un -
into the rig ahead,
d by Mr. Charles
daughter, and s
ncl two children, and to
n embankment, which
t high at that place, fo
them were badly in. lo
ishohn and Tamlyn, se
ei soon on the scene T
ud did all in their by
the sufferers, and at ha
are. progressing favor- ag
lot all out of danger. it
as badly hart about the ti
ntqrnal injuries. Miss an
seriously hurt. Mrs. Q.
• d some ribs broken pa
on the ad, while M
jallin on some jun
stones received •tiv eJnjuWes in his cou
back. . The other'',AvOre mo or less leN
injured. but not seie'rely.
were badly broke up: Mr. rigs, on
tor's Wi
etel!,it turned arouu 'th' the r run- is
,,;mthe hub, must both eels Oh,
to cofil,6 off. They n into the M. B. sitt
church shed wher they wet.e eauglit,
without having re eived a seratph..;, It
was a miracle Ilia •
instantly. ---Rev, tr. e zifertiv.,01.4 fj3;41
Trinity ohurch shaki g hands with e
late congregation. • Sunday last.
In 1875 t
rnith passed
wnship board
une, 1887, a
rmer by-law was
st. It is now pr
oond time the
he points raise
-law to abet'.
S once bee
ain be sub
can be su
me must int
d second su
a., represent
yers, moved b
ahon Osg
ction jestr
mil froth
v. M. B.
behalf of t
th the con
submitted f
ancery Diyisioi
ings. ,
township of Tooker-
by.law establishing 4
f school trustees. In
y -law to repeal the
ubraitted, and was
posed to submit a
repealing by-law,
are-:Irirst, when a
h a township board
defeated can it ever
abed '1 and, eecondly, if
reified, what length of
ene between the first
issiens 2 Mr. Moss,
ng some of the rate -
fore Mr. justice Iliac -
de Hall, for an in-
ining the township
ain Submitting the by -
B. Johnston appeared
O Minister of Education.
nt of the judge the case
the opinion of the
al Court at the next
Mr. R. 3. Bart
%ore -school,
a three week
Hamilton. II
t proportion of
neItas erected
year. The w
john Abraham,
e gang of men h
on. John is'a
—Mr. Wm. Husto
Greek, near Walk
hi3 holidays here,—
Blenheim public sch
position on the Lista
He was a former Bel
clever young man a
teacher.—illiss Nell'
cousin, Mr. Adam
teachers, of Wellesl
have been spending
holidays with Mr,
family here.—Mr, D.
teacher, is spending.bi
friends in Paisley. -11,
sold to Mr. John Whyte,
85 hogs, averaging over 2
price was 6 cents per lb.
Maitland Pre
pedal meeting
li, Kincardine,
for the pttrp
on, of Ohal
o township.
. McQueen,
0, McDonald,
Messrs. McPherso
son and Harrison
commissioners ap
getion : Donald
ell, and R. D.
that the congre
ars ;vith the m
,ympathised With
W the etate It
ike to retain his
feel justified in
don. Mr. Robe
e congregation w
fty families, a nt
away lately, arnon
their elders. 11.1
Mrs. John P. Bran
on Thursday last at
of 81 years., Her r
lowed to their last
cemetery, on Frid
ber of sorroeving f eends and relatives.
sI settlers. The
reached a very
?limn on Sunday
ndon and his family
the ripe old
on passed tleva3r wen
age Irvi
sting, Brandon's Mr.
ains were fol- itahris6
0, principal of the
visit to a. sister
is satisfied that
is holidays were
ut in.—Mr. Wm.
fine new barn '
rk was done by
who has had a
sy at work this
lendid mechanic.-
, teaeher at Otter
ton, is spending
r. W. Irvine, of
1, has taken a,
el high school.-
orite and is a.
d a successful
Dewar, and a
Chalmers, both
y, Waterloo Co.,
portion of their
es Fleming and
N. Macdonald,
holidays with
Henry Day
of Mitchell,
0 lbs, Tho
, by a large num.-
She was among the
Rev. R. Geoffrey
eloquent funered s
evening. Mr. Br
have the sympatl y of the community
•eavement,—Prof. A.
lever Phrenologist,
ries of lectures on
esters' hall during
has been fairly
e people of the
een home spending
y of this week, Mr.
merchant, shipped a
idid cattle 'which he
or the old country
in their sad be
Galbraith, the
has been giving a
Phrenology in the Fo
the past week, whic
well attended by t
village and its s
Bryce, who has
her holidays, ha
On Wednes
C. McClelland,
car load of spl
has been feeding
Lista el.
e Baptists hay deoided to erect
w church. Fe places excel Lis.
inthe matter f church architec-
-A keenly ontested game ot
sse, with ma d manifestations
ughness was pI yed between Lis.
and Oliesley o Wetlesday last
O latter place. 1 istowel won by 4
—Tuesday, the / 4th Angust, has
chosen as civic toIiday.—At the
eeting of the •uneil resolu tion
itrried to the ffeet that oontin-
on the Agric tural Society of
Wallace releasing t. - town from. the
lease held by said octety, awl the
Age;nultural Exhibit`on Association
amalgamating the So iety for exhibi-
tion purposes, this Oo neil will grant
for suoli uses the pres nt agricultural
hall, and grant the so of 011e hundred
and fifty dollars to aid in moving the
leg injured some tune ago, is able to
—Messrs. Tmling
mix heavy imported
o Mr. Wm. Getnraill,
, for $800. This
old this season, one
to Indiana, Tj. S,,
Portage la, Prairie,
'ipling Bros. are the
en in the county,
be at work ago,
Bros, have sold,
stallion, Garnet,
of concession
maltee the third
having been son
and another to
Manitoba, The
youngest horsen
although thew fa her was amongst the TeesWat
iirst in Huron to i uport. They expect At a trteetiug of Te
to go to Scotland an early date for No. 183, L O. 0. P.,
another sapply.— e0has. Henderson the following officers w
was laid up for a rtnight with a sore for the ensuing term :
knee. He is able to be around again. McBvers ; N. G., J.
--An able-bodied resicrent of Wing- V. G., 'W. Fessant ; P.
ham has devised happy Ctpedient R. S., W. 13untote ; Tr
for obt i
qtxestionable bilml us luxuries Of life, t
The plan, is to 420 out into this
n ng a liv iihood or rather the
Brink ; W. W, Fowler
ive to Grand Lodge, D.
*--.The following scholars
swater Lodge,
last evening,
'e duly elected
. W.
arquherson ;
, L. Ilearte ;I Mureay was appointed
c°aarmd ieur
rdeisdwouldjguno at 1
that th
some fi
s held in Knox
n 'Tuesday, 24th
e of considering
the Rev. Mr.
rs' Church, Kin -
Present — Rev.
therland, Mc.
-Malan°, and
The fel- •
ared for tic&
err, Duman,
ampbell, who
ation hed got
lister's salary.
Ir. Cameron,
health, and '
services, but
pposing hie
tson stated
small, only
bor having
whom were
resignation was, on maim of Mess'.
IlleDonald and McQueen, . ccepted and
the Rev. Mr. McDonald w s appointed
to preach the pulpit wicat een the first
Sabbath in August. J. L. -
crater of
the pulpit .
The pre::,
surer, L. A.
C.. Chadwick,
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Until Mr. Morray'e ram!