HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Wingham Times, 1888-07-27, Page 314tritintst JULY r 77, ism$. Luckro% The Rev. A. McKay arrived home from his trip to the Northwest, ---kir. T. McCulloch, of Wiugllaun, appeared before Justices Campbell' and Law- rence, here on Monday on a charge preferred by by Mr. J. S. Jerome, of practising dentistry illegally. A Doll. viction was made and the defendant °fined $20 and costs. Chesney. A splendid game of lacrosse was splayed here on Friday between the Independents, of ()holey, and the Sepoys, of Lucknow, which resulted •,in favor of the home team by three :goals to two. The first . game was won by T xckiiow in forty minutes, but 'the second and third games were • scoured by Cbesley in eleven and eighteen minutes respectively, The fourth was taken by 'Luckuo%y in twenty-seven minutes, and the fifth by ()holey in four minutes. The umpires were Messrs, Lawrence and Longhead, and Mr. F. McNamara acted as referee. $5, repairing culvert lot 14, con, 14 ; James Lunn, $2, repairing culvert lot 38, on. 9 ; Robert Greenaway, $5, culvert lot 23, eoa,10 ; Wrn. Cowan, $2.50, culvert on Ilowiok and Minto bouadaly, Council adjourned to meet in, Fordwich on the third Wed. e arx Aug1ut, Wi<I• DANE, Tp. nesd Cler; The, 'House; irn:berry Council. unoil met at the Half -Way' the 23rd inst. ; members all present' Dept the Dep:reeve. The minutes of last meeting were approved. letter was read from the Crown Land Dept, in reply to the request front a detailed statement of the acreage in the Township, stating that the map in the dept. had not the alnount'of acres in the lots, but that the whole number was .36,568 acres. A letter was also read from the County Clerk stating that the sum of $2119,$2 would bo required front the Township for county purposes for the current year, Mr. McPherson reported that with Mr Gemmill, they had inspected Genalfill's and Linton's bridges, and had let a job of repairing Linton's bridge to 3, S. McTavish for $115. It was •finished and recommend to be id and the would recommend that East Wawanosh Miss Maggie Drummond, of Blyth, was the gaest of Mrs. S. Fells last week.- Miss L. Dey, teacher, formerly bf S. S. No, 18, East Wawanosh, but lately of Loudesbora', is spending a ° few days among friends on the 6th.- Mr. John Taylor, of Helens, was visiting his brother, Thomas, this week, -Miss Lexie Morton has been seriously ill, bat is now almost recov- ered, --Mr. Enoch Shorts lost an $600 mare last week.. --The Hiljoubin settle- naent is pestered alike with tramps and berrypickers.-Mr. David Cook . has purchased the Black farm'on the 6th con. for $3500. Mr. Black in- tends removing to Algoma in the fall. -A baseball match between the Stars, of Blyth, and the Clover Leafs, of ,Nast Wawanosh, takes place in Mr. D. Scott's field, con. 7, on Saturday • afternoon; the 28 of July. no repairs be put on Gemmill's bridge at present; "also reported that they had lot the job bn the Oth con., lot 1.7, to Peter Hastings for $10.20; finished and recommended to be paid. Mr. Diment reported that be had let a job on boundary, Morris and Turnberry, amounting to '$40, also a culvert for $20, also a small cutvert for $8'; Morris ,to pay half of the above three job's; also presented the account of John Wood for repairing Gray's,. $20, and for cutting ice and putting on stone at high water, $5•, in all $25, recommended to be paid. Mr. Barton reported that lie had let tho job of gravelling on north boundary near Belmore for $30, Culross to pay half finished and recommended to be paid ; also that Richard Armstrong had offered to cut down Totton's hill and fill up the hollow at the culvert for $5 ; offer accepted. Applioation was made to' have the grading at the large culvert on the 12th con , lots 25, 26, Made wider, as it was considered too narrow for 'safe .driving, Moved by .John Diment, sec. by W. Geni'mill, that Mr. Barton get the same made wider as soon as he can -carried. Secretaries of the school trustee board are 'requested to have the amounts 'they require levied for school purposes handed in to the clerk before the22nd deny of August. Accounts were paid, as follows; John Wobd, repairing Gray's bridge, $25 ; John 8. Mc- Tavish, repairing Linton's bridge, $16; Peter Hastings, job on 6th con., lot 17, $10.20. A large number of other aeeouats were paid for gravel, for road's and charity. Council adjourned to meet in Bluevale, on Monday, the 22nd day of August, at 10 o'clock a in. Seaforth. • ir. James F. Roberts, of Seafortb, -vas awarded the gold modal for ..general proficiency at the College of Pharmacy, Toronto. Only 16 per cent. of the$ students passed. -The quarterly meeting of the Huron Medi- cal Association was held in Seaforth on July 10th. The vice-president, Dr: Gunn, occupied the chair. Sever- al interesting cases were presented and several papers were read. Dr. Worthington read an instructive paper on "Injuries of the Brain," relating 'cases Whish hacl come under his obser- vation. Dr. Campbell, of Seaforth, and Dr. Elliott, of Brucefielcl, related 'the history of interesting cases.' Those who took part in the discussion ware Drs. Worthington, McKidd, Smith, Campbell, Nicol, McLean, Mc: Tavish, Gunn and Elliott' --he first lacrosse match between Seaforth and Bright was played here on Tuesday. Bright won by 3 goals to 2. Bright now leads with no games lost, and Stratford and Seaforth are ties for seconclo place in the Western District. The G. T. R. are offering;it very cheap return colonist excursion from here to Moosomin, Manitoba, August 7th, for $28, with stop -over privileges. A splendid chance 'for land seekers and friend visiting. -Messrs. Hamil- ton es Gillespie shipped away three cars of cattle and hogs'tho past week. -Quarterly services will be held in the Methodist.chnieh here on Sunday, the 4th, Rev, Mr. Hannon, of Kincar- dine, officiating. --Chas. Codd, Esq., is about importing from the U.S. some thoroughbred animals, BANK OF XzMXX4' Sterling Exchange and Drafts on New York ieOUGHT AND SOLD. 0 to lotns :10 a, m. t 3 p. 01, Saturday$, from 10 a, m. to 1 p. m. W. CORBOULD 1,0ENr DIi;YEn DICEINsd:i, So11eitOr .SERVANT IRL WANTED 1 Trion OENERAL'HOU i; WORK. E Apply o S. It. ELLIOTT, Minter St DISSOLUTION OF PARTNERSHIP.. 1!T CTIC1 I8 HEREBY GIVEN that the partner. t� ship for some time carried on by Wm. B. Hutton, Phomas Price and John Carr, under tho firm name of MittenPrice &Carr,atthoTownof+Wingbam, Intim County of Huron, Millers, wasdissolyed, by the d oath of the said Thomas Price, and the business will from henceforth be carried on under the firm of Button & Carr, only. The said Hutton &s Carr aro authorized to discharge all debts and receive all credits, on account of the Said partnership concern. (W. B. HUTTON, WITNESS ; ) JOHN CARR, JAMES MORRISON. I ALICE PRICE, ADEANISTRATRIY. Dated this 20th day of June, 1589. FOR SALE. ACOMFORTATBL Rooms, situate West, for sale, cheap. suranoo Agent, or to 1Vinghain, June 1d COTTAGE containing seven on lot 70, Francis street, 1, Apply1888, to Saiiluel Youhill, In - Paling, on the Premises. Private Sa of Furniture. lf) EV. DR. WARD IS SELLING BY PRIVATE Eli contract all hivaluable household furniture, comprising Bed Roo Suites, in oak and ash -- Drawing & Dining Roo 1 Suites, in walnut -Kitchen Furniture and utensi :, stoves, carpets, Dominion Organ, Office desk, t les, crockery, Lawn Mower and other articles • furniture. Can be seen at residence, John street. SALE STILL Gem ON. INSTRUCT ON IN MUSIC. ltd ISS M. L, WALL, •R, of Lucknow, a student 1V1 of Alma Ladies College, St. Thema.% also the Ladies' College, Boll > ills, has charge of Mrs. Mc - Gill's class of music pupils and will be in Winghanl every Monday and uesday till 11 a. m. She has secured a piano at • rs. J. McCanoe's, and respect- fully requests those desiring her services to call oh her there from 2 to . p, In, on Mondays. Consumption Surely Cured. To THE EDITOR :-PIeaso 11110101, your raaders that I have a positive remedy for the above named disease. By its timely nob thousands of hopeless cases have been cured. I -shall be glad to send two bottles of my remedy FREE to any of your readers who have consumption if „they will send ole their Express and P. O. address, Respectfully, Da. T. A. SLOCUM, 37 Yongo St., Toronto, Ont.• -A husband, who despondingly asserted that the world "owed him a living," was impatiently requested by his wife to "brace Tip and collect it." ADVICE To MorIeEns.-Are you disturbed at night and broken of your rest by a siolr Willa suffering and crying with pan, of Cutting Teeth? If so send at once and get a bottle of "Mrs. Irs. 1Vinslow's Soothing Syrup" for Children Teething. Its value is lncalna• able. It will relieve the poor little sufferer immediately. Depend upon it, mothers; there is no mistake about it. It Cures Dysentery and Dlarthcpa, regulates the Stomach and Bowels, cures Wind Colic, softens tho Gums, reduces Inflammation, and gives tone and energy to the whole system. " Mrs. Win. slow's, Soothing Syrup" for children teething is pleasant to the taste and is the prescription of ono of tho oldest and best female physicians and nurses in the United States, and is for sale by all druggists throughout the world. Price twenty-five cents a bottle. Be sure and ask for "Man. WISSLow'a SooTWNO Brim," and take no other kind. HoWick Connell. The Council met in the Township Hall, on the 10th inst..; members all present%. Minutes of last and special meetings were approved. James Rowe applied for pay for a horse killed by failing into gravel pit at Presby- terian church, Fordtvicli. Moved by Mr. Johnston, seconded by Mr. Gra- ham, that it be laid over.. -Carried. Accounts passed : John Dane, $9, re- pairing three culverts ; Peter Fries, $29.70, grading side line 30 and 31, con. 1 ; Dr, Belton $12, keeping of F. Birtch ; John Dane, $2, use of No. 1 school house for township election ; Hugh Wiley, 5910.14, eovoring ditch on con. B, lot 6, and $9.50 for two onlverts on sideline 5 and 6, con. 16 ; Wei, Lowry, $5.50 fnr two culverts on con, Il, lot 9 ; R. Cassel, $5.00 for culvert on eon. 10, sideline 25 & 26 ; George Bolton, $1.62, gravel ; Alex. Robinson, $2 40, gravel ; Robert ' Greenaway, $15 for grading eon. 14, lot 9 ; Joseph Cromwell, $20, cutting +hill lot 9, con. 18 ; Wm. Hubbard, MONEY TO LEND. r1111E CORPORATION OF 'THE TOWNSHIP OP JI Turnberry bas about 53,000 t0 loan on Mort- gages. For terms apply to, P. MoLAI1EN, or WM. MciPIIERSON, Tr. TREAMERER, Wingham. UmsVE, Glen2arrow Winghum, Miry 11th, 1890. When 1 say Cram'I do not mean 57ssrely to Itep them for athne, and then have them re- lsvedEnsdAeADICAL CWIhamadisease MS, EPILEPSY iq0 PALLING SYC1 NESS, &life long study. I tvA'al0Arrrniyremedy te Cum the worst cases. Because others nava failedisnb reason fornot now recta lying a cure. Send at onoe for f treatise and a,1vaz Ie�BoTTLE Oi lliy INs'Att1BLME REM1Dif. Givp Express end Post Offlee. It Costs yen slothlag.zor a trial, and it will euro you, 1f,dsir0s3 Dr. H', C(3.1t00r, 37 Yong° St, •,coronto, Ont, ismatawasmartissalaugos Open all .n'igh 'VT_ T. Y'gTE Has just received a line of choice New Beaser'4 Nan Wesl' WWQt1e Mack A FINE JAPAN, 6 LBS. FOR $l. All the best brands of CANNED MEATS, SARDINES AND FISiL, PURE SPICES, PURE PEPPER, PURE COIF$ 5 LBS. "BAR SOAP FOR 25 OTS. A. J. ANDERSON, UNDERTAKER. Caskets, Coffins, Robes, dm, always on hand. FIRST CLASS HEARSE FOR HIRE. PICTURE rIiAMING PROMPTLY ATTEf1DED TO. VOTER LIST, 1888. Municipality o the' Township of Turn - berry, County of _Huron. FINE TOILET SOAP, CHI? A..1'. '--'-'- 1 IXAVE JUST OPENED DMT A CASK. oP ORINA TEA SETS, 'DINNER SETS, TOILET SETS, FROM $1..50 UP. WATER SETS, AND A FINE LINE OF GLASSWARE. FRUIT JARS AND THE CELEBRATED AMERICAN FRUIT' PRESERVING POWDER -No SUGAR. CALL AND SEE US. NO TROUBLE TO. SHOW GOODS. -UNDERTAKING- 'Having UND: RTA 1NG- s OTICB is hereb given, that I have transmitted 1„1 or delivered to the persons mentioned in sections 5 and 8 of• he Voters Lists Act, the copies required by Said se 'ons to be so transmitted or delivered of the Inst, • de pursuant to said Act, of all persons appearin by ,the last revised Assess• mentPoll of the said .nunicipality to be entitled to vote in the said ltIu icipality at Elections for mem- bers of the Legisla . ve Assembly, and at Municipal Elections ; aria th, t said list was first posted up at my office, Winghai P. 0., at lot 4, concession 0, of said Municipality, 0 'the -201411 DAY of JULY, 1898, and romaine there r inspection. Electors aro call d upon to examine the said list, and, if any o,nisst ns or other errors aro found there- in to take inland to proceedings to have the said errors correct a ording to law. Til► AS ORTUNE, ark of the Township of Turnberry. ay of July, 1888. o -NORTH -WEST -o fliNiMPtgill 'Having added a Delivery Waggon to this branch 'of the business, orders will (if necessary) be delivered anywhere within 10 miles of Wingham. This will no doubt oftentimes save a good deal of trouble, especially where parties may not have suitable conveyances of their own. All necessaries for FUNERAL FURNISHINGS, IIA.TCRAPES, GLOVES, Li+TC., kept and, delivered with orders. For all points in tho 'North-West, Port Arthur, Duluth, St. Paul, Winnipeg, Pacific Coast, 31o., take the Beatty Line Proms Sarnia, Godoriob, M incardiueb or Southampton. Leave Sarnia, (W.P.)Tuesday w Friday tv'gs OTHER PORTS THE FOLLOWING DAY. Magnificent cent Steamers. Accommodation, the best -unrivalled as a summer holiday ranee. Lowest passenger and freight rates array bo had from A. C. Strathdee, or W. 8, Towler. J.. H. BEATTY, General Manager N. W. T. 0., Sarnia•. CIU4tIED G000S! AT P ICES BELOW What were ever had In Winghan. ]±'resh fines of TONGUE, TURIiLY, BEEF, DUCK, PIG FEET, PINE APPLES, MACKEREL, SALMON', SARDINES, LOBSTERS, CORN, TOMATOES, PEAS, MoKELVIE) Opposite tho Central Rotel. GRACEY, Undertaker, Moli For good value all round come to the ANCIIOR. THE ANCHOR will not be • undersold. Of the BR .1WN ANCHOR, , -ARE -OFFERING BIG BARGAINS IN1- nearav7-a4r: Colne early and get first choice as we are bound to clear them out. SPECIAL ATTRACTIONS In Dress Goods, Sateens, Muslins, Prints, Laces, Ribbons, Gloves and Hose, in $ilk, 'Cashmere, Lisle, and. Cotton, all ;sizes. {��{44jj[[�''1��1!!�� ��rr J���it` ��ll `�'� "�, � ¢¢Q��jj�,,r y�l'� , la the aentsJI'l' ��hioY►y%}�'�n�+� /epartmet a We can fill all orders promptly. as our stock is complete in every line. ori i]] S 1 ' Great value iia Teas You should try our GREEN AND JAPAN' TEA AT 2Oo, per lb. Best value hi Canada. Boots, Ahoes and Slippers In endless.variety and at Dices to slit till purchlsers. GORD ON• • I TYR '